/*! For license information please see main.ab62df5e.js.LICENSE.txt */ (() => { const SC_TOOLBOX_ENABLED_LOCALIZATION = "en"; const SC_TOOLBOX_ENABLE_DOWNLOADER_BOOST = false; var e = { 1114: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(1479); var a = n(4811); function i(e) { for (var t = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]); } return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."; } var o = new Set(); var s = {}; function l(e, t) { c(e, t); c(e + "Capture", t); } function c(e, t) { s[e] = t; e = 0; for (; e < t.length; e++) { o.add(t[e]); } } var u = !(typeof window === "undefined" || typeof window.document === "undefined" || typeof window.document.createElement === "undefined"); var d = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var p = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/; var h = {}; var f = {}; function m(e, t, n, r, a, i, o) { this.acceptsBooleans = t === 2 || t === 3 || t === 4; this.attributeName = r; this.attributeNamespace = a; this.mustUseProperty = n; this.propertyName = e; this.type = t; this.sanitizeURL = i; this.removeEmptyString = o; } var g = {}; "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 0, false, e, null, false, false); }); [["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function (e) { var t = e[0]; g[t] = new m(t, 1, false, e[1], null, false, false); }); ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 2, false, e.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); }); ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 2, false, e, null, false, false); }); "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 3, false, e.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); }); ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 3, true, e, null, false, false); }); ["capture", "download"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 4, false, e, null, false, false); }); ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 6, false, e, null, false, false); }); ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 5, false, e.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); }); var v = /[\-:]([a-z])/g; function y(e) { return e[1].toUpperCase(); } function _(e, t, n, r) { var a = g.hasOwnProperty(t) ? g[t] : null; if (a !== null ? a.type !== 0 : r || !(t.length > 2) || t[0] !== "o" && t[0] !== "O" || t[1] !== "n" && t[1] !== "N") { if (function (e, t, n, r) { if (t === null || typeof t === "undefined" || function (e, t, n, r) { if (n !== null && n.type === 0) { return false; } switch (typeof t) { case "function": case "symbol": return true; case "boolean": return !r && (n !== null ? !n.acceptsBooleans : (e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)) !== "data-" && e !== "aria-"); default: return false; } }(e, t, n, r)) { return true; } if (r) { return false; } if (n !== null) { switch (n.type) { case 3: return !t; case 4: return t === false; case 5: return isNaN(t); case 6: return isNaN(t) || t < 1; } } return false; }(t, n, a, r)) { n = null; } if (r || a === null) { if (function (e) { return !!d.call(f, e) || !d.call(h, e) && (p.test(e) ? f[e] = true : (h[e] = true, false)); }(t)) { if (n === null) { e.removeAttribute(t); } else { e.setAttribute(t, "" + n); } } } else if (a.mustUseProperty) { e[a.propertyName] = n === null ? a.type !== 3 && "" : n; } else { t = a.attributeName; r = a.attributeNamespace; if (n === null) { e.removeAttribute(t); } else { n = (a = a.type) === 3 || a === 4 && n === true ? "" : "" + n; if (r) { e.setAttributeNS(r, t, n); } else { e.setAttribute(t, n); } } } } } "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(v, y); g[t] = new m(t, 1, false, e, null, false, false); }); "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(v, y); g[t] = new m(t, 1, false, e, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", false, false); }); ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(v, y); g[t] = new m(t, 1, false, e, "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", false, false); }); ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 1, false, e.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); }); g.xlinkHref = new m("xlinkHref", 1, false, "xlink:href", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", true, false); ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new m(e, 1, false, e.toLowerCase(), null, true, true); }); var b = r.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; var x = Symbol.for("react.element"); var w = Symbol.for("react.portal"); var k = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); var E = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); var S = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); var O = Symbol.for("react.provider"); var P = Symbol.for("react.context"); var I = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); var A = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); var C = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"); var T = Symbol.for("react.memo"); var R = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); Symbol.for("react.scope"); Symbol.for("react.debug_trace_mode"); var D = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"); Symbol.for("react.legacy_hidden"); Symbol.for("react.cache"); Symbol.for("react.tracing_marker"); var N = Symbol.iterator; function j(e) { if (e === null || typeof e !== "object") { return null; } else if (typeof (e = N && e[N] || e["@@iterator"]) === "function") { return e; } else { return null; } } var L; var M = Object.assign; function z(e) { if (L === undefined) { try { throw Error(); } catch (n) { var t = n.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); L = t && t[1] || ""; } } return "\n" + L + e; } var F = false; function U(e, t) { if (!e || F) { return ""; } F = true; var n = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined; try { if (t) { t = function () { throw Error(); }; Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "props", { set: function () { throw Error(); } }); if (typeof Reflect === "object" && Reflect.construct) { try { Reflect.construct(t, []); } catch (c) { var r = c; } Reflect.construct(e, [], t); } else { try { t.call(); } catch (c) { r = c; } e.call(t.prototype); } } else { try { throw Error(); } catch (c) { r = c; } e(); } } catch (c) { if (c && r && typeof c.stack === "string") { for (var a = c.stack.split("\n"), i = r.stack.split("\n"), o = a.length - 1, s = i.length - 1; o >= 1 && s >= 0 && a[o] !== i[s];) { s--; } for (; o >= 1 && s >= 0; o--, s--) { if (a[o] !== i[s]) { if (o !== 1 || s !== 1) { do { o--; if (--s < 0 || a[o] !== i[s]) { var l = "\n" + a[o].replace(" at new ", " at "); if (e.displayName && l.includes("")) { l = l.replace("", e.displayName); } return l; } } while (o >= 1 && s >= 0); } break; } } } } finally { F = false; Error.prepareStackTrace = n; } if (e = e ? e.displayName || e.name : "") { return z(e); } else { return ""; } } function V(e) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: return z(e.type); case 16: return z("Lazy"); case 13: return z("Suspense"); case 19: return z("SuspenseList"); case 0: case 2: case 15: return e = U(e.type, false); case 11: return e = U(e.type.render, false); case 1: return e = U(e.type, true); default: return ""; } } function B(e) { if (e == null) { return null; } if (typeof e === "function") { return e.displayName || e.name || null; } if (typeof e === "string") { return e; } switch (e) { case k: return "Fragment"; case w: return "Portal"; case S: return "Profiler"; case E: return "StrictMode"; case A: return "Suspense"; case C: return "SuspenseList"; } if (typeof e === "object") { switch (e.$$typeof) { case P: return (e.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer"; case O: return (e._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider"; case I: var t = e.render; if (!(e = e.displayName)) { e = (e = t.displayName || t.name || "") !== "" ? "ForwardRef(" + e + ")" : "ForwardRef"; } return e; case T: if ((t = e.displayName || null) !== null) { return t; } else { return B(e.type) || "Memo"; } case R: t = e._payload; e = e._init; try { return B(e(t)); } catch (n) { } } } return null; } function G(e) { var t = e.type; switch (e.tag) { case 24: return "Cache"; case 9: return (t.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer"; case 10: return (t._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider"; case 18: return "DehydratedFragment"; case 11: e = (e = t.render).displayName || e.name || ""; return t.displayName || (e !== "" ? "ForwardRef(" + e + ")" : "ForwardRef"); case 7: return "Fragment"; case 5: return t; case 4: return "Portal"; case 3: return "Root"; case 6: return "Text"; case 16: return B(t); case 8: if (t === E) { return "StrictMode"; } else { return "Mode"; } case 22: return "Offscreen"; case 12: return "Profiler"; case 21: return "Scope"; case 13: return "Suspense"; case 19: return "SuspenseList"; case 25: return "TracingMarker"; case 1: case 0: case 17: case 2: case 14: case 15: if (typeof t === "function") { return t.displayName || t.name || null; } if (typeof t === "string") { return t; } } return null; } function q(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "boolean": case "number": case "string": case "undefined": case "object": return e; default: return ""; } } function $(e) { var t = e.type; return (e = e.nodeName) && e.toLowerCase() === "input" && (t === "checkbox" || t === "radio"); } function W(e) { if (!e._valueTracker) { e._valueTracker = function (e) { var t = $(e) ? "checked" : "value"; var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t); var r = "" + e[t]; if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t) && typeof n !== "undefined" && typeof n.get === "function" && typeof n.set === "function") { var a = n.get; var i = n.set; Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: true, get: function () { return a.call(this); }, set: function (e) { r = "" + e; i.call(this, e); } }); Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: n.enumerable }); return { getValue: function () { return r; }, setValue: function (e) { r = "" + e; }, stopTracking: function () { e._valueTracker = null; delete e[t]; } }; } }(e); } } function H(e) { if (!e) { return false; } var t = e._valueTracker; if (!t) { return true; } var n = t.getValue(); var r = ""; if (e) { r = $(e) ? e.checked ? "true" : "false" : e.value; } return (e = r) !== n && (t.setValue(e), true); } function Y(e) { if (typeof (e = e || (typeof document !== "undefined" ? document : undefined)) === "undefined") { return null; } try { return e.activeElement || e.body; } catch (t) { return e.body; } } function K(e, t) { var n = t.checked; return M({}, t, { defaultChecked: undefined, defaultValue: undefined, value: undefined, checked: n != null ? n : e._wrapperState.initialChecked }); } function Q(e, t) { var n = t.defaultValue == null ? "" : t.defaultValue; var r = t.checked != null ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked; n = q(t.value != null ? t.value : n); e._wrapperState = { initialChecked: r, initialValue: n, controlled: t.type === "checkbox" || t.type === "radio" ? t.checked != null : t.value != null }; } function Z(e, t) { if ((t = t.checked) != null) { _(e, "checked", t, false); } } function X(e, t) { Z(e, t); var n = q(t.value); var r = t.type; if (n != null) { if (r === "number") { if (n === 0 && e.value === "" || e.value != n) { e.value = "" + n; } } else if (e.value !== "" + n) { e.value = "" + n; } } else if (r === "submit" || r === "reset") { e.removeAttribute("value"); return; } if (t.hasOwnProperty("value")) { ee(e, t.type, n); } else if (t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { ee(e, t.type, q(t.defaultValue)); } if (t.checked == null && t.defaultChecked != null) { e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked; } } function J(e, t, n) { if (t.hasOwnProperty("value") || t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { var r = t.type; if (!(r !== "submit" && r !== "reset" || t.value !== undefined && t.value !== null)) { return; } t = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue; if (!(n || t === e.value)) { e.value = t; } e.defaultValue = t; } if ((n = e.name) !== "") { e.name = ""; } e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked; if (n !== "") { e.name = n; } } function ee(e, t, n) { if (!(t === "number" && Y(e.ownerDocument) === e)) { if (n == null) { e.defaultValue = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue; } else if (e.defaultValue !== "" + n) { e.defaultValue = "" + n; } } } var te = Array.isArray; function ne(e, t, n, r) { e = e.options; if (t) { t = {}; for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { t["$" + n[a]] = true; } for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { a = t.hasOwnProperty("$" + e[n].value); if (e[n].selected !== a) { e[n].selected = a; } if (a && r) { e[n].defaultSelected = true; } } } else { n = "" + q(n); t = null; a = 0; for (; a < e.length; a++) { if (e[a].value === n) { e[a].selected = true; if (r) { e[a].defaultSelected = true; } return; } if (!(t !== null || e[a].disabled)) { t = e[a]; } } if (t !== null) { t.selected = true; } } } function re(e, t) { if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) { throw Error(i(91)); } return M({}, t, { value: undefined, defaultValue: undefined, children: "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue }); } function ae(e, t) { var n = t.value; if (n == null) { n = t.children; t = t.defaultValue; if (n != null) { if (t != null) { throw Error(i(92)); } if (te(n)) { if (n.length > 1) { throw Error(i(93)); } n = n[0]; } t = n; } if (t == null) { t = ""; } n = t; } e._wrapperState = { initialValue: q(n) }; } function ie(e, t) { var n = q(t.value); var r = q(t.defaultValue); if (n != null) { if ((n = "" + n) !== e.value) { e.value = n; } if (t.defaultValue == null && e.defaultValue !== n) { e.defaultValue = n; } } if (r != null) { e.defaultValue = "" + r; } } function oe(e) { var t = e.textContent; if (t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && t !== "" && t !== null) { e.value = t; } } function se(e) { switch (e) { case "svg": return "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; case "math": return "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; default: return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; } } function le(e, t) { if (e == null || e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") { return se(t); } else if (e === "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" && t === "foreignObject") { return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; } else { return e; } } var ce; var ue = function (e) { if (typeof MSApp !== "undefined" && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction) { return function (t, n, r, a) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return e(t, n); }); }; } else { return e; } }(function (e, t) { if (e.namespaceURI !== "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" || "innerHTML" in e) { e.innerHTML = t; } else { (ce = ce || document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "" + t.valueOf().toString() + ""; t = ce.firstChild; for (; e.firstChild;) { e.removeChild(e.firstChild); } for (; t.firstChild;) { e.appendChild(t.firstChild); } } }); function de(e, t) { if (t) { var n = e.firstChild; if (n && n === e.lastChild && n.nodeType === 3) { n.nodeValue = t; return; } } e.textContent = t; } var pe = { animationIterationCount: true, aspectRatio: true, borderImageOutset: true, borderImageSlice: true, borderImageWidth: true, boxFlex: true, boxFlexGroup: true, boxOrdinalGroup: true, columnCount: true, columns: true, flex: true, flexGrow: true, flexPositive: true, flexShrink: true, flexNegative: true, flexOrder: true, gridArea: true, gridRow: true, gridRowEnd: true, gridRowSpan: true, gridRowStart: true, gridColumn: true, gridColumnEnd: true, gridColumnSpan: true, gridColumnStart: true, fontWeight: true, lineClamp: true, lineHeight: true, opacity: true, order: true, orphans: true, tabSize: true, widows: true, zIndex: true, zoom: true, fillOpacity: true, floodOpacity: true, stopOpacity: true, strokeDasharray: true, strokeDashoffset: true, strokeMiterlimit: true, strokeOpacity: true, strokeWidth: true }; var he = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"]; function fe(e, t, n) { if (t == null || typeof t === "boolean" || t === "") { return ""; } else if (n || typeof t !== "number" || t === 0 || pe.hasOwnProperty(e) && pe[e]) { return ("" + t).trim(); } else { return t + "px"; } } function me(e, t) { e = e.style; for (var n in t) { if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = n.indexOf("--") === 0; var a = fe(n, t[n], r); if (n === "float") { n = "cssFloat"; } if (r) { e.setProperty(n, a); } else { e[n] = a; } } } } Object.keys(pe).forEach(function (e) { he.forEach(function (t) { t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1); pe[t] = pe[e]; }); }); var ge = M({ menuitem: true }, { area: true, base: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, keygen: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true }); function ve(e, t) { if (t) { if (ge[e] && (t.children != null || t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null)) { throw Error(i(137, e)); } if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) { if (t.children != null) { throw Error(i(60)); } if (typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== "object" || !("__html" in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) { throw Error(i(61)); } } if (t.style != null && typeof t.style !== "object") { throw Error(i(62)); } } } function ye(e, t) { if (e.indexOf("-") === -1) { return typeof t.is === "string"; } switch (e) { case "annotation-xml": case "color-profile": case "font-face": case "font-face-src": case "font-face-uri": case "font-face-format": case "font-face-name": case "missing-glyph": return false; default: return true; } } var _e = null; function be(e) { if ((e = e.target || e.srcElement || window).correspondingUseElement) { e = e.correspondingUseElement; } if (e.nodeType === 3) { return e.parentNode; } else { return e; } } var xe = null; var we = null; var ke = null; function Ee(e) { if (e = ma(e)) { if (typeof xe !== "function") { throw Error(i(280)); } var t = e.stateNode; if (t) { t = va(t); xe(e.stateNode, e.type, t); } } } function Se(e) { if (we) { if (ke) { ke.push(e); } else { ke = [e]; } } else { we = e; } } function Oe() { if (we) { var e = we; var t = ke; ke = we = null; Ee(e); if (t) { for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { Ee(t[e]); } } } } function Pe(e, t) { return e(t); } function Ie() { } var Ae = false; function Ce(e, t, n) { if (Ae) { return e(t, n); } Ae = true; try { return Pe(e, t, n); } finally { Ae = false; if (we !== null || ke !== null) { Ie(); Oe(); } } } function Te(e, t) { var n = e.stateNode; if (n === null) { return null; } var r = va(n); if (r === null) { return null; } n = r[t]; e: switch (t) { case "onClick": case "onClickCapture": case "onDoubleClick": case "onDoubleClickCapture": case "onMouseDown": case "onMouseDownCapture": case "onMouseMove": case "onMouseMoveCapture": case "onMouseUp": case "onMouseUpCapture": case "onMouseEnter": if (!(r = !r.disabled)) { r = !((e = e.type) === "button" || e === "input" || e === "select" || e === "textarea"); } e = !r; break e; default: e = false; } if (e) { return null; } if (n && typeof n !== "function") { throw Error(i(231, t, typeof n)); } return n; } var Re = false; if (u) { try { var De = {}; Object.defineProperty(De, "passive", { get: function () { Re = true; } }); window.addEventListener("test", De, De); window.removeEventListener("test", De, De); } catch (tu) { Re = false; } } function Ne(e, t, n, r, a, i, o, s, l) { var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3); try { t.apply(n, c); } catch (u) { this.onError(u); } } var je = false; var Le = null; var Me = false; var ze = null; var Fe = { onError: function (e) { je = true; Le = e; } }; function Ue(e, t, n, r, a, i, o, s, l) { je = false; Le = null; Ne.apply(Fe, arguments); } function Ve(e) { var t = e; var n = e; if (e.alternate) { for (; t.return;) { t = t.return; } } else { e = t; do { if (((t = e).flags & 4098) !== 0) { n = t.return; } e = t.return; } while (e); } if (t.tag === 3) { return n; } else { return null; } } function Be(e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = e.memoizedState; if (t === null && (e = e.alternate) !== null) { t = e.memoizedState; } if (t !== null) { return t.dehydrated; } } return null; } function Ge(e) { if (Ve(e) !== e) { throw Error(i(188)); } } function qe(e) { if ((e = function (e) { var t = e.alternate; if (!t) { if ((t = Ve(e)) === null) { throw Error(i(188)); } if (t !== e) { return null; } else { return e; } } var n = e; var r = t; for (; ;) { var a = n.return; if (a === null) { break; } var o = a.alternate; if (o === null) { if ((r = a.return) !== null) { n = r; continue; } break; } if (a.child === o.child) { for (o = a.child; o;) { if (o === n) { Ge(a); return e; } if (o === r) { Ge(a); return t; } o = o.sibling; } throw Error(i(188)); } if (n.return !== r.return) { n = a; r = o; } else { for (var s = false, l = a.child; l;) { if (l === n) { s = true; n = a; r = o; break; } if (l === r) { s = true; r = a; n = o; break; } l = l.sibling; } if (!s) { for (l = o.child; l;) { if (l === n) { s = true; n = o; r = a; break; } if (l === r) { s = true; r = o; n = a; break; } l = l.sibling; } if (!s) { throw Error(i(189)); } } } if (n.alternate !== r) { throw Error(i(190)); } } if (n.tag !== 3) { throw Error(i(188)); } if (n.stateNode.current === n) { return e; } else { return t; } }(e)) !== null) { return $e(e); } else { return null; } } function $e(e) { if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6) { return e; } for (e = e.child; e !== null;) { var t = $e(e); if (t !== null) { return t; } e = e.sibling; } return null; } var We = a.unstable_scheduleCallback; var He = a.unstable_cancelCallback; var Ye = a.unstable_shouldYield; var Ke = a.unstable_requestPaint; var Qe = a.unstable_now; var Ze = a.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel; var Xe = a.unstable_ImmediatePriority; var Je = a.unstable_UserBlockingPriority; var et = a.unstable_NormalPriority; var tt = a.unstable_LowPriority; var nt = a.unstable_IdlePriority; var rt = null; var at = null; var it = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : function (e) { if ((e >>>= 0) === 0) { return 32; } else { return 31 - (ot(e) / st | 0) | 0; } }; var ot = Math.log; var st = Math.LN2; var lt = 64; var ct = 4194304; function ut(e) { switch (e & -e) { case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; case 4: return 4; case 8: return 8; case 16: return 16; case 32: return 32; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return e & 4194240; case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: return e & 130023424; case 134217728: return 134217728; case 268435456: return 268435456; case 536870912: return 536870912; case 1073741824: return 1073741824; default: return e; } } function dt(e, t) { var n = e.pendingLanes; if (n === 0) { return 0; } var r = 0; var a = e.suspendedLanes; var i = e.pingedLanes; var o = n & 268435455; if (o !== 0) { var s = o & ~a; if (s !== 0) { r = ut(s); } else if ((i &= o) !== 0) { r = ut(i); } } else if ((o = n & ~a) !== 0) { r = ut(o); } else if (i !== 0) { r = ut(i); } if (r === 0) { return 0; } if (t !== 0 && t !== r && (t & a) === 0 && ((a = r & -r) >= (i = t & -t) || a === 16 && (i & 4194240) !== 0)) { return t; } if ((r & 4) !== 0) { r |= n & 16; } if ((t = e.entangledLanes) !== 0) { e = e.entanglements; t &= r; e = e.entanglements; t &= r; for (; t > 0;) { a = 1 << (n = 31 - it(t)); r |= e[n]; t &= ~a; } } return r; } function pt(e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 4: return t + 250; case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return t + 5000; default: return -1; } } function ht(e) { if ((e = e.pendingLanes & -1073741825) !== 0) { return e; } else if (e & 1073741824) { return 1073741824; } else { return 0; } } function ft() { var e = lt; if (((lt <<= 1) & 4194240) === 0) { lt = 64; } return e; } function mt(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < 31; n++) { t.push(e); } return t; } function gt(e, t, n) { e.pendingLanes |= t; if (t !== 536870912) { e.suspendedLanes = 0; e.pingedLanes = 0; } (e = e.eventTimes)[t = 31 - it(t)] = n; } function vt(e, t) { var n = e.entangledLanes |= t; for (e = e.entanglements; n;) { var r = 31 - it(n); var a = 1 << r; if (a & t | e[r] & t) { e[r] |= t; } n &= ~a; } } var yt = 0; function _t(e) { if ((e &= -e) > 1) { if (e > 4) { if ((e & 268435455) !== 0) { return 16; } else { return 536870912; } } else { return 4; } } else { return 1; } } var bt; var xt; var wt; var kt; var Et; var St = false; var Ot = []; var Pt = null; var It = null; var At = null; var Ct = new Map(); var Tt = new Map(); var Rt = []; var Dt = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split(" "); function Nt(e, t) { switch (e) { case "focusin": case "focusout": Pt = null; break; case "dragenter": case "dragleave": It = null; break; case "mouseover": case "mouseout": At = null; break; case "pointerover": case "pointerout": Ct.delete(t.pointerId); break; case "gotpointercapture": case "lostpointercapture": Tt.delete(t.pointerId); } } function jt(e, t, n, r, a, i) { if (e === null || e.nativeEvent !== i) { e = { blockedOn: t, domEventName: n, eventSystemFlags: r, nativeEvent: i, targetContainers: [a] }; if (t !== null && (t = ma(t)) !== null) { xt(t); } return e; } else { e.eventSystemFlags |= r; t = e.targetContainers; if (a !== null && t.indexOf(a) === -1) { t.push(a); } return e; } } function Lt(e) { var t = fa(e.target); if (t !== null) { var n = Ve(t); if (n !== null) { if ((t = n.tag) === 13) { if ((t = Be(n)) !== null) { e.blockedOn = t; Et(e.priority, function () { wt(n); }); return; } } else if (t === 3 && n.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { e.blockedOn = n.tag === 3 ? n.stateNode.containerInfo : null; return; } } } e.blockedOn = null; } function Mt(e) { if (e.blockedOn !== null) { return false; } for (var t = e.targetContainers; t.length > 0;) { var n = Yt(e.domEventName, e.eventSystemFlags, t[0], e.nativeEvent); if (n !== null) { if ((t = ma(n)) !== null) { xt(t); } e.blockedOn = n; return false; } var r = new (n = e.nativeEvent).constructor(n.type, n); _e = r; n.target.dispatchEvent(r); _e = null; t.shift(); } return true; } function zt(e, t, n) { if (Mt(e)) { n.delete(t); } } function Ft() { St = false; if (Pt !== null && Mt(Pt)) { Pt = null; } if (It !== null && Mt(It)) { It = null; } if (At !== null && Mt(At)) { At = null; } Ct.forEach(zt); Tt.forEach(zt); } function Ut(e, t) { if (e.blockedOn === t) { e.blockedOn = null; if (!St) { St = true; a.unstable_scheduleCallback(a.unstable_NormalPriority, Ft); } } } function Vt(e) { function t(t) { return Ut(t, e); } if (Ot.length > 0) { Ut(Ot[0], e); for (var n = 1; n < Ot.length; n++) { var r = Ot[n]; if (r.blockedOn === e) { r.blockedOn = null; } } } if (Pt !== null) { Ut(Pt, e); } if (It !== null) { Ut(It, e); } if (At !== null) { Ut(At, e); } Ct.forEach(t); Tt.forEach(t); n = 0; for (; n < Rt.length; n++) { if ((r = Rt[n]).blockedOn === e) { r.blockedOn = null; } } for (; Rt.length > 0 && (n = Rt[0]).blockedOn === null;) { Lt(n); if (n.blockedOn === null) { Rt.shift(); } } } var Bt = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; var Gt = true; function qt(e, t, n, r) { var a = yt; var i = Bt.transition; Bt.transition = null; try { yt = 1; Wt(e, t, n, r); } finally { yt = a; Bt.transition = i; } } function $t(e, t, n, r) { var a = yt; var i = Bt.transition; Bt.transition = null; try { yt = 4; Wt(e, t, n, r); } finally { yt = a; Bt.transition = i; } } function Wt(e, t, n, r) { if (Gt) { var a = Yt(e, t, n, r); if (a === null) { Ur(e, t, r, Ht, n); Nt(e, r); } else if (function (e, t, n, r, a) { switch (t) { case "focusin": Pt = jt(Pt, e, t, n, r, a); return true; case "dragenter": It = jt(It, e, t, n, r, a); return true; case "mouseover": At = jt(At, e, t, n, r, a); return true; case "pointerover": var i = a.pointerId; Ct.set(i, jt(Ct.get(i) || null, e, t, n, r, a)); return true; case "gotpointercapture": i = a.pointerId; Tt.set(i, jt(Tt.get(i) || null, e, t, n, r, a)); return true; } return false; }(a, e, t, n, r)) { r.stopPropagation(); } else { Nt(e, r); if (t & 4 && Dt.indexOf(e) > -1) { for (; a !== null;) { var i = ma(a); if (i !== null) { bt(i); } if ((i = Yt(e, t, n, r)) === null) { Ur(e, t, r, Ht, n); } if (i === a) { break; } a = i; } if (a !== null) { r.stopPropagation(); } } else { Ur(e, t, r, null, n); } } } } var Ht = null; function Yt(e, t, n, r) { Ht = null; if ((e = fa(e = be(r))) !== null) { if ((t = Ve(e)) === null) { e = null; } else if ((n = t.tag) === 13) { if ((e = Be(t)) !== null) { return e; } e = null; } else if (n === 3) { if (t.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { if (t.tag === 3) { return t.stateNode.containerInfo; } else { return null; } } e = null; } else if (t !== e) { e = null; } } Ht = e; return null; } function Kt(e) { switch (e) { case "cancel": case "click": case "close": case "contextmenu": case "copy": case "cut": case "auxclick": case "dblclick": case "dragend": case "dragstart": case "drop": case "focusin": case "focusout": case "input": case "invalid": case "keydown": case "keypress": case "keyup": case "mousedown": case "mouseup": case "paste": case "pause": case "play": case "pointercancel": case "pointerdown": case "pointerup": case "ratechange": case "reset": case "resize": case "seeked": case "submit": case "touchcancel": case "touchend": case "touchstart": case "volumechange": case "change": case "selectionchange": case "textInput": case "compositionstart": case "compositionend": case "compositionupdate": case "beforeblur": case "afterblur": case "beforeinput": case "blur": case "fullscreenchange": case "focus": case "hashchange": case "popstate": case "select": case "selectstart": return 1; case "drag": case "dragenter": case "dragexit": case "dragleave": case "dragover": case "mousemove": case "mouseout": case "mouseover": case "pointermove": case "pointerout": case "pointerover": case "scroll": case "toggle": case "touchmove": case "wheel": case "mouseenter": case "mouseleave": case "pointerenter": case "pointerleave": return 4; case "message": switch (Ze()) { case Xe: return 1; case Je: return 4; case et: case tt: return 16; case nt: return 536870912; default: return 16; } default: return 16; } } var Qt = null; var Zt = null; var Xt = null; function Jt() { if (Xt) { return Xt; } var e; var t; var n = Zt; var r = n.length; var a = "value" in Qt ? Qt.value : Qt.textContent; var i = a.length; for (e = 0; e < r && n[e] === a[e]; e++); var o = r - e; for (t = 1; t <= o && n[r - t] === a[i - t]; t++); return Xt = a.slice(e, t > 1 ? 1 - t : undefined); } function en(e) { var t = e.keyCode; if ("charCode" in e) { if ((e = e.charCode) === 0 && t === 13) { e = 13; } } else { e = t; } if (e === 10) { e = 13; } if (e >= 32 || e === 13) { return e; } else { return 0; } } function tn() { return true; } function nn() { return false; } function rn(e) { function t(t, n, r, a, i) { this._reactName = t; this._targetInst = r; this.type = n; this.nativeEvent = a; this.target = i; this.currentTarget = null; for (var o in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(o)) { t = e[o]; this[o] = t ? t(a) : a[o]; } } this.isDefaultPrevented = (a.defaultPrevented != null ? a.defaultPrevented : a.returnValue === false) ? tn : nn; this.isPropagationStopped = nn; return this; } M(t.prototype, { preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = true; var e = this.nativeEvent; if (e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (typeof e.returnValue !== "unknown") { e.returnValue = false; } this.isDefaultPrevented = tn; } }, stopPropagation: function () { var e = this.nativeEvent; if (e) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else if (typeof e.cancelBubble !== "unknown") { e.cancelBubble = true; } this.isPropagationStopped = tn; } }, persist: function () { }, isPersistent: tn }); return t; } var an; var on; var sn; var ln = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function (e) { return e.timeStamp || Date.now(); }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0 }; var cn = rn(ln); var un = M({}, ln, { view: 0, detail: 0 }); var dn = rn(un); var pn = M({}, un, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: kn, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function (e) { if (e.relatedTarget === undefined) { if (e.fromElement === e.srcElement) { return e.toElement; } else { return e.fromElement; } } else { return e.relatedTarget; } }, movementX: function (e) { if ("movementX" in e) { return e.movementX; } else { if (e !== sn) { if (sn && e.type === "mousemove") { an = e.screenX - sn.screenX; on = e.screenY - sn.screenY; } else { on = an = 0; } sn = e; } return an; } }, movementY: function (e) { if ("movementY" in e) { return e.movementY; } else { return on; } } }); var hn = rn(pn); var fn = rn(M({}, pn, { dataTransfer: 0 })); var mn = rn(M({}, un, { relatedTarget: 0 })); var gn = rn(M({}, ln, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })); var vn = rn(M({}, ln, { clipboardData: function (e) { if ("clipboardData" in e) { return e.clipboardData; } else { return window.clipboardData; } } })); var yn = rn(M({}, ln, { data: 0 })); var _n = { Esc: "Escape", Spacebar: " ", Left: "ArrowLeft", Up: "ArrowUp", Right: "ArrowRight", Down: "ArrowDown", Del: "Delete", Win: "OS", Menu: "ContextMenu", Apps: "ContextMenu", Scroll: "ScrollLock", MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified" }; var bn = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 12: "Clear", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Control", 18: "Alt", 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Escape", 32: " ", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 144: "NumLock", 145: "ScrollLock", 224: "Meta" }; var xn = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" }; function wn(e) { var t = this.nativeEvent; if (t.getModifierState) { return t.getModifierState(e); } else { return !!(e = xn[e]) && !!t[e]; } } function kn() { return wn; } var En = rn(M({}, un, { key: function (e) { if (e.key) { var t = _n[e.key] || e.key; if (t !== "Unidentified") { return t; } } if (e.type === "keypress") { if ((e = en(e)) === 13) { return "Enter"; } else { return String.fromCharCode(e); } } else if (e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup") { return bn[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified"; } else { return ""; } }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: kn, charCode: function (e) { if (e.type === "keypress") { return en(e); } else { return 0; } }, keyCode: function (e) { if (e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup") { return e.keyCode; } else { return 0; } }, which: function (e) { if (e.type === "keypress") { return en(e); } else if (e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup") { return e.keyCode; } else { return 0; } } })); var Sn = rn(M({}, pn, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0 })); var On = rn(M({}, un, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: kn })); var Pn = rn(M({}, ln, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })); var In = rn(M({}, pn, { deltaX: function (e) { if ("deltaX" in e) { return e.deltaX; } else if ("wheelDeltaX" in e) { return -e.wheelDeltaX; } else { return 0; } }, deltaY: function (e) { if ("deltaY" in e) { return e.deltaY; } else if ("wheelDeltaY" in e) { return -e.wheelDeltaY; } else if ("wheelDelta" in e) { return -e.wheelDelta; } else { return 0; } }, deltaZ: 0, deltaMode: 0 })); var An = [9, 13, 27, 32]; var Cn = u && "CompositionEvent" in window; var Tn = null; if (u && "documentMode" in document) { Tn = document.documentMode; } var Rn = u && "TextEvent" in window && !Tn; var Dn = u && (!Cn || Tn && Tn > 8 && Tn <= 11); var Nn = String.fromCharCode(32); var jn = false; function Ln(e, t) { switch (e) { case "keyup": return An.indexOf(t.keyCode) !== -1; case "keydown": return t.keyCode !== 229; case "keypress": case "mousedown": case "focusout": return true; default: return false; } } function Mn(e) { if (typeof (e = e.detail) === "object" && "data" in e) { return e.data; } else { return null; } } var zn = false; var Fn = { color: true, date: true, datetime: true, "datetime-local": true, email: true, month: true, number: true, password: true, range: true, search: true, tel: true, text: true, time: true, url: true, week: true }; function Un(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (t === "input") { return !!Fn[e.type]; } else { return t === "textarea"; } } function Vn(e, t, n, r) { Se(r); if ((t = Br(t, "onChange")).length > 0) { n = new cn("onChange", "change", null, n, r); e.push({ event: n, listeners: t }); } } var Bn = null; var Gn = null; function qn(e) { Nr(e, 0); } function $n(e) { if (H(ga(e))) { return e; } } function Wn(e, t) { if (e === "change") { return t; } } var Hn = false; if (u) { var Yn; if (u) { var Kn = ("oninput" in document); if (!Kn) { var Qn = document.createElement("div"); Qn.setAttribute("oninput", "return;"); Kn = typeof Qn.oninput === "function"; } Yn = Kn; } else { Yn = false; } Hn = Yn && (!document.documentMode || document.documentMode > 9); } function Zn() { if (Bn) { Bn.detachEvent("onpropertychange", Xn); Gn = Bn = null; } } function Xn(e) { if (e.propertyName === "value" && $n(Gn)) { var t = []; Vn(t, Gn, e, be(e)); Ce(qn, t); } } function Jn(e, t, n) { if (e === "focusin") { Zn(); Gn = n; (Bn = t).attachEvent("onpropertychange", Xn); } else if (e === "focusout") { Zn(); } } function er(e) { if (e === "selectionchange" || e === "keyup" || e === "keydown") { return $n(Gn); } } function tr(e, t) { if (e === "click") { return $n(t); } } function nr(e, t) { if (e === "input" || e === "change") { return $n(t); } } var rr = typeof Object.is === "function" ? Object.is : function (e, t) { return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t; }; function ar(e, t) { if (rr(e, t)) { return true; } if (typeof e !== "object" || e === null || typeof t !== "object" || t === null) { return false; } var n = Object.keys(e); var r = Object.keys(t); if (n.length !== r.length) { return false; } for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var a = n[r]; if (!d.call(t, a) || !rr(e[a], t[a])) { return false; } } return true; } function ir(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild;) { e = e.firstChild; } return e; } function or(e, t) { var n; var r = ir(e); for (e = 0; r;) { if (r.nodeType === 3) { n = e + r.textContent.length; if (e <= t && n >= t) { return { node: r, offset: t - e }; } e = n; } e: { for (; r;) { if (r.nextSibling) { r = r.nextSibling; break e; } r = r.parentNode; } r = undefined; } r = ir(r); } } function sr(e, t) { return !(!e || !t) && (e === t || (!e || e.nodeType !== 3) && (t && t.nodeType === 3 ? sr(e, t.parentNode) : "contains" in e ? e.contains(t) : !!e.compareDocumentPosition && !!(e.compareDocumentPosition(t) & 16))); } function lr() { for (var e = window, t = Y(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement;) { try { var n = typeof t.contentWindow.location.href === "string"; } catch (r) { n = false; } if (!n) { break; } t = Y((e = t.contentWindow).document); } return t; } function cr(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return t && (t === "input" && (e.type === "text" || e.type === "search" || e.type === "tel" || e.type === "url" || e.type === "password") || t === "textarea" || e.contentEditable === "true"); } function ur(e) { var t = lr(); var n = e.focusedElem; var r = e.selectionRange; if (t !== n && n && n.ownerDocument && sr(n.ownerDocument.documentElement, n)) { if (r !== null && cr(n)) { t = r.start; if ((e = r.end) === undefined) { e = t; } if ("selectionStart" in n) { n.selectionStart = t; n.selectionEnd = Math.min(e, n.value.length); } else if ((e = (t = n.ownerDocument || document) && t.defaultView || window).getSelection) { e = e.getSelection(); var a = n.textContent.length; var i = Math.min(r.start, a); r = r.end === undefined ? i : Math.min(r.end, a); if (!e.extend && i > r) { a = r; r = i; i = a; } a = or(n, i); var o = or(n, r); if (a && o && (e.rangeCount !== 1 || e.anchorNode !== a.node || e.anchorOffset !== a.offset || e.focusNode !== o.node || e.focusOffset !== o.offset)) { (t = t.createRange()).setStart(a.node, a.offset); e.removeAllRanges(); if (i > r) { e.addRange(t); e.extend(o.node, o.offset); } else { t.setEnd(o.node, o.offset); e.addRange(t); } } } } t = []; e = n; for (; e = e.parentNode;) { if (e.nodeType === 1) { t.push({ element: e, left: e.scrollLeft, top: e.scrollTop }); } } if (typeof n.focus === "function") { n.focus(); } n = 0; for (; n < t.length; n++) { (e = t[n]).element.scrollLeft = e.left; e.element.scrollTop = e.top; } } } var dr = u && "documentMode" in document && document.documentMode <= 11; var pr = null; var hr = null; var fr = null; var mr = false; function gr(e, t, n) { var r = n.window === n ? n.document : n.nodeType === 9 ? n : n.ownerDocument; if (!(mr || pr == null || pr !== Y(r))) { if ("selectionStart" in (r = pr) && cr(r)) { r = { start: r.selectionStart, end: r.selectionEnd }; } else { r = { anchorNode: (r = (r.ownerDocument && r.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getSelection()).anchorNode, anchorOffset: r.anchorOffset, focusNode: r.focusNode, focusOffset: r.focusOffset }; } if (!(fr && ar(fr, r))) { fr = r; if ((r = Br(hr, "onSelect")).length > 0) { t = new cn("onSelect", "select", null, t, n); e.push({ event: t, listeners: r }); t.target = pr; } } } } function vr(e, t) { var n = {}; n[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase(); n["Webkit" + e] = "webkit" + t; n["Moz" + e] = "moz" + t; return n; } var yr = { animationend: vr("Animation", "AnimationEnd"), animationiteration: vr("Animation", "AnimationIteration"), animationstart: vr("Animation", "AnimationStart"), transitionend: vr("Transition", "TransitionEnd") }; var _r = {}; var br = {}; function xr(e) { if (_r[e]) { return _r[e]; } if (!yr[e]) { return e; } var t; var n = yr[e]; for (t in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(t) && t in br) { return _r[e] = n[t]; } } return e; } if (u) { br = document.createElement("div").style; if (!("AnimationEvent" in window)) { delete yr.animationend.animation; delete yr.animationiteration.animation; delete yr.animationstart.animation; } if (!("TransitionEvent" in window)) { delete yr.transitionend.transition; } } var wr = xr("animationend"); var kr = xr("animationiteration"); var Er = xr("animationstart"); var Sr = xr("transitionend"); var Or = new Map(); var Pr = "abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel".split(" "); function Ir(e, t) { Or.set(e, t); l(t, [e]); } for (var Ar = 0; Ar < Pr.length; Ar++) { var Cr = Pr[Ar]; Ir(Cr.toLowerCase(), "on" + (Cr[0].toUpperCase() + Cr.slice(1))); } Ir(wr, "onAnimationEnd"); Ir(kr, "onAnimationIteration"); Ir(Er, "onAnimationStart"); Ir("dblclick", "onDoubleClick"); Ir("focusin", "onFocus"); Ir("focusout", "onBlur"); Ir(Sr, "onTransitionEnd"); c("onMouseEnter", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]); c("onMouseLeave", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]); c("onPointerEnter", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]); c("onPointerLeave", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]); l("onChange", "change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" ")); l("onSelect", "focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" ")); l("onBeforeInput", ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"]); l("onCompositionEnd", "compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); l("onCompositionStart", "compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); l("onCompositionUpdate", "compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); var Tr = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(" "); var Rr = new Set("cancel close invalid load scroll toggle".split(" ").concat(Tr)); function Dr(e, t, n) { var r = e.type || "unknown-event"; e.currentTarget = n; (function (e, t, n, r, a, o, s, l, c) { Ue.apply(this, arguments); if (je) { if (!je) { throw Error(i(198)); } var u = Le; je = false; Le = null; if (!Me) { Me = true; ze = u; } } })(r, t, undefined, e); e.currentTarget = null; } function Nr(e, t) { t = (t & 4) !== 0; for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; var a = r.event; r = r.listeners; e: { var i = undefined; if (t) { for (var o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { var s = r[o]; var l = s.instance; var c = s.currentTarget; s = s.listener; if (l !== i && a.isPropagationStopped()) { break e; } Dr(a, s, c); i = l; } } else { for (o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { l = (s = r[o]).instance; c = s.currentTarget; s = s.listener; if (l !== i && a.isPropagationStopped()) { break e; } Dr(a, s, c); i = l; } } } } if (Me) { e = ze; Me = false; ze = null; throw e; } } function jr(e, t) { var n = t[da]; if (n === undefined) { n = t[da] = new Set(); } var r = e + "__bubble"; if (!n.has(r)) { Fr(t, e, 2, false); n.add(r); } } function Lr(e, t, n) { var r = 0; if (t) { r |= 4; } Fr(n, e, r, t); } var Mr = "_reactListening" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); function zr(e) { if (!e[Mr]) { e[Mr] = true; o.forEach(function (t) { if (t !== "selectionchange") { if (!Rr.has(t)) { Lr(t, false, e); } Lr(t, true, e); } }); var t = e.nodeType === 9 ? e : e.ownerDocument; if (!(t === null || t[Mr])) { t[Mr] = true; Lr("selectionchange", false, t); } } } function Fr(e, t, n, r) { switch (Kt(t)) { case 1: var a = qt; break; case 4: a = $t; break; default: a = Wt; } n = a.bind(null, t, n, e); a = undefined; if (!(!Re || t !== "touchstart" && t !== "touchmove" && t !== "wheel")) { a = true; } if (r) { if (a !== undefined) { e.addEventListener(t, n, { capture: true, passive: a }); } else { e.addEventListener(t, n, true); } } else if (a !== undefined) { e.addEventListener(t, n, { passive: a }); } else { e.addEventListener(t, n, false); } } function Ur(e, t, n, r, a) { var i = r; if ((t & 1) === 0 && (t & 2) === 0 && r !== null) { e: for (; ;) { if (r === null) { return; } var o = r.tag; if (o === 3 || o === 4) { var s = r.stateNode.containerInfo; if (s === a || s.nodeType === 8 && s.parentNode === a) { break; } if (o === 4) { for (o = r.return; o !== null;) { var l = o.tag; if ((l === 3 || l === 4) && ((l = o.stateNode.containerInfo) === a || l.nodeType === 8 && l.parentNode === a)) { return; } o = o.return; } } for (; s !== null;) { if ((o = fa(s)) === null) { return; } if ((l = o.tag) === 5 || l === 6) { r = i = o; continue e; } s = s.parentNode; } } r = r.return; } } Ce(function () { var r = i; var a = be(n); var o = []; e: { var s = Or.get(e); if (s !== undefined) { var l = cn; var c = e; switch (e) { case "keypress": if (en(n) === 0) { break e; } case "keydown": case "keyup": l = En; break; case "focusin": c = "focus"; l = mn; break; case "focusout": c = "blur"; l = mn; break; case "beforeblur": case "afterblur": l = mn; break; case "click": if (n.button === 2) { break e; } case "auxclick": case "dblclick": case "mousedown": case "mousemove": case "mouseup": case "mouseout": case "mouseover": case "contextmenu": l = hn; break; case "drag": case "dragend": case "dragenter": case "dragexit": case "dragleave": case "dragover": case "dragstart": case "drop": l = fn; break; case "touchcancel": case "touchend": case "touchmove": case "touchstart": l = On; break; case wr: case kr: case Er: l = gn; break; case Sr: l = Pn; break; case "scroll": l = dn; break; case "wheel": l = In; break; case "copy": case "cut": case "paste": l = vn; break; case "gotpointercapture": case "lostpointercapture": case "pointercancel": case "pointerdown": case "pointermove": case "pointerout": case "pointerover": case "pointerup": l = Sn; } var u = (t & 4) !== 0; var d = !u && e === "scroll"; var p = u ? s !== null ? s + "Capture" : null : s; u = []; for (var h, f = r; f !== null;) { var m = (h = f).stateNode; if (h.tag === 5 && m !== null) { h = m; if (p !== null && (m = Te(f, p)) != null) { u.push(Vr(f, m, h)); } } if (d) { break; } f = f.return; } if (u.length > 0) { s = new l(s, c, null, n, a); o.push({ event: s, listeners: u }); } } } if ((t & 7) === 0) { l = e === "mouseout" || e === "pointerout"; if ((!(s = e === "mouseover" || e === "pointerover") || n === _e || !(c = n.relatedTarget || n.fromElement) || !fa(c) && !c[ua]) && (l || s) && (s = a.window === a ? a : (s = a.ownerDocument) ? s.defaultView || s.parentWindow : window, l ? (l = r, (c = (c = n.relatedTarget || n.toElement) ? fa(c) : null) !== null && (c !== (d = Ve(c)) || c.tag !== 5 && c.tag !== 6) && (c = null)) : (l = null, c = r), l !== c)) { u = hn; m = "onMouseLeave"; p = "onMouseEnter"; f = "mouse"; if (!(e !== "pointerout" && e !== "pointerover")) { u = Sn; m = "onPointerLeave"; p = "onPointerEnter"; f = "pointer"; } d = l == null ? s : ga(l); h = c == null ? s : ga(c); (s = new u(m, f + "leave", l, n, a)).target = d; s.relatedTarget = h; m = null; if (fa(a) === r) { (u = new u(p, f + "enter", c, n, a)).target = h; u.relatedTarget = d; m = u; } d = m; if (l && c) { e: { p = c; f = 0; h = u = l; for (; h; h = Gr(h)) { f++; } h = 0; m = p; for (; m; m = Gr(m)) { h++; } for (; f - h > 0;) { u = Gr(u); f--; } for (; h - f > 0;) { p = Gr(p); h--; } for (; f--;) { if (u === p || p !== null && u === p.alternate) { break e; } u = Gr(u); p = Gr(p); } u = null; } } else { u = null; } if (l !== null) { qr(o, s, l, u, false); } if (c !== null && d !== null) { qr(o, d, c, u, true); } } if ((l = (s = r ? ga(r) : window).nodeName && s.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === "select" || l === "input" && s.type === "file") { var g = Wn; } else if (Un(s)) { if (Hn) { g = nr; } else { g = er; var v = Jn; } } else if ((l = s.nodeName) && l.toLowerCase() === "input" && (s.type === "checkbox" || s.type === "radio")) { g = tr; } if (g && (g = g(e, r))) { Vn(o, g, n, a); } else { if (v) { v(e, s, r); } if (e === "focusout" && (v = s._wrapperState) && v.controlled && s.type === "number") { ee(s, "number", s.value); } } v = r ? ga(r) : window; switch (e) { case "focusin": if (Un(v) || v.contentEditable === "true") { pr = v; hr = r; fr = null; } break; case "focusout": fr = hr = pr = null; break; case "mousedown": mr = true; break; case "contextmenu": case "mouseup": case "dragend": mr = false; gr(o, n, a); break; case "selectionchange": if (dr) { break; } case "keydown": case "keyup": gr(o, n, a); } var y; if (Cn) { e: { switch (e) { case "compositionstart": var _ = "onCompositionStart"; break e; case "compositionend": _ = "onCompositionEnd"; break e; case "compositionupdate": _ = "onCompositionUpdate"; break e; } _ = undefined; } } else if (zn) { if (Ln(e, n)) { _ = "onCompositionEnd"; } } else if (e === "keydown" && n.keyCode === 229) { _ = "onCompositionStart"; } if (_) { if (Dn && n.locale !== "ko") { if (zn || _ !== "onCompositionStart") { if (_ === "onCompositionEnd" && zn) { y = Jt(); } } else { Zt = "value" in (Qt = a) ? Qt.value : Qt.textContent; zn = true; } } if ((v = Br(r, _)).length > 0) { _ = new yn(_, e, null, n, a); o.push({ event: _, listeners: v }); if (y) { _.data = y; } else if ((y = Mn(n)) !== null) { _.data = y; } } } if ((y = Rn ? function (e, t) { switch (e) { case "compositionend": return Mn(t); case "keypress": if (t.which !== 32) { return null; } else { jn = true; return Nn; } case "textInput": if ((e = t.data) === Nn && jn) { return null; } else { return e; } default: return null; } }(e, n) : function (e, t) { if (zn) { if (e === "compositionend" || !Cn && Ln(e, t)) { e = Jt(); Xt = Zt = Qt = null; zn = false; return e; } else { return null; } } switch (e) { case "paste": default: return null; case "keypress": if (!(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || t.ctrlKey && t.altKey) { if (t.char && t.char.length > 1) { return t.char; } if (t.which) { return String.fromCharCode(t.which); } } return null; case "compositionend": if (Dn && t.locale !== "ko") { return null; } else { return t.data; } } }(e, n)) && (r = Br(r, "onBeforeInput")).length > 0) { a = new yn("onBeforeInput", "beforeinput", null, n, a); o.push({ event: a, listeners: r }); a.data = y; } } Nr(o, t); }); } function Vr(e, t, n) { return { instance: e, listener: t, currentTarget: n }; } function Br(e, t) { for (var n = t + "Capture", r = []; e !== null;) { var a = e; var i = a.stateNode; if (a.tag === 5 && i !== null) { a = i; if ((i = Te(e, n)) != null) { r.unshift(Vr(e, i, a)); } if ((i = Te(e, t)) != null) { r.push(Vr(e, i, a)); } } e = e.return; } return r; } function Gr(e) { if (e === null) { return null; } do { e = e.return; } while (e && e.tag !== 5); return e || null; } function qr(e, t, n, r, a) { for (var i = t._reactName, o = []; n !== null && n !== r;) { var s = n; var l = s.alternate; var c = s.stateNode; if (l !== null && l === r) { break; } if (s.tag === 5 && c !== null) { s = c; if (a) { if ((l = Te(n, i)) != null) { o.unshift(Vr(n, l, s)); } } else if (!a) { if ((l = Te(n, i)) != null) { o.push(Vr(n, l, s)); } } } n = n.return; } if (o.length !== 0) { e.push({ event: t, listeners: o }); } } var $r = /\r\n?/g; var Wr = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g; function Hr(e) { return (typeof e === "string" ? e : "" + e).replace($r, "\n").replace(Wr, ""); } function Yr(e, t, n) { t = Hr(t); if (Hr(e) !== t && n) { throw Error(i(425)); } } function Kr() { } var Qr = null; var Zr = null; function Xr(e, t) { return e === "textarea" || e === "noscript" || typeof t.children === "string" || typeof t.children === "number" || typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML === "object" && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== null && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html != null; } var Jr = typeof setTimeout === "function" ? setTimeout : undefined; var ea = typeof clearTimeout === "function" ? clearTimeout : undefined; var ta = typeof Promise === "function" ? Promise : undefined; var na = typeof queueMicrotask === "function" ? queueMicrotask : typeof ta !== "undefined" ? function (e) { return ta.resolve(null).then(e).catch(ra); } : Jr; function ra(e) { // TOLOOK setTimeout(function () { throw e; }); } function aa(e, t) { var n = t; var r = 0; do { var a = n.nextSibling; e.removeChild(n); if (a && a.nodeType === 8) { if ((n = a.data) === "/$") { if (r === 0) { e.removeChild(a); Vt(t); return; } r--; } else if (!(n !== "$" && n !== "$?" && n !== "$!")) { r++; } } n = a; } while (n); Vt(t); } function ia(e) { for (; e != null; e = e.nextSibling) { var t = e.nodeType; if (t === 1 || t === 3) { break; } if (t === 8) { if ((t = e.data) === "$" || t === "$!" || t === "$?") { break; } if (t === "/$") { return null; } } } return e; } function oa(e) { e = e.previousSibling; for (var t = 0; e;) { if (e.nodeType === 8) { var n = e.data; if (n === "$" || n === "$!" || n === "$?") { if (t === 0) { return e; } t--; } else if (n === "/$") { t++; } } e = e.previousSibling; } return null; } var sa = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); var la = "__reactFiber$" + sa; var ca = "__reactProps$" + sa; var ua = "__reactContainer$" + sa; var da = "__reactEvents$" + sa; var pa = "__reactListeners$" + sa; var ha = "__reactHandles$" + sa; function fa(e) { var t = e[la]; if (t) { return t; } for (var n = e.parentNode; n;) { if (t = n[ua] || n[la]) { n = t.alternate; if (t.child !== null || n !== null && n.child !== null) { for (e = oa(e); e !== null;) { if (n = e[la]) { return n; } e = oa(e); } } return t; } n = (e = n).parentNode; } return null; } function ma(e) { if (!(e = e[la] || e[ua]) || e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 13 && e.tag !== 3) { return null; } else { return e; } } function ga(e) { if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6) { return e.stateNode; } throw Error(i(33)); } function va(e) { return e[ca] || null; } var ya = []; var _a = -1; function ba(e) { return { current: e }; } function xa(e) { if (!(_a < 0)) { e.current = ya[_a]; ya[_a] = null; _a--; } } function wa(e, t) { _a++; ya[_a] = e.current; e.current = t; } var ka = {}; var Ea = ba(ka); var Sa = ba(false); var Oa = ka; function Pa(e, t) { var n = e.type.contextTypes; if (!n) { return ka; } var r = e.stateNode; if (r && r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t) { return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext; } var a; var i = {}; for (a in n) { i[a] = t[a]; } if (r) { (e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t; e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i; } return i; } function Ia(e) { return (e = e.childContextTypes) !== null && e !== undefined; } function Aa() { xa(Sa); xa(Ea); } function Ca(e, t, n) { if (Ea.current !== ka) { throw Error(i(168)); } wa(Ea, t); wa(Sa, n); } function Ta(e, t, n) { var r = e.stateNode; t = t.childContextTypes; if (typeof r.getChildContext !== "function") { return n; } for (var a in r = r.getChildContext()) { if (!(a in t)) { throw Error(i(108, G(e) || "Unknown", a)); } } return M({}, n, r); } function Ra(e) { e = (e = e.stateNode) && e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || ka; Oa = Ea.current; wa(Ea, e); wa(Sa, Sa.current); return true; } function Da(e, t, n) { var r = e.stateNode; if (!r) { throw Error(i(169)); } if (n) { e = Ta(e, t, Oa); r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = e; xa(Sa); xa(Ea); wa(Ea, e); } else { xa(Sa); } wa(Sa, n); } var Na = null; var ja = false; var La = false; function Ma(e) { if (Na === null) { Na = [e]; } else { Na.push(e); } } function za() { if (!La && Na !== null) { La = true; var e = 0; var t = yt; try { var n = Na; for (yt = 1; e < n.length; e++) { var r = n[e]; do { r = r(true); } while (r !== null); } Na = null; ja = false; } catch (a) { if (Na !== null) { Na = Na.slice(e + 1); } We(Xe, za); throw a; } finally { yt = t; La = false; } } return null; } var Fa = []; var Ua = 0; var Va = null; var Ba = 0; var Ga = []; var qa = 0; var $a = null; var Wa = 1; var Ha = ""; function Ya(e, t) { Fa[Ua++] = Ba; Fa[Ua++] = Va; Va = e; Ba = t; } function Ka(e, t, n) { Ga[qa++] = Wa; Ga[qa++] = Ha; Ga[qa++] = $a; $a = e; var r = Wa; e = Ha; var a = 32 - it(r) - 1; r &= ~(1 << a); n += 1; var i = 32 - it(t) + a; if (i > 30) { var o = a - a % 5; i = (r & (1 << o) - 1).toString(32); r >>= o; a -= o; Wa = 1 << 32 - it(t) + a | n << a | r; Ha = i + e; } else { Wa = 1 << i | n << a | r; Ha = e; } } function Qa(e) { if (e.return !== null) { Ya(e, 1); Ka(e, 1, 0); } } function Za(e) { for (; e === Va;) { Va = Fa[--Ua]; Fa[Ua] = null; Ba = Fa[--Ua]; Fa[Ua] = null; } for (; e === $a;) { $a = Ga[--qa]; Ga[qa] = null; Ha = Ga[--qa]; Ga[qa] = null; Wa = Ga[--qa]; Ga[qa] = null; } } var Xa = null; var Ja = null; var ei = false; var ti = null; function ni(e, t) { var n = Pc(5, null, null, 0); n.elementType = "DELETED"; n.stateNode = t; n.return = e; if ((t = e.deletions) === null) { e.deletions = [n]; e.flags |= 16; } else { t.push(n); } } function ri(e, t) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: var n = e.type; return (t = t.nodeType !== 1 || n.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t) !== null && (e.stateNode = t, Xa = e, Ja = ia(t.firstChild), true); case 6: return (t = e.pendingProps === "" || t.nodeType !== 3 ? null : t) !== null && (e.stateNode = t, Xa = e, Ja = null, true); case 13: return (t = t.nodeType !== 8 ? null : t) !== null && (n = $a !== null ? { id: Wa, overflow: Ha } : null, e.memoizedState = { dehydrated: t, treeContext: n, retryLane: 1073741824 }, (n = Pc(18, null, null, 0)).stateNode = t, n.return = e, e.child = n, Xa = e, Ja = null, true); default: return false; } } function ai(e) { return (e.mode & 1) !== 0 && (e.flags & 128) === 0; } function ii(e) { if (ei) { var t = Ja; if (t) { var n = t; if (!ri(e, t)) { if (ai(e)) { throw Error(i(418)); } t = ia(n.nextSibling); var r = Xa; if (t && ri(e, t)) { ni(r, n); } else { e.flags = e.flags & -4097 | 2; ei = false; Xa = e; } } } else { if (ai(e)) { throw Error(i(418)); } e.flags = e.flags & -4097 | 2; ei = false; Xa = e; } } } function oi(e) { for (e = e.return; e !== null && e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 3 && e.tag !== 13;) { e = e.return; } Xa = e; } function si(e) { if (e !== Xa) { return false; } if (!ei) { oi(e); ei = true; return false; } var t; if ((t = e.tag !== 3) && !(t = e.tag !== 5)) { t = (t = e.type) !== "head" && t !== "body" && !Xr(e.type, e.memoizedProps); } if (t && (t = Ja)) { if (ai(e)) { li(); throw Error(i(418)); } for (; t;) { ni(e, t); t = ia(t.nextSibling); } } oi(e); if (e.tag === 13) { if (!(e = (e = e.memoizedState) !== null ? e.dehydrated : null)) { throw Error(i(317)); } e: { e = e.nextSibling; t = 0; for (; e;) { if (e.nodeType === 8) { var n = e.data; if (n === "/$") { if (t === 0) { Ja = ia(e.nextSibling); break e; } t--; } else if (!(n !== "$" && n !== "$!" && n !== "$?")) { t++; } } e = e.nextSibling; } Ja = null; } } else { Ja = Xa ? ia(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null; } return true; } function li() { for (var e = Ja; e;) { e = ia(e.nextSibling); } } function ci() { Ja = Xa = null; ei = false; } function ui(e) { if (ti === null) { ti = [e]; } else { ti.push(e); } } var di = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; function pi(e, t) { if (e && e.defaultProps) { t = M({}, t); for (var n in e = e.defaultProps) { if (t[n] === undefined) { t[n] = e[n]; } } return t; } return t; } var hi = ba(null); var fi = null; var mi = null; var gi = null; function vi() { gi = mi = fi = null; } function yi(e) { var t = hi.current; xa(hi); e._currentValue = t; } function _i(e, t, n) { for (; e !== null;) { var r = e.alternate; if ((e.childLanes & t) !== t) { e.childLanes |= t; if (r !== null) { r.childLanes |= t; } } else if (r !== null && (r.childLanes & t) !== t) { r.childLanes |= t; } if (e === n) { break; } e = e.return; } } function bi(e, t) { fi = e; gi = mi = null; if ((e = e.dependencies) !== null && e.firstContext !== null) { if ((e.lanes & t) !== 0) { gs = true; } e.firstContext = null; } } function xi(e) { var t = e._currentValue; if (gi !== e) { e = { context: e, memoizedValue: t, next: null }; if (mi === null) { if (fi === null) { throw Error(i(308)); } mi = e; fi.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: e }; } else { mi = mi.next = e; } } return t; } var wi = null; function ki(e) { if (wi === null) { wi = [e]; } else { wi.push(e); } } function Ei(e, t, n, r) { var a = t.interleaved; if (a === null) { n.next = n; ki(t); } else { n.next = a.next; a.next = n; } t.interleaved = n; return Si(e, r); } function Si(e, t) { e.lanes |= t; var n = e.alternate; if (n !== null) { n.lanes |= t; } n = e; e = e.return; for (; e !== null;) { e.childLanes |= t; if ((n = e.alternate) !== null) { n.childLanes |= t; } n = e; e = e.return; } if (n.tag === 3) { return n.stateNode; } else { return null; } } var Oi = false; function Pi(e) { e.updateQueue = { baseState: e.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null }; } function Ii(e, t) { e = e.updateQueue; if (t.updateQueue === e) { t.updateQueue = { baseState: e.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: e.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: e.lastBaseUpdate, shared: e.shared, effects: e.effects }; } } function Ai(e, t) { return { eventTime: e, lane: t, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null }; } function Ci(e, t, n) { var r = e.updateQueue; if (r === null) { return null; } r = r.shared; if ((El & 2) !== 0) { var a = r.pending; if (a === null) { t.next = t; } else { t.next = a.next; a.next = t; } r.pending = t; return Si(e, n); } if ((a = r.interleaved) === null) { t.next = t; ki(r); } else { t.next = a.next; a.next = t; } r.interleaved = t; return Si(e, n); } function Ti(e, t, n) { if ((t = t.updateQueue) !== null && (t = t.shared, (n & 4194240) !== 0)) { var r = t.lanes; n |= r &= e.pendingLanes; t.lanes = n; vt(e, n); } } function Ri(e, t) { var n = e.updateQueue; var r = e.alternate; if (r !== null && n === (r = r.updateQueue)) { var a = null; var i = null; if ((n = n.firstBaseUpdate) !== null) { do { var o = { eventTime: n.eventTime, lane: n.lane, tag: n.tag, payload: n.payload, callback: n.callback, next: null }; if (i === null) { a = i = o; } else { i = i.next = o; } n = n.next; } while (n !== null); if (i === null) { a = i = t; } else { i = i.next = t; } } else { a = i = t; } n = { baseState: r.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: a, lastBaseUpdate: i, shared: r.shared, effects: r.effects }; e.updateQueue = n; return; } if ((e = n.lastBaseUpdate) === null) { n.firstBaseUpdate = t; } else { e.next = t; } n.lastBaseUpdate = t; } function Di(e, t, n, r) { var a = e.updateQueue; Oi = false; var i = a.firstBaseUpdate; var o = a.lastBaseUpdate; var s = a.shared.pending; if (s !== null) { a.shared.pending = null; var l = s; var c = l.next; l.next = null; if (o === null) { i = c; } else { o.next = c; } o = l; var u = e.alternate; if (u !== null && (s = (u = u.updateQueue).lastBaseUpdate) !== o) { if (s === null) { u.firstBaseUpdate = c; } else { s.next = c; } u.lastBaseUpdate = l; } } if (i !== null) { var d = a.baseState; o = 0; u = c = l = null; s = i; for (; ;) { var p = s.lane; var h = s.eventTime; if ((r & p) === p) { if (u !== null) { u = u.next = { eventTime: h, lane: 0, tag: s.tag, payload: s.payload, callback: s.callback, next: null }; } e: { var f = e; var m = s; p = t; h = n; switch (m.tag) { case 1: if (typeof (f = m.payload) === "function") { d = f.call(h, d, p); break e; } d = f; break e; case 3: f.flags = f.flags & -65537 | 128; case 0: if ((p = typeof (f = m.payload) === "function" ? f.call(h, d, p) : f) === null || p === undefined) { break e; } d = M({}, d, p); break e; case 2: Oi = true; } } if (s.callback !== null && s.lane !== 0) { e.flags |= 64; if ((p = a.effects) === null) { a.effects = [s]; } else { p.push(s); } } } else { h = { eventTime: h, lane: p, tag: s.tag, payload: s.payload, callback: s.callback, next: null }; if (u === null) { c = u = h; l = d; } else { u = u.next = h; } o |= p; } if ((s = s.next) === null) { if ((s = a.shared.pending) === null) { break; } s = (p = s).next; p.next = null; a.lastBaseUpdate = p; a.shared.pending = null; } } if (u === null) { l = d; } a.baseState = l; a.firstBaseUpdate = c; a.lastBaseUpdate = u; if ((t = a.shared.interleaved) !== null) { a = t; do { o |= a.lane; a = a.next; } while (a !== t); } else if (i === null) { a.shared.lanes = 0; } Rl |= o; e.lanes = o; e.memoizedState = d; } } function Ni(e, t, n) { e = t.effects; t.effects = null; if (e !== null) { for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var r = e[t]; var a = r.callback; if (a !== null) { r.callback = null; r = n; if (typeof a !== "function") { throw Error(i(191, a)); } a.call(r); } } } } var ji = new r.Component().refs; function Li(e, t, n, r) { n = (n = n(r, t = e.memoizedState)) === null || n === undefined ? t : M({}, t, n); e.memoizedState = n; if (e.lanes === 0) { e.updateQueue.baseState = n; } } var Mi = { isMounted: function (e) { return !!(e = e._reactInternals) && Ve(e) === e; }, enqueueSetState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternals; var r = Ql(); var a = Zl(e); var i = Ai(r, a); i.payload = t; if (n !== undefined && n !== null) { i.callback = n; } if ((t = Ci(e, i, a)) !== null) { Xl(t, e, a, r); Ti(t, e, a); } }, enqueueReplaceState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternals; var r = Ql(); var a = Zl(e); var i = Ai(r, a); i.tag = 1; i.payload = t; if (n !== undefined && n !== null) { i.callback = n; } if ((t = Ci(e, i, a)) !== null) { Xl(t, e, a, r); Ti(t, e, a); } }, enqueueForceUpdate: function (e, t) { e = e._reactInternals; var n = Ql(); var r = Zl(e); var a = Ai(n, r); a.tag = 2; if (t !== undefined && t !== null) { a.callback = t; } if ((t = Ci(e, a, r)) !== null) { Xl(t, e, r, n); Ti(t, e, r); } } }; function zi(e, t, n, r, a, i, o) { if (typeof (e = e.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate === "function") { return e.shouldComponentUpdate(r, i, o); } else { return !t.prototype || !t.prototype.isPureReactComponent || !ar(n, r) || !ar(a, i); } } function Fi(e, t, n) { var r = false; var a = ka; var i = t.contextType; if (typeof i === "object" && i !== null) { i = xi(i); } else { a = Ia(t) ? Oa : Ea.current; i = (r = (r = t.contextTypes) !== null && r !== undefined) ? Pa(e, a) : ka; } t = new t(n, i); e.memoizedState = t.state !== null && t.state !== undefined ? t.state : null; t.updater = Mi; e.stateNode = t; t._reactInternals = e; if (r) { (e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = a; e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i; } return t; } function Ui(e, t, n, r) { e = t.state; if (typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps === "function") { t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, r); } if (typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === "function") { t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, r); } if (t.state !== e) { Mi.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null); } } function Vi(e, t, n, r) { var a = e.stateNode; a.props = n; a.state = e.memoizedState; a.refs = ji; Pi(e); var i = t.contextType; if (typeof i === "object" && i !== null) { a.context = xi(i); } else { i = Ia(t) ? Oa : Ea.current; a.context = Pa(e, i); } a.state = e.memoizedState; if (typeof (i = t.getDerivedStateFromProps) === "function") { Li(e, t, i, n); a.state = e.memoizedState; } if (!(typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps === "function" || typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === "function" || typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount !== "function" && typeof a.componentWillMount !== "function")) { t = a.state; if (typeof a.componentWillMount === "function") { a.componentWillMount(); } if (typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === "function") { a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(); } if (t !== a.state) { Mi.enqueueReplaceState(a, a.state, null); } Di(e, n, a, r); a.state = e.memoizedState; } if (typeof a.componentDidMount === "function") { e.flags |= 4194308; } } function Bi(e, t, n) { if ((e = n.ref) !== null && typeof e !== "function" && typeof e !== "object") { if (n._owner) { if (n = n._owner) { if (n.tag !== 1) { throw Error(i(309)); } var r = n.stateNode; } if (!r) { throw Error(i(147, e)); } var a = r; var o = "" + e; if (t !== null && t.ref !== null && typeof t.ref === "function" && t.ref._stringRef === o) { return t.ref; } else { t = function (e) { var t = a.refs; if (t === ji) { t = a.refs = {}; } if (e === null) { delete t[o]; } else { t[o] = e; } }; t._stringRef = o; return t; } } if (typeof e !== "string") { throw Error(i(284)); } if (!n._owner) { throw Error(i(290, e)); } } return e; } function Gi(e, t) { e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t); throw Error(i(31, e === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(t).join(", ") + "}" : e)); } function qi(e) { return (0, e._init)(e._payload); } function $i(e) { function t(t, n) { if (e) { var r = t.deletions; if (r === null) { t.deletions = [n]; t.flags |= 16; } else { r.push(n); } } } function n(n, r) { if (!e) { return null; } for (; r !== null;) { t(n, r); r = r.sibling; } return null; } function r(e, t) { for (e = new Map(); t !== null;) { if (t.key !== null) { e.set(t.key, t); } else { e.set(t.index, t); } t = t.sibling; } return e; } function a(e, t) { (e = Ac(e, t)).index = 0; e.sibling = null; return e; } function o(t, n, r) { t.index = r; if (e) { if ((r = t.alternate) !== null) { if ((r = r.index) < n) { t.flags |= 2; return n; } else { return r; } } else { t.flags |= 2; return n; } } else { t.flags |= 1048576; return n; } } function s(t) { if (e && t.alternate === null) { t.flags |= 2; } return t; } function l(e, t, n, r) { if (t === null || t.tag !== 6) { (t = Dc(n, e.mode, r)).return = e; return t; } else { (t = a(t, n)).return = e; return t; } } function c(e, t, n, r) { var i = n.type; if (i === k) { return d(e, t, n.props.children, r, n.key); } else if (t !== null && (t.elementType === i || typeof i === "object" && i !== null && i.$$typeof === R && qi(i) === t.type)) { (r = a(t, n.props)).ref = Bi(e, t, n); r.return = e; return r; } else { (r = Cc(n.type, n.key, n.props, null, e.mode, r)).ref = Bi(e, t, n); r.return = e; return r; } } function u(e, t, n, r) { if (t === null || t.tag !== 4 || t.stateNode.containerInfo !== n.containerInfo || t.stateNode.implementation !== n.implementation) { (t = Nc(n, e.mode, r)).return = e; return t; } else { (t = a(t, n.children || [])).return = e; return t; } } function d(e, t, n, r, i) { if (t === null || t.tag !== 7) { (t = Tc(n, e.mode, r, i)).return = e; return t; } else { (t = a(t, n)).return = e; return t; } } function p(e, t, n) { if (typeof t === "string" && t !== "" || typeof t === "number") { (t = Dc("" + t, e.mode, n)).return = e; return t; } if (typeof t === "object" && t !== null) { switch (t.$$typeof) { case x: (n = Cc(t.type, t.key, t.props, null, e.mode, n)).ref = Bi(e, null, t); n.return = e; return n; case w: (t = Nc(t, e.mode, n)).return = e; return t; case R: return p(e, (0, t._init)(t._payload), n); } if (te(t) || j(t)) { (t = Tc(t, e.mode, n, null)).return = e; return t; } Gi(e, t); } return null; } function h(e, t, n, r) { var a = t !== null ? t.key : null; if (typeof n === "string" && n !== "" || typeof n === "number") { if (a !== null) { return null; } else { return l(e, t, "" + n, r); } } if (typeof n === "object" && n !== null) { switch (n.$$typeof) { case x: if (n.key === a) { return c(e, t, n, r); } else { return null; } case w: if (n.key === a) { return u(e, t, n, r); } else { return null; } case R: return h(e, t, (a = n._init)(n._payload), r); } if (te(n) || j(n)) { if (a !== null) { return null; } else { return d(e, t, n, r, null); } } Gi(e, n); } return null; } function f(e, t, n, r, a) { if (typeof r === "string" && r !== "" || typeof r === "number") { return l(t, e = e.get(n) || null, "" + r, a); } if (typeof r === "object" && r !== null) { switch (r.$$typeof) { case x: return c(t, e = e.get(r.key === null ? n : r.key) || null, r, a); case w: return u(t, e = e.get(r.key === null ? n : r.key) || null, r, a); case R: return f(e, t, n, (0, r._init)(r._payload), a); } if (te(r) || j(r)) { return d(t, e = e.get(n) || null, r, a, null); } Gi(t, r); } return null; } function m(a, i, s, l) { for (var c = null, u = null, d = i, m = i = 0, g = null; d !== null && m < s.length; m++) { if (d.index > m) { g = d; d = null; } else { g = d.sibling; } var v = h(a, d, s[m], l); if (v === null) { if (d === null) { d = g; } break; } if (e && d && v.alternate === null) { t(a, d); } i = o(v, i, m); if (u === null) { c = v; } else { u.sibling = v; } u = v; d = g; } if (m === s.length) { n(a, d); if (ei) { Ya(a, m); } return c; } if (d === null) { for (; m < s.length; m++) { if ((d = p(a, s[m], l)) !== null) { i = o(d, i, m); if (u === null) { c = d; } else { u.sibling = d; } u = d; } } if (ei) { Ya(a, m); } return c; } for (d = r(a, d); m < s.length; m++) { if ((g = f(d, a, m, s[m], l)) !== null) { if (e && g.alternate !== null) { d.delete(g.key === null ? m : g.key); } i = o(g, i, m); if (u === null) { c = g; } else { u.sibling = g; } u = g; } } if (e) { d.forEach(function (e) { return t(a, e); }); } if (ei) { Ya(a, m); } return c; } function g(a, s, l, c) { var u = j(l); if (typeof u !== "function") { throw Error(i(150)); } if ((l = u.call(l)) == null) { throw Error(i(151)); } for (var d = u = null, m = s, g = s = 0, v = null, y = l.next(); m !== null && !y.done; g++, y = l.next()) { if (m.index > g) { v = m; m = null; } else { v = m.sibling; } var _ = h(a, m, y.value, c); if (_ === null) { if (m === null) { m = v; } break; } if (e && m && _.alternate === null) { t(a, m); } s = o(_, s, g); if (d === null) { u = _; } else { d.sibling = _; } d = _; m = v; } if (y.done) { n(a, m); if (ei) { Ya(a, g); } return u; } if (m === null) { for (; !y.done; g++, y = l.next()) { if ((y = p(a, y.value, c)) !== null) { s = o(y, s, g); if (d === null) { u = y; } else { d.sibling = y; } d = y; } } if (ei) { Ya(a, g); } return u; } for (m = r(a, m); !y.done; g++, y = l.next()) { if ((y = f(m, a, g, y.value, c)) !== null) { if (e && y.alternate !== null) { m.delete(y.key === null ? g : y.key); } s = o(y, s, g); if (d === null) { u = y; } else { d.sibling = y; } d = y; } } if (e) { m.forEach(function (e) { return t(a, e); }); } if (ei) { Ya(a, g); } return u; } return function e(r, i, o, l) { if (typeof o === "object" && o !== null && o.type === k && o.key === null) { o = o.props.children; } if (typeof o === "object" && o !== null) { switch (o.$$typeof) { case x: e: { for (var c = o.key, u = i; u !== null;) { if (u.key === c) { if ((c = o.type) === k) { if (u.tag === 7) { n(r, u.sibling); (i = a(u, o.props.children)).return = r; r = i; break e; } } else if (u.elementType === c || typeof c === "object" && c !== null && c.$$typeof === R && qi(c) === u.type) { n(r, u.sibling); (i = a(u, o.props)).ref = Bi(r, u, o); i.return = r; r = i; break e; } n(r, u); break; } t(r, u); u = u.sibling; } if (o.type === k) { (i = Tc(o.props.children, r.mode, l, o.key)).return = r; r = i; } else { (l = Cc(o.type, o.key, o.props, null, r.mode, l)).ref = Bi(r, i, o); l.return = r; r = l; } } return s(r); case w: e: { for (u = o.key; i !== null;) { if (i.key === u) { if (i.tag === 4 && i.stateNode.containerInfo === o.containerInfo && i.stateNode.implementation === o.implementation) { n(r, i.sibling); (i = a(i, o.children || [])).return = r; r = i; break e; } n(r, i); break; } t(r, i); i = i.sibling; } (i = Nc(o, r.mode, l)).return = r; r = i; } return s(r); case R: return e(r, i, (u = o._init)(o._payload), l); } if (te(o)) { return m(r, i, o, l); } if (j(o)) { return g(r, i, o, l); } Gi(r, o); } if (typeof o === "string" && o !== "" || typeof o === "number") { o = "" + o; if (i !== null && i.tag === 6) { n(r, i.sibling); (i = a(i, o)).return = r; r = i; } else { n(r, i); (i = Dc(o, r.mode, l)).return = r; r = i; } return s(r); } else { return n(r, i); } }; } var Wi = $i(true); var Hi = $i(false); var Yi = {}; var Ki = ba(Yi); var Qi = ba(Yi); var Zi = ba(Yi); function Xi(e) { if (e === Yi) { throw Error(i(174)); } return e; } function Ji(e, t) { wa(Zi, t); wa(Qi, e); wa(Ki, Yi); switch (e = t.nodeType) { case 9: case 11: t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : le(null, ""); break; default: t = le(t = (e = e === 8 ? t.parentNode : t).namespaceURI || null, e = e.tagName); } xa(Ki); wa(Ki, t); } function eo() { xa(Ki); xa(Qi); xa(Zi); } function to(e) { Xi(Zi.current); var t = Xi(Ki.current); var n = le(t, e.type); if (t !== n) { wa(Qi, e); wa(Ki, n); } } function no(e) { if (Qi.current === e) { xa(Ki); xa(Qi); } } var ro = ba(0); function ao(e) { for (var t = e; t !== null;) { if (t.tag === 13) { var n = t.memoizedState; if (n !== null && ((n = n.dehydrated) === null || n.data === "$?" || n.data === "$!")) { return t; } } else if (t.tag === 19 && t.memoizedProps.revealOrder !== undefined) { if ((t.flags & 128) !== 0) { return t; } } else if (t.child !== null) { t.child.return = t; t = t.child; continue; } if (t === e) { break; } for (; t.sibling === null;) { if (t.return === null || t.return === e) { return null; } t = t.return; } t.sibling.return = t.return; t = t.sibling; } return null; } var io = []; function oo() { for (var e = 0; e < io.length; e++) { io[e]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null; } io.length = 0; } var so = b.ReactCurrentDispatcher; var lo = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; var co = 0; var uo = null; var po = null; var ho = null; var fo = false; var mo = false; var go = 0; var vo = 0; function yo() { throw Error(i(321)); } function _o(e, t) { if (t === null) { return false; } for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++) { if (!rr(e[n], t[n])) { return false; } } return true; } function bo(e, t, n, r, a, o) { co = o; uo = t; t.memoizedState = null; t.updateQueue = null; t.lanes = 0; so.current = e === null || e.memoizedState === null ? rs : as; e = n(r, a); if (mo) { o = 0; do { mo = false; go = 0; if (o >= 25) { throw Error(i(301)); } o += 1; ho = po = null; t.updateQueue = null; so.current = is; e = n(r, a); } while (mo); } so.current = ns; t = po !== null && po.next !== null; co = 0; ho = po = uo = null; fo = false; if (t) { throw Error(i(300)); } return e; } function xo() { var e = go !== 0; go = 0; return e; } function wo() { var e = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null }; if (ho === null) { uo.memoizedState = ho = e; } else { ho = ho.next = e; } return ho; } function ko() { if (po === null) { var e = uo.alternate; e = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null; } else { e = po.next; } var t = ho === null ? uo.memoizedState : ho.next; if (t !== null) { ho = t; po = e; } else { if (e === null) { throw Error(i(310)); } e = { memoizedState: (po = e).memoizedState, baseState: po.baseState, baseQueue: po.baseQueue, queue: po.queue, next: null }; if (ho === null) { uo.memoizedState = ho = e; } else { ho = ho.next = e; } } return ho; } function Eo(e, t) { if (typeof t === "function") { return t(e); } else { return t; } } function So(e) { var t = ko(); var n = t.queue; if (n === null) { throw Error(i(311)); } n.lastRenderedReducer = e; var r = po; var a = r.baseQueue; var o = n.pending; if (o !== null) { if (a !== null) { var s = a.next; a.next = o.next; o.next = s; } r.baseQueue = a = o; n.pending = null; } if (a !== null) { o = a.next; r = r.baseState; var l = s = null; var c = null; var u = o; do { var d = u.lane; if ((co & d) === d) { if (c !== null) { c = c.next = { lane: 0, action: u.action, hasEagerState: u.hasEagerState, eagerState: u.eagerState, next: null }; } r = u.hasEagerState ? u.eagerState : e(r, u.action); } else { var p = { lane: d, action: u.action, hasEagerState: u.hasEagerState, eagerState: u.eagerState, next: null }; if (c === null) { l = c = p; s = r; } else { c = c.next = p; } uo.lanes |= d; Rl |= d; } u = u.next; } while (u !== null && u !== o); if (c === null) { s = r; } else { c.next = l; } if (!rr(r, t.memoizedState)) { gs = true; } t.memoizedState = r; t.baseState = s; t.baseQueue = c; n.lastRenderedState = r; } if ((e = n.interleaved) !== null) { a = e; do { o = a.lane; uo.lanes |= o; Rl |= o; a = a.next; } while (a !== e); } else if (a === null) { n.lanes = 0; } return [t.memoizedState, n.dispatch]; } function Oo(e) { var t = ko(); var n = t.queue; if (n === null) { throw Error(i(311)); } n.lastRenderedReducer = e; var r = n.dispatch; var a = n.pending; var o = t.memoizedState; if (a !== null) { n.pending = null; var s = a = a.next; do { o = e(o, s.action); s = s.next; } while (s !== a); if (!rr(o, t.memoizedState)) { gs = true; } t.memoizedState = o; if (t.baseQueue === null) { t.baseState = o; } n.lastRenderedState = o; } return [o, r]; } function Po() { } function Io(e, t) { var n = uo; var r = ko(); var a = t(); var o = !rr(r.memoizedState, a); if (o) { r.memoizedState = a; gs = true; } r = r.queue; Uo(To.bind(null, n, r, e), [e]); if (r.getSnapshot !== t || o || ho !== null && ho.memoizedState.tag & 1) { n.flags |= 2048; jo(9, Co.bind(null, n, r, a, t), undefined, null); if (Sl === null) { throw Error(i(349)); } if (!((co & 30) !== 0)) { Ao(n, t, a); } } return a; } function Ao(e, t, n) { e.flags |= 16384; e = { getSnapshot: t, value: n }; if ((t = uo.updateQueue) === null) { t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }; uo.updateQueue = t; t.stores = [e]; } else if ((n = t.stores) === null) { t.stores = [e]; } else { n.push(e); } } function Co(e, t, n, r) { t.value = n; t.getSnapshot = r; if (Ro(t)) { Do(e); } } function To(e, t, n) { return n(function () { if (Ro(t)) { Do(e); } }); } function Ro(e) { var t = e.getSnapshot; e = e.value; try { var n = t(); return !rr(e, n); } catch (r) { return true; } } function Do(e) { var t = Si(e, 1); if (t !== null) { Xl(t, e, 1, -1); } } function No(e) { var t = wo(); if (typeof e === "function") { e = e(); } t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e; e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Eo, lastRenderedState: e }; t.queue = e; e = e.dispatch = Xo.bind(null, uo, e); return [t.memoizedState, e]; } function jo(e, t, n, r) { e = { tag: e, create: t, destroy: n, deps: r, next: null }; if ((t = uo.updateQueue) === null) { t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }; uo.updateQueue = t; t.lastEffect = e.next = e; } else if ((n = t.lastEffect) === null) { t.lastEffect = e.next = e; } else { r = n.next; n.next = e; e.next = r; t.lastEffect = e; } return e; } function Lo() { return ko().memoizedState; } function Mo(e, t, n, r) { var a = wo(); uo.flags |= e; a.memoizedState = jo(t | 1, n, undefined, r === undefined ? null : r); } function zo(e, t, n, r) { var a = ko(); r = r === undefined ? null : r; var i = undefined; if (po !== null) { var o = po.memoizedState; i = o.destroy; if (r !== null && _o(r, o.deps)) { a.memoizedState = jo(t, n, i, r); return; } } uo.flags |= e; a.memoizedState = jo(t | 1, n, i, r); } function Fo(e, t) { return Mo(8390656, 8, e, t); } function Uo(e, t) { return zo(2048, 8, e, t); } function Vo(e, t) { return zo(4, 2, e, t); } function Bo(e, t) { return zo(4, 4, e, t); } function Go(e, t) { if (typeof t === "function") { e = e(); t(e); return function () { t(null); }; } else if (t !== null && t !== undefined) { e = e(); t.current = e; return function () { t.current = null; }; } else { return undefined; } } function qo(e, t, n) { n = n !== null && n !== undefined ? n.concat([e]) : null; return zo(4, 4, Go.bind(null, t, e), n); } function $o() { } function Wo(e, t) { var n = ko(); t = t === undefined ? null : t; var r = n.memoizedState; if (r !== null && t !== null && _o(t, r[1])) { return r[0]; } else { n.memoizedState = [e, t]; return e; } } function Ho(e, t) { var n = ko(); t = t === undefined ? null : t; var r = n.memoizedState; if (r !== null && t !== null && _o(t, r[1])) { return r[0]; } else { e = e(); n.memoizedState = [e, t]; return e; } } function Yo(e, t, n) { if ((co & 21) === 0) { if (e.baseState) { e.baseState = false; gs = true; } return e.memoizedState = n; } else { if (!rr(n, t)) { n = ft(); uo.lanes |= n; Rl |= n; e.baseState = true; } return t; } } function Ko(e, t) { var n = yt; yt = n !== 0 && n < 4 ? n : 4; e(true); var r = lo.transition; lo.transition = {}; try { e(false); t(); } finally { yt = n; lo.transition = r; } } function Qo() { return ko().memoizedState; } function Zo(e, t, n) { var r = Zl(e); n = { lane: r, action: n, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null }; if (Jo(e)) { es(t, n); } else if ((n = Ei(e, t, n, r)) !== null) { Xl(n, e, r, Ql()); ts(n, t, r); } } function Xo(e, t, n) { var r = Zl(e); var a = { lane: r, action: n, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null }; if (Jo(e)) { es(t, a); } else { var i = e.alternate; if (e.lanes === 0 && (i === null || i.lanes === 0) && (i = t.lastRenderedReducer) !== null) { try { var o = t.lastRenderedState; var s = i(o, n); a.hasEagerState = true; a.eagerState = s; if (rr(s, o)) { var l = t.interleaved; if (l === null) { a.next = a; ki(t); } else { a.next = l.next; l.next = a; } t.interleaved = a; return; } } catch (c) { } } if ((n = Ei(e, t, a, r)) !== null) { Xl(n, e, r, a = Ql()); ts(n, t, r); } } } function Jo(e) { var t = e.alternate; return e === uo || t !== null && t === uo; } function es(e, t) { mo = fo = true; var n = e.pending; if (n === null) { t.next = t; } else { t.next = n.next; n.next = t; } e.pending = t; } function ts(e, t, n) { if ((n & 4194240) !== 0) { var r = t.lanes; n |= r &= e.pendingLanes; t.lanes = n; vt(e, n); } } var ns = { readContext: xi, useCallback: yo, useContext: yo, useEffect: yo, useImperativeHandle: yo, useInsertionEffect: yo, useLayoutEffect: yo, useMemo: yo, useReducer: yo, useRef: yo, useState: yo, useDebugValue: yo, useDeferredValue: yo, useTransition: yo, useMutableSource: yo, useSyncExternalStore: yo, useId: yo, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; var rs = { readContext: xi, useCallback: function (e, t) { wo().memoizedState = [e, t === undefined ? null : t]; return e; }, useContext: xi, useEffect: Fo, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { n = n !== null && n !== undefined ? n.concat([e]) : null; return Mo(4194308, 4, Go.bind(null, t, e), n); }, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return Mo(4194308, 4, e, t); }, useInsertionEffect: function (e, t) { return Mo(4, 2, e, t); }, useMemo: function (e, t) { var n = wo(); t = t === undefined ? null : t; e = e(); n.memoizedState = [e, t]; return e; }, useReducer: function (e, t, n) { var r = wo(); t = n !== undefined ? n(t) : t; r.memoizedState = r.baseState = t; e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: e, lastRenderedState: t }; r.queue = e; e = e.dispatch = Zo.bind(null, uo, e); return [r.memoizedState, e]; }, useRef: function (e) { e = { current: e }; return wo().memoizedState = e; }, useState: No, useDebugValue: $o, useDeferredValue: function (e) { return wo().memoizedState = e; }, useTransition: function () { var e = No(false); var t = e[0]; e = Ko.bind(null, e[1]); wo().memoizedState = e; return [t, e]; }, useMutableSource: function () { }, useSyncExternalStore: function (e, t, n) { var r = uo; var a = wo(); if (ei) { if (n === undefined) { throw Error(i(407)); } n = n(); } else { n = t(); if (Sl === null) { throw Error(i(349)); } if (!((co & 30) !== 0)) { Ao(r, t, n); } } a.memoizedState = n; var o = { value: n, getSnapshot: t }; a.queue = o; Fo(To.bind(null, r, o, e), [e]); r.flags |= 2048; jo(9, Co.bind(null, r, o, n, t), undefined, null); return n; }, useId: function () { var e = wo(); var t = Sl.identifierPrefix; if (ei) { var n = Ha; t = ":" + t + "R" + (n = (Wa & ~(1 << 32 - it(Wa) - 1)).toString(32) + n); if ((n = go++) > 0) { t += "H" + n.toString(32); } t += ":"; } else { t = ":" + t + "r" + (n = vo++).toString(32) + ":"; } return e.memoizedState = t; }, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; var as = { readContext: xi, useCallback: Wo, useContext: xi, useEffect: Uo, useImperativeHandle: qo, useInsertionEffect: Vo, useLayoutEffect: Bo, useMemo: Ho, useReducer: So, useRef: Lo, useState: function () { return So(Eo); }, useDebugValue: $o, useDeferredValue: function (e) { return Yo(ko(), po.memoizedState, e); }, useTransition: function () { return [So(Eo)[0], ko().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Po, useSyncExternalStore: Io, useId: Qo, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; var is = { readContext: xi, useCallback: Wo, useContext: xi, useEffect: Uo, useImperativeHandle: qo, useInsertionEffect: Vo, useLayoutEffect: Bo, useMemo: Ho, useReducer: Oo, useRef: Lo, useState: function () { return Oo(Eo); }, useDebugValue: $o, useDeferredValue: function (e) { var t = ko(); if (po === null) { return t.memoizedState = e; } else { return Yo(t, po.memoizedState, e); } }, useTransition: function () { return [Oo(Eo)[0], ko().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Po, useSyncExternalStore: Io, useId: Qo, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; function os(e, t) { try { var n = ""; var r = t; do { n += V(r); r = r.return; } while (r); var a = n; } catch (i) { a = "\nError generating stack: " + i.message + "\n" + i.stack; } return { value: e, source: t, stack: a, digest: null }; } function ss(e, t, n) { return { value: e, source: null, stack: n != null ? n : null, digest: t != null ? t : null }; } function ls(e, t) { try { console.error(t.value); } catch (n) { // TOLOOK setTimeout(function () { throw n; }); } } var cs = typeof WeakMap === "function" ? WeakMap : Map; function us(e, t, n) { (n = Ai(-1, n)).tag = 3; n.payload = { element: null }; var r = t.value; n.callback = function () { if (!Ul) { Ul = true; Vl = r; } ls(0, t); }; return n; } function ds(e, t, n) { (n = Ai(-1, n)).tag = 3; var r = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError; if (typeof r === "function") { var a = t.value; n.payload = function () { return r(a); }; n.callback = function () { ls(0, t); }; } var i = e.stateNode; if (i !== null && typeof i.componentDidCatch === "function") { n.callback = function () { ls(0, t); if (typeof r !== "function") { if (Bl === null) { Bl = new Set([this]); } else { Bl.add(this); } } var e = t.stack; this.componentDidCatch(t.value, { componentStack: e !== null ? e : "" }); }; } return n; } function ps(e, t, n) { var r = e.pingCache; if (r === null) { r = e.pingCache = new cs(); var a = new Set(); r.set(t, a); } else if ((a = r.get(t)) === undefined) { a = new Set(); r.set(t, a); } if (!a.has(n)) { a.add(n); e = xc.bind(null, e, t, n); t.then(e, e); } } function hs(e) { do { var t; if (t = e.tag === 13) { t = (t = e.memoizedState) === null || t.dehydrated !== null; } if (t) { return e; } e = e.return; } while (e !== null); return null; } function fs(e, t, n, r, a) { if ((e.mode & 1) === 0) { if (e === t) { e.flags |= 65536; } else { e.flags |= 128; n.flags |= 131072; n.flags &= -52805; if (n.tag === 1) { if (n.alternate === null) { n.tag = 17; } else { (t = Ai(-1, 1)).tag = 2; Ci(n, t, 1); } } n.lanes |= 1; } return e; } else { e.flags |= 65536; e.lanes = a; return e; } } var ms = b.ReactCurrentOwner; var gs = false; function vs(e, t, n, r) { t.child = e === null ? Hi(t, null, n, r) : Wi(t, e.child, n, r); } function ys(e, t, n, r, a) { n = n.render; var i = t.ref; bi(t, a); r = bo(e, t, n, r, i, a); n = xo(); if (e === null || gs) { if (ei && n) { Qa(t); } t.flags |= 1; vs(e, t, r, a); return t.child; } else { t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue; t.flags &= -2053; e.lanes &= ~a; return Us(e, t, a); } } function _s(e, t, n, r, a) { if (e === null) { var i = n.type; if (typeof i !== "function" || Ic(i) || i.defaultProps !== undefined || n.compare !== null || n.defaultProps !== undefined) { (e = Cc(n.type, null, r, t, t.mode, a)).ref = t.ref; e.return = t; return t.child = e; } else { t.tag = 15; t.type = i; return bs(e, t, i, r, a); } } i = e.child; if ((e.lanes & a) === 0) { var o = i.memoizedProps; if ((n = (n = n.compare) !== null ? n : ar)(o, r) && e.ref === t.ref) { return Us(e, t, a); } } t.flags |= 1; (e = Ac(i, r)).ref = t.ref; e.return = t; return t.child = e; } function bs(e, t, n, r, a) { if (e !== null) { var i = e.memoizedProps; if (ar(i, r) && e.ref === t.ref) { gs = false; t.pendingProps = r = i; if ((e.lanes & a) === 0) { t.lanes = e.lanes; return Us(e, t, a); } if ((e.flags & 131072) !== 0) { gs = true; } } } return ks(e, t, n, r, a); } function xs(e, t, n) { var r = t.pendingProps; var a = r.children; var i = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null; if (r.mode === "hidden") { if ((t.mode & 1) === 0) { t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; wa(Al, Il); Il |= n; } else { if ((n & 1073741824) === 0) { e = i !== null ? i.baseLanes | n : n; t.lanes = t.childLanes = 1073741824; t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; t.updateQueue = null; wa(Al, Il); Il |= e; return null; } t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; r = i !== null ? i.baseLanes : n; wa(Al, Il); Il |= r; } } else { if (i !== null) { r = i.baseLanes | n; t.memoizedState = null; } else { r = n; } wa(Al, Il); Il |= r; } vs(e, t, a, n); return t.child; } function ws(e, t) { var n = t.ref; if (e === null && n !== null || e !== null && e.ref !== n) { t.flags |= 512; t.flags |= 2097152; } } function ks(e, t, n, r, a) { var i = Ia(n) ? Oa : Ea.current; i = Pa(t, i); bi(t, a); n = bo(e, t, n, r, i, a); r = xo(); if (e === null || gs) { if (ei && r) { Qa(t); } t.flags |= 1; vs(e, t, n, a); return t.child; } else { t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue; t.flags &= -2053; e.lanes &= ~a; return Us(e, t, a); } } function Es(e, t, n, r, a) { if (Ia(n)) { var i = true; Ra(t); } else { i = false; } bi(t, a); if (t.stateNode === null) { Fs(e, t); Fi(t, n, r); Vi(t, n, r, a); r = true; } else if (e === null) { var o = t.stateNode; var s = t.memoizedProps; o.props = s; var l = o.context; var c = n.contextType; if (typeof c === "object" && c !== null) { c = xi(c); } else { c = Pa(t, c = Ia(n) ? Oa : Ea.current); } var u = n.getDerivedStateFromProps; var d = typeof u === "function" || typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === "function"; if (!(d || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps !== "function" && typeof o.componentWillReceiveProps !== "function")) { if (s !== r || l !== c) { Ui(t, o, r, c); } } Oi = false; var p = t.memoizedState; o.state = p; Di(t, r, o, a); l = t.memoizedState; if (s !== r || p !== l || Sa.current || Oi) { if (typeof u === "function") { Li(t, n, u, r); l = t.memoizedState; } if (s = Oi || zi(t, n, s, r, p, l, c)) { if (!(d || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount !== "function" && typeof o.componentWillMount !== "function")) { if (typeof o.componentWillMount === "function") { o.componentWillMount(); } if (typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === "function") { o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(); } } if (typeof o.componentDidMount === "function") { t.flags |= 4194308; } } else { if (typeof o.componentDidMount === "function") { t.flags |= 4194308; } t.memoizedProps = r; t.memoizedState = l; } o.props = r; o.state = l; o.context = c; r = s; } else { if (typeof o.componentDidMount === "function") { t.flags |= 4194308; } r = false; } } else { o = t.stateNode; Ii(e, t); s = t.memoizedProps; c = t.type === t.elementType ? s : pi(t.type, s); o.props = c; d = t.pendingProps; p = o.context; if (typeof (l = n.contextType) === "object" && l !== null) { l = xi(l); } else { l = Pa(t, l = Ia(n) ? Oa : Ea.current); } var h = n.getDerivedStateFromProps; if (!((u = typeof h === "function" || typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === "function") || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps !== "function" && typeof o.componentWillReceiveProps !== "function")) { if (s !== d || p !== l) { Ui(t, o, r, l); } } Oi = false; p = t.memoizedState; o.state = p; Di(t, r, o, a); var f = t.memoizedState; if (s !== d || p !== f || Sa.current || Oi) { if (typeof h === "function") { Li(t, n, h, r); f = t.memoizedState; } if (c = Oi || zi(t, n, c, r, p, f, l) || false) { if (!(u || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate !== "function" && typeof o.componentWillUpdate !== "function")) { if (typeof o.componentWillUpdate === "function") { o.componentWillUpdate(r, f, l); } if (typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate === "function") { o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r, f, l); } } if (typeof o.componentDidUpdate === "function") { t.flags |= 4; } if (typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === "function") { t.flags |= 1024; } } else { if (!(typeof o.componentDidUpdate !== "function" || s === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState)) { t.flags |= 4; } if (!(typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate !== "function" || s === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState)) { t.flags |= 1024; } t.memoizedProps = r; t.memoizedState = f; } o.props = r; o.state = f; o.context = l; r = c; } else { if (!(typeof o.componentDidUpdate !== "function" || s === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState)) { t.flags |= 4; } if (!(typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate !== "function" || s === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState)) { t.flags |= 1024; } r = false; } } return Ss(e, t, n, r, i, a); } function Ss(e, t, n, r, a, i) { ws(e, t); var o = (t.flags & 128) !== 0; if (!r && !o) { if (a) { Da(t, n, false); } return Us(e, t, i); } r = t.stateNode; ms.current = t; var s = o && typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError !== "function" ? null : r.render(); t.flags |= 1; if (e !== null && o) { t.child = Wi(t, e.child, null, i); t.child = Wi(t, null, s, i); } else { vs(e, t, s, i); } t.memoizedState = r.state; if (a) { Da(t, n, true); } return t.child; } function Os(e) { var t = e.stateNode; if (t.pendingContext) { Ca(0, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context); } else if (t.context) { Ca(0, t.context, false); } Ji(e, t.containerInfo); } function Ps(e, t, n, r, a) { ci(); ui(a); t.flags |= 256; vs(e, t, n, r); return t.child; } var Is; var As; var Cs; var Ts = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 }; function Rs(e) { return { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; } function Ds(e, t, n) { var r; var a = t.pendingProps; var o = ro.current; var s = false; var l = (t.flags & 128) !== 0; if (!(r = l)) { r = (e === null || e.memoizedState !== null) && (o & 2) !== 0; } if (r) { s = true; t.flags &= -129; } else if (!(e !== null && e.memoizedState === null)) { o |= 1; } wa(ro, o & 1); if (e === null) { ii(t); if ((e = t.memoizedState) !== null && (e = e.dehydrated) !== null) { if ((t.mode & 1) === 0) { t.lanes = 1; } else if (e.data === "$!") { t.lanes = 8; } else { t.lanes = 1073741824; } return null; } else { l = a.children; e = a.fallback; if (s) { a = t.mode; s = t.child; l = { mode: "hidden", children: l }; if ((a & 1) === 0 && s !== null) { s.childLanes = 0; s.pendingProps = l; } else { s = Rc(l, a, 0, null); } e = Tc(e, a, n, null); s.return = t; e.return = t; s.sibling = e; t.child = s; t.child.memoizedState = Rs(n); t.memoizedState = Ts; return e; } else { return Ns(t, l); } } } if ((o = e.memoizedState) !== null && (r = o.dehydrated) !== null) { return function (e, t, n, r, a, o, s) { if (n) { if (t.flags & 256) { t.flags &= -257; return js(e, t, s, r = ss(Error(i(422)))); } else if (t.memoizedState !== null) { t.child = e.child; t.flags |= 128; return null; } else { o = r.fallback; a = t.mode; r = Rc({ mode: "visible", children: r.children }, a, 0, null); (o = Tc(o, a, s, null)).flags |= 2; r.return = t; o.return = t; r.sibling = o; t.child = r; if ((t.mode & 1) !== 0) { Wi(t, e.child, null, s); } t.child.memoizedState = Rs(s); t.memoizedState = Ts; return o; } } if ((t.mode & 1) === 0) { return js(e, t, s, null); } if (a.data === "$!") { if (r = a.nextSibling && a.nextSibling.dataset) { var l = r.dgst; } r = l; return js(e, t, s, r = ss(o = Error(i(419)), r, undefined)); } l = (s & e.childLanes) !== 0; if (gs || l) { if ((r = Sl) !== null) { switch (s & -s) { case 4: a = 2; break; case 16: a = 8; break; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: a = 32; break; case 536870912: a = 268435456; break; default: a = 0; } if ((a = (a & (r.suspendedLanes | s)) !== 0 ? 0 : a) !== 0 && a !== o.retryLane) { o.retryLane = a; Si(e, a); Xl(r, e, a, -1); } } dc(); return js(e, t, s, r = ss(Error(i(421)))); } if (a.data === "$?") { t.flags |= 128; t.child = e.child; t = kc.bind(null, e); a._reactRetry = t; return null; } else { e = o.treeContext; Ja = ia(a.nextSibling); Xa = t; ei = true; ti = null; if (e !== null) { Ga[qa++] = Wa; Ga[qa++] = Ha; Ga[qa++] = $a; Wa = e.id; Ha = e.overflow; $a = t; } t = Ns(t, r.children); t.flags |= 4096; return t; } }(e, t, l, a, r, o, n); } if (s) { s = a.fallback; l = t.mode; r = (o = e.child).sibling; var c = { mode: "hidden", children: a.children }; if ((l & 1) === 0 && t.child !== o) { (a = t.child).childLanes = 0; a.pendingProps = c; t.deletions = null; } else { (a = Ac(o, c)).subtreeFlags = o.subtreeFlags & 14680064; } if (r !== null) { s = Ac(r, s); } else { (s = Tc(s, l, n, null)).flags |= 2; } s.return = t; a.return = t; a.sibling = s; t.child = a; a = s; s = t.child; l = (l = e.child.memoizedState) === null ? Rs(n) : { baseLanes: l.baseLanes | n, cachePool: null, transitions: l.transitions }; s.memoizedState = l; s.childLanes = e.childLanes & ~n; t.memoizedState = Ts; return a; } e = (s = e.child).sibling; a = Ac(s, { mode: "visible", children: a.children }); if ((t.mode & 1) === 0) { a.lanes = n; } a.return = t; a.sibling = null; if (e !== null) { if ((n = t.deletions) === null) { t.deletions = [e]; t.flags |= 16; } else { n.push(e); } } t.child = a; t.memoizedState = null; return a; } function Ns(e, t) { (t = Rc({ mode: "visible", children: t }, e.mode, 0, null)).return = e; return e.child = t; } function js(e, t, n, r) { if (r !== null) { ui(r); } Wi(t, e.child, null, n); (e = Ns(t, t.pendingProps.children)).flags |= 2; t.memoizedState = null; return e; } function Ls(e, t, n) { e.lanes |= t; var r = e.alternate; if (r !== null) { r.lanes |= t; } _i(e.return, t, n); } function Ms(e, t, n, r, a) { var i = e.memoizedState; if (i === null) { e.memoizedState = { isBackwards: t, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: r, tail: n, tailMode: a }; } else { i.isBackwards = t; i.rendering = null; i.renderingStartTime = 0; i.last = r; i.tail = n; i.tailMode = a; } } function zs(e, t, n) { var r = t.pendingProps; var a = r.revealOrder; var i = r.tail; vs(e, t, r.children, n); if (((r = ro.current) & 2) !== 0) { r = r & 1 | 2; t.flags |= 128; } else { if (e !== null && (e.flags & 128) !== 0) { e: for (e = t.child; e !== null;) { if (e.tag === 13) { if (e.memoizedState !== null) { Ls(e, n, t); } } else if (e.tag === 19) { Ls(e, n, t); } else if (e.child !== null) { e.child.return = e; e = e.child; continue; } if (e === t) { break e; } for (; e.sibling === null;) { if (e.return === null || e.return === t) { break e; } e = e.return; } e.sibling.return = e.return; e = e.sibling; } } r &= 1; } wa(ro, r); if ((t.mode & 1) === 0) { t.memoizedState = null; } else { switch (a) { case "forwards": n = t.child; a = null; for (; n !== null;) { if ((e = n.alternate) !== null && ao(e) === null) { a = n; } n = n.sibling; } if ((n = a) === null) { a = t.child; t.child = null; } else { a = n.sibling; n.sibling = null; } Ms(t, false, a, n, i); break; case "backwards": n = null; a = t.child; t.child = null; for (; a !== null;) { if ((e = a.alternate) !== null && ao(e) === null) { t.child = a; break; } e = a.sibling; a.sibling = n; n = a; a = e; } Ms(t, true, n, null, i); break; case "together": Ms(t, false, null, null, undefined); break; default: t.memoizedState = null; } } return t.child; } function Fs(e, t) { if ((t.mode & 1) === 0 && e !== null) { e.alternate = null; t.alternate = null; t.flags |= 2; } } function Us(e, t, n) { if (e !== null) { t.dependencies = e.dependencies; } Rl |= t.lanes; if ((n & t.childLanes) === 0) { return null; } if (e !== null && t.child !== e.child) { throw Error(i(153)); } if (t.child !== null) { n = Ac(e = t.child, e.pendingProps); t.child = n; n.return = t; for (; e.sibling !== null;) { e = e.sibling; (n = n.sibling = Ac(e, e.pendingProps)).return = t; } n.sibling = null; } return t.child; } function Vs(e, t) { if (!ei) { switch (e.tailMode) { case "hidden": t = e.tail; for (var n = null; t !== null;) { if (t.alternate !== null) { n = t; } t = t.sibling; } if (n === null) { e.tail = null; } else { n.sibling = null; } break; case "collapsed": n = e.tail; for (var r = null; n !== null;) { if (n.alternate !== null) { r = n; } n = n.sibling; } if (r === null) { if (t || e.tail === null) { e.tail = null; } else { e.tail.sibling = null; } } else { r.sibling = null; } } } } function Bs(e) { var t = e.alternate !== null && e.alternate.child === e.child; var n = 0; var r = 0; if (t) { for (var a = e.child; a !== null;) { n |= a.lanes | a.childLanes; r |= a.subtreeFlags & 14680064; r |= a.flags & 14680064; a.return = e; a = a.sibling; } } else { for (a = e.child; a !== null;) { n |= a.lanes | a.childLanes; r |= a.subtreeFlags; r |= a.flags; a.return = e; a = a.sibling; } } e.subtreeFlags |= r; e.childLanes = n; return t; } function Gs(e, t, n) { var r = t.pendingProps; Za(t); switch (t.tag) { case 2: case 16: case 15: case 0: case 11: case 7: case 8: case 12: case 9: case 14: Bs(t); return null; case 1: case 17: if (Ia(t.type)) { Aa(); } Bs(t); return null; case 3: r = t.stateNode; eo(); xa(Sa); xa(Ea); oo(); if (r.pendingContext) { r.context = r.pendingContext; r.pendingContext = null; } if (!(e !== null && e.child !== null)) { if (si(t)) { t.flags |= 4; } else if (!(e === null || e.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (t.flags & 256) === 0)) { t.flags |= 1024; if (ti !== null) { nc(ti); ti = null; } } } Bs(t); return null; case 5: no(t); var a = Xi(Zi.current); n = t.type; if (e !== null && t.stateNode != null) { As(e, t, n, r); if (e.ref !== t.ref) { t.flags |= 512; t.flags |= 2097152; } } else { if (!r) { if (t.stateNode === null) { throw Error(i(166)); } Bs(t); return null; } e = Xi(Ki.current); if (si(t)) { r = t.stateNode; n = t.type; var o = t.memoizedProps; r[la] = t; r[ca] = o; e = (t.mode & 1) !== 0; switch (n) { case "dialog": jr("cancel", r); jr("close", r); break; case "iframe": case "object": case "embed": jr("load", r); break; case "video": case "audio": for (a = 0; a < Tr.length; a++) { jr(Tr[a], r); } break; case "source": jr("error", r); break; case "img": case "image": case "link": jr("error", r); jr("load", r); break; case "details": jr("toggle", r); break; case "input": Q(r, o); jr("invalid", r); break; case "select": r._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!o.multiple }; jr("invalid", r); break; case "textarea": ae(r, o); jr("invalid", r); } ve(n, o); a = null; for (var l in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(l)) { var c = o[l]; if (l === "children") { if (typeof c === "string") { if (r.textContent !== c) { if (o.suppressHydrationWarning !== true) { Yr(r.textContent, c, e); } a = ["children", c]; } } else if (typeof c === "number" && r.textContent !== "" + c) { if (o.suppressHydrationWarning !== true) { Yr(r.textContent, c, e); } a = ["children", "" + c]; } } else if (s.hasOwnProperty(l) && c != null && l === "onScroll") { jr("scroll", r); } } } switch (n) { case "input": W(r); J(r, o, true); break; case "textarea": W(r); oe(r); break; case "select": case "option": break; default: if (typeof o.onClick === "function") { r.onclick = Kr; } } r = a; t.updateQueue = r; if (r !== null) { t.flags |= 4; } } else { l = a.nodeType === 9 ? a : a.ownerDocument; if (e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") { e = se(n); } if (e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") { if (n === "script") { (e = l.createElement("div")).innerHTML = ""; e = e.removeChild(e.firstChild); } else if (typeof r.is === "string") { e = l.createElement(n, { is: r.is }); } else { e = l.createElement(n); if (n === "select") { l = e; if (r.multiple) { l.multiple = true; } else if (r.size) { l.size = r.size; } } } } else { e = l.createElementNS(e, n); } e[la] = t; e[ca] = r; Is(e, t); t.stateNode = e; e: { l = ye(n, r); switch (n) { case "dialog": jr("cancel", e); jr("close", e); a = r; break; case "iframe": case "object": case "embed": jr("load", e); a = r; break; case "video": case "audio": for (a = 0; a < Tr.length; a++) { jr(Tr[a], e); } a = r; break; case "source": jr("error", e); a = r; break; case "img": case "image": case "link": jr("error", e); jr("load", e); a = r; break; case "details": jr("toggle", e); a = r; break; case "input": Q(e, r); a = K(e, r); jr("invalid", e); break; case "option": default: a = r; break; case "select": e._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!r.multiple }; a = M({}, r, { value: undefined }); jr("invalid", e); break; case "textarea": ae(e, r); a = re(e, r); jr("invalid", e); } ve(n, a); for (o in c = a) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(o)) { var u = c[o]; if (o === "style") { me(e, u); } else if (o === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML") { if ((u = u ? u.__html : undefined) != null) { ue(e, u); } } else if (o === "children") { if (typeof u === "string") { if (n !== "textarea" || u !== "") { de(e, u); } } else if (typeof u === "number") { de(e, "" + u); } } else if (o !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && o !== "suppressHydrationWarning" && o !== "autoFocus") { if (s.hasOwnProperty(o)) { if (u != null && o === "onScroll") { jr("scroll", e); } } else if (u != null) { _(e, o, u, l); } } } } switch (n) { case "input": W(e); J(e, r, false); break; case "textarea": W(e); oe(e); break; case "option": if (r.value != null) { e.setAttribute("value", "" + q(r.value)); } break; case "select": e.multiple = !!r.multiple; if ((o = r.value) != null) { ne(e, !!r.multiple, o, false); } else if (r.defaultValue != null) { ne(e, !!r.multiple, r.defaultValue, true); } break; default: if (typeof a.onClick === "function") { e.onclick = Kr; } } switch (n) { case "button": case "input": case "select": case "textarea": r = !!r.autoFocus; break e; case "img": r = true; break e; default: r = false; } } if (r) { t.flags |= 4; } } if (t.ref !== null) { t.flags |= 512; t.flags |= 2097152; } } Bs(t); return null; case 6: if (e && t.stateNode != null) { Cs(0, t, e.memoizedProps, r); } else { if (typeof r !== "string" && t.stateNode === null) { throw Error(i(166)); } n = Xi(Zi.current); Xi(Ki.current); if (si(t)) { r = t.stateNode; n = t.memoizedProps; r[la] = t; if ((o = r.nodeValue !== n) && (e = Xa) !== null) { switch (e.tag) { case 3: Yr(r.nodeValue, n, (e.mode & 1) !== 0); break; case 5: if (e.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning !== true) { Yr(r.nodeValue, n, (e.mode & 1) !== 0); } } } if (o) { t.flags |= 4; } } else { (r = (n.nodeType === 9 ? n : n.ownerDocument).createTextNode(r))[la] = t; t.stateNode = r; } } Bs(t); return null; case 13: xa(ro); r = t.memoizedState; if (e === null || e.memoizedState !== null && e.memoizedState.dehydrated !== null) { if (ei && Ja !== null && (t.mode & 1) !== 0 && (t.flags & 128) === 0) { li(); ci(); t.flags |= 98560; o = false; } else { o = si(t); if (r !== null && r.dehydrated !== null) { if (e === null) { if (!o) { throw Error(i(318)); } if (!(o = (o = t.memoizedState) !== null ? o.dehydrated : null)) { throw Error(i(317)); } o[la] = t; } else { ci(); if ((t.flags & 128) === 0) { t.memoizedState = null; } t.flags |= 4; } Bs(t); o = false; } else { if (ti !== null) { nc(ti); ti = null; } o = true; } } if (!o) { if (t.flags & 65536) { return t; } else { return null; } } } if ((t.flags & 128) !== 0) { t.lanes = n; return t; } else { if ((r = r !== null) !== (e !== null && e.memoizedState !== null) && r) { t.child.flags |= 8192; if ((t.mode & 1) !== 0) { if (e === null || (ro.current & 1) !== 0) { if (Cl === 0) { Cl = 3; } } else { dc(); } } } if (t.updateQueue !== null) { t.flags |= 4; } Bs(t); return null; } case 4: eo(); if (e === null) { zr(t.stateNode.containerInfo); } Bs(t); return null; case 10: yi(t.type._context); Bs(t); return null; case 19: xa(ro); if ((o = t.memoizedState) === null) { Bs(t); return null; } r = (t.flags & 128) !== 0; if ((l = o.rendering) === null) { if (r) { Vs(o, false); } else { if (Cl !== 0 || e !== null && (e.flags & 128) !== 0) { for (e = t.child; e !== null;) { if ((l = ao(e)) !== null) { t.flags |= 128; Vs(o, false); if ((r = l.updateQueue) !== null) { t.updateQueue = r; t.flags |= 4; } t.subtreeFlags = 0; r = n; n = t.child; for (; n !== null;) { e = r; (o = n).flags &= 14680066; if ((l = o.alternate) === null) { o.childLanes = 0; o.lanes = e; o.child = null; o.subtreeFlags = 0; o.memoizedProps = null; o.memoizedState = null; o.updateQueue = null; o.dependencies = null; o.stateNode = null; } else { o.childLanes = l.childLanes; o.lanes = l.lanes; o.child = l.child; o.subtreeFlags = 0; o.deletions = null; o.memoizedProps = l.memoizedProps; o.memoizedState = l.memoizedState; o.updateQueue = l.updateQueue; o.type = l.type; e = l.dependencies; o.dependencies = e === null ? null : { lanes: e.lanes, firstContext: e.firstContext }; } n = n.sibling; } wa(ro, ro.current & 1 | 2); return t.child; } e = e.sibling; } } if (o.tail !== null && Qe() > zl) { t.flags |= 128; r = true; Vs(o, false); t.lanes = 4194304; } } } else { if (!r) { if ((e = ao(l)) !== null) { t.flags |= 128; r = true; if ((n = e.updateQueue) !== null) { t.updateQueue = n; t.flags |= 4; } Vs(o, true); if (o.tail === null && o.tailMode === "hidden" && !l.alternate && !ei) { Bs(t); return null; } } else if (Qe() * 2 - o.renderingStartTime > zl && n !== 1073741824) { t.flags |= 128; r = true; Vs(o, false); t.lanes = 4194304; } } if (o.isBackwards) { l.sibling = t.child; t.child = l; } else { if ((n = o.last) !== null) { n.sibling = l; } else { t.child = l; } o.last = l; } } if (o.tail !== null) { t = o.tail; o.rendering = t; o.tail = t.sibling; o.renderingStartTime = Qe(); t.sibling = null; n = ro.current; wa(ro, r ? n & 1 | 2 : n & 1); return t; } else { Bs(t); return null; } case 22: case 23: sc(); r = t.memoizedState !== null; if (e !== null && e.memoizedState !== null !== r) { t.flags |= 8192; } if (r && (t.mode & 1) !== 0) { if ((Il & 1073741824) !== 0) { Bs(t); if (t.subtreeFlags & 6) { t.flags |= 8192; } } } else { Bs(t); } return null; case 24: case 25: return null; } throw Error(i(156, t.tag)); } function qs(e, t) { Za(t); switch (t.tag) { case 1: if (Ia(t.type)) { Aa(); } if ((e = t.flags) & 65536) { t.flags = e & -65537 | 128; return t; } else { return null; } case 3: eo(); xa(Sa); xa(Ea); oo(); if (((e = t.flags) & 65536) !== 0 && (e & 128) === 0) { t.flags = e & -65537 | 128; return t; } else { return null; } case 5: no(t); return null; case 13: xa(ro); if ((e = t.memoizedState) !== null && e.dehydrated !== null) { if (t.alternate === null) { throw Error(i(340)); } ci(); } if ((e = t.flags) & 65536) { t.flags = e & -65537 | 128; return t; } else { return null; } case 19: xa(ro); return null; case 4: eo(); return null; case 10: yi(t.type._context); return null; case 22: case 23: sc(); return null; default: return null; } } Is = function (e, t) { for (var n = t.child; n !== null;) { if (n.tag === 5 || n.tag === 6) { e.appendChild(n.stateNode); } else if (n.tag !== 4 && n.child !== null) { n.child.return = n; n = n.child; continue; } if (n === t) { break; } for (; n.sibling === null;) { if (n.return === null || n.return === t) { return; } n = n.return; } n.sibling.return = n.return; n = n.sibling; } }; As = function (e, t, n, r) { var a = e.memoizedProps; if (a !== r) { e = t.stateNode; Xi(Ki.current); var i; var o = null; switch (n) { case "input": a = K(e, a); r = K(e, r); o = []; break; case "select": a = M({}, a, { value: undefined }); r = M({}, r, { value: undefined }); o = []; break; case "textarea": a = re(e, a); r = re(e, r); o = []; break; default: if (typeof a.onClick !== "function" && typeof r.onClick === "function") { e.onclick = Kr; } } ve(n, r); n = null; for (u in a) { if (!r.hasOwnProperty(u) && a.hasOwnProperty(u) && a[u] != null) { if (u === "style") { var l = a[u]; for (i in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!n) { n = {}; } n[i] = ""; } } } else if (u !== "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" && u !== "children" && u !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && u !== "suppressHydrationWarning" && u !== "autoFocus") { if (s.hasOwnProperty(u)) { if (!o) { o = []; } } else { (o = o || []).push(u, null); } } } } for (u in r) { var c = r[u]; l = a != null ? a[u] : undefined; if (r.hasOwnProperty(u) && c !== l && (c != null || l != null)) { if (u === "style") { if (l) { for (i in l) { if (!(!l.hasOwnProperty(i) || c && c.hasOwnProperty(i))) { if (!n) { n = {}; } n[i] = ""; } } for (i in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(i) && l[i] !== c[i]) { if (!n) { n = {}; } n[i] = c[i]; } } } else { if (!n) { if (!o) { o = []; } o.push(u, n); } n = c; } } else if (u === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML") { c = c ? c.__html : undefined; l = l ? l.__html : undefined; if (c != null && l !== c) { (o = o || []).push(u, c); } } else if (u === "children") { if (!(typeof c !== "string" && typeof c !== "number")) { (o = o || []).push(u, "" + c); } } else if (u !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && u !== "suppressHydrationWarning") { if (s.hasOwnProperty(u)) { if (c != null && u === "onScroll") { jr("scroll", e); } if (!(o || l === c)) { o = []; } } else { (o = o || []).push(u, c); } } } } if (n) { (o = o || []).push("style", n); } var u = o; if (t.updateQueue = u) { t.flags |= 4; } } }; Cs = function (e, t, n, r) { if (n !== r) { t.flags |= 4; } }; var $s = false; var Ws = false; var Hs = typeof WeakSet === "function" ? WeakSet : Set; var Ys = null; function Ks(e, t) { var n = e.ref; if (n !== null) { if (typeof n === "function") { try { n(null); } catch (r) { bc(e, t, r); } } else { n.current = null; } } } function Qs(e, t, n) { try { n(); } catch (r) { bc(e, t, r); } } var Zs = false; function Xs(e, t, n) { var r = t.updateQueue; if ((r = r !== null ? r.lastEffect : null) !== null) { var a = r = r.next; do { if ((a.tag & e) === e) { var i = a.destroy; a.destroy = undefined; if (i !== undefined) { Qs(t, n, i); } } a = a.next; } while (a !== r); } } function Js(e, t) { if ((t = (t = t.updateQueue) !== null ? t.lastEffect : null) !== null) { var n = t = t.next; do { if ((n.tag & e) === e) { var r = n.create; n.destroy = r(); } n = n.next; } while (n !== t); } } function el(e) { var t = e.ref; if (t !== null) { var n = e.stateNode; e.tag; e = n; if (typeof t === "function") { t(e); } else { t.current = e; } } } function tl(e) { var t = e.alternate; if (t !== null) { e.alternate = null; tl(t); } e.child = null; e.deletions = null; e.sibling = null; if (e.tag === 5 && (t = e.stateNode) !== null) { delete t[la]; delete t[ca]; delete t[da]; delete t[pa]; delete t[ha]; } e.stateNode = null; e.return = null; e.dependencies = null; e.memoizedProps = null; e.memoizedState = null; e.pendingProps = null; e.stateNode = null; e.updateQueue = null; } function nl(e) { return e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 3 || e.tag === 4; } function rl(e) { e: for (; ;) { for (; e.sibling === null;) { if (e.return === null || nl(e.return)) { return null; } e = e.return; } e.sibling.return = e.return; e = e.sibling; for (; e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 18;) { if (e.flags & 2) { continue e; } if (e.child === null || e.tag === 4) { continue e; } e.child.return = e; e = e.child; } if (!(e.flags & 2)) { return e.stateNode; } } } function al(e, t, n) { var r = e.tag; if (r === 5 || r === 6) { e = e.stateNode; if (t) { if (n.nodeType === 8) { n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t); } else { n.insertBefore(e, t); } } else { if (n.nodeType === 8) { (t = n.parentNode).insertBefore(e, n); } else { (t = n).appendChild(e); } if (!((n = n._reactRootContainer) !== null && n !== undefined || t.onclick !== null)) { t.onclick = Kr; } } } else if (r !== 4 && (e = e.child) !== null) { al(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; al(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; for (; e !== null;) { al(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; } } } function il(e, t, n) { var r = e.tag; if (r === 5 || r === 6) { e = e.stateNode; if (t) { n.insertBefore(e, t); } else { n.appendChild(e); } } else if (r !== 4 && (e = e.child) !== null) { il(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; il(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; for (; e !== null;) { il(e, t, n); e = e.sibling; } } } var ol = null; var sl = false; function ll(e, t, n) { for (n = n.child; n !== null;) { cl(e, t, n); n = n.sibling; } } function cl(e, t, n) { if (at && typeof at.onCommitFiberUnmount === "function") { try { at.onCommitFiberUnmount(rt, n); } catch (s) { } } switch (n.tag) { case 5: if (!Ws) { Ks(n, t); } case 6: var r = ol; var a = sl; ol = null; ll(e, t, n); sl = a; if ((ol = r) !== null) { if (sl) { e = ol; n = n.stateNode; if (e.nodeType === 8) { e.parentNode.removeChild(n); } else { e.removeChild(n); } } else { ol.removeChild(n.stateNode); } } break; case 18: if (ol !== null) { if (sl) { e = ol; n = n.stateNode; if (e.nodeType === 8) { aa(e.parentNode, n); } else if (e.nodeType === 1) { aa(e, n); } Vt(e); } else { aa(ol, n.stateNode); } } break; case 4: r = ol; a = sl; ol = n.stateNode.containerInfo; sl = true; ll(e, t, n); ol = r; sl = a; break; case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if (!Ws && (r = n.updateQueue) !== null && (r = r.lastEffect) !== null) { a = r = r.next; do { var i = a; var o = i.destroy; i = i.tag; if (o !== undefined && ((i & 2) !== 0 || (i & 4) !== 0)) { Qs(n, t, o); } a = a.next; } while (a !== r); } ll(e, t, n); break; case 1: if (!Ws && (Ks(n, t), typeof (r = n.stateNode).componentWillUnmount === "function")) { try { r.props = n.memoizedProps; r.state = n.memoizedState; r.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (s) { bc(n, t, s); } } ll(e, t, n); break; case 21: ll(e, t, n); break; case 22: if (n.mode & 1) { Ws = (r = Ws) || n.memoizedState !== null; ll(e, t, n); Ws = r; } else { ll(e, t, n); } break; default: ll(e, t, n); } } function ul(e) { var t = e.updateQueue; if (t !== null) { e.updateQueue = null; var n = e.stateNode; if (n === null) { n = e.stateNode = new Hs(); } t.forEach(function (t) { var r = Ec.bind(null, e, t); if (!n.has(t)) { n.add(t); t.then(r, r); } }); } } function dl(e, t) { var n = t.deletions; if (n !== null) { for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var a = n[r]; try { var o = e; var s = t; var l = s; e: for (; l !== null;) { switch (l.tag) { case 5: ol = l.stateNode; sl = false; break e; case 3: case 4: ol = l.stateNode.containerInfo; sl = true; break e; } l = l.return; } if (ol === null) { throw Error(i(160)); } cl(o, s, a); ol = null; sl = false; var c = a.alternate; if (c !== null) { c.return = null; } a.return = null; } catch (u) { bc(a, t, u); } } } if (t.subtreeFlags & 12854) { for (t = t.child; t !== null;) { pl(t, e); t = t.sibling; } } } function pl(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; var r = e.flags; switch (e.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 4) { try { Xs(3, e, e.return); Js(3, e); } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } try { Xs(5, e, e.return); } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 1: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 512 && n !== null) { Ks(n, n.return); } break; case 5: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 512 && n !== null) { Ks(n, n.return); } if (e.flags & 32) { var a = e.stateNode; try { de(a, ""); } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } if (r & 4 && (a = e.stateNode) != null) { var o = e.memoizedProps; var s = n !== null ? n.memoizedProps : o; var l = e.type; var c = e.updateQueue; e.updateQueue = null; if (c !== null) { try { if (l === "input" && o.type === "radio" && o.name != null) { Z(a, o); } ye(l, s); var u = ye(l, o); for (s = 0; s < c.length; s += 2) { var d = c[s]; var p = c[s + 1]; if (d === "style") { me(a, p); } else if (d === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML") { ue(a, p); } else if (d === "children") { de(a, p); } else { _(a, d, p, u); } } switch (l) { case "input": X(a, o); break; case "textarea": ie(a, o); break; case "select": var h = a._wrapperState.wasMultiple; a._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!o.multiple; var f = o.value; if (f != null) { ne(a, !!o.multiple, f, false); } else if (h !== !!o.multiple) { if (o.defaultValue != null) { ne(a, !!o.multiple, o.defaultValue, true); } else { ne(a, !!o.multiple, o.multiple ? [] : "", false); } } } a[ca] = o; } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } } break; case 6: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 4) { if (e.stateNode === null) { throw Error(i(162)); } a = e.stateNode; o = e.memoizedProps; try { a.nodeValue = o; } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 3: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 4 && n !== null && n.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { try { Vt(t.containerInfo); } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 4: default: dl(t, e); hl(e); break; case 13: dl(t, e); hl(e); if ((a = e.child).flags & 8192) { o = a.memoizedState !== null; a.stateNode.isHidden = o; if (!(!o || a.alternate !== null && a.alternate.memoizedState !== null)) { Ml = Qe(); } } if (r & 4) { ul(e); } break; case 22: d = n !== null && n.memoizedState !== null; if (e.mode & 1) { Ws = (u = Ws) || d; dl(t, e); Ws = u; } else { dl(t, e); } hl(e); if (r & 8192) { u = e.memoizedState !== null; if ((e.stateNode.isHidden = u) && !d && (e.mode & 1) !== 0) { Ys = e; d = e.child; Ys = e; d = e.child; for (; d !== null;) { for (p = Ys = d; Ys !== null;) { f = (h = Ys).child; switch (h.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: Xs(4, h, h.return); break; case 1: Ks(h, h.return); var m = h.stateNode; if (typeof m.componentWillUnmount === "function") { r = h; n = h.return; try { t = r; m.props = t.memoizedProps; m.state = t.memoizedState; m.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (g) { bc(r, n, g); } } break; case 5: Ks(h, h.return); break; case 22: if (h.memoizedState !== null) { vl(p); continue; } } if (f !== null) { f.return = h; Ys = f; } else { vl(p); } } d = d.sibling; } } d = null; p = e; e: for (; ;) { if (p.tag === 5) { if (d === null) { d = p; try { a = p.stateNode; if (u) { if (typeof (o = a.style).setProperty === "function") { o.setProperty("display", "none", "important"); } else { o.display = "none"; } } else { l = p.stateNode; s = (c = p.memoizedProps.style) !== undefined && c !== null && c.hasOwnProperty("display") ? c.display : null; l.style.display = fe("display", s); } } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } } else if (p.tag === 6) { if (d === null) { try { p.stateNode.nodeValue = u ? "" : p.memoizedProps; } catch (g) { bc(e, e.return, g); } } } else if ((p.tag !== 22 && p.tag !== 23 || p.memoizedState === null || p === e) && p.child !== null) { p.child.return = p; p = p.child; continue; } if (p === e) { break e; } for (; p.sibling === null;) { if (p.return === null || p.return === e) { break e; } if (d === p) { d = null; } p = p.return; } if (d === p) { d = null; } p.sibling.return = p.return; p = p.sibling; } } break; case 19: dl(t, e); hl(e); if (r & 4) { ul(e); } case 21: } } function hl(e) { var t = e.flags; if (t & 2) { try { e: { for (var n = e.return; n !== null;) { if (nl(n)) { var r = n; break e; } n = n.return; } throw Error(i(160)); } switch (r.tag) { case 5: var a = r.stateNode; if (r.flags & 32) { de(a, ""); r.flags &= -33; } il(e, rl(e), a); break; case 3: case 4: var o = r.stateNode.containerInfo; al(e, rl(e), o); break; default: throw Error(i(161)); } } catch (s) { bc(e, e.return, s); } e.flags &= -3; } if (t & 4096) { e.flags &= -4097; } } function fl(e, t, n) { Ys = e; ml(e, t, n); } function ml(e, t, n) { for (var r = (e.mode & 1) !== 0; Ys !== null;) { var a = Ys; var i = a.child; if (a.tag === 22 && r) { var o = a.memoizedState !== null || $s; if (!o) { var s = a.alternate; var l = s !== null && s.memoizedState !== null || Ws; s = $s; var c = Ws; $s = o; if ((Ws = l) && !c) { for (Ys = a; Ys !== null;) { l = (o = Ys).child; if (o.tag === 22 && o.memoizedState !== null) { yl(a); } else if (l !== null) { l.return = o; Ys = l; } else { yl(a); } } } for (; i !== null;) { Ys = i; ml(i, t, n); i = i.sibling; } Ys = a; $s = s; Ws = c; } gl(e); } else if ((a.subtreeFlags & 8772) !== 0 && i !== null) { i.return = a; Ys = i; } else { gl(e); } } } function gl(e) { for (; Ys !== null;) { var t = Ys; if ((t.flags & 8772) !== 0) { var n = t.alternate; try { if ((t.flags & 8772) !== 0) { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: if (!Ws) { Js(5, t); } break; case 1: var r = t.stateNode; if (t.flags & 4 && !Ws) { if (n === null) { r.componentDidMount(); } else { var a = t.elementType === t.type ? n.memoizedProps : pi(t.type, n.memoizedProps); r.componentDidUpdate(a, n.memoizedState, r.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate); } } var o = t.updateQueue; if (o !== null) { Ni(t, o, r); } break; case 3: var s = t.updateQueue; if (s !== null) { n = null; if (t.child !== null) { switch (t.child.tag) { case 5: case 1: n = t.child.stateNode; } } Ni(t, s, n); } break; case 5: var l = t.stateNode; if (n === null && t.flags & 4) { n = l; var c = t.memoizedProps; switch (t.type) { case "button": case "input": case "select": case "textarea": if (c.autoFocus) { n.focus(); } break; case "img": if (c.src) { n.src = c.src; } } } break; case 6: case 4: case 12: case 19: case 17: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 25: break; case 13: if (t.memoizedState === null) { var u = t.alternate; if (u !== null) { var d = u.memoizedState; if (d !== null) { var p = d.dehydrated; if (p !== null) { Vt(p); } } } } break; default: throw Error(i(163)); } } if (!Ws) { if (t.flags & 512) { el(t); } } } catch (h) { bc(t, t.return, h); } } if (t === e) { Ys = null; break; } if ((n = t.sibling) !== null) { n.return = t.return; Ys = n; break; } Ys = t.return; } } function vl(e) { for (; Ys !== null;) { var t = Ys; if (t === e) { Ys = null; break; } var n = t.sibling; if (n !== null) { n.return = t.return; Ys = n; break; } Ys = t.return; } } function yl(e) { for (; Ys !== null;) { var t = Ys; try { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: var n = t.return; try { Js(4, t); } catch (l) { bc(t, n, l); } break; case 1: var r = t.stateNode; if (typeof r.componentDidMount === "function") { var a = t.return; try { r.componentDidMount(); } catch (l) { bc(t, a, l); } } var i = t.return; try { el(t); } catch (l) { bc(t, i, l); } break; case 5: var o = t.return; try { el(t); } catch (l) { bc(t, o, l); } } } catch (l) { bc(t, t.return, l); } if (t === e) { Ys = null; break; } var s = t.sibling; if (s !== null) { s.return = t.return; Ys = s; break; } Ys = t.return; } } var _l; var bl = Math.ceil; var xl = b.ReactCurrentDispatcher; var wl = b.ReactCurrentOwner; var kl = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; var El = 0; var Sl = null; var Ol = null; var Pl = 0; var Il = 0; var Al = ba(0); var Cl = 0; var Tl = null; var Rl = 0; var Dl = 0; var Nl = 0; var jl = null; var Ll = null; var Ml = 0; var zl = Infinity; var Fl = null; var Ul = false; var Vl = null; var Bl = null; var Gl = false; var ql = null; var $l = 0; var Wl = 0; var Hl = null; var Yl = -1; var Kl = 0; function Ql() { if ((El & 6) !== 0) { return Qe(); } else if (Yl !== -1) { return Yl; } else { return Yl = Qe(); } } function Zl(e) { if ((e.mode & 1) === 0) { return 1; } else if ((El & 2) !== 0 && Pl !== 0) { return Pl & -Pl; } else if (di.transition !== null) { if (Kl === 0) { Kl = ft(); } return Kl; } else if ((e = yt) !== 0) { return e; } else { return e = (e = window.event) === undefined ? 16 : Kt(e.type); } } function Xl(e, t, n, r) { if (Wl > 50) { Wl = 0; Hl = null; throw Error(i(185)); } gt(e, n, r); if (!((El & 2) !== 0 && e === Sl)) { if (e === Sl) { if ((El & 2) === 0) { Dl |= n; } if (Cl === 4) { rc(e, Pl); } } Jl(e, r); if (n === 1 && El === 0 && (t.mode & 1) === 0) { zl = Qe() + 500; if (ja) { za(); } } } } function Jl(e, t) { var n = e.callbackNode; (function (e, t) { for (var n = e.suspendedLanes, r = e.pingedLanes, a = e.expirationTimes, i = e.pendingLanes; i > 0;) { var o = 31 - it(i); var s = 1 << o; var l = a[o]; if (l === -1) { if (!((s & n) !== 0 && (s & r) === 0)) { a[o] = pt(s, t); } } else if (l <= t) { e.expiredLanes |= s; } i &= ~s; } })(e, t); var r = dt(e, e === Sl ? Pl : 0); if (r === 0) { if (n !== null) { He(n); } e.callbackNode = null; e.callbackPriority = 0; } else { t = r & -r; if (e.callbackPriority !== t) { if (n != null) { He(n); } if (t === 1) { if (e.tag === 0) { (function (e) { ja = true; Ma(e); })(ac.bind(null, e)); } else { Ma(ac.bind(null, e)); } na(function () { if ((El & 6) === 0) { za(); } }); n = null; } else { switch (_t(r)) { case 1: n = Xe; break; case 4: n = Je; break; case 16: default: n = et; break; case 536870912: n = nt; } n = Sc(n, ec.bind(null, e)); } e.callbackPriority = t; e.callbackNode = n; } } } function ec(e, t) { Yl = -1; Kl = 0; if ((El & 6) !== 0) { throw Error(i(327)); } var n = e.callbackNode; if (yc() && e.callbackNode !== n) { return null; } var r = dt(e, e === Sl ? Pl : 0); if (r === 0) { return null; } if ((r & 30) !== 0 || (r & e.expiredLanes) !== 0 || t) { t = pc(e, r); } else { t = r; var a = El; El |= 2; var o = uc(); for (Sl === e && Pl === t || (Fl = null, zl = Qe() + 500, lc(e, t)); ;) { try { fc(); break; } catch (l) { cc(e, l); } } vi(); xl.current = o; El = a; if (Ol !== null) { t = 0; } else { Sl = null; Pl = 0; t = Cl; } } if (t !== 0) { if (t === 2 && (a = ht(e)) !== 0) { r = a; t = tc(e, a); } if (t === 1) { n = Tl; lc(e, 0); rc(e, r); Jl(e, Qe()); throw n; } if (t === 6) { rc(e, r); } else { a = e.current.alternate; if ((r & 30) === 0 && !function (e) { for (var t = e; ;) { if (t.flags & 16384) { var n = t.updateQueue; if (n !== null && (n = n.stores) !== null) { for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var a = n[r]; var i = a.getSnapshot; a = a.value; try { if (!rr(i(), a)) { return false; } } catch (s) { return false; } } } } n = t.child; if (t.subtreeFlags & 16384 && n !== null) { n.return = t; t = n; } else { if (t === e) { break; } for (; t.sibling === null;) { if (t.return === null || t.return === e) { return true; } t = t.return; } t.sibling.return = t.return; t = t.sibling; } } return true; }(a) && ((t = pc(e, r)) === 2 && (o = ht(e)) !== 0 && (r = o, t = tc(e, o)), t === 1)) { n = Tl; lc(e, 0); rc(e, r); Jl(e, Qe()); throw n; } e.finishedWork = a; e.finishedLanes = r; switch (t) { case 0: case 1: throw Error(i(345)); case 2: case 5: vc(e, Ll, Fl); break; case 3: rc(e, r); if ((r & 130023424) === r && (t = Ml + 500 - Qe()) > 10) { if (dt(e, 0) !== 0) { break; } if (((a = e.suspendedLanes) & r) !== r) { Ql(); e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & a; break; } e.timeoutHandle = Jr(vc.bind(null, e, Ll, Fl), t); break; } vc(e, Ll, Fl); break; case 4: rc(e, r); if ((r & 4194240) === r) { break; } t = e.eventTimes; a = -1; for (; r > 0;) { var s = 31 - it(r); o = 1 << s; if ((s = t[s]) > a) { a = s; } r &= ~o; } r = a; if ((r = ((r = Qe() - r) < 120 ? 120 : r < 480 ? 480 : r < 1080 ? 1080 : r < 1920 ? 1920 : r < 3000 ? 3000 : r < 4320 ? 4320 : bl(r / 1960) * 1960) - r) > 10) { e.timeoutHandle = Jr(vc.bind(null, e, Ll, Fl), r); break; } vc(e, Ll, Fl); break; default: throw Error(i(329)); } } } Jl(e, Qe()); if (e.callbackNode === n) { return ec.bind(null, e); } else { return null; } } function tc(e, t) { var n = jl; if (e.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { lc(e, t).flags |= 256; } if ((e = pc(e, t)) !== 2) { t = Ll; Ll = n; if (t !== null) { nc(t); } } return e; } function nc(e) { if (Ll === null) { Ll = e; } else { Ll.push.apply(Ll, e); } } function rc(e, t) { t &= ~Nl; t &= ~Dl; e.suspendedLanes |= t; e.pingedLanes &= ~t; e = e.expirationTimes; for (; t > 0;) { var n = 31 - it(t); var r = 1 << n; e[n] = -1; t &= ~r; } } function ac(e) { if ((El & 6) !== 0) { throw Error(i(327)); } yc(); var t = dt(e, 0); if ((t & 1) === 0) { Jl(e, Qe()); return null; } var n = pc(e, t); if (e.tag !== 0 && n === 2) { var r = ht(e); if (r !== 0) { t = r; n = tc(e, r); } } if (n === 1) { n = Tl; lc(e, 0); rc(e, t); Jl(e, Qe()); throw n; } if (n === 6) { throw Error(i(345)); } e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate; e.finishedLanes = t; vc(e, Ll, Fl); Jl(e, Qe()); return null; } function ic(e, t) { var n = El; El |= 1; try { return e(t); } finally { if ((El = n) === 0) { zl = Qe() + 500; if (ja) { za(); } } } } function oc(e) { if (ql !== null && ql.tag === 0 && (El & 6) === 0) { yc(); } var t = El; El |= 1; var n = kl.transition; var r = yt; try { kl.transition = null; yt = 1; if (e) { return e(); } } finally { yt = r; kl.transition = n; if (((El = t) & 6) === 0) { za(); } } } function sc() { Il = Al.current; xa(Al); } function lc(e, t) { e.finishedWork = null; e.finishedLanes = 0; var n = e.timeoutHandle; if (n !== -1) { e.timeoutHandle = -1; ea(n); } if (Ol !== null) { for (n = Ol.return; n !== null;) { var r = n; Za(r); switch (r.tag) { case 1: if ((r = r.type.childContextTypes) !== null && r !== undefined) { Aa(); } break; case 3: eo(); xa(Sa); xa(Ea); oo(); break; case 5: no(r); break; case 4: eo(); break; case 13: case 19: xa(ro); break; case 10: yi(r.type._context); break; case 22: case 23: sc(); } n = n.return; } } Sl = e; Ol = e = Ac(e.current, null); Pl = Il = t; Cl = 0; Tl = null; Nl = Dl = Rl = 0; Ll = jl = null; if (wi !== null) { for (t = 0; t < wi.length; t++) { if ((r = (n = wi[t]).interleaved) !== null) { n.interleaved = null; var a = r.next; var i = n.pending; if (i !== null) { var o = i.next; i.next = a; r.next = o; } n.pending = r; } } wi = null; } return e; } function cc(e, t) { for (; ;) { var n = Ol; try { vi(); so.current = ns; if (fo) { for (var r = uo.memoizedState; r !== null;) { var a = r.queue; if (a !== null) { a.pending = null; } r = r.next; } fo = false; } co = 0; ho = po = uo = null; mo = false; go = 0; wl.current = null; if (n === null || n.return === null) { Cl = 1; Tl = t; Ol = null; break; } e: { var o = e; var s = n.return; var l = n; var c = t; t = Pl; l.flags |= 32768; if (c !== null && typeof c === "object" && typeof c.then === "function") { var u = c; var d = l; var p = d.tag; if ((d.mode & 1) === 0 && (p === 0 || p === 11 || p === 15)) { var h = d.alternate; if (h) { d.updateQueue = h.updateQueue; d.memoizedState = h.memoizedState; d.lanes = h.lanes; } else { d.updateQueue = null; d.memoizedState = null; } } var f = hs(s); if (f !== null) { f.flags &= -257; fs(f, s, l, 0, t); if (f.mode & 1) { ps(o, u, t); } c = u; var m = (t = f).updateQueue; if (m === null) { var g = new Set(); g.add(c); t.updateQueue = g; } else { m.add(c); } break e; } if ((t & 1) === 0) { ps(o, u, t); dc(); break e; } c = Error(i(426)); } else if (ei && l.mode & 1) { var v = hs(s); if (v !== null) { if ((v.flags & 65536) === 0) { v.flags |= 256; } fs(v, s, l, 0, t); ui(os(c, l)); break e; } } o = c = os(c, l); if (Cl !== 4) { Cl = 2; } if (jl === null) { jl = [o]; } else { jl.push(o); } o = s; do { switch (o.tag) { case 3: o.flags |= 65536; t &= -t; o.lanes |= t; Ri(o, us(0, c, t)); break e; case 1: l = c; var y = o.type; var _ = o.stateNode; if ((o.flags & 128) === 0 && (typeof y.getDerivedStateFromError === "function" || _ !== null && typeof _.componentDidCatch === "function" && (Bl === null || !Bl.has(_)))) { o.flags |= 65536; t &= -t; o.lanes |= t; Ri(o, ds(o, l, t)); break e; } } o = o.return; } while (o !== null); } gc(n); } catch (b) { t = b; if (Ol === n && n !== null) { Ol = n = n.return; } continue; } break; } } function uc() { var e = xl.current; xl.current = ns; if (e === null) { return ns; } else { return e; } } function dc() { if (!(Cl !== 0 && Cl !== 3 && Cl !== 2)) { Cl = 4; } if (!(Sl === null || (Rl & 268435455) === 0 && (Dl & 268435455) === 0)) { rc(Sl, Pl); } } function pc(e, t) { var n = El; El |= 2; var r = uc(); for (Sl === e && Pl === t || (Fl = null, lc(e, t)); ;) { try { hc(); break; } catch (a) { cc(e, a); } } vi(); El = n; xl.current = r; if (Ol !== null) { throw Error(i(261)); } Sl = null; Pl = 0; return Cl; } function hc() { for (; Ol !== null;) { mc(Ol); } } function fc() { for (; Ol !== null && !Ye();) { mc(Ol); } } function mc(e) { var t = _l(e.alternate, e, Il); e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps; if (t === null) { gc(e); } else { Ol = t; } wl.current = null; } function gc(e) { var t = e; do { var n = t.alternate; e = t.return; if ((t.flags & 32768) === 0) { if ((n = Gs(n, t, Il)) !== null) { Ol = n; return; } } else { if ((n = qs(n, t)) !== null) { n.flags &= 32767; Ol = n; return; } if (e === null) { Cl = 6; Ol = null; return; } e.flags |= 32768; e.subtreeFlags = 0; e.deletions = null; } if ((t = t.sibling) !== null) { Ol = t; return; } Ol = t = e; } while (t !== null); if (Cl === 0) { Cl = 5; } } function vc(e, t, n) { var r = yt; var a = kl.transition; try { kl.transition = null; yt = 1; (function (e, t, n, r) { do { yc(); } while (ql !== null); if ((El & 6) !== 0) { throw Error(i(327)); } n = e.finishedWork; var a = e.finishedLanes; if (n === null) { return null; } e.finishedWork = null; e.finishedLanes = 0; if (n === e.current) { throw Error(i(177)); } e.callbackNode = null; e.callbackPriority = 0; var o = n.lanes | n.childLanes; (function (e, t) { var n = e.pendingLanes & ~t; e.pendingLanes = t; e.suspendedLanes = 0; e.pingedLanes = 0; e.expiredLanes &= t; e.mutableReadLanes &= t; e.entangledLanes &= t; t = e.entanglements; var r = e.eventTimes; for (e = e.expirationTimes; n > 0;) { var a = 31 - it(n); var i = 1 << a; t[a] = 0; r[a] = -1; e[a] = -1; n &= ~i; } })(e, o); if (e === Sl) { Ol = Sl = null; Pl = 0; } if (!((n.subtreeFlags & 2064) === 0 && (n.flags & 2064) === 0 || Gl)) { Gl = true; Sc(et, function () { yc(); return null; }); } o = (n.flags & 15990) !== 0; if ((n.subtreeFlags & 15990) !== 0 || o) { o = kl.transition; kl.transition = null; var s = yt; yt = 1; var l = El; El |= 4; wl.current = null; (function (e, t) { Qr = Gt; if (cr(e = lr())) { if ("selectionStart" in e) { var n = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; } else { e: { var r = (n = (n = e.ownerDocument) && n.defaultView || window).getSelection && n.getSelection(); if (r && r.rangeCount !== 0) { n = r.anchorNode; var a = r.anchorOffset; var o = r.focusNode; r = r.focusOffset; try { n.nodeType; o.nodeType; } catch (x) { n = null; break e; } var s = 0; var l = -1; var c = -1; var u = 0; var d = 0; var p = e; var h = null; t: for (; ;) { for (var f; p !== n || a !== 0 && p.nodeType !== 3 || (l = s + a), p !== o || r !== 0 && p.nodeType !== 3 || (c = s + r), p.nodeType === 3 && (s += p.nodeValue.length), (f = p.firstChild) !== null;) { h = p; p = f; } for (; ;) { if (p === e) { break t; } if (h === n && ++u === a) { l = s; } if (h === o && ++d === r) { c = s; } if ((f = p.nextSibling) !== null) { break; } h = (p = h).parentNode; } p = f; } n = l === -1 || c === -1 ? null : { start: l, end: c }; } else { n = null; } } } n = n || { start: 0, end: 0 }; } else { n = null; } Zr = { focusedElem: e, selectionRange: n }; Gt = false; Ys = t; for (; Ys !== null;) { e = (t = Ys).child; if ((t.subtreeFlags & 1028) !== 0 && e !== null) { e.return = t; Ys = e; } else { for (; Ys !== null;) { t = Ys; try { var m = t.alternate; if ((t.flags & 1024) !== 0) { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: case 5: case 6: case 4: case 17: break; case 1: if (m !== null) { var g = m.memoizedProps; var v = m.memoizedState; var y = t.stateNode; var _ = y.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? g : pi(t.type, g), v); y.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = _; } break; case 3: var b = t.stateNode.containerInfo; if (b.nodeType === 1) { b.textContent = ""; } else if (b.nodeType === 9 && b.documentElement) { b.removeChild(b.documentElement); } break; default: throw Error(i(163)); } } } catch (x) { bc(t, t.return, x); } if ((e = t.sibling) !== null) { e.return = t.return; Ys = e; break; } Ys = t.return; } } } m = Zs; Zs = false; })(e, n); pl(n, e); ur(Zr); Gt = !!Qr; Zr = Qr = null; e.current = n; fl(n, e, a); Ke(); El = l; yt = s; kl.transition = o; } else { e.current = n; } if (Gl) { Gl = false; ql = e; $l = a; } o = e.pendingLanes; if (o === 0) { Bl = null; } (function (e) { if (at && typeof at.onCommitFiberRoot === "function") { try { at.onCommitFiberRoot(rt, e, undefined, (e.current.flags & 128) === 128); } catch (t) { } } })(n.stateNode); Jl(e, Qe()); if (t !== null) { r = e.onRecoverableError; n = 0; r = e.onRecoverableError; n = 0; for (; n < t.length; n++) { a = t[n]; r(a.value, { componentStack: a.stack, digest: a.digest }); } } if (Ul) { Ul = false; e = Vl; Vl = null; throw e; } if (($l & 1) !== 0 && e.tag !== 0) { yc(); } o = e.pendingLanes; if ((o & 1) !== 0) { if (e === Hl) { Wl++; } else { Wl = 0; Hl = e; } } else { Wl = 0; } za(); })(e, t, n, r); } finally { kl.transition = a; yt = r; } return null; } function yc() { if (ql !== null) { var e = _t($l); var t = kl.transition; var n = yt; try { kl.transition = null; yt = e < 16 ? 16 : e; if (ql === null) { var r = false; } else { e = ql; ql = null; $l = 0; if ((El & 6) !== 0) { throw Error(i(331)); } var a = El; El |= 4; Ys = e.current; for (; Ys !== null;) { var o = Ys; var s = o.child; if ((Ys.flags & 16) !== 0) { var l = o.deletions; if (l !== null) { for (var c = 0; c < l.length; c++) { var u = l[c]; for (Ys = u; Ys !== null;) { var d = Ys; switch (d.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Xs(8, d, o); } var p = d.child; if (p !== null) { p.return = d; Ys = p; } else { for (; Ys !== null;) { var h = (d = Ys).sibling; var f = d.return; tl(d); if (d === u) { Ys = null; break; } if (h !== null) { h.return = f; Ys = h; break; } Ys = f; } } } } var m = o.alternate; if (m !== null) { var g = m.child; if (g !== null) { m.child = null; do { var v = g.sibling; g.sibling = null; g = v; } while (g !== null); } } Ys = o; } } if ((o.subtreeFlags & 2064) !== 0 && s !== null) { s.return = o; Ys = s; } else { e: for (; Ys !== null;) { if (((o = Ys).flags & 2048) !== 0) { switch (o.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Xs(9, o, o.return); } } var y = o.sibling; if (y !== null) { y.return = o.return; Ys = y; break e; } Ys = o.return; } } } var _ = e.current; for (Ys = _; Ys !== null;) { var b = (s = Ys).child; if ((s.subtreeFlags & 2064) !== 0 && b !== null) { b.return = s; Ys = b; } else { e: for (s = _; Ys !== null;) { if (((l = Ys).flags & 2048) !== 0) { try { switch (l.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Js(9, l); } } catch (w) { bc(l, l.return, w); } } if (l === s) { Ys = null; break e; } var x = l.sibling; if (x !== null) { x.return = l.return; Ys = x; break e; } Ys = l.return; } } } El = a; za(); if (at && typeof at.onPostCommitFiberRoot === "function") { try { at.onPostCommitFiberRoot(rt, e); } catch (w) { } } r = true; } return r; } finally { yt = n; kl.transition = t; } } return false; } function _c(e, t, n) { e = Ci(e, t = us(0, t = os(n, t), 1), 1); t = Ql(); if (e !== null) { gt(e, 1, t); Jl(e, t); } } function bc(e, t, n) { if (e.tag === 3) { _c(e, e, n); } else { for (; t !== null;) { if (t.tag === 3) { _c(t, e, n); break; } if (t.tag === 1) { var r = t.stateNode; if (typeof t.type.getDerivedStateFromError === "function" || typeof r.componentDidCatch === "function" && (Bl === null || !Bl.has(r))) { t = Ci(t, e = ds(t, e = os(n, e), 1), 1); e = Ql(); if (t !== null) { gt(t, 1, e); Jl(t, e); } break; } } t = t.return; } } } function xc(e, t, n) { var r = e.pingCache; if (r !== null) { r.delete(t); } t = Ql(); e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & n; if (Sl === e && (Pl & n) === n) { if (Cl === 4 || Cl === 3 && (Pl & 130023424) === Pl && Qe() - Ml < 500) { lc(e, 0); } else { Nl |= n; } } Jl(e, t); } function wc(e, t) { if (t === 0) { if ((e.mode & 1) === 0) { t = 1; } else { t = ct; if (((ct <<= 1) & 130023424) === 0) { ct = 4194304; } } } var n = Ql(); if ((e = Si(e, t)) !== null) { gt(e, t, n); Jl(e, n); } } function kc(e) { var t = e.memoizedState; var n = 0; if (t !== null) { n = t.retryLane; } wc(e, n); } function Ec(e, t) { var n = 0; switch (e.tag) { case 13: var r = e.stateNode; var a = e.memoizedState; if (a !== null) { n = a.retryLane; } break; case 19: r = e.stateNode; break; default: throw Error(i(314)); } if (r !== null) { r.delete(t); } wc(e, n); } function Sc(e, t) { return We(e, t); } function Oc(e, t, n, r) { this.tag = e; this.key = n; this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null; this.index = 0; this.ref = null; this.pendingProps = t; this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null; this.mode = r; this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0; this.deletions = null; this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0; this.alternate = null; } function Pc(e, t, n, r) { return new Oc(e, t, n, r); } function Ic(e) { return !(!(e = e.prototype) || !e.isReactComponent); } function Ac(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; if (n === null) { (n = Pc(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)).elementType = e.elementType; n.type = e.type; n.stateNode = e.stateNode; n.alternate = e; e.alternate = n; } else { n.pendingProps = t; n.type = e.type; n.flags = 0; n.subtreeFlags = 0; n.deletions = null; } n.flags = e.flags & 14680064; n.childLanes = e.childLanes; n.lanes = e.lanes; n.child = e.child; n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps; n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState; n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue; t = e.dependencies; n.dependencies = t === null ? null : { lanes: t.lanes, firstContext: t.firstContext }; n.sibling = e.sibling; n.index = e.index; n.ref = e.ref; return n; } function Cc(e, t, n, r, a, o) { var s = 2; r = e; if (typeof e === "function") { if (Ic(e)) { s = 1; } } else if (typeof e === "string") { s = 5; } else { e: switch (e) { case k: return Tc(n.children, a, o, t); case E: s = 8; a |= 8; break; case S: (e = Pc(12, n, t, a | 2)).elementType = S; e.lanes = o; return e; case A: (e = Pc(13, n, t, a)).elementType = A; e.lanes = o; return e; case C: (e = Pc(19, n, t, a)).elementType = C; e.lanes = o; return e; case D: return Rc(n, a, o, t); default: if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null) { switch (e.$$typeof) { case O: s = 10; break e; case P: s = 9; break e; case I: s = 11; break e; case T: s = 14; break e; case R: s = 16; r = null; break e; } } throw Error(i(130, e == null ? e : typeof e, "")); } } (t = Pc(s, n, t, a)).elementType = e; t.type = r; t.lanes = o; return t; } function Tc(e, t, n, r) { (e = Pc(7, e, r, t)).lanes = n; return e; } function Rc(e, t, n, r) { (e = Pc(22, e, r, t)).elementType = D; e.lanes = n; e.stateNode = { isHidden: false }; return e; } function Dc(e, t, n) { (e = Pc(6, e, null, t)).lanes = n; return e; } function Nc(e, t, n) { (t = Pc(4, e.children !== null ? e.children : [], e.key, t)).lanes = n; t.stateNode = { containerInfo: e.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: e.implementation }; return t; } function jc(e, t, n, r, a) { this.tag = t; this.containerInfo = e; this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null; this.timeoutHandle = -1; this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null; this.callbackPriority = 0; this.eventTimes = mt(0); this.expirationTimes = mt(-1); this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0; this.entanglements = mt(0); this.identifierPrefix = r; this.onRecoverableError = a; this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null; } function Lc(e, t, n, r, a, i, o, s, l) { e = new jc(e, t, n, s, l); if (t === 1) { t = 1; if (i === true) { t |= 8; } } else { t = 0; } i = Pc(3, null, null, t); e.current = i; i.stateNode = e; i.memoizedState = { element: r, isDehydrated: n, cache: null, transitions: null, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null }; Pi(i); return e; } function Mc(e, t, n) { var r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; return { $$typeof: w, key: r == null ? null : "" + r, children: e, containerInfo: t, implementation: n }; } function zc(e) { if (!e) { return ka; } e: { if (Ve(e = e._reactInternals) !== e || e.tag !== 1) { throw Error(i(170)); } var t = e; do { switch (t.tag) { case 3: t = t.stateNode.context; break e; case 1: if (Ia(t.type)) { t = t.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext; break e; } } t = t.return; } while (t !== null); throw Error(i(171)); } if (e.tag === 1) { var n = e.type; if (Ia(n)) { return Ta(e, n, t); } } return t; } function Fc(e, t, n, r, a, i, o, s, l) { (e = Lc(n, r, true, e, 0, i, 0, s, l)).context = zc(null); n = e.current; (i = Ai(r = Ql(), a = Zl(n))).callback = t !== undefined && t !== null ? t : null; Ci(n, i, a); e.current.lanes = a; gt(e, a, r); Jl(e, r); return e; } function Uc(e, t, n, r) { var a = t.current; var i = Ql(); var o = Zl(a); n = zc(n); if (t.context === null) { t.context = n; } else { t.pendingContext = n; } (t = Ai(i, o)).payload = { element: e }; if ((r = r === undefined ? null : r) !== null) { t.callback = r; } if ((e = Ci(a, t, o)) !== null) { Xl(e, a, o, i); Ti(e, a, o); } return o; } function Vc(e) { if ((e = e.current).child) { e.child.tag; return e.child.stateNode; } else { return null; } } function Bc(e, t) { if ((e = e.memoizedState) !== null && e.dehydrated !== null) { var n = e.retryLane; e.retryLane = n !== 0 && n < t ? n : t; } } function Gc(e, t) { Bc(e, t); if (e = e.alternate) { Bc(e, t); } } _l = function (e, t, n) { if (e !== null) { if (e.memoizedProps !== t.pendingProps || Sa.current) { gs = true; } else { if ((e.lanes & n) === 0 && (t.flags & 128) === 0) { gs = false; return function (e, t, n) { switch (t.tag) { case 3: Os(t); ci(); break; case 5: to(t); break; case 1: if (Ia(t.type)) { Ra(t); } break; case 4: Ji(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo); break; case 10: var r = t.type._context; var a = t.memoizedProps.value; wa(hi, r._currentValue); r._currentValue = a; break; case 13: if ((r = t.memoizedState) !== null) { if (r.dehydrated !== null) { wa(ro, ro.current & 1); t.flags |= 128; return null; } else if ((n & t.child.childLanes) !== 0) { return Ds(e, t, n); } else { wa(ro, ro.current & 1); if ((e = Us(e, t, n)) !== null) { return e.sibling; } else { return null; } } } wa(ro, ro.current & 1); break; case 19: r = (n & t.childLanes) !== 0; if ((e.flags & 128) !== 0) { if (r) { return zs(e, t, n); } t.flags |= 128; } if ((a = t.memoizedState) !== null) { a.rendering = null; a.tail = null; a.lastEffect = null; } wa(ro, ro.current); if (r) { break; } return null; case 22: case 23: t.lanes = 0; return xs(e, t, n); } return Us(e, t, n); }(e, t, n); } gs = (e.flags & 131072) !== 0; } } else { gs = false; if (ei && (t.flags & 1048576) !== 0) { Ka(t, Ba, t.index); } } t.lanes = 0; switch (t.tag) { case 2: var r = t.type; Fs(e, t); e = t.pendingProps; var a = Pa(t, Ea.current); bi(t, n); a = bo(null, t, r, e, a, n); var o = xo(); t.flags |= 1; if (typeof a === "object" && a !== null && typeof a.render === "function" && a.$$typeof === undefined) { t.tag = 1; t.memoizedState = null; t.updateQueue = null; if (Ia(r)) { o = true; Ra(t); } else { o = false; } t.memoizedState = a.state !== null && a.state !== undefined ? a.state : null; Pi(t); a.updater = Mi; t.stateNode = a; a._reactInternals = t; Vi(t, r, e, n); t = Ss(null, t, r, true, o, n); } else { t.tag = 0; if (ei && o) { Qa(t); } vs(null, t, a, n); t = t.child; } return t; case 16: r = t.elementType; e: { Fs(e, t); e = t.pendingProps; r = (a = r._init)(r._payload); t.type = r; a = t.tag = function (e) { if (typeof e === "function") { if (Ic(e)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } if (e !== undefined && e !== null) { if ((e = e.$$typeof) === I) { return 11; } if (e === T) { return 14; } } return 2; }(r); e = pi(r, e); switch (a) { case 0: t = ks(null, t, r, e, n); break e; case 1: t = Es(null, t, r, e, n); break e; case 11: t = ys(null, t, r, e, n); break e; case 14: t = _s(null, t, r, pi(r.type, e), n); break e; } throw Error(i(306, r, "")); } return t; case 0: r = t.type; a = t.pendingProps; return ks(e, t, r, a = t.elementType === r ? a : pi(r, a), n); case 1: r = t.type; a = t.pendingProps; return Es(e, t, r, a = t.elementType === r ? a : pi(r, a), n); case 3: e: { Os(t); if (e === null) { throw Error(i(387)); } r = t.pendingProps; a = (o = t.memoizedState).element; Ii(e, t); Di(t, r, null, n); var s = t.memoizedState; r = s.element; if (o.isDehydrated) { o = { element: r, isDehydrated: false, cache: s.cache, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: s.pendingSuspenseBoundaries, transitions: s.transitions }; t.updateQueue.baseState = o; t.memoizedState = o; if (t.flags & 256) { t = Ps(e, t, r, n, a = os(Error(i(423)), t)); break e; } if (r !== a) { t = Ps(e, t, r, n, a = os(Error(i(424)), t)); break e; } Ja = ia(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild); Xa = t; ei = true; ti = null; n = Hi(t, null, r, n); t.child = n; for (; n;) { n.flags = n.flags & -3 | 4096; n = n.sibling; } } else { ci(); if (r === a) { t = Us(e, t, n); break e; } vs(e, t, r, n); } t = t.child; } return t; case 5: to(t); if (e === null) { ii(t); } r = t.type; a = t.pendingProps; o = e !== null ? e.memoizedProps : null; s = a.children; if (Xr(r, a)) { s = null; } else if (o !== null && Xr(r, o)) { t.flags |= 32; } ws(e, t); vs(e, t, s, n); return t.child; case 6: if (e === null) { ii(t); } return null; case 13: return Ds(e, t, n); case 4: Ji(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo); r = t.pendingProps; if (e === null) { t.child = Wi(t, null, r, n); } else { vs(e, t, r, n); } return t.child; case 11: r = t.type; a = t.pendingProps; return ys(e, t, r, a = t.elementType === r ? a : pi(r, a), n); case 7: vs(e, t, t.pendingProps, n); return t.child; case 8: case 12: vs(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n); return t.child; case 10: e: { r = t.type._context; a = t.pendingProps; o = t.memoizedProps; s = a.value; wa(hi, r._currentValue); r._currentValue = s; if (o !== null) { if (rr(o.value, s)) { if (o.children === a.children && !Sa.current) { t = Us(e, t, n); break e; } } else { for ((o = t.child) !== null && (o.return = t); o !== null;) { var l = o.dependencies; if (l !== null) { s = o.child; for (var c = l.firstContext; c !== null;) { if (c.context === r) { if (o.tag === 1) { (c = Ai(-1, n & -n)).tag = 2; var u = o.updateQueue; if (u !== null) { var d = (u = u.shared).pending; if (d === null) { c.next = c; } else { c.next = d.next; d.next = c; } u.pending = c; } } o.lanes |= n; if ((c = o.alternate) !== null) { c.lanes |= n; } _i(o.return, n, t); l.lanes |= n; break; } c = c.next; } } else if (o.tag === 10) { s = o.type === t.type ? null : o.child; } else if (o.tag === 18) { if ((s = o.return) === null) { throw Error(i(341)); } s.lanes |= n; if ((l = s.alternate) !== null) { l.lanes |= n; } _i(s, n, t); s = o.sibling; } else { s = o.child; } if (s !== null) { s.return = o; } else { for (s = o; s !== null;) { if (s === t) { s = null; break; } if ((o = s.sibling) !== null) { o.return = s.return; s = o; break; } s = s.return; } } o = s; } } } vs(e, t, a.children, n); t = t.child; } return t; case 9: a = t.type; r = t.pendingProps.children; bi(t, n); r = r(a = xi(a)); t.flags |= 1; vs(e, t, r, n); return t.child; case 14: a = pi(r = t.type, t.pendingProps); return _s(e, t, r, a = pi(r.type, a), n); case 15: return bs(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, n); case 17: r = t.type; a = t.pendingProps; a = t.elementType === r ? a : pi(r, a); Fs(e, t); t.tag = 1; if (Ia(r)) { e = true; Ra(t); } else { e = false; } bi(t, n); Fi(t, r, a); Vi(t, r, a, n); return Ss(null, t, r, true, e, n); case 19: return zs(e, t, n); case 22: return xs(e, t, n); } throw Error(i(156, t.tag)); }; var qc = typeof reportError === "function" ? reportError : function (e) { console.error(e); }; function $c(e) { this._internalRoot = e; } function Wc(e) { this._internalRoot = e; } function Hc(e) { return !(!e || e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11); } function Yc(e) { return !(!e || e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11 && (e.nodeType !== 8 || e.nodeValue !== " react-mount-point-unstable ")); } function Kc() { } function Qc(e, t, n, r, a) { var i = n._reactRootContainer; if (i) { var o = i; if (typeof a === "function") { var s = a; a = function () { var e = Vc(o); s.call(e); }; } Uc(t, o, e, a); } else { o = function (e, t, n, r, a) { if (a) { if (typeof r === "function") { var i = r; r = function () { var e = Vc(o); i.call(e); }; } var o = Fc(t, r, e, 0, null, false, 0, "", Kc); e._reactRootContainer = o; e[ua] = o.current; zr(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e); oc(); return o; } for (; a = e.lastChild;) { e.removeChild(a); } if (typeof r === "function") { var s = r; r = function () { var e = Vc(l); s.call(e); }; } var l = Lc(e, 0, false, null, 0, false, 0, "", Kc); e._reactRootContainer = l; e[ua] = l.current; zr(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e); oc(function () { Uc(t, l, n, r); }); return l; }(n, t, e, a, r); } return Vc(o); } Wc.prototype.render = $c.prototype.render = function (e) { var t = this._internalRoot; if (t === null) { throw Error(i(409)); } Uc(e, t, null, null); }; Wc.prototype.unmount = $c.prototype.unmount = function () { var e = this._internalRoot; if (e !== null) { this._internalRoot = null; var t = e.containerInfo; oc(function () { Uc(null, e, null, null); }); t[ua] = null; } }; Wc.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function (e) { if (e) { var t = kt(); e = { blockedOn: null, target: e, priority: t }; for (var n = 0; n < Rt.length && t !== 0 && t < Rt[n].priority; n++); Rt.splice(n, 0, e); if (n === 0) { Lt(e); } } }; bt = function (e) { switch (e.tag) { case 3: var t = e.stateNode; if (t.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { var n = ut(t.pendingLanes); if (n !== 0) { vt(t, n | 1); Jl(t, Qe()); if ((El & 6) === 0) { zl = Qe() + 500; za(); } } } break; case 13: oc(function () { var t = Si(e, 1); if (t !== null) { var n = Ql(); Xl(t, e, 1, n); } }); Gc(e, 1); } }; xt = function (e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = Si(e, 134217728); if (t !== null) { Xl(t, e, 134217728, Ql()); } Gc(e, 134217728); } }; wt = function (e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = Zl(e); var n = Si(e, t); if (n !== null) { Xl(n, e, t, Ql()); } Gc(e, t); } }; kt = function () { return yt; }; Et = function (e, t) { var n = yt; try { yt = e; return t(); } finally { yt = n; } }; xe = function (e, t, n) { switch (t) { case "input": X(e, n); t = n.name; if (n.type === "radio" && t != null) { for (n = e; n.parentNode;) { n = n.parentNode; } n = n.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + t) + "][type=\"radio\"]"); t = 0; for (; t < n.length; t++) { var r = n[t]; if (r !== e && r.form === e.form) { var a = va(r); if (!a) { throw Error(i(90)); } H(r); X(r, a); } } } break; case "textarea": ie(e, n); break; case "select": if ((t = n.value) != null) { ne(e, !!n.multiple, t, false); } } }; Pe = ic; Ie = oc; var Zc = { usingClientEntryPoint: false, Events: [ma, ga, va, Se, Oe, ic] }; var Xc = { findFiberByHostInstance: fa, bundleType: 0, version: "18.2.0", rendererPackageName: "react-dom" }; var Jc = { bundleType: Xc.bundleType, version: Xc.version, rendererPackageName: Xc.rendererPackageName, rendererConfig: Xc.rendererConfig, overrideHookState: null, overrideHookStateDeletePath: null, overrideHookStateRenamePath: null, overrideProps: null, overridePropsDeletePath: null, overridePropsRenamePath: null, setErrorHandler: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: b.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function (e) { if ((e = qe(e)) === null) { return null; } else { return e.stateNode; } }, findFiberByHostInstance: Xc.findFiberByHostInstance || function () { return null; }, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, reconcilerVersion: "18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608" }; if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined") { var eu = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; if (!eu.isDisabled && eu.supportsFiber) { try { rt = eu.inject(Jc); at = eu; } catch (tu) { } } } t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = Zc; t.createPortal = function (e, t) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; if (!Hc(t)) { throw Error(i(200)); } return Mc(e, t, null, n); }; t.createRoot = function (e, t) { if (!Hc(e)) { throw Error(i(299)); } var n = false; var r = ""; var a = qc; if (t !== null && t !== undefined) { if (t.unstable_strictMode === true) { n = true; } if (t.identifierPrefix !== undefined) { r = t.identifierPrefix; } if (t.onRecoverableError !== undefined) { a = t.onRecoverableError; } } t = Lc(e, 1, false, null, 0, n, 0, r, a); e[ua] = t.current; zr(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e); return new $c(t); }; t.findDOMNode = function (e) { if (e == null) { return null; } if (e.nodeType === 1) { return e; } var t = e._reactInternals; if (t === undefined) { if (typeof e.render === "function") { throw Error(i(188)); } e = Object.keys(e).join(","); throw Error(i(268, e)); } return e = (e = qe(t)) === null ? null : e.stateNode; }; t.flushSync = function (e) { return oc(e); }; t.hydrate = function (e, t, n) { if (!Yc(t)) { throw Error(i(200)); } return Qc(null, e, t, true, n); }; t.hydrateRoot = function (e, t, n) { if (!Hc(e)) { throw Error(i(405)); } var r = n != null && n.hydratedSources || null; var a = false; var o = ""; var s = qc; if (n !== null && n !== undefined) { if (n.unstable_strictMode === true) { a = true; } if (n.identifierPrefix !== undefined) { o = n.identifierPrefix; } if (n.onRecoverableError !== undefined) { s = n.onRecoverableError; } } t = Fc(t, null, e, 1, n != null ? n : null, a, 0, o, s); e[ua] = t.current; zr(e); if (r) { for (e = 0; e < r.length; e++) { a = (a = (n = r[e])._getVersion)(n._source); if (t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData == null) { t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [n, a]; } else { t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(n, a); } } } return new Wc(t); }; t.render = function (e, t, n) { if (!Yc(t)) { throw Error(i(200)); } return Qc(null, e, t, false, n); }; t.unmountComponentAtNode = function (e) { if (!Yc(e)) { throw Error(i(40)); } return !!e._reactRootContainer && (oc(function () { Qc(null, null, e, false, function () { e._reactRootContainer = null; e[ua] = null; }); }), true); }; t.unstable_batchedUpdates = ic; t.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function (e, t, n, r) { if (!Yc(n)) { throw Error(i(200)); } if (e == null || e._reactInternals === undefined) { throw Error(i(38)); } return Qc(e, t, n, false, r); }; t.version = "18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608"; }, 95: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(8508); t.createRoot = r.createRoot; t.hydrateRoot = r.hydrateRoot; }, 8508: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; (function e() { if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE === "function") { try { __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(e); } catch (t) { console.error(t); } } })(); e.exports = n(1114); }, 8316: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(1479); var a = Symbol.for("react.element"); var i = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var s = r.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner; var l = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true }; function c(e, t, n) { var r; var i = {}; var c = null; var u = null; if (n !== undefined) { c = "" + n; } if (t.key !== undefined) { c = "" + t.key; } if (t.ref !== undefined) { u = t.ref; } for (r in t) { if (o.call(t, r) && !l.hasOwnProperty(r)) { i[r] = t[r]; } } if (e && e.defaultProps) { for (r in t = e.defaultProps) { if (i[r] === undefined) { i[r] = t[r]; } } } return { $$typeof: a, type: e, key: c, ref: u, props: i, _owner: s.current }; } t.Fragment = i; t.jsx = c; t.jsxs = c; }, 984: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n = Symbol.for("react.element"); var r = Symbol.for("react.portal"); var a = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); var i = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); var o = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); var s = Symbol.for("react.provider"); var l = Symbol.for("react.context"); var c = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); var u = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); var d = Symbol.for("react.memo"); var p = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); var h = Symbol.iterator; var f = { isMounted: function () { return false; }, enqueueForceUpdate: function () { }, enqueueReplaceState: function () { }, enqueueSetState: function () { } }; var m = Object.assign; var g = {}; function v(e, t, n) { this.props = e; this.context = t; this.refs = g; this.updater = n || f; } function y() { } function _(e, t, n) { this.props = e; this.context = t; this.refs = g; this.updater = n || f; } v.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; v.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { if (typeof e !== "object" && typeof e !== "function" && e != null) { throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."); } this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, "setState"); }; v.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, "forceUpdate"); }; y.prototype = v.prototype; var b = _.prototype = new y(); b.constructor = _; m(b, v.prototype); b.isPureReactComponent = true; var x = Array.isArray; var w = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var k = { current: null }; var E = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true }; function S(e, t, r) { var a; var i = {}; var o = null; var s = null; if (t != null) { if (t.ref !== undefined) { s = t.ref; } if (t.key !== undefined) { o = "" + t.key; } for (a in t) { if (w.call(t, a) && !E.hasOwnProperty(a)) { i[a] = t[a]; } } } var l = arguments.length - 2; if (l === 1) { i.children = r; } else if (l > 1) { for (var c = Array(l), u = 0; u < l; u++) { c[u] = arguments[u + 2]; } i.children = c; } if (e && e.defaultProps) { for (a in l = e.defaultProps) { if (i[a] === undefined) { i[a] = l[a]; } } } return { $$typeof: n, type: e, key: o, ref: s, props: i, _owner: k.current }; } function O(e) { return typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.$$typeof === n; } var P = /\/+/g; function I(e, t) { if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.key != null) { return function (e) { var t = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" }; return "$" + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function (e) { return t[e]; }); }("" + e.key); } else { return t.toString(36); } } function A(e, t, a, i, o) { var s = typeof e; if (!(s !== "undefined" && s !== "boolean")) { e = null; } var l = false; if (e === null) { l = true; } else { switch (s) { case "string": case "number": l = true; break; case "object": switch (e.$$typeof) { case n: case r: l = true; } } } if (l) { o = o(l = e); e = i === "" ? "." + I(l, 0) : i; if (x(o)) { a = ""; if (e != null) { a = e.replace(P, "$&/") + "/"; } A(o, t, a, "", function (e) { return e; }); } else if (o != null) { if (O(o)) { o = function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: n, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner }; }(o, a + (!o.key || l && l.key === o.key ? "" : ("" + o.key).replace(P, "$&/") + "/") + e); } t.push(o); } return 1; } l = 0; i = i === "" ? "." : i + ":"; if (x(e)) { for (var c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { var u = i + I(s = e[c], c); l += A(s, t, a, u, o); } } else { u = function (e) { if (e === null || typeof e !== "object") { return null; } else if (typeof (e = h && e[h] || e["@@iterator"]) === "function") { return e; } else { return null; } }(e); if (typeof u === "function") { e = u.call(e); c = 0; e = u.call(e); c = 0; for (; !(s = e.next()).done;) { l += A(s = s.value, t, a, u = i + I(s, c++), o); } } else if (s === "object") { t = String(e); throw Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + (t === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(e).join(", ") + "}" : t) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."); } } return l; } function C(e, t, n) { if (e == null) { return e; } var r = []; var a = 0; A(e, r, "", "", function (e) { return t.call(n, e, a++); }); return r; } function T(e) { if (e._status === -1) { var t = e._result; (t = t()).then(function (t) { if (!(e._status !== 0 && e._status !== -1)) { e._status = 1; e._result = t; } }, function (t) { if (!(e._status !== 0 && e._status !== -1)) { e._status = 2; e._result = t; } }); if (e._status === -1) { e._status = 0; e._result = t; } } if (e._status === 1) { return e._result.default; } throw e._result; } var R = { current: null }; var D = { transition: null }; var N = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: R, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: D, ReactCurrentOwner: k }; t.Children = { map: C, forEach: function (e, t, n) { C(e, function () { t.apply(this, arguments); }, n); }, count: function (e) { var t = 0; C(e, function () { t++; }); return t; }, toArray: function (e) { return C(e, function (e) { return e; }) || []; }, only: function (e) { if (!O(e)) { throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child."); } return e; } }; t.Component = v; t.Fragment = a; t.Profiler = o; t.PureComponent = _; t.StrictMode = i; t.Suspense = u; t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = N; t.cloneElement = function (e, t, r) { if (e === null || e === undefined) { throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + e + "."); } var a = m({}, e.props); var i = e.key; var o = e.ref; var s = e._owner; if (t != null) { if (t.ref !== undefined) { o = t.ref; s = k.current; } if (t.key !== undefined) { i = "" + t.key; } if (e.type && e.type.defaultProps) { var l = e.type.defaultProps; } for (c in t) { if (w.call(t, c) && !E.hasOwnProperty(c)) { a[c] = t[c] === undefined && l !== undefined ? l[c] : t[c]; } } } var c = arguments.length - 2; if (c === 1) { a.children = r; } else if (c > 1) { l = Array(c); for (var u = 0; u < c; u++) { l[u] = arguments[u + 2]; } a.children = l; } return { $$typeof: n, type: e.type, key: i, ref: o, props: a, _owner: s }; }; t.createContext = function (e) { (e = { $$typeof: l, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }).Provider = { $$typeof: s, _context: e }; return e.Consumer = e; }; t.createElement = S; t.createFactory = function (e) { var t = S.bind(null, e); t.type = e; return t; }; t.createRef = function () { return { current: null }; }; t.forwardRef = function (e) { return { $$typeof: c, render: e }; }; t.isValidElement = O; t.lazy = function (e) { return { $$typeof: p, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: T }; }; t.memo = function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: d, type: e, compare: t === undefined ? null : t }; }; t.startTransition = function (e) { var t = D.transition; D.transition = {}; try { e(); } finally { D.transition = t; } }; t.unstable_act = function () { throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React."); }; t.useCallback = function (e, t) { return R.current.useCallback(e, t); }; t.useContext = function (e) { return R.current.useContext(e); }; t.useDebugValue = function () { }; t.useDeferredValue = function (e) { return R.current.useDeferredValue(e); }; t.useEffect = function (e, t) { return R.current.useEffect(e, t); }; t.useId = function () { return R.current.useId(); }; t.useImperativeHandle = function (e, t, n) { return R.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, n); }; t.useInsertionEffect = function (e, t) { return R.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t); }; t.useLayoutEffect = function (e, t) { return R.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t); }; t.useMemo = function (e, t) { return R.current.useMemo(e, t); }; t.useReducer = function (e, t, n) { return R.current.useReducer(e, t, n); }; t.useRef = function (e) { return R.current.useRef(e); }; t.useState = function (e) { return R.current.useState(e); }; t.useSyncExternalStore = function (e, t, n) { return R.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, n); }; t.useTransition = function () { return R.current.useTransition(); }; t.version = "18.2.0"; }, 1479: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(984); }, 4499: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(8316); }, 6854: (e, t) => { "use strict"; function n(e, t) { var n = e.length; e.push(t); e: for (; n > 0;) { var r = n - 1 >>> 1; var a = e[r]; if (!(i(a, t) > 0)) { break e; } e[r] = t; e[n] = a; n = r; } } function r(e) { if (e.length === 0) { return null; } else { return e[0]; } } function a(e) { if (e.length === 0) { return null; } var t = e[0]; var n = e.pop(); if (n !== t) { e[0] = n; e: for (var r = 0, a = e.length, o = a >>> 1; r < o;) { var s = (r + 1) * 2 - 1; var l = e[s]; var c = s + 1; var u = e[c]; if (i(l, n) < 0) { if (c < a && i(u, l) < 0) { e[r] = u; e[c] = n; r = c; } else { e[r] = l; e[s] = n; r = s; } } else { if (!(c < a && i(u, n) < 0)) { break e; } e[r] = u; e[c] = n; r = c; } } } return t; } function i(e, t) { var n = e.sortIndex - t.sortIndex; if (n !== 0) { return n; } else { return e.id - t.id; } } if (typeof performance === "object" && typeof performance.now === "function") { var o = performance; t.unstable_now = function () { return o.now(); }; } else { var s = Date; var l = s.now(); t.unstable_now = function () { return s.now() - l; }; } var c = []; var u = []; var d = 1; var p = null; var h = 3; var f = false; var m = false; var g = false; var v = typeof setTimeout === "function" ? setTimeout : null; var y = typeof clearTimeout === "function" ? clearTimeout : null; var _ = typeof setImmediate !== "undefined" ? setImmediate : null; function b(e) { for (var t = r(u); t !== null;) { if (t.callback === null) { a(u); } else { if (!(t.startTime <= e)) { break; } a(u); t.sortIndex = t.expirationTime; n(c, t); } t = r(u); } } function x(e) { g = false; b(e); if (!m) { if (r(c) !== null) { m = true; D(w); } else { var t = r(u); if (t !== null) { N(x, t.startTime - e); } } } } function w(e, n) { m = false; if (g) { g = false; y(O); O = -1; } f = true; var i = h; try { b(n); p = r(c); for (; p !== null && (!(p.expirationTime > n) || e && !A());) { var o = p.callback; if (typeof o === "function") { p.callback = null; h = p.priorityLevel; var s = o(p.expirationTime <= n); n = t.unstable_now(); if (typeof s === "function") { p.callback = s; } else if (p === r(c)) { a(c); } b(n); } else { a(c); } p = r(c); } if (p !== null) { var l = true; } else { var d = r(u); if (d !== null) { N(x, d.startTime - n); } l = false; } return l; } finally { p = null; h = i; f = false; } } if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.scheduling !== undefined && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== undefined) { navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); } var k; var E = false; var S = null; var O = -1; var P = 5; var I = -1; function A() { return !(t.unstable_now() - I < P); } function C() { if (S !== null) { var e = t.unstable_now(); I = e; var n = true; try { n = S(true, e); } finally { if (n) { k(); } else { E = false; S = null; } } } else { E = false; } } if (typeof _ === "function") { k = function () { _(C); }; } else if (typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined") { var T = new MessageChannel(); var R = T.port2; T.port1.onmessage = C; k = function () { R.postMessage(null); }; } else { k = function () { v(C, 0); }; } function D(e) { S = e; if (!E) { E = true; k(); } } function N(e, n) { O = v(function () { e(t.unstable_now()); }, n); } t.unstable_IdlePriority = 5; t.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1; t.unstable_LowPriority = 4; t.unstable_NormalPriority = 3; t.unstable_Profiling = null; t.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2; t.unstable_cancelCallback = function (e) { e.callback = null; }; t.unstable_continueExecution = function () { if (!(m || f)) { m = true; D(w); } }; t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function (e) { if (e < 0 || e > 125) { console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported"); } else { P = e > 0 ? Math.floor(1000 / e) : 5; } }; t.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () { return h; }; t.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () { return r(c); }; t.unstable_next = function (e) { switch (h) { case 1: case 2: case 3: var t = 3; break; default: t = h; } var n = h; h = t; try { return e(); } finally { h = n; } }; t.unstable_pauseExecution = function () { }; t.unstable_requestPaint = function () { }; t.unstable_runWithPriority = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: e = 3; } var n = h; h = e; try { return t(); } finally { h = n; } }; t.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (e, a, i) { var o = t.unstable_now(); if (typeof i === "object" && i !== null) { i = typeof (i = i.delay) === "number" && i > 0 ? o + i : o; } else { i = o; } switch (e) { case 1: var s = -1; break; case 2: s = 250; break; case 5: s = 1073741823; break; case 4: s = 10000; break; default: s = 5000; } e = { id: d++, callback: a, priorityLevel: e, startTime: i, expirationTime: s = i + s, sortIndex: -1 }; if (i > o) { e.sortIndex = i; n(u, e); if (r(c) === null && e === r(u)) { if (g) { y(O); O = -1; } else { g = true; } N(x, i - o); } } else { e.sortIndex = s; n(c, e); if (!(m || f)) { m = true; D(w); } } return e; }; t.unstable_shouldYield = A; t.unstable_wrapCallback = function (e) { var t = h; return function () { var n = h; h = t; try { return e.apply(this, arguments); } finally { h = n; } }; }; }, 4811: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(6854); }, 8776: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; function r() { return !(typeof __SENTRY_BROWSER_BUNDLE__ !== "undefined" && __SENTRY_BROWSER_BUNDLE__) && Object.prototype.toString.call(typeof process !== "undefined" ? process : 0) === "[object process]"; } function a(e, t) { return e.require(t); } n.d(t, { l$: () => a, KV: () => r }); e = n.hmd(e); }, 9361: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { ph: () => u, yW: () => c }); var r = n(8776); var a = n(6752); e = n.hmd(e); const i = (0, a.Rf)(); const o = { nowSeconds: () => Date.now() / 1000 }; const s = (0, r.KV)() ? function () { try { return (0, r.l$)(e, "perf_hooks").performance; } catch (t) { return; } }() : function () { const { performance: e } = i; if (!e || !e.now) { return; } return { now: () => e.now(), timeOrigin: Date.now() - e.now() }; }(); const l = s === undefined ? o : { nowSeconds: () => (s.timeOrigin + s.now()) / 1000 }; const c = o.nowSeconds.bind(o); const u = l.nowSeconds.bind(l); let d; (() => { const { performance: e } = i; if (!e || !e.now) { d = "none"; return; } const t = 3600000; const n = e.now(); const r = Date.now(); const a = e.timeOrigin ? Math.abs(e.timeOrigin + n - r) : t; const o = a < t; const s = e.timing && e.timing.navigationStart; const l = typeof s === "number" ? Math.abs(s + n - r) : t; if (o || l < t) { if (a <= l) { d = "timeOrigin"; e.timeOrigin; } else { d = "navigationStart"; } } else { d = "dateNow"; } })(); }, 6752: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e && e.Math == Math) { return e; } else { return undefined; } } n.d(t, { Rf: () => i, YO: () => o, n2: () => a }); const a = typeof globalThis == "object" && r(globalThis) || typeof window == "object" && r(window) || typeof self == "object" && r(self) || typeof n.g == "object" && r(n.g) || function () { return this; }() || {}; function i() { return a; } function o(e, t, n) { const r = n || a; const i = r.__SENTRY__ = r.__SENTRY__ || {}; return i[e] || (i[e] = t()); } }, 2968: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e && e.Math == Math) { return e; } else { return undefined; } } n.d(t, { R: () => i, Y: () => o }); var a = typeof globalThis == "object" && r(globalThis) || typeof window == "object" && r(window) || typeof self == "object" && r(self) || typeof n.g == "object" && r(n.g) || function () { return this; }() || {}; function i() { return a; } function o(e, t, n) { var r = n || a; var i = r.__SENTRY__ = r.__SENTRY__ || {}; return i[e] || (i[e] = t()); } }, 9509: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; function r() { return !(typeof __SENTRY_BROWSER_BUNDLE__ !== "undefined" && __SENTRY_BROWSER_BUNDLE__) && Object.prototype.toString.call(typeof process !== "undefined" ? process : 0) === "[object process]"; } function a(e, t) { return e.require(t); } n.d(t, { l$: () => a, KV: () => r }); e = n.hmd(e); }, 9846: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { ph: () => c, yW: () => l }); var r = n(2968); var a = n(9509); e = n.hmd(e); var i = { nowSeconds: () => Date.now() / 1000 }; var o = (0, a.KV)() ? function () { try { return (0, a.l$)(e, "perf_hooks").performance; } catch (t) { return; } }() : function () { const { performance: e } = (0, r.R)(); if (e && e.now) { return { now: () => e.now(), timeOrigin: Date.now() - e.now() }; } }(); var s = o === undefined ? i : { nowSeconds: () => (o.timeOrigin + o.now()) / 1000 }; var l = i.nowSeconds.bind(i); var c = s.nowSeconds.bind(s); let u; (() => { const { performance: e } = (0, r.R)(); if (e && e.now) { var t = 3600000; var n = e.now(); var a = Date.now(); var i = e.timeOrigin ? Math.abs(e.timeOrigin + n - a) : t; var o = i < t; var s = e.timing && e.timing.navigationStart; var l = typeof s === "number" ? Math.abs(s + n - a) : t; if (o || l < t) { if (i <= l) { u = "timeOrigin"; return e.timeOrigin; } else { u = "navigationStart"; return s; } } else { u = "dateNow"; return a; } } u = "none"; })(); }, 1438: e => { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e, t) { if (typeof e === "string") { return o(e); } if (typeof e === "number") { return i(e, t); } return null; }; e.exports.format = i; e.exports.parse = o; var t = /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g; var n = /(?:\.0*|(\.[^0]+)0+)$/; var r = { b: 1, kb: 1024, mb: 1 << 20, gb: 1 << 30, tb: Math.pow(1024, 4), pb: Math.pow(1024, 5) }; var a = /^((-|\+)?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)) *(kb|mb|gb|tb|pb)$/i; function i(e, a) { if (!Number.isFinite(e)) { return null; } var i = Math.abs(e); var o = a && a.thousandsSeparator || ""; var s = a && a.unitSeparator || ""; var l = a && a.decimalPlaces !== undefined ? a.decimalPlaces : 2; var c = Boolean(a && a.fixedDecimals); var u = a && a.unit || ""; if (!(u && r[u.toLowerCase()])) { u = i >= r.pb ? "PB" : i >= r.tb ? "TB" : i >= r.gb ? "GB" : i >= r.mb ? "MB" : i >= r.kb ? "KB" : "B"; } var d = (e / r[u.toLowerCase()]).toFixed(l); if (!c) { d = d.replace(n, "$1"); } if (o) { d = d.split(".").map(function (e, n) { if (n === 0) { return e.replace(t, o); } else { return e; } }).join("."); } return d + s + u; } function o(e) { if (typeof e === "number" && !isNaN(e)) { return e; } if (typeof e !== "string") { return null; } var t; var n = a.exec(e); var i = "b"; if (n) { t = parseFloat(n[1]); i = n[4].toLowerCase(); } else { t = parseInt(e, 10); i = "b"; } if (isNaN(t)) { return null; } else { return Math.floor(r[i] * t); } } }, 9948: e => { "use strict"; function t(e) { return function (e) { return !!e && typeof e === "object"; }(e) && !function (e) { var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(e); return t === "[object RegExp]" || t === "[object Date]" || function (e) { return e.$$typeof === n; }(e); }(e); } var n = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.for ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103; function r(e, t) { if (t.clone !== false && t.isMergeableObject(e)) { return l((n = e, Array.isArray(n) ? [] : {}), e, t); } else { return e; } var n; } function a(e, t, n) { return e.concat(t).map(function (e) { return r(e, n); }); } function i(e) { return Object.keys(e).concat(function (e) { if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).filter(function (t) { return e.propertyIsEnumerable(t); }); } else { return []; } }(e)); } function o(e, t) { try { return t in e; } catch (n) { return false; } } function s(e, t, n) { var a = {}; if (n.isMergeableObject(e)) { i(e).forEach(function (t) { a[t] = r(e[t], n); }); } i(t).forEach(function (i) { if (!function (e, t) { return o(e, t) && !(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, t)); }(e, i)) { if (o(e, i) && n.isMergeableObject(t[i])) { a[i] = function (e, t) { if (!t.customMerge) { return l; } var n = t.customMerge(e); if (typeof n === "function") { return n; } else { return l; } }(i, n)(e[i], t[i], n); } else { a[i] = r(t[i], n); } } }); return a; } function l(e, n, i) { (i = i || {}).arrayMerge = i.arrayMerge || a; i.isMergeableObject = i.isMergeableObject || t; i.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = r; var o = Array.isArray(n); if (o === Array.isArray(e)) { if (o) { return i.arrayMerge(e, n, i); } else { return s(e, n, i); } } else { return r(n, i); } } l.all = function (e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) { throw new Error("first argument should be an array"); } return e.reduce(function (e, n) { return l(e, n, t); }, {}); }; var c = l; e.exports = c; }, 2110: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(8309); var a = { childContextTypes: true, contextType: true, contextTypes: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, getDefaultProps: true, getDerivedStateFromError: true, getDerivedStateFromProps: true, mixins: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var i = { name: true, length: true, prototype: true, caller: true, callee: true, arguments: true, arity: true }; var o = { $$typeof: true, compare: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var s = {}; function l(e) { if (r.isMemo(e)) { return o; } else { return s[e.$$typeof] || a; } } s[r.ForwardRef] = { $$typeof: true, render: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true }; s[r.Memo] = o; var c = Object.defineProperty; var u = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var d = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var h = Object.getPrototypeOf; var f = Object.prototype; e.exports = function e(t, n, r) { if (typeof n !== "string") { if (f) { var a = h(n); if (a && a !== f) { e(t, a, r); } } var o = u(n); if (d) { o = o.concat(d(n)); } for (var s = l(t), m = l(n), g = 0; g < o.length; ++g) { var v = o[g]; if (!i[v] && (!r || !r[v]) && (!m || !m[v]) && (!s || !s[v])) { var y = p(n, v); try { c(t, v, y); } catch (_) { } } } } return t; }; }, 746: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.for; var r = n ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103; var a = n ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106; var i = n ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107; var o = n ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108; var s = n ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114; var l = n ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109; var c = n ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110; var u = n ? Symbol.for("react.async_mode") : 60111; var d = n ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111; var p = n ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112; var h = n ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113; var f = n ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120; var m = n ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115; var g = n ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116; var v = n ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121; var y = n ? Symbol.for("react.fundamental") : 60117; var _ = n ? Symbol.for("react.responder") : 60118; var b = n ? Symbol.for("react.scope") : 60119; function x(e) { if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null) { var t = e.$$typeof; switch (t) { case r: switch (e = e.type) { case u: case d: case i: case s: case o: case h: return e; default: switch (e = e && e.$$typeof) { case c: case p: case g: case m: case l: return e; default: return t; } } case a: return t; } } } function w(e) { return x(e) === d; } t.AsyncMode = u; t.ConcurrentMode = d; t.ContextConsumer = c; t.ContextProvider = l; t.Element = r; t.ForwardRef = p; t.Fragment = i; t.Lazy = g; t.Memo = m; t.Portal = a; t.Profiler = s; t.StrictMode = o; t.Suspense = h; t.isAsyncMode = function (e) { return w(e) || x(e) === u; }; t.isConcurrentMode = w; t.isContextConsumer = function (e) { return x(e) === c; }; t.isContextProvider = function (e) { return x(e) === l; }; t.isElement = function (e) { return typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.$$typeof === r; }; t.isForwardRef = function (e) { return x(e) === p; }; t.isFragment = function (e) { return x(e) === i; }; t.isLazy = function (e) { return x(e) === g; }; t.isMemo = function (e) { return x(e) === m; }; t.isPortal = function (e) { return x(e) === a; }; t.isProfiler = function (e) { return x(e) === s; }; t.isStrictMode = function (e) { return x(e) === o; }; t.isSuspense = function (e) { return x(e) === h; }; t.isValidElementType = function (e) { return typeof e === "string" || typeof e === "function" || e === i || e === d || e === s || e === o || e === h || e === f || typeof e === "object" && e !== null && (e.$$typeof === g || e.$$typeof === m || e.$$typeof === l || e.$$typeof === c || e.$$typeof === p || e.$$typeof === y || e.$$typeof === _ || e.$$typeof === b || e.$$typeof === v); }; t.typeOf = x; }, 8309: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(746); }, 1561: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(1479); var a = typeof Object.is === "function" ? Object.is : function (e, t) { return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t; }; var i = r.useState; var o = r.useEffect; var s = r.useLayoutEffect; var l = r.useDebugValue; function c(e) { var t = e.getSnapshot; e = e.value; try { var n = t(); return !a(e, n); } catch (r) { return true; } } var u = typeof window === "undefined" || typeof window.document === "undefined" || typeof window.document.createElement === "undefined" ? function (e, t) { return t(); } : function (e, t) { var n = t(); var r = i({ inst: { value: n, getSnapshot: t } }); var a = r[0].inst; var u = r[1]; s(function () { a.value = n; a.getSnapshot = t; if (c(a)) { u({ inst: a }); } }, [e, n, t]); o(function () { if (c(a)) { u({ inst: a }); } return e(function () { if (c(a)) { u({ inst: a }); } }); }, [e]); l(n); return n; }; t.useSyncExternalStore = r.useSyncExternalStore !== undefined ? r.useSyncExternalStore : u; }, 7595: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r = n(1479); var a = n(7248); var i = typeof Object.is === "function" ? Object.is : function (e, t) { return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t; }; var o = a.useSyncExternalStore; var s = r.useRef; var l = r.useEffect; var c = r.useMemo; var u = r.useDebugValue; t.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = function (e, t, n, r, a) { var d = s(null); if (d.current === null) { var p = { hasValue: false, value: null }; d.current = p; } else { p = d.current; } d = c(function () { function e(e) { if (!l) { l = true; o = e; e = r(e); if (a !== undefined && p.hasValue) { var t = p.value; if (a(t, e)) { return s = t; } } return s = e; } t = s; if (i(o, e)) { return t; } var n = r(e); if (a !== undefined && a(t, n)) { return t; } else { o = e; return s = n; } } var o; var s; var l = false; var c = n === undefined ? null : n; return [function () { return e(t()); }, c === null ? undefined : function () { return e(c()); }]; }, [t, n, r, a]); var h = o(e, d[0], d[1]); l(function () { p.hasValue = true; p.value = h; }, [h]); u(h); return h; }; }, 7248: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(1561); }, 327: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; e.exports = n(7595); }, 7399: e => { e.exports = { area: true, base: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true }; }, 4379: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.default = { env: { local: { apiUrl: "https://rsi-platform.local.dev/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://rsi-platform.local.dev/heap/" }, qa1: { apiUrl: "https://qa-1.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-1.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qa2: { apiUrl: "https://qa-2.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-2.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qa3: { apiUrl: "https://qa-3.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-3.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qa4: { apiUrl: "https://qa-4.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-4.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qa5: { apiUrl: "https://qa-5.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-5.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qa6: { apiUrl: "https://qa-6.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-6.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, qah3: { apiUrl: "https://qa-heap3.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-heap3.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, uat: { apiUrl: "https://qa-uat.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://qa-uat.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, staging: { apiUrl: "https://staging.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://staging.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, ptu: { apiUrl: "https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, eptu: { apiUrl: "https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com" }, prod: { apiUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/api/launcher/v3", rootUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com" } }, infoApp: { appName: "Launcher", companyName: "Cloud Imperium Games", defaultLibraryFolder: "Roberts Space Industries", defaultLibraryPath: "C:\\Program Files\\" }, sentry: { minidumpUrl: "https://sentry.cloudimperiumgames.com/api/47/minidump/?sentry_key=6d91dc2ae1b74c9e80ee11bbf507df58", dsn: "https://6d91dc2ae1b74c9e80ee11bbf507df58@sentry.cloudimperiumgames.com/47" }, enlistUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist", recoverUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/connect", rootUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com", websiteUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com", issueCouncilUrl: "https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com", copyPTUAccountSupportUrl: "https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000668488-Install-the-Star-Citizen-PTU", spectrumUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC", communityHubUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub", supportUrl: "https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com", statusUrl: "https://status.robertsspaceindustries.com", welcomeHubUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/playstarcitizen", analyticsUrl: "https://launcher2.robertsspaceindustries.com", defaultAvatarUrl: "https://cdn.robertsspaceindustries.com/static/images/account/avatar_default.jpg", playnowUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/play-now", patchnotesUrl: "https://robertsspaceindustries.com/patch-notes", minimumRequirementsUrl: "https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042417374-Star-Citizen-Minimum-System-Requirements", filesSupportUrl: "https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000065688-Send-In-Game-Files-for-RSI-Support", authenticationExpiry: 2592000000, assetsDirectory: "./assets", libraryPollingInterval: { base: 300, window: 600 }, newsPollingInterval: { base: 1000, window: 1000 }, sounds: { open: "/sounds/phazein.wav", error: "/sounds/website_ui_rejection.wav", save: "/sounds/website_ui_savesettings.wav" }, musics: { bg1: "/musics/SC_DL_Raven_Music_23LUFS.ogg", bg2: "/musics/SC_PMC_600i_v31_24bit_23LUFS.ogg", bg3: "/musics/SC_PMC_First Light_23LUFS.ogg", bg4: "/musics/SC_PMC_Main_Theme_23LUFS.ogg", bg5: "/musics/SC_PMC_Majesty of Space_23LUFS.ogg", bg6: "/musics/SC_PMC_Mind Games_23LUFS.ogg" }, gameAssets: [{ id: "SC", logo: "/logos/sc-game-logo-small.svg", logoWide: "/logos/sc-game-logo-wide.svg", logoAnimation: "/logos/sc-logo-animation.json", bgImage: "/images/sc_bg_fallback.jpg", bgVideo: "/videos/sc_bg_video.webm" }, { id: "SQ42", logo: "/logos/sq42-game-logo-small.svg", bgImage: "/images/sc_bg_evocati.jpg" }], carousel: { delay: 25000, images: ["/images/carousel-slide-1@2x.jpg", "/images/carousel-slide-2@2x.jpg", "/images/carousel-slide-3@2x.jpg", "/images/carousel-slide-4@2x.jpg"] }, loginDataRemovalTimeout: 300000, statusDataRefreshInterval: 60000, appLayoutLoaderWipeTrigger: 2500 }; }, 2222: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; var i = this && this.__importDefault || function (e) { if (e && e.__esModule) { return e; } else { return { default: e }; } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.configuration = undefined; a(n(375), t); a(n(2335), t); var o = n(4379); Object.defineProperty(t, "configuration", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return i(o).default; } }); }, 5396: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.analytics = undefined; t.analytics = { ANALYTICS_SEND_EVENT: "analytics@send-event", ANALYTICS_SEND_EVENT_FAILED: "analytics@send-event-failed", ANALYTICS_SEND_EVENT_SUCCESSFUL: "analytics@send-event-successful" }; }, 9316: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(5396), t); }, 5543: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.autoUpdater = undefined; t.autoUpdater = { AUTOUPDATER_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE: "checking-for-update", AUTOUPDATER_CHECK_NOW: "autoupdater@check-now", AUTOUPDATER_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: "autoupdater@download-progress", AUTOUPDATER_ERROR: "autoupdater@error", AUTOUPDATER_UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "autoupdater@update-available", AUTOUPDATER_UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: "autoupdater@update-not-available", AUTOUPDATER_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED: "autoupdater@update-downloaded", AUTOUPDATER_UPDATE_RESTART: "auto-updater@update-restart", AUTOUPDATER_UPDATE_DISMISS: "auto-updater@update-dismiss", AUTOUPDATER_QUIT_INSTALL_ERROR: "auto-updater@update-quit-install-error", AUTOUPDATER_NEW_VERSION_INSTALLED: "auto-updater@new-version-installed" }; }, 6735: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(5543), t); }, 4726: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.config = undefined; t.config = { GET_GLOBAL: "get-global", GET_APP_PATH: "get-app-path" }; }, 2383: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(4726), t); }, 3520: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.dialog = undefined; t.dialog = { SHOW_OPEN_DIALOG: "dialog@show-open-dialog", SHOW_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DIALOG: "dialog@show-library-folder" }; }, 8762: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(3520), t); }, 5116: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.channel = undefined; t.channel = { SELECT_GAME_CHANNEL: "select-game-channel" }; }, 2859: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(5116), t); }, 5376: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.gameFiles = undefined; t.gameFiles = { GAME_FILES_INITIALIZE_WATCHER: "game-files@initialize-watcher", GAME_FILES_CHANGED: "game-files@game-files-changed", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_USER_FOLDER: "game-files@remove-user-folder", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_USER_FOLDER_FAILED: "game-files@remove-user-folder-failed", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_USER_FOLDER_SICCESSFUL: "game-files@remove-user-folder-successful", GAME_FILES_CHECK_USER_FOLDER_EXISTS: "game-files@check-user-folder-exists", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_SHADERS_FOLDER: "game-files@remove-shaders-folder", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_SHADERS_FOLDER_FAILED: "game-files@remove-shaders-folder-failed", GAME_FILES_REMOVE_SHADERS_FOLDER_SUCCESSFUL: "game-files@remove-shaders-folder-successful", GAME_FILES_CHECK_SHADERS_FOLDER_EXISTS: "game-files@check-shaders-folder-exists" }; }, 7433: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(5376), t); }, 2466: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(9316), t); a(n(6735), t); a(n(2383), t); a(n(8762), t); a(n(2859), t); a(n(7433), t); a(n(8675), t); a(n(5465), t); a(n(8533), t); a(n(6423), t); a(n(3081), t); a(n(3621), t); a(n(730), t); a(n(5535), t); a(n(6305), t); }, 8675: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(4925), t); }, 4925: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.installer = undefined; t.installer = { INSTALLER_FIX_PERMISSIONS: "installer@fix-permissions", INSTALLER_FIX_PERMISSIONS_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@fix-permissions-successful", INSTALLER_FIX_PERMISSIONS_FAILED: "installer@fix-permissions-failed", INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_START: "installer@initial-download-start", INSTALLER_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_FILE_START: "installer@retrieve-remote-file-list-start", INSTALLER_UPDATE_FILE_P4K_START: "installer@update-files-inside-p4k-start", INSTALLER_UPDATE_LOOSE_FILE_START: "installer@update-loose-files-start", INSTALLER_UPDATE_PK4_START: "installer@update-p4k-structure-start", INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: "installer@initial-download-progress", INSTALLER_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_FILE_PROGRESS: "installer@retrieve-remote-file-list-progress", INSTALLER_UPDATE_FILE_P4K_PROGRESS: "installer@update-files-inside-p4k-progress", INSTALLER_UPDATE_LOOSE_FILE_PROGRESS: "installer@update-loose-files-progress", COMPUTE_FILE_LIST_DIFFERENCE_START: "installer@compute-file-list-difference-start", COMPUTE_FILE_LIST_DIFFERENCE_END: "installer@compute-file-list-difference-end", INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_END: "installer@initial-download-end", INSTALLER_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_FILE_END: "installer@retrieve-remote-file-list-end", INSTALLER_UPDATE_FILE_P4K_END: "installer@update-files-inside-p4k-end", INSTALLER_UPDATE_LOOSE_FILE_END: "installer@update-loose-files-end", INSTALLER_UPDATE_PK4_END: "installer@update-p4k-structure-end", INSTALLER_PAUSE: "installer@pause", INSTALLER_PAUSE_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@pause-successful", INSTALLER_PAUSE_FAILED: "installer@pause-failed", INSTALLER_RESUME: "installer@resume", INSTALLER_RESUME_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@resume-successful", INSTALLER_RESUME_FAILED: "installer@resume-failed", INSTALLER_CANCEL: "installer@cancel", INSTALLER_CANCEL_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@cancel-successful", INSTALLER_CANCEL_FAILED: "installer@cancel-failed", INSTALLER_SET_OPTIONS: "installer@set-option", INSTALLER_SET_OPTION_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@set-option-successful", INSTALLER_INSTALL: "installer@install", INSTALLER_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL: "installer@install-successful", INSTALLER_INSTALL_FAILED: "installer@install-failed", INSTALLER_INSTALL_PROGRESS: "installer@install-progress" }; }, 5465: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(670), t); }, 670: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.launcher = undefined; t.launcher = { LAUNCHER_LAUNCH: "launcher@launch", LAUNCHER_LAUNCH_SUCCESSFUL: "launcher@launch-successful", LAUNCHER_LAUNCH_FAILED: "launcher@launch-failed", LAUNCHER_LAUNCH_STOPPED: "launcher@launch-stopped", LAUNCHER_IS_GAME_RUNNING: "launcher@is-game-running", LAUNCHER_KILL_GAME_PROCESS: "launcher@kill-game-process", LAUNCHER_GET_RELEASE_OBJECT: "launcher@get-game-release-object" }; }, 8533: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(1829), t); }, 1829: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.library = undefined; t.library = { CHANGE_LIBRARY_FOLDER: "change-library-folder" }; }, 6423: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(6717), t); }, 6717: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.logger = undefined; t.logger = { LOGGER_LOG_EVENT: "logger@log-event" }; }, 3081: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(469), t); }, 469: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.notification = undefined; t.notification = { NATIVE_NOTIFICATION_SHOW: "native-notification@show-notification" }; }, 3621: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(3542), t); }, 3542: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.signIn = undefined; t.signIn = { USER_SIGNIN: "user@sign-in", USER_SIGNOUT: "user@signOut" }; }, 730: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(8171), t); }, 8171: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.store = undefined; t.store = { STORE_SET: "store-set", STORE_SET_SUCCESS: "store-set-success", STORE_SET_ERROR: "store-set-error", STORE_GET: "store-get" }; }, 5535: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(933), t); }, 933: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.tray = undefined; t.tray = { TRAY_UPDATE_MENU: "tray@update-menu", TRAY_MENU_ITEM_CLICKED: "tray@menu-item-clicked" }; }, 6305: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(3672), t); }, 3672: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.window = undefined; t.window = { WINDOW_OPEN_INTERNAL: "window@open-internal", WINDOW_OPEN_EXTERNAL: "window@open-external", WINDOW_MINIMIZE: "window@minimize", WINDOW_RESTORE: "window@restore", WINDOW_HIDE: "window@hide", WINDOW_SHOW: "window@show", WINDOW_QUIT: "window@quit", WINDOW_CLOSE: "window@close", WINDOW_SET_SMALL: "window@create-small", WINDOW_SET_LARGE: "window@create-large", WINDOW_OPEN: "window@open", WINDOW_IS_MINIMIZED: "window@is-minimized", WINDOW_HIDE_SUCCESSFUL: "window@hide-successful", WINDOW_SHOW_SUCCESSFUL: "window@show-successful", WINDOW_QUIT_SUCCESSFUL: "window@quit-successful" }; }, 375: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.ipcEvents = undefined; const r = n(2466); t.ipcEvents = { analytics: r.analytics, autoUpdater: r.autoUpdater, config: r.config, dialog: r.dialog, channel: r.channel, gameFiles: r.gameFiles, installer: r.installer, launcher: r.launcher, library: r.library, notification: r.notification, logger: r.logger, signIn: r.signIn, store: r.store, tray: r.tray, window: r.window }; }, 2335: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(1012), t); }, 8096: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.AnalyticsEventName = undefined; (function (e) { e.APP_OPEN = "App:Open"; e.APP_CLOSE = "App:Close"; e.APP_SIGNEDIN = "App:SignedIn"; e.APP_SIGNEDOUT = "App:SignedOut"; e.APP_INSTALL_START = "App:Install:Start"; e.APP_INSTALL_SUCCESS = "App:Install:Success"; e.APP_INSTALL_ERROR = "App:Install:Error"; e.APP_VERIFY_START = "App:Verify:Start"; e.APP_VERIFY_SUCCESS = "App:Verify:Success"; e.APP_VERIFY_ERROR = "App:Verify:Error"; e.APP_UPDATE_START = "App:Update:Start"; e.APP_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "App:Update:Success"; e.APP_UPDATE_ERROR = "App:Update:Error"; e.APP_LAUNCH_START = "App:Launch:Start"; e.APP_LAUNCH_STOP = "App:Launch:Stop"; e.APP_LAUNCH_ERROR = "App:Launch:Error"; })(n || (t.AnalyticsEventName = n = {})); }, 5708: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.AutoUpdateDialogStates = undefined; (function (e) { e.AVAILABLE = "available"; e.NOT_AVAILABLE = "not-available"; e.QUIT_GAME = "quit-game"; e.ERROR = "error"; })(n || (t.AutoUpdateDialogStates = n = {})); }, 5597: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.CancelError = t.FixPermissionError = t.BasePackGenericError = t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = t.PatcherGenericError = t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = t.RetrieveManifestError = t.Pk4CorruptedError = t.FileInUseError = t.WritePermissionsError = t.DiskFullError = t.InvalidMDFileError = t.InstallerError = t.GenericError = t.errorsCodes = t.errorsNames = undefined; const r = n(4208); t.errorsNames = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r.InstallerErrorsNames), { ERR_UNKNOWN: "GenericError", ERR_LOGOUT_FAILED: "logoutFailed", ERR_DISPLAY_AGREEMENT: "DisplayAgreementErr" }); t.errorsCodes = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r.InstallerErrorsCodes), { ERR_UNKNOWN: "GenericError", ERR_LOGOUT_FAILED: "logoutFailed", ERR_DISPLAY_AGREEMENT: "DisplayAgreementErr" }); class a extends Error { constructor({ message: e = "Unknown Error", code: n = t.errorsNames.ERR_UNKNOWN, payload: r = null }) { super(e); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, a.prototype); this.code = n; this.payload = r; } } t.GenericError = a; class i extends a { constructor({ message: e, code: t = r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN, payload: n }) { super({ message: e, code: t, payload: n }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, i.prototype); this.code = t; this.payload = n; } } t.InstallerError = i; class o extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype); } } t.InvalidMDFileError = o; class s extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_DISK_FULL, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, s.prototype); } } t.DiskFullError = s; class l extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, l.prototype); } } t.WritePermissionsError = l; class c extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_FILE_IN_USE, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, c.prototype); } } t.FileInUseError = c; class u extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, u.prototype); } } t.Pk4CorruptedError = u; class d extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_RETRIEVE_MANIFEST, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, d.prototype); } } t.RetrieveManifestError = d; class p extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, p.prototype); } } t.PatcherUnknownNetworkError = p; class h extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_BASE_P4K_CORRUPTED, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, h.prototype); } } t.BasePackP4kCorruptedError = h; class f extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_PATCHER_UNKNOWN, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, f.prototype); } } t.PatcherGenericError = f; t.DownloadUnsuccessfullError = class extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, f.prototype); } }; class m extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, m.prototype); } } t.BasePackGenericError = m; class g extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype); } } t.FixPermissionError = g; t.CancelError = class extends i { constructor(e, t) { super({ message: e, code: r.InstallerErrorsCodes.ERR_CANCEL_FAIL, payload: t }); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, g.prototype); } }; }, 2087: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); }, 1012: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); if (!(a && !("get" in a ? !t.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable))) { a = { enumerable: true, get: function () { return t[n]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(e, r, a); } : function (e, t, n, r) { if (r === undefined) { r = n; } e[r] = t[n]; }); var a = this && this.__exportStar || function (e, t) { for (var n in e) { if (!(n === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n))) { r(t, e, n); } } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); a(n(8096), t); a(n(2087), t); a(n(5708), t); a(n(4208), t); a(n(7735), t); a(n(3010), t); a(n(4764), t); a(n(9056), t); a(n(4724), t); a(n(6840), t); a(n(5597), t); }, 4208: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n; var r; var a; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.InstallerOptions = t.InstallerErrorsCodes = t.InitialDownloadErrorsCodes = t.PatcherErrorsCodes = t.InstallerErrorsNames = t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames = t.PatcherErrorsNames = t.InstallationStatus = t.InstallationType = undefined; (function (e) { e.INSTALL = "install"; e.VERIFY = "verify"; e.UPDATE = "update"; })(n || (t.InstallationType = n = {})); (function (e) { e.WAITING = "waiting"; e.CANCELLING = "cancelling"; e.IN_PROGRESS = "in-progress"; e.PAUSED = "paused"; e.COMPLETED = "completed"; e.ERROR = "error"; })(r || (t.InstallationStatus = r = {})); t.PatcherErrorsNames = { ERR_DISK_FULL: "DiskFullError", ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION: "WritePermissionError", ERR_FILE_IN_USE: "FileInUseError", ERR_RETRIEVE_MANIFEST: "RetrieveManifestError", ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED: "P4kCorruptedError", ERR_BASE_P4K_CORRUPTED: "BaseP4kCorruptedError", ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR: "UnknownNetworkError", ERR_PATCHER_UNKNOWN: "GenericPatchInstallerError", ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL: "DownloadUnsuccessfullError" }; t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames = { ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE: "InvalidMDFileError", ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN: "GenericInitialDownloadError" }; t.InstallerErrorsNames = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t.PatcherErrorsNames), t.InitialDownloadErrorsNames), { ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN: "GenericInstallerError", ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS: "FixPermissionsError", ERR_CANCEL_FAIL: "CancelFailError" }); t.PatcherErrorsCodes = { ERR_DISK_FULL: "5000", ERR_WRITE_PERMISSION: "5001", ERR_FILE_IN_USE: "5002", ERR_RETRIEVE_MANIFEST: "5003", ERR_P4K_CORRUPTED: "5004", ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR: "5005", ERR_BASE_P4K_CORRUPTED: "5006", ERR_PATCHER_UNKNOWN: "5007", ERR_DOWNLOAD_UNSUCCESSFULL: "5008" }; t.InitialDownloadErrorsCodes = { ERR_INIT_UNKNOWN: "3000", ERR_INVALID_MD_FILE: "3001" }; t.InstallerErrorsCodes = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t.PatcherErrorsCodes), t.InitialDownloadErrorsCodes), { ERR_INSTALL_UNKNOWN: "2000", ERR_FIX_PERMISSIONS: "2001", ERR_CANCEL_FAIL: "2002" }); (function (e) { e.ConcurrentTransfers = "concurrentTransfers"; e.MaximumDownloadBandwidth = "maximumDownloadBandwidth"; e.MaximumTransfersInFlight = "maximumTransfersInFlight"; e.RetriesPerFile = "retriesPerFile"; })(a || (t.InstallerOptions = a = {})); }, 3010: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); }, 7735: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.GameChannelStatus = undefined; (function (e) { e.AVAILABLE = "available"; e.INSTALLED = "installed"; e.RUNNING = "running"; e.UPDATE_AVAILABLE = "update-available"; })(n || (t.GameChannelStatus = n = {})); }, 4724: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); }, 9056: (e, t) => { "use strict"; var n; var r; var a; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); t.SystemStatusOrder = t.RSISystemName = t.RSISystemStatus = undefined; (function (e) { e.MAJOR = "major"; e.PARTIAL = "partial"; e.DEGRADED = "degraded"; e.MAINTENANCE = "maintenance"; e.OPERATIONAL = "operational"; })(n || (t.RSISystemStatus = n = {})); (function (e) { e.PLATFORM = "Platform"; e.PERSISTENTE_UNIVERSE = "Persistent Universe"; e.ARENA_COMMANDER = "Arena Commander"; })(r || (t.RSISystemName = r = {})); (function (e) { e[e.MAJOR = 0] = "MAJOR"; e[e.PARTIAL = 1] = "PARTIAL"; e[e.DEGRADED = 2] = "DEGRADED"; e[e.MAINTENANCE = 3] = "MAINTENANCE"; e[e.OPERATIONAL = 4] = "OPERATIONAL"; })(a || (t.SystemStatusOrder = a = {})); }, 4764: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); }, 6840: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: true }); }, 1901: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { N: () => i }); var r = n(8974); var a = n(5391); var i = new class extends r.l { #e = true; #t; #n; constructor() { super(); this.#n = e => { if (!a.sk && window.addEventListener) { const t = () => e(true); const n = () => e(false); window.addEventListener("online", t, false); window.addEventListener("offline", n, false); return () => { window.removeEventListener("online", t); window.removeEventListener("offline", n); }; } }; } onSubscribe() { if (!this.#t) { this.setEventListener(this.#n); } } onUnsubscribe() { if (!this.hasListeners()) { this.#t?.(); this.#t = undefined; } } setEventListener(e) { this.#n = e; this.#t?.(); this.#t = e(this.setOnline.bind(this)); } setOnline(e) { if (this.#e !== e) { this.#e = e; this.listeners.forEach(t => { t(e); }); } } isOnline() { return this.#e; } }(); }, 8974: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { l: () => r }); var r = class { constructor() { this.listeners = new Set(); this.subscribe = this.subscribe.bind(this); } subscribe(e) { this.listeners.add(e); this.onSubscribe(); return () => { this.listeners.delete(e); this.onUnsubscribe(); }; } hasListeners() { return this.listeners.size > 0; } onSubscribe() { } onUnsubscribe() { } }; }, 5391: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { A4: () => _, Ht: () => w, Kp: () => s, PN: () => o, Rm: () => u, SE: () => i, VS: () => f, VX: () => x, X7: () => c, Ym: () => d, ZT: () => a, _v: () => y, _x: () => l, oE: () => b, sk: () => r, to: () => p }); var r = typeof window === "undefined" || "Deno" in window; function a() { } function i(e, t) { if (typeof e === "function") { return e(t); } else { return e; } } function o(e) { return typeof e === "number" && e >= 0 && e !== Infinity; } function s(e, t) { return Math.max(e + (t || 0) - Date.now(), 0); } function l(e, t) { const { type: n = "all", exact: r, fetchStatus: a, predicate: i, queryKey: o, stale: s } = e; if (o) { if (r) { if (t.queryHash !== u(o, t.options)) { return false; } } else if (!p(t.queryKey, o)) { return false; } } if (n !== "all") { const e = t.isActive(); if (n === "active" && !e) { return false; } if (n === "inactive" && e) { return false; } } return (typeof s !== "boolean" || t.isStale() === s) && (typeof a === "undefined" || a === t.state.fetchStatus) && !(i && !i(t)); } function c(e, t) { const { exact: n, status: r, predicate: a, mutationKey: i } = e; if (i) { if (!t.options.mutationKey) { return false; } if (n) { if (d(t.options.mutationKey) !== d(i)) { return false; } } else if (!p(t.options.mutationKey, i)) { return false; } } return (!r || t.state.status === r) && !(a && !a(t)); } function u(e, t) { return (t?.queryKeyHashFn || d)(e); } function d(e) { return JSON.stringify(e, (e, t) => g(t) ? Object.keys(t).sort().reduce((e, n) => { e[n] = t[n]; return e; }, {}) : t); } function p(e, t) { return e === t || typeof e === typeof t && !(!e || !t || typeof e !== "object" || typeof t !== "object") && !Object.keys(t).some(n => !p(e[n], t[n])); } function h(e, t) { if (e === t) { return e; } const n = m(e) && m(t); if (n || g(e) && g(t)) { const r = n ? e.length : Object.keys(e).length; const a = n ? t : Object.keys(t); const i = a.length; const o = n ? [] : {}; let s = 0; for (let l = 0; l < i; l++) { const r = n ? l : a[l]; o[r] = h(e[r], t[r]); if (o[r] === e[r]) { s++; } } if (r === i && s === r) { return e; } else { return o; } } return t; } function f(e, t) { if (e && !t || t && !e) { return false; } for (const n in e) { if (e[n] !== t[n]) { return false; } } return true; } function m(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && e.length === Object.keys(e).length; } function g(e) { if (!v(e)) { return false; } const t = e.constructor; if (typeof t === "undefined") { return true; } const n = t.prototype; return !!v(n) && !!n.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf"); } function v(e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Object]"; } function y(e) { return new Promise(t => { // TOLOOK setTimeout(t, e); }); } function _(e) { y(0).then(e); } function b(e, t, n) { if (typeof n.structuralSharing === "function") { return n.structuralSharing(e, t); } else if (n.structuralSharing !== false) { return h(e, t); } else { return t; } } function x(e, t, n = 0) { const r = [...e, t]; if (n && r.length > n) { return r.slice(1); } else { return r; } } function w(e, t, n = 0) { const r = [t, ...e]; if (n && r.length > n) { return r.slice(0, -1); } else { return r; } } }, 3713: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { NL: () => i, aH: () => o }); var r = n(1479); var a = r.createContext(undefined); var i = e => { const t = r.useContext(a); if (e) { return e; } if (!t) { throw new Error("No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one"); } return t; }; var o = ({ client: e, children: t }) => { r.useEffect(() => { e.mount(); return () => { e.unmount(); }; }, [e]); return r.createElement(a.Provider, { value: e }, t); }; } }; var t = {}; function n(r) { var a = t[r]; if (a !== undefined) { return a.exports; } var i = t[r] = { id: r, loaded: false, exports: {} }; e[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n); i.loaded = true; return i.exports; } n.m = e; n.n = e => { var t = e && e.__esModule ? () => e.default : () => e; n.d(t, { a: t }); return t; }; (() => { var e; var t = Object.getPrototypeOf ? e => Object.getPrototypeOf(e) : e => e.__proto__; n.t = function (r, a) { if (a & 1) { r = this(r); } if (a & 8) { return r; } if (typeof r === "object" && r) { if (a & 4 && r.__esModule) { return r; } if (a & 16 && typeof r.then === "function") { return r; } } var i = Object.create(null); n.r(i); var o = {}; e = e || [null, t({}), t([]), t(t)]; for (var s = a & 2 && r; typeof s == "object" && !~e.indexOf(s); s = t(s)) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).forEach(e => o[e] = () => r[e]); } o.default = () => r; n.d(i, o); return i; }; })(); n.d = (e, t) => { for (var r in t) { if (n.o(t, r) && !n.o(e, r)) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, { enumerable: true, get: t[r] }); } } }; n.f = {}; n.e = e => Promise.all(Object.keys(n.f).reduce((t, r) => { n.f[r](e, t); return t; }, [])); n.u = e => "static/js/" + e + "." + { 496: "25235a38", 569: "7c5bec35", 803: "5b23f8e0" }[e] + ".chunk.js"; n.miniCssF = e => { }; n.g = function () { if (typeof globalThis === "object") { return globalThis; } try { return this || new Function("return this")(); } catch (e) { if (typeof window === "object") { return window; } } }(); n.hmd = e => { if (!(e = Object.create(e)).children) { e.children = []; } Object.defineProperty(e, "exports", { enumerable: true, set: () => { throw new Error("ES Modules may not assign module.exports or exports.*, Use ESM export syntax, instead: " + e.id); } }); return e; }; n.o = (e, t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); (() => { var e = {}; var t = "@rsilauncher/app-renderer:"; n.l = (r, a, i, o) => { if (e[r]) { e[r].push(a); } else { var s; var l; if (i !== undefined) { for (var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), u = 0; u < c.length; u++) { var d = c[u]; if (d.getAttribute("src") == r || d.getAttribute("data-webpack") == t + i) { s = d; break; } } } if (!s) { l = true; (s = document.createElement("script")).charset = "utf-8"; s.timeout = 120; if (n.nc) { s.setAttribute("nonce", n.nc); } s.setAttribute("data-webpack", t + i); s.src = r; } e[r] = [a]; var p = (t, n) => { s.onerror = s.onload = null; clearTimeout(h); var a = e[r]; delete e[r]; if (s.parentNode) { s.parentNode.removeChild(s); } if (a) { a.forEach(e => e(n)); } if (t) { return t(n); } }; var h = // TOLOOK setTimeout(p.bind(null, undefined, { type: "timeout", target: s }), 120000); s.onerror = p.bind(null, s.onerror); s.onload = p.bind(null, s.onload); if (l) { document.head.appendChild(s); } } }; })(); n.r = e => { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) { Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); } Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: true }); }; n.p = "./"; (() => { var e = { 179: 0 }; n.f.j = (t, r) => { var a = n.o(e, t) ? e[t] : undefined; if (a !== 0) { if (a) { r.push(a[2]); } else { var i = new Promise((n, r) => a = e[t] = [n, r]); r.push(a[2] = i); var o = n.p + n.u(t); var s = new Error(); n.l(o, r => { if (n.o(e, t) && ((a = e[t]) !== 0 && (e[t] = undefined), a)) { var i = r && (r.type === "load" ? "missing" : r.type); var o = r && r.target && r.target.src; s.message = "Loading chunk " + t + " failed.\n(" + i + ": " + o + ")"; s.name = "ChunkLoadError"; s.type = i; s.request = o; a[1](s); } }, "chunk-" + t, t); } } }; var t = (t, r) => { var a; var i; var [o, s, l] = r; var c = 0; if (o.some(t => e[t] !== 0)) { for (a in s) { if (n.o(s, a)) { n.m[a] = s[a]; } } if (l) { l(n); } } for (t && t(r); c < o.length; c++) { i = o[c]; if (n.o(e, i) && e[i]) { e[i][0](); } e[i] = 0; } }; var r = globalThis.webpackChunk_rsilauncher_app_renderer = globalThis.webpackChunk_rsilauncher_app_renderer || []; r.forEach(t.bind(null, 0)); r.push = t.bind(null, r.push.bind(r)); })(); (() => { "use strict"; var e = {}; n.r(e); n.d(e, { FunctionToString: () => qk, InboundFilters: () => aE }); var t = {}; n.r(t); n.d(t, { Breadcrumbs: () => SS, Dedupe: () => NS, GlobalHandlers: () => cS, HttpContext: () => DS, LinkedErrors: () => CS, TryCatch: () => gS }); var r = {}; n.r(r); n.d(r, { EventToMain: () => YS, ScopeToMain: () => HS }); const a = { agreements: { agreement_fetch_info_error: "Could not retrieve agreement from server at this time, please wait a minute and try again.", agreement_declined: "Agreement has been declined" }, appHeader: { app_header_menu: "Menu", app_header_volume: "Volume", app_header_volume_mute: "Mute", app_header_volume_unmute: "Unmute", app_header_account: "Account", app_header_account_name: "Name", app_header_account_moniker: "@Community Moniker", app_header_menu_get_help: "Get Help", app_header_menu_spectrum: "Spectrum", app_header_menu_issue_council: "Issue Council", app_header_menu_exit_the_app: "Exit the app", app_header_menu_settings: "Settings", app_header_actions_download: "Downloads", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_status: "RSI Status", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_account: "RSI Account", app_header_actions_menu_log_out: "Log out", app_header_loading: "Entering the verse…" }, autoUpdate: { auto_update_dialog_close: "Close", auto_update_dialog_title: "App Update Available", auto_update_dialog_sub_title: "Version {{version}}", auto_update_dialog_no_update_content: "You've already run the latest version of the RSI Launcher.<0/>Thanks for being up to date!", auto_update_dialog_no_update_action_primary_label: "Continue", auto_update_dialog_update_available_content: "A new version of the RSI Launcher is available for installation. This application will close and relaunch...", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_primary_label: "Install and Restart", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_secondary_label: "Install later", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_content: "Unable to update to the newer version of the Launcher, please retry installation or contact <0>customer support", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_primary_label: "Retry Install", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_secondary_label: "Install Later", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_content: "A game session is currently running. If you want to install the new version of the Launcher, it will close the current game session and progression might be lost", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_primary_label: "Quit Game and Install", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_secondary_label: "Try Later", auto_update_toast_update_installed: "Newer version of Launcher has been successfully installed" }, contextMenu: { context_menu_copy: "Copy", context_menu_paste: "Paste", context_menu_cut: "Cut", context_menu_select_all: "Select all" }, dialog: { dialog_warning_logout_title: "Logout", dialog_warning_logout_text: "Do you really want to log out of your account ?", dialog_warning_logout_game_running_text: "Do you really want to log out of your account while the game is running? Progress might be lost.", dialog_warning_logout_confirm: "Logout", dialog_warning_logout_error: "An error occured while logging out. Your session might have expired try login again", dialog_action_cancel: "Cancel", dialog_action_confirm: "Confirm", dialog_action_acknowledge: "Acknowledge", dialog_action_ok: "OK", dialog_action_retry: "Retry", dialog_action_close: "Close", dialog_action_accept: "Accept", dialog_action_decline: "Decline", dialog_action_verify: "Verify", dialog_action_install: "Install Game", dialog_action_relaunch: "Relaunch", dialog_action_discard: "Discard", dialog_action_cancel_download: "Cancel download", dialog_warning_back_launcher: "Go back to Launcher", dialog_warning_exit_app_title: "Exit App", dialog_warning_exit_app_text: "Do you really want to exit the app ?", dialog_warning_exit_app_game_running_text: "Are you sure you want to exit the app while the game is still running? ", dialog_warning_exit_app_confirm: "Exit the app", dialog_settings_reset_title: "Reset Settings", dialog_settings_reset_content: "Are you sure you want to reset your game settings?", dialog_settings_reset_button: "Reset to default", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_title: "The game is not installed", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_content: "The game you are trying to verify is not currently installed at this location. Please install the game first and try again.", dialog_cancel_installation_title: "Cancel download", dialog_cancel_installation_content: "Do you really want to cancel the download of {{info}} ?", dialog_cancel_installation_content_keep_files_downloaded: "Keep already downloaded files", dialog_start_installation_title: "Install {{game}} - {{channel}}", dialog_start_installation_content_location: "The game will be installed at the following location:", dialog_start_installation_content_location_settings: "You can change the game location in the Game Settings.", dialog_start_installation_action_go_to_settings: "Game Settings", dialog_start_installation_action_install: "Install" }, download: { download_empty: "There is no download in the queue.", download_phase: "Phase", download_status: "Status", download_speed: "Speed", download_left: "Left", download_files_left: "Files left", download_title: "Downloads", download_settings: "Download Settings", download_play: "Play", download_pause: "Pause", download_initializing: "Initializing…", download_update_manifest: "Downloading update manifest", download_manifest: "Downloading manifest", downloaded_update_manifest: "Update manifest downloaded", download_analysing_install: "Analyzing current installation", download_checking_files: "Checking files - This can take a few minutes", download_base_pack: "Downloading base pack", download_updating_game_files: "Updating game files", download_updating_game_content: "Updating game content", download_completed: "Completed", download_waiting: "Waiting in queue", download_cancelling: "Cancelling", download_resume: "Resume", download_cancel: "Cancel", download_remove: "Remove", download_error: "Error", download_toast_install_success: "Installation has been completed", download_toast_update_success: "Update has been completed", download_toast_verify_success: "Verify has been completed", download_toast_install_cancel_success: "Download has been canceled", download_type_install: "Installation", download_type_update: "Update", download_type_verify: "Verify" }, errors: { error_game_package_missing_title: "Missing a game package", error_game_package_missing_subtitle: "You need to buy a game package to sign in and access the game, visit <0>Play Now", error_game_package_missing_retry: "Retry Sign Me", error_game_package_missing_support: "Customer Support", error_internal_error: "Internal Error", error_not_authenticated: "You are not authenticated", error_invalid_claims: "Invalid claims", error_authentication_mfa: "Authentication requires mfa", "error_sign-in_failed": "Sign in failed. You may have entered the wrong credentials.", error_sign_in_not_authorized: "You don't have the permission to sign in.", error_captcha_invalid: "Captcha is invalid", error_session_expired: "Your session has expired. Please confirm your password again.", error_wrong_credentials: "You may have entered the wrong credentials, the account does not exist, or has not been activated (1032)", error_max_login_attempt: "Maximum number of failed login attempts exceeded. (1034)", error_wrong_mfa_code: "Two-factor authentication failed. You may have entered and incorrect or expired code (1037)", error_captcha_required: "Sign in failed. You may have entered the wrong credentials.", error_installer_basepack_invalid_title: "Basepack - Invalid Files", error_installer_basepack_invalid_content: "Something went wrong while downloading the game, please try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_disc_full_title: "Insufficient Disk Space", error_installer_disc_full_content: "Your hard drive does not have the available space required. Free space or move your library folder to a larger disk. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_permissions_title: "Filesystem Permission Error", error_installer_permissions_content: "The patcher encountered a permissions issue when writing to disk. Please check your library folder permissions and try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_permissions_action: "Fix permissions", error_installer_file_in_use_title: "File In Use", error_installer_file_in_use_content: "The game files are in use. Please close any game files you may have open, then try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_title: "Game Files Are Corrupted", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_content: "Your game files are corrupted and unrecoverable. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_title: "Cannot Retrieve Update Manifest", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_content: "A network error occurred fetching the update manifest. Please check your internet connection, restart the launcher, and try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_unknown_network_title: "Unknown Network Error", error_installer_unknown_network_content: "Please check your network access and try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_title: "Base Pack Verification Error", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_content: "Failed to verify Basepack.Please retry or <0>report a bug if the problem persists. Make sure to include your <1>logs.", error_installer_init_download_title: "Initial Download - Base Pack - Error", error_installer_patcher_title: "Data Patcher Error", error_installer_title: "Installer Error", error_installer_generic_content: "An error has occured during the installation process. Please <0>report a bug if the problem persists. Make sure to include your <1>logs. Error code: {{ code }}", error_generic_title: "Launcher Error", error_generic_content: "Something went wrong. Please <0>report a bug if the problem persists. Make sure to include your <1>logs. Error code: {{ code }}", error_os_requirements_title: "Minimum Requirements Not Met", error_os_requirements_text: "Your computer does not meet the <0>minimum requirements to run Star Citizen", error_cpu_requirements_title: "Unsupported Hardware Detected", error_cpu_requirements_text: "This game requires a CPU supporting the AVX instruction set to run.", error_launch_account_not_found_title: "Copy Your Account To PTU", error_launch_account_not_found_content: "In order to play in the Public Test Universe (PTU), you need to copy your account to the PTU. Please follow the steps <0>here and try again. Error code: {{ code }}", error_launch_game_title: "{{ game }} Has Stopped Running Unexpectedly", error_launch_game_content: "Try to relaunch the game. If this problem persists, please verify your installation files.", error_api_denied_request_title: "API Denied Request", error_api_denied_request_content: "Something went wrong. It appears that your session is expired or has been denied. You have been logged out. Please try again.", error_api_validation_failed: "API Request validation failed", error_api_too_many_requests_title: "Too Many Requests", error_api_too_many_requests_content: "API is overloaded. Please try again in a few minutes.", error_api_unavailable: "API is unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes.", error_api_internal_server_error: "Our servers are experiencing difficulties. Please try again in a few minutes.", error_api_auth_expired_content: "Your session has expired. Please confirm your password again.", error_api_auth_expired_title: "Session Expired", error_api_platform_auth_title: "Platform Auth Error", error_api_platform_auth_content: "Not able to authenticate on {{ id }} platform : {{ error }}", error_launch_game_running_title: "Game Is Already Running", error_launch_game_running_content: "The game is already running", error_network_issue_title: "Network Issue", error_network_issue_content: "Network connection cannot be established. Please check your network status and attempt to connect again" }, form: { sign_in_title: "Sign in to the RSI Launcher", sign_in_email: "Email", sign_in_password: "Password", sign_in_remember_me: "Remember me", sign_in_forgot_password: "Forgot password?", sign_in_captcha: "Captcha", sign_in_captcha_refresh: "Refresh", sign_in_captcha_help: "Enter the text you see in the image above.", sign_in_no_account: "No account?", sign_in_create_account: "Create one!", sign_in_submit: "Sign in", sign_in_loading: "Signing in…", sign_in_mfa_title: "We need to verify your identity", sign_in_mfa_subtitle: "Protecting your account is important to us. We sent an authentication code to the email address attached to your account.", sign_in_mfa_code_label: "Authentification code", sign_in_mfa_code_help: "Enter the code sent to your email or from your authenticator. Alternatively use a backup code.", sign_in_mfa_device_label: "Device name", sign_in_mfa_device_help: "Enter a name for your current device.", sign_in_mfa_duration_label: "Trust this device for", sign_in_mfa_duration_help: "Allow this device to skip MFA for a selected amount of time. If this is a shared or public device we recommend “this session only”.", sign_in_mfa_session: "This session only", sign_in_mfa_day: "One day", sign_in_mfa_week: "One week", sign_in_mfa_month: "One month", sign_in_mfa_year: "One year", sign_in_mfa_back_sign_in: "Back", sign_in_mfa_submit: "Authenticate", error_field_is_required: "This field is required", error_email_field_is_required: "An email adress is required", error_password_field_is_required: "A password is required", error_code_required: "You must enter your code", error_device_required: "You must enter your device name", error_device_min_length: "Your device name must be at least 3 characters in length", text_field_show_password: "Show password", text_field_hide_password: "Hide password" }, gamePage: { game_page_title: "Get into the<0/><1>{{name}} Universe", game_page_nav_title_one: "Game", game_page_nav_title_other: "Games", game_page_game_is_running: "Game is running", game_page_installing: "Installing…", game_page_installing_paused: "Install paused", game_page_updating: "Updating…", game_page_updating_paused: "Update paused", game_page_verifying: "Verifying…", game_page_verifying_paused: "Verify paused", game_page_update_game: "Update Game", game_page_launch_game: "Launch Game", game_page_install_game: "Install Game", game_page_waiting_in_queue: "Waiting in queue", game_page_channels: "Game Environment", game_page_settings: "Settings", game_page_update_game_is_available: "Read about {{version}} features, <0>see patch notes", game_page_status_under_maintenance: "We have an ongoing maintenance on one of our services.", game_page_status_issue: "We are working on resolving an issue. Enter at your own risk.", game_page_status_more_information: "For more information check out the <0>status page.", game_page_cards_empty: "No content available for now", game_page_cards_loading: "Loading content.", game_page_cards_tab_community: "Community", "game_page_cards_tab_comm-links": "Comm-Links", "game_page_cards_tab_new-citizens": "New Citizens", "game_page_cards_tab_patch-notes": "Patch Notes", game_page_card_button_label: "Read More" }, settingsPage: { settings_about_title: "About", settings_application_title: "Application", settings_games_title: "Games", settings_download_title: "Download", settings_nav_items_application: "Application", settings_nav_items_games: "Games", settings_nav_items_about: "About", settings_nav_items_download: "Download", settings_about_logo_alt: "Cloud Imperium©", settings_about_copyright: "© 2012 - {{year}} Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd", settings_about_launcher_version: "Launcher version:", settings_application_window_behavior_title: "Window Behavior", settings_application_window_behavior_description: "This option will allow you to quit the app when the window is closed.", settings_application_window_behavior_close_to_quit: "Enable close-to-quit", settings_games_installation_title: "Game location", settings_games_installation_description: "This is the path of your game folder location.", settings_games_installation_information: "If your game is already installed at a different location, select it here, then hit Verify.", settings_games_installation_path_title: "Game location complete path:", settings_games_installation_library_folder_success: "Path updated", settings_games_installation_library_folder_change: "Change", settings_games_installation_library_folder_label: "RSI Library Location", settings_games_game_files_title: "Game Files", settings_games_game_files_description: "Verify if the game files are installed correctly. If the game is not installed yet, this will install the game.", settings_games_game_files_verify_files: "Verify", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files: "Verifying game", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files_paused: "Paused", settings_common_reset: "Reset all changes", settings_common_reset_confirmation: "Changes have been reset for this game channel", settings_common_accordion_open_all: "Expand all", settings_common_accordion_close_all: "Collapse all", settings_common_back: "Back", settings_common_saved: "Saved", settings_download_main_title: "Bandwidth usage", settings_download_main_content: "Adjust the bandwidth usage of the download to optimize your internet speed", settings_download_concurrent_title: "Concurrent Download", settings_download_concurrent_desc: "Adjust the maximum number of simultaneous downloads allowed at once, optimizing your download experience to match your preferences and network capabilities.", settings_download_speed_title: "Download Speed Limit", settings_download_speed_desc: "Regulate download speed by setting a cap on the data transfer rate per second for each concurrent download connection." }, status: { status_title: "RSI Status", status_empty: "There is no status available.", status_last_updated: "Last updated {{time}}", status_last_updated_empty: "No data available at the moment.", status_more_information: "More information", status_major: "Major Outage", status_partial: "Partial Outage", status_degraded: "Degraded Performances", status_maintenance: "Under Maintenance", status_operational: "Operational" }, tray: { tray_website: "Visit website", tray_report_bug: "Report a bug", tray_spectrum: "Spectrum", tray_community_hub: "Community hub", tray_support: "Support", tray_mute: "Mute sound", tray_unmute: "Unmute sound", tray_logout: "Log out", tray_quit: "Quit" } }; const i = { agreements: { agreement_fetch_info_error: "Impossible de récupérer l'accord du serveur pour le moment, veuillez patienter une minute et réessayer.", agreement_declined: "L'accord a été refusé " }, appHeader: { app_header_menu: "Menu", app_header_volume: "Volume", app_header_volume_mute: "Désactiver le son", app_header_volume_unmute: "Activer le son", app_header_account: "Compte", app_header_account_name: "Nom", app_header_account_moniker: "@Surnom de la Communauté", app_header_menu_get_help: "Obtenir de l'aide", app_header_menu_spectrum: "Spectrum", app_header_menu_issue_council: "Issue Council", app_header_menu_exit_the_app: "Quitter l'application", app_header_menu_settings: "paramètres", app_header_actions_download: "Téléchargements", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_account: "Compte RSI", app_header_actions_menu_log_out: "Se déconnecter", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_status: "Statut RSI", app_header_loading: "Entering the verse…" }, autoUpdate: { auto_update_dialog_close: "Fermer", auto_update_dialog_title: "Version de l'application", auto_update_dialog_sub_title: "Version {{version}}", auto_update_dialog_no_update_content: "Vous avez déjà la dernière version du Launcher RSI.<0/>Merci d'être à jour !", auto_update_dialog_no_update_action_primary_label: "Continuer", auto_update_dialog_update_available_content: "Une nouvelle version du Launcher RSI est disponible, vous pouvez l'installer.<0/>L'application se fermera et se relancera une fois l'installation terminée.", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_primary_label: "Installer plus tard", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_secondary_label: "Installer et redémarrer", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_content: "La mise à jour de la nouvelle version a échouée, merci de réessayer ou contacter le <0>support client", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_primary_label: "Réessayez l'installation", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_secondary_label: "Installer plus tard", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_content: "Vous avez actuellement une session de jeu en cours. Si vous souhaitez continuer et installer la nouvelle version, le jeu sera fermé et votre progression risque d'être perdue", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_primary_label: "Quitter le jeu et installer", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_secondary_label: "Essayer plus tard", auto_update_toast_update_installed: "La nouvelle version de l'application a été installée" }, contextMenu: { context_menu_copy: "Copier", context_menu_paste: "Coller", context_menu_cut: "Couper", context_menu_select_all: "Tout selectionner" }, dialog: { dialog_warning_logout_title: "Quitter l'application", dialog_warning_logout_text: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir de vous déconnecter?", dialog_warning_logout_game_running_text: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter lorsque le jeu est en cours d'exécution? Les progrès pourraient être perdus.", dialog_warning_logout_confirm: "Quitter", dialog_warning_logout_error: "Une erreur est apparue lorsque vous avez essayé de vous déconnecter. Votre session pourrait être expirée. Essayez de vous connecter à nouveau.", dialog_action_cancel: " Annuler", dialog_action_confirm: "Confirmer", dialog_action_acknowledge: "Affirmer", dialog_action_ok: "OK", dialog_action_close: "Fermer", dialog_action_retry: "Ré-essayer", dialog_action_accept: "Accepter", dialog_action_decline: "Decliner", dialog_action_verify: "Verify", dialog_action_install: "Installer le jeu", dialog_action_relaunch: "Relancer", dialog_warning_back_launcher: "Retour vers le launcher", dialog_warning_exit_app_title: "Quitter l'application", dialog_warning_exit_app_text: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter l'application lorsque le jeu est en cours d'exécution? Les progrès pourraient être perdus.", dialog_warning_exit_app_game_running_text: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter l'application ?", dialog_warning_exit_app_confirm: "Quitter l'application", dialog_settings_reset_title: "Réinitialiser les options", dialog_settings_reset_content: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réinitialiser vos paramètres de jeu ?", dialog_settings_reset_button: "Réinitialiser les options par défaut", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_title: "Le jeu n'est pas installé", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_content: "Le jeu que vous essayez de vérifier n'est pas actuellement installé à cet emplacement. Veuillez d'abord installer le jeu et réessayer.", dialog_cancel_installation_content_keep_files_downloaded: "Garder les fichiers déjà téléchargés", dialog_start_installation_title: "Installation {{game}} - {{channel}}", dialog_start_installation_content_location: "Le jeu va être installé à l'emplacement suivant:", dialog_start_installation_content_location_settings: "Vous pouvez changer l'emplacement du jeu dans les paramètres de jeu.", dialog_start_installation_action_go_to_settings: "Paramètres de Jeu", dialog_start_installation_action_install: "Installer" }, download: { download_empty: "Il n'y a pas de téléchargment en attente.", download_phase: "Phase", download_status: "Status", download_speed: "Vitesse", download_left: "Restant", download_files_left: "Fichiers restant", download_title: "Téléchargements", download_settings: "Paramètres de téléchargment", download_play: "Lecture", download_pause: "Arret", download_initializing: "Initialisation…", download_update_manifest: "Téléchargement du manifeste mis à jour", download_manifest: "Téléchargement du manifeste", downloaded_update_manifest: "Mise à jour du manifeste téléchargé", download_analysing_install: "Analyse de l'installation actuelle", download_checking_files: "Vérification des fichiers - Cela peut prendre quelques minutes", download_base_pack: "Téléchargement du pack de base", download_updating_game_files: "Mise à jour des fichiers du jeu", download_updating_game_content: "Mise à jour du contenu du jeu", download_completed: "Completé", download_cancelling: "Annulation", download_resume: "Reprendre", download_cancel: "Annuler", download_remove: "Supprimer", download_error: "Erreur", download_toast_install_success: "L'installation est terminée", download_toast_update_success: "L'update est terminée", download_toast_verify_success: "La verification des fichiers est terminée", download_toast_install_cancel_success: "Le téléchargement a été annulé", download_type_install: "Installation", download_type_update: "Mise à jour", download_type_verify: "Vérification" }, errors: { error_game_package_missing_title: "Il manque un package de jeu", error_game_package_missing_subtitle: "Vous devez acheter un package de jeu pour vous connecter et accéder au jeu, visitez <0>Jouer maintenant", error_game_package_missing_retry: "Réessayez de me connecter", error_game_package_missing_support: "Assistance client", error_internal_error: "Erreur interne", error_not_authenticated: "Vous n'êtes pas authentifié", error_invalid_claims: "Réclamations invalides", error_authentication_mfa: "L'authentification nécessite mfa", "error_sign-in_failed": "La connexion a échoué. Vous avez peut-être saisi de mauvaises informations d'identification.", error_sign_in_not_authorized: "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous connecter.", error_captcha_invalid: "Le captcha n'est pas valide", error_session_expired: "Votre session a expiré. Veuillez confirmer à nouveau votre mot de passe.", error_wrong_credentials: "La connexion a échoué. Vous avez peut-être saisi des informations d'identification erronées, ou le compte n'existe pas, ou n'a pas été activé. (1032)", error_max_login_attempt: "Nombre maximum de tentatives de connexion échouées dépassé. (1034)", error_wrong_mfa_code: "Le code n'est pas valide ou est déjà utilisé (1037)", error_captcha_required: "La connexion a échoué. Vous avez peut-être saisi de mauvaises informations d'identification.", error_installer_basepack_invalid_title: "Basepack - Fichiers Invalides", error_installer_basepack_invalid_content: "Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors du téléchargement du jeu, veuillez réessayer. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_disc_full_title: "Espace disque insuffisant", error_installer_disc_full_content: "Votre disque dur ne dispose pas de l'espace disponible requis. Libérez de l'espace ou déplacez votre dossier bibliothèque vers un disque plus grand. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_permissions_title: "Erreur d'autorisation du système de fichiers", error_installer_permissions_content: "Le patcher a rencontré un problème d'autorisations lors de l'écriture sur le disque. Veuillez vérifier les autorisations de votre dossier de bibliothèque et réessayer. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_permissions_action: "Corriger les autorisations", error_installer_file_in_use_title: "Fichier en cours d'utilisation", error_installer_file_in_use_content: "Les fichiers du jeu sont en cours d'utilisation. Veuillez fermer le jeu et le lanceur et réessayer. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_title: "Les fichiers du jeu sont corrompus", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_content: "Vos fichiers de jeu sont corrompus et irrécupérables. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_title: "Impossible de récupérer le manifeste de mise à jour", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_content: "Une erreur réseau s'est produite lors de la récupération du manifeste de mise à jour. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet, redémarrer le lanceur et réessayer. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_unknown_network_title: "Erreur réseau", error_installer_unknown_network_content: "Veuillez vérifier votre accès réseau et réessayer. Erreur réseau inconnue. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_title: "Erreur de vérification du pack de base", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_content: "Échec de la vérification du Basepack. Veuillez réessayer ou <0>signaler un bug si le problème persiste. Assurez-vous d'inclure vos <1>journaux.", error_installer_init_download_title: "Téléchargement initial - Basepack - Erreur", error_installer_patcher_title: "Erreur de Data Patcher", error_installer_title: "Erreur de l'installateur", error_installer_generic_content: "Une erreur s'est produite lors du processus d'installation. Veuillez <0>signaler un bug si le problème persiste. Assurez-vous d'inclure vos <1>journaux. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_generic_title: "Erreur du lanceur", error_generic_content: "Quelque chose s'est mal passé. Veuillez<0>signaler un bug si le problème persiste. Assurez-vous d'inclure vos <1>journaux. Code d'erreur : {{ code } }", error_os_requirements_title: "Exigences minimales non remplies", error_os_requirements_text: "Votre ordinateur ne répond pas à la <0>configuration minimale pour exécuter Star Citizen", error_cpu_requirements_title: "Matériel non pris en charge détecté", error_cpu_requirements_text: "Ce jeu nécessite un processeur prenant en charge le jeu d'instructions AVX pour fonctionner.", error_launch_account_not_found_title: "Copiez votre compte sur l'environement PTU", error_launch_account_not_found_content: "Afin de pouvoir jouer sur l'environement de test (PTU) vous avez besoin de copier votre compte sur l'environement PTU. S'il vous plait, suivez les étapes <0>ici et réessayer. Code d'erreur : {{ code }}", error_launch_game_title: "{{ game }} a cessé de fonctionner de manière inattendue", error_launch_game_content: "Essayez de relancer le jeu. Si ce problème persiste, veuillez vérifier vos fichiers d'installation.", error_api_denied_request_title: "Demande API refusée", error_api_denied_request_content: "Quelque chose s'est mal passé. Il semble que votre session a expiré ou a été refusée. Vous avez été déconnecté. Veuillez réessayer.", error_api_validation_failed: "La validation de la requête API a échoué", error_api_too_many_requests_title: "Trop de requêtes", error_api_too_many_requests_content: "L'API est surchargée. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques minutes.", error_api_unavailable: "L'API n'est pas disponible. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques minutes.", error_api_internal_server_error: "Nos serveurs rencontrent des difficultés. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques minutes.", error_api_auth_expired_content: "Votre session a expiré. Veuillez confirmer à nouveau votre mot de passe.", error_api_auth_expired_title: "Session expirée", error_api_platform_auth_title: "Erreur d'authentification de la plateforme", error_api_platform_auth_content: "Impossible de s'authentifier sur la plateforme {{ id }} : {{ error }}", error_launch_game_running_title: "Le jeu est déjà en cours", error_launch_game_running_content: "Le jeu est déjà en cours d'exécution", error_network_issue_title: "Problème de réseau", error_network_issue_content: "La connexion réseau ne peut pas être établie. Veuillez vérifier l'état de votre réseau et tenter de vous connecter à nouveau" }, form: { sign_in_title: "Se connecter au RSI Launcher", sign_in_email: "E-mail", sign_in_password: "Mot de passe", sign_in_remember_me: "Se souvenir de moi", sign_in_forgot_password: "Mot de passe oublié", sign_in_captcha: "Captcha", sign_in_captcha_refresh: "Actualiser", sign_in_captcha_help: "Entrez le texte que vous voyez dans l'image ci-dessus.", sign_in_no_account: "Pas de compte?", sign_in_create_account: "Créer un compte.", sign_in_submit: "Connexion", sign_in_loading: "Connexion en cours…", sign_in_mfa_title: "Nous devons vérifier votre identité", sign_in_mfa_subtitle: "La protection de votre compte est importante pour nous. Nous avons envoyé un code d'authentification sur la boîte mail attachée à votre compte.", sign_in_mfa_code_label: "Code d'authentification", sign_in_mfa_code_help: "Entrez le code envoyé à votre email ou depuis votre authentificateur. Vous pouvez également utiliser un code de secours.", sign_in_mfa_device_label: "Nom de l'appareil", sign_in_mfa_device_help: "Entrez un nom pour votre appareil actuel.", sign_in_mfa_duration_label: "Se fier à cet appareil pendant", sign_in_mfa_duration_help: "Autorisez cet appareil à ignorer MFA pendant une durée sélectionnée. S'il s'agit d'un appareil partagé ou public, nous recommandons « cette session uniquement ».", sign_in_mfa_session: "Cette session uniquement", sign_in_mfa_day: "Un jour", sign_in_mfa_week: "Une semaine", sign_in_mfa_month: "Un mois", sign_in_mfa_year: "Une année", sign_in_mfa_back_sign_in: "Retour", sign_in_mfa_submit: "Authentication", error_field_is_required: "Ce champs est obligatoire", error_email_field_is_required: "Une adresse email est obligatoire", error_password_field_is_required: "Un mot de passe est obligatoire", error_code_required: "Le code est obligatoire", error_device_required: "Le nom de l'appareil est obligatoire", error_device_min_length: "Le nom de l'appareil doit etre d'au moins 3 caracteres", text_field_show_password: "Afficher le mot de passe", text_field_hide_password: "Masquer le mot de passe" }, gamePage: { game_page_title: "Entrez dans l’univers de<0/><1>{{name}}", game_page_nav_title_one: "Jeu", game_page_nav_title_other: "Jeux", game_page_game_is_running: "Le jeu tourne", game_page_installing: "Installation…", game_page_installing_paused: "Installation en pause", game_page_updating: "Mise a jour…", game_page_updating_paused: "Mise à jour en pause", game_page_verifying: "Verification…", game_page_verifying_paused: "Vérification en pause", game_page_update_game: "Mise a jour du jeu", game_page_launch_game: "Lancer le jeu", game_page_install_game: "Installer le jeu", game_page_waiting_in_queue: "En attente dans la queue", game_page_channels: "Environnement de jeu", game_page_settings: "Paramètres", game_page_update_game_is_available: "Lire au sujet des fonctionnalités de {{version}} , <0>voir patch notes", game_page_status_under_maintenance: "Nous avons une maintenance continue sur un de nos services.", game_page_status_issue: "Nous travaillons à résoudre un problème. Entrez à vos risques et périls.", game_page_status_more_information: "Pour plus d'informations, visitez le <0>page d'état.", game_page_cards_empty: "Aucun contenu disponible", game_page_cards_loading: "Chargement du contenu.", game_page_cards_tab_community: "Communité", "game_page_cards_tab_comm-links": "Communiqués", "game_page_cards_tab_new-citizens": "Nouveaux Citoyens", "game_page_cards_tab_patch-notes": "Notes de Patch", game_page_card_button_label: "En savoir plus" }, settingsPage: { settings_about_title: "À propos", settings_application_title: "Application", settings_games_title: "Jeux", settings_download_title: "Téléchargement", settings_nav_items_application: "Application", settings_nav_items_games: "Jeux", settings_nav_items_about: "À propos", settings_nav_items_download: "Téléchargement", settings_about_logo_alt: "Cloud Imperium©", settings_about_copyright: "© 2012 - {{year}} Cloud Imperium Rights LLC et Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd", settings_about_launcher_version: "Version du lanceur :", settings_application_window_behavior_title: "Comportement de la fenêtre", settings_application_window_behavior_description: "Cette option vous permettra de quitter l'application lorsque la fenêtre sera fermée.", settings_application_window_behavior_close_to_quit: "Activer la fermeture proche", settings_games_installation_title: "Emplacement du jeu", settings_games_installation_description: "Il s'agit du chemin de l'emplacement de votre dossier de jeu.", settings_games_installation_information: "Si votre jeu est déjà installé à un autre emplacement, sélectionnez-le ici, puis cliquez sur Vérifier.", settings_games_installation_path_title: "Chemin d'installation complet:", settings_games_installation_library_folder_success: "Chemin mis à jour", settings_games_installation_library_folder_change: "Modifier", settings_games_installation_library_folder_label: "Emplacement de la bibliothèque RSI", settings_games_game_files_title: "Fichiers du jeu", settings_games_game_files_description: "Vérifiez si les fichiers du jeu sont correctement installés. Si le jeu n'est pas encore installé, cela installera le jeu.", settings_games_game_files_verify_files: "Vérifier", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files: "Vérification en cours", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files_paused: "En pause", settings_common_reset: "Réinitialiser toutes les modifications", settings_common_reset_confirmation: "Les modifications ont été réinitialisées pour cette chaîne de jeu", settings_common_accordion_open_all: "Tout ouvrir", settings_common_accordion_close_all: "Tout fermer", settings_common_back: "Retour", settings_common_saved: "Enregistré", settings_download_main_title: "Utilisation de la bande passante", settings_download_main_content: "Ajustez l'utilisation de la bande passante du téléchargement pour optimiser votre vitesse Internet", settings_download_concurrent_title: "Téléchargement simultané", settings_download_concurrent_desc: "Ajustez le nombre maximum de téléchargements simultanés autorisés à la fois, en optimisant votre expérience de téléchargement en fonction de vos préférences et des capacités de votre réseau.", settings_download_speed_title: "Limitation de vitesse de téléchargement", settings_download_speed_desc: "Régulez la vitesse de téléchargement en fixant un plafond sur le taux de transfert de données par seconde pour chaque connexion de téléchargement simultanée." }, status: { status_title: "RSI Status", status_empty: "Aucun statut disponible.", status_last_updated: "Date de dernière mise à jour {{time}}", status_last_updated_empty: "Aucune donnée disponible pour le moment.", status_more_information: "Plus d'information", status_major: "Panne majeure", status_partial: "Panne partielle", status_degraded: "Performances dégradées", status_maintenance: "En maintenance", status_operational: "Opérationnel" }, tray: { tray_website: "Visiter le site", tray_report_bug: "Signaler un bug", tray_spectrum: "Spectrum", tray_community_hub: "Community hub", tray_support: "Obtenir de l'aide", tray_mute: "Désactiver le son", tray_unmute: "Activer le son", tray_logout: "Se déconnecter", tray_quit: "Quitter l'application" } }; const SC_TOOLBOX_LOCALIZATION_ZHCN_MAP = { agreements: { agreement_fetch_info_error: "暂时无法从服务器获取协议,请稍等一分钟后再试。", agreement_declined: "协议被拒绝" }, appHeader: { app_header_menu: "菜单", app_header_volume: "音量", app_header_volume_mute: "静音", app_header_volume_unmute: "取消静音", app_header_account: "账户", app_header_account_name: "用户名", app_header_account_moniker: "@社区昵称", app_header_menu_get_help: "获取帮助", app_header_menu_spectrum: "光谱", app_header_menu_issue_council: "问题理事会", app_header_menu_exit_the_app: "退出程序", app_header_menu_settings: "设置", app_header_actions_download: "下载", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_status: "RSI 状态", app_header_actions_menu_rsi_account: "RSI 账户", app_header_actions_menu_log_out: "登出", app_header_loading: "正在进入宇宙…" }, autoUpdate: { auto_update_dialog_close: "关闭", auto_update_dialog_title: "有可用的更新", auto_update_dialog_sub_title: "版本{{version}}", auto_update_dialog_no_update_content: "您当前正在运行的就是 RSI 启动器的最新版本。<0/>感谢您保持更新!", auto_update_dialog_no_update_action_primary_label: "继续", auto_update_dialog_update_available_content: "有新的 RSI 启动器版本可安装。程序将会关闭并重新启动。", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_primary_label: "安装并重新启动", auto_update_dialog_update_available_action_secondary_label: "稍后安装", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_content: "无法更新至最新版本的启动器,请重新安装或联系<0>客户支持", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_primary_label: "重新安装", auto_update_dialog_update_install_failed_action_secondary_label: "稍后安装", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_content: "游戏会话当前正在运行。如果你想要安装新版本启动器,将会关闭当前游戏会话,当前游戏进度可能会丢失", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_primary_label: "退出游戏并安装", auto_update_dialog_update_quit_game_action_secondary_label: "稍后再试", auto_update_toast_update_installed: "成功安装新版本启动器" }, contextMenu: { context_menu_copy: "复制", context_menu_paste: "粘贴", context_menu_cut: "剪切", context_menu_select_all: "全选" }, dialog: { dialog_warning_logout_title: "登出", dialog_warning_logout_text: "你确定要登出账户吗?", dialog_warning_logout_game_running_text: "你确定要在游戏运行时登出账户吗?当前游戏进度可能会丢失。", dialog_warning_logout_confirm: "登出", dialog_warning_logout_error: "登出时发生错误。你的会话可能已经过期。请尝试重新登录。", dialog_action_cancel: "取消", dialog_action_confirm: "确认", dialog_action_acknowledge: "我已知悉", dialog_action_ok: "OK", dialog_action_retry: "再次尝试", dialog_action_close: "关闭", dialog_action_accept: "同意", dialog_action_decline: "拒绝", dialog_action_verify: "验证文件", dialog_action_install: "安装游戏", dialog_action_relaunch: "重新启动", dialog_action_discard: "放弃", dialog_action_cancel_download: "取消下载", dialog_warning_back_launcher: "返回启动器", dialog_warning_exit_app_title: "退出程序", dialog_warning_exit_app_text: "你确定要退出应用吗?", dialog_warning_exit_app_game_running_text: "你确定要在游戏运行时退出应用吗?", dialog_warning_exit_app_confirm: "退出程序", dialog_settings_reset_title: "重置设置", dialog_settings_reset_content: "你确定要重置你的游戏设置吗?", dialog_settings_reset_button: "重置至默认", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_title: "游戏未安装", dialog_settings_game_not_installed_content: "当前你尝试验证文件的位置并未安装游戏。请先安装游戏后重试。", dialog_cancel_installation_title: "取消下载", dialog_cancel_installation_content: "你确定要取消下载{{info}}吗?", dialog_cancel_installation_content_keep_files_downloaded: "保留已下载的文件", dialog_start_installation_title: "安装 {{game}} - {{channel}}", dialog_start_installation_content_location: "游戏将安装在以下位置", dialog_start_installation_content_location_settings: "你可以在游戏设置中更改游戏位置", dialog_start_installation_action_go_to_settings: "游戏设置", dialog_start_installation_action_install: "安装" }, download: { download_empty: "下载队列中没有下载任务。", download_phase: "阶段", download_status: "状态", download_speed: "速度", download_left: "剩余", download_files_left: "剩余文件数", download_title: "下载任务", download_settings: "下载设置", download_play: "开始", download_pause: "暂停", download_initializing: "正在初始化…", download_update_manifest: "正在下载更新文件清单", download_manifest: "正在下载文件清单", downloaded_update_manifest: "更新文件清单已下载", download_analysing_install: "正在验证安装文件", download_checking_files: "正在验证文件 - 需要几分钟", download_base_pack: "正在下载基础文件包", download_updating_game_files: "正在更新游戏文件", download_updating_game_content: "正在更新游戏内容", download_completed: "完成", download_waiting: "正在排队", download_cancelling: "正在取消", download_resume: "继续", download_cancel: "取消", download_remove: "移除", download_error: "错误", download_toast_install_success: "安装已完成", download_toast_update_success: "更新已完成", download_toast_verify_success: "文件验证已完成", download_toast_install_cancel_success: "下载已取消", download_type_install: "安装", download_type_update: "更新", download_type_verify: "验证文件" }, errors: { error_game_package_missing_title: "没有游戏资格包", error_game_package_missing_subtitle: "你需要购买一个游戏资格包以登录访问游戏。前往<0>立即游玩", error_game_package_missing_retry: "重试登录", error_game_package_missing_support: "客户支持", error_internal_error: "内部错误", error_not_authenticated: "你未通过身份验证", error_invalid_claims: "无效声明", error_authentication_mfa: "身份验证需要mfa", error_sign_in_failed: "登入失败。你可能输入了错误的凭证。", error_sign_in_not_authorized: "你没有登入权限。", error_captcha_invalid: "验证码无效", error_session_expired: "你的会话已过期。请再次确认你的密码。", error_wrong_credentials: "你可能输入了错误的凭证、账户不存在或账户未激活(1032)", error_max_login_attempt: "已超过登入失败的最大次数。(1034)", error_wrong_mfa_code: "双重验证失败。你可能输入了错误的或过期的验证码(1037)", error_captcha_required: "登入失败。你可能输入了错误的凭证。", error_installer_basepack_invalid_title: "基础文件包 - 文件无效", error_installer_basepack_invalid_content: "下载游戏时出现错误,请重试。错误代码{{code}}", error_installer_disc_full_title: "磁盘空间不足", error_installer_disc_full_content: "你的磁盘没有足够的可用空间。请清理出空间或将目录移动至空间更大的磁盘。错误代码 {{code}}", error_installer_permissions_title: "文件系统权限错误", error_installer_permissions_content: "修补程序在写入时遇到权限问题。请检查目录权限并重试。错误代码 {{code}}", error_installer_permissions_action: "修复权限", error_installer_file_in_use_title: "文件被占用", error_installer_file_in_use_content: "游戏文件正在被占用。请关闭你打开的游戏文件后重试。错误代码 {{code}}", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_title: "游戏文件已损坏", error_installer_pk4_corrupted_content: "你的游戏文件已损坏且无法恢复。错误代码 {{code}}", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_title: "无法获取更新文件清单", error_installer_retrieve_manifest_content: "获取更新文件清单时发生网络错误。请检查你的网络连接-并重启启动器后重试。错误代码{{code}}", error_installer_unknown_network_title: "未知网络错误", error_installer_unknown_network_content: "请检查你的网络并重试。错误代码 {{code}}", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_title: "基础文件包验证错误", error_installer_base_p4k_corrupted_content: "基础文件包验证失败,请重试。如果问题依然存在,请<0>汇报漏洞。别忘了附上你的<1>日志文件。", error_installer_init_download_title: "下载初始化 - 基础文件包 - 错误", error_installer_patcher_title: "数据修补程序错误", error_installer_title: "安装程序错误", error_installer_generic_content: "安装时出现错误。如果问题依然存在,请<0>汇报漏洞。别忘了附上你的<1>日志文件。错误代码 {{code}}", error_generic_title: "启动器错误", error_generic_content: "出现错误。如果问题依然存在,请<0>汇报漏洞。别忘了附上你的<1>日志文件。错误代码 {{code}}", error_os_requirements_title: "未达到最低配置要求", error_os_requirements_text: "你的电脑未达到运行星际公民的<0>最低配置要求", error_cpu_requirements_title: "检测到不支持的硬件", error_cpu_requirements_text: "游戏需要一个支持AVX指令集的CPU才能运行。", error_launch_account_not_found_title: "复制你的账户到PTU", error_launch_account_not_found_content: "想要游玩公共厕测试宇宙(PTU),你需要复制账户到 PTU。请按照以下步骤<0>这里并重试。错误代码 {{code}}", error_launch_game_title: "{{game}} 意外停止运行", error_launch_game_content: "尝试重新启动游戏。如果问题依然存在,请验证你的安装文件。", error_api_denied_request_title: "API 拒绝请求", error_api_denied_request_content: "出现错误。你的会话似乎已过期或被拒绝。你已登出,请重试。", error_api_validation_failed: "API 请求验证失败", error_api_too_many_requests_title: "请求过多", error_api_too_many_requests_content: "API过载。请稍等几分钟后重试。", error_api_unavailable: "API不可用。请稍等几分钟后重试。", error_api_internal_server_error: "我们的服务器遇到困难。请稍等几分钟后重试。", error_api_auth_expired_content: "你的会话已过期。请再次确认你的密码。", error_api_auth_expired_title: "会话已过期", error_api_platform_auth_title: "平台验证错误", error_api_platform_auth_content: "在 {{id}} 平台无法进行验证 {{error}}", error_launch_game_running_title: "游戏正在运行", error_launch_game_running_content: "游戏已经处于运行状态。", error_network_issue_title: "网络问题", error_network_issue_content: "无法建立网络连接。请检查你的网络状态后尝试重新连接。" }, form: { sign_in_title: "登入 RSI 启动器", sign_in_email: "邮箱", sign_in_password: "密码", sign_in_remember_me: "记住密码", sign_in_forgot_password: "忘记密码?", sign_in_captcha: "验证码", sign_in_captcha_refresh: "刷新", sign_in_captcha_help: "输入上方图像中的文本。", sign_in_no_account: "没有账户?", sign_in_create_account: "创建一个!", sign_in_submit: "登入", sign_in_loading: "正在登入…", sign_in_mfa_title: "我们需要验证你的身份", sign_in_mfa_subtitle: "保护你的账户对于我们来说是非常重要的。我们向你账户绑定的邮箱发送了验证码。", sign_in_mfa_code_label: "验证码", sign_in_mfa_code_help: "输入发送到你的邮箱的代码或验证器中的代码。或者使用备用代码。", sign_in_mfa_device_label: "设备名称", sign_in_mfa_device_help: "为你当前设备输入一个名称。", sign_in_mfa_duration_label: "信任这个设备", sign_in_mfa_duration_help: "允许设备在选定的时间内跳过MFA验证。如果这是一个共享或公共设备,我们建议你选择“仅当前会话”。", sign_in_mfa_session: "仅当前会话", sign_in_mfa_day: "一天", sign_in_mfa_week: "一周", sign_in_mfa_month: "一个月", sign_in_mfa_year: "一年", sign_in_mfa_back_sign_in: "返回", sign_in_mfa_submit: "验证身份", error_field_is_required: "必须输入该字段", error_email_field_is_required: "需要输入一个邮箱地址", error_password_field_is_required: "需要输入密码", error_code_required: "你必须输入你的代码", error_device_required: "你必须输入你的设备名称", error_device_min_length: "你的设备名称最少需要3个字符", text_field_show_password: "显示密码", text_field_hide_password: "隐藏密码" }, gamePage: { game_page_title: "进入<0/><1>{{name}}宇宙", game_page_nav_title_one: "游戏", game_page_nav_title_other: "游戏", game_page_game_is_running: "游戏正在运行", game_page_installing: "正在安装…", game_page_installing_paused: "安装已暂停", game_page_updating: "正在更新…", game_page_updating_paused: "更新已暂停", game_page_verifying: "正在验证文件…", game_page_verifying_paused: "验证已暂停", game_page_update_game: "更新游戏", game_page_launch_game: "启动游戏", game_page_install_game: "安装游戏", game_page_waiting_in_queue: "正在排队", game_page_channels: "游戏环境", game_page_settings: "设置", game_page_update_game_is_available: "了解 {{version}} 新内容,<0>请查看补丁说明", game_page_status_under_maintenance: "我们正在对其中一项服务进行维护。", game_page_status_issue: "我们正在解决一个问题。请自行承担风险。", game_page_status_more_information: "想要获取更多信息请查阅<0>状态页面", game_page_cards_empty: "目前没有可用的内容", game_page_cards_loading: "正在加载内容。", game_page_cards_tab_community: "社区", "game_page_cards_tab_comm-links": "通讯链接", "game_page_cards_tab_new-citizens": "新公民", "game_page_cards_tab_patch-notes": "补丁说明", game_page_card_button_label: "查看更多" }, settingsPage: { settings_about_title: "关于", settings_application_title: "程序", settings_games_title: "游戏", settings_download_title: "下载", settings_nav_items_application: "程序", settings_nav_items_games: "游戏", settings_nav_items_about: "关于", settings_nav_items_download: "下载", settings_about_logo_alt: "CloudImperium©", settings_about_copyright: "© 2012 - {{year}} Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd", settings_about_launcher_version: "启动器版本", settings_application_window_behavior_title: "窗口行为", settings_application_window_behavior_description: "此选项允许你在关闭窗口时退出该程序。", settings_application_window_behavior_close_to_quit: "启用 关闭窗口直接退出程序", settings_games_installation_title: "游戏位置", settings_games_installation_description: "这是你的游戏文件夹的路径。", settings_games_installation_information: "如果你的游戏已经安装在其他位置,在这里选择位置,然后点击验证文件。", settings_games_installation_path_title: "游戏位置完整路径", settings_games_installation_library_folder_success: "路径已更新", settings_games_installation_library_folder_change: "更改", settings_games_installation_library_folder_label: "RSI 目录位置", settings_games_game_files_title: "游戏文件", settings_games_game_files_description: "验证已安装的游戏文件完整性。如果游戏还未安装,将会安装游戏。", settings_games_game_files_verify_files: "验证文件", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files: "正在验证游戏文件", settings_games_game_files_verifying_files_paused: "已暂停", settings_common_reset: "重置所有更改", settings_common_reset_confirmation: "此游戏频道的更改已被重置", settings_common_accordion_open_all: "全部展开", settings_common_accordion_close_all: "全部折叠", settings_common_back: "返回", settings_common_saved: "已保存", settings_download_main_title: "带宽使用", settings_download_main_content: "调整下行带宽以优化网速", settings_download_concurrent_title: "同时下载数", settings_download_concurrent_desc: "调整同时下载的最大文件数。优化你的下载体验以匹配你的偏好和网络。", settings_download_speed_title: "限制下载速度", settings_download_speed_desc: "设置每秒数据传输速率上限以调节下载速率。" }, status: { status_title: "RSI 状态", status_empty: "无状态可用。", status_last_updated: "最后一次更新 {{time}}", status_last_updated_empty: "当前无可用数据。", status_more_information: "更多信息", status_major: "完全中断", status_partial: "部分中断", status_degraded: "性能降低", status_maintenance: "正在维护", status_operational: "正常运行" }, tray: { tray_website: "访问网站", tray_report_bug: "汇报漏洞", tray_spectrum: "光谱", tray_community_hub: "社区中心", tray_support: "支持", tray_mute: "静音", tray_unmute: "取消静音", tray_logout: "登出", tray_quit: "退出" } }; function o(e) { o = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { if (e && typeof Symbol == "function" && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype) { return "symbol"; } else { return typeof e; } }; return o(e); } function s(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function l(e) { var t = function (e, t) { if (o(e) !== "object" || e === null) { return e; } var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (n !== undefined) { var r = n.call(e, t || "default"); if (o(r) !== "object") { return r; } throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (t === "string" ? String : Number)(e); }(e, "string"); if (o(t) === "symbol") { return t; } else { return String(t); } } function c(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || false; r.configurable = true; if ("value" in r) { r.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(e, l(r.key), r); } } function u(e, t, n) { if (t) { c(e.prototype, t); } if (n) { c(e, n); } Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: false }); return e; } function d(e) { if (e === undefined) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return e; } function p(e, t) { p = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; return e; }; return p(e, t); } function h(e, t) { if (typeof t !== "function" && t !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: false }); if (t) { p(e, t); } } function f(e, t) { if (t && (o(t) === "object" || typeof t === "function")) { return t; } if (t !== undefined) { throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); } return d(e); } function m(e) { m = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function (e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e); }; return m(e); } function g(e, t, n) { if ((t = l(t)) in e) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { e[t] = n; } return e; } function v(e, t) { if (t == null || t > e.length) { t = e.length; } for (var n = 0, r = new Array(t); n < t; n++) { r[n] = e[n]; } return r; } function y(e) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { return e; } }(e) || function (e) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && e[Symbol.iterator] != null || e["@@iterator"] != null) { return Array.from(e); } }(e) || function (e, t) { if (e) { if (typeof e === "string") { return v(e, t); } var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && e.constructor) { n = e.constructor.name; } if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") { return Array.from(e); } else if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) { return v(e, t); } else { return undefined; } } }(e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function _(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function b(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { _(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { _(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } var x = { type: "logger", log: function (e) { this.output("log", e); }, warn: function (e) { this.output("warn", e); }, error: function (e) { this.output("error", e); }, output: function (e, t) { if (console && console[e]) { console[e].apply(console, t); } } }; var w = new (function () { function e(t) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; s(this, e); this.init(t, n); } u(e, [{ key: "init", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; this.prefix = t.prefix || "i18next:"; this.logger = e || x; this.options = t; this.debug = t.debug; } }, { key: "setDebug", value: function (e) { this.debug = e; } }, { key: "log", value: function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) { t[n] = arguments[n]; } return this.forward(t, "log", "", true); } }, { key: "warn", value: function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) { t[n] = arguments[n]; } return this.forward(t, "warn", "", true); } }, { key: "error", value: function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) { t[n] = arguments[n]; } return this.forward(t, "error", ""); } }, { key: "deprecate", value: function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) { t[n] = arguments[n]; } return this.forward(t, "warn", "WARNING DEPRECATED: ", true); } }, { key: "forward", value: function (e, t, n, r) { if (r && !this.debug) { return null; } else { if (typeof e[0] === "string") { e[0] = `${n}${this.prefix} ${e[0]}`; } return this.logger[t](e); } } }, { key: "create", value: function (t) { return new e(this.logger, b(b({}, { prefix: `${this.prefix}:${t}:` }), this.options)); } }, { key: "clone", value: function (t) { (t = t || this.options).prefix = t.prefix || this.prefix; return new e(this.logger, t); } }]); return e; }())(); var k = function () { function e() { s(this, e); this.observers = {}; } u(e, [{ key: "on", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; e.split(" ").forEach(function (e) { n.observers[e] = n.observers[e] || []; n.observers[e].push(t); }); return this; } }, { key: "off", value: function (e, t) { if (this.observers[e]) { if (t) { this.observers[e] = this.observers[e].filter(function (e) { return e !== t; }); } else { delete this.observers[e]; } } } }, { key: "emit", value: function (e) { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < t; r++) { n[r - 1] = arguments[r]; } if (this.observers[e]) { var a = [].concat(this.observers[e]); a.forEach(function (e) { e.apply(undefined, n); }); } if (this.observers["*"]) { var i = [].concat(this.observers["*"]); i.forEach(function (t) { t.apply(t, [e].concat(n)); }); } } }]); return e; }(); function E() { var e; var t; var n = new Promise(function (n, r) { e = n; t = r; }); n.resolve = e; n.reject = t; return n; } function S(e) { if (e == null) { return ""; } else { return "" + e; } } function O(e, t, n) { e.forEach(function (e) { if (t[e]) { n[e] = t[e]; } }); } function P(e, t, n) { function r(e) { if (e && e.indexOf("###") > -1) { return e.replace(/###/g, "."); } else { return e; } } function a() { return !e || typeof e === "string"; } for (var i = typeof t !== "string" ? [].concat(t) : t.split("."); i.length > 1;) { if (a()) { return {}; } var o = r(i.shift()); if (!e[o] && n) { e[o] = new n(); } e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) ? e[o] : {}; } if (a()) { return {}; } else { return { obj: e, k: r(i.shift()) }; } } function I(e, t, n) { var r = P(e, t, Object); r.obj[r.k] = n; } function A(e, t) { var n = P(e, t); var r = n.obj; var a = n.k; if (r) { return r[a]; } } function C(e, t, n) { var r = A(e, n); if (r !== undefined) { return r; } else { return A(t, n); } } function T(e, t, n) { for (var r in t) { if (r !== "__proto__" && r !== "constructor") { if (r in e) { if (typeof e[r] === "string" || e[r] instanceof String || typeof t[r] === "string" || t[r] instanceof String) { if (n) { e[r] = t[r]; } } else { T(e[r], t[r], n); } } else { e[r] = t[r]; } } } return e; } function R(e) { return e.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } var D = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", "\"": """, "'": "'", "/": "/" }; function N(e) { if (typeof e === "string") { return e.replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (e) { return D[e]; }); } else { return e; } } var j = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && typeof window.navigator.userAgentData === "undefined" && window.navigator.userAgent && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1; var L = [" ", ",", "?", "!", ";"]; function M(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function z(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { M(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { M(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } function F(e) { var t = function () { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) { return false; } if (Reflect.construct.sham) { return false; } if (typeof Proxy === "function") { return true; } try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () { })); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); return function () { var n; var r = m(e); if (t) { var a = m(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, a); } else { n = r.apply(this, arguments); } return f(this, n); }; } function U(e, t) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "."; if (e) { if (e[t]) { return e[t]; } for (var r = t.split(n), a = e, i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) { if (!a) { return; } if (typeof a[r[i]] === "string" && i + 1 < r.length) { return; } if (a[r[i]] === undefined) { for (var o = 2, s = r.slice(i, i + o).join(n), l = a[s]; l === undefined && r.length > i + o;) { o++; l = a[s = r.slice(i, i + o).join(n)]; } if (l === undefined) { return; } if (l === null) { return null; } if (t.endsWith(s)) { if (typeof l === "string") { return l; } if (s && typeof l[s] === "string") { return l[s]; } } var c = r.slice(i + o).join(n); if (c) { return U(l, c, n); } else { return undefined; } } a = a[r[i]]; } return a; } } var V = function (e) { h(n, e); var t = F(n); function n(e) { var r; var a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : { ns: ["translation"], defaultNS: "translation" }; s(this, n); r = t.call(this); if (j) { k.call(d(r)); } r.data = e || {}; r.options = a; if (r.options.keySeparator === undefined) { r.options.keySeparator = "."; } if (r.options.ignoreJSONStructure === undefined) { r.options.ignoreJSONStructure = true; } return r; } u(n, [{ key: "addNamespaces", value: function (e) { if (this.options.ns.indexOf(e) < 0) { this.options.ns.push(e); } } }, { key: "removeNamespaces", value: function (e) { var t = this.options.ns.indexOf(e); if (t > -1) { this.options.ns.splice(t, 1); } } }, { key: "getResource", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; var a = r.keySeparator !== undefined ? r.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator; var i = r.ignoreJSONStructure !== undefined ? r.ignoreJSONStructure : this.options.ignoreJSONStructure; var o = [e, t]; if (n && typeof n !== "string") { o = o.concat(n); } if (n && typeof n === "string") { o = o.concat(a ? n.split(a) : n); } if (e.indexOf(".") > -1) { o = e.split("."); } var s = A(this.data, o); if (s || !i || typeof n !== "string") { return s; } else { return U(this.data && this.data[e] && this.data[e][t], n, a); } } }, { key: "addResource", value: function (e, t, n, r) { var a = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : { silent: false }; var i = this.options.keySeparator; if (i === undefined) { i = "."; } var o = [e, t]; if (n) { o = o.concat(i ? n.split(i) : n); } if (e.indexOf(".") > -1) { r = t; t = (o = e.split("."))[1]; } this.addNamespaces(t); I(this.data, o, r); if (!a.silent) { this.emit("added", e, t, n, r); } } }, { key: "addResources", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : { silent: false }; for (var a in n) { if (!(typeof n[a] !== "string" && Object.prototype.toString.apply(n[a]) !== "[object Array]")) { this.addResource(e, t, a, n[a], { silent: true }); } } if (!r.silent) { this.emit("added", e, t, n); } } }, { key: "addResourceBundle", value: function (e, t, n, r, a) { var i = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : { silent: false }; var o = [e, t]; if (e.indexOf(".") > -1) { r = n; n = t; t = (o = e.split("."))[1]; } this.addNamespaces(t); var s = A(this.data, o) || {}; if (r) { T(s, n, a); } else { s = z(z({}, s), n); } I(this.data, o, s); if (!i.silent) { this.emit("added", e, t, n); } } }, { key: "removeResourceBundle", value: function (e, t) { if (this.hasResourceBundle(e, t)) { delete this.data[e][t]; } this.removeNamespaces(t); this.emit("removed", e, t); } }, { key: "hasResourceBundle", value: function (e, t) { return this.getResource(e, t) !== undefined; } }, { key: "getResourceBundle", value: function (e, t) { if (!t) { t = this.options.defaultNS; } if (this.options.compatibilityAPI === "v1") { return z(z({}, {}), this.getResource(e, t)); } else { return this.getResource(e, t); } } }, { key: "getDataByLanguage", value: function (e) { return this.data[e]; } }, { key: "hasLanguageSomeTranslations", value: function (e) { var t = this.getDataByLanguage(e); return !!(t && Object.keys(t) || []).find(function (e) { return t[e] && Object.keys(t[e]).length > 0; }); } }, { key: "toJSON", value: function () { return this.data; } }]); return n; }(k); var B = { processors: {}, addPostProcessor: function (e) { this.processors[e.name] = e; }, handle: function (e, t, n, r, a) { var i = this; e.forEach(function (e) { if (i.processors[e]) { t = i.processors[e].process(t, n, r, a); } }); return t; } }; function G(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function q(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { G(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { G(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } function $(e) { var t = function () { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) { return false; } if (Reflect.construct.sham) { return false; } if (typeof Proxy === "function") { return true; } try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () { })); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); return function () { var n; var r = m(e); if (t) { var a = m(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, a); } else { n = r.apply(this, arguments); } return f(this, n); }; } var W = {}; var H = function (e) { h(n, e); var t = $(n); function n(e) { var r; var a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; s(this, n); r = t.call(this); if (j) { k.call(d(r)); } O(["resourceStore", "languageUtils", "pluralResolver", "interpolator", "backendConnector", "i18nFormat", "utils"], e, d(r)); r.options = a; if (r.options.keySeparator === undefined) { r.options.keySeparator = "."; } r.logger = w.create("translator"); return r; } u(n, [{ key: "changeLanguage", value: function (e) { if (e) { this.language = e; } } }, { key: "exists", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : { interpolation: {} }; if (e === undefined || e === null) { return false; } var n = this.resolve(e, t); return n && n.res !== undefined; } }, { key: "extractFromKey", value: function (e, t) { var n = t.nsSeparator !== undefined ? t.nsSeparator : this.options.nsSeparator; if (n === undefined) { n = ":"; } var r = t.keySeparator !== undefined ? t.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator; var a = t.ns || this.options.defaultNS || []; var i = n && e.indexOf(n) > -1; var o = !this.options.userDefinedKeySeparator && !t.keySeparator && !this.options.userDefinedNsSeparator && !t.nsSeparator && !function (e, t, n) { t = t || ""; n = n || ""; var r = L.filter(function (e) { return t.indexOf(e) < 0 && n.indexOf(e) < 0; }); if (r.length === 0) { return true; } var a = new RegExp(`(${r.map(function (e) { if (e === "?") { return "\\?"; } else { return e; } }).join("|")})`); var i = !a.test(e); if (!i) { var o = e.indexOf(n); if (o > 0 && !a.test(e.substring(0, o))) { i = true; } } return i; }(e, n, r); if (i && !o) { var s = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); if (s && s.length > 0) { return { key: e, namespaces: a }; } var l = e.split(n); if (n !== r || n === r && this.options.ns.indexOf(l[0]) > -1) { a = l.shift(); } e = l.join(r); } if (typeof a === "string") { a = [a]; } return { key: e, namespaces: a }; } }, { key: "translate", value: function (e, t, r) { var a = this; if (o(t) !== "object" && this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler) { t = this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler(arguments); } if (!t) { t = {}; } if (e === undefined || e === null) { return ""; } if (!Array.isArray(e)) { e = [String(e)]; } var i = t.returnDetails !== undefined ? t.returnDetails : this.options.returnDetails; var s = t.keySeparator !== undefined ? t.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator; var l = this.extractFromKey(e[e.length - 1], t); var c = l.key; var u = l.namespaces; var d = u[u.length - 1]; var p = t.lng || this.language; var h = t.appendNamespaceToCIMode || this.options.appendNamespaceToCIMode; if (p && p.toLowerCase() === "cimode") { if (h) { var f = t.nsSeparator || this.options.nsSeparator; if (i) { m.res = `${d}${f}${c}`; return m; } else { return `${d}${f}${c}`; } } if (i) { m.res = c; return m; } else { return c; } } var m = this.resolve(e, t); var g = m && m.res; var v = m && m.usedKey || c; var y = m && m.exactUsedKey || c; var _ = Object.prototype.toString.apply(g); var b = ["[object Number]", "[object Function]", "[object RegExp]"]; var x = t.joinArrays !== undefined ? t.joinArrays : this.options.joinArrays; var w = !this.i18nFormat || this.i18nFormat.handleAsObject; var k = typeof g !== "string" && typeof g !== "boolean" && typeof g !== "number"; if (w && g && k && b.indexOf(_) < 0 && (typeof x !== "string" || _ !== "[object Array]")) { if (!t.returnObjects && !this.options.returnObjects) { if (!this.options.returnedObjectHandler) { this.logger.warn("accessing an object - but returnObjects options is not enabled!"); } var E = this.options.returnedObjectHandler ? this.options.returnedObjectHandler(v, g, q(q({}, t), {}, { ns: u })) : `key '${c} (${this.language})' returned an object instead of string.`; if (i) { m.res = E; return m; } else { return E; } } if (s) { var S = _ === "[object Array]"; var O = S ? [] : {}; var P = S ? y : v; for (var I in g) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, I)) { var A = `${P}${s}${I}`; O[I] = this.translate(A, q(q({}, t), { joinArrays: false, ns: u })); if (O[I] === A) { O[I] = g[I]; } } } g = O; } } else if (w && typeof x === "string" && _ === "[object Array]") { if (g = g.join(x)) { g = this.extendTranslation(g, e, t, r); } } else { var C = false; var T = false; var R = t.count !== undefined && typeof t.count !== "string"; var D = n.hasDefaultValue(t); var N = R ? this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(p, t.count, t) : ""; var j = t[`defaultValue${N}`] || t.defaultValue; if (!this.isValidLookup(g) && D) { C = true; g = j; } if (!this.isValidLookup(g)) { T = true; g = c; } var L = t.missingKeyNoValueFallbackToKey || this.options.missingKeyNoValueFallbackToKey; var M = L && T ? undefined : g; var z = D && j !== g && this.options.updateMissing; if (T || C || z) { this.logger.log(z ? "updateKey" : "missingKey", p, d, c, z ? j : g); if (s) { var F = this.resolve(c, q(q({}, t), {}, { keySeparator: false })); if (F && F.res) { this.logger.warn("Seems the loaded translations were in flat JSON format instead of nested. Either set keySeparator: false on init or make sure your translations are published in nested format."); } } var U = []; var V = this.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng, t.lng || this.language); if (this.options.saveMissingTo === "fallback" && V && V[0]) { for (var B = 0; B < V.length; B++) { U.push(V[B]); } } else if (this.options.saveMissingTo === "all") { U = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(t.lng || this.language); } else { U.push(t.lng || this.language); } function G(e, n, r) { var i = D && r !== g ? r : M; if (a.options.missingKeyHandler) { a.options.missingKeyHandler(e, d, n, i, z, t); } else if (a.backendConnector && a.backendConnector.saveMissing) { a.backendConnector.saveMissing(e, d, n, i, z, t); } a.emit("missingKey", e, d, n, g); } if (this.options.saveMissing) { if (this.options.saveMissingPlurals && R) { U.forEach(function (e) { a.pluralResolver.getSuffixes(e, t).forEach(function (n) { G([e], c + n, t[`defaultValue${n}`] || j); }); }); } else { G(U, c, j); } } } g = this.extendTranslation(g, e, t, m, r); if (T && g === c && this.options.appendNamespaceToMissingKey) { g = `${d}:${c}`; } if ((T || C) && this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler) { g = this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" ? this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler(this.options.appendNamespaceToMissingKey ? `${d}:${c}` : c, C ? g : undefined) : this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler(g); } } if (i) { m.res = g; return m; } else { return g; } } }, { key: "extendTranslation", value: function (e, t, n, r, a) { var i = this; if (this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.parse) { e = this.i18nFormat.parse(e, q(q({}, this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables), n), r.usedLng, r.usedNS, r.usedKey, { resolved: r }); } else if (!n.skipInterpolation) { if (n.interpolation) { this.interpolator.init(q(q({}, n), { interpolation: q(q({}, this.options.interpolation), n.interpolation) })); } var o; var s = typeof e === "string" && (n && n.interpolation && n.interpolation.skipOnVariables !== undefined ? n.interpolation.skipOnVariables : this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables); if (s) { var l = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); o = l && l.length; } var c = n.replace && typeof n.replace !== "string" ? n.replace : n; if (this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables) { c = q(q({}, this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables), c); } e = this.interpolator.interpolate(e, c, n.lng || this.language, n); if (s) { var u = e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp); if (o < (u && u.length)) { n.nest = false; } } if (n.nest !== false) { e = this.interpolator.nest(e, function () { for (var e = arguments.length, r = new Array(e), o = 0; o < e; o++) { r[o] = arguments[o]; } if (a && a[0] === r[0] && !n.context) { i.logger.warn(`It seems you are nesting recursively key: ${r[0]} in key: ${t[0]}`); return null; } else { return i.translate.apply(i, r.concat([t])); } }, n); } if (n.interpolation) { this.interpolator.reset(); } } var d = n.postProcess || this.options.postProcess; var p = typeof d === "string" ? [d] : d; if (e !== undefined && e !== null && p && p.length && n.applyPostProcessor !== false) { e = B.handle(p, e, t, this.options && this.options.postProcessPassResolved ? q({ i18nResolved: r }, n) : n, this); } return e; } }, { key: "resolve", value: function (e) { var t; var n; var r; var a; var i; var o = this; var s = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (typeof e === "string") { e = [e]; } e.forEach(function (e) { if (!o.isValidLookup(t)) { var l = o.extractFromKey(e, s); var c = l.key; n = c; var u = l.namespaces; if (o.options.fallbackNS) { u = u.concat(o.options.fallbackNS); } var d = s.count !== undefined && typeof s.count !== "string"; var p = d && !s.ordinal && s.count === 0 && o.pluralResolver.shouldUseIntlApi(); var h = s.context !== undefined && (typeof s.context === "string" || typeof s.context === "number") && s.context !== ""; var f = s.lngs ? s.lngs : o.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(s.lng || o.language, s.fallbackLng); u.forEach(function (e) { if (!o.isValidLookup(t)) { i = e; if (!W[`${f[0]}-${e}`] && o.utils && o.utils.hasLoadedNamespace && !o.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(i)) { W[`${f[0]}-${e}`] = true; o.logger.warn(`key "${n}" for languages "${f.join(", ")}" won't get resolved as namespace "${i}" was not yet loaded`, "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!"); } f.forEach(function (n) { if (!o.isValidLookup(t)) { a = n; var i; var l = [c]; if (o.i18nFormat && o.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys) { o.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys(l, c, n, e, s); } else { var u; if (d) { u = o.pluralResolver.getSuffix(n, s.count, s); } var f = `${o.options.pluralSeparator}zero`; if (d) { l.push(c + u); if (p) { l.push(c + f); } } if (h) { var m = `${c}${o.options.contextSeparator}${s.context}`; l.push(m); if (d) { l.push(m + u); if (p) { l.push(m + f); } } } } for (; i = l.pop();) { if (!o.isValidLookup(t)) { r = i; t = o.getResource(n, e, i, s); } } } }); } }); } }); return { res: t, usedKey: n, exactUsedKey: r, usedLng: a, usedNS: i }; } }, { key: "isValidLookup", value: function (e) { return e !== undefined && !(!this.options.returnNull && e === null) && !(!this.options.returnEmptyString && e === ""); } }, { key: "getResource", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; if (this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.getResource) { return this.i18nFormat.getResource(e, t, n, r); } else { return this.resourceStore.getResource(e, t, n, r); } } }], [{ key: "hasDefaultValue", value: function (e) { var t = "defaultValue"; for (var n in e) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t === n.substring(0, t.length) && e[n] !== undefined) { return true; } } return false; } }]); return n; }(k); function Y(e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); } var K = function () { function e(t) { s(this, e); this.options = t; this.supportedLngs = this.options.supportedLngs || false; this.logger = w.create("languageUtils"); } u(e, [{ key: "getScriptPartFromCode", value: function (e) { if (!e || e.indexOf("-") < 0) { return null; } var t = e.split("-"); if (t.length === 2) { return null; } else { t.pop(); if (t[t.length - 1].toLowerCase() === "x") { return null; } else { return this.formatLanguageCode(t.join("-")); } } } }, { key: "getLanguagePartFromCode", value: function (e) { if (!e || e.indexOf("-") < 0) { return e; } var t = e.split("-"); return this.formatLanguageCode(t[0]); } }, { key: "formatLanguageCode", value: function (e) { if (typeof e === "string" && e.indexOf("-") > -1) { var t = ["hans", "hant", "latn", "cyrl", "cans", "mong", "arab"]; var n = e.split("-"); if (this.options.lowerCaseLng) { n = n.map(function (e) { return e.toLowerCase(); }); } else if (n.length === 2) { n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase(); n[1] = n[1].toUpperCase(); if (t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase()) > -1) { n[1] = Y(n[1].toLowerCase()); } } else if (n.length === 3) { n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase(); if (n[1].length === 2) { n[1] = n[1].toUpperCase(); } if (n[0] !== "sgn" && n[2].length === 2) { n[2] = n[2].toUpperCase(); } if (t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase()) > -1) { n[1] = Y(n[1].toLowerCase()); } if (t.indexOf(n[2].toLowerCase()) > -1) { n[2] = Y(n[2].toLowerCase()); } } return n.join("-"); } if (this.options.cleanCode || this.options.lowerCaseLng) { return e.toLowerCase(); } else { return e; } } }, { key: "isSupportedCode", value: function (e) { if (this.options.load === "languageOnly" || this.options.nonExplicitSupportedLngs) { e = this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e); } return !this.supportedLngs || !this.supportedLngs.length || this.supportedLngs.indexOf(e) > -1; } }, { key: "getBestMatchFromCodes", value: function (e) { var t; var n = this; if (e) { e.forEach(function (e) { if (!t) { var r = n.formatLanguageCode(e); if (!(n.options.supportedLngs && !n.isSupportedCode(r))) { t = r; } } }); if (!t && this.options.supportedLngs) { e.forEach(function (e) { if (!t) { var r = n.getLanguagePartFromCode(e); if (n.isSupportedCode(r)) { return t = r; } t = n.options.supportedLngs.find(function (e) { if (e.indexOf(r) === 0) { return e; } }); } }); } if (!t) { t = this.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng)[0]; } return t; } else { return null; } } }, { key: "getFallbackCodes", value: function (e, t) { if (!e) { return []; } if (typeof e === "function") { e = e(t); } if (typeof e === "string") { e = [e]; } if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(e) === "[object Array]") { return e; } if (!t) { return e.default || []; } var n = e[t]; if (!n) { n = e[this.getScriptPartFromCode(t)]; } if (!n) { n = e[this.formatLanguageCode(t)]; } if (!n) { n = e[this.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)]; } if (!n) { n = e.default; } return n || []; } }, { key: "toResolveHierarchy", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; var r = this.getFallbackCodes(t || this.options.fallbackLng || [], e); var a = []; function i(e) { if (e) { if (n.isSupportedCode(e)) { a.push(e); } else { n.logger.warn(`rejecting language code not found in supportedLngs: ${e}`); } } } if (typeof e === "string" && e.indexOf("-") > -1) { if (this.options.load !== "languageOnly") { i(this.formatLanguageCode(e)); } if (this.options.load !== "languageOnly" && this.options.load !== "currentOnly") { i(this.getScriptPartFromCode(e)); } if (this.options.load !== "currentOnly") { i(this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)); } } else if (typeof e === "string") { i(this.formatLanguageCode(e)); } r.forEach(function (e) { if (a.indexOf(e) < 0) { i(n.formatLanguageCode(e)); } }); return a; } }]); return e; }(); var Q = [{ lngs: ["ach", "ak", "am", "arn", "br", "fil", "gun", "ln", "mfe", "mg", "mi", "oc", "pt", "pt-BR", "tg", "tl", "ti", "tr", "uz", "wa"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 1 }, { lngs: ["af", "an", "ast", "az", "bg", "bn", "ca", "da", "de", "dev", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fi", "fo", "fur", "fy", "gl", "gu", "ha", "hi", "hu", "hy", "ia", "it", "kk", "kn", "ku", "lb", "mai", "ml", "mn", "mr", "nah", "nap", "nb", "ne", "nl", "nn", "no", "nso", "pa", "pap", "pms", "ps", "pt-PT", "rm", "sco", "se", "si", "so", "son", "sq", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tk", "ur", "yo"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 2 }, { lngs: ["ay", "bo", "cgg", "fa", "ht", "id", "ja", "jbo", "ka", "km", "ko", "ky", "lo", "ms", "sah", "su", "th", "tt", "ug", "vi", "wo", "zh"], nr: [1], fc: 3 }, { lngs: ["be", "bs", "cnr", "dz", "hr", "ru", "sr", "uk"], nr: [1, 2, 5], fc: 4 }, { lngs: ["ar"], nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 100], fc: 5 }, { lngs: ["cs", "sk"], nr: [1, 2, 5], fc: 6 }, { lngs: ["csb", "pl"], nr: [1, 2, 5], fc: 7 }, { lngs: ["cy"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 8], fc: 8 }, { lngs: ["fr"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 9 }, { lngs: ["ga"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 7, 11], fc: 10 }, { lngs: ["gd"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 20], fc: 11 }, { lngs: ["is"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 12 }, { lngs: ["jv"], nr: [0, 1], fc: 13 }, { lngs: ["kw"], nr: [1, 2, 3, 4], fc: 14 }, { lngs: ["lt"], nr: [1, 2, 10], fc: 15 }, { lngs: ["lv"], nr: [1, 2, 0], fc: 16 }, { lngs: ["mk"], nr: [1, 2], fc: 17 }, { lngs: ["mnk"], nr: [0, 1, 2], fc: 18 }, { lngs: ["mt"], nr: [1, 2, 11, 20], fc: 19 }, { lngs: ["or"], nr: [2, 1], fc: 2 }, { lngs: ["ro"], nr: [1, 2, 20], fc: 20 }, { lngs: ["sl"], nr: [5, 1, 2, 3], fc: 21 }, { lngs: ["he", "iw"], nr: [1, 2, 20, 21], fc: 22 }]; var Z = { 1: function (e) { return Number(e > 1); }, 2: function (e) { return Number(e != 1); }, 3: function (e) { return 0; }, 4: function (e) { return Number(e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2); }, 5: function (e) { return Number(e == 0 ? 0 : e == 1 ? 1 : e == 2 ? 2 : e % 100 >= 3 && e % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : e % 100 >= 11 ? 4 : 5); }, 6: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e >= 2 && e <= 4 ? 1 : 2); }, 7: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2); }, 8: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e != 8 && e != 11 ? 2 : 3); }, 9: function (e) { return Number(e >= 2); }, 10: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e < 7 ? 2 : e < 11 ? 3 : 4); }, 11: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 || e == 11 ? 0 : e == 2 || e == 12 ? 1 : e > 2 && e < 20 ? 2 : 3); }, 12: function (e) { return Number(e % 10 != 1 || e % 100 == 11); }, 13: function (e) { return Number(e !== 0); }, 14: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e == 3 ? 2 : 3); }, 15: function (e) { return Number(e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2); }, 16: function (e) { return Number(e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e !== 0 ? 1 : 2); }, 17: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 || e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : 1); }, 18: function (e) { return Number(e == 0 ? 0 : e == 1 ? 1 : 2); }, 19: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 0 || e % 100 > 1 && e % 100 < 11 ? 1 : e % 100 > 10 && e % 100 < 20 ? 2 : 3); }, 20: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 0 || e % 100 > 0 && e % 100 < 20 ? 1 : 2); }, 21: function (e) { return Number(e % 100 == 1 ? 1 : e % 100 == 2 ? 2 : e % 100 == 3 || e % 100 == 4 ? 3 : 0); }, 22: function (e) { return Number(e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : (e < 0 || e > 10) && e % 10 == 0 ? 2 : 3); } }; var X = ["v1", "v2", "v3"]; var J = { zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, few: 3, many: 4, other: 5 }; function ee() { var e = {}; Q.forEach(function (t) { t.lngs.forEach(function (n) { e[n] = { numbers: t.nr, plurals: Z[t.fc] }; }); }); return e; } var te = function () { function e(t) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; s(this, e); this.languageUtils = t; this.options = n; this.logger = w.create("pluralResolver"); if (!(this.options.compatibilityJSON && this.options.compatibilityJSON !== "v4" || typeof Intl !== "undefined" && Intl.PluralRules)) { this.options.compatibilityJSON = "v3"; this.logger.error("Your environment seems not to be Intl API compatible, use an Intl.PluralRules polyfill. Will fallback to the compatibilityJSON v3 format handling."); } this.rules = ee(); } u(e, [{ key: "addRule", value: function (e, t) { this.rules[e] = t; } }, { key: "getRule", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (this.shouldUseIntlApi()) { try { return new Intl.PluralRules(e, { type: t.ordinal ? "ordinal" : "cardinal" }); } catch (n) { return; } } return this.rules[e] || this.rules[this.languageUtils.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)]; } }, { key: "needsPlural", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var n = this.getRule(e, t); if (this.shouldUseIntlApi()) { return n && n.resolvedOptions().pluralCategories.length > 1; } else { return n && n.numbers.length > 1; } } }, { key: "getPluralFormsOfKey", value: function (e, t) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; return this.getSuffixes(e, n).map(function (e) { return `${t}${e}`; }); } }, { key: "getSuffixes", value: function (e) { var t = this; var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var r = this.getRule(e, n); if (r) { if (this.shouldUseIntlApi()) { return r.resolvedOptions().pluralCategories.sort(function (e, t) { return J[e] - J[t]; }).map(function (e) { return `${t.options.prepend}${e}`; }); } else { return r.numbers.map(function (r) { return t.getSuffix(e, r, n); }); } } else { return []; } } }, { key: "getSuffix", value: function (e, t) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var r = this.getRule(e, n); if (r) { if (this.shouldUseIntlApi()) { return `${this.options.prepend}${r.select(t)}`; } else { return this.getSuffixRetroCompatible(r, t); } } else { this.logger.warn(`no plural rule found for: ${e}`); return ""; } } }, { key: "getSuffixRetroCompatible", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; var r = e.noAbs ? e.plurals(t) : e.plurals(Math.abs(t)); var a = e.numbers[r]; if (this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && e.numbers.length === 2 && e.numbers[0] === 1) { if (a === 2) { a = "plural"; } else if (a === 1) { a = ""; } } function i() { if (n.options.prepend && a.toString()) { return n.options.prepend + a.toString(); } else { return a.toString(); } } if (this.options.compatibilityJSON === "v1") { if (a === 1) { return ""; } else if (typeof a === "number") { return `_plural_${a.toString()}`; } else { return i(); } } else if (this.options.compatibilityJSON === "v2" || this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && e.numbers.length === 2 && e.numbers[0] === 1) { return i(); } else if (this.options.prepend && r.toString()) { return this.options.prepend + r.toString(); } else { return r.toString(); } } }, { key: "shouldUseIntlApi", value: function () { return !X.includes(this.options.compatibilityJSON); } }]); return e; }(); function ne(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function re(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { ne(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { ne(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } var ae = function () { function e() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; s(this, e); this.logger = w.create("interpolator"); this.options = t; this.format = t.interpolation && t.interpolation.format || function (e) { return e; }; this.init(t); } u(e, [{ key: "init", value: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; if (!e.interpolation) { e.interpolation = { escapeValue: true }; } var t = e.interpolation; this.escape = t.escape !== undefined ? t.escape : N; this.escapeValue = t.escapeValue === undefined || t.escapeValue; this.useRawValueToEscape = t.useRawValueToEscape !== undefined && t.useRawValueToEscape; this.prefix = t.prefix ? R(t.prefix) : t.prefixEscaped || "{{"; this.suffix = t.suffix ? R(t.suffix) : t.suffixEscaped || "}}"; this.formatSeparator = t.formatSeparator ? t.formatSeparator : t.formatSeparator || ","; this.unescapePrefix = t.unescapeSuffix ? "" : t.unescapePrefix || "-"; this.unescapeSuffix = this.unescapePrefix ? "" : t.unescapeSuffix || ""; this.nestingPrefix = t.nestingPrefix ? R(t.nestingPrefix) : t.nestingPrefixEscaped || R("$t("); this.nestingSuffix = t.nestingSuffix ? R(t.nestingSuffix) : t.nestingSuffixEscaped || R(")"); this.nestingOptionsSeparator = t.nestingOptionsSeparator ? t.nestingOptionsSeparator : t.nestingOptionsSeparator || ","; this.maxReplaces = t.maxReplaces ? t.maxReplaces : 1000; this.alwaysFormat = t.alwaysFormat !== undefined && t.alwaysFormat; this.resetRegExp(); } }, { key: "reset", value: function () { if (this.options) { this.init(this.options); } } }, { key: "resetRegExp", value: function () { var e = `${this.prefix}(.+?)${this.suffix}`; this.regexp = new RegExp(e, "g"); var t = `${this.prefix}${this.unescapePrefix}(.+?)${this.unescapeSuffix}${this.suffix}`; this.regexpUnescape = new RegExp(t, "g"); var n = `${this.nestingPrefix}(.+?)${this.nestingSuffix}`; this.nestingRegexp = new RegExp(n, "g"); } }, { key: "interpolate", value: function (e, t, n, r) { var a; var i; var o; var s = this; var l = this.options && this.options.interpolation && this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables || {}; function c(e) { return e.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"); } function u(e) { if (e.indexOf(s.formatSeparator) < 0) { var a = C(t, l, e); if (s.alwaysFormat) { return s.format(a, undefined, n, re(re(re({}, r), t), {}, { interpolationkey: e })); } else { return a; } } var i = e.split(s.formatSeparator); var o = i.shift().trim(); var c = i.join(s.formatSeparator).trim(); return s.format(C(t, l, o), c, n, re(re(re({}, r), t), {}, { interpolationkey: o })); } this.resetRegExp(); var d = r && r.missingInterpolationHandler || this.options.missingInterpolationHandler; var p = r && r.interpolation && r.interpolation.skipOnVariables !== undefined ? r.interpolation.skipOnVariables : this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables; [{ regex: this.regexpUnescape, safeValue: function (e) { return c(e); } }, { regex: this.regexp, safeValue: function (e) { if (s.escapeValue) { return c(s.escape(e)); } else { return c(e); } } }].forEach(function (t) { for (o = 0; a = t.regex.exec(e);) { var n = a[1].trim(); if ((i = u(n)) === undefined) { if (typeof d === "function") { var l = d(e, a, r); i = typeof l === "string" ? l : ""; } else if (r && r.hasOwnProperty(n)) { i = ""; } else { if (p) { i = a[0]; continue; } s.logger.warn(`missed to pass in variable ${n} for interpolating ${e}`); i = ""; } } else if (!(typeof i === "string" || s.useRawValueToEscape)) { i = S(i); } var c = t.safeValue(i); e = e.replace(a[0], c); if (p) { t.regex.lastIndex += i.length; t.regex.lastIndex -= a[0].length; } else { t.regex.lastIndex = 0; } if (++o >= s.maxReplaces) { break; } } }); return e; } }, { key: "nest", value: function (e, t) { var n; var r; var a; var i = this; var o = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; function s(e, t) { var n = this.nestingOptionsSeparator; if (e.indexOf(n) < 0) { return e; } var r = e.split(new RegExp(`${n}[ ]*{`)); var i = `{${r[1]}`; e = r[0]; var o = (i = this.interpolate(i, a)).match(/'/g); var s = i.match(/"/g); if (o && o.length % 2 === 0 && !s || s.length % 2 !== 0) { i = i.replace(/'/g, "\""); } try { a = JSON.parse(i); if (t) { a = re(re({}, t), a); } } catch (l) { this.logger.warn(`failed parsing options string in nesting for key ${e}`, l); return `${e}${n}${i}`; } delete a.defaultValue; return e; } for (; n = this.nestingRegexp.exec(e);) { var l = []; (a = (a = re({}, o)).replace && typeof a.replace !== "string" ? a.replace : a).applyPostProcessor = false; delete a.defaultValue; var c = false; if (n[0].indexOf(this.formatSeparator) !== -1 && !/{.*}/.test(n[1])) { var u = n[1].split(this.formatSeparator).map(function (e) { return e.trim(); }); n[1] = u.shift(); l = u; c = true; } if ((r = t(s.call(this, n[1].trim(), a), a)) && n[0] === e && typeof r !== "string") { return r; } if (typeof r !== "string") { r = S(r); } if (!r) { this.logger.warn(`missed to resolve ${n[1]} for nesting ${e}`); r = ""; } if (c) { r = l.reduce(function (e, t) { return i.format(e, t, o.lng, re(re({}, o), {}, { interpolationkey: n[1].trim() })); }, r.trim()); } e = e.replace(n[0], r); this.regexp.lastIndex = 0; } return e; } }]); return e; }(); function ie(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function oe(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { ie(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { ie(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } function se(e) { var t = {}; return function (n, r, a) { var i = r + JSON.stringify(a); var o = t[i]; if (!o) { o = e(r, a); t[i] = o; } return o(n); }; } var le = function () { function e() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; s(this, e); this.logger = w.create("formatter"); this.options = t; this.formats = { number: se(function (e, t) { var n = new Intl.NumberFormat(e, t); return function (e) { return n.format(e); }; }), currency: se(function (e, t) { var n = new Intl.NumberFormat(e, oe(oe({}, t), {}, { style: "currency" })); return function (e) { return n.format(e); }; }), datetime: se(function (e, t) { var n = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(e, oe({}, t)); return function (e) { return n.format(e); }; }), relativetime: se(function (e, t) { var n = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(e, oe({}, t)); return function (e) { return n.format(e, t.range || "day"); }; }), list: se(function (e, t) { var n = new Intl.ListFormat(e, oe({}, t)); return function (e) { return n.format(e); }; }) }; this.init(t); } u(e, [{ key: "init", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : { interpolation: {} }; var n = t.interpolation; this.formatSeparator = n.formatSeparator ? n.formatSeparator : n.formatSeparator || ","; } }, { key: "add", value: function (e, t) { this.formats[e.toLowerCase().trim()] = t; } }, { key: "addCached", value: function (e, t) { this.formats[e.toLowerCase().trim()] = se(t); } }, { key: "format", value: function (e, t, n, r) { var a = this; var i = t.split(this.formatSeparator).reduce(function (e, t) { var i = function (e) { var t = e.toLowerCase().trim(); var n = {}; if (e.indexOf("(") > -1) { var r = e.split("("); t = r[0].toLowerCase().trim(); var a = r[1].substring(0, r[1].length - 1); if (t === "currency" && a.indexOf(":") < 0) { if (!n.currency) { n.currency = a.trim(); } } else if (t === "relativetime" && a.indexOf(":") < 0) { if (!n.range) { n.range = a.trim(); } } else { a.split(";").forEach(function (e) { if (e) { var t = y(e.split(":")); var r = t[0]; var a = t.slice(1).join(":").trim().replace(/^'+|'+$/g, ""); if (!n[r.trim()]) { n[r.trim()] = a; } if (a === "false") { n[r.trim()] = false; } if (a === "true") { n[r.trim()] = true; } if (!isNaN(a)) { n[r.trim()] = parseInt(a, 10); } } }); } } return { formatName: t, formatOptions: n }; }(t); var o = i.formatName; var s = i.formatOptions; if (a.formats[o]) { var l = e; try { var c = r && r.formatParams && r.formatParams[r.interpolationkey] || {}; var u = c.locale || c.lng || r.locale || r.lng || n; l = a.formats[o](e, u, oe(oe(oe({}, s), r), c)); } catch (d) { a.logger.warn(d); } return l; } a.logger.warn(`there was no format function for ${o}`); return e; }, e); return i; } }]); return e; }(); function ce(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function ue(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { ce(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { ce(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } function de(e) { var t = function () { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) { return false; } if (Reflect.construct.sham) { return false; } if (typeof Proxy === "function") { return true; } try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () { })); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); return function () { var n; var r = m(e); if (t) { var a = m(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, a); } else { n = r.apply(this, arguments); } return f(this, n); }; } var pe = function (e) { h(n, e); var t = de(n); function n(e, r, a) { var i; var o = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; s(this, n); i = t.call(this); if (j) { k.call(d(i)); } i.backend = e; i.store = r; i.services = a; i.languageUtils = a.languageUtils; i.options = o; i.logger = w.create("backendConnector"); i.waitingReads = []; i.maxParallelReads = o.maxParallelReads || 10; i.readingCalls = 0; i.maxRetries = o.maxRetries >= 0 ? o.maxRetries : 5; i.retryTimeout = o.retryTimeout >= 1 ? o.retryTimeout : 350; i.state = {}; i.queue = []; if (i.backend && i.backend.init) { i.backend.init(a, o.backend, o); } return i; } u(n, [{ key: "queueLoad", value: function (e, t, n, r) { var a = this; var i = {}; var o = {}; var s = {}; var l = {}; e.forEach(function (e) { var r = true; t.forEach(function (t) { var s = `${e}|${t}`; if (!n.reload && a.store.hasResourceBundle(e, t)) { a.state[s] = 2; } else if (!(a.state[s] < 0)) { if (a.state[s] === 1) { if (o[s] === undefined) { o[s] = true; } } else { a.state[s] = 1; r = false; if (o[s] === undefined) { o[s] = true; } if (i[s] === undefined) { i[s] = true; } if (l[t] === undefined) { l[t] = true; } } } }); if (!r) { s[e] = true; } }); if (Object.keys(i).length || Object.keys(o).length) { this.queue.push({ pending: o, pendingCount: Object.keys(o).length, loaded: {}, errors: [], callback: r }); } return { toLoad: Object.keys(i), pending: Object.keys(o), toLoadLanguages: Object.keys(s), toLoadNamespaces: Object.keys(l) }; } }, { key: "loaded", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = e.split("|"); var a = r[0]; var i = r[1]; if (t) { this.emit("failedLoading", a, i, t); } if (n) { this.store.addResourceBundle(a, i, n); } this.state[e] = t ? -1 : 2; var o = {}; this.queue.forEach(function (n) { (function (e, t, n, r) { var a = P(e, t, Object); var i = a.obj; var o = a.k; i[o] = i[o] || []; if (r) { i[o] = i[o].concat(n); } if (!r) { i[o].push(n); } })(n.loaded, [a], i); (function (e, t) { if (e.pending[t] !== undefined) { delete e.pending[t]; e.pendingCount--; } })(n, e); if (t) { n.errors.push(t); } if (!(n.pendingCount !== 0 || n.done)) { Object.keys(n.loaded).forEach(function (e) { if (!o[e]) { o[e] = {}; } var t = n.loaded[e]; if (t.length) { t.forEach(function (t) { if (o[e][t] === undefined) { o[e][t] = true; } }); } }); n.done = true; if (n.errors.length) { n.callback(n.errors); } else { n.callback(); } } }); this.emit("loaded", o); this.queue = this.queue.filter(function (e) { return !e.done; }); } }, { key: "read", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this; var a = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; var i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : this.retryTimeout; var o = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : undefined; if (!e.length) { return o(null, {}); } if (this.readingCalls >= this.maxParallelReads) { this.waitingReads.push({ lng: e, ns: t, fcName: n, tried: a, wait: i, callback: o }); } else { this.readingCalls++; function s(s, l) { r.readingCalls--; if (r.waitingReads.length > 0) { var c = r.waitingReads.shift(); r.read(c.lng, c.ns, c.fcName, c.tried, c.wait, c.callback); } if (s && l && a < r.maxRetries) { // TOLOOK setTimeout(function () { r.read.call(r, e, t, n, a + 1, i * 2, o); }, i); } else { o(s, l); } } var l = this.backend[n].bind(this.backend); if (l.length !== 2) { return l(e, t, s); } try { var c = l(e, t); if (c && typeof c.then === "function") { c.then(function (e) { return s(null, e); }).catch(s); } else { s(null, c); } } catch (u) { s(u); } } } }, { key: "prepareLoading", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var a = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined; if (!this.backend) { this.logger.warn("No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources."); return a && a(); } if (typeof e === "string") { e = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(e); } if (typeof t === "string") { t = [t]; } var i = this.queueLoad(e, t, r, a); if (!i.toLoad.length) { if (!i.pending.length) { a(); } return null; } i.toLoad.forEach(function (e) { n.loadOne(e); }); } }, { key: "load", value: function (e, t, n) { this.prepareLoading(e, t, {}, n); } }, { key: "reload", value: function (e, t, n) { this.prepareLoading(e, t, { reload: true }, n); } }, { key: "loadOne", value: function (e) { var t = this; var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ""; var r = e.split("|"); var a = r[0]; var i = r[1]; this.read(a, i, "read", undefined, undefined, function (r, o) { if (r) { t.logger.warn(`${n}loading namespace ${i} for language ${a} failed`, r); } if (!r && o) { t.logger.log(`${n}loaded namespace ${i} for language ${a}`, o); } t.loaded(e, r, o); }); } }, { key: "saveMissing", value: function (e, t, n, r, a) { var i = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : {}; var o = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : function () { }; if (this.services.utils && this.services.utils.hasLoadedNamespace && !this.services.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(t)) { this.logger.warn(`did not save key "${n}" as the namespace "${t}" was not yet loaded`, "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!"); } else if (n !== undefined && n !== null && n !== "") { if (this.backend && this.backend.create) { var s = ue(ue({}, i), {}, { isUpdate: a }); var l = this.backend.create.bind(this.backend); if (l.length < 6) { try { var c; if ((c = l.length === 5 ? l(e, t, n, r, s) : l(e, t, n, r)) && typeof c.then === "function") { c.then(function (e) { return o(null, e); }).catch(o); } else { o(null, c); } } catch (u) { o(u); } } else { l(e, t, n, r, o, s); } } if (e && e[0]) { this.store.addResource(e[0], t, n, r); } } } }]); return n; }(k); function he() { return { debug: false, initImmediate: true, ns: ["translation"], defaultNS: ["translation"], fallbackLng: ["dev"], fallbackNS: false, supportedLngs: false, nonExplicitSupportedLngs: false, load: "all", preload: false, simplifyPluralSuffix: true, keySeparator: ".", nsSeparator: ":", pluralSeparator: "_", contextSeparator: "_", partialBundledLanguages: false, saveMissing: false, updateMissing: false, saveMissingTo: "fallback", saveMissingPlurals: true, missingKeyHandler: false, missingInterpolationHandler: false, postProcess: false, postProcessPassResolved: false, returnNull: true, returnEmptyString: true, returnObjects: false, joinArrays: false, returnedObjectHandler: false, parseMissingKeyHandler: false, appendNamespaceToMissingKey: false, appendNamespaceToCIMode: false, overloadTranslationOptionHandler: function (e) { var t = {}; if (o(e[1]) === "object") { t = e[1]; } if (typeof e[1] === "string") { t.defaultValue = e[1]; } if (typeof e[2] === "string") { t.tDescription = e[2]; } if (o(e[2]) === "object" || o(e[3]) === "object") { var n = e[3] || e[2]; Object.keys(n).forEach(function (e) { t[e] = n[e]; }); } return t; }, interpolation: { escapeValue: true, format: function (e, t, n, r) { return e; }, prefix: "{{", suffix: "}}", formatSeparator: ",", unescapePrefix: "-", nestingPrefix: "$t(", nestingSuffix: ")", nestingOptionsSeparator: ",", maxReplaces: 1000, skipOnVariables: true } }; } function fe(e) { if (typeof e.ns === "string") { e.ns = [e.ns]; } if (typeof e.fallbackLng === "string") { e.fallbackLng = [e.fallbackLng]; } if (typeof e.fallbackNS === "string") { e.fallbackNS = [e.fallbackNS]; } if (e.supportedLngs && e.supportedLngs.indexOf("cimode") < 0) { e.supportedLngs = e.supportedLngs.concat(["cimode"]); } return e; } function me(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); if (t) { r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable; }); } n.push.apply(n, r); } return n; } function ge(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; if (t % 2) { me(Object(n), true).forEach(function (t) { g(e, t, n[t]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)); } else { me(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)); }); } } return e; } function ve(e) { var t = function () { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) { return false; } if (Reflect.construct.sham) { return false; } if (typeof Proxy === "function") { return true; } try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () { })); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); return function () { var n; var r = m(e); if (t) { var a = m(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, a); } else { n = r.apply(this, arguments); } return f(this, n); }; } function ye() { } function _e(e) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(e)).forEach(function (t) { if (typeof e[t] === "function") { e[t] = e[t].bind(e); } }); } var be = function (e) { h(n, e); var t = ve(n); function n() { var e; var r = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var a = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; s(this, n); e = t.call(this); if (j) { k.call(d(e)); } e.options = fe(r); e.services = {}; e.logger = w; e.modules = { external: [] }; _e(d(e)); if (a && !e.isInitialized && !r.isClone) { if (!e.options.initImmediate) { e.init(r, a); return f(e, d(e)); } // TOLOOK setTimeout(function () { e.init(r, a); }, 0); } return e; } u(n, [{ key: "init", value: function () { var e = this; var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; if (typeof t === "function") { n = t; t = {}; } if (!t.defaultNS && t.defaultNS !== false && t.ns) { if (typeof t.ns === "string") { t.defaultNS = t.ns; } else if (t.ns.indexOf("translation") < 0) { t.defaultNS = t.ns[0]; } } var r = he(); function a(e) { if (e) { if (typeof e === "function") { return new e(); } else { return e; } } else { return null; } } this.options = ge(ge(ge({}, r), this.options), fe(t)); if (this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1") { this.options.interpolation = ge(ge({}, r.interpolation), this.options.interpolation); } if (t.keySeparator !== undefined) { this.options.userDefinedKeySeparator = t.keySeparator; } if (t.nsSeparator !== undefined) { this.options.userDefinedNsSeparator = t.nsSeparator; } if (!this.options.isClone) { var i; if (this.modules.logger) { w.init(a(this.modules.logger), this.options); } else { w.init(null, this.options); } if (this.modules.formatter) { i = this.modules.formatter; } else if (typeof Intl !== "undefined") { i = le; } var o = new K(this.options); this.store = new V(this.options.resources, this.options); var s = this.services; s.logger = w; s.resourceStore = this.store; s.languageUtils = o; s.pluralResolver = new te(o, { prepend: this.options.pluralSeparator, compatibilityJSON: this.options.compatibilityJSON, simplifyPluralSuffix: this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix }); if (!(!i || this.options.interpolation.format && this.options.interpolation.format !== r.interpolation.format)) { s.formatter = a(i); s.formatter.init(s, this.options); this.options.interpolation.format = s.formatter.format.bind(s.formatter); } s.interpolator = new ae(this.options); s.utils = { hasLoadedNamespace: this.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(this) }; s.backendConnector = new pe(a(this.modules.backend), s.resourceStore, s, this.options); s.backendConnector.on("*", function (t) { for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < n; a++) { r[a - 1] = arguments[a]; } e.emit.apply(e, [t].concat(r)); }); if (this.modules.languageDetector) { s.languageDetector = a(this.modules.languageDetector); if (s.languageDetector.init) { s.languageDetector.init(s, this.options.detection, this.options); } } if (this.modules.i18nFormat) { s.i18nFormat = a(this.modules.i18nFormat); if (s.i18nFormat.init) { s.i18nFormat.init(this); } } this.translator = new H(this.services, this.options); this.translator.on("*", function (t) { for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < n; a++) { r[a - 1] = arguments[a]; } e.emit.apply(e, [t].concat(r)); }); this.modules.external.forEach(function (t) { if (t.init) { t.init(e); } }); } this.format = this.options.interpolation.format; if (!n) { n = ye; } if (this.options.fallbackLng && !this.services.languageDetector && !this.options.lng) { var l = this.services.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng); if (l.length > 0 && l[0] !== "dev") { this.options.lng = l[0]; } } if (!(this.services.languageDetector || this.options.lng)) { this.logger.warn("init: no languageDetector is used and no lng is defined"); } var c = ["getResource", "hasResourceBundle", "getResourceBundle", "getDataByLanguage"]; c.forEach(function (t) { e[t] = function () { var n; return (n = e.store)[t].apply(n, arguments); }; }); var u = ["addResource", "addResources", "addResourceBundle", "removeResourceBundle"]; u.forEach(function (t) { e[t] = function () { var n; (n = e.store)[t].apply(n, arguments); return e; }; }); var d = E(); function p() { function t(t, r) { if (e.isInitialized && !e.initializedStoreOnce) { e.logger.warn("init: i18next is already initialized. You should call init just once!"); } e.isInitialized = true; if (!e.options.isClone) { e.logger.log("initialized", e.options); } e.emit("initialized", e.options); d.resolve(r); n(t, r); } if (e.languages && e.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" && !e.isInitialized) { return t(null, e.t.bind(e)); } e.changeLanguage(e.options.lng, t); } if (this.options.resources || !this.options.initImmediate) { p(); } else { // TOLOOK setTimeout(p, 0); } return d; } }, { key: "loadResources", value: function (e) { var t = this; var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ye; var r = n; var a = typeof e === "string" ? e : this.language; if (typeof e === "function") { r = e; } if (!this.options.resources || this.options.partialBundledLanguages) { if (a && a.toLowerCase() === "cimode") { return r(); } var i = []; function o(e) { if (e) { t.services.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(e).forEach(function (e) { if (i.indexOf(e) < 0) { i.push(e); } }); } } if (a) { o(a); } else { var s = this.services.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng); s.forEach(function (e) { return o(e); }); } if (this.options.preload) { this.options.preload.forEach(function (e) { return o(e); }); } this.services.backendConnector.load(i, this.options.ns, function (e) { if (!(e || t.resolvedLanguage || !t.language)) { t.setResolvedLanguage(t.language); } r(e); }); } else { r(null); } } }, { key: "reloadResources", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = E(); if (!e) { e = this.languages; } if (!t) { t = this.options.ns; } if (!n) { n = ye; } this.services.backendConnector.reload(e, t, function (e) { r.resolve(); n(e); }); return r; } }, { key: "use", value: function (e) { if (!e) { throw new Error("You are passing an undefined module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()"); } if (!e.type) { throw new Error("You are passing a wrong module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()"); } if (e.type === "backend") { this.modules.backend = e; } if (e.type === "logger" || e.log && e.warn && e.error) { this.modules.logger = e; } if (e.type === "languageDetector") { this.modules.languageDetector = e; } if (e.type === "i18nFormat") { this.modules.i18nFormat = e; } if (e.type === "postProcessor") { B.addPostProcessor(e); } if (e.type === "formatter") { this.modules.formatter = e; } if (e.type === "3rdParty") { this.modules.external.push(e); } return this; } }, { key: "setResolvedLanguage", value: function (e) { if (e && this.languages && !(["cimode", "dev"].indexOf(e) > -1)) { for (var t = 0; t < this.languages.length; t++) { var n = this.languages[t]; if (!(["cimode", "dev"].indexOf(n) > -1) && this.store.hasLanguageSomeTranslations(n)) { this.resolvedLanguage = n; break; } } } } }, { key: "changeLanguage", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; this.isLanguageChangingTo = e; var r = E(); this.emit("languageChanging", e); function a(e) { n.language = e; n.languages = n.services.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(e); n.resolvedLanguage = undefined; n.setResolvedLanguage(e); } function i(i) { if (!(e || i || !n.services.languageDetector)) { i = []; } var o = typeof i === "string" ? i : n.services.languageUtils.getBestMatchFromCodes(i); if (o) { if (!n.language) { a(o); } if (!n.translator.language) { n.translator.changeLanguage(o); } if (n.services.languageDetector && n.services.languageDetector.cacheUserLanguage) { n.services.languageDetector.cacheUserLanguage(o); } } n.loadResources(o, function (e) { (function (e, i) { if (i) { a(i); n.translator.changeLanguage(i); n.isLanguageChangingTo = undefined; n.emit("languageChanged", i); n.logger.log("languageChanged", i); } else { n.isLanguageChangingTo = undefined; } r.resolve(function () { return n.t.apply(n, arguments); }); if (t) { t(e, function () { return n.t.apply(n, arguments); }); } })(e, o); }); } if (e || !this.services.languageDetector || this.services.languageDetector.async) { if (!e && this.services.languageDetector && this.services.languageDetector.async) { if (this.services.languageDetector.detect.length === 0) { this.services.languageDetector.detect().then(i); } else { this.services.languageDetector.detect(i); } } else { i(e); } } else { i(this.services.languageDetector.detect()); } return r; } }, { key: "getFixedT", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this; var a = function e(t, a) { var i; if (o(a) !== "object") { for (var s = arguments.length, l = new Array(s > 2 ? s - 2 : 0), c = 2; c < s; c++) { l[c - 2] = arguments[c]; } i = r.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler([t, a].concat(l)); } else { i = ge({}, a); } i.lng = i.lng || e.lng; i.lngs = i.lngs || e.lngs; i.ns = i.ns || e.ns; i.keyPrefix = i.keyPrefix || n || e.keyPrefix; var u; var d = r.options.keySeparator || "."; u = i.keyPrefix && Array.isArray(t) ? t.map(function (e) { return `${i.keyPrefix}${d}${e}`; }) : i.keyPrefix ? `${i.keyPrefix}${d}${t}` : t; return r.t(u, i); }; if (typeof e === "string") { a.lng = e; } else { a.lngs = e; } a.ns = t; a.keyPrefix = n; return a; } }, { key: "t", value: function () { var e; return this.translator && (e = this.translator).translate.apply(e, arguments); } }, { key: "exists", value: function () { var e; return this.translator && (e = this.translator).exists.apply(e, arguments); } }, { key: "setDefaultNamespace", value: function (e) { this.options.defaultNS = e; } }, { key: "hasLoadedNamespace", value: function (e) { var t = this; var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (!this.isInitialized) { this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18next was not initialized", this.languages); return false; } if (!this.languages || !this.languages.length) { this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18n.languages were undefined or empty", this.languages); return false; } var r = this.resolvedLanguage || this.languages[0]; var a = !!this.options && this.options.fallbackLng; var i = this.languages[this.languages.length - 1]; if (r.toLowerCase() === "cimode") { return true; } function o(e, n) { var r = t.services.backendConnector.state[`${e}|${n}`]; return r === -1 || r === 2; } if (n.precheck) { var s = n.precheck(this, o); if (s !== undefined) { return s; } } return !!this.hasResourceBundle(r, e) || !(this.services.backendConnector.backend && (!this.options.resources || this.options.partialBundledLanguages)) || !(!o(r, e) || a && !o(i, e)); } }, { key: "loadNamespaces", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; var r = E(); if (this.options.ns) { if (typeof e === "string") { e = [e]; } e.forEach(function (e) { if (n.options.ns.indexOf(e) < 0) { n.options.ns.push(e); } }); this.loadResources(function (e) { r.resolve(); if (t) { t(e); } }); return r; } else { if (t) { t(); } return Promise.resolve(); } } }, { key: "loadLanguages", value: function (e, t) { var n = E(); if (typeof e === "string") { e = [e]; } var r = this.options.preload || []; var a = e.filter(function (e) { return r.indexOf(e) < 0; }); if (a.length) { this.options.preload = r.concat(a); this.loadResources(function (e) { n.resolve(); if (t) { t(e); } }); return n; } else { if (t) { t(); } return Promise.resolve(); } } }, { key: "dir", value: function (e) { if (!e) { e = this.resolvedLanguage || (this.languages && this.languages.length > 0 ? this.languages[0] : this.language); } if (!e) { return "rtl"; } var t = this.services && this.services.languageUtils || new K(he()); if (["ar", "shu", "sqr", "ssh", "xaa", "yhd", "yud", "aao", "abh", "abv", "acm", "acq", "acw", "acx", "acy", "adf", "ads", "aeb", "aec", "afb", "ajp", "apc", "apd", "arb", "arq", "ars", "ary", "arz", "auz", "avl", "ayh", "ayl", "ayn", "ayp", "bbz", "pga", "he", "iw", "ps", "pbt", "pbu", "pst", "prp", "prd", "ug", "ur", "ydd", "yds", "yih", "ji", "yi", "hbo", "men", "xmn", "fa", "jpr", "peo", "pes", "prs", "dv", "sam", "ckb"].indexOf(t.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)) > -1 || e.toLowerCase().indexOf("-arab") > 1) { return "rtl"; } else { return "ltr"; } } }, { key: "cloneInstance", value: function () { var e = this; var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var r = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ye; var a = ge(ge(ge({}, this.options), t), { isClone: true }); var i = new n(a); if (!(t.debug === undefined && t.prefix === undefined)) { i.logger = i.logger.clone(t); } var o = ["store", "services", "language"]; o.forEach(function (t) { i[t] = e[t]; }); i.services = ge({}, this.services); i.services.utils = { hasLoadedNamespace: i.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(i) }; i.translator = new H(i.services, i.options); i.translator.on("*", function (e) { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < t; r++) { n[r - 1] = arguments[r]; } i.emit.apply(i, [e].concat(n)); }); i.init(a, r); i.translator.options = i.options; i.translator.backendConnector.services.utils = { hasLoadedNamespace: i.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(i) }; return i; } }, { key: "toJSON", value: function () { return { options: this.options, store: this.store, language: this.language, languages: this.languages, resolvedLanguage: this.resolvedLanguage }; } }]); return n; }(k); g(be, "createInstance", function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; return new be(e, t); }); var xe = be.createInstance(); xe.createInstance = be.createInstance; xe.createInstance; xe.dir; xe.init; xe.loadResources; xe.reloadResources; xe.use; xe.changeLanguage; xe.getFixedT; xe.t; xe.exists; xe.setDefaultNamespace; xe.hasLoadedNamespace; xe.loadNamespaces; xe.loadLanguages; function we(e) { we = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { if (e && typeof Symbol == "function" && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype) { return "symbol"; } else { return typeof e; } }; return we(e); } function ke(e) { var t = function (e, t) { if (we(e) !== "object" || e === null) { return e; } var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (n !== undefined) { var r = n.call(e, t || "default"); if (we(r) !== "object") { return r; } throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (t === "string" ? String : Number)(e); }(e, "string"); if (we(t) === "symbol") { return t; } else { return String(t); } } function Ee(e, t, n) { if ((t = ke(t)) in e) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { e[t] = n; } return e; } function Se(e, t) { if (e == null) { return {}; } var n; var r; var a = function (e, t) { if (e == null) { return {}; } var n; var r; var a = {}; var i = Object.keys(e); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { n = i[r]; if (!(t.indexOf(n) >= 0)) { a[n] = e[n]; } } return a; }(e, t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { n = i[r]; if (!(t.indexOf(n) >= 0)) { if (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n)) { a[n] = e[n]; } } } } return a; } var Oe = n(1479); var Pe = n.t(Oe, 2); var Ie = n(7399); var Ae = n.n(Ie); var Ce = /\s([^'"/\s><]+?)[\s/>]|([^\s=]+)=\s?(".*?"|'.*?')/g; function Te(e) { var t = { type: "tag", name: "", voidElement: false, attrs: {}, children: [] }; var n = e.match(/<\/?([^\s]+?)[/\s>]/); if (n && (t.name = n[1], (Ae()[n[1]] || e.charAt(e.length - 2) === "/") && (t.voidElement = true), t.name.startsWith("!--"))) { var r = e.indexOf("-->"); return { type: "comment", comment: r !== -1 ? e.slice(4, r) : "" }; } for (var a = new RegExp(Ce), i = null; (i = a.exec(e)) !== null;) { if (i[0].trim()) { if (i[1]) { var o = i[1].trim(); var s = [o, ""]; if (o.indexOf("=") > -1) { s = o.split("="); } t.attrs[s[0]] = s[1]; a.lastIndex--; } else if (i[2]) { t.attrs[i[2]] = i[3].trim().substring(1, i[3].length - 1); } } } return t; } var Re = /<[a-zA-Z0-9\-\!\/](?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g; var De = /^\s*$/; var Ne = Object.create(null); function je(e, t) { switch (t.type) { case "text": return e + t.content; case "tag": e += "<" + t.name + (t.attrs ? function (e) { var t = []; for (var n in e) { t.push(n + "=\"" + e[n] + "\""); } if (t.length) { return " " + t.join(" "); } else { return ""; } }(t.attrs) : "") + (t.voidElement ? "/>" : ">"); if (t.voidElement) { return e; } else { return e + t.children.reduce(je, "") + ""; } case "comment": return e + ""; } } var Le = { parse: function (e, t) { if (!t) { t = {}; } if (!t.components) { t.components = Ne; } var n; var r = []; var a = []; var i = -1; var o = false; if (e.indexOf("<") !== 0) { var s = e.indexOf("<"); r.push({ type: "text", content: s === -1 ? e : e.substring(0, s) }); } e.replace(Re, function (s, l) { if (o) { if (s !== "") { return; } o = false; } var c; var u = s.charAt(1) !== "/"; var d = s.startsWith("