
1241 lines
60 KiB
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"dict": {
"100i": "100i",
"125a": "125a",
"135c": "135c",
"300i": "300i",
"315p": "315p",
"325a": "325a",
"350r": "350r",
"400i": "400i",
"600i": "600i",
"600i executive edition": "600i 行政版",
"600i exploration": "600i-探索",
"600i touring": "600i-旅行",
"85x": "85X",
"890 jump": "890 跃动",
"a2 hercules": "大力神 A2",
"apollo medivac": "阿波罗 医疗",
"apollo triage": "阿波罗 分诊",
"ares inferno": "战神-地狱火",
"ares ion": "战神-离子光",
"ares star fighter": "战神 星际战斗机",
"arrow": "箭矢",
"aurora": "极光",
"aurora cl": "极光-CL",
"aurora es": "极光-ES",
"aurora ln": "极光-LN",
"aurora lx": "极光-LX",
"aurora mr": "极光-MR",
"avenger stalker": "复仇者-追猎",
"avenger titan": "复仇者-泰坦",
"avenger titan renegade": "复仇者-泰坦变节者",
"avenger warlock": "复仇者-术士",
"banu defender": "巴努防卫者",
"bengal": "孟加拉",
"blade": "刀锋",
"buccaneer": "掠夺者",
"c2 hercules": "大力神 C2",
"c8 pisces": "C8 双鱼座",
"c8x": "C8X ",
"carrack": "克拉克",
"caterpillar": "毛虫",
"cleaver": "切割者",
"constellation": "星座",
"constellation andromeda": "仙女座",
"constellation aquila": "天鹰座",
"constellation phoenix": "凤凰座",
"constellation taurus": "金牛座",
"corsair": "海盗船",
"crucible": "坩埚",
"cutlass black": "黑弯刀",
"cutlass blue": "蓝弯刀",
"cutlass red": "红弯刀",
"cutlass steel": "钢弯刀",
"cydnus": "土蝽",
"defender": "防卫者",
"driller": "毒钻",
"eclipse": "日蚀",
"endeavor": "奋进",
"endeavor biodome pod": "奋进 生态舱",
"endeavor fuel pod": "奋进 燃料舱",
"endeavor general research pod": "奋进 通用科研舱",
"endeavor landing bay": "奋进 停泊舱",
"endeavor service equipment and crew pod": "奋进 服务设备及人员舱",
"endeavor supercollider pod": "奋进 超级对撞机舱",
"f7a hornet": "F7A 大黄蜂",
"f7c hornet": "F7C 大黄蜂",
"f7c hornet wildfire": "F7C 大黄蜂 野火",
"f7c-m hornet heartseeker": "F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"f7c-m super hornet": "F7C-M 超级大黄蜂",
"f7c-r hornet tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"f7c-r tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"f7c-s ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"f7c-s hornet ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"f8a lightning": "F8A 闪电",
"f8c lightning": "F8C 闪电",
"f8c lightning executive edition": "F8C 闪电 行政版",
"freelancer": "自由枪骑兵",
"freelancer dur": "自由枪骑兵-DUR",
"freelancer max": "自由枪骑兵-MAX",
"freelancer mis": "自由枪骑兵-MIS",
"genesis starliner": "创世纪 星际航线",
"gladiator": "角斗士",
"gladius": "短剑",
"gladius pirate": "短剑 海盗版",
"pirate caterpillar": "毛虫 海盗版",
"caterpillar pirate": "毛虫 海盗版",
"pirate gladius": "短剑 海盗版",
"gladius valiant": "短剑 勇士",
"glaive": "长刀",
"hammerhead": "锤头鲨",
"hawk": "猎鹰",
"herald": "信使",
"hercules starlifter": "大力神 星际运输船",
"hull a": "货轮 A",
"hull b": "货轮 B",
"hull c": "货轮 C",
"hull d": "货轮 D",
"hull e": "货轮 E",
"hurricane": "飓风",
"idris-k": "伊德里斯-K",
"idris-m": "伊德里斯-M",
"idris-p": "伊德里斯-P",
"javelin": "标枪",
"khartu": "卡图",
"khartu-al": "卡图-al",
"kingship": "王船",
"kraken": "海妖",
"kraken privateer": "海妖 劫掠版",
"liberator": "解放者",
"m2 hercules": "大力神M2",
"m50": "M50",
"mantis": "螳螂",
"mecury star runner": "墨丘利 星际快运船",
"merchantman": "巴努商船",
"mercury": "墨丘利",
"mole": "鼹鼠",
"mpuv cargo": "MPUV-货运",
"mpuv personnel": "MPUV-载人",
"mustang alpha": "野马 阿尔法",
"mustang beta": "野马 贝塔",
"mustang delta": "野马 德尔塔",
"mustang gamma": "野马 伽马",
"mustang omega": "野马 欧米伽",
"nautilus": "鹦鹉螺",
"nomad": "游牧者",
"odyssey": "奥德赛",
"orion": "猎户座",
"p-52 merlin": "P-52 梅林",
"p-72 archimedes": "P-72 阿基米德",
"pegasus": "飞马座",
"perseus": "英仙座",
"pioneer": "开拓者",
"pisces": "双鱼座",
"polaris": "北极星",
"prospector": "勘探者",
"prowler": "徘徊者",
"raft": "木筏",
"railen": "锐伦",
"razor": "剃刀",
"razor EX": "剃刀-EX",
"razor LX": "剃刀-LX",
"reclaimer": "回收者",
"redeemer": "救赎者",
"reliant": "信赖",
"reliant kore": "信赖-基础",
"reliant mako": "信赖-新闻",
"reliant sen": "信赖-科考",
"reliant tana": "信赖-武装",
"retaliator base": "报复者",
"retaliator bomber": "报复者-轰炸",
"sabre": "军刀",
"sabre comet": "军刀-彗星",
"sabre raven": "军刀-渡鸦",
"san'tok.yāi": "桑托起亚",
"scorpius": "天蝎座",
"scythe": "死镰",
"srv": "srv",
"starfarer": "星际远航者",
"starfarer gemini": "星际远航者 双子座",
"stinger": "毒刺",
"talon": "利爪",
"talon shrike": "利爪-伯劳",
"terrapin": "水龟",
"valkyrie": "女武神",
"vanguard": "先锋",
"vanguard harbinger": "先锋-先驱者",
"vanguard hoplite": "先锋-重装兵",
"vanguard sentinel": "先锋-哨兵",
"vanguard warden": "先锋-典狱长",
"vncl pulse": "剜度 脉冲",
"void": "虚空",
"vulcan": "火神",
"vulture": "秃鹫",
"xi'an scout": "希安侦察机",
"expanse": "无垠",
"legionnaire": "军团兵",
"zeus": "宙斯",
"x1 velocity": "X1-竞速",
"mule": "骡",
"cutter": "小刀",
"ursa": "大熊座",
"ursa rover": "大熊座漫游车",
"x1 force": "X1-武装",
"cyclone": "旋风",
"ursa rover fortuna": "大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜",
"cyclone tr": "旋风-TR",
"cyclone rc": "旋风-RC",
"cyclone rn": "旋风-RN",
"c8r pisces": "C8R 双鱼座",
"cyclone mt": "旋风-MT",
"roc-ds": "ROC-双人版",
"cyclone aa": "旋风-AA",
"spartan": "斯巴达",
"c1 spirit": "C1 星灵",
"e1 spirit": "E1 星灵",
"a1 spirit": "A1 星灵",
"ballista": "弩炮",
"retaliator": "报复者",
"razor lx": "剃刀-LX",
"razor ex": "剃刀-EX",
"f7c-m super hornet heartseeker": "F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"caterpillar best in show edition": "毛虫 最佳展示版",
"reclaimer best in show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版",
"carrack w/c8x": "克拉克 w/C8X",
"carrack expedition w/c8x": "克拉克 远征 w/C8X",
"hammerhead best in show edition": "锤头鲨 最佳展示版",
"galaxy": "银河",
"dragonfly black": "黑蜻蜓",
"hoverquad": "悬浮驷",
"ranger cv": "游骑兵-CV",
"ranger rc": "游骑兵-RC",
"ranger tr": "游骑兵-TR",
"dragonfly yellowjacket": "蜻蜓 黄胡蜂",
"dragonfly star kitten": "蜻蜓 星空猫",
"600i explorer": "600i-探索",
"c2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 C2",
"a2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 A2",
"m2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 M2",
"mercury star runner": "墨丘利星际快运船(水星)",
"c8x pisces expedition": "C8X 双鱼座",
"carrack expedition": "克拉克 远征版",
"valkyrie liberator edition": "女武神 解放者版",
"mole carbon edition": "鼹鼠 炭黑",
"mole talus edition": "鼹鼠 岩白",
"mustang alpha vindicator": "野马 阿尔法 维和者",
"caterpillar pirate edition": "毛虫海盗版",
"cutlass black best in show edition": "黑弯刀 最佳展示版",
"idris": "伊德里斯",
"nautilus solstice edition": "鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"reclaimer best in the show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版",
"constellation phoenix emerald": "凤凰座 翡翠版",
"argo mole": "南船座 鼹鼠",
"ptv buggy": "PTV 越野小车",
"centurion": "百夫长",
"hornet": "大黄蜂",
"p-72 archimedes emerald": "P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿",
"argo mole talus edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 岩白版",
"argo mole carbon edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 碳黑版",
"anvil ballista dunestalker": "铁砧 弩炮 沙丘追猎者",
"anvil ballista snowblind": "铁砧 弩炮 雪盲版",
"nova": "新星",
"genesis": "创世纪",
"6 months": "6月",
"3 months": "3月",
"72 months": "72月",
"60 months": "60月",
"48 months": "48月",
"32 months": "32月",
"12 months": "12月",
"120 months": "120月",
"6 month insurance": "6月保险",
"3 month insurance": "3月保险",
"72 month insurance": "72月保险",
"60 month insurance": "60月保险",
"48 month insurance": "48月保险",
"32 month insurance": "32月保险",
"12 month insurance": "12月保险",
"120 month insurance": "120月保险",
"6 months insurance": "6月保险",
"3 months insurance": "3月保险",
"72 months insurance": "72月保险",
"60 months insurance": "60月保险",
"48 months insurance": "48月保险",
"32 months insurance": "32月保险",
"12 months insurance": "12月保险",
"120 months insurance": "120月保险",
"insurance": "保险时长",
"- medium fighter": " - 中型战斗机",
"- heavy fighter": " - 重型战斗机",
"- corvette": " - 护卫舰",
"- pathfinder": " - 探路者",
"- expedition": " - 远征",
"- cargo": " - 货运",
"- light freight": " - 轻型货运",
"- starter / pathfinder": " -新手船 / 探路者",
2023-01-30 01:44:05 +08:00
"- racing": " - 竞速",
2023-01-30 01:45:59 +08:00
"- destroyer": " - 驱逐舰",
"- gunship": " - 炮艇",
"- medium data": " - 中型数据运输",
"- light carrier": " - 轻型运载舰",
"- medium freight": " - 中型货运",
"- mining": " - 采矿",
"- dropship": " - 运兵船",
"- transport": " - 运输",
"- touring": " - 旅游船",
"- frigate": " - 护卫舰",
"- starter": " - 新手船",
"- light fighter": " - 轻型战斗机",
"- minelayer": " - 布雷舰",
"- heavy refuelling": " - 重型后勤",
"- interdiction": " - 拦截",
"- snub fighter": " - 舰载战斗机",
"- military": " - 军用",
"- prospecting and mining": " - 勘探和采矿",
"- multi-role - light carrier": " - 多功能 / 轻型运载舰",
"- medium fighter / medium freight": " - 中型战斗 / 中型货运",
"- heavy freight": " - 重型货运",
"- heavy gun ship": " - 重型炮艇",
"- heavy salvage": " - 重型打捞",
"- light salvage": " - 轻型打捞",
"- exploration": " - 探索",
"- combat": " - 战斗",
"- recovery": " - 拦截",
"- starter / light freight": " - 新手船 / 轻型货运",
"- medium cargo/medium data": " - 中型货运 / 中型数据运输",
"- stealth fighter": " - 隐形战斗机",
"- gun ship": " - 炮艇",
"- luxury touring": " - 豪华旅游",
"- interdiction / light fighter": " - 拦截 / 轻型战斗机",
"- heavy bomber": " - 重型轰炸机",
"- bomber": " - 轰炸机",
"- medium freight / gun ship": " - 中型货运 / 炮艇",
"- modular": " - 模块化",
"- medical": " - 医疗",
"- starter/light freight": " - 新手船 / 轻型货运",
"- passenger": " - 客运",
"- boarding": " - 登舰",
"- assault": " - 袭击",
"- refinery": " - 精炼",
"aegis": "圣盾",
"anvil": "铁砧",
"c.o.": "联合外域",
"crusader": "十字军",
"argo": "南船座",
"drake": "德雷克",
"gatac": "盖塔克",
"origin": "起源",
"banu": "巴努",
"vanduul": "剜度",
"tumbril": "盾博尔",
"origin jumpworks": "起源跃动",
"crusader industries": "十字军工业",
"roberts space industries": "罗伯茨太空工业",
"aegis dynamics": "圣盾动力",
"anvil aerospace": "铁砧航天",
"aopoa": "奥波亚",
"argo astronautics": "南船座宇航",
"banu souli": "巴努商会",
"consolidated outland": "联合外域",
"drake interplanetary": "德雷克行星际",
"esperia": "埃斯佩里亚",
"gatac manufacture": "盖塔克制造",
"kruger intergalactic": "克鲁格星际",
"greycat industrial": "灰猫工业",
"misc": "武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"musashi industrial and starflight concern": "武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"tumbril land systems": "盾博尔地面系统",
"vanduul clans": "剜度氏族",
"- origin jumpworks": " - 起源跃动",
"- crusader industries": " - 十字军工业",
"- roberts space industries": " - 罗伯茨太空工业",
"- aegis dynamics": " - 圣盾动力",
"- anvil aerospace": " - 铁砧航天",
"- aopoa": " - 奥波亚",
"- argo astronautics": " - 南船座宇航",
"- banu souli": " - 巴努商会",
"- consolidated outland": " - 联合外域",
"- drake interplanetary": " - 德雷克行星际",
"- esperia": " - 埃斯佩里亚",
"- gatac manufacture": " - 盖塔克制造",
"- kruger intergalactic": " - 克鲁格星际",
"- greycat industrial": " - 灰猫工业",
"- misc": " - 武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"- musashi industrial and starflight concern": " - 武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"- tumbril land systems": " - 盾博尔地面系统",
"- vanduul clans": " - 剜度氏族",
"2951 auspicious red paint pack": "2951吉祥红涂装包",
"2952 auspicious red paint pack": "2952吉祥红涂装包",
"2953 auspicious red paint pack": "2953吉祥红涂装包",
"greycat miners paint pack": "灰猫采矿者涂装包",
"400i - 5 paint pack": "400i - 5款涂装包",
"cutter - 3 paint pack": "小刀 - 3款涂装包",
"vanguard - 2 paint pack": "先锋 - 2款涂装包",
"valkyrie - 3 paint pack": "女武神 - 3款涂装包",
"svt - 3 paint pack": "STV - 3款涂装包",
"stv - 2 paint pack": "STV - 2款涂装包",
"starfarer - 3 paint pack": "星际远航者 - 3款涂装包",
"spartan - 3 paint pack": "斯巴达 - 3款涂装包",
"scorpius - 3 paint pack": "天蝎 - 3款涂装包",
"sabre - 2 paint pack": "军刀 - 2款涂装包",
"retaliator - 2 paint pack": "报复者 - 2款涂装包",
"reliant - 2 paint pack": "信赖 - 2款涂装包",
"redeemer - 5 paint pack": "救赎 - 5款涂装包",
"razor - 2 paint pack": "剃刀 - 2款涂装包",
"raft - 3 paint pack": "木筏 - 3款涂装包",
"prospector - 3 paint pack": "勘探者 - 3款涂装包",
"nova tank - 3 paint pack": "新星坦克 - 3款涂装包",
"nomad - 5 paint pack": "游牧 - 5款涂装包",
"mustang - 3 paint pack": "野马 - 3款涂装包",
"mule - 3 paint pack": "骡 - 3款涂装包",
"mule - 2 paint pack": "骡 - 2款涂装包",
"mercury star runner - 5 paint pack": "水星 - 5款涂装包",
"mantis - 2 paint pack": "螳螂 - 2款涂装包",
"m50 - 2 paint pack": "M50 - 2款涂装包",
"khartu-al - 2 paint pack": "卡图-al - 2款涂装包",
"hurricane - 2 paint pack": "飓风 - 2款涂装包",
"hull a - 3 paint pack": "货轮 A - 3款涂装包",
"hoverquad - 3 paint pack": "悬浮驷 - 3款涂装包",
"hornet - 2 paint pack": "大黄蜂 - 2款涂装包",
"hercules starlifter - 7 paint pack": "大力神 星运 - 7款涂装包",
"herald - 2 paint pack": "信使 - 2款涂装包",
"hawk - 2 paint pack": "猎鹰 - 2款涂装包",
"hammerhead - 2 paint pack": "锤头鲨 - 2款涂装包",
"gladius - 2 paint pack": "短剑 - 2款涂装包",
"freelancer - 2 paint pack": "自由枪骑兵 - 2款涂装包",
"eclipse - 2 paint pack": "日蚀 - 2款涂装包",
"dragonfly - 2 paint pack": "蜻蜓 - 2款涂装包",
"cyclone - 2 paint pack": "旋风 - 2款涂装包",
"cutter - 2 paint pack": "小刀 - 2款涂装包",
"cutlass - 5 paint pack": "弯刀 - 5款涂装包",
"corsair - 3 paint pack": "海盗船 - 3款涂装包",
"constellation - 6 paint pack": "星座 - 6款涂装包",
"centurion - 3 paint pack": "百夫长 - 3款涂装包",
"centurion - 2 paint pack": "百夫长 - 2款涂装包",
"caterpillar - 3 paint pack": "毛虫 - 3款涂装包",
"carrack - 2 paint pack": "克拉克 - 2款涂装包",
"c8 pisces - 5 paint pack": "C8 双鱼座 - 5款涂装包",
"c8 pisces - 4 paint pack": "C8 双鱼座 - 4款涂装包",
"buccaneer - 2 paint pack": "掠夺者 - 2款涂装包",
"arrow - 4 paint pack": "箭头 - 4款涂装包",
"ares - 5 paint pack": "战神 - 5款涂装包",
"600i - 2 paint pack": "600i - 2款涂装包",
"400i - 2953 auspicious red paint pack": "400i - 2953吉祥红涂装包",
"100 series - 5 paint pack": "100系列 - 5款涂装包",
"constellation - dark green paint": "星座 - 墨绿色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - sylvan paint": "大力神 星运 - 森林涂装",
"hercules starlifter - argent paint": "大力神 星运 - 银色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - dryad paint": "大力神 星运 - 林中女仙涂装",
"starfarer - black paint": "星际远航者 - 黑色涂装",
"freelancer - black paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 黑色涂装",
"400i - stormbringer paint": "400i - 风暴使者涂装",
"buccaneer - stormbringer paint": "掠夺者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"carrack - stormbringer paint": "克拉克 - 风暴使者涂装",
"caterpillar - stormbringer paint": "毛虫 - 风暴使者涂装",
"constellation - stormbringer paint": "星座 - 风暴使者涂装",
"defender - stormbringer paint": "防卫者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"hammerhead - stormbringer paint": "锤头鲨 - 风暴使者涂装",
"herald - stormbringer paint": "信使 - 风暴使者涂装",
"hurricane - stormbringer paint": "飓风 - 风暴使者涂装",
"khartu-al - stormbringer paint": "卡图-al - 风暴使者涂装",
"m50 - stormbringer paint": "M50 - 风暴使者涂装",
"mantis - stormbringer paint": "螳螂 - 风暴使者涂装",
"mustang - stormbringer paint": "野马 - 风暴使者涂装",
"prospector - stormbringer paint": "勘探者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"prowler - stormbringer paint": "徘徊者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"razor - stormbringer paint": "剃刀 - 风暴使者涂装",
"sabre - stormbringer paint": "军刀 - 风暴使者涂装",
"100 series - timberline paint": "100系列 - 林木线涂装",
"cyclone - timberline paint": "旋风 - 林木线涂装",
"gladius - timberline paint": "短剑 - 林木线涂装",
"hawk - timberline paint": "猎鹰 - 林木线涂装",
"hornet - timberline paint": "大黄蜂 - 林木线涂装",
"nova tank - timberline paint": "新星坦克 - 林木线涂装",
"reliant - timberline paint": "信赖 - 林木线涂装",
"vanguard - timberline paint": "先锋 - 林木线涂装",
"hercules starlifter - timberline paint": "大力神 星运 - 林木线涂装",
"100 series - frostbite paint": "100系列 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"cyclone - frostbite paint": "旋风 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"gladius - frostbite paint": "短剑 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hawk - frostbite paint": "猎鹰 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hornet - frostbite paint": "大黄蜂 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"reliant - frostbite paint": "信赖 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"vanguard - frostbite paint": "先锋 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hercules starlifter - frostbite paint": "大力神 星运 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"cutlass - foundation festival paint": "弯刀 - 奠基节涂装",
"star runner - foundation festival paint": "水星 - 奠基节涂装",
"600i touring - foundation festival paint": "600i旅游 - 奠基节涂装",
"caterpillar - foundation festival paint": "毛虫 - 奠基节涂装",
"freelancer series - foundation festival paint": "自由枪骑兵系列 - 奠基节涂装",
"prospector - foundation festival paint": "勘探者 - 奠基节涂装",
"valkyrie - foundation festival paint": "女武神 - 奠基节涂装",
"gladius - foundation festival paint": "短剑 - 奠基节涂装",
"100 series - blue ametrine paint": "100系列 - 靛黄晶涂装",
"100 series deck the hull livery": "100系列 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"100 series - flame paint": "100系列 - 炽焰涂装",
"100 series icebreak livery": "100系列 - 破冰涂装",
"100 series - melrose paint": "100系列 - 主蓝副粉 梅尔罗斯涂装",
"100 series - sand wave paint": "100系列 - 沙浪涂装",
"100 series - slate camo paint": "100系列 - 板岩迷彩涂装",
"300i - first response paint": "300i - 第一响应涂装",
"300i - golden dawn paint": "300i - 金色黎明涂装",
"300i - imperial red paint": "300i - 帝国红涂装",
"315p - black rose paint": "315p - 黑玫瑰涂装",
"315p - nightshade paint": "315p - 龙葵涂装",
"315p - white lightning paint": "315p - 白色闪电涂装",
"325a - evening onyx paint": "325a - 黑夜玛瑙涂装",
"325a - sagebrush paint": "325a - 三尺艾涂装",
"325a - twotone paint": "325a - 双色釉涂装",
"350r - amber wave paint": "350r - 琥珀纹涂装",
"350r - black & royal paint": "350r - 皇家蓝涂装",
"350r - solar flare paint": "350r - 太阳耀斑涂装",
"400i - calacatta paint": "400i - 卡拉卡塔涂装",
"400i - afterglow paint": "400i - 余晖涂装",
"400i - stratus paint": "400i - 层云涂装",
"600i - cold forge paint": "600i - 冷锻涂装",
"600i - sterling paint": "600i - 纯银涂装",
"aegis gladius - invictus blue and gold paint": "短剑 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"crusader hercules - invictus blue and gold paint": "大力神 星运 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"anvil hawk - invictus blue and gold paint": "猎鹰 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"ares - celestial blue paint": "战神 - 天蓝涂装",
"ares - cinder paint": "战神 - 煤灰涂装",
"ares - scrubland paint": "战神 - 灌木涂装",
"ares - flint paint": "战神 - 燧石涂装",
"ares - lovestruck paint": "战神 - 痴情涂装",
"ares - outrider paint": "战神 - 先驱者涂装",
"arrow - light green and grey paint": "箭头 - 浅绿色和灰色涂装",
"arrow - metallic grey paint": "箭头 - 金属灰色涂装",
"arrow - tan and green paint": "箭头 - 棕褐色和绿色涂装",
"arrow - twilight paint": "箭头 - 暮光涂装",
"aurora - green and gold paint": "极光 - 绿色和金色涂装",
"aurora - light and dark grey paint": "极光 - 深浅灰涂装",
"aurora icebreak livery": "极光 - 破冰涂装",
"aurora - operation pitchfork paint": "极光 - 草叉行动",
"avenger - invictus blue and gold paint": "复仇者 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"avenger - copernicus paint": "复仇者 - 哥白尼涂装",
"avenger - olive green paint paint": "复仇者 - 橄榄绿涂装",
"avenger - de biasio paint": "复仇者 - 德·比亚西奥涂装",
"avenger deck the hull livery": "复仇者 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"avenger icebreak livery": "复仇者 - 破冰涂装",
"avenger - kepler paint": "复仇者 - 开普勒涂装",
"avenger series - solar winds paint": "复仇者 - 太阳风涂装",
"c8 pisces - code blue paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 蓝色警报涂装",
"c8 pisces - heartbeat paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 心跳涂装",
"c8 pisces - nightbreak paint": "C8双鱼座 - 夜影涂装",
"c8 pisces - red alert paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 红色警戒涂装",
"c8 pisces - responder paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 响应者涂装",
"redeemer - seraphim paint": "救赎 - 塞拉菲姆涂装",
"redeemer - scrubland paint": "救赎 - 灌木迷彩涂装",
"c8 pisces - scrubland paint": "C8双鱼座 - 灌木迷彩涂装",
"carrack - copernicus paint": "克拉克 - 哥白尼涂装",
"carrack - de biasio paint": "克拉克 - 德·比亚西奥涂装",
"carrack - kepler paint": "克拉克 - 开普勒涂装",
"carrack - red alert paint": "克拉克 - 红色警戒涂装",
"caterpillar deck the hull livery": "毛虫 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"caterpillar icebreak livery": "野马 - 破冰涂装",
"centurion - beachhead paint": "百夫长 - 抢滩迷彩涂装",
"centurion - ice storm paint": "百夫长 - 冰暴迷彩涂装",
"centurion - sandstorm paint": "百夫长 - 沙暴迷彩涂装",
"carrack - 2953 auspicious red paint": "克拉克 - 2953吉祥红涂装",
"c8 pisces - 2953 auspicious red paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 2953吉祥红涂装",
"constellation - 2952 auspicious red paint": "星座 - 2952吉祥红涂装",
"constellation - black heron paint": "星座 - 黑鹭涂装",
"constellation - orange heron paint": "星座 - 橙鹭涂装",
"constellation - white heron paint": "星座 - 白鹭涂装",
"corsair - commando paint": "海盗船 - 突击队涂装",
"corsair - eternity paint": "海盗船 - 永恒涂装",
"corsair - flashpoint paint": "海盗船 - 闪电涂装",
"corsair - hinterland paint": "海盗船 - 腹地涂装",
"cutlass - coalfire paint": "弯刀 - 煤火涂装",
"cutlass - cypress paint": "弯刀 - 柏树涂装",
"cutlass - hawthorn paint": "弯刀 - 霍桑涂装",
"caterpillar - mistwalker paint": "毛虫 - 雾行者涂装",
"cutlass - mistwalker paint": "弯刀 - 雾行者涂装",
"cutlass - saurian paint": "弯刀 - 蜥蜴涂装",
"cutlass - skull and crossbones paint": "弯刀 - 海盗涂装",
"cutter - groundswell paint": "小刀 - 风起云涌涂装",
"cutter - light beam paint": "小刀 - 光束涂装",
"cutter - wind chill paint": "小刀 - 风寒涂装",
"cyclone - dust devil paint": "旋风 - 尘魔",
"defender - harmony paint": "防卫者 - 和谐涂装",
"defender - platinum paint": "防卫者 - 铂金涂装",
"dragonfly - coalfire paint": "蜻蜓 - 煤火涂装",
"dragonfly - mistwalker paint": "蜻蜓 - 雾行者涂装",
"eclipse - ambush paint": "日蚀 - 伏击迷彩涂装",
"eclipse - knockout paint": "日蚀 - 终击涂装",
"expanse - stardust paint": "无垠 - 星尘涂装",
"freelancer - 2951 auspicious red paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 2951吉祥红涂装",
"freelancer - storm surge paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 风暴汹涌涂装",
"gladius series - solar winds paint": "短剑 - 太阳风涂装",
"hercules starlifter - invictus blue and gold paint": "大力神 星运 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - cerberus paint": "大力神 星运 - 地狱犬涂装",
"hercules starlifter - draco paint": "大力神 星运 - 天龙座涂装",
"hoverquad - copperhead paint": "悬浮驷 - 铜头蛇涂装",
"hoverquad - lightspeed paint": "悬浮驷 - 光速涂装",
"hoverquad - lovestruck paint": "悬浮驷 - 痴情涂装",
"hoverquad - terminus paint": "悬浮驷 - 端点涂装",
"hull a - empyrean paint": "货轮 A - 天界涂装",
"hull a - horizon paint": "货轮 A - 地平线涂装",
"legionnaire - shadow strike paint": "军团兵 - 暗影突击涂装",
"liberator - condor paint": "解放者 - 秃鹰涂装",
"mercury star runner - skyrider paint": "墨丘利 - 天空骑士涂装",
"mercury star runner - blackguard paint": "墨丘利 - 恶棍涂装",
"mercury star runner - equinox paint": "墨丘利 - 昼夜涂装",
"mercury star runner - nightrunner paint": "墨丘利 - 夜行者涂装",
"400i - polar paint": "400i - 极地迷彩涂装",
"ares - polar paint": "战神 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"buccaneer - polar paint": "掠夺者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"carrack - polar paint": "克拉克 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"caterpillar - polar paint": "毛虫 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"constellation - polar paint": "星座 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"defender - polar paint": "防卫者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"hammerhead - polar paint": "锤头鲨 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"herald - polar paint": "信使 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"hurricane - polar paint": "飓风 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"khartu-al - polar paint": "卡图-al - 极地迷彩涂装",
"m50 - polar paint": "M50 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mantis - polar paint": "螳螂 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mercury star runner - polar paint": "墨丘利 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mustang - polar paint": "野马 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"nomad - polar paint": "游牧 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"prospector - polar paint": "勘探者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"prowler - polar paint": "徘徊者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"raft - polar paint": "木筏 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"razor - polar paint": "剃刀 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"redeemer - polar paint": "救赎 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"sabre - polar paint": "军刀 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"spartan - polar paint": "斯巴达 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"spartan - ranger paint": "斯巴达 - 护林员涂装",
"spartan - sidewinder paint": "斯巴达 - 侧进蛇涂装",
"stv - cobalt grey paint": "STV - 钴灰涂装",
"stv - electric green paint": "STV - 电绿涂装",
"stv - blue steel paint": "STV - 蓝钢涂装",
"mercury star runner - red alert paint": "墨丘利 - 红色警戒涂装",
"mercury star runner - silver spark paint": "墨丘利 - 银色火花涂装",
"misc reliant - invictus blue and gold paint": "信赖 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"mole - aphorite paint": "鼹鼠 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"mole - carbon paint": "鼹鼠 - 碳黑",
"mole - dolivine paint": "鼹鼠 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"mole - hadinite paint": "鼹鼠 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"mole - talus paint": "鼹鼠 - 岩白",
"mule - bushwacker paint": "骡 - 开路者涂装",
"mule - reburn paint": "骡 - 再燃涂装",
"mule - silverback paint": "骡 - 银背涂装",
"mule - smokestack paint": "骡 - 烟囱涂装",
"mustang - guardian paint": "野马 - 守护者涂装",
"mustang icebreak livery": "毛虫 - 破冰涂装",
"mustang alpha - vindicator paint": "野马-阿尔法 - 维护者",
"nomad - 2951 auspicious red paint": "游牧 - 2951吉祥红涂装",
"nomad - amber paint": "游牧 - 琥珀涂装",
"nomad - black cherry paint": "游牧 - 黑樱桃涂装",
"nomad - cherry blossom paint": "游牧 - 樱花涂装",
"nomad - conifer paint": "游牧 - 针叶树涂装",
"nomad deck the hull livery": "游牧 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"nomad - evergreen paint": "游牧 - 万年青涂装",
"nomad icebreak livery": "游牧 - 破冰涂装",
"nomad - jackal paint": "游牧 - 游牧 胡狼涂装",
"nomad - lovestruck paint": "游牧 - 痴情涂装",
"nomad - overdrive paint": "游牧 - 超速涂装",
"nomad - sandstone paint": "游牧 - 砂岩涂装",
"nova tank - badlands paint": "新星坦克 - 荒地涂装",
"nova tank - ember storm paint": "新星坦克 - 余烬风暴涂装",
"nova tank - gunmetal paint": "新星坦克 - 炮铜色涂装",
"nova tank - shifting sands paint": "新星坦克 - 流沙涂装",
"nova tank - snowblind paint": "新星坦克 - 雪盲涂装",
"nox - thli paint": "Nox - 浪涌涂装",
"nox kue - thli paint": "Nox kue - 浪涌涂装",
"odyssey - windrider paint": "奥德赛 - 风骑涂装",
"origin 100 series - invictus blue and gold paint": "起源100系列 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"prospector - aphorite paint": "勘探者 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"prospector - dolivine paint": "勘探者 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"prospector - hadinite paint": "勘探者 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"prospector - nebula paint": "勘探者 - 星云涂装",
"prowler - ocellus paint": "徘徊者 - 单眼涂装",
"ptv - agate gray paint": "PTV - 玛瑙灰涂装",
"raft - anchor paint": "木筏 - 船锚涂装",
"railen - hyaotan paint": "锐伦 - 浩天涂装",
"reclaimer - aphorite paint": "回收者 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"reclaimer - dolivine paint": "回收者 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"reclaimer - hadinite paint": "回收者 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"redeemer - underworld paint": "救赎 - 地狱涂装",
"redeemer - valencia paint": "救赎 - 瓦伦西亚涂装",
"retaliator - twilight paint": "报复者 - 暮光涂装",
"retaliator - grey paint": "报复者 - 灰色涂装",
"roc - aphorite paint": "roc - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"roc - black cherry paint": "ROC - 黑樱桃涂装",
"roc - dolivine paint": "roc - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"roc - hadinite paint": "roc - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"roc - harvester paint": "ROC - 收割机涂装",
"roc - hazard paint": "ROC - 危险黄涂装",
"roc - quicksilver paint": "ROC - 水银涂装",
"sabre - 2952 auspicious red paint": "军刀 - 2952吉祥红涂装",
"scorpius - avalanche paint": "天蝎 - 雪崩涂装",
"scorpius - blight paint": "天蝎 - 疫灾涂装",
"scorpius - red alert paint": "天蝎座 - 红色警戒涂装",
"scorpius - shock force paint": "天蝎 - 冲击力涂装",
"scorpius - stiletto paint": "天蝎 - 刺剑涂装",
"scorpius - stinger paint": "天蝎 - 毒刺涂装",
"scorpius - storm cloud paint": "天蝎 - 风暴云涂装",
"scorpius - sunburn paint": "天蝎 - 灼日涂装",
"scorpius - tiburon paint": "天蝎 - 鲨鱼涂装",
"spirit - crimson paint": "星灵 - 绯红涂装",
"spirit - intrepid paint": "星灵 - 无畏涂装",
"spirit - olympia paint": "星灵 - 奥林匹亚涂装",
"starfarer - light grey paint": "星际远航者 - 浅灰涂装",
"starfarer - storm surge paint": "星际远航者 - 风暴汹涌涂装",
"talon(shrike) - ocellus paint": "利爪(伯劳) - 单眼涂装",
"talon - ocellus paint": "利爪 - 钴蓝涂装",
"talon - crimson paint": "利爪 - 绯红涂装",
"valkyrie - light grey paint": "女武神 - 浅灰涂装",
"valkyrie - sage paint": "女武神 - 鼠尾草涂装",
"valkyrie - splinter paint": "女武神 - 碎片涂装",
"avenger - splinter paint": "复仇者 - 碎片涂装",
"vanguard series - solar winds paint": "先锋 - 太阳风涂装",
"games": "游戏",
"apps": "应用",
"pledge": "承诺",
"store": "商店",
"learn how to play": "学习如何游玩",
"support": "支持",
"account": "账户",
"settings": "设置",
"my hangar": "我的机库",
"concierge": "礼宾",
"redeem a code": "兑换代码",
"sign out": "登出",
"subscriber": "订阅",
"comm-link": "Comm-Link",
"community": "社区",
"development": "开发",
"spectrum": "光谱",
"organizations": "组织",
"leaderboards": "排行榜",
"event": "活动",
"hub": "社区中心",
"fankit": "粉丝工具",
"roadmap": "线路图",
"dev tracker": "开发跟踪器",
"devtracker": "开发跟踪器",
"telemetry": "性能检测",
"issue council": "问题理事会",
"patch notes": "更新说明",
"ship matrix": "飞船矩阵",
"funding": "众筹基金",
"new players": "新玩家",
"learn the ropes by enlisting an expert guide to play with, watching our tutorial videos, or reading our comprehensive faq.": "通过寻求老玩家帮助观看我们的教学视频或者浏览我们的常见问题解答FAQ来快速学习游玩技巧。",
"live stats": "实时数据",
"star citizen": "星际公民",
"squadron 42": "42中队",
"have joined the universe.": "已加入我们的宇宙",
"do the same and be a part of creating a living, breathing first person universe where you and your friends will be able to explore the stars with unparalleled immersion.": "做与现实一样的事,成为一个有生命、能呼吸的人,成为我们宇宙中的一部分。在这里,你可以和你的好友一起感受前所未有、无与伦比的沉浸式太空探索体验。",
"prepare for flight": "做好飞行准备",
"answer": "响应",
"the call.": "号召",
"join the fight and help support the ongoing development of squadron 42, an unprecedented single-player adventure set in the star citizen universe.": "加入战斗帮助42中队的开发这是一场背景设定在星际公民宇宙中、史无前例的个人冒险。",
"enlist today": "现在立即入伍",
"view all": "查看更多",
"latest comm-links": "最近的COMM-LINKS",
"post": "帖子",
"transmission": "公告",
"read more": "查看更多",
"date": "日期",
"comments": "评论",
"spectrum dispatch": "光谱报道",
"citizens": "公民",
"star citizen shows": "星际公民 Shows",
"next community events": "下一场社区活动",
"star citizen live ": "星际公民 直播",
"video": "视频",
"latest developer activity": "最新开发者消息",
"more comm-links": "更多COMM-LINKS",
"auto load": "自动加载",
"on": "开",
"off": "关",
"view more": "查看更多",
"play now": "立即游玩",
"sign into rsi": "登入 RSI",
"email": "邮箱",
"password": "密码",
"remember me": "记住密码",
"sign in": "登入",
"account recovery": "找回账户",
"enlist now": "现在注册",
"sign in failed. you may have entered the wrong credentials, or the account does not exist, or has not been activated. (1032)": "登陆失败。你可能输入了错误的邮箱或密码,或账户未激活。",
"email address": "邮箱地址",
"enter the email address associated with your rsi account and you will receive the instructions to create a new password.": "输入你与RSI账户关联的邮箱地址你的邮箱将收到一条邮件来帮助你创建新的密码。",
"submit": "提交",
"contact customer support": "联系客户支持",
"create an account to begin your adventure into the star citizen universe.": "创建一个帐户,开始你在星际公民宇宙中的冒险。",
"account name": "账户名称",
"callsign": "呼号",
"an account name is required.": "你需要输入一个账户名称。",
"your unique public callsign.": "你的独特公共呼号。",
"birth date": "出生日期",
"month": "月",
"january": "一月",
"february": "二月",
"march": "三月",
"april": "四月",
"may": "五月",
"june": "六月",
"july": "七月",
"august": "八月",
"september": "九月",
"october": "十月",
"november": "十一月",
"december": "十二月",
"day": "日",
"year": "年",
"you must provide a birth date.": "你必须提供你的生日。",
"a password is required.": "你需要设置密码。",
"an email address is required.": "你需要输入一个邮箱地址。",
"different than account name": "与账户名称不同",
"undefined or more characters": "不少于8个字符",
"contains a number or symbol": "含有数字或其他符号",
"referral code": "邀请码",
"optional": "选填(建议填写)",
"add code": "输入邀请码",
"stay informed": "接收最新消息",
"receive star citizen news and development updates via email.": "通过电子邮件接收有关星际公民的最新咨询和开发进度。",
"i agree to the": "我接受",
"terms of service": "服务条款",
"and": "和",
"privacy policy": "隐私条款",
"enlist": "报名",
"already have an account?": "已经拥有一个账户?",
"please accept the terms of service and the privacy policy.": "请接受服务条款和隐私条款。",
"back": "返回",
"community hub": "社区中心",
"launcher": "启动器",
"starmap": "星图",
"galactapedia": "银河百科",
"new": "新",
"share your content with the community": "在社区分享你的内容",
"your communication platform": "你的沟通平台",
"download star citizen": "下载星际公民",
"keep track of the development": "跟踪开发进度",
"keep track of the players performance": "跟踪玩家表现",
"help us make the game better": "帮助我们开发游戏",
"your map to the universe": "你的宇宙地图",
"your guide to the universe": "你的宇宙指南",
"join the universe": "加入宇宙",
"start the adventure": "开始冒险",
"follow the development": "跟踪开发进度",
"about the game": "关于这个游戏",
"how to play": "如何游玩",
"the universe": "关于宇宙",
"media": "媒体",
"social links": "社交软件",
"facebook": "脸书",
"twitter": "推特",
"instagram": "照片墙",
"youtube": "油管",
"twitch": "老鼠台",
"home": "主页",
"transmissions": "公告",
"pledge store": "承诺商店",
"citizencon": "公民控",
"download": "下载",
"utilities": "工具",
"help": "帮助",
"press": "新闻",
"careers": "招聘",
"acknowledgements": "鸣谢",
"legal": "法律",
"responsible disclosure": "责任披露",
"california notice at collection": "收集加利福尼亚州居民信息",
"do not sell or share my personal information": "不要出售或共享个人信息",
"manage my consent": "管理我的许可",
"game packages": "游戏资格包",
"more info": "更多信息",
"add to cart": "加入购物车",
"package": "游戏包",
"save": "节省",
"in stock": "有现货",
"expand your fleet with a variety of ships. ships are in various stages of development and may not be available for immediate use, check the ship's specs for status.": "购买各种船只来扩充你的舰队。飞船处于不同的开发阶段,部分飞船可能暂时无法使用,请查看飞船规格了解详情。",
"please note that a ": "请注意,一艘",
"is required to play the game and fly or access ships.": "是游玩游戏所必需的。",
"ships": "飞船",
"view specs": "查看规格",
"buy now": "立即购买",
"start your subscription today to support a wide-variety of community content and receive subscriber exclusive access to flair, images, stories and more.": "立即开始订阅,支持各种社区内容并获得专属头衔、图像、故事等。",
"support the community & get rewards": "支持社区&获取奖励",
"your membership will allow us to produce all the star citizen shows you love, and gives you access to subscriber-exclusive perks and discounts on star citizen merchandise!": "你的会员资格让我们为你制作你喜欢的节目并为你提供订阅用户的专属商品、特权以及折扣!",
"starting at:": "起步价:",
"pick up unique ship skins and exclusive hangar decorations.": "挑选独特的皮肤和专属的机库饰品。",
"extras": "更多",
"paints": "涂装",
"current country selected:": "当前所在地区",
"sold out": "已售罄",
"your selection:": "你选择的商品:",
"rsi pledge store": "RSI 承诺商店",
"game packages, ship upgrades & merchandise": "游戏资格包,飞船升级包&周边商品",
"all": "全部物品",
"ship upgrades": "飞船升级包",
"subscriptions": "订阅",
"all products": "全部商品",
"standalone ship": "独立船",
"- standalone ship": " - 独立船",
"gear": "装备",
"packs": "船包",
"add-ons": "附件",
"united earth credits": "联合地球信劵 (UEC)",
"gift cards": "礼品卡",
"max crew / human :": "载员/人",
"length / meters :": "长度/m",
"mass / kg :": "质量/kg",
"manufacturer :": "制造商:",
"view specs and options": "查看规格与选项",
"sorting by:": "排序由:",
"overview": "概述",
"technical overview": "技术概述",
"buying options": "购买选项",
"flight ready": "可飞",
"view buying options": "查看购买选项",
"focus": "定位",
"description": "描述",
"length": "长度",
"beam": "宽度",
"height": "高度",
"size": "尺寸",
"mass": "质量",
"measurement": "规格",
"model": "模型",
"structural": "结构",
"cargo capacity": "货舱容量",
"scm speed": "SCM速度",
"afterburner speed": "加力速度",
"min crew": "最低载员",
"max crew": "最高载员",
"maneuvering": "机动",
"pitch max": "最大节距值",
"yaw max": "最大偏航值",
"roll max": "最大翻滚值",
"x-axis acceleration": "X轴加速度",
"y-axis acceleration": "Y轴加速度",
"z-axis acceleration": "Z轴加速度",
"avionics": "航电设备",
"propulsion": "推进装置",
"systems": "系统",
"thruster": "推进器",
"weapons": "武器",
"radar": "雷达",
"computers": "计算机",
"power plants": "发电机",
"coolers": "冷却器",
"shield generators": "护盾生成器",
"fuel intakes": "加油口",
"fuel tanks": "油箱",
"quantum drives": "量子引擎",
"jump modules": "跃迁引擎",
"quantum fuel tanks": "量子燃油箱",
"main thrusters": "主推进器",
"maneuvering thrusters": "机动推进器",
"turrets": "炮台",
"missiles": "导弹",
"utility items": "工具物品",
"suggested pledge :": "建议承诺:",
"other options :": "其他选项:",
"warbond edition": "战争债券版",
"standard edition": "标准版",
"upgrade": "升级",
" upgrade to this ship": " - 升级到此飞船",
"similar ships": "类似的飞船",
"find the ship that fits your style. new ships will become available as they are added to the game. you still need a game package to play the game!": "找到适合你的船。新的飞船在加入游戏时可飞。你需要拥有一个资格包才能游玩游戏!",
"reset filters": "重置筛选",
"name": "名称",
"filters": "筛选",
"ship classification": "飞船分类",
"combat": "战斗",
"transport": "运输",
"exploration": "探索",
"industrial": "工业",
"competition": "竞赛",
"ground": "地面载具",
"multi": "多功能",
"any mass": "任意质量",
"less than 20,000": "低于 20,000",
"20,000 to 50,000": "20,000 到 50,000",
"50,000 to 80,000": "50,000 到 80,000",
"80,000 to 100,000": "80,000 到 100,000",
"over 100,000": "超过 100,000",
"any length": "任意长度",
"less than 20": "低于 20",
"20 to 30": "20 到 30",
"30 to 90": "30 到 90",
"over 90": "超过 90",
"any max crew": "任意载员量",
"1": "1",
"2 to 3": "2 到 3",
"4 to 8": "4 到 8",
"over 8": "超过 8",
"price ranger": "价格",
"any price": "任意价格",
"less than 100$": "低于 200$",
"100$ to 200$": "100$ 到 200$",
"200$ to 400$": "200$ 到 400$",
"over 400$": "超过 400$",
"search...": "搜索...(仅限英文)",
"search": "搜索(仅限英文)",
"limited": "限量",
"price": "价格",
"relevance": "关联性",
"best value": "最佳折扣",
"save 15%": "节省15%",
"save 10%": "节省10%",
"save 25%": "节省25%",
"save 20%": "节省20%",
"save 5%": "节省5%",
"shop": "商店",
"welcome to the": "欢迎来到",
"chairman's club": "礼宾俱乐部",
"fideles quoad decedemus": "",
"your": "你的",
"concierge exclusive": "礼宾专用",
"forums and chat groups:": "论坛和聊天室:",
"forums": "论坛",
"chat groups": "聊天室",
"concierge advantages": "礼宾特权",
"early access": "抢先访问",
"early notice and exclusive access to select star citizen live events and sales.": "提前通知并访问星际公民独家现场活动和销售活动。",
"expedited customer service": "快速客户服务",
"an assigned specialist to personally handle your questions, requests, and game-related needs.": "指派专门人员亲自处理您的问题、请求和游戏相关需求。",
"exclusive community": "专属社区",
"entry to concierge-only forums and chat groups.": "进入礼宾部专用论坛和聊天室。",
"exclusive products": "独家产品",
"access to concierge-only digital packages and chairman's club branded physical merchandise. visit the store to see what's available now.": "购买礼宾专属数字游戏资格包和礼宾俱乐部的周边,请访问礼宾商店。",
"view exclusive concierge packages in the store": "在商店中查看礼宾专属商品",
"exclusive store": "独家商城",
"featured specials for chairman's club members.": "礼宾俱乐部成员的独家物品。",
"concierge services": "礼宾客户服务",
"before sending in a ticket, please review our knowledge base to find possible solutions:": "在报告问题之前,请先查看我们的知识库,看看有没有解决的方法:",
"concierge faq": "礼宾 FAQ",
"last update: ": "最近更新:",
"general issues (in-game, pledges, etc.)": "一般问题(游戏内、承诺 等)",
"billing and subscriptions": "账单和订阅",
"merchandise": "商品",
"official announcements, information and useful links": "官方公告,信息,可用链接",
"my inquiries": "我的咨询",
"sort by": "排序由",
"subject": "主题",
"created": "创建日期",
"modified": "变动",
"status": "状态",
"openned": "开启",
"open": "开启",
"closed": "已关闭",
"customer service form": "客户服务列表",
"please choose your issue below": "请在下表选择你的问题",
"account support": "账户支持",
"gameplay issues": "游戏问题",
"technical support": "技术支持",
"ship & pledge query": "飞船&承诺查询",
"payments, merch & subs": "付款、商品&子物品(退款在这里)",
"community & fan requests": "社区¥粉丝请求",
"other": "其它",
"tell us more about your problem": "告诉我们你的问题",
"attachments": "附件说明",
"- optional": "- 选填",
"uploaded files": "上传文件",
"send": "发送",
"add file here": "在这里添加文件",
"request a refund": "申请退款",
"tell us about your order issue": "告诉我们你的订单问题",
"required": "必填",
"please enter the details of your request. a member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.": "请告诉我们你的请求的细节。一位客服会尽快回复你。",
"order id": "订单 ID",
"this can be found on the billing/subscription tab on your account": "你可以在 账单&订阅 选项中找到它",
"billing &": "账单&",
"subscription": "订阅",
"comms": "消息",
"profile": "账户资料",
"security": "安全设置",
"referral program": "推荐计划",
"address book": "通讯录",
"pledge shipment": "",
"public test universe": "公共测试宇宙 PTU",
"character reset": "重置账户",
"set": "设置",
"leave": "离开",
"subscription id:": "订阅 ID",
"start date:": "开始日期:",
"end date:": "结束日期:",
"total paid:": "合计金额:",
"total time:": "合计时间:",
"store credits": "商店信用点",
"rental equipment credits": "租赁点券",
"credit log": "信用点日志",
"uec log": "UEC日志",
"rec log": "REC日志",
"total duration": "总时间",
"orders": "订单",
"order placed:": "订单生成日期:",
"amount:": "共计金额:",
"order id:": "订单 ID",
"status:": "订单状态:",
"payment:": "付款状态:",
"fulfillment:": "处理:",
"done": "完成",
"paid": "已付款",
"order summary": "订单摘要",
"retrieve invoice": "查看发票",
"qty.": "数量",
"discount": "折扣",
"total": "合计",
"credits used:": "使用信用点:",
"bill to:": "订单给:",
"total before tax:": "税前总额:",
"pay": "支付",
"cancel": "取消",
"10 per page": "每页显示10条",
"25 per page": "每页显示25条",
"50 per page": "每页显示50条",
"100 per page": "每页显示100条",
"total spent": "共消费金额",
"my account": "我的账户",
"enter your password": "输入你的密码",
"password protected": "密码保护",
"confirm": "确认",
"view and manage your pledges and their associated items.": "查看和管理你的承诺及物品。",
"hangar log": "机库日志",
"created:": "创建日期",
"attributed": "持有",
"gifted": "赠予中",
"contains:": "包含物品:",
"items": "物品",
"exchange": "溶解",
"apply upgrade": "使用该升级包",
"next": "下一步",
"you have no pledges that qualify for this upgrade.": "你没有适用于这个升级包的承诺飞船。",
"please": "请",
"select": "选择",
"the pledge on which to apply the upgrade to:": "一艘你要使用该升级包的承诺飞船:",
"replace": "更换",
"with": "为",
"you are about to apply your ": "你正在使用",
"delete the upgrade from your account": "从你账户中移除该升级包",
"and apply the upgrade to the designated pledge.": "并升级到指定的承诺飞船。",
"type in your password to confirm:": "输入密码来确认操作:",
"exchange pledge": "溶解承诺物品",
"my gear": "我的装备",
"my roms": "我的 ROM",
"buy back pledges": "回购承诺",
"reacquire your converted pledges": "重新获得被溶解的承诺物品",
"you have": "你拥有",
"opportunity to buy back a pledge with store credits.": "次使用信用点回购的机会。",
"note: valid for one pledge buy back with any amount of store credits applied.": "注意1次机会适用于回购意一件任意价值的承诺物品。",
"buy back": "回购",
"from:": "从:",
"to:": "到:",
"ship value": "飞船价值",
"obtain an upgrade for a pledge ship.": "获取承诺飞船的升级包。",
"acquiring and then applying this upgrade will transform your ship chassis into a different base chassis, while retaining all limited items, access passes and insurance levels contained in your original pledge.": "获取并使用此升级包,将你的飞船升级到指定的飞船,同时保留该承诺中的其他物品、通行证和保险时长。",
"warning": "注意",
"you can buy this upgrade, but it will only be applicable on a ": "你可以购买此升级包,但是该升级包只能用在一艘",
"checkout": "结账",
"flight-ready": "可飞",
"add": "添加",
"cart": "购物车",
"address": "地址",
"payment": "支付方式",
"item has been successfully added to your cart!": "该物品成功添加到购物车!",
"subtotal": "小计",
"empty": "清空",
"coupon": "优惠券",
"cart summary": "购物车摘要",
"total:": "总计:",
"add store credit": "添加商店信用点",
"items purchased (warbond included) with store credits are ": "使用商店信用点购买的物品(包括战争债券版)都是",
"account bound": "绑定账户的",
", and non giftable.": ",并且无法赠予他人。",
"billing information": "帐单信息",
"edit": "编辑",
"add new address": "添加新地址",
"create address": "创建地址",
"first name": "姓",
"last name ": "名称",
"company": "公司",
"city": "城市",
"country": "国家",
"state / province": "州/省",
"zip / postal code": "邮编",
"phone number": "手机号码",
"place order": "下订单",
"disclaimer": "免责声明",
"i agree": "我同意",
"checking stock availability…": "正在检查库存可用性…",
"credit card": "信用卡",
"pay my transaction": "支付该订单",
"save card data for future payments": "保留信用卡信息以便未来支付",
"go back": "返回",
"pending": "待定",
"intent": "待定",
"cancel order": "取消订单",
"it can take up to 24 hours for to process your payment and send rsi a notification.": "处理您的付款并发送给RSI可能需要24小时。",
"if you have": "如果你",
"already": "已经",
"made the payment ": "付款",
"do not cancel": "不要取消订单",
". doing so would prevent your order from being fulfilled.": "。这样做会阻碍你的订单的完成。",
"cancel now, i know what i'm doing": "立即取消。我知道我在做什么。",
"checkout order cancelled": "订单已取消",
"your order has been successfully canceled. for your reference, you can consult the ": "你的订单取消成功。你可以在账户的",
"billing and subscription": "订单&订阅",
"section of your account.": "中找到它。",
"voided": "无效",
"refunded": "已退款",
"- paints": " - 涂装",
"- package": " - 游戏资格包",
"troop transport": "士兵运输",
"bomber": "轰炸机",
"concept": "概念",
"warbond": "战争债券",
"this item cannot be obtained with the use of store credit.": "此物品不能使用商店信用点购买。",
"in-concept": "概念中",
"the concept ship(s) in your cart is in development and not yet ready to play in star citizen. you will receive a loaner vehicle similar approximate size and/or function to the concept ship.": "你购物车中的概念船属于开发阶段,尚不能在星际公民中游玩。我们将借一艘尺寸和功能大致相同的飞船供你使用。",
"continue": "继续",
"do you really want to remove all the items in your cart?": "你确定要清空购物车?",
"your cart is empty": "你的购物车空空如也",
"before proceeding to checkout you must add some products to your shopping cart.": "在结账之前,你必须要将物品添加到购物车中。",
"start shopping": "开始购物",
"join the star citizen experience and help support development with these game packages that include access to star citizen and/or squadron 42.": "加入星际公民体验团队并购买游戏资格包帮助游戏开发资格包分为访问星际公民资格和访问42中队资格。",
"show your star citizen style with these physical items available for sale.": "使用这些物品展现你星际公民的风格。",
"join the": "加入",
"universe": "宇宙",
"start the": "开始",
"adventure": "冒险",
"the game": "游戏",
"terms of services": "服务条款",
"Sort by:": "排序由:"