diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index d78c652..152f660 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-/*! For license information please see main.f0354cce.js.LICENSE.txt */
+/*! For license information please see main.b2b18aa1.js.LICENSE.txt */
! function() {
try {
var e = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {},
n = (new e.Error).stack;
- n && (e._sentryDebugIds = e._sentryDebugIds || {}, e._sentryDebugIds[n] = "032c1ac3-6566-59d2-b43b-c485cfb20905")
+ n && (e._sentryDebugIds = e._sentryDebugIds || {}, e._sentryDebugIds[n] = "1283a101-a29f-523a-a22d-fda06ac74a44")
} catch (e) {}
(() => {
@@ -7488,7 +7488,7 @@
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
- }), i(n(9316), t), i(n(6735), t), i(n(2130), t), i(n(2383), t), i(n(8762), t), i(n(2859), t), i(n(7433), t), i(n(8675), t), i(n(5465), t), i(n(8533), t), i(n(6423), t), i(n(3081), t), i(n(712), t), i(n(3621), t), i(n(730), t), i(n(5535), t), i(n(6305), t)
+ }), i(n(9316), t), i(n(6735), t), i(n(2130), t), i(n(2383), t), i(n(8762), t), i(n(2859), t), i(n(7433), t), i(n(8675), t), i(n(5465), t), i(n(7798), t), i(n(8533), t), i(n(6423), t), i(n(3081), t), i(n(712), t), i(n(3621), t), i(n(730), t), i(n(5535), t), i(n(6305), t)
8675: function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -7555,6 +7555,37 @@
INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_FAILED: "installer@uninstall-failed"
+ 7798: function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = n);
+ var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n);
+ i && !("get" in i ? !t.__esModule : i.writable || i.configurable) || (i = {
+ enumerable: !0,
+ get: function() {
+ return t[n]
+ }
+ }), Object.defineProperty(e, r, i)
+ } : function(e, t, n, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = n), e[r] = t[n]
+ }),
+ i = this && this.__exportStar || function(e, t) {
+ for (var n in e) "default" === n || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) || r(t, e, n)
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ }), i(n(3737), t)
+ },
+ 3737: (e, t) => {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ }), t.launcherSupport = void 0, t.launcherSupport = {
+ DELETE_LOCAL_SETTINGS: "launcher-support@delete-local-settings",
+ DELETE_LOCAL_SETTINGS_SUCCESS: "launcher-support@delete-local-settings-success",
+ DELETE_LOCAL_SETTINGS_ERROR: "launcher-support@delete-local-settings-error"
+ }
+ },
5465: function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(e, t, n, r) {
@@ -7863,6 +7894,7 @@
gameFiles: r.gameFiles,
installer: r.installer,
launcher: r.launcher,
+ launcherSupport: r.launcherSupport,
library: r.library,
notification: r.notification,
logger: r.logger,
@@ -7901,7 +7933,7 @@
value: !0
}), t.AnalyticsEventName = void 0,
function(e) {
- e.APP_OPEN = "App:Open", e.APP_CLOSE = "App:Close", e.APP_SIGNEDIN = "App:SignedIn", e.APP_SIGNEDOUT = "App:SignedOut", e.APP_API_ERROR = "App:Api:Error", e.APP_INSTALL_START = "App:Install:Start", e.APP_INSTALL_STOP = "App:Install:Stop", e.APP_INSTALL_SUCCESS = "App:Install:Success", e.APP_INSTALL_ERROR = "App:Install:Error", e.APP_VERIFY_START = "App:Verify:Start", e.APP_VERIFY_STOP = "App:Verify:Stop", e.APP_VERIFY_SUCCESS = "App:Verify:Success", e.APP_VERIFY_ERROR = "App:Verify:Error", e.APP_UPDATE_START = "App:Update:Start", e.APP_UPDATE_STOP = "App:Update:Stop", e.APP_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "App:Update:Success", e.APP_UPDATE_ERROR = "App:Update:Error", e.APP_UNINSTALL_START = "App:Uninstall:Start", e.APP_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS = "App:Uninstall:Success", e.APP_UNINSTALL_ERROR = "App:Uninstall:Error", e.APP_LAUNCH_START = "App:Launch:Start", e.APP_LAUNCH_STOP = "App:Launch:Stop", e.APP_LAUNCH_ERROR = "App:Launch:Error", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_START = "App:Launcher:Start", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_STOP = "App:Launcher:Stop", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_ERROR = "App:Launcher:Error"
+ e.APP_OPEN = "App:Open", e.APP_CLOSE = "App:Close", e.APP_SIGNEDIN = "App:SignedIn", e.APP_SIGNEDOUT = "App:SignedOut", e.APP_API_ERROR = "App:Api:Error", e.APP_INSTALL_START = "App:Install:Start", e.APP_INSTALL_STOP = "App:Install:Stop", e.APP_INSTALL_SUCCESS = "App:Install:Success", e.APP_INSTALL_ERROR = "App:Install:Error", e.APP_VERIFY_START = "App:Verify:Start", e.APP_VERIFY_STOP = "App:Verify:Stop", e.APP_VERIFY_SUCCESS = "App:Verify:Success", e.APP_VERIFY_ERROR = "App:Verify:Error", e.APP_UPDATE_START = "App:Update:Start", e.APP_UPDATE_STOP = "App:Update:Stop", e.APP_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "App:Update:Success", e.APP_UPDATE_ERROR = "App:Update:Error", e.APP_UNINSTALL_START = "App:Uninstall:Start", e.APP_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS = "App:Uninstall:Success", e.APP_UNINSTALL_ERROR = "App:Uninstall:Error", e.APP_LAUNCH_START = "App:Launch:Start", e.APP_LAUNCH_STOP = "App:Launch:Stop", e.APP_LAUNCH_ERROR = "App:Launch:Error", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_START = "App:Launcher:Start", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_STOP = "App:Launcher:Stop", e.OLD_APP_LAUNCH_ERROR = "App:Launcher:Error", e.APP_LS_ERROR = "App:LauncherSupport:Error"
}(n || (t.AnalyticsEventName = n = {}))
5708: (e, t) => {
@@ -7967,14 +7999,15 @@
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
- }), i(n(2700), t), i(n(728), t), i(n(6565), t), i(n(2358), t), i(n(2299), t)
+ }), i(n(2700), t), i(n(5320), t), i(n(728), t), i(n(6565), t), i(n(2358), t), i(n(2299), t)
728: (e, t, n) => {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
- }), t.CancelError = t.Error21Error = t.NetworkDefaultError = t.NetworkTooManyFilesFailedError = t.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError = t.NetworkCouldNotResolveHostError = t.ExceptionU00Error = t.InvalidArgumentTypeError = t.P4KError = t.IOError = t.InstallerSupportPermissionError = t.CreateDirectoryError = t.FixPermissionError = t.BasePackGenericError = t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = t.PatcherGenericError = t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = t.RetrieveManifestError = t.Pk4CorruptedError = t.FileInUseError = t.WritePermissionsError = t.DiskFullError = t.NotMappedError = t.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError = t.InvalidMDFileHeaderError = t.InvalidMDFileError = t.InstallerError = t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes = t.InstallerErrorsNames = t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames = t.PatcherErrorsNames = void 0;
- const r = n(2700);
+ }), t.CancelError = t.Error21Error = t.NetworkDefaultError = t.NetworkTooManyFilesFailedError = t.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError = t.NetworkCouldNotResolveHostError = t.ExceptionU00Error = t.InvalidArgumentTypeError = t.P4KError = t.IOError = t.FixPermissionError = t.BasePackGenericError = t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = t.PatcherGenericError = t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = t.RetrieveManifestError = t.Pk4CorruptedError = t.FileInUseError = t.WritePermissionsError = t.DiskFullError = t.NotMappedError = t.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError = t.InvalidMDFileHeaderError = t.InvalidMDFileError = t.InstallerError = t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes = t.InstallerErrorsNames = t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames = t.PatcherErrorsNames = void 0;
+ const r = n(2700),
+ i = n(5320);
t.PatcherErrorsNames = {
ERR_DISK_FULL: "DiskFullError",
ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION: "WritePermissionError",
@@ -7999,20 +8032,17 @@
ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE: "InvalidMDFileError",
- ERR_NOT_MAPPED_ERRORS: "NotMappedErrors"
- }, t.InstallerErrorsNames = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t.PatcherErrorsNames), t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames), {
+ ERR_NOT_MAPPED_ERRORS: "NotMappedErrors",
+ ERR_INIT_DISK_FULL: "DiskFullError"
+ }, t.InstallerErrorsNames = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t.PatcherErrorsNames), t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames), i.LauncherSupportErrorsNames), {
ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN: "GenericInstallerError",
- ERR_CREATE_DIRECTORY: "CreateDirectoryError",
- ERR_INSTALLER_SUPPORT_PERMISSION: "InstallerSupportPermission",
ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS: "FixPermissionsError",
ERR_CANCEL_FAIL: "CancelFailError"
- t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes = Object.assign(Object.assign({
+ t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({
- ERR_CANCEL_FAIL: "2002",
}, {
ERR_DISK_FULL: "5000",
@@ -8037,9 +8067,10 @@
- });
- class i extends r.GenericError {
+ }), i.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes);
+ class a extends r.GenericError {
message: e,
code: n = t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN,
@@ -8049,264 +8080,244 @@
message: e,
code: n,
payload: r
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, i.prototype), this.code = n, this.payload = r
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype), this.code = n, this.payload = r
- t.InstallerError = i;
- class a extends i {
+ t.InstallerError = a;
+ class o extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
- t.InvalidMDFileError = a;
- t.InvalidMDFileHeaderError = class extends i {
+ t.InvalidMDFileError = o;
+ t.InvalidMDFileHeaderError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE_HEADER,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
- t.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError = class extends i {
+ t.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_MD_FILE_HEADER_NOT_FOUND,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
- t.NotMappedError = class extends i {
+ t.NotMappedError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_NOT_MAPPED_ERRORS,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
- class o extends i {
+ class s extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_DISK_FULL,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, s.prototype)
- t.DiskFullError = o;
- class s extends i {
+ t.DiskFullError = s;
+ class l extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, s.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, l.prototype)
- t.WritePermissionsError = s;
- class l extends i {
+ t.WritePermissionsError = l;
+ class c extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_FILE_IN_USE,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, l.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, c.prototype)
- t.FileInUseError = l;
- class c extends i {
+ t.FileInUseError = c;
+ class u extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, c.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, u.prototype)
- t.Pk4CorruptedError = c;
- class u extends i {
+ t.Pk4CorruptedError = u;
+ class d extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_RETRIEVE_MANIFEST,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, u.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, d.prototype)
- t.RetrieveManifestError = u;
- class d extends i {
+ t.RetrieveManifestError = d;
+ class p extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, d.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, p.prototype)
- t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = d;
- class p extends i {
+ t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = p;
+ class h extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_BASE_P4K_CORRUPTED,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, p.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, h.prototype)
- t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = p;
- class h extends i {
+ t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = h;
+ class f extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_PATCHER_UNKNOWN,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, h.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, f.prototype)
- t.PatcherGenericError = h;
- t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = class extends i {
+ t.PatcherGenericError = f;
+ t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, h.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, f.prototype)
- class f extends i {
+ class m extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, f.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
- t.BasePackGenericError = f;
- class m extends i {
+ t.BasePackGenericError = m;
+ class g extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
- }
- }
- t.FixPermissionError = m;
- class g extends i {
- constructor(e, n) {
- super({
- message: e,
- code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_CREATE_DIRECTORY,
- payload: n
}), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.CreateDirectoryError = g;
- class v extends i {
- constructor(e, n) {
- super({
- message: e,
- code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INSTALLER_SUPPORT_PERMISSION,
- payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, v.prototype)
- }
- }
- t.InstallerSupportPermissionError = v;
- t.IOError = class extends i {
+ t.FixPermissionError = g;
+ t.IOError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_IO_ERROR,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.P4KError = class extends i {
+ t.P4KError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_P4K_ERROR,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.InvalidArgumentTypeError = class extends i {
+ t.InvalidArgumentTypeError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.ExceptionU00Error = class extends i {
+ t.ExceptionU00Error = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_EXCEPTION_U_00,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.NetworkCouldNotResolveHostError = class extends i {
+ t.NetworkCouldNotResolveHostError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_NETWORK_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_HOST,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError = class extends i {
+ t.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_NETWORK_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_HANDSHAKE,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.NetworkTooManyFilesFailedError = class extends i {
+ t.NetworkTooManyFilesFailedError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_NETWORK_TOO_MANY_FILES_FAILED,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.NetworkDefaultError = class extends i {
+ t.NetworkDefaultError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_NETWORK_DEFAULT,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.Error21Error = class extends i {
+ t.Error21Error = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_ERROR_21,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
- t.CancelError = class extends i {
+ t.CancelError = class extends a {
constructor(e, n) {
message: e,
code: t.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_CANCEL_FAIL,
payload: n
- }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype)
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype)
@@ -8315,68 +8326,77 @@
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.serializerInstallerErrors = void 0;
- const r = n(728);
+ const r = n(728),
+ i = n(5320);
t.serializerInstallerErrors = e => {
const {
code: t,
message: n,
- payload: i
+ payload: a
} = e;
switch (t) {
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE:
- return new r.InvalidMDFileError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE_HEADER:
- return new r.InvalidMDFileHeaderError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_MD_FILE_HEADER_NOT_FOUND:
- return new r.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_NOT_MAPPED_ERRORS:
- return new r.NotMappedError(n, i);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_DISK_FULL:
- return new r.DiskFullError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_FILE_IN_USE:
- return new r.FileInUseError(n, i);
+ return new r.DiskFullError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION:
- return new r.WritePermissionsError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED:
- return new r.Pk4CorruptedError(n, i);
+ return new r.WritePermissionsError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_FILE_IN_USE:
+ return new r.FileInUseError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_RETRIEVE_MANIFEST:
- return new r.RetrieveManifestError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR:
- return new r.PatcherUnknownNetworkError(n, i);
+ return new r.RetrieveManifestError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED:
+ return new r.Pk4CorruptedError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_BASE_P4K_CORRUPTED:
- return new r.BasePackP4kCorruptedError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL:
- return new r.DownloadUnsuccessfullError(n, i);
+ return new r.BasePackP4kCorruptedError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR:
+ return new r.PatcherUnknownNetworkError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_PATCHER_UNKNOWN:
- return new r.PatcherGenericError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN:
- return new r.BasePackGenericError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS:
- return new r.FixPermissionError(n, i);
- case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_CREATE_DIRECTORY:
- return new r.CreateDirectoryError(n, i);
- return new r.InstallerSupportPermissionError(n, i);
+ return new r.PatcherGenericError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL:
+ return new r.MDFileHeaderNotFoundError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_IO_ERROR:
- return new r.IOError(n, i);
+ return new r.IOError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_P4K_ERROR:
- return new r.P4KError(n, i);
+ return new r.P4KError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE:
- return new r.InvalidArgumentTypeError(n, i);
+ return new r.InvalidArgumentTypeError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_EXCEPTION_U_00:
- return new r.ExceptionU00Error(n, i);
+ return new r.ExceptionU00Error(n, a);
- return new r.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError(n, i);
+ return new r.NetworkFailedToRecieveHandshakeError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_NETWORK_TOO_MANY_FILES_FAILED:
+ return new r.NetworkTooManyFilesFailedError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_NETWORK_DEFAULT:
- return new r.NetworkDefaultError(n, i);
+ return new r.NetworkDefaultError(n, a);
case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_ERROR_21:
- return new r.Error21Error(n, i);
+ return new r.Error21Error(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN:
+ return new r.BasePackGenericError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE:
+ return new r.InvalidMDFileError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE_HEADER:
+ return new r.InvalidMDFileHeaderError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_MD_FILE_HEADER_NOT_FOUND:
+ return new r.NotMappedError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_NOT_MAPPED_ERRORS:
+ return new r.DownloadUnsuccessfullError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_INIT_DISK_FULL:
+ return new r.DiskFullError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_LS_PERMISSION:
+ return new i.LSPermissionError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_LS_CREATE_DIRECTORY:
+ return new i.LSCreateDirectoryError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_LS_FIX_PERMISSION:
+ return new i.LSFixPermissionError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS:
+ return new r.FixPermissionError(n, a);
+ case r.InstallerErrorsNames.ERR_CANCEL_FAIL:
+ return new r.CancelError(n, a);
return new r.InstallerError({
code: r.LauncherSpecificInstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN,
message: n,
- payload: i
+ payload: a
@@ -8472,6 +8492,72 @@
+ 5320: (e, t, n) => {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ }), t.LSFixPermissionError = t.LSCreateDirectoryError = t.LSPermissionError = t.LauncherSupportError = t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes = t.LauncherSupportErrorsNames = void 0;
+ const r = n(2700);
+ t.LauncherSupportErrorsNames = {
+ ERR_LS_UNKNOWN: "LSGenericError",
+ ERR_LS_PERMISSION: "LSPermissionError",
+ ERR_LS_WRITE_PERMISSION: "LSWritePermissionError",
+ ERR_LS_INVALID_COMMAND: "LSInvalidCommandError",
+ ERR_LS_CREATE_DIRECTORY: "LSCreateDirectoryError",
+ ERR_LS_FIX_PERMISSION: "LSFixPermissionError"
+ }, t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes = {
+ ERR_LS_UNKNOWN: "8000",
+ };
+ class i extends r.GenericError {
+ constructor({
+ message: e,
+ code: n = t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes.ERR_LS_UNKNOWN,
+ payload: r
+ }) {
+ super({
+ message: e,
+ code: n,
+ payload: r
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, i.prototype), this.code = n, this.payload = r
+ }
+ }
+ t.LauncherSupportError = i;
+ class a extends i {
+ constructor(e, n) {
+ super({
+ message: e,
+ code: t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes.ERR_LS_PERMISSION,
+ payload: n
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype)
+ }
+ }
+ t.LSPermissionError = a;
+ class o extends i {
+ constructor(e, n) {
+ super({
+ message: e,
+ code: t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes.ERR_LS_CREATE_DIRECTORY,
+ payload: n
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype)
+ }
+ }
+ t.LSCreateDirectoryError = o;
+ class s extends i {
+ constructor(e, n) {
+ super({
+ message: e,
+ code: t.LauncherSupportErrorsCodes.ERR_LS_FIX_PERMISSION,
+ payload: n
+ }), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, s.prototype)
+ }
+ }
+ t.LSFixPermissionError = s
+ },
2087: (e, t) => {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
@@ -8497,7 +8583,7 @@
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
- }), i(n(6994), t), i(n(8096), t), i(n(7035), t), i(n(2087), t), i(n(5708), t), i(n(4208), t), i(n(7735), t), i(n(3010), t), i(n(4764), t), i(n(9056), t), i(n(4724), t), i(n(6840), t)
+ }), i(n(6994), t), i(n(8096), t), i(n(7035), t), i(n(2087), t), i(n(5708), t), i(n(4208), t), i(n(7735), t), i(n(3010), t), i(n(4764), t), i(n(9056), t), i(n(4724), t), i(n(6840), t), i(n(4762), t)
4208: (e, t) => {
"use strict";
@@ -8521,6 +8607,22 @@
value: !0
+ 4762: (e, t) => {
+ "use strict";
+ var n, r, i;
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ }), t.LSErrorCodes = t.UserSettingsFields = t.DeleteLocalSettingsFields = void 0,
+ function(e) {
+ e.SHADERS = "shaders", e.SCREENSHOTS = "screenshots", e.USER = "user"
+ }(n || (t.DeleteLocalSettingsFields = n = {})),
+ function(e) {
+ e.KEYBINDINGS = "keybindings", e.PREFERENCES = "preferences", e.CHARACTERS = "characters"
+ }(r || (t.UserSettingsFields = r = {})),
+ function(e) {
+ e[e.Success = 0] = "Success", e[e.Failed = 25] = "Failed", e[e.Error = 50] = "Error", e[e.Crash = 100] = "Crash"
+ }(i || (t.LSErrorCodes = i = {}))
+ },
7735: (e, t) => {
"use strict";
var n;
@@ -9003,7 +9105,7 @@
dialog_action_install: "Install Game",
dialog_action_relaunch: "Relaunch",
dialog_action_discard: "Discard",
- dialog_action_delete: "DELETE",
+ dialog_action_delete: "Delete",
dialog_action_browse_library: "browse library",
dialog_action_cancel_download: "Cancel download",
dialog_warning_back_launcher: "Go back to Launcher",
@@ -9045,7 +9147,8 @@
dialog_warning_change_installed_game_question_dialog: "Are you sure you want to change this library location?",
dialog_warning_change_game_current_dialog: "Current:",
dialog_warning_change_game_new_dialog: "New:",
- dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "If you wish to proceed, make sure to move your files to the new location and verify or reinstall the game at the new location."
+ dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "If you wish to proceed, make sure to move your files to the new location and verify or reinstall the game at the new location.",
+ dialog_settings_delete_local_title: "Delete local settings"
discover: {
step_done_label: "Enter Now",
@@ -9361,7 +9464,20 @@
settings_action_delete_library: "Delete Library",
settings_toast_delete_lib_success: "Library has been deleted",
settings_toast_default_lib_updated: "Default library has been updated",
- settings_toast_lib_added: "A new library has been created"
+ settings_toast_lib_added: "A new library has been created",
+ settings_games_local_title: "Local Settings",
+ settings_games_local_description: "Deleting your local settings will reset the shaders and user folder, this can be useful to troubleshoot any in-game issue you may encounter.",
+ settings_games_local_button: "DELETE LOCAL SETTINGS",
+ settings_games_local_shaders_folder: "Shaders folder",
+ settings_games_local_screenshots_folder: "Screenshots folder",
+ settings_games_local_user_folder: "User folder",
+ settings_games_local_keybindings: "Keybindings (Controls)",
+ settings_games_local_settings: "Settings preferences (Profiles)",
+ settings_games_local_characters: "Custom characters",
+ settings_games_local_delete_description: "Please choose which files you want to delete.",
+ settings_games_local_delete_success: "Local settings have been deleted",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error: "Delete local settings failed",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error_message: "Something went wrong, please make sure the files you are trying to delete are not in use, then try again."
status: {
status_title: "RSI Status",
@@ -9512,7 +9628,9 @@
dialog_warning_change_installed_game_question_dialog: "\xcates-vous s\xfbr de vouloir changer l'emplacement de cette biblioth\xe8que?",
dialog_warning_change_game_current_dialog: "Actuel:",
dialog_warning_change_game_new_dialog: "Nouveau:",
- dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "Si vous souhaitez continuer, assurez-vous de d\xe9placer vos fichiers vers le nouvel emplacement et de v\xe9rifier ou r\xe9installer le jeu \xe0 cet endroit."
+ dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "Si vous souhaitez continuer, assurez-vous de d\xe9placer vos fichiers vers le nouvel emplacement et de v\xe9rifier ou r\xe9installer le jeu \xe0 cet endroit.",
+ dialog_settings_delete_local_title: "Delete local settings",
+ dialog_settings_delete_local_description: "Please choose which files you want to delete."
discover: {
step_done_label: "Enter Now",
@@ -9814,7 +9932,20 @@
settings_action_delete_library: "Supprimer la biblioth\xe8que",
settings_toast_delete_lib_success: "La biblioth\xe8que a \xe9t\xe9 supprim\xe9e",
settings_toast_default_lib_updated: "La biblioth\xe8que par d\xe9faut a \xe9t\xe9 mise \xe0 jour",
- settings_toast_lib_added: "Une nouvelle biblioth\xe8que a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9e"
+ settings_toast_lib_added: "Une nouvelle biblioth\xe8que a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9e",
+ settings_games_local_title: "Param\xe8tres Locaux",
+ settings_games_local_description: "La suppression de vos param\xe8tres locaux r\xe9initialisera les shaders et les dossiers utilisateur, cela peut \xeatre utile pour r\xe9soudre tout probl\xe8me dans le jeu que vous pourriez rencontrer.",
+ settings_games_local_button: "SUPPRIMER LES PARAM\xc8TRES LOCAUX",
+ settings_games_local_shaders_folder: "Shaders folder",
+ settings_games_local_screenshots_folder: "Screenshots folder",
+ settings_games_local_user_folder: "User folder",
+ settings_games_local_keybindings: "Keybindings (Controls)",
+ settings_games_local_settings: "Settings preferences (Profiles)",
+ settings_games_local_characters: "Custom characters",
+ settings_games_local_delete_description: "Veuillez choisir les fichiers que vous souhaitez supprimer.",
+ settings_games_local_delete_success: "Local settings have been deleted",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error: "Delete local settings failed",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error_message: "Something went wrong, please make sure the files you are trying to delete are not in use, then try again."
status: {
status_title: "RSI Status",
@@ -9969,7 +10100,8 @@
dialog_warning_change_installed_game_question_dialog: "你确定要更改此游戏库的位置?",
dialog_warning_change_game_current_dialog: "当前:",
dialog_warning_change_game_new_dialog: "新:",
- dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "如要继续,请确保将文件移动到新位置,并在新位置验证文件或重新安装游戏。"
+ dialog_warning_change_game_warn_dialog: "如要继续,请确保将文件移动到新位置,并在新位置验证文件或重新安装游戏。",
+ dialog_settings_delete_local_title: "删除本地配置"
discover: {
step_done_label: "立即进入",
@@ -10263,7 +10395,6 @@
settings_download_concurrent_desc: "调整同时下载的最大文件数。优化你的下载体验以匹配你的偏好和网络。",
settings_download_speed_title: "限制下载速度",
settings_download_speed_desc: "通过为每个并发下载连接设置每秒数据传输速率上限来调节下载速度。",
- settings_download_speed_unlimited: "无限制",
settings_application_discover_behavior_title: "探索行为",
settings_application_discover_behavior_description: "启动器探索仅在首次进入启动器时显示(或通过点击 RSI 菜单中的 探索 按钮)。此选项将允许您在负载时重新启用 探索 以进行测试。",
settings_application_discover_behavior_isDiscoverDone: "isDiscoverDone",
@@ -10287,7 +10418,20 @@
settings_action_delete_library: "删除游戏库",
settings_toast_delete_lib_success: "游戏库已删除",
settings_toast_default_lib_updated: "默认游戏库已更新",
- settings_toast_lib_added: "一个新的游戏库已创建"
+ settings_toast_lib_added: "一个新的游戏库已创建",
+ settings_games_local_title: "本地配置",
+ settings_games_local_description: "删除本地配置将重置着色器和用户文件夹,可能可以帮助你解决在游戏中遇到的任何问题。",
+ settings_games_local_button: "清除本地配置",
+ settings_games_local_shaders_folder: "着色器文件夹",
+ settings_games_local_screenshots_folder: "截图文件夹",
+ settings_games_local_user_folder: "用户文件夹",
+ settings_games_local_keybindings: "键位绑定(控制)",
+ settings_games_local_settings: "设置偏好(配置)",
+ settings_games_local_characters: "自定义角色",
+ settings_games_local_delete_description: "请选择需要删除的文件。",
+ settings_games_local_delete_success: "本地配置已删除。",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error: "删除本地配置失败",
+ settings_games_local_delete_error_message: "发生错误,请确保你尝试删除的文件未被占用后再试。"
status: {
status_title: "RSI 状态",
@@ -53772,8 +53916,8 @@
const e = document.createElement("iframe");
document.body.appendChild(e), Array.from = Qx([e, "access", e => e.contentWindow, "optionalAccess", e => e.Array, "access", e => e.from]) || Array.from, document.body.removeChild(e)
- } catch (MV) {
- console.debug("Unable to override Array.from", MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ console.debug("Unable to override Array.from", BV)
const tI = new rE;
@@ -55909,10 +56053,10 @@
let y;
try {
y = await h.send(v)
- } catch (MV) {
+ } catch (BV) {
const t = new Error(qS);
try {
- t.cause = MV
+ t.cause = BV
} catch (b) {}
throw t
@@ -55942,14 +56086,14 @@
var i, a;
if (n.length) try {
return await LC(e), !0
- } catch (MV) {
- if (MV instanceof NC || MV instanceof jC) throw MV;
+ } catch (BV) {
+ if (BV instanceof NC || BV instanceof jC) throw BV;
if (i = "Replays", a = {
_retryCount: t.count
- }, wb().setContext(i, a), r && r(MV), t.count >= 3) {
+ }, wb().setContext(i, a), r && r(BV), t.count >= 3) {
const e = new Error(`${qS} - max retries exceeded`);
try {
- e.cause = MV
+ e.cause = BV
} catch (o) {}
throw e
@@ -56110,15 +56254,15 @@
dataURLOptions: e.dataURLOptions
} : {}
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV)
stopRecording() {
try {
return this._stopRecording && (this._stopRecording(), this._stopRecording = void 0), !0
- } catch (MV) {
- return this.handleException(MV), !1
+ } catch (BV) {
+ return this.handleException(BV), !1
async stop({
@@ -56131,8 +56275,8 @@
rI && sI.info("Stopping Replay" + (t ? ` triggered by ${t}` : "")), this._removeListeners(), this.stopRecording(), this._debouncedFlush.cancel(), e && await this._flush({
force: !0
}), this.eventBuffer && this.eventBuffer.destroy(), this.eventBuffer = null, qI(this)
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV)
@@ -56248,8 +56392,8 @@
_addListeners() {
try {
GS.document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this._handleVisibilityChange), GS.addEventListener("blur", this._handleWindowBlur), GS.addEventListener("focus", this._handleWindowFocus), GS.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeyboardEvent), this.clickDetector && this.clickDetector.addListeners(), this._hasInitializedCoreListeners || (TC(this), this._hasInitializedCoreListeners = !0)
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV)
this._performanceCleanupCallback = function(e) {
function t(t) {
@@ -56272,8 +56416,8 @@
_removeListeners() {
try {
GS.document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this._handleVisibilityChange), GS.removeEventListener("blur", this._handleWindowBlur), GS.removeEventListener("focus", this._handleWindowFocus), GS.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeyboardEvent), this.clickDetector && this.clickDetector.removeListeners(), this._performanceCleanupCallback && this._performanceCleanupCallback()
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV)
__init() {
@@ -56385,13 +56529,13 @@
timestamp: t,
onError: e => this.handleException(e)
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV), this.stop({
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV), this.stop({
reason: "sendReplay"
const t = Sb();
if (t) {
- const n = MV instanceof jC ? "ratelimit_backoff" : "send_error";
+ const n = BV instanceof jC ? "ratelimit_backoff" : "send_error";
t.recordDroppedEvent(n, "replay")
@@ -56416,8 +56560,8 @@
this._flushLock || (this._flushLock = this._runFlush());
try {
await this._flushLock
- } catch (MV) {
- this.handleException(MV)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ this.handleException(BV)
} finally {
this._flushLock = void 0, o && this._debouncedFlush()
@@ -57912,7 +58056,7 @@
type: "instrument"
- } catch (MV) {}
+ } catch (BV) {}
return t.apply(this, [n, tS(r, {
mechanism: {
data: {
@@ -58609,8 +58753,8 @@
"GET" !== t && (s.body = JSON.stringify(n));
try {
l = await fetch(a, s)
- } catch (MV) {
- throw new CT("Could not connect to server", MV, null)
+ } catch (BV) {
+ throw new CT("Could not connect to server", BV, null)
return this.handleResponse(l)
@@ -58760,8 +58904,8 @@
rsiApiResult: r,
environment: e
- } catch (MV) {
- throw MV instanceof uT && (this._session = null, this._device = null), MV
+ } catch (BV) {
+ throw BV instanceof uT && (this._session = null, this._device = null), BV
handleSession(e, t) {
@@ -58789,8 +58933,8 @@
o = await this.post(e, t, a, i),
s = await o.arrayBuffer();
return window.btoa(String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(s)))
- } catch (MV) {
- throw MV
+ } catch (BV) {
+ throw BV
@@ -59160,8 +59304,9 @@
const {
id: t,
name: n,
- channels: r
- } = e, i = Object.values(r).map((({
+ weight: r,
+ channels: i
+ } = e, a = Object.values(i).map((({
id: e,
name: t,
version: n,
@@ -59170,7 +59315,8 @@
servicesEndpoint: a,
nid: o,
network: s,
- installDir: l
+ installDir: l,
+ weight: c
}) => ({
id: e,
name: null !== t && void 0 !== t ? t : e,
@@ -59181,12 +59327,14 @@
nid: o,
network: s,
installDir: l,
- status: xP.GameChannelStatus.AVAILABLE
+ status: xP.GameChannelStatus.AVAILABLE,
+ weight: Number(c || 0)
return {
id: t,
name: n,
- channels: i
+ weight: Number(r || 0),
+ channels: a
return e
@@ -59381,7 +59529,7 @@
e.DISPLAY_WARNING_DIALOG = "displayWarningDialog", e.DISPLAY_ACKNOWLEDGE_DIALOG = "displayAcknowledgeDialog", e.DISPLAY_INLINE_MESSAGE = "displayInlineMessage", e.EXECUTE_CALLBACK = "executeCallback"
}(lR || (lR = {}));
const cR = async e => {
- const t = jz.getState().dialog,
+ const t = Uz.getState().dialog,
n = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
for (const {
handler: r,
@@ -59584,7 +59732,7 @@
const {
application: n,
agreements: r
- } = jz.getState(), i = await n.actions.isMinimumWindowsVersion(), a = await n.actions.isRespectingCPUCapabilites();
+ } = Uz.getState(), i = await n.actions.isMinimumWindowsVersion(), a = await n.actions.isRespectingCPUCapabilites();
console.log("[Requirement] OS check : ", i), console.log("[Requirement] CPU check : ", a);
return !!await r.actions.checkAgreements()
}, xR = (e, t, n, r) => e.map((e => yR(e.game, t) ? {
@@ -59682,7 +59830,7 @@
zR = e => {
var t;
const n = xP.configuration.env,
- r = jz.getState().application.platformMaster;
+ r = Uz.getState().application.platformMaster;
return ("reviewapp" === r ? FR : null !== (t = n[r].rootUrl) && void 0 !== t ? t : xP.configuration.rootUrl) + e
VR = e => e / 1e3,
@@ -59695,7 +59843,7 @@
onSetHideWindowSuccessFul: t,
onSetShowWindowSuccessFul: n
- } = window.launcherAPI, r = jz.getState().application, [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1);
+ } = window.launcherAPI, r = Uz.getState().application, [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1);
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
const e = t((() => {
a(!0), r.actions.setWindowMinimized(!0)
@@ -63668,15 +63816,15 @@
})(), {
exitLauncher: i,
logoutLauncher: a
- } = jz((e => e.window.actions)), {
+ } = Uz((e => e.window.actions)), {
identity: o
- } = jz((e => e.user)), {
+ } = Uz((e => e.user)), {
volume: s,
actions: {
mute: l,
unmute: c
- } = jz((e => e.soundSystem)), u = 0 === s, d = !!o, p = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => [...Nj, {
+ } = Uz((e => e.soundSystem)), u = 0 === s, d = !!o, p = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => [...Nj, {
id: "logout",
action: a,
visible: d
@@ -63722,7 +63870,7 @@
zj = (e, t) => ({
queryKey: [`platformContent-${e}-${t}`],
queryFn: async () => oR.content.getContent(e, t),
- enabled: !jz.getState().application.isWindowMinimized || !jz.getState().application.actions.isOffline(),
+ enabled: !Uz.getState().application.isWindowMinimized || !Uz.getState().application.actions.isOffline(),
select: e => ({
commLinks: e.commLinks.map(CR),
patchNotes: e.patchNotes.map(CR),
@@ -64219,7 +64367,7 @@
user: {
identity: r
- } = jz.getState(), i = e instanceof QT ? kP : e.code, a = e instanceof QT ? n : null !== (t = e.environment) && void 0 !== t ? t : n;
+ } = Uz.getState(), i = e instanceof QT ? kP : e.code, a = e instanceof QT ? n : null !== (t = e.environment) && void 0 !== t ? t : n;
window.launcherAPI.analytics.setAnalyticsEvent(xP.AnalyticsEventName.APP_API_ERROR, {
ErrorCode: i,
ErrorMessage: e.message,
@@ -64232,15 +64380,15 @@
application: {
connection: t
- } = jz.getState();
+ } = Uz.getState();
return e instanceof CT && t.mode === xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE
}, Kj = async (e = {
clearDevice: !1
}) => {
var t;
- const n = jz.getState().application,
- r = jz.getState().authentication,
- i = jz.getState().user,
+ const n = Uz.getState().application,
+ r = Uz.getState().authentication,
+ i = Uz.getState().user,
a = (null === (t = i.device) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.duration) === jT.SESSION || (null === e || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.clearDevice);
try {
(i.sessions[n.platformMaster] && Object.keys(i.sessions[n.platformMaster] || {}).length > 0 ? i.sessions[n.platformMaster] : null) && (oR.games.clearClaims(), await oR.authentication.signOut({
@@ -64261,7 +64409,7 @@
}, Yj = async e => {
switch (!0) {
case e instanceof kT:
- await Kj(), await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Kj(), await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_api_denied_request_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -64269,7 +64417,7 @@
case e instanceof ST:
- await Kj(), await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Kj(), await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_api_too_many_requests_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -64282,12 +64430,12 @@
connection: t,
actions: n
- } = jz.getState();
+ } = Uz.getState();
if (t.mode === xP.ConnectionMode.NO_CONNECTION) return;
case e instanceof uT:
- await Kj(), await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Kj(), await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_api_auth_expired_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -64304,7 +64452,7 @@
case e instanceof mT:
case e instanceof pT:
- await Kj(), await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Kj(), await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_generic_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -64315,7 +64463,7 @@
case e instanceof gT:
- await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_generic_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -66279,10 +66427,10 @@
CM = ({
children: e
}) => {
- const t = jz((e => e.application)),
- n = jz((e => e.settings)),
- r = jz((e => e.window)),
- i = jz((e => e.user)),
+ const t = Uz((e => e.application)),
+ n = Uz((e => e.settings)),
+ r = Uz((e => e.window)),
+ i = Uz((e => e.user)),
t: a
} = bt("discover"),
@@ -66337,7 +66485,7 @@
PM = () => {
const {
t: e
- } = bt("connection"), t = jz((e => e.application)), {
+ } = bt("connection"), t = Uz((e => e.application)), {
reduceMotion: {
unessentialAnimationsDisabled: n
@@ -66379,7 +66527,7 @@
var t;
const [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), {
t: i
- } = bt("download"), a = OL(), o = jz((e => e.installer)), s = jz((e => e.application)), {
+ } = bt("download"), a = OL(), o = Uz((e => e.installer)), s = Uz((e => e.application)), {
reduceMotion: {
wipeAnimationsDisabled: l,
unessentialAnimationsDisabled: c
@@ -66452,10 +66600,10 @@
icon: gM,
onClick: () => (() => {
const e = Number(getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--sol-motion-anim-wipe-duration").match(/\d+/));
- if (p(!1), l) return void a(`${CV.SETTINGS}/${CV.SETTINGS_DOWNLOAD}`);
+ if (p(!1), l) return void a(`${DV.SETTINGS}/${DV.SETTINGS_DOWNLOAD}`);
s.actions.setAnimatingAppLayoutWipe("full", !0);
const t = setTimeout((() => {
}), e / 2);
return () => clearTimeout(t)
@@ -66571,12 +66719,12 @@
checkStatus: async () => {
- if (!jz.getState().status.intervalId) {
+ if (!Uz.getState().status.intervalId) {
await NM();
const e = setInterval(NM, $T(xP.configuration.requestPollingInterval.status.base, xP.configuration.requestPollingInterval.status.window));
- jz.setState({
+ Uz.setState({
status: {
- ...jz.getState().status,
+ ...Uz.getState().status,
intervalId: e
@@ -66590,9 +66738,9 @@
application: e,
user: t,
status: n
- } = jz.getState();
+ } = Uz.getState();
if (t.actions.isLoggedIn() || jM(n.intervalId), !e.isWindowMinimized) {
- if (e.actions.isOffline()) return e.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(void 0), void jz.setState((e => ({
+ if (e.actions.isOffline()) return e.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(void 0), void Uz.setState((e => ({
status: {
@@ -66629,7 +66777,7 @@
staleTime: 0
n = null === t || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.systems.filter((e => (e.name === xP.RSISystemName.PERSISTENTE_UNIVERSE || e.name === xP.RSISystemName.ARENA_COMMANDER) && e.status !== xP.RSISystemStatus.OPERATIONAL)).sort(((e, t) => xP.SystemStatusOrder[e.status.toUpperCase()] - xP.SystemStatusOrder[t.status.toUpperCase()])).map((e => e.status)).shift();
- e.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(n), jz.setState((e => ({
+ e.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(n), Uz.setState((e => ({
status: {
@@ -66642,8 +66790,8 @@
}, jM = e => {
- const t = jz.getState().application;
- clearInterval(e), t.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(void 0), jz.setState((e => ({
+ const t = Uz.getState().application;
+ clearInterval(e), t.actions.setNonOperationalStatus(void 0), Uz.setState((e => ({
status: {
@@ -66678,7 +66826,7 @@
}) => {
const [t, n] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), {
t: r
- } = bt("status"), i = jz((e => e.status)), a = jz((e => e.application)), {
+ } = bt("status"), i = Uz((e => e.status)), a = Uz((e => e.application)), {
reduceMotion: {
unessentialAnimationsDisabled: o
@@ -66737,7 +66885,7 @@
class zM extends Error {}
const VM = async (e, t, n = !0) => {
- const r = jz.getState().user;
+ const r = Uz.getState().user;
if (!r.identity) throw new Error("Identification of the user cannot be retrieved");
try {
const n = await r.actions.getSession(e),
@@ -66787,7 +66935,7 @@
storage: p,
settings: h,
library: f
- } = jz.getState(), {
+ } = Uz.getState(), {
gameId: m,
channelId: g,
gameName: v,
@@ -66832,20 +66980,20 @@
SQ42: 10
- }, WM = (e, t) => (qM[t] || 0) - (qM[e] || 0), HM = "LIVE", KM = {
+ }, WM = (e, t) => (qM[t] || 0) - (qM[e] || 0), HM = (e, t) => e.weight - t.weight, KM = (e, t) => e.weight - t.weight, YM = "LIVE", QM = {
platformId: "prod",
gameId: "SC",
gameName: "Star Citizen",
- channelId: HM,
+ channelId: YM,
channelName: "Live Release"
- }, YM = (e = [], t = []) => ({
+ }, ZM = (e = [], t = []) => ({
availableGames: t,
installedGames: e,
- gameSelected: KM.gameId,
- channelSelected: KM
- }), QM = (e, t) => ({
+ gameSelected: QM.gameId,
+ channelSelected: QM
+ }), XM = (e, t) => ({
library: {
- ...YM(),
+ ...ZM(),
actions: {
initializeLibrary: async () => {
const t = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("library.installed"),
@@ -66853,7 +67001,7 @@
e((e => ({
library: {
- ...YM(t, n)
+ ...ZM(t, n)
@@ -66900,23 +67048,26 @@
const {
availableGames: r
} = t().library, i = r.find((t => t.id === e));
- return (null !== (n = null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.channels) && void 0 !== n ? n : []).sort(((e, t) => WM(e.id, t.id)))
+ return (null !== (n = null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.channels) && void 0 !== n ? n : []).sort(KM)
getInstalledChannelsSorted: e => {
var n;
const {
installedGames: r
} = t().library, i = r.find((t => t.id === e));
- return (null !== (n = null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.channels) && void 0 !== n ? n : []).sort(((e, t) => WM(e.id, t.id)))
+ return (null !== (n = null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.channels) && void 0 !== n ? n : []).sort(KM)
getAvailableGamesChannelsWeightSorted: () => {
const {
availableGames: e
} = t().library;
- return e.map((e => ({
- ...e,
- channels: e.channels.sort(((e, t) => WM(e.id, t.id)))
- })))
+ return e.sort(HM).map((e => {
+ const t = e.channels.sort(KM);
+ return {
+ ...e,
+ channels: t
+ }
+ }))
getAvailableChannel: e => {
const {
@@ -67111,7 +67262,7 @@
- await jz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
+ await Uz.getState().dialog.actions.showAcknowledgeDialogErrorOccured({
title: xt.t("error_launch_unknown_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -67174,7 +67325,7 @@
}))), r.actions.unmute(), window.launcherAPI.window.setRestoreWindow();
const o = (0, xP.serializerLaunchErrors)(n);
await cR((e => {
- const t = jz.getState().installer,
+ const t = Uz.getState().installer,
gameId: n,
platformId: r,
@@ -67284,19 +67435,6 @@
ns: "errors"
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(ds, {
- children: (0, wR.jsx)(ft, {
- i18nKey: "error_report_bug",
- t: xt.t,
- ns: "errors",
- components: [(0, wR.jsx)(Pv, {
- href: xP.configuration.issueCouncilUrl,
- external: !0
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(Pv, {
- href: xP.configuration.filesSupportUrl,
- external: !0
- })]
- })
}), (0, wR.jsx)(ds, {
children: xt.t("error_game_error_code", {
code: e.message,
@@ -67413,7 +67551,7 @@
window.launcherAPI.store.setValueToStore("library.installed", o)
- } catch (MV) {
+ } catch (BV) {
throw new zM
@@ -67434,7 +67572,7 @@
- }), ZM = (e, t) => ({
+ }), JM = (e, t) => ({
installer: {
installations: [],
uninstallations: [],
@@ -67772,8 +67910,8 @@
const o = (0, xP.serializerInstallerErrors)(n);
await cR((e => {
var t, n, r, i, a;
- const o = jz.getState().installer,
- s = jz.getState().library,
+ const o = Uz.getState().installer,
+ s = Uz.getState().library,
gameId: l,
platformId: c,
@@ -67790,10 +67928,10 @@
}) && void 0 !== t ? t : s.channelSelected,
f = fR(o.installations, h);
switch (!0) {
- case e instanceof xP.InstallerSupportPermissionError:
+ case e instanceof xP.LSPermissionError:
return {
handler: {
args: {
title: xt.t("error_installer_support_permission_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -67825,10 +67963,10 @@
}, error: e
- case e instanceof xP.CreateDirectoryError:
+ case e instanceof xP.LSCreateDirectoryError:
return {
handler: {
args: {
title: xt.t("error_installer_create_directory_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -68428,7 +68566,7 @@
- }), XM = () => {
+ }), eF = () => {
var e, t, n, r, i, a;
const o = OL(),
@@ -68440,11 +68578,11 @@
setMinimizeWindow: c
} = RR(),
- u = jz((e => e.application)),
- d = jz((e => e.user)),
- p = jz((e => e.soundSystem)),
- h = jz((e => e.window)),
- f = jz((e => e.installer)),
+ u = Uz((e => e.application)),
+ d = Uz((e => e.user)),
+ p = Uz((e => e.soundSystem)),
+ h = Uz((e => e.window)),
+ f = Uz((e => e.installer)),
wipeAnimationsDisabled: m
} = Qo().reduceMotion,
@@ -68479,15 +68617,15 @@
children: [g() && (0, wR.jsx)(Gv, {
onClick: () => {
- if (m) return void o(CV.SETTINGS);
+ if (m) return void o(DV.SETTINGS);
u.actions.setAnimatingAppLayoutWipe("full", !0);
const e = setTimeout((() => {
}), l / 2);
return () => clearTimeout(e)
label: s("app_header_menu_settings"),
- disabled: window.location.hash.includes(CV.SETTINGS)
+ disabled: window.location.hash.includes(DV.SETTINGS)
}), (0, wR.jsx)(Gv, {
external: !0,
endIcon: pM,
@@ -68508,11 +68646,11 @@
label: s("app_header_menu_discover"),
"data-test-id": "rsi-menu-discover",
onClick: () => {
- if (window.location.hash.includes(CV.SETTINGS)) {
- if (m) return void o(CV.HOME);
+ if (window.location.hash.includes(DV.SETTINGS)) {
+ if (m) return void o(DV.HOME);
u.actions.setAnimatingAppLayoutWipe("full", !0);
const e = setTimeout((() => {
- o(CV.HOME), h.actions.openDiscover()
+ o(DV.HOME), h.actions.openDiscover()
}), l / 2);
return () => clearTimeout(e)
@@ -68590,7 +68728,7 @@
- }, JM = () => {
+ }, tF = () => {
const [e, t] = (0, Ee.useState)("");
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
const e = setTimeout((() => t("in")), xP.configuration.appLayoutLoaderWipeTrigger);
@@ -68600,10 +68738,10 @@
"data-sol-animation-wipe": e,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(zv, {})
- }, eF = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.autoUpdate));
+ }, nF = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.autoUpdate));
return (() => {
- const e = jz((e => e.autoUpdate)),
+ const e = Uz((e => e.autoUpdate)),
onUpdateDownloaded: t,
onQuitInstallError: n
@@ -68613,14 +68751,14 @@
- var tF = function() {
- return tF = Object.assign || function(e) {
+ var rF = function() {
+ return rF = Object.assign || function(e) {
for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
for (var i in t = arguments[n]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]);
return e
- }, tF.apply(this, arguments)
+ }, rF.apply(this, arguments)
- nF = function(e, t) {
+ iF = function(e, t) {
var n = {};
for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
@@ -68629,57 +68767,57 @@
return n
- rF = Symbol("NiceModalId"),
- iF = {},
- aF = Ee.createContext(iF),
- oF = Ee.createContext(null),
- sF = {},
- lF = {},
- cF = 0,
- uF = function() {
+ aF = Symbol("NiceModalId"),
+ oF = {},
+ sF = Ee.createContext(oF),
+ lF = Ee.createContext(null),
+ cF = {},
+ uF = {},
+ dF = 0,
+ pF = function() {
throw new Error("No dispatch method detected, did you embed your app with NiceModal.Provider?")
- dF = function() {
- return "_nice_modal_" + cF++
+ hF = function() {
+ return "_nice_modal_" + dF++
- pF = function(e, t) {
+ fF = function(e, t) {
var n, r, i;
- switch (void 0 === e && (e = iF), t.type) {
+ switch (void 0 === e && (e = oF), t.type) {
case "nice-modal/show":
var a = t.payload,
o = a.modalId,
s = a.args;
- return tF(tF({}, e), ((n = {})[o] = tF(tF({}, e[o]), {
+ return rF(rF({}, e), ((n = {})[o] = rF(rF({}, e[o]), {
id: o,
args: s,
- visible: !!lF[o],
- delayVisible: !lF[o]
+ visible: !!uF[o],
+ delayVisible: !uF[o]
}), n));
case "nice-modal/hide":
- return e[o = t.payload.modalId] ? tF(tF({}, e), ((r = {})[o] = tF(tF({}, e[o]), {
+ return e[o = t.payload.modalId] ? rF(rF({}, e), ((r = {})[o] = rF(rF({}, e[o]), {
visible: !1
}), r)) : e;
case "nice-modal/remove":
o = t.payload.modalId;
- var l = tF({}, e);
+ var l = rF({}, e);
return delete l[o], l;
case "nice-modal/set-flags":
var c = t.payload,
u = (o = c.modalId, c.flags);
- return tF(tF({}, e), ((i = {})[o] = tF(tF({}, e[o]), u), i));
+ return rF(rF({}, e), ((i = {})[o] = rF(rF({}, e[o]), u), i));
return e
- var hF = {},
- fF = {},
- mF = function(e) {
- return "string" === typeof e ? e : (e[rF] || (e[rF] = dF()), e[rF])
+ var mF = {},
+ gF = {},
+ vF = function(e) {
+ return "string" === typeof e ? e : (e[aF] || (e[aF] = hF()), e[aF])
- function gF(e, t) {
- var n = mF(e);
- if ("string" === typeof e || sF[n] || bF(n, e), uF(function(e, t) {
+ function yF(e, t) {
+ var n = vF(e);
+ if ("string" === typeof e || cF[n] || wF(n, e), pF(function(e, t) {
return {
type: "nice-modal/show",
payload: {
@@ -68687,83 +68825,83 @@
args: t
- }(n, t)), !hF[n]) {
+ }(n, t)), !mF[n]) {
var r, i, a = new Promise((function(e, t) {
r = e, i = t
- hF[n] = {
+ mF[n] = {
resolve: r,
reject: i,
promise: a
- return hF[n].promise
+ return mF[n].promise
- function vF(e) {
- var t = mF(e);
- if (uF(function(e) {
+ function _F(e) {
+ var t = vF(e);
+ if (pF(function(e) {
return {
type: "nice-modal/hide",
payload: {
modalId: e
- }(t)), delete hF[t], !fF[t]) {
+ }(t)), delete mF[t], !gF[t]) {
var n, r, i = new Promise((function(e, t) {
n = e, r = t
- fF[t] = {
+ gF[t] = {
resolve: n,
reject: r,
promise: i
- return fF[t].promise
+ return gF[t].promise
- var yF = function(e) {
- var t = mF(e);
- uF(function(e) {
+ var bF = function(e) {
+ var t = vF(e);
+ pF(function(e) {
return {
type: "nice-modal/remove",
payload: {
modalId: e
- }(t)), delete hF[t], delete fF[t]
+ }(t)), delete mF[t], delete gF[t]
- function _F(e, t) {
- var n = (0, Ee.useContext)(aF),
- r = (0, Ee.useContext)(oF),
+ function xF(e, t) {
+ var n = (0, Ee.useContext)(sF),
+ r = (0, Ee.useContext)(lF),
i = null,
a = e && "string" !== typeof e;
- if (!(i = e ? mF(e) : r)) throw new Error("No modal id found in NiceModal.useModal.");
+ if (!(i = e ? vF(e) : r)) throw new Error("No modal id found in NiceModal.useModal.");
var o = i;
(0, Ee.useEffect)((function() {
- a && !sF[o] && bF(o, e, t)
+ a && !cF[o] && wF(o, e, t)
}), [a, o, e, t]);
var s = n[o],
l = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function(e) {
- return gF(o, e)
+ return yF(o, e)
}), [o]),
c = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function() {
- return vF(o)
+ return _F(o)
}), [o]),
u = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function() {
- return yF(o)
+ return bF(o)
}), [o]),
d = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function(e) {
var t;
- null === (t = hF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.resolve(e), delete hF[o]
+ null === (t = mF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.resolve(e), delete mF[o]
}), [o]),
p = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function(e) {
var t;
- null === (t = hF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.reject(e), delete hF[o]
+ null === (t = mF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.reject(e), delete mF[o]
}), [o]),
h = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function(e) {
var t;
- null === (t = fF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.resolve(e), delete fF[o]
+ null === (t = gF[o]) || void 0 === t || t.resolve(e), delete gF[o]
}), [o]);
return (0, Ee.useMemo)((function() {
return {
@@ -68780,43 +68918,43 @@
}), [o, null === s || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.args, null === s || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.visible, null === s || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.keepMounted, l, c, u, d, p, h])
- var bF = function(e, t, n) {
- sF[e] ? sF[e].props = n : sF[e] = {
+ var wF = function(e, t, n) {
+ cF[e] ? cF[e].props = n : cF[e] = {
comp: t,
props: n
- xF = function() {
- var e = (0, Ee.useContext)(aF),
+ kF = function() {
+ var e = (0, Ee.useContext)(sF),
t = Object.keys(e).filter((function(t) {
return !!e[t]
t.forEach((function(e) {
- sF[e] || lF[e] || console.warn("No modal found for id: " + e + ". Please check the id or if it is registered or declared via JSX.")
+ cF[e] || uF[e] || console.warn("No modal found for id: " + e + ". Please check the id or if it is registered or declared via JSX.")
var n = t.filter((function(e) {
- return sF[e]
+ return cF[e]
})).map((function(e) {
- return tF({
+ return rF({
id: e
- }, sF[e])
+ }, cF[e])
return Ee.createElement(Ee.Fragment, null, n.map((function(e) {
- return Ee.createElement(e.comp, tF({
+ return Ee.createElement(e.comp, rF({
key: e.id,
id: e.id
}, e.props))
- wF = function(e) {
+ SF = function(e) {
var t = e.children,
- n = (0, Ee.useReducer)(pF, iF),
+ n = (0, Ee.useReducer)(fF, oF),
r = n[0];
- return uF = n[1], Ee.createElement(aF.Provider, {
+ return pF = n[1], Ee.createElement(sF.Provider, {
value: r
- }, t, Ee.createElement(xF, null))
+ }, t, Ee.createElement(kF, null))
- kF = function(e) {
+ EF = function(e) {
return {
visible: e.visible,
onOk: function() {
@@ -68830,7 +68968,7 @@
- SF = function(e) {
+ OF = function(e) {
return {
visible: e.visible,
onClose: function() {
@@ -68841,23 +68979,23 @@
- EF = {
+ IF = {
Provider: function(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.dispatch,
r = e.modals;
- return n && r ? (uF = n, Ee.createElement(aF.Provider, {
+ return n && r ? (pF = n, Ee.createElement(sF.Provider, {
value: r
- }, t, Ee.createElement(xF, null))) : Ee.createElement(wF, null, t)
+ }, t, Ee.createElement(kF, null))) : Ee.createElement(SF, null, t)
ModalDef: function(e) {
var t = e.id,
n = e.component;
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((function() {
- return bF(t, n),
+ return wF(t, n),
function() {
! function(e) {
- delete sF[e]
+ delete cF[e]
}), [t, n]), null
@@ -68866,40 +69004,40 @@
var t, n = e.modal,
r = e.handler,
i = void 0 === r ? {} : r,
- a = nF(e, ["modal", "handler"]),
+ a = iF(e, ["modal", "handler"]),
o = (0, Ee.useMemo)((function() {
- return dF()
+ return hF()
}), []),
- s = "string" === typeof n ? null === (t = sF[n]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.comp : n;
+ s = "string" === typeof n ? null === (t = cF[n]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.comp : n;
if (!i) throw new Error("No handler found in NiceModal.ModalHolder.");
if (!s) throw new Error("No modal found for id: " + n + " in NiceModal.ModalHolder.");
return i.show = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function(e) {
- return gF(o, e)
+ return yF(o, e)
}), [o]), i.hide = (0, Ee.useCallback)((function() {
- return vF(o)
- }), [o]), Ee.createElement(s, tF({
+ return _F(o)
+ }), [o]), Ee.createElement(s, rF({
id: o
}, a))
- NiceModalContext: aF,
+ NiceModalContext: sF,
create: function(e) {
return function(t) {
var n, r = t.defaultVisible,
i = t.keepMounted,
a = t.id,
- o = nF(t, ["defaultVisible", "keepMounted", "id"]),
- s = _F(a),
+ o = iF(t, ["defaultVisible", "keepMounted", "id"]),
+ s = xF(a),
l = s.args,
c = s.show,
- u = (0, Ee.useContext)(aF),
+ u = (0, Ee.useContext)(sF),
d = !!u[a];
(0, Ee.useEffect)((function() {
- return r && c(), lF[a] = !0,
+ return r && c(), uF[a] = !0,
function() {
- delete lF[a]
+ delete uF[a]
}), [a, c, r]), (0, Ee.useEffect)((function() {
- i && uF(function(e, t) {
+ i && pF(function(e, t) {
return {
type: "nice-modal/set-flags",
payload: {
@@ -68914,23 +69052,23 @@
var p = null === (n = u[a]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.delayVisible;
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((function() {
p && c(l)
- }), [p, l, c]), d ? Ee.createElement(oF.Provider, {
+ }), [p, l, c]), d ? Ee.createElement(lF.Provider, {
value: a
- }, Ee.createElement(e, tF({}, o, l))) : null
+ }, Ee.createElement(e, rF({}, o, l))) : null
- register: bF,
+ register: wF,
getModal: function(e) {
var t;
- return null === (t = sF[e]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.comp
+ return null === (t = cF[e]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.comp
- show: gF,
- hide: vF,
- remove: yF,
- useModal: _F,
- reducer: pF,
- antdModal: kF,
- antdDrawer: SF,
+ show: yF,
+ hide: _F,
+ remove: bF,
+ useModal: xF,
+ reducer: fF,
+ antdModal: EF,
+ antdDrawer: OF,
muiDialog: function(e) {
return {
open: e.visible,
@@ -68954,15 +69092,15 @@
- const OF = EF,
- IF = OF.create((({
+ const CF = IF,
+ AF = CF.create((({
title: e,
content: t,
primaryCallback: n,
primaryLabel: r,
typeDialog: i
}) => {
- const a = _F(),
+ const a = xF(),
t: o
} = bt(["dialog"]),
@@ -68987,8 +69125,8 @@
children: t
- OF.register("acknowledgement-dialog", IF);
- const CF = OF.create((({
+ CF.register("acknowledgement-dialog", AF);
+ const PF = CF.create((({
title: e,
content: t,
primaryCallback: n,
@@ -68997,7 +69135,7 @@
secondaryCallback: a,
secondaryLabel: o
}) => {
- const s = _F(),
+ const s = xF(),
t: l
} = bt(["dialog"]),
@@ -69042,8 +69180,8 @@
- OF.register("form-dialog", CF);
- const AF = OF.create((({
+ CF.register("form-dialog", PF);
+ const TF = CF.create((({
title: e,
content: t,
primaryCallback: n,
@@ -69053,7 +69191,7 @@
secondaryLabel: o,
disablePrimaryUntilScrolled: s
}) => {
- const l = _F(),
+ const l = xF(),
t: c
} = bt(["dialog"]),
@@ -69093,11 +69231,11 @@
children: t
- OF.register("warning-confirm-dialog", AF);
- const PF = e => {
+ CF.register("warning-confirm-dialog", TF);
+ const RF = e => {
var t, n, r;
- const i = jz((e => e.library)),
- a = jz((e => e.application)),
+ const i = Uz((e => e.library)),
+ a = Uz((e => e.application)),
o = null !== (t = null === (n = a.animations) || void 0 === n || null === (r = n.appLayoutWipe) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.isAnimating) && void 0 !== t && t,
wipeAnimationsDisabled: s
@@ -69128,7 +69266,7 @@
m = (0, Ee.useCallback)(((e, t) => {
e.preventDefault(), t.id === p || t.id === c.gameId || o || (h(t.id), s ? l(`game-page/${p}`) : (a.actions.setAnimatingAppLayoutWipe("full", !0), f(`game-page/${p}`)))
}), [p, o, l, c.gameId, s, a.actions, f]),
- g = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.availableGames.map((e => e.channels.length > 0 ? (0, wR.jsx)(wv, {
+ g = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.availableGames.sort(HM).map((e => e.channels.length > 0 ? (0, wR.jsx)(wv, {
logo: e.logo,
name: e.name,
active: e.id === p,
@@ -69144,7 +69282,7 @@
children: g
- TF = ({
+ DF = ({
status: e
}) => {
const {
@@ -69170,17 +69308,17 @@
- function RF() {
- return RF = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
+ function LF() {
+ return LF = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var n = arguments[t];
for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
return e
- }, RF.apply(this, arguments)
+ }, LF.apply(this, arguments)
- function DF(e, t) {
+ function NF(e, t) {
if (null == e) return {};
var n, r, i = {},
a = Object.keys(e);
@@ -69188,17 +69326,17 @@
return i
new Set(["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"]);
- const LF = ["onClick", "relative", "reloadDocument", "replace", "state", "target", "to", "preventScrollReset", "unstable_viewTransition"];
+ const jF = ["onClick", "relative", "reloadDocument", "replace", "state", "target", "to", "preventScrollReset", "unstable_viewTransition"];
- function NF() {
+ function MF() {
var e;
let t = null == (e = window) ? void 0 : e.__staticRouterHydrationData;
- return t && t.errors && (t = RF({}, t, {
- errors: jF(t.errors)
+ return t && t.errors && (t = LF({}, t, {
+ errors: FF(t.errors)
})), t
- function jF(e) {
+ function FF(e) {
if (!e) return null;
let t = Object.entries(e),
n = {};
@@ -69219,17 +69357,17 @@
} else n[i] = a;
return n
- const MF = Ee.createContext({
+ const zF = Ee.createContext({
isTransitioning: !1
- const FF = Ee.createContext(new Map);
- const zF = Oe.startTransition,
- VF = Ja.flushSync;
+ const VF = Ee.createContext(new Map);
+ const UF = Oe.startTransition,
+ BF = Ja.flushSync;
- function UF(e) {
- VF ? VF(e) : e()
+ function GF(e) {
+ BF ? BF(e) : e()
- class BF {
+ class $F {
constructor() {
this.status = "pending", this.promise = new Promise(((e, t) => {
this.resolve = t => {
@@ -69241,7 +69379,7 @@
- function GF(e) {
+ function qF(e) {
let {
fallbackElement: t,
router: n,
@@ -69252,7 +69390,7 @@
v7_startTransition: v
} = r || {}, y = Ee.useCallback((e => {
v ? function(e) {
- zF ? zF(e) : e()
+ UF ? UF(e) : e()
}(e) : e()
}), [v]), _ = Ee.useCallback(((e, t) => {
let {
@@ -69266,7 +69404,7 @@
let l = null == n.window || "function" !== typeof n.window.document.startViewTransition;
if (o && !l) {
if (i) {
- UF((() => {
+ GF((() => {
p && (u && u.resolve(), p.skipTransition()), c({
isTransitioning: !0,
flushSync: !0,
@@ -69275,15 +69413,15 @@
let t = n.window.document.startViewTransition((() => {
- UF((() => a(e)))
+ GF((() => a(e)))
return t.finished.finally((() => {
- UF((() => {
+ GF((() => {
d(void 0), h(void 0), s(void 0), c({
isTransitioning: !1
- })), void UF((() => h(t)))
+ })), void GF((() => h(t)))
p ? (u && u.resolve(), p.skipTransition(), m({
state: e,
@@ -69295,10 +69433,10 @@
currentLocation: o.currentLocation,
nextLocation: o.nextLocation
- } else i ? UF((() => a(e))) : y((() => a(e)))
+ } else i ? GF((() => a(e))) : y((() => a(e)))
}), [n.window, p, u, g, y]);
Ee.useLayoutEffect((() => n.subscribe(_)), [n, _]), Ee.useEffect((() => {
- l.isTransitioning && !l.flushSync && d(new BF)
+ l.isTransitioning && !l.flushSync && d(new $F)
}), [l]), Ee.useEffect((() => {
if (u && o && n.window) {
let e = o,
@@ -69347,31 +69485,31 @@
value: w
}, Ee.createElement(yL.Provider, {
value: i
- }, Ee.createElement(FF.Provider, {
+ }, Ee.createElement(VF.Provider, {
value: g.current
- }, Ee.createElement(MF.Provider, {
+ }, Ee.createElement(zF.Provider, {
value: l
}, Ee.createElement(GL, {
basename: x,
location: i.location,
navigationType: i.historyAction,
navigator: b
- }, i.initialized ? Ee.createElement($F, {
+ }, i.initialized ? Ee.createElement(WF, {
routes: n.routes,
state: i
}) : t))))), null)
- function $F(e) {
+ function WF(e) {
let {
routes: t,
state: n
} = e;
return PL(t, void 0, n)
- const qF = "undefined" !== typeof window && "undefined" !== typeof window.document && "undefined" !== typeof window.document.createElement,
- WF = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)/i,
- HF = Ee.forwardRef((function(e, t) {
+ const HF = "undefined" !== typeof window && "undefined" !== typeof window.document && "undefined" !== typeof window.document.createElement,
+ KF = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)/i,
+ YF = Ee.forwardRef((function(e, t) {
let n, {
onClick: r,
relative: i,
@@ -69383,12 +69521,12 @@
preventScrollReset: u,
unstable_viewTransition: d
} = e,
- p = DF(e, LF),
+ p = NF(e, jF),
basename: h
} = Ee.useContext(_L),
f = !1;
- if ("string" === typeof c && WF.test(c) && (n = c, qF)) try {
+ if ("string" === typeof c && KF.test(c) && (n = c, HF)) try {
let e = new URL(window.location.href),
t = c.startsWith("//") ? new URL(e.protocol + c) : new URL(c),
n = pD(t.pathname, h);
@@ -69453,7 +69591,7 @@
relative: i,
unstable_viewTransition: d
- return Ee.createElement("a", RF({}, p, {
+ return Ee.createElement("a", LF({}, p, {
href: n || m,
onClick: f || a ? r : function(e) {
r && r(e), e.defaultPrevented || g(e)
@@ -69462,14 +69600,14 @@
target: l
- var KF, YF;
+ var QF, ZF;
(function(e) {
e.UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration", e.UseSubmit = "useSubmit", e.UseSubmitFetcher = "useSubmitFetcher", e.UseFetcher = "useFetcher", e.useViewTransitionState = "useViewTransitionState"
- })(KF || (KF = {})),
+ })(QF || (QF = {})),
function(e) {
e.UseFetcher = "useFetcher", e.UseFetchers = "useFetchers", e.UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration"
- }(YF || (YF = {}));
- const QF = (0, Ee.forwardRef)((({
+ }(ZF || (ZF = {}));
+ const XF = (0, Ee.forwardRef)((({
children: e,
href: t = "",
@@ -69480,13 +69618,13 @@
target: "_blank",
children: e
- }) : (0, wR.jsx)(HF, {
+ }) : (0, wR.jsx)(YF, {
ref: r,
to: t,
children: e
- ZF = ({
+ JF = ({
children: e,
control: t,
name: n,
@@ -69533,7 +69671,7 @@
- XF = ({
+ ez = ({
control: e,
name: t,
defaultValue: n,
@@ -69583,13 +69721,119 @@
+ };
+ let tz, nz;
+ ! function(e) {
+ e.SHADERS = "shaders", e.SCREENSHOTS = "screenshots", e.USER = "user"
+ }(tz || (tz = {})),
+ function(e) {
+ e.KEYBINDINGS = "keybindings", e.PREFERENCES = "preferences", e.CHARACTERS = "characters"
+ }(nz || (nz = {}));
+ const rz = () => {
+ const {
+ t: e
+ } = bt(["settingsPage"]), t = {
+ [tz.SHADERS]: !0,
+ [tz.SCREENSHOTS]: !0,
+ [tz.USER]: !0,
+ [nz.KEYBINDINGS]: !0,
+ [nz.PREFERENCES]: !0,
+ [nz.CHARACTERS]: !0
+ }, [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)(t), i = (0, Ee.useCallback)((e => {
+ const {
+ name: t,
+ checked: n
+ } = e.target;
+ r((e => {
+ const r = {
+ ...e,
+ [t]: n
+ };
+ if (Object.values(nz).includes(t)) {
+ const e = r.keybindings || r.preferences || r.characters;
+ r[tz.USER] = e
+ }
+ return r
+ }))
+ }), []), a = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async e => {
+ const {
+ name: t,
+ checked: n
+ } = e.target;
+ r((e => {
+ const r = {
+ ...e,
+ [t]: null !== n && void 0 !== n && n
+ };
+ return Object.values(nz).forEach((e => {
+ r[e] = n
+ })), r
+ }))
+ }), []), o = [];
+ Object.values(nz).forEach((e => {
+ o.push(n[e])
+ }));
+ const s = o.every(Boolean),
+ l = o.some(Boolean) && !s;
+ return (0, wR.jsxs)(Es, {
+ "aria-labelledby": "legend",
+ role: "group",
+ gap: "100",
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, wR.jsx)("p", {
+ id: "legend",
+ children: e("settings_games_local_delete_description")
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ed, {
+ name: tz.SHADERS,
+ checked: n.shaders,
+ value: n.shaders.toString(),
+ onChange: e => i(e),
+ children: e("settings_games_local_shaders_folder")
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ed, {
+ name: tz.SCREENSHOTS,
+ checked: n.screenshots,
+ value: n.screenshots.toString(),
+ onChange: e => i(e),
+ children: e("settings_games_local_screenshots_folder")
+ }), (0, wR.jsxs)(ed, {
+ name: tz.USER,
+ checked: n.user,
+ value: n.user.toString(),
+ onChange: e => a(e),
+ indeterminate: l,
+ children: [e("settings_games_local_user_folder"), (0, wR.jsxs)(Es, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ gap: "100",
+ className: "sol-u-margin-bs-050",
+ children: [(0, wR.jsx)(ed, {
+ name: nz.KEYBINDINGS,
+ checked: n.keybindings,
+ value: n.keybindings.toString(),
+ onChange: e => i(e),
+ children: e("settings_games_local_keybindings")
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ed, {
+ name: nz.PREFERENCES,
+ checked: n.preferences,
+ value: n.preferences.toString(),
+ onChange: e => i(e),
+ children: e("settings_games_local_settings")
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ed, {
+ name: nz.CHARACTERS,
+ checked: n.characters,
+ value: n.characters.toString(),
+ onChange: e => i(e),
+ children: e("settings_games_local_characters")
+ })]
+ })]
+ })]
+ })
- JF = (e, t) => ({
+ iz = (e, t) => ({
dialog: {
actions: {
showExitAppDialog: () => {
const e = t();
- return OF.show(CF, {
+ return CF.show(PF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_exit_app_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69614,7 +69858,7 @@
primaryCallback: () => e.window.actions.exitLauncher()
- showWarningExitAppGameRuningDialog: () => OF.show(AF, {
+ showWarningExitAppGameRuningDialog: () => CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_exit_app_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69627,7 +69871,7 @@
showDiscoverDialog: () => {
const e = t();
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_discover_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69653,7 +69897,7 @@
showLogoutDialog: e => {
const n = t(),
r = n.settings.appSettings.accessibility.reduceMotion.wipeAnimationsDisabled;
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_logout_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69672,7 +69916,7 @@
- showOsRequirementsDialog: e => OF.show(IF, {
+ showOsRequirementsDialog: e => CF.show(AF, {
title: _e.t("error_os_requirements_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -69689,7 +69933,7 @@
- showCpuRequirementsDialog: () => OF.show(IF, {
+ showCpuRequirementsDialog: () => CF.show(AF, {
title: _e.t("error_cpu_requirements_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -69705,7 +69949,7 @@
secondaryLabel: i,
secondaryCallback: a,
error: o
- }) => OF.show(AF, {
+ }) => CF.show(TF, {
title: null !== e && void 0 !== e ? e : _e.t("error_generic_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -69734,7 +69978,7 @@
secondaryCallback: () => null === a || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a()
- showWarningDialogCacheClear: () => OF.show(AF, {
+ showWarningDialogCacheClear: () => CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_debug_cache_clear_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69758,7 +70002,7 @@
primaryCallback: n,
primaryLabel: r,
error: i
- }) => OF.show(IF, {
+ }) => CF.show(AF, {
title: null !== e && void 0 !== e ? e : _e.t("error_generic_title", {
ns: "errors"
@@ -69780,7 +70024,7 @@
primaryCallback: () => null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n(),
primaryLabel: null !== r && void 0 !== r ? r : void 0
- showWarningsDialog: (e, t) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showWarningsDialog: (e, t) => CF.show(TF, {
title: e,
typeDialog: "positive",
content: AR(t),
@@ -69791,7 +70035,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showAgreementsDialog: (e, t, n) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showAgreementsDialog: (e, t, n) => CF.show(TF, {
title: e,
typeDialog: "positive",
content: AR(`
@@ -69805,7 +70049,7 @@
showResetSettingsDialog: e => {
const n = t();
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_settings_reset_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69823,9 +70067,21 @@
+ showDeleteLocalSettingsDialog: () => CF.show(PF, {
+ title: _e.t("dialog_settings_delete_local_title", {
+ ns: "dialog"
+ }),
+ content: (0, wR.jsx)(rz, {}),
+ secondaryLabel: _e.t("dialog_action_cancel", {
+ ns: "dialog"
+ }),
+ primaryLabel: _e.t("dialog_action_delete", {
+ ns: "dialog"
+ })
+ }),
showGameNotInstalledDialog: e => {
const n = t();
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_settings_game_not_installed_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69847,7 +70103,7 @@
const i = t(),
a = i.settings.appSettings.accessibility.reduceMotion.wipeAnimationsDisabled,
o = await GM(e);
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "default",
title: _e.t("dialog_start_installation_title", {
ns: "dialog",
@@ -69886,7 +70142,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
secondaryCallback: r ? void 0 : () => {
- const t = cD(`/${CV.SETTINGS}/${CV.SETTINGS_GAMES}`, {
+ const t = cD(`/${DV.SETTINGS}/${DV.SETTINGS_GAMES}`, {
gameId: e.gameId,
channelId: e.channelId
@@ -69908,7 +70164,7 @@
showGameCancelInstallationDialog: e => {
const n = t();
- return OF.show(AF, {
+ return CF.show(TF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_cancel_installation_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69945,7 +70201,7 @@
- showGameChannelUpdateAvailableDialog: e => OF.show(IF, {
+ showGameChannelUpdateAvailableDialog: e => CF.show(AF, {
typeDialog: "positive",
title: _e.t("dialog_launch_check_update_available_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -69956,7 +70212,7 @@
channel: e.channelName
- showWarningUninstallDialog: e => OF.show(CF, {
+ showWarningUninstallDialog: e => CF.show(PF, {
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_uninstall_title", {
game: e.gameName,
channel: e.channelName,
@@ -69989,7 +70245,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showLostConnectionDialog: () => OF.show(IF, {
+ showLostConnectionDialog: () => CF.show(AF, {
typeDialog: "default",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_lost_connection_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70005,7 +70261,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showDuplicateLibraryDialog: () => OF.show(IF, {
+ showDuplicateLibraryDialog: () => CF.show(AF, {
typeDialog: "negative",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_duplicate_library_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70021,7 +70277,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showDeleteLibraryDialog: (e, t) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showDeleteLibraryDialog: (e, t) => CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "negative",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_delete_game_library_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70069,7 +70325,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showReplaceInstalledLibraryDialog: (e, t, n) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showReplaceInstalledLibraryDialog: (e, t, n) => CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "notice",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_change_game_title_dialog", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70150,7 +70406,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showReplaceInstalledDefaultLibraryDialog: (e, t, n) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showReplaceInstalledDefaultLibraryDialog: (e, t, n) => CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "notice",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_set_default_library_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70230,7 +70486,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showSetDefaultLibraryDialog: e => OF.show(AF, {
+ showSetDefaultLibraryDialog: e => CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "default",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_set_default_library_title", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70256,7 +70512,7 @@
ns: "dialog"
- showChannelLibraryChangeDialog: (e, t, n) => OF.show(AF, {
+ showChannelLibraryChangeDialog: (e, t, n) => CF.show(TF, {
typeDialog: "notice",
title: _e.t("dialog_warning_change_game_title_dialog", {
ns: "dialog"
@@ -70331,7 +70587,7 @@
label: "!1024",
value: 1024
}, {
@@ -70377,7 +70633,7 @@
label: "5",
value: 5
- tz = {
+ oz = {
reduceMotion: {
syncWithSystem: !1,
backgroundVideoDisabled: !1,
@@ -70385,29 +70641,29 @@
wipeAnimationsDisabled: !1
- nz = {
+ sz = {
appSettings: {
quitOnWindowClose: !1,
hideQuitWarning: !1,
isDiscoverDone: !1,
download: {
- concurrentTransfers: ez[0].value,
+ concurrentTransfers: az[0].value,
maximumDownloadBandwidth: 0
- accessibility: tz
+ accessibility: oz
- rz = ({
+ lz = ({
gamesSettings: e = [],
- quitOnWindowClose: t = nz.appSettings.quitOnWindowClose,
- hideQuitWarning: n = nz.appSettings.hideQuitWarning,
- isDiscoverDone: r = nz.appSettings.isDiscoverDone,
- download: i = nz.appSettings.download,
- accessibility: a = nz.appSettings.accessibility
+ quitOnWindowClose: t = sz.appSettings.quitOnWindowClose,
+ hideQuitWarning: n = sz.appSettings.hideQuitWarning,
+ isDiscoverDone: r = sz.appSettings.isDiscoverDone,
+ download: i = sz.appSettings.download,
+ accessibility: a = sz.appSettings.accessibility
} = {}) => ({
- ...nz,
+ ...sz,
appSettings: {
- ...nz.appSettings,
+ ...sz.appSettings,
quitOnWindowClose: t,
hideQuitWarning: n,
isDiscoverDone: r,
@@ -70416,9 +70672,9 @@
gamesSettings: e
- iz = (e, t) => ({
+ cz = (e, t) => ({
settings: {
- ...rz(),
+ ...lz(),
actions: {
initializeApplicationSettings: async () => {
const n = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("application.quitOnWindowClose"),
@@ -70429,7 +70685,7 @@
e((e => ({
settings: {
- ...rz({
+ ...lz({
gamesSettings: e.settings.gamesSettings,
quitOnWindowClose: n,
hideQuitWarning: r,
@@ -70648,27 +70904,27 @@
- let az = null;
- const oz = e => Object.entries(e).reduce(((e, [t, n]) => ({
+ let uz = null;
+ const dz = e => Object.entries(e).reduce(((e, [t, n]) => ({
[t]: `${xP.configuration.assets.directory}${n}`
})), {}),
- sz = e => ({
+ pz = e => ({
volume: null !== e && void 0 !== e ? e : 50,
previousVolume: null,
system: null,
- soundList: oz(xP.configuration.assets.sounds),
- trackList: oz(xP.configuration.assets.musics)
+ soundList: dz(xP.configuration.assets.sounds),
+ trackList: dz(xP.configuration.assets.musics)
- lz = (e, t) => ({
+ hz = (e, t) => ({
soundSystem: {
- ...sz(),
+ ...pz(),
actions: {
initializeSoundContext: async () => {
var t;
const n = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("application.volume"),
- r = sz(n);
- az = null !== (t = az) && void 0 !== t ? t : new sR({
+ r = pz(n);
+ uz = null !== (t = uz) && void 0 !== t ? t : new sR({
sounds: r.soundList,
musics: r.trackList,
volume: r.volume
@@ -70676,9 +70932,9 @@
soundSystem: {
- system: az
+ system: uz
- }))), az.playSound("open"), az.playBackgroundTrack()
+ }))), uz.playSound("open"), uz.playBackgroundTrack()
changeVolume: (n, r = 0) => {
const i = t().soundSystem.system;
@@ -70716,13 +70972,13 @@
- cz = {
+ fz = {
defaultLibraryFolder: "",
additionalLibraries: []
- uz = (e, t) => ({
+ mz = (e, t) => ({
storage: {
- ...cz,
+ ...fz,
actions: {
initializeStorageSettings: async () => {
var t;
@@ -70890,38 +71146,38 @@
- dz = {
+ gz = {
randomUUID: "undefined" !== typeof crypto && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto)
- let pz;
- const hz = new Uint8Array(16);
+ let vz;
+ const yz = new Uint8Array(16);
- function fz() {
- if (!pz && (pz = "undefined" !== typeof crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto), !pz)) throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");
- return pz(hz)
+ function _z() {
+ if (!vz && (vz = "undefined" !== typeof crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto), !vz)) throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");
+ return vz(yz)
- const mz = [];
- for (let n = 0; n < 256; ++n) mz.push((n + 256).toString(16).slice(1));
+ const bz = [];
+ for (let n = 0; n < 256; ++n) bz.push((n + 256).toString(16).slice(1));
- function gz(e, t = 0) {
- return (mz[e[t + 0]] + mz[e[t + 1]] + mz[e[t + 2]] + mz[e[t + 3]] + "-" + mz[e[t + 4]] + mz[e[t + 5]] + "-" + mz[e[t + 6]] + mz[e[t + 7]] + "-" + mz[e[t + 8]] + mz[e[t + 9]] + "-" + mz[e[t + 10]] + mz[e[t + 11]] + mz[e[t + 12]] + mz[e[t + 13]] + mz[e[t + 14]] + mz[e[t + 15]]).toLowerCase()
+ function xz(e, t = 0) {
+ return (bz[e[t + 0]] + bz[e[t + 1]] + bz[e[t + 2]] + bz[e[t + 3]] + "-" + bz[e[t + 4]] + bz[e[t + 5]] + "-" + bz[e[t + 6]] + bz[e[t + 7]] + "-" + bz[e[t + 8]] + bz[e[t + 9]] + "-" + bz[e[t + 10]] + bz[e[t + 11]] + bz[e[t + 12]] + bz[e[t + 13]] + bz[e[t + 14]] + bz[e[t + 15]]).toLowerCase()
- const vz = function(e, t, n) {
- if (dz.randomUUID && !t && !e) return dz.randomUUID();
- const r = (e = e || {}).random || (e.rng || fz)();
+ const wz = function(e, t, n) {
+ if (gz.randomUUID && !t && !e) return gz.randomUUID();
+ const r = (e = e || {}).random || (e.rng || _z)();
if (r[6] = 15 & r[6] | 64, r[8] = 63 & r[8] | 128, t) {
n = n || 0;
for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e) t[n + e] = r[e];
return t
- return gz(r)
+ return xz(r)
- yz = {
+ kz = {
list: []
- _z = (e, t) => ({
+ Sz = (e, t) => ({
toasts: {
- ...yz,
+ ...kz,
actions: {
async init() {
const e = t();
@@ -70937,7 +71193,7 @@
async add(n, r = !1) {
const i = await window.launcherAPI.window.isMinimized(),
a = t(),
- o = vz();
+ o = wz();
r && window.launcherAPI.notification.show({
title: TR(n.title),
body: TR(n.children)
@@ -70964,19 +71220,19 @@
- bz = (e = null, t = null, n = {}) => ({
+ Ez = (e = null, t = null, n = {}) => ({
identity: e,
device: t,
sessions: n
- xz = (e, t) => ({
+ Oz = (e, t) => ({
user: {
- ...bz(),
+ ...Ez(),
actions: {
initializeUser: async () => {
const {
environment: t
- } = await window.launcherAPI.game.getGlobalConfig(), n = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("identity"), r = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("device"), i = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("session"), a = bz(n, r, i ? {
+ } = await window.launcherAPI.game.getGlobalConfig(), n = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("identity"), r = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("device"), i = await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("session"), a = Ez(n, r, i ? {
[t]: i
} : {});
var o, s, l;
@@ -71088,7 +71344,7 @@
window.launcherAPI.store.setValueToStore("session", null), window.launcherAPI.store.setValueToStore("identity", null), t.clearDevice && window.launcherAPI.store.setValueToStore("device", null), e((e => ({
user: {
- ...bz(),
+ ...Ez(),
device: t.clearDevice ? null : e.user.device
@@ -71096,12 +71352,12 @@
- wz = (e, t) => ({
+ Iz = (e, t) => ({
window: {
actions: {
openInternalWindow: async (e, t) => {
- const n = jz.getState().application,
- r = jz.getState().user,
+ const n = Uz.getState().application,
+ r = Uz.getState().user,
i = n.platformMaster,
a = r.sessions[i],
o = r.device,
@@ -71187,7 +71443,7 @@
- kz = e => {
+ Cz = e => {
let t;
const n = new Set,
r = (e, r) => {
@@ -71210,32 +71466,32 @@
o = t = e(r, i, a);
return a
- Sz = e => e ? kz(e) : kz;
- var Ez = n(327);
+ Az = e => e ? Cz(e) : Cz;
+ var Pz = n(327);
const {
- useDebugValue: Oz
+ useDebugValue: Tz
} = Ee, {
- useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector: Iz
- } = Ez;
- let Cz = !1;
- const Az = e => e;
- const Pz = e => {
+ useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector: Rz
+ } = Pz;
+ let Dz = !1;
+ const Lz = e => e;
+ const Nz = e => {
"function" !== typeof e && console.warn("[DEPRECATED] Passing a vanilla store will be unsupported in a future version. Instead use `import { useStore } from 'zustand'`.");
- const t = "function" === typeof e ? Sz(e) : e,
- n = (e, n) => function(e, t = Az, n) {
- n && !Cz && (console.warn("[DEPRECATED] Use `createWithEqualityFn` instead of `create` or use `useStoreWithEqualityFn` instead of `useStore`. They can be imported from 'zustand/traditional'. https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/discussions/1937"), Cz = !0);
- const r = Iz(e.subscribe, e.getState, e.getServerState || e.getInitialState, t, n);
- return Oz(r), r
+ const t = "function" === typeof e ? Az(e) : e,
+ n = (e, n) => function(e, t = Lz, n) {
+ n && !Dz && (console.warn("[DEPRECATED] Use `createWithEqualityFn` instead of `create` or use `useStoreWithEqualityFn` instead of `useStore`. They can be imported from 'zustand/traditional'. https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/discussions/1937"), Dz = !0);
+ const r = Rz(e.subscribe, e.getState, e.getServerState || e.getInitialState, t, n);
+ return Tz(r), r
}(t, e, n);
return Object.assign(n, t), n
- Tz = e => e ? Pz(e) : Pz;
- const Rz = new Map,
- Dz = e => {
- const t = Rz.get(e);
+ jz = e => e ? Nz(e) : Nz;
+ const Mz = new Map,
+ Fz = e => {
+ const t = Mz.get(e);
return t ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(t.stores).map((([e, t]) => [e, t.getState()]))) : {}
- Lz = (e, t = {}) => (n, r, i) => {
+ zz = (e, t = {}) => (n, r, i) => {
const {
enabled: a,
anonymousActionType: o,
@@ -71255,7 +71511,7 @@
type: "untracked",
connection: t.connect(n)
- const r = Rz.get(n.name);
+ const r = Mz.get(n.name);
if (r) return {
type: "tracked",
store: e,
@@ -71265,7 +71521,7 @@
connection: t.connect(n),
stores: {}
- return Rz.set(n.name, i), {
+ return Mz.set(n.name, i), {
type: "tracked",
store: e,
@@ -71284,7 +71540,7 @@
type: `${s}/${d.type}`
}, {
- ...Dz(l.name),
+ ...Fz(l.name),
[s]: i.getState()
}), c)
@@ -71304,7 +71560,7 @@
var t;
switch (e.type) {
case "ACTION":
- return "string" !== typeof e.payload ? void console.error("[zustand devtools middleware] Unsupported action format") : Nz(e.payload, (e => {
+ return "string" !== typeof e.payload ? void console.error("[zustand devtools middleware] Unsupported action format") : Vz(e.payload, (e => {
if ("__setState" !== e.type) i.dispatchFromDevtools && "function" === typeof i.dispatch && i.dispatch(e);
else {
if (void 0 === s) return void h(e.state);
@@ -71317,17 +71573,17 @@
case "DISPATCH":
switch (e.payload.type) {
case "RESET":
- return h(f), void 0 === s ? null == u ? void 0 : u.init(i.getState()) : null == u ? void 0 : u.init(Dz(l.name));
+ return h(f), void 0 === s ? null == u ? void 0 : u.init(i.getState()) : null == u ? void 0 : u.init(Fz(l.name));
case "COMMIT":
- return void 0 === s ? void(null == u || u.init(i.getState())) : null == u ? void 0 : u.init(Dz(l.name));
+ return void 0 === s ? void(null == u || u.init(i.getState())) : null == u ? void 0 : u.init(Fz(l.name));
case "ROLLBACK":
- return Nz(e.state, (e => {
+ return Vz(e.state, (e => {
if (void 0 === s) return h(e), void(null == u || u.init(i.getState()));
- h(e[s]), null == u || u.init(Dz(l.name))
+ h(e[s]), null == u || u.init(Fz(l.name))
- return Nz(e.state, (e => {
+ return Vz(e.state, (e => {
void 0 !== s ? JSON.stringify(i.getState()) !== JSON.stringify(e[s]) && h(e[s]) : h(e)
case "IMPORT_STATE": {
@@ -71344,7 +71600,7 @@
})), f
- Nz = (e, t) => {
+ Vz = (e, t) => {
let n;
try {
n = JSON.parse(e)
@@ -71353,31 +71609,31 @@
void 0 !== n && t(n)
- const jz = Tz()(Lz(((...e) => ({
+ const Uz = jz()(zz(((...e) => ({
- ...iz(...e),
- ...lz(...e),
+ ...cz(...e),
+ ...hz(...e),
- ...xz(...e),
+ ...Oz(...e),
- ...ZM(...e),
- ...JF(...e),
- ..._z(...e),
- ...QM(...e),
- ...wz(...e),
- ...uz(...e)
+ ...JM(...e),
+ ...iz(...e),
+ ...Sz(...e),
+ ...XM(...e),
+ ...Iz(...e),
+ ...mz(...e)
})), {
name: "launcher-store",
enabled: !0,
trace: !0
- Mz = () => {
+ Bz = () => {
var e, t;
const {
t: n
- } = bt("settingsPage"), r = jz((e => e.application)), i = null !== (e = r.launcherVersion.includes("rc")) && void 0 !== e && e;
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), r = Uz((e => e.application)), i = null !== (e = r.launcherVersion.includes("rc")) && void 0 !== e && e;
return (0, wR.jsx)(ty, {
title: n("settings_about_title"),
children: (0, wR.jsxs)(ds, {
@@ -71406,7 +71662,7 @@
- function Fz(e, t, n) {
+ function Gz(e, t, n) {
var r = this,
i = (0, Ee.useRef)(null),
a = (0, Ee.useRef)(0),
@@ -71480,17 +71736,17 @@
return _
- function zz(e, t, n) {
+ function $z(e, t, n) {
var r = void 0 === n ? {} : n,
i = r.leading,
a = r.trailing;
- return Fz(e, t, {
+ return Gz(e, t, {
maxWait: t,
leading: void 0 === i || i,
trailing: void 0 === a || a
- const Vz = () => {
+ const qz = () => {
const [e, t] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)([{
id: "backgroundVideoDisabled",
title: "settings_accessibility_reduce_motion_background_video_toggle_title",
@@ -71517,14 +71773,14 @@
dirty: null
}), {
t: o
- } = bt("settingsPage"), s = jz((e => e.settings)), l = zz((async e => await s.actions.setAccessibilitySettingsToPersistentStore(e)), 400), c = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => {
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), s = Uz((e => e.settings)), l = $z((async e => await s.actions.setAccessibilitySettingsToPersistentStore(e)), 400), c = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => {
const e = n.some((e => e.dirty)),
t = i.dirty;
return e || t
}), [n, i]), u = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async () => {
var e;
const n = s.actions.getAccessibilitySettings(),
- i = null !== (e = await s.actions.getAccessibilitySettingsFromPersistentStore()) && void 0 !== e ? e : tz,
+ i = null !== (e = await s.actions.getAccessibilitySettingsFromPersistentStore()) && void 0 !== e ? e : oz,
o = await s.actions.getAnimationSystemSettings();
t(o.prefersReducedMotion), a((e => {
const t = n.reduceMotion.syncWithSystem !== i.reduceMotion.syncWithSystem;
@@ -71641,18 +71897,18 @@
- Uz = () => {
+ Wz = () => {
const {
t: e
} = bt("settingsPage");
return (0, wR.jsx)(ty, {
title: e("settings_accessibility_title"),
- children: (0, wR.jsx)(Vz, {})
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(qz, {})
- Bz = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.dialog)),
- t = jz((e => e.settings)),
+ Hz = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.dialog)),
+ t = Uz((e => e.settings)),
t: n
} = bt("settingsPage"),
@@ -71710,8 +71966,8 @@
- Gz = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.settings)),
+ Kz = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.settings)),
[t, n] = (0, Ee.useState)(e.appSettings.quitOnWindowClose),
[r, i] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1),
[a, o] = (0, Ee.useState)(null),
@@ -71736,7 +71992,7 @@
}), []), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
}), [e.appSettings.quitOnWindowClose]);
- const l = zz((async t => await e.actions.saveApplicationSettings({
+ const l = $z((async t => await e.actions.saveApplicationSettings({
name: "quitOnWindowClose",
value: t
})), 400),
@@ -71759,19 +72015,19 @@
- $z = () => {
+ Yz = () => {
const {
t: e
} = bt("settingsPage");
return (0, wR.jsxs)(ty, {
title: e("settings_application_title"),
- children: [(0, wR.jsx)(Gz, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(sd, {
+ children: [(0, wR.jsx)(Kz, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(sd, {
spacing: "250"
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(Bz, {})]
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(Hz, {})]
- qz = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.settings)),
+ Qz = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.settings)),
[t, n] = (0, Ee.useState)(e.appSettings.isDiscoverDone),
[r, i] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1),
[a, o] = (0, Ee.useState)(null),
@@ -71796,7 +72052,7 @@
}), []), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
}), [e.appSettings.isDiscoverDone]);
- const l = zz((async t => await e.actions.saveApplicationSettings({
+ const l = $z((async t => await e.actions.saveApplicationSettings({
name: "isDiscoverDone",
value: t
})), 400),
@@ -71822,10 +72078,10 @@
- Wz = () => {
+ Zz = () => {
const {
t: e
- } = bt("settingsPage"), t = jz((e => e.settings)), [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)({
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), t = Uz((e => e.settings)), [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)({
state: !1
}), [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(t.appSettings.download.concurrentTransfers), {
value: o,
@@ -71886,7 +72142,7 @@
children: (0, wR.jsx)(ey, {
onValueChange: e => l(e),
value: i.toString(),
- children: ez.map((e => (0, wR.jsx)(Jv, {
+ children: az.map((e => (0, wR.jsx)(Jv, {
value: e.value.toString(),
label: e.label
}, e.label)))
@@ -71908,7 +72164,7 @@
- var Hz = class extends _j.l {
+ var Xz = class extends _j.l {
constructor(e, t) {
super(), this.#R = void 0, this.#D = void 0, this.#u = void 0, this.#L = new Set, this.#d = e, this.options = t, this.#N = null, this.bindMethods(), this.setOptions(t)
@@ -71930,16 +72186,16 @@
this.refetch = this.refetch.bind(this)
onSubscribe() {
- 1 === this.listeners.size && (this.#R.addObserver(this), Kz(this.#R, this.options) ? this.#$() : this.updateResult(), this.#q())
+ 1 === this.listeners.size && (this.#R.addObserver(this), Jz(this.#R, this.options) ? this.#$() : this.updateResult(), this.#q())
onUnsubscribe() {
this.hasListeners() || this.destroy()
shouldFetchOnReconnect() {
- return Yz(this.#R, this.options, this.options.refetchOnReconnect)
+ return eV(this.#R, this.options, this.options.refetchOnReconnect)
shouldFetchOnWindowFocus() {
- return Yz(this.#R, this.options, this.options.refetchOnWindowFocus)
+ return eV(this.#R, this.options, this.options.refetchOnWindowFocus)
destroy() {
this.listeners = new Set, this.#W(), this.#H(), this.#R.removeObserver(this)
@@ -71954,7 +72210,7 @@
}), "undefined" !== typeof this.options.enabled && "boolean" !== typeof this.options.enabled) throw new Error("Expected enabled to be a boolean");
this.options.queryKey || (this.options.queryKey = n.queryKey), this.#K();
const i = this.hasListeners();
- i && Qz(this.#R, r, this.options, n) && this.#$(), this.updateResult(t), !i || this.#R === r && this.options.enabled === n.enabled && this.options.staleTime === n.staleTime || this.#Y();
+ i && tV(this.#R, r, this.options, n) && this.#$(), this.updateResult(t), !i || this.#R === r && this.options.enabled === n.enabled && this.options.staleTime === n.staleTime || this.#Y();
const a = this.#Q();
!i || this.#R === r && this.options.enabled === n.enabled && a === this.#G || this.#Z(a)
@@ -72048,8 +72304,8 @@
f = !1;
if (t._optimisticResults) {
const i = this.hasListeners(),
- a = !i && Kz(e, t),
- o = i && Qz(e, n, t, r);
+ a = !i && Jz(e, t),
+ o = i && tV(e, n, t, r);
(a || o) && (p = kj(e.options.networkMode) ? "fetching" : "paused", l.dataUpdatedAt || (h = "pending")), "isRestoring" === t._optimisticResults && (p = "idle")
if (t.select && "undefined" !== typeof l.data)
@@ -72097,7 +72353,7 @@
isPaused: "paused" === p,
isPlaceholderData: f,
isRefetchError: v && 0 !== l.dataUpdatedAt,
- isStale: Zz(e, t),
+ isStale: nV(e, t),
refetch: this.refetch
@@ -72144,29 +72400,29 @@
- function Kz(e, t) {
+ function Jz(e, t) {
return function(e, t) {
return !1 !== t.enabled && !e.state.dataUpdatedAt && !("error" === e.state.status && !1 === t.retryOnMount)
- }(e, t) || e.state.dataUpdatedAt > 0 && Yz(e, t, t.refetchOnMount)
+ }(e, t) || e.state.dataUpdatedAt > 0 && eV(e, t, t.refetchOnMount)
- function Yz(e, t, n) {
+ function eV(e, t, n) {
if (!1 !== t.enabled) {
const r = "function" === typeof n ? n(e) : n;
- return "always" === r || !1 !== r && Zz(e, t)
+ return "always" === r || !1 !== r && nV(e, t)
return !1
- function Qz(e, t, n, r) {
- return !1 !== n.enabled && (e !== t || !1 === r.enabled) && (!n.suspense || "error" !== e.state.status) && Zz(e, n)
+ function tV(e, t, n, r) {
+ return !1 !== n.enabled && (e !== t || !1 === r.enabled) && (!n.suspense || "error" !== e.state.status) && nV(e, n)
- function Zz(e, t) {
+ function nV(e, t) {
return e.isStaleByTime(t.staleTime)
- function Xz() {
+ function rV() {
let e = !1;
return {
clearReset: () => {
@@ -72178,14 +72434,14 @@
isReset: () => e
- var Jz = Ee.createContext(Xz()),
- eV = Ee.createContext(!1);
- eV.Provider;
+ var iV = Ee.createContext(rV()),
+ aV = Ee.createContext(!1);
+ aV.Provider;
- function tV(e, t, n) {
+ function oV(e, t, n) {
const r = (0, Aj.NL)(n),
- i = Ee.useContext(eV),
- a = Ee.useContext(Jz),
+ i = Ee.useContext(aV),
+ a = Ee.useContext(iV),
o = r.defaultQueryOptions(e);
o._optimisticResults = i ? "isRestoring" : "optimistic", (e => {
e.suspense && "number" !== typeof e.staleTime && (e.staleTime = 1e3)
@@ -72221,33 +72477,33 @@
return o.notifyOnChangeProps ? l : s.trackResult(l)
- function nV(e, t) {
- return tV(e, Hz, t)
+ function sV(e, t) {
+ return oV(e, Xz, t)
- let rV;
+ let lV;
! function(e) {
e.HOSTNAME = "hostname", e.PORT = "port", e.EXECUTABLE = "executable", e.LAUNCHOPTIONS = "launchOptions", e.EACSANDBOX = "eacSandbox"
- }(rV || (rV = {}));
- const iV = e => {
+ }(lV || (lV = {}));
+ const cV = e => {
var t, n, r, i, a, o;
const {
t: s
- } = bt("settingsPage"), l = jz((e => e.settings)), c = e.gameSettings, u = {
- [rV.HOSTNAME]: null !== (t = c.hostname) && void 0 !== t ? t : "",
- [rV.PORT]: null !== (n = c.port) && void 0 !== n ? n : null,
- [rV.EXECUTABLE]: null !== (r = c.executable) && void 0 !== r ? r : "",
- [rV.LAUNCHOPTIONS]: null !== (i = c.launchOptions) && void 0 !== i ? i : "",
- [rV.EACSANDBOX]: null !== (a = c.eacSandbox) && void 0 !== a ? a : null
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), l = Uz((e => e.settings)), c = e.gameSettings, u = {
+ [lV.HOSTNAME]: null !== (t = c.hostname) && void 0 !== t ? t : "",
+ [lV.PORT]: null !== (n = c.port) && void 0 !== n ? n : null,
+ [lV.EXECUTABLE]: null !== (r = c.executable) && void 0 !== r ? r : "",
+ [lV.LAUNCHOPTIONS]: null !== (i = c.launchOptions) && void 0 !== i ? i : "",
+ [lV.EACSANDBOX]: null !== (a = c.eacSandbox) && void 0 !== a ? a : null
}, [d, p] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), [h, f] = (0, Ee.useState)(null), [m, g] = (0, Ee.useState)(u), v = null !== (o = (() => {
const {
data: e
- } = nV(Fj(c.gameId, c.channelId));
+ } = sV(Fj(c.gameId, c.channelId));
return e
})()) && void 0 !== o ? o : {};
Lj((() => {
f(null), p(!1)
}), NR, d);
- const y = Fz((async (e, t) => {
+ const y = Gz((async (e, t) => {
const n = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries({
[e]: b(e, t)
@@ -72272,7 +72528,7 @@
}), [m, y, h]),
b = (e, t) => {
var n;
- return e === rV.PORT ? "" === t ? null : parseInt(t) : e === rV.EACSANDBOX ? !1 === t ? null : t : e !== rV.LAUNCHOPTIONS ? null !== (n = t.trim()) && void 0 !== n ? n : "" : null !== t && void 0 !== t ? t : ""
+ return e === lV.PORT ? "" === t ? null : parseInt(t) : e === lV.EACSANDBOX ? !1 === t ? null : t : e !== lV.LAUNCHOPTIONS ? null !== (n = t.trim()) && void 0 !== n ? n : "" : null !== t && void 0 !== t ? t : ""
return (0, wR.jsxs)(wR.Fragment, {
children: [(0, wR.jsx)(sd, {
@@ -72292,10 +72548,10 @@
children: v.universeHost
}) : void 0,
- success: h && h.id === rV.HOSTNAME ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
+ success: h && h.id === lV.HOSTNAME ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Av, {
value: null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.hostname,
- name: rV.HOSTNAME,
+ name: lV.HOSTNAME,
onChange: ({
target: {
name: e,
@@ -72315,10 +72571,10 @@
children: v.universePort
}) : void 0,
- success: h && h.id === rV.PORT ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
+ success: h && h.id === lV.PORT ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Av, {
value: null === (null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.port) ? "" : null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.port,
- name: rV.PORT,
+ name: lV.PORT,
type: "number",
onChange: ({
target: {
@@ -72339,10 +72595,10 @@
children: v.executable
}) : void 0,
- success: h && h.id === rV.EXECUTABLE ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
+ success: h && h.id === lV.EXECUTABLE ? s("settings_common_saved") : void 0,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Av, {
value: null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.executable,
- name: rV.EXECUTABLE,
+ name: lV.EXECUTABLE,
onChange: ({
target: {
name: e,
@@ -72364,11 +72620,11 @@
children: v.launchOptions
}) : void 0,
- success: h && h.id === rV.LAUNCHOPTIONS ? s("settings_common_saved") : null,
+ success: h && h.id === lV.LAUNCHOPTIONS ? s("settings_common_saved") : null,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Av, {
as: "textarea",
value: null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.launchOptions,
onChange: ({
target: {
name: e,
@@ -72390,27 +72646,27 @@
checked: null !== (null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.eacSandbox),
disabled: !(null != (null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.executable) && "" !== (null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.executable)) && (null != (null === m || void 0 === m ? void 0 : m.eacSandbox) && g({
- [rV.EACSANDBOX]: null
+ [lV.EACSANDBOX]: null
}), !0),
onChange: ({
target: {
checked: e
- }) => _(rV.EACSANDBOX, e),
- success: h && h.id === rV.EACSANDBOX ? s("settings_common_saved") : null,
+ }) => _(lV.EACSANDBOX, e),
+ success: h && h.id === lV.EACSANDBOX ? s("settings_common_saved") : null,
children: s("settings_games_launch_eac_disable")
- aV = ({
+ uV = ({
open: e = !1,
}) => {
var n;
const {
t: r
- } = bt("settingsPage"), i = OL(), a = jz((e => e.application)), o = jz((e => e.dialog)), s = jz((e => e.installer)), l = jz((e => e.library)), c = jz((e => e.settings)), u = jz((e => e.storage)), d = jz((e => e.user)), p = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => [u.defaultLibraryFolder, ...u.additionalLibraries]), [u.defaultLibraryFolder, u.additionalLibraries]), h = t.item.libraryFolder, f = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => p.find((e => e === h)) || u.defaultLibraryFolder), [h, p, u]), [m, g] = (0, Ee.useState)(f), v = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => ({
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), i = OL(), a = Uz((e => e.application)), o = Uz((e => e.dialog)), s = Uz((e => e.installer)), l = Uz((e => e.library)), c = Uz((e => e.settings)), u = Uz((e => e.storage)), d = Uz((e => e.user)), p = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => [u.defaultLibraryFolder, ...u.additionalLibraries]), [u.defaultLibraryFolder, u.additionalLibraries]), h = t.item.libraryFolder, f = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => p.find((e => e === h)) || u.defaultLibraryFolder), [h, p, u]), [m, g] = (0, Ee.useState)(f), v = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => ({
platformId: t.item.platformId,
gameId: t.item.gameId,
gameName: t.item.gameName,
@@ -72451,7 +72707,16 @@
uninstallButtonLabel: r(k ? "settings_games_game_files_uninstalling_files" : "settings_games_game_files_uninstall_files")
})), [null === y || void 0 === y ? void 0 : y.status, w, k, E, r]), T = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => E && O || w && O ? oM : E || w ? TM : void 0), [O, E, w]), R = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async e => {
y && y.type === e && a.actions.setDownloadPopoverOpened(!0), "install" === e ? await o.actions.showGameStartInstallationDialog(v, m, !0) : s.actions.addInstallationToQueue(v, e)
- }), [a.actions, v, y, s.actions, o.actions, m]), D = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => s.actions.startUninstallation(t.item)), [s.actions, t.item]), L = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async e => {
+ }), [a.actions, v, y, s.actions, o.actions, m]), D = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async () => {
+ const e = await o.actions.showDeleteLocalSettingsDialog();
+ if (e.resolved && Object.values(e.results).length > 0) {
+ const n = {
+ directory: `${f}${t.item.installDir}\\${t.item.channelId}`,
+ args: Object.keys(e.results)
+ };
+ RR().launcherSupport.deleteLocalSettings(n)
+ }
+ }), [o.actions, t.item, f]), L = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => s.actions.startUninstallation(t.item)), [s.actions, t.item]), N = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async e => {
if ("manage-library" === e) i("/settings/storage");
else {
await c.actions.setChannelLibraryFolder(v, e) && g(e)
@@ -72486,7 +72751,7 @@
target: {
value: e
- }) => L(e),
+ }) => N(e),
disabled: a.isGameRunning || w || E || k,
defaultValue: f,
value: m,
@@ -72549,22 +72814,36 @@
}), x && (0, wR.jsx)(gs, {
variant: "plain",
color: "negative",
- onClick: D,
+ onClick: L,
disabled: a.isGameRunning || E,
loading: k,
loadingIcon: T,
children: P
- }), S ? (0, wR.jsx)(iV, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(sd, {
+ spacing: "250"
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(Ju, {
+ title: r("settings_games_local_title"),
+ description: r("settings_games_local_description"),
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(Es, {
+ vertical: !1,
+ gap: "100",
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(gs, {
+ color: "negative",
+ onClick: () => D(),
+ children: r("settings_games_local_button")
+ })
+ })
+ }), S ? (0, wR.jsx)(cV, {
gameSettings: t.item
}) : null]
}, `${v.gameName}${v.channelId}`)
- oV = () => {
+ dV = () => {
const {
t: e
- } = bt("settingsPage"), t = jz((e => e.settings)), {
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), t = Uz((e => e.settings)), {
gameId: n,
channelId: r
} = CL(), {
@@ -72572,7 +72851,7 @@
} = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => {
const e = t.gamesSettings.find((e => e.gameId === n && e.channelId === r));
return {
- items: t.gamesSettings.map((t => (0, wR.jsx)(aV, {
+ items: t.gamesSettings.map((t => (0, wR.jsx)(uV, {
item: t,
open: t === e
}, `${t.gameName}${t.channelId}`)))
@@ -72588,10 +72867,10 @@
- sV = () => {
+ pV = () => {
const {
t: e
- } = bt("settingsPage"), t = jz((e => e.storage)), [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(null), [o, s] = (0, Ee.useState)(null), l = jz((e => e.installer)), c = jz((e => e.application));
+ } = bt("settingsPage"), t = Uz((e => e.storage)), [n, r] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(null), [o, s] = (0, Ee.useState)(null), l = Uz((e => e.installer)), c = Uz((e => e.application));
Lj((() => {
a(null), s(null), r(!1)
}), NR, n);
@@ -72707,11 +72986,11 @@
- lV = () => {
+ hV = () => {
var e;
const {
t: t
- } = bt("form"), n = jz((e => e.application)), r = OL(), i = null !== (e = n.launcherVersion.includes("rc")) && void 0 !== e && e, {
+ } = bt("form"), n = Uz((e => e.application)), r = OL(), i = null !== (e = n.launcherVersion.includes("rc")) && void 0 !== e && e, {
isPending: a,
submitSignIn: o,
register: s,
@@ -72729,12 +73008,12 @@
resetAuthentication: i,
fetchCaptcha: a
- } = jz((e => e.authentication)),
- o = jz((e => e.user)),
+ } = Uz((e => e.authentication)),
+ o = Uz((e => e.user)),
launcherVersion: s,
platformMaster: l
- } = jz((e => e.application)),
+ } = Uz((e => e.application)),
handleSubmit: c,
register: u,
@@ -72781,14 +73060,14 @@
} = r;
if (s && a(), t instanceof fT) {
const e = await oR.authentication.getCaptcha();
- jz.setState((t => ({
+ Uz.setState((t => ({
authentication: {
captcha: e
} else {
- if (t instanceof _T) throw e(CV.SIGN_IN_GAME_PACKAGE_MISSING);
+ if (t instanceof _T) throw e(DV.SIGN_IN_GAME_PACKAGE_MISSING);
if (t instanceof mT) return d("captcha", {
type: "custom",
message: null === t || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.message
@@ -72798,7 +73077,7 @@
keepTouched: !0,
defaultValue: ""
- if (t instanceof lT) throw e(CV.SIGN_IN_MFA, {
+ if (t instanceof lT) throw e(DV.SIGN_IN_MFA, {
state: {
remember: o,
username: i
@@ -72831,7 +73110,7 @@
accountName: t.username,
trackingMetricsId: t.trackingMetricsId,
heapAccountId: t.heapAccountId
- }), e(CV.HOME)
+ }), e(DV.HOME)
return {
refreshCaptcha: y,
@@ -72853,7 +73132,7 @@
(0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
- n.connection.mode !== xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE && r(`/${CV.OFFLINE}`)
+ n.connection.mode !== xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE && r(`/${DV.OFFLINE}`)
}), [n.connection, r]);
const h = (0, Ee.useMemo)((() => (0, wR.jsxs)(wR.Fragment, {
children: [(0, wR.jsxs)(ds, {
@@ -72888,7 +73167,7 @@
}), d && (0, wR.jsx)(qu, {
type: "negative",
children: d
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(XF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ez, {
control: p,
name: "username",
rules: {
@@ -72903,7 +73182,7 @@
inputProps: {
id: "email"
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(XF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ez, {
control: p,
name: "password",
rules: {
@@ -72939,7 +73218,7 @@
id: "captcha",
src: c,
alt: ""
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(XF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ez, {
control: p,
name: "captcha",
rules: {
@@ -72968,9 +73247,9 @@
- cV = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.user)),
- t = jz((e => e.authentication)),
+ fV = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.user)),
+ t = Uz((e => e.authentication)),
t: n
} = bt("form"),
@@ -72987,7 +73266,7 @@
actions: {
resetAuthentication: a
- } = jz((e => e.authentication)), o = jz((e => e.user)), {
+ } = Uz((e => e.authentication)), o = Uz((e => e.user)), {
handleSubmit: s,
register: l,
formState: {
@@ -73018,7 +73297,7 @@
}), f = t => {
if (t instanceof cT) n(e("error_wrong_mfa_code"));
else {
- if (t instanceof _T) throw r(`../${CV.SIGN_IN_GAME_PACKAGE_MISSING}`);
+ if (t instanceof _T) throw r(`../${DV.SIGN_IN_GAME_PACKAGE_MISSING}`);
if (t instanceof QT) throw n((0, wR.jsx)(ft, {
i18nKey: "error_sign_in_not_authorized",
ns: "errors",
@@ -73050,7 +73329,7 @@
accountName: e.username,
trackingMetricsId: e.trackingMetricsId,
heapAccountId: e.heapAccountId
- }), r(CV.HOME)
+ }), r(DV.HOME)
return {
isPending: h,
@@ -73118,7 +73397,7 @@
children: [r && (0, wR.jsx)(qu, {
type: "negative",
children: r
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(XF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ez, {
control: s,
name: "codeMfa",
rules: {
@@ -73129,7 +73408,7 @@
help: n("sign_in_mfa_code_help"),
label: n("sign_in_mfa_code_label")
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(XF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(ez, {
control: s,
name: "deviceName",
rules: {
@@ -73144,7 +73423,7 @@
help: n("sign_in_mfa_device_help"),
label: n("sign_in_mfa_device_label")
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(ZF, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(JF, {
control: s,
name: "duration",
label: n("sign_in_mfa_duration_label"),
@@ -73160,7 +73439,7 @@
- uV = () => {
+ mV = () => {
const {
t: e
} = bt("errors");
@@ -73183,7 +73462,7 @@
size: "large",
children: e("error_game_package_missing_support")
}), (0, wR.jsx)(gs, {
- href: `/${CV.SIGN_IN}`,
+ href: `/${DV.SIGN_IN}`,
size: "large",
children: e("error_game_package_missing_retry")
@@ -73200,7 +73479,7 @@
- dV = ({
+ gV = ({
date: e
}) => (0, wR.jsx)(Gu, {
content: PR(e, "long"),
@@ -73211,12 +73490,12 @@
children: PR(e, "relative")
- pV = () => {
+ vV = () => {
const {
t: e
} = bt("gamePage"), {
channelSelected: t
- } = jz((e => e.library)), n = jz((e => e.application)), [r, i] = (0, Ee.useState)(FT.COMM_LINKS), {
+ } = Uz((e => e.library)), n = Uz((e => e.application)), [r, i] = (0, Ee.useState)(FT.COMM_LINKS), {
dynamicContentSections: a,
contents: o,
isLoading: s
@@ -73224,11 +73503,11 @@
channelId: e,
gameId: t
}) => {
- const n = jz((e => e.application)),
+ const n = Uz((e => e.application)),
data: r,
isLoading: i
- } = nV({
+ } = sV({
...zj(t, e),
enabled: n.connection.mode === xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE && !n.isWindowMinimized
@@ -73272,20 +73551,20 @@
active: r === t,
onClick: () => i(t)
}, t)))
- }), n.actions.isOffline() && (s || 0 === o[FT.COMM_LINKS].length) ? (0, wR.jsx)(hV, {}) : (0, wR.jsx)(fV, {
+ }), n.actions.isOffline() && (s || 0 === o[FT.COMM_LINKS].length) ? (0, wR.jsx)(yV, {}) : (0, wR.jsx)(_V, {
contents: o,
activeTab: r
- hV = () => (0, wR.jsx)(Kh, {
+ yV = () => (0, wR.jsx)(Kh, {
children: (0, wR.jsx)($u, {
title: "No Connection",
href: "#",
isOffline: !0
}, "Card-no-connection")
- fV = ({
+ _V = ({
contents: e,
activeTab: t
}) => {
@@ -73312,7 +73591,7 @@
title: e.title,
excerpt: e.excerpt,
external: !0,
- subtitle: null !== e && void 0 !== e && e.publish_start ? (0, wR.jsx)(dV, {
+ subtitle: null !== e && void 0 !== e && e.publish_start ? (0, wR.jsx)(gV, {
date: e.publish_start
}) : void 0,
image: i(e),
@@ -73323,17 +73602,17 @@
- mV = (e, t, n) => {
+ bV = (e, t, n) => {
return n ? xP.GameChannelStatus.UNINSTALLING : t && t.status !== xP.InstallationStatus.COMPLETED ? t.status : null !== (r = null === e || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.status) && void 0 !== r ? r : xP.GameChannelStatus.AVAILABLE;
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t: e
- } = bt("errors"), t = jz((e => e.window)), n = jz((e => e.application)), r = OL(), [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), o = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => t.actions.exitLauncher()), [t]), s = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => {
+ } = bt("errors"), t = Uz((e => e.window)), n = Uz((e => e.application)), r = OL(), [i, a] = (0, Ee.useState)(!1), o = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => t.actions.exitLauncher()), [t]), s = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => {
const e = setTimeout((() => {
- a(!1), r(`/${CV.SIGN_IN}`), clearTimeout(e)
+ a(!1), r(`/${DV.SIGN_IN}`), clearTimeout(e)
}), 3 * GT.second)
}), [a, r]);
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
- n.connection.mode === xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE && r(`/${CV.SIGN_IN}`)
+ n.connection.mode === xP.ConnectionMode.ONLINE && r(`/${DV.SIGN_IN}`)
}), [n.connection, r]), (0, wR.jsx)(oy, {
children: (0, wR.jsx)(ay, {
title: e("error_sign_in_offline_header_title"),
@@ -73767,15 +74046,15 @@
- wV = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.toasts)),
- t = jz((e => e.application)),
+ IV = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.toasts)),
+ t = Uz((e => e.application)),
wipeAnimType: n,
isHeaderVisible: r
} = (() => {
var e, t;
- const n = jz((e => e.application)),
+ const n = Uz((e => e.application)),
r = null === (e = n.animations.appLayoutWipe) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.isAnimating,
i = null === (t = n.animations.appLayoutWipe) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.animType,
a = Number(getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--sol-motion-anim-wipe-duration").match(/\d+/)),
@@ -73821,7 +74100,7 @@
onLaunchGameFailed: t,
onLaunchGameStopped: n
- } = window.launcherAPI, r = jz((e => e.library));
+ } = window.launcherAPI, r = Uz((e => e.library));
(0, Ee.useEffect)((() => e((e => {
}))), [r.actions, e]), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => t((e => {
@@ -73842,7 +74121,7 @@
onFixPermissionsSuccess: s,
onFixPermissionsFailed: l
- } = window.launcherAPI, c = jz((e => e.installer));
+ } = window.launcherAPI, c = Uz((e => e.installer));
(0, Ee.useEffect)((() => n((e => {
}))), [c.actions, n]), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => t((e => {
@@ -73868,7 +74147,7 @@
onConnectionAvailable: e,
onConnectionUnavailable: t
- } = window.launcherAPI, n = jz((e => e.application));
+ } = window.launcherAPI, n = Uz((e => e.application));
(0, Ee.useEffect)((() => e((() => {
}))), [n.actions, e]), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => t((() => {
@@ -73884,6 +74163,37 @@
window.removeEventListener("offline", e), window.removeEventListener("online", t)
}), [n.actions])
+ })(), (() => {
+ const {
+ launcherSupport: {
+ onDeleteLocalSettingsSuccess: e,
+ onDeleteLocalSettingsError: t
+ }
+ } = window.launcherAPI, n = Uz((e => e.toasts)), {
+ t: r
+ } = bt("settingsPage");
+ (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => e((() => {
+ n.actions.add({
+ title: r("settings_games_local_delete_success", {
+ ns: "settingsPage"
+ }),
+ type: "positive",
+ icon: lM,
+ closeOnClick: !0
+ })
+ }))), [e, r, n.actions]), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => t((() => {
+ n.actions.add({
+ title: r("settings_games_local_delete_error", {
+ ns: "settingsPage"
+ }),
+ children: r("settings_games_local_delete_error_message", {
+ ns: "settingsPage"
+ }),
+ type: "negative",
+ icon: sM,
+ closeOnClick: !0
+ })
+ }))), [t, r, n.actions])
})(), (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
if (!a.current) {
var e;
@@ -73898,15 +74208,15 @@
children: (0, wR.jsxs)(Ps, {
className: "sol-u-animation-wipe",
"data-sol-animation-wipe": n,
- header: r ? (0, wR.jsx)(XM, {}) : void 0,
- children: [(0, wR.jsx)(BL, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(eF, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(dy, {
+ header: r ? (0, wR.jsx)(eF, {}) : void 0,
+ children: [(0, wR.jsx)(BL, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(nF, {}), (0, wR.jsx)(dy, {
toasts: e.list
- kV = () => {
+ CV = () => {
const e = (0, Ee.useCallback)((() => {
}), []);
@@ -73914,8 +74224,8 @@
}), [e])
- SV = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.application)),
+ AV = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.application)),
wipeAnimationsDisabled: t
} = Qo().reduceMotion,
@@ -73942,15 +74252,15 @@
children: (0, wR.jsx)(BL, {})
- EV = () => {
+ PV = () => {
var e;
- const t = jz((e => e.library)),
- n = jz((e => e.application)),
+ const t = Uz((e => e.library)),
+ n = Uz((e => e.application)),
r = null === (e = n.animations.appLayoutWipe) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.isAnimating,
wipeAnimationsDisabled: i
} = Qo().reduceMotion;
- kV();
+ CV();
const a = Number(getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--sol-motion-anim-wipe-duration").match(/\d+/)),
[o, s] = (0, Ee.useState)("is-init"),
l = (0, Ee.useCallback)((async () => {
@@ -73984,14 +74294,14 @@
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
}), [u]), (0, wR.jsx)(xv, {
- navigation: (0, wR.jsx)(PF, {}),
+ navigation: (0, wR.jsx)(RF, {}),
"data-sol-animation-gamepage": o,
children: (0, wR.jsx)(BL, {})
- OV = () => {
- const e = jz((e => e.application)),
- t = jz((e => e.user)),
+ TV = () => {
+ const e = Uz((e => e.application)),
+ t = Uz((e => e.user)),
n = OL(),
pathname: r
@@ -73999,7 +74309,7 @@
t: i
} = bt("settingsPage");
- kV();
+ CV();
const {
wipeAnimationsDisabled: a
} = Qo().reduceMotion, o = Number(getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--sol-motion-anim-wipe-duration").match(/\d+/)), s = [{
@@ -74033,17 +74343,17 @@
title: "Settings",
backCallback: () => {
- if (a) return void n(CV.HOME);
+ if (a) return void n(DV.HOME);
e.actions.setAnimatingAppLayoutWipe("full-rtl", !0);
const t = setTimeout((() => {
- n(CV.HOME)
+ n(DV.HOME)
}), o / 2);
return () => clearTimeout(t)
children: s.map((e => {
const n = t.identity && t.identity.privileged,
i = uD({
- path: `/${CV.SETTINGS}/${e.path}`,
+ path: `/${DV.SETTINGS}/${e.path}`,
end: !1
}, r);
return (!e.staff || e.staff && n) && (0, wR.jsx)(ry, {
@@ -74055,9 +74365,9 @@
}), (0, wR.jsx)(BL, {})]
- const IV = () => {
+ const RV = () => {
const e = SL();
- return jz((e => e.user)).actions.isLoggedIn() ? (0, wR.jsx)(BL, {}) : (0, wR.jsx)(UL, {
+ return Uz((e => e.user)).actions.isLoggedIn() ? (0, wR.jsx)(BL, {}) : (0, wR.jsx)(UL, {
to: "sign-in",
replace: !0,
state: {
@@ -74065,7 +74375,7 @@
- CV = {
+ DV = {
HOME: "/",
SIGN_IN: "sign-in",
SIGN_IN_MFA: "mfa",
@@ -74081,10 +74391,10 @@
OFFLINE: "offline"
- AV = function(e, t) {
+ LV = function(e, t) {
return jD({
basename: null == t ? void 0 : t.basename,
- future: RF({}, null == t ? void 0 : t.future, {
+ future: LF({}, null == t ? void 0 : t.future, {
v7_prependBasename: !0
history: (n = {
@@ -74112,18 +74422,18 @@
}), (function(e, t) {
HR("/" === e.pathname.charAt(0), "relative pathnames are not supported in hash history.push(" + JSON.stringify(t) + ")")
}), n)),
- hydrationData: (null == t ? void 0 : t.hydrationData) || NF(),
+ hydrationData: (null == t ? void 0 : t.hydrationData) || MF(),
routes: e,
mapRouteProperties: qL,
window: null == t ? void 0 : t.window
var n
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(wV, {}),
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(IV, {}),
loader: async () => {
const e = Number(getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--sol-motion-anim-wipe-duration").match(/\d+/));
try {
- const t = jz.getState().application;
+ const t = Uz.getState().application;
if (t.isAppInitialized) return void t.actions.checkConnection();
await new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, xP.configuration.appLayoutLoaderWipeTrigger + e / 2)))
} finally {
@@ -74131,47 +74441,47 @@
children: [{
- path: CV.HOME,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(IV, {}),
+ path: DV.HOME,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(RV, {}),
children: [{
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(EV, {}),
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(PV, {}),
children: [{
index: !0,
loader: async () => {
- const e = `/game-page/${jz.getState().library.gameSelected}`;
+ const e = `/game-page/${Uz.getState().library.gameSelected}`;
throw xD(e)
}, {
- path: CV.GAME_PAGE,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(bV, {}),
+ path: DV.GAME_PAGE,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(EV, {}),
loader: async ({
params: e
}) => {
try {
var t;
- if (await async function(e = CV.SIGN_IN) {
- const t = jz.getState().user,
- n = jz.getState().application;
+ if (await async function(e = DV.SIGN_IN) {
+ const t = Uz.getState().user,
+ n = Uz.getState().application;
if (n.actions.isOffline() && !n.actions.isOfflineSessionValid() && await Kj(), !t.actions.isLoggedIn()) throw xD(e);
return t.identity
}(), !e.gameId) return null;
- const n = jz.getState().library,
- r = jz.getState().settings;
+ const n = Uz.getState().library,
+ r = Uz.getState().settings;
n.gameSelected !== e.gameId && n.actions.setGameSelected(e.gameId);
const i = null !== (t = Qj.getQueryData(Mj().queryKey)) && void 0 !== t ? t : await Qj.fetchQuery(Mj());
if (!i) return null;
n.actions.setAvailableGames(i), r.actions.initializeGameSettings();
const a = null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.find((({
- id: e
- }) => n.gameSelected === e));
+ id: t
+ }) => e.gameId === t));
if (!a) return null;
const o = (await window.launcherAPI.store.getValueFromStore("library.defaults")).find((t => t.gameId === e.gameId));
if (o) n.actions.setGameChannelSelected(o);
else {
const t = a.channels[0],
r = e.gameId === n.channelSelected.gameId ? n.channelSelected : {
- gameId: t.id,
- gameName: t.name,
+ gameId: a.id,
+ gameName: a.name,
channelId: t.id,
platformId: t.platformId,
channelName: t.name
@@ -74184,76 +74494,76 @@
} catch (n) {
return window.launcherAPI.log.error(`Not able to load game layout : ${n}`), null
} finally {
- jz.getState().status.actions.checkStatus()
+ Uz.getState().status.actions.checkStatus()
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(OV, {}),
- path: CV.SETTINGS,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(TV, {}),
+ path: DV.SETTINGS,
children: [{
index: !0,
loader: async () => {
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)($z, {})
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(Yz, {})
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(Uz, {})
- }, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(oV, {})
- }, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(sV, {})
- }, {
element: (0, wR.jsx)(Wz, {})
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(Mz, {})
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(dV, {})
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(qz, {})
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(pV, {})
+ }, {
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(Zz, {})
+ }, {
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(Bz, {})
+ }, {
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(Qz, {})
}, {
- path: CV.SIGN_IN,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(SV, {}),
+ path: DV.SIGN_IN,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(AV, {}),
loader: async () => {
- const e = jz.getState().user,
- t = jz.getState().library,
- n = jz.getState().application,
+ const e = Uz.getState().user,
+ t = Uz.getState().library,
+ n = Uz.getState().application,
r = `/game-page/${t.gameSelected}`,
- i = `/${CV.OFFLINE}`;
+ i = `/${DV.OFFLINE}`;
return e.actions.isLoggedIn() ? xD(r) : n.actions.isOffline() ? xD(i) : null
children: [{
index: !0,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(lV, {})
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(hV, {})
}, {
- path: CV.SIGN_IN_MFA,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(cV, {})
+ path: DV.SIGN_IN_MFA,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(fV, {})
}, {
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(uV, {})
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(mV, {})
}, {
- path: CV.OFFLINE,
- element: (0, wR.jsx)(xV, {})
+ path: DV.OFFLINE,
+ element: (0, wR.jsx)(OV, {})
- PV = () => (0, wR.jsx)(GF, {
- router: AV,
- fallbackElement: (0, wR.jsx)(JM, {})
+ NV = () => (0, wR.jsx)(qF, {
+ router: LV,
+ fallbackElement: (0, wR.jsx)(tF, {})
- var TV = n(95),
- RV = function() {
+ var jV = n(95),
+ MV = function() {
return null
- const DV = e => {
+ const FV = e => {
e && e instanceof Function && n.e(496).then(n.bind(n, 1496)).then((({
getCLS: t,
getFID: n,
@@ -74264,7 +74574,7 @@
t(e), n(e), r(e), i(e), a(e)
- var LV;
+ var zV;
! function(e = {}, t = hP) {
window?.__SENTRY__RENDERER_INIT__ ? E_.warn("The browser SDK has already been initialized.\nIf init has been called in the preload and contextIsolation is disabled, is not required to call init in the renderer") : (window.__SENTRY__RENDERER_INIT__ = !0, void 0 === e.autoSessionTracking && (e.autoSessionTracking = !1), e.sendClientReports = !1, void 0 === e.defaultIntegrations && (e.defaultIntegrations = [...pP(), rA()]), void 0 === e.stackParser && (e.stackParser = bP), void 0 === e.dsn && (e.dsn = "https://12345@dummy.dsn/12345"), void 0 === e.transport && (e.transport = lA), e.anrDetection && function(e) {
const t = {
@@ -74538,7 +74848,7 @@
- })(), new qC(LV)]
+ })(), new qC(zV)]
}, (function(e) {
const t = {
@@ -74548,25 +74858,25 @@
version: Ee.version
}, Ln().setContext(n, r), Wa(t)
- const NV = Ee.lazy((() => n.e(803).then(n.bind(n, 803)).then((e => ({
+ const VV = Ee.lazy((() => n.e(803).then(n.bind(n, 803)).then((e => ({
default: e.ReactQueryDevtools
- jV = () => {
+ UV = () => {
const [e, t] = Ee.useState(!1), {
reduceMotion: n
- } = jz((e => e.settings.appSettings.accessibility));
+ } = Uz((e => e.settings.appSettings.accessibility));
return (0, Ee.useEffect)((() => {
window.toggleDevtools = () => t((e => !e))
}), []), (async () => {
- const e = jz.getState().application,
- t = jz.getState().library,
- n = jz.getState().soundSystem,
- r = jz.getState().authentication,
- i = jz.getState().settings,
- a = jz.getState().installer,
- o = jz.getState().status,
- s = jz.getState().user,
- l = jz.getState().storage;
+ const e = Uz.getState().application,
+ t = Uz.getState().library,
+ n = Uz.getState().soundSystem,
+ r = Uz.getState().authentication,
+ i = Uz.getState().settings,
+ a = Uz.getState().installer,
+ o = Uz.getState().status,
+ s = Uz.getState().user,
+ l = Uz.getState().storage;
e.isAppInitialized || (await e.actions.initializeApplication(), await n.actions.initializeSoundContext(), await r.actions.initializeAuthentication(), await s.actions.initializeUser(), await t.actions.initializeLibrary(), await i.actions.initializeApplicationSettings(), await i.actions.initializeGameSettings(), await a.actions.initializeInstaller(), await o.actions.initializeStatus(), await l.actions.initializeStorageSettings())
})(), (0, wR.jsx)(Ee.StrictMode, {
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Za, {
@@ -74577,26 +74887,26 @@
children: (0, wR.jsx)(Aj.aH, {
client: Qj,
children: (0, wR.jsxs)(Yo, {
- reduceMotion: null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : tz.reduceMotion,
+ reduceMotion: null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : oz.reduceMotion,
children: [(0, wR.jsx)(qo, {
- value: QF,
- children: (0, wR.jsx)(OF.Provider, {
- children: (0, wR.jsx)(PV, {})
+ value: XF,
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(CF.Provider, {
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(NV, {})
- }), (0, wR.jsx)(RV, {
+ }), (0, wR.jsx)(MV, {
initialIsOpen: !0
}), e && (0, wR.jsx)(Ee.Suspense, {
fallback: null,
- children: (0, wR.jsx)(NV, {})
+ children: (0, wR.jsx)(VV, {})
- }, vz())
+ }, wz())
- TV.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render((0, wR.jsx)(jV, {})), DV()
+ jV.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render((0, wR.jsx)(UV, {})), FV()
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