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"F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者", "f7c-m super hornet": "F7C-M 超级大黄蜂", "f7c-r hornet tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者", "f7c-r tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者", "f7c-s ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵", "f7c-s hornet ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵", "f8a lightning": "F8A 闪电", "f8c lightning": "F8C 闪电", "f8c lightning executive edition": "F8C 闪电 行政版", "gladiator": "角斗士", "gladius": "短剑", "gladius pirate": "短剑 海盗版", "pirate gladius": "短剑 海盗版", "gladius valiant": "短剑 勇士", "glaive": "长刀", "hawk": "猎鹰", "herald": "信使", "hercules starlifter": "大力神 星际运输船", "hurricane": "飓风", "idris-k": "伊德里斯-K", "idris-m": "伊德里斯-M", "idris-p": "伊德里斯-P", "khartu": "卡图", "khartu-al": "卡图-al", "kingship": "王船", "m2 hercules": "大力神M2", "m50": "M50", "mantis": "螳螂", "mecury star runner": "墨丘利 星际快运船", "mercury": "墨丘利", "mpuv cargo": "MPUV-货运", "mpuv personnel": "MPUV-载人", "mustang beta": "野马 贝塔", "mustang delta": "野马 德尔塔", "mustang gamma": "野马 伽马", "mustang omega": "野马 欧米伽", "p-52 merlin": "P-52 梅林", "p-72 archimedes": "P-72 阿基米德", "p-72 archimedes emerald": "P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿", "pegasus": "飞马座", "pisces": "双鱼座", "prowler": "徘徊者", "razor": "剃刀", "razor EX": "剃刀-EX", "razor LX": "剃刀-LX", "redeemer": "救赎者", "reliant": "信赖", "reliant mako": "信赖-新闻", "retaliator base": "报复者", "retaliator bomber": "报复者-轰炸", "sabre": "军刀", "sabre comet": "军刀-彗星", "sabre raven": "军刀-渡鸦", "san'tok.yāi": "桑托起亚", "scorpius": "天蝎座", "scythe": "死镰", "srv": "SRV", "stinger": "毒刺", "talon": "利爪", "talon shrike": "利爪-伯劳", "terrapin": "水龟", "vanguard": "先锋", "vanguard harbinger": "先锋-先驱者", "vanguard hoplite": "先锋-重装兵", "vanguard sentinel": "先锋-哨兵", "vanguard warden": "先锋-典狱长", "vncl pulse": "剜度 脉冲", "void": "虚空", "vulcan": "火神", "xi'an scout": "希安侦察机", "legionnaire": "军团兵", "zeus": "宙斯", "x1 velocity": "X1-竞速", "mule": "骡", "cutter": "小刀", "ursa": "大熊座", "ursa rover": "大熊座漫游车", "x1 force": "X1-武装", "cyclone": "旋风", "ursa rover fortuna": "大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜", "cyclone tr": "旋风-TR", "cyclone rc": "旋风-RC", "cyclone rn": "旋风-RN", "c8r pisces": "C8R 双鱼座", "cyclone mt": "旋风-MT", "roc-ds": "ROC-双人版", "cyclone aa": "旋风-AA", "spartan": "斯巴达", "c1 spirit": "C1 星灵", "e1 spirit": "E1 星灵", "a1 spirit": "A1 星灵", "ballista": "弩炮", "retaliator": "报复者", "razor lx": "剃刀-LX", "razor ex": "剃刀-EX", "f7c-m super hornet heartseeker": "F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者", "caterpillar best in show edition": "毛虫 最佳展示版", "reclaimer best in show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版", "carrack w/c8x": "克拉克 w/C8X", "carrack expedition w/c8x": "克拉克 远征 w/C8X", "hammerhead best in show edition": "锤头鲨 最佳展示版", "galaxy": "银河", "dragonfly black": "黑蜻蜓", "hoverquad": "悬浮驷", "ranger cv": "游骑兵-CV", "ranger rc": "游骑兵-RC", "ranger tr": "游骑兵-TR", "dragonfly yellowjacket": "蜻蜓 黄胡蜂", "dragonfly star kitten": "蜻蜓 星空猫", "c2 hercules": "大力神 C2", "c8 pisces": "C8 双鱼座", "c2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 C2", "a2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 A2", "m2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 M2", "mercury star runner": "墨丘利星际快运船(水星)", "c8x pisces expedition": "C8X 双鱼座", "carrack expedition": "克拉克 远征版", "carrack": "克拉克", "crucible": "坩埚", "liberator": "解放者", "valkyrie 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"starfarer": "星际远航者", "merchantman": "巴努商船", "hammerhead": "锤头鲨", "idris": "伊德里斯", "javelin": "标枪", "nautilus": "鹦鹉螺", "nautilus solstice edition": "鹦鹉螺 冬至版", "reclaimer best in the show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版", "reclaimer": "回收者", "constellation andromeda": "仙女座", "constellation aquila": "天鹰座", "constellation phoenix": "凤凰座", "constellation phoenix emerald": "凤凰座 翡翠版", "constellation taurus": "金牛座", "orion": "猎户座", "perseus": "英仙座", "polaris": "北极星", "argo mole": "南船座 鼹鼠", "ptv buggy": "PTV 越野小车", "fury": "狂怒", "fury mx": "狂怒 MX", "storm": "风暴", "standalone ship - 100i": "独立船 - 100i", "standalone ship - 125a": "独立船 - 125a", "standalone ship - 135c": "独立船 - 135c", "standalone ship - 300i": "独立船 - 300i", "standalone ship - 315p": "独立船 - 315p", "standalone ship - 325a": "独立船 - 325a", "standalone ship - 350r": "独立船 - 350r", "standalone ship - 400i": "独立船 - 400i", "standalone ship - 600i": "独立船 - 600i", "standalone ship - 600i executive edition": "独立船 - 600i 行政版", "standalone ship - 600i 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"standalone ship - banu defender": "独立船 - 巴努防卫者", "standalone ship - bengal": "独立船 - 孟加拉", "standalone ship - blade": "独立船 - 刀锋", "standalone ship - buccaneer": "独立船 - 掠夺者", "standalone ship - c8x": "独立船 - C8X ", "standalone ship - cleaver": "独立船 - 切割者", "standalone ship - constellation": "独立船 - 星座", "standalone ship - cutlass steel": "独立船 - 钢弯刀", "standalone ship - cydnus": "独立船 - 土蝽", "standalone ship - defender": "独立船 - 防卫者", "standalone ship - driller": "独立船 - 毒钻", "standalone ship - endeavor biodome pod": "独立船 - 奋进 生态舱", "standalone ship - endeavor fuel pod": "独立船 - 奋进 燃料舱", "standalone ship - endeavor general research pod": "独立船 - 奋进 通用科研舱", "standalone ship - endeavor landing bay": "独立船 - 奋进 停泊舱", "standalone ship - endeavor service equipment and crew pod": "独立船 - 奋进 服务设备及人员舱", "standalone ship - endeavor supercollider pod": "独立船 - 奋进 超级对撞机舱", "standalone ship - f7a hornet": "独立船 - F7A 大黄蜂", "standalone ship - f7c hornet": "独立船 - F7C 大黄蜂", "standalone ship - f7c hornet 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"standalone ship - hurricane": "独立船 - 飓风", "standalone ship - idris-k": "独立船 - 伊德里斯-K", "standalone ship - idris-m": "独立船 - 伊德里斯-M", "standalone ship - idris-p": "独立船 - 伊德里斯-P", "standalone ship - khartu": "独立船 - 卡图", "standalone ship - khartu-al": "独立船 - 卡图-al", "standalone ship - kingship": "独立船 - 王船", "standalone ship - m2 hercules": "独立船 - 大力神M2", "standalone ship - m50": "独立船 - M50", "standalone ship - mantis": "独立船 - 螳螂", "standalone ship - mecury star runner": "独立船 - 墨丘利 星际快运船", "standalone ship - mercury": "独立船 - 墨丘利", "standalone ship - mpuv cargo": "独立船 - MPUV-货运", "standalone ship - mpuv personnel": "独立船 - MPUV-载人", "standalone ship - mustang beta": "独立船 - 野马 贝塔", "standalone ship - mustang delta": "独立船 - 野马 德尔塔", "standalone ship - mustang gamma": "独立船 - 野马 伽马", "standalone ship - mustang omega": "独立船 - 野马 欧米伽", "standalone ship - p-52 merlin": "独立船 - P-52 梅林", "standalone ship - p-72 archimedes": "独立船 - P-72 阿基米德", "standalone ship - pegasus": "独立船 - 飞马座", "standalone ship - pisces": "独立船 - 双鱼座", "standalone ship - prowler": "独立船 - 徘徊者", "standalone ship - razor": "独立船 - 剃刀", "standalone ship - razor EX": "独立船 - 剃刀-EX", "standalone ship - razor LX": "独立船 - 剃刀-LX", "standalone ship - redeemer": "独立船 - 救赎者", "standalone ship - reliant": "独立船 - 信赖", "standalone ship - reliant mako": "独立船 - 信赖-新闻", "standalone ship - retaliator base": "独立船 - 报复者", "standalone ship - retaliator bomber": "独立船 - 报复者-轰炸", "standalone ship - sabre": "独立船 - 军刀", "standalone ship - sabre comet": "独立船 - 军刀-彗星", "standalone ship - sabre raven": "独立船 - 军刀-渡鸦", "standalone ship - san'tok.yāi": "独立船 - 桑托起亚", "standalone ship - scorpius": "独立船 - 天蝎座", "standalone ship - scythe": "独立船 - 死镰", "standalone ship - srv": "独立船 - SRV", "standalone ship - stinger": "独立船 - 毒刺", "standalone ship - talon": "独立船 - 利爪", "standalone ship - talon shrike": "独立船 - 利爪-伯劳", "standalone ship - terrapin": "独立船 - 水龟", "standalone ship - vanguard": "独立船 - 先锋", "standalone ship - vanguard harbinger": "独立船 - 先锋-先驱者", "standalone ship - vanguard hoplite": "独立船 - 先锋-重装兵", "standalone ship - vanguard sentinel": "独立船 - 先锋-哨兵", "standalone ship - vanguard warden": "独立船 - 先锋-典狱长", "standalone ship - vncl pulse": "独立船 - 剜度 脉冲", "standalone ship - void": "独立船 - 虚空", "standalone ship - vulcan": "独立船 - 火神", "standalone ship - xi'an scout": "独立船 - 希安侦察机", "standalone ship - legionnaire": "独立船 - 军团兵", "standalone ship - zeus": "独立船 - 宙斯", "standalone ship - x1 velocity": "独立船 - X1-竞速", "standalone ship - mule": "独立船 - 骡", "standalone ship - cutter": "独立船 - 小刀", "standalone ship - ursa": "独立船 - 大熊座", "standalone ship - ursa rover": "独立船 - 大熊座漫游车", "standalone ship - x1 force": "独立船 - X1-武装", "standalone ship - cyclone": "独立船 - 旋风", "standalone ship - ursa rover fortuna": "独立船 - 大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜", "standalone ship - cyclone tr": "独立船 - 旋风-TR", "standalone ship - cyclone rc": "独立船 - 旋风-RC", "standalone ship - cyclone rn": "独立船 - 旋风-RN", "standalone ship - c8r pisces": "独立船 - C8R 双鱼座", "standalone ship - cyclone mt": "独立船 - 旋风-MT", "standalone ship - roc-ds": "独立船 - ROC-双人版", "standalone ship - cyclone aa": "独立船 - 旋风-AA", "standalone ship - spartan": "独立船 - 斯巴达", "standalone ship - c1 spirit": "独立船 - C1 星灵", "standalone ship - e1 spirit": "独立船 - E1 星灵", "standalone ship - a1 spirit": "独立船 - A1 星灵", "standalone ship - ballista": "独立船 - 弩炮", "standalone ship - retaliator": "独立船 - 报复者", "standalone ship - razor lx": "独立船 - 剃刀-LX", "standalone ship - razor ex": "独立船 - 剃刀-EX", "standalone ship - f7c-m super hornet heartseeker": "独立船 - F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者", "standalone ship - caterpillar best in show edition": "独立船 - 毛虫 最佳展示版", "standalone ship - reclaimer best in show edition": "独立船 - 回收者 最佳展示版", "standalone ship - carrack w/c8x": "独立船 - 克拉克 w/C8X", "standalone ship - carrack expedition w/c8x": "独立船 - 克拉克 远征 w/C8X", "standalone ship - hammerhead best in show edition": "独立船 - 锤头鲨 最佳展示版", "standalone ship - galaxy": "独立船 - 银河", "standalone ship - dragonfly black": "独立船 - 黑蜻蜓", "standalone ship - hoverquad": "独立船 - 悬浮驷", "standalone ship - ranger cv": "独立船 - 游骑兵-CV", "standalone ship - ranger rc": "独立船 - 游骑兵-RC", "standalone ship - ranger tr": "独立船 - 游骑兵-TR", "standalone ship - dragonfly yellowjacket": "独立船 - 蜻蜓 黄胡蜂", "standalone ship - dragonfly star kitten": "独立船 - 蜻蜓 星空猫", "standalone ship - c2 hercules": "独立船 - 大力神 C2", "standalone ship - c8 pisces": "独立船 - C8 双鱼座", "standalone ship - c2 hercules starlifter": "独立船 - 大力神 C2", "standalone ship - a2 hercules starlifter": "独立船 - 大力神 A2", "standalone ship - m2 hercules starlifter": "独立船 - 大力神 M2", "standalone ship - mercury star runner": "独立船 - 墨丘利星际快运船(水星)", "standalone ship - c8x pisces expedition": "独立船 - C8X 双鱼座", "standalone ship - carrack expedition": "独立船 - 克拉克 远征版", "standalone ship - carrack": "独立船 - 克拉克", "standalone ship - crucible": "独立船 - 坩埚", "standalone ship - liberator": "独立船 - 解放者", "standalone ship - valkyrie liberator edition": "独立船 - 女武神 解放者版", "standalone ship - valkyrie": "独立船 - 女武神", "standalone ship - mole carbon edition": "独立船 - 鼹鼠 炭黑", "standalone ship - mole talus edition": "独立船 - 鼹鼠 岩白", "standalone ship - mole": "独立船 - 鼹鼠", "standalone ship - raft": "独立船 - 木筏", "standalone ship - mustang alpha": "独立船 - 野马 阿尔法", "standalone ship - mustang alpha vindicator": "独立船 - 野马 阿尔法 维和者", "standalone ship - nomad": "独立船 - 游牧者", "standalone ship - pioneer": "独立船 - 开拓者", "standalone ship - genesis starliner": "独立船 - 创世纪 星航", "standalone ship - genesis": "独立船 - 创世纪", "standalone ship - caterpillar": "独立船 - 毛虫", "standalone ship - caterpillar pirate edition": "独立船 - 毛虫海盗版", "standalone ship - pirate caterpillar": "独立船 - 毛虫 海盗版", "standalone ship - corsair": "独立船 - 海盗船", "standalone ship - cutlass black": "独立船 - 黑弯刀", "standalone ship - cutlass black best in show edition": "独立船 - 黑弯刀 最佳展示版", "standalone ship - cutlass blue": "独立船 - 蓝弯刀", "standalone ship - cutlass red": "独立船 - 红弯刀", "standalone ship - kraken privateer": "独立船 - 海妖 劫掠版", "standalone ship - kraken": "独立船 - 海妖", "standalone ship - vulture": "独立船 - 秃鹫", "standalone ship - railen": "独立船 - 锐伦", "standalone ship - endeavor": "独立船 - 奋进", "standalone ship - expanse": "独立船 - 无垠", "standalone ship - freelancer": "独立船 - 自由枪骑兵", "standalone ship - freelancer dur": "独立船 - 自由枪骑兵DUR", "standalone ship - freelancer mis": "独立船 - 自由枪骑兵MIS", "standalone ship - freelancer max": "独立船 - 自由枪骑兵MAX", "standalone ship - hull a": "独立船 - 货轮 A", "standalone ship - hull b": "独立船 - 货轮 B", "standalone ship - hull c": "独立船 - 货轮 C", "standalone ship - hull d": "独立船 - 货轮 D", "standalone ship - hull e": "独立船 - 货轮 E", "standalone ship - odyssey": "独立船 - 奥德赛", "standalone ship - prospector": "独立船 - 勘探者", "standalone ship - reliant kore": "独立船 - 信赖-基础", "standalone ship - reliant tana": "独立船 - 信赖-武装", "standalone ship - reliant sen": "独立船 - 信赖-科考", "standalone ship - starfarer gemini": "独立船 - 星际远航者 双子座", "standalone ship - starfarer": "独立船 - 星际远航者", "standalone ship - merchantman": "独立船 - 巴努商船", "standalone ship - hammerhead": "独立船 - 锤头鲨", "standalone ship - idris": "独立船 - 伊德里斯", "standalone ship - javelin": "独立船 - 标枪", "standalone ship - nautilus": "独立船 - 鹦鹉螺", "standalone ship - nautilus solstice edition": "独立船 - 鹦鹉螺 冬至版", "standalone ship - reclaimer best in the show edition": "独立船 - 回收者 最佳展示版", "standalone ship - reclaimer": "独立船 - 回收者", "standalone ship - constellation andromeda": "独立船 - 仙女座", "standalone ship - constellation aquila": "独立船 - 天鹰座", "standalone ship - constellation phoenix": "独立船 - 凤凰座", "standalone ship - constellation phoenix emerald": "独立船 - 凤凰座 翡翠版", "standalone ship - constellation taurus": "独立船 - 金牛座", "standalone ship - orion": "独立船 - 猎户座", "standalone ship - perseus": "独立船 - 英仙座", "standalone ship - polaris": "独立船 - 北极星", "standalone ship - argo mole": "独立船 - 南船座 鼹鼠", "standalone ship - ptv buggy": "独立船 - PTV 越野小车", "aegis": "圣盾", "anvil": "铁砧", "c.o.": "联合外域", "crusader": "十字军", "argo": "南船座", "drake": "德雷克", "gatac": "盖塔克", "origin": "起源", "banu": "巴努", "origin jumpworks": "起源跃动", "crusader 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