2024-06-05 10:28:15 +08:00

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295 KiB
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"100i": "100i",
"125a": "125a",
"135c": "135c",
"300i": "300i",
"315p": "315p",
"325a": "325a",
"350r": "350r",
"400i": "400i",
"600i": "600i",
"600i executive edition": "600i 行政版",
"600i exploration": "600i-探索",
"600i touring": "600i-旅行",
"85x": "85X",
"890 jump": "890 跃动",
"a2 hercules": "大力神 A2",
"apollo medivac": "阿波罗 医疗",
"apollo triage": "阿波罗 分诊",
"ares inferno": "战神-地狱火",
"ares ion": "战神-离子光",
"ares star fighter": "战神 星际战斗机",
"arrow": "箭矢",
"aurora": "极光",
"aurora cl": "极光-CL",
"aurora es": "极光-ES",
"aurora ln": "极光-LN",
"aurora lx": "极光-LX",
"aurora mr": "极光-MR",
"avenger stalker": "复仇者-追猎",
"avenger titan": "复仇者-泰坦",
"avenger titan renegade": "复仇者-泰坦变节者",
"avenger warlock": "复仇者-术士",
"banu defender": "巴努防卫者",
"bengal": "孟加拉",
"blade": "刀锋",
"buccaneer": "掠夺者",
"c2 hercules": "大力神 C2",
"c8 pisces": "C8 双鱼座",
"c8x": "C8X",
"carrack": "克拉克",
"caterpillar": "毛虫",
"cleaver": "切割者",
"constellation": "星座",
"constellation andromeda": "仙女座",
"constellation aquila": "天鹰座",
"constellation phoenix": "凤凰座",
"constellation taurus": "金牛座",
"corsair": "海盗船",
"crucible": "坩埚",
"cutlass black": "黑弯刀",
"cutlass blue": "蓝弯刀",
"cutlass red": "红弯刀",
"cutlass steel": "钢弯刀",
"cydnus": "土蝽",
"defender": "防卫者",
"driller": "毒钻",
"eclipse": "日蚀",
"endeavor": "奋进",
"endeavor biodome pod": "奋进 生态舱",
"endeavor fuel pod": "奋进 燃料舱",
"endeavor general research pod": "奋进 通用科研舱",
"endeavor landing bay": "奋进 停泊舱",
"endeavor service equipment and crew pod": "奋进 服务设备及人员舱",
"endeavor supercollider pod": "奋进 超级对撞机舱",
"f7a hornet": "F7A 大黄蜂",
"f7c hornet": "F7C 大黄蜂",
"f7c hornet wildfire": "F7C 大黄蜂 野火",
"f7c-m hornet heartseeker": "F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"f7c-m super hornet": "F7C-M 超级大黄蜂",
"f7c-r hornet tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"f7c-r tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"f7c-s ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"f7c-s hornet ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"f8a lightning": "F8A 闪电",
"f8c lightning": "F8C 闪电",
"f8c lightning executive edition": "F8C 闪电 行政版",
"freelancer": "自由枪骑兵",
"freelancer dur": "自由枪骑兵-DUR",
"freelancer max": "自由枪骑兵-MAX",
"freelancer mis": "自由枪骑兵-MIS",
"genesis starliner": "创世纪 星际航线",
"gladiator": "角斗士",
"gladius": "短剑",
"gladius pirate": "短剑 海盗版",
"pirate caterpillar": "毛虫 海盗版",
"caterpillar pirate": "毛虫 海盗版",
"pirate gladius": "短剑 海盗版",
"gladius valiant": "短剑 勇士",
"glaive": "长刀",
"hammerhead": "锤头鲨",
"hawk": "猎鹰",
"herald": "信使",
"hercules starlifter": "大力神 星际运输船",
"hull a": "货轮 A",
"hull b": "货轮 B",
"hull c": "货轮 C",
"hull d": "货轮 D",
"hull e": "货轮 E",
"hurricane": "飓风",
"idris-k": "伊德里斯-K",
"idris-m": "伊德里斯-M",
"idris-p": "伊德里斯-P",
"javelin": "标枪",
"khartu": "卡图",
"khartu-al": "卡图-al",
"kingship": "王船",
"kraken": "海妖",
"kraken privateer": "海妖 劫掠版",
"liberator": "解放者",
"m2 hercules": "大力神 M2",
"m50": "M50",
"mantis": "螳螂",
"mecury star runner": "墨丘利 星际快运船",
"merchantman": "巴努商船",
"mercury": "墨丘利",
"mole": "鼹鼠",
"mpuv cargo": "MPUV-货运",
"mpuv personnel": "MPUV-载人",
"mustang alpha": "野马 阿尔法",
"mustang beta": "野马 贝塔",
"mustang delta": "野马 德尔塔",
"mustang gamma": "野马 伽马",
"mustang omega": "野马 欧米伽",
"nautilus": "鹦鹉螺",
"nomad": "游牧者",
"odyssey": "奥德赛",
"orion": "猎户座",
"p-52 merlin": "P-52 梅林",
"p-72 archimedes": "P-72 阿基米德",
"pegasus": "飞马座",
"perseus": "英仙座",
"pioneer": "开拓者",
"pisces": "双鱼座",
"polaris": "北极星",
"prospector": "勘探者",
"prowler": "徘徊者",
"raft": "木筏",
"railen": "锐伦",
"razor": "剃刀",
"razor EX": "剃刀-EX",
"razor LX": "剃刀-LX",
"reclaimer": "回收者",
"redeemer": "救赎者",
"reliant": "信赖",
"reliant kore": "信赖-基础",
"reliant mako": "信赖-新闻",
"reliant sen": "信赖-科考",
"reliant tana": "信赖-武装",
"retaliator base": "报复者",
"retaliator bomber": "报复者-轰炸",
"sabre": "军刀",
"sabre comet": "军刀-彗星",
"sabre raven": "军刀-渡鸦",
"san'tok.yāi": "桑托起亚",
"scorpius": "天蝎座",
"scythe": "死镰",
"srv": "SRV",
"starfarer": "星际远航者",
"starfarer gemini": "星际远航者 双子座",
"stinger": "毒刺",
"talon": "利爪",
"talon shrike": "利爪-伯劳",
"terrapin": "水龟",
"valkyrie": "女武神",
"vanguard": "先锋",
"vanguard harbinger": "先锋-先驱者",
"vanguard hoplite": "先锋-重装兵",
"vanguard sentinel": "先锋-哨兵",
"vanguard warden": "先锋-典狱长",
"vncl pulse": "剜度 脉冲",
"void": "虚空",
"vulcan": "火神",
"vulture": "秃鹫",
"xi'an scout": "希安侦察机",
"expanse": "无垠",
"legionnaire": "军团兵",
"zeus": "宙斯",
"x1 velocity": "X1-竞速",
"mule": "骡",
"cutter": "小刀",
"ursa": "大熊座",
"ursa rover": "大熊座漫游车",
"x1 force": "X1-武装",
"cyclone": "旋风",
"ursa rover fortuna": "大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜",
"cyclone tr": "旋风-TR",
"cyclone rc": "旋风-RC",
"cyclone rn": "旋风-RN",
"c8r pisces": "C8R 双鱼座",
"cyclone mt": "旋风-MT",
"roc-ds": "ROC-双人版",
"cyclone aa": "旋风-AA",
"spartan": "斯巴达",
"c1 spirit": "C1 星灵",
"e1 spirit": "E1 星灵",
"a1 spirit": "A1 星灵",
"ballista": "弩炮",
"retaliator": "报复者",
"razor lx": "剃刀-LX",
"razor ex": "剃刀-EX",
"f7c-m super hornet heartseeker": "F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"caterpillar best in show edition": "毛虫 最佳展示版",
"reclaimer best in show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版",
"carrack w/c8x": "克拉克 w/C8X",
"carrack expedition w/c8x": "克拉克 远征 w/C8X",
"hammerhead best in show edition": "锤头鲨 最佳展示版",
"galaxy": "银河",
"dragonfly black": "黑蜻蜓",
"hoverquad": "悬浮驷",
"ranger cv": "游骑兵-CV",
"ranger rc": "游骑兵-RC",
"ranger tr": "游骑兵-TR",
"dragonfly yellowjacket": "蜻蜓 黄胡蜂",
"dragonfly star kitten": "蜻蜓 星空猫",
"600i explorer": "600i-探索",
"c2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 C2",
"a2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 A2",
"m2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 M2",
"mercury star runner": "墨丘利星际快运船)",
"c8x pisces expedition": "C8X 双鱼座",
"carrack expedition": "克拉克 远征版",
"valkyrie liberator edition": "女武神 解放者版",
"mole carbon edition": "鼹鼠 炭黑",
"mole talus edition": "鼹鼠 岩白",
"mustang alpha vindicator": "野马 阿尔法 维和者",
"caterpillar pirate edition": "毛虫海盗版",
"cutlass black best in show edition": "黑弯刀 最佳展示版",
"idris": "伊德里斯",
"nautilus solstice edition": "鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"reclaimer best in the show edition": "回收者 最佳展示版",
"constellation phoenix emerald": "凤凰座 翡翠版",
"argo mole": "南船座 鼹鼠",
"ptv buggy": "PTV 越野小车",
"centurion": "百夫长",
"hornet": "大黄蜂",
"p-72 archimedes emerald": "P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿",
"argo mole talus edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 岩白版",
"argo mole carbon edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 碳黑版",
"anvil ballista dunestalker": "铁砧 弩炮 沙丘追猎者",
"anvil ballista snowblind": "铁砧 弩炮 雪盲版",
"nova": "新星",
"genesis": "创世纪",
"fury": "狂怒",
"fury mx": "狂怒 MX",
"storm": "风暴",
"6 months": "6月",
"3 months": "3月",
"72 months": "72月",
"60 months": "60月",
"48 months": "48月",
"32 months": "32月",
"12 months": "12月",
"120 months": "120月",
"6 month insurance": "6月保险",
"3 month insurance": "3月保险",
"72 month insurance": "72月保险",
"60 month insurance": "60月保险",
"48 month insurance": "48月保险",
"32 month insurance": "32月保险",
"12 month insurance": "12月保险",
"120 month insurance": "120月保险",
"6 months insurance": "6月保险",
"3 months insurance": "3月保险",
"72 months insurance": "72月保险",
"60 months insurance": "60月保险",
"48 months insurance": "48月保险",
"32 months insurance": "32月保险",
"12 months insurance": "12月保险",
"120 months insurance": "120月保险",
"insurance": "保险时长",
"- medium fighter": "- 中型战斗机",
"- heavy fighter": "- 重型战斗机",
"- corvette": "- 护卫舰",
"- pathfinder": "- 探路者",
"- expedition": "- 远征",
"- cargo": "- 货运",
"- light freight": "- 轻型货运",
"- starter / pathfinder": "- 新手船 / 探路者",
"- racing": "- 竞速",
"- destroyer": "- 驱逐舰",
"- gunship": "- 炮艇",
"- medium data": "- 中型数据运输",
"- light carrier": "- 轻型运载舰",
"- medium freight": "- 中型货运",
"- mining": "- 采矿",
"- dropship": "- 运兵船",
"- transport": "- 运输",
"- touring": "- 旅游船",
"- frigate": "- 护卫舰",
"- starter": "- 新手船",
"- light fighter": "- 轻型战斗机",
"- minelayer": "- 布雷舰",
"- heavy refuelling": "- 重型后勤",
"- interdiction": "- 拦截",
"- snub fighter": "- 舰载战斗机",
"- military": "- 军用",
"- prospecting and mining": "- 勘探和采矿",
"- multi-role - light carrier": "- 多功能 / 轻型运载舰",
"- medium fighter / medium freight": "- 中型战斗 / 中型货运",
"- heavy freight": "- 重型货运",
"- heavy gun ship": "- 重型炮艇",
"- heavy salvage": "- 重型打捞",
"- light salvage": "- 轻型打捞",
"- exploration": "- 探索",
"- combat": "- 战斗",
"- recovery": "- 救援",
"- starter / light freight": "- 新手船 / 轻型货运",
"- medium cargo/medium data": "- 中型货运 / 中型数据运输",
"- stealth fighter": "- 隐形战斗机",
"- gun ship": "- 炮艇",
"- luxury touring": "- 豪华旅游",
"- interdiction / light fighter": "- 拦截 / 轻型战斗机",
"- heavy bomber": "- 重型轰炸机",
"- bomber": "- 轰炸机",
"- medium freight / gun ship": "- 中型货运 / 炮艇",
"- modular": "- 模块化",
"- medical": "- 医疗",
"- starter/light freight": "- 新手船 / 轻型货运",
"- passenger": "- 客运",
"- boarding": "- 登舰",
"- assault": "- 袭击",
"- refinery": "- 精炼",
"medium fighter": "中型战斗机",
"heavy fighter": "重型战斗机",
"corvette": "轻护舰",
"pathfinder": "探路者",
"expedition": "远征",
"cargo": "货运",
"light freight": "轻型货运",
"starter": "新手船",
"racing": "竞速",
"destroyer": "驱逐舰",
"gunship": "炮艇",
"medium data": "中型数据运输",
"light carrier": "轻型运载舰",
"medium freight": "中型货运",
"mining": "采矿",
"dropship": "运兵船",
"touring": "旅游船",
"frigate": "护卫舰",
"light fighter": "轻型战斗机",
"minelayer": "布雷舰",
"heavy refuelling": "重型后勤",
"interdiction": "拦截",
"snub fighter": "舰载战斗机",
"military": "军用",
"prospecting": "勘探",
"multi-role": "多功能",
"heavy freight": "重型货运",
"heavy gun ship": "重型炮艇",
"heavy salvage": "重型打捞",
"light salvage": "轻型打捞",
"recovery": "拦截",
"medium cargo": "中型货运",
"stealth fighter": "隐形战斗机",
"gun ship": "炮艇",
"luxury touring": "奢华旅游",
"modular": "模块化",
"medical": "医疗",
"passenger": "客运",
"boarding": "登舰",
"assault": "袭击",
"refinery": "精炼",
"heavy construction": "重型建造",
"heavy bomber": "重型轰炸",
"military transport": "军用运输",
"heavy mining": "重型采矿",
"heavy science": "重型科研",
"heavy repair": "重型维修",
"prospecting and mining": "勘探和采矿",
"stealth bomber": "隐形轰炸",
"medium cargo/medium data": "中型货运 / 中型数据运输",
"medium freight / gun ship": "中型货运 / 炮艇",
"medium repair / medium refuel": "中型维修 / 中型后勤",
"stealth": "隐形",
"heavy gunship": "重型炮艇",
"luxury": "奢华",
"interdictor ": "拦截 ",
"medium fighter / medium freight": "中型战斗 / 中型货运",
"reporting": "报告",
"light science": "轻型科研",
"anti-aircraft": "防空",
"interdiction / light fighter": "拦截 / 轻型战斗",
"starter / light freight": "新手船 / 轻型货运",
"recon": "侦察",
"starter/light freight": "新手船 / 轻型货运",
"starter/light fighter": "新手船 / 轻型战斗",
"exploration / recon": "探索 / 侦察",
"starter/touring": "新手船 / 旅游",
"starter / pathfinder": "新手船 / 探路者",
"aegis": "圣盾",
"anvil": "铁砧",
"c.o.": "联合外域",
"crusader": "十字军",
"argo": "南船座",
"drake": "德雷克",
"gatac": "盖塔克",
"origin": "起源",
"banu": "巴努",
"vanduul": "剜度",
"tumbril": "盾博尔",
"origin jumpworks": "起源跃动",
"crusader industries": "十字军工业",
"roberts space industries": "罗伯茨太空工业",
"aegis dynamics": "圣盾动力",
"anvil aerospace": "铁砧航天",
"aopoa": "奥波亚",
"argo astronautics": "南船座宇航",
"banu souli": "巴努商会",
"consolidated outland": "联合外域",
"drake interplanetary": "德雷克行星际",
"esperia": "埃斯佩里亚",
"gatac manufacture": "盖塔克制造",
"kruger intergalactic": "克鲁格星际",
"greycat industrial": "灰猫工业",
"misc": "武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"musashi industrial and starflight concern": "武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"tumbril land systems": "盾博尔地面系统",
"vanduul clans": "剜度氏族",
"- origin jumpworks": "- 起源跃动",
"- crusader industries": "- 十字军工业",
"- roberts space industries": "- 罗伯茨太空工业",
"- aegis dynamics": "- 圣盾动力",
"- anvil aerospace": "- 铁砧航天",
"- aopoa": "- 奥波亚",
"- argo astronautics": "- 南船座宇航",
"- banu souli": "- 巴努商会",
"- consolidated outland": "- 联合外域",
"- drake interplanetary": "- 德雷克行星际",
"- esperia": "- 埃斯佩里亚",
"- gatac manufacture": "- 盖塔克制造",
"- kruger intergalactic": "- 克鲁格星际",
"- greycat industrial": "- 灰猫工业",
"- misc": "- 武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"- musashi industrial and starflight concern": "- 武藏工业与星航株式会社",
"- tumbril land systems": "- 盾博尔地面系统",
"- vanduul clans": "- 剜度氏族",
"2951 auspicious red paint pack": "2951吉祥红涂装包",
"2952 auspicious red paint pack": "2952吉祥红涂装包",
"2953 auspicious red paint pack": "2953吉祥红涂装包",
"greycat miners paint pack": "灰猫采矿者涂装包",
"400i - 5 paint pack": "400i - 5款涂装包",
"cutter - 3 paint pack": "小刀 - 3款涂装包",
"vanguard - 2 paint pack": "先锋 - 2款涂装包",
"valkyrie - 3 paint pack": "女武神 - 3款涂装包",
"svt - 3 paint pack": "STV - 3款涂装包",
"stv - 2 paint pack": "STV - 2款涂装包",
"starfarer - 3 paint pack": "星际远航者 - 3款涂装包",
"spartan - 3 paint pack": "斯巴达 - 3款涂装包",
"scorpius - 3 paint pack": "天蝎 - 3款涂装包",
"sabre - 2 paint pack": "军刀 - 2款涂装包",
"retaliator - 2 paint pack": "报复者 - 2款涂装包",
"reliant - 2 paint pack": "信赖 - 2款涂装包",
"redeemer - 5 paint pack": "救赎 - 5款涂装包",
"razor - 2 paint pack": "剃刀 - 2款涂装包",
"raft - 3 paint pack": "木筏 - 3款涂装包",
"prospector - 3 paint pack": "勘探者 - 3款涂装包",
"nova tank - 3 paint pack": "新星坦克 - 3款涂装包",
"nomad - 5 paint pack": "游牧 - 5款涂装包",
"mustang - 3 paint pack": "野马 - 3款涂装包",
"mule - 3 paint pack": "骡 - 3款涂装包",
"mule - 2 paint pack": "骡 - 2款涂装包",
"mercury star runner - 5 paint pack": "水星 - 5款涂装包",
"mantis - 2 paint pack": "螳螂 - 2款涂装包",
"m50 - 2 paint pack": "M50 - 2款涂装包",
"khartu-al - 2 paint pack": "卡图-al - 2款涂装包",
"hurricane - 2 paint pack": "飓风 - 2款涂装包",
"hull a - 3 paint pack": "货轮 A - 3款涂装包",
"hoverquad - 3 paint pack": "悬浮驷 - 3款涂装包",
"hornet - 2 paint pack": "大黄蜂 - 2款涂装包",
"hercules starlifter - 7 paint pack": "大力神 星运 - 7款涂装包",
"herald - 2 paint pack": "信使 - 2款涂装包",
"hawk - 2 paint pack": "猎鹰 - 2款涂装包",
"hammerhead - 2 paint pack": "锤头鲨 - 2款涂装包",
"gladius - 2 paint pack": "短剑 - 2款涂装包",
"freelancer - 2 paint pack": "自由枪骑兵 - 2款涂装包",
"eclipse - 2 paint pack": "日蚀 - 2款涂装包",
"dragonfly - 2 paint pack": "蜻蜓 - 2款涂装包",
"cyclone - 2 paint pack": "旋风 - 2款涂装包",
"cutter - 2 paint pack": "小刀 - 2款涂装包",
"cutlass - 5 paint pack": "弯刀 - 5款涂装包",
"corsair - 3 paint pack": "海盗船 - 3款涂装包",
"constellation - 6 paint pack": "星座 - 6款涂装包",
"centurion - 3 paint pack": "百夫长 - 3款涂装包",
"centurion - 2 paint pack": "百夫长 - 2款涂装包",
"caterpillar - 3 paint pack": "毛虫 - 3款涂装包",
"carrack - 2 paint pack": "克拉克 - 2款涂装包",
"c8 pisces - 5 paint pack": "C8 双鱼座 - 5款涂装包",
"c8 pisces - 4 paint pack": "C8 双鱼座 - 4款涂装包",
"buccaneer - 2 paint pack": "掠夺者 - 2款涂装包",
"arrow - 4 paint pack": "箭头 - 4款涂装包",
"ares - 5 paint pack": "战神 - 5款涂装包",
"600i - 2 paint pack": "600i - 2款涂装包",
"400i - 2953 auspicious red paint pack": "400i - 2953吉祥红涂装包",
"100 series - 5 paint pack": "100系列 - 5款涂装包",
"constellation - dark green paint": "星座 - 墨绿色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - sylvan paint": "大力神 星运 - 森林涂装",
"hercules starlifter - argent paint": "大力神 星运 - 银色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - dryad paint": "大力神 星运 - 林中女仙涂装",
"starfarer - black paint": "星际远航者 - 黑色涂装",
"freelancer - black paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 黑色涂装",
"400i - stormbringer paint": "400i - 风暴使者涂装",
"buccaneer - stormbringer paint": "掠夺者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"carrack - stormbringer paint": "克拉克 - 风暴使者涂装",
"caterpillar - stormbringer paint": "毛虫 - 风暴使者涂装",
"constellation - stormbringer paint": "星座 - 风暴使者涂装",
"defender - stormbringer paint": "防卫者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"hammerhead - stormbringer paint": "锤头鲨 - 风暴使者涂装",
"herald - stormbringer paint": "信使 - 风暴使者涂装",
"hurricane - stormbringer paint": "飓风 - 风暴使者涂装",
"khartu-al - stormbringer paint": "卡图-al - 风暴使者涂装",
"m50 - stormbringer paint": "M50 - 风暴使者涂装",
"mantis - stormbringer paint": "螳螂 - 风暴使者涂装",
"mustang - stormbringer paint": "野马 - 风暴使者涂装",
"prospector - stormbringer paint": "勘探者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"prowler - stormbringer paint": "徘徊者 - 风暴使者涂装",
"razor - stormbringer paint": "剃刀 - 风暴使者涂装",
"sabre - stormbringer paint": "军刀 - 风暴使者涂装",
"100 series - timberline paint": "100系列 - 林木线涂装",
"cyclone - timberline paint": "旋风 - 林木线涂装",
"gladius - timberline paint": "短剑 - 林木线涂装",
"hawk - timberline paint": "猎鹰 - 林木线涂装",
"hornet - timberline paint": "大黄蜂 - 林木线涂装",
"nova tank - timberline paint": "新星坦克 - 林木线涂装",
"reliant - timberline paint": "信赖 - 林木线涂装",
"vanguard - timberline paint": "先锋 - 林木线涂装",
"hercules starlifter - timberline paint": "大力神 星运 - 林木线涂装",
"100 series - frostbite paint": "100系列 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"cyclone - frostbite paint": "旋风 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"gladius - frostbite paint": "短剑 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hawk - frostbite paint": "猎鹰 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hornet - frostbite paint": "大黄蜂 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"reliant - frostbite paint": "信赖 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"vanguard - frostbite paint": "先锋 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"hercules starlifter - frostbite paint": "大力神 星运 - 霜冻迷彩涂装",
"cutlass - foundation festival paint": "弯刀 - 奠基节涂装",
"star runner - foundation festival paint": "水星 - 奠基节涂装",
"600i touring - foundation festival paint": "600i旅游 - 奠基节涂装",
"caterpillar - foundation festival paint": "毛虫 - 奠基节涂装",
"freelancer series - foundation festival paint": "自由枪骑兵系列 - 奠基节涂装",
"prospector - foundation festival paint": "勘探者 - 奠基节涂装",
"valkyrie - foundation festival paint": "女武神 - 奠基节涂装",
"gladius - foundation festival paint": "短剑 - 奠基节涂装",
"100 series - blue ametrine paint": "100系列 - 靛黄晶涂装",
"100 series deck the hull livery": "100系列 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"100 series - flame paint": "100系列 - 炽焰涂装",
"100 series icebreak livery": "100系列 - 破冰涂装",
"100 series - melrose paint": "100系列 - 主蓝副粉 梅尔罗斯涂装",
"100 series - sand wave paint": "100系列 - 沙浪涂装",
"100 series - slate camo paint": "100系列 - 板岩迷彩涂装",
"300i - first response paint": "300i - 第一响应涂装",
"300i - golden dawn paint": "300i - 金色黎明涂装",
"300i - imperial red paint": "300i - 帝国红涂装",
"315p - black rose paint": "315p - 黑玫瑰涂装",
"315p - nightshade paint": "315p - 龙葵涂装",
"315p - white lightning paint": "315p - 白色闪电涂装",
"325a - evening onyx paint": "325a - 黑夜玛瑙涂装",
"325a - sagebrush paint": "325a - 三尺艾涂装",
"325a - twotone paint": "325a - 双色釉涂装",
"350r - amber wave paint": "350r - 琥珀纹涂装",
"350r - black & royal paint": "350r - 皇家蓝涂装",
"350r - solar flare paint": "350r - 太阳耀斑涂装",
"400i - calacatta paint": "400i - 卡拉卡塔涂装",
"400i - afterglow paint": "400i - 余晖涂装",
"400i - stratus paint": "400i - 层云涂装",
"600i - cold forge paint": "600i - 冷锻涂装",
"600i - sterling paint": "600i - 纯银涂装",
"aegis gladius - invictus blue and gold paint": "短剑 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"crusader hercules - invictus blue and gold paint": "大力神 星运 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"anvil hawk - invictus blue and gold paint": "猎鹰 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"ares - celestial blue paint": "战神 - 天蓝涂装",
"ares - cinder paint": "战神 - 煤灰涂装",
"ares - scrubland paint": "战神 - 灌木涂装",
"ares - flint paint": "战神 - 燧石涂装",
"ares - lovestruck paint": "战神 - 痴情涂装",
"ares - outrider paint": "战神 - 先驱者涂装",
"arrow - light green and grey paint": "箭头 - 浅绿色和灰色涂装",
"arrow - metallic grey paint": "箭头 - 金属灰色涂装",
"arrow - tan and green paint": "箭头 - 棕褐色和绿色涂装",
"arrow - twilight paint": "箭头 - 暮光涂装",
"aurora - green and gold paint": "极光 - 绿色和金色涂装",
"aurora - light and dark grey paint": "极光 - 深浅灰涂装",
"aurora icebreak livery": "极光 - 破冰涂装",
"aurora - operation pitchfork paint": "极光 - 草叉行动",
"avenger - invictus blue and gold paint": "复仇者 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"avenger - copernicus paint": "复仇者 - 哥白尼涂装",
"avenger - olive green paint paint": "复仇者 - 橄榄绿涂装",
"avenger - de biasio paint": "复仇者 - 德·比亚西奥涂装",
"avenger deck the hull livery": "复仇者 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"avenger icebreak livery": "复仇者 - 破冰涂装",
"avenger - kepler paint": "复仇者 - 开普勒涂装",
"avenger series - solar winds paint": "复仇者 - 太阳风涂装",
"c8 pisces - code blue paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 蓝色警报涂装",
"c8 pisces - heartbeat paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 心跳涂装",
"c8 pisces - nightbreak paint": "C8双鱼座 - 夜影涂装",
"c8 pisces - red alert paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 红色警戒涂装",
"c8 pisces - responder paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 响应者涂装",
"redeemer - seraphim paint": "救赎 - 塞拉菲姆涂装",
"redeemer - scrubland paint": "救赎 - 灌木迷彩涂装",
"c8 pisces - scrubland paint": "C8双鱼座 - 灌木迷彩涂装",
"carrack - copernicus paint": "克拉克 - 哥白尼涂装",
"carrack - de biasio paint": "克拉克 - 德·比亚西奥涂装",
"carrack - kepler paint": "克拉克 - 开普勒涂装",
"carrack - red alert paint": "克拉克 - 红色警戒涂装",
"caterpillar deck the hull livery": "毛虫 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"caterpillar icebreak livery": "野马 - 破冰涂装",
"centurion - beachhead paint": "百夫长 - 抢滩迷彩涂装",
"centurion - ice storm paint": "百夫长 - 冰暴迷彩涂装",
"centurion - sandstorm paint": "百夫长 - 沙暴迷彩涂装",
"carrack - 2953 auspicious red paint": "克拉克 - 2953吉祥红涂装",
"c8 pisces - 2953 auspicious red paint": "C8 双鱼座 - 2953吉祥红涂装",
"constellation - 2952 auspicious red paint": "星座 - 2952吉祥红涂装",
"constellation - black heron paint": "星座 - 黑鹭涂装",
"constellation - orange heron paint": "星座 - 橙鹭涂装",
"constellation - white heron paint": "星座 - 白鹭涂装",
"corsair - commando paint": "海盗船 - 突击队涂装",
"corsair - eternity paint": "海盗船 - 永恒涂装",
"corsair - flashpoint paint": "海盗船 - 闪电涂装",
"corsair - hinterland paint": "海盗船 - 腹地涂装",
"cutlass - coalfire paint": "弯刀 - 煤火涂装",
"cutlass - cypress paint": "弯刀 - 柏树涂装",
"cutlass - hawthorn paint": "弯刀 - 霍桑涂装",
"caterpillar - mistwalker paint": "毛虫 - 雾行者涂装",
"cutlass - mistwalker paint": "弯刀 - 雾行者涂装",
"cutlass - saurian paint": "弯刀 - 蜥蜴涂装",
"cutlass - skull and crossbones paint": "弯刀 - 海盗涂装",
"cutter - groundswell paint": "小刀 - 风起云涌涂装",
"cutter - light beam paint": "小刀 - 光束涂装",
"cutter - wind chill paint": "小刀 - 风寒涂装",
"cyclone - dust devil paint": "旋风 - 尘魔",
"defender - harmony paint": "防卫者 - 和谐涂装",
"defender - platinum paint": "防卫者 - 铂金涂装",
"dragonfly - coalfire paint": "蜻蜓 - 煤火涂装",
"dragonfly - mistwalker paint": "蜻蜓 - 雾行者涂装",
"eclipse - ambush paint": "日蚀 - 伏击迷彩涂装",
"eclipse - knockout paint": "日蚀 - 终击涂装",
"expanse - stardust paint": "无垠 - 星尘涂装",
"freelancer - 2951 auspicious red paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 2951吉祥红涂装",
"freelancer - storm surge paint": "自由枪骑兵 - 风暴汹涌涂装",
"gladius series - solar winds paint": "短剑 - 太阳风涂装",
"hercules starlifter - invictus blue and gold paint": "大力神 星运 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"hercules starlifter - cerberus paint": "大力神 星运 - 地狱犬涂装",
"hercules starlifter - draco paint": "大力神 星运 - 天龙座涂装",
"hoverquad - copperhead paint": "悬浮驷 - 铜头蛇涂装",
"hoverquad - lightspeed paint": "悬浮驷 - 光速涂装",
"hoverquad - lovestruck paint": "悬浮驷 - 痴情涂装",
"hoverquad - terminus paint": "悬浮驷 - 端点涂装",
"hull a - empyrean paint": "货轮 A - 天界涂装",
"hull a - horizon paint": "货轮 A - 地平线涂装",
"legionnaire - shadow strike paint": "军团兵 - 暗影突击涂装",
"liberator - condor paint": "解放者 - 秃鹰涂装",
"mercury star runner - skyrider paint": "墨丘利 - 天空骑士涂装",
"mercury star runner - blackguard paint": "墨丘利 - 恶棍涂装",
"mercury star runner - equinox paint": "墨丘利 - 昼夜涂装",
"mercury star runner - nightrunner paint": "墨丘利 - 夜行者涂装",
"400i - polar paint": "400i - 极地迷彩涂装",
"ares - polar paint": "战神 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"buccaneer - polar paint": "掠夺者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"carrack - polar paint": "克拉克 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"caterpillar - polar paint": "毛虫 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"constellation - polar paint": "星座 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"defender - polar paint": "防卫者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"hammerhead - polar paint": "锤头鲨 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"herald - polar paint": "信使 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"hurricane - polar paint": "飓风 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"khartu-al - polar paint": "卡图-al - 极地迷彩涂装",
"m50 - polar paint": "M50 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mantis - polar paint": "螳螂 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mercury star runner - polar paint": "墨丘利 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"mustang - polar paint": "野马 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"nomad - polar paint": "游牧 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"prospector - polar paint": "勘探者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"prowler - polar paint": "徘徊者 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"raft - polar paint": "木筏 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"razor - polar paint": "剃刀 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"redeemer - polar paint": "救赎 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"sabre - polar paint": "军刀 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"spartan - polar paint": "斯巴达 - 极地迷彩涂装",
"spartan - ranger paint": "斯巴达 - 护林员涂装",
"spartan - sidewinder paint": "斯巴达 - 侧进蛇涂装",
"stv - cobalt grey paint": "STV - 钴灰涂装",
"stv - electric green paint": "STV - 电绿涂装",
"stv - blue steel paint": "STV - 蓝钢涂装",
"mercury star runner - red alert paint": "墨丘利 - 红色警戒涂装",
"mercury star runner - silver spark paint": "墨丘利 - 银色火花涂装",
"misc reliant - invictus blue and gold paint": "信赖 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"mole - aphorite paint": "鼹鼠 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"mole - carbon paint": "鼹鼠 - 碳黑",
"mole - dolivine paint": "鼹鼠 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"mole - hadinite paint": "鼹鼠 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"mole - talus paint": "鼹鼠 - 岩白",
"mule - bushwacker paint": "骡 - 开路者涂装",
"mule - reburn paint": "骡 - 再燃涂装",
"mule - silverback paint": "骡 - 银背涂装",
"mule - smokestack paint": "骡 - 烟囱涂装",
"mustang - guardian paint": "野马 - 守护者涂装",
"mustang icebreak livery": "毛虫 - 破冰涂装",
"mustang alpha - vindicator paint": "野马-阿尔法 - 维护者",
"nomad - 2951 auspicious red paint": "游牧 - 2951吉祥红涂装",
"nomad - amber paint": "游牧 - 琥珀涂装",
"nomad - black cherry paint": "游牧 - 黑樱桃涂装",
"nomad - cherry blossom paint": "游牧 - 樱花涂装",
"nomad - conifer paint": "游牧 - 针叶树涂装",
"nomad deck the hull livery": "游牧 - 盛装打扮涂装",
"nomad - evergreen paint": "游牧 - 万年青涂装",
"nomad icebreak livery": "游牧 - 破冰涂装",
"nomad - jackal paint": "游牧 - 游牧 胡狼涂装",
"nomad - lovestruck paint": "游牧 - 痴情涂装",
"nomad - overdrive paint": "游牧 - 超速涂装",
"nomad - sandstone paint": "游牧 - 砂岩涂装",
"nova tank - badlands paint": "新星坦克 - 荒地涂装",
"nova tank - ember storm paint": "新星坦克 - 余烬风暴涂装",
"nova tank - gunmetal paint": "新星坦克 - 炮铜色涂装",
"nova tank - shifting sands paint": "新星坦克 - 流沙涂装",
"nova tank - snowblind paint": "新星坦克 - 雪盲涂装",
"nox - thli paint": "Nox - 浪涌涂装",
"nox kue - thli paint": "Nox kue - 浪涌涂装",
"odyssey - windrider paint": "奥德赛 - 风骑涂装",
"origin 100 series - invictus blue and gold paint": "起源100系列 - 限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"prospector - aphorite paint": "勘探者 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"prospector - dolivine paint": "勘探者 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"prospector - hadinite paint": "勘探者 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"prospector - nebula paint": "勘探者 - 星云涂装",
"prowler - ocellus paint": "徘徊者 - 单眼涂装",
"ptv - agate gray paint": "PTV - 玛瑙灰涂装",
"raft - anchor paint": "木筏 - 船锚涂装",
"railen - hyaotan paint": "锐伦 - 浩天涂装",
"reclaimer - aphorite paint": "回收者 - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"reclaimer - dolivine paint": "回收者 - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"reclaimer - hadinite paint": "回收者 - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"redeemer - underworld paint": "救赎 - 地狱涂装",
"redeemer - valencia paint": "救赎 - 瓦伦西亚涂装",
"retaliator - twilight paint": "报复者 - 暮光涂装",
"retaliator - grey paint": "报复者 - 灰色涂装",
"roc - aphorite paint": "roc - 紫钠水晶涂装",
"roc - black cherry paint": "ROC - 黑樱桃涂装",
"roc - dolivine paint": "roc - 暗橄榄石涂装",
"roc - hadinite paint": "roc - 哈丹水晶涂装",
"roc - harvester paint": "ROC - 收割机涂装",
"roc - hazard paint": "ROC - 危险黄涂装",
"roc - quicksilver paint": "ROC - 水银涂装",
"sabre - 2952 auspicious red paint": "军刀 - 2952吉祥红涂装",
"scorpius - avalanche paint": "天蝎 - 雪崩涂装",
"scorpius - blight paint": "天蝎 - 疫灾涂装",
"scorpius - red alert paint": "天蝎座 - 红色警戒涂装",
"scorpius - shock force paint": "天蝎 - 冲击力涂装",
"scorpius - stiletto paint": "天蝎 - 刺剑涂装",
"scorpius - stinger paint": "天蝎 - 毒刺涂装",
"scorpius - storm cloud paint": "天蝎 - 风暴云涂装",
"scorpius - sunburn paint": "天蝎 - 灼日涂装",
"scorpius - tiburon paint": "天蝎 - 鲨鱼涂装",
"spirit - crimson paint": "星灵 - 绯红涂装",
"spirit - intrepid paint": "星灵 - 无畏涂装",
"spirit - olympia paint": "星灵 - 奥林匹亚涂装",
"starfarer - light grey paint": "星际远航者 - 浅灰涂装",
"starfarer - storm surge paint": "星际远航者 - 风暴汹涌涂装",
"talon(shrike) - ocellus paint": "利爪(伯劳) - 单眼涂装",
"talon - ocellus paint": "利爪 - 钴蓝涂装",
"talon - crimson paint": "利爪 - 绯红涂装",
"valkyrie - light grey paint": "女武神 - 浅灰涂装",
"valkyrie - sage paint": "女武神 - 鼠尾草涂装",
"valkyrie - splinter paint": "女武神 - 碎片涂装",
"avenger - splinter paint": "复仇者 - 碎片涂装",
"vanguard series - solar winds paint": "先锋 - 太阳风涂装",
"games": "游戏",
"apps": "应用",
"pledge": "承诺",
"store": "商店",
"learn how to play": "学习如何游玩",
"support": "支持",
"account": "账户",
"settings": "设置",
"my hangar": "我的机库",
"concierge": "礼宾",
"redeem a code": "兑换代码",
"sign out": "登出",
"subscriber": "订阅",
"community": "社区",
"development": "开发",
"spectrum": "光谱",
"organizations": "组织",
"leaderboards": "排行榜",
"event": "活动",
"hub": "社区中心",
"fankit": "粉丝工具",
"roadmap": "线路图",
"dev tracker": "开发跟踪器",
"devtracker": "开发跟踪器",
"telemetry": "性能检测",
"issue council": "问题理事会",
"patch notes": "更新说明",
"ship matrix": "飞船矩阵",
"funding": "众筹基金",
"new players": "新玩家",
"learn the ropes by enlisting an expert guide to play with, watching our tutorial videos, or reading our comprehensive faq.": "通过寻求老玩家帮助观看我们的教学视频或者浏览我们的常见问题解答FAQ来快速学习游玩技巧。",
"live stats": "实时数据",
"star citizen": "星际公民",
"squadron 42": "42中队",
"have joined the universe.": "已加入我们的宇宙。",
"do the same and be a part of creating a living, breathing first person universe where you and your friends will be able to explore the stars with unparalleled immersion.": "做与现实一样的事,成为一个有生命、能呼吸的人,成为我们宇宙中的一部分。在这里,你可以和你的好友一起感受前所未有、无与伦比的沉浸式太空探索体验。",
"prepare for flight": "做好飞行准备",
"answer": "响应",
"the call.": "号召。",
"join the fight and help support the ongoing development of squadron 42, an unprecedented single-player adventure set in the star citizen universe.": "加入战斗帮助42中队的开发这是一场背景设定在星际公民宇宙中、史无前例的个人冒险。",
"enlist today": "现在立即入伍",
"view all": "查看更多",
"latest comm-links": "最近的通讯链接",
"post": "帖子",
"transmission": "公告",
"read more": "查看更多",
"date": "日期",
"comments": "评论",
"spectrum dispatch": "光谱报道",
"citizens": "公民",
"star citizen shows": "星际公民 Shows",
"next community events": "下一场社区活动",
"star citizen live": "星际公民 直播",
"video": "视频",
"latest developer activity": "最新开发者消息",
"more comm-links": "更多通讯链接",
"auto load": "自动加载",
"off": "关闭",
"view more": "查看更多",
"play now": "立即游玩",
"sign into rsi": "登入 RSI",
"email": "邮箱",
"password": "密码",
"remember me": "记住密码",
"sign in": "登入",
"account recovery": "找回账户",
"enlist now": "现在注册",
"sign in failed. you may have entered the wrong credentials, or the account does not exist, or has not been activated. (1032)": "登入失败。你可能输入了错误的邮箱或密码,或账户未激活。",
"email address": "邮箱地址",
"enter the email address associated with your rsi account and you will receive the instructions to create a new password.": "输入你与RSI账户关联的邮箱地址你的邮箱将收到一条邮件来帮助你创建新的密码。",
"submit": "提交",
"contact customer support": "联系客户支持",
"create an account to begin your adventure into the star citizen universe.": "创建一个帐户,开始你在星际公民宇宙中的冒险。",
"account name": "账户名称",
"callsign": "呼号",
"an account name is required.": "你需要输入一个账户名称。",
"your unique public callsign.": "你的独特公共呼号。",
"birth date": "出生日期",
"month": "月",
"january": "一月",
"february": "二月",
"march": "三月",
"april": "四月",
"may": "五月",
"june": "六月",
"july": "七月",
"august": "八月",
"september": "九月",
"october": "十月",
"november": "十一月",
"december": "十二月",
"day": "日",
"year": "年",
"you must provide a birth date.": "你必须提供你的生日。",
"a password is required.": "你需要设置密码。",
"an email address is required.": "你需要输入一个邮箱地址。",
"different than account name": "与账户名称不同",
"undefined or more characters": "不少于8个字符",
"contains a number or symbol": "含有数字或其他符号",
"referral code": "邀请码",
"optional": "选填(建议填写)",
"add code": "输入邀请码",
"stay informed": "接收最新消息",
"receive star citizen news and development updates via email.": "通过电子邮件接收有关星际公民的最新咨询和开发进度。",
"i agree to the": "我接受",
"terms of service": "服务条款",
"and": "和",
"privacy policy": "隐私条款",
"enlist": "报名",
"already have an account?": "已经拥有一个账户?",
"please accept the terms of service and the privacy policy.": "请接受服务条款和隐私条款。",
"back": "返回",
"community hub": "社区中心",
"launcher": "启动器",
"starmap": "星图",
"galactapedia": "银河百科",
"new": "新",
"share your content with the community": "在社区分享你的内容",
"your communication platform": "你的沟通平台",
"download star citizen": "下载星际公民",
"keep track of the development": "跟踪开发进度",
"keep track of the players performance": "跟踪玩家表现",
"help us make the game better": "帮助我们开发游戏",
"your map to the universe": "你的宇宙地图",
"your guide to the universe": "你的宇宙指南",
"join the universe": "加入宇宙",
"start the adventure": "开始冒险",
"follow the development": "跟踪开发进度",
"about the game": "关于这个游戏",
"how to play": "如何游玩",
"the universe": "关于宇宙",
"media": "媒体",
"social links": "社交网站",
"facebook": "脸书",
"twitter": "推特",
"instagram": "照片墙",
"youtube": "油管",
"home": "主页",
"transmissions": "公告",
"pledge store": "承诺商店",
"citizencon": "公民控",
"download": "下载",
"utilities": "工具",
"help": "帮助",
"press": "新闻",
"careers": "招聘",
"acknowledgements": "鸣谢",
"legal": "法律",
"responsible disclosure": "责任披露",
"california notice at collection": "加州信息收集通知",
"do not sell or share my personal information": "不要出售或共享个人信息",
"manage my consent": "管理我的许可",
"game packages": "游戏资格包",
"more info": "更多信息",
"add to cart": "加入购物车",
"package": "游戏包",
"save": "节省",
"in stock": "有现货",
"expand your fleet with a variety of ships. ships are in various stages of development and may not be available for immediate use, check the ship's specs for status.": "购买各种船只来扩充你的舰队。飞船处于不同的开发阶段,部分飞船可能暂时无法使用,请查看飞船规格了解详情。",
"please note that a": "请注意,一艘",
"is required to play the game and fly or access ships.": "是游玩游戏所必需的。",
"ships": "飞船",
"view specs": "查看规格",
"buy now": "立即购买",
"start your subscription today to support a wide-variety of community content and receive subscriber exclusive access to flair, images, stories and more.": "立即开始订阅,支持各种社区内容并获得专属头衔、图像、故事等。",
"support the community & get rewards": "支持社区&获取奖励",
"your membership will allow us to produce all the star citizen shows you love, and gives you access to subscriber-exclusive perks and discounts on star citizen merchandise!": "你的会员资格让我们为你制作你喜欢的节目并为你提供订阅用户的专属商品、特权以及折扣!",
"starting at:": "起步价:",
"pick up unique ship skins and exclusive hangar decorations.": "挑选独特的皮肤和专属的机库饰品。",
"extras": "更多",
"paints": "涂装",
"current country selected:": "当前所在地区:",
"sold out": "已售罄",
"your selection:": "你选择的商品:",
"rsi pledge store": "RSI 承诺商店",
"game packages, ship upgrades & merchandise": "游戏资格包,飞船升级包&周边商品",
"all": "全部物品",
"ship upgrades": "飞船升级包",
"subscriptions": "订阅",
"all products": "全部商品",
"standalone ship": "独立船",
"- standalone ship": "- 独立船",
"gear": "装备",
"packs": "船包",
"add-ons": "附件",
"united earth credits": "联合地球信劵 (UEC)",
"gift cards": "礼品卡",
"gift": "礼物",
"max crew / human :": "载员/人:",
"length / meters :": "长度/米:",
"mass / kg :": "质量/kg:",
"mass / tonnes :": "质量/吨:",
"manufacturer :": "制造商:",
"view specs and options": "查看规格与选项",
"sorting by:": "排序由:",
"overview": "概览",
"technical overview": "技术概述",
"buying options": "购买选项",
"flight ready": "可飞",
"view buying options": "查看购买选项",
"focus": "定位",
"description": "描述",
"length": "长度",
"beam": "宽度",
"height": "高度",
"size": "尺寸",
"mass": "质量",
"measurement": "规格",
"model": "模型",
"structural": "结构",
"cargo capacity": "货舱容量",
"scm speed": "SCM速度",
"afterburner speed": "加力速度",
"min crew": "最低载员",
"max crew": "最高载员",
"maneuvering": "机动",
"pitch max": "最大节距值",
"yaw max": "最大偏航值",
"roll max": "最大翻滚值",
"x-axis acceleration": "X轴加速度",
"y-axis acceleration": "Y轴加速度",
"z-axis acceleration": "Z轴加速度",
"avionics": "航电设备",
"propulsion": "推进装置",
"systems": "系统",
"thruster": "推进器",
"weapons": "武器",
"radar": "雷达",
"computers": "计算机",
"power plants": "发电机",
"coolers": "散热器",
"shield generators": "护盾生成器",
"fuel intakes": "加油口",
"fuel tanks": "油箱",
"quantum drives": "量子驱动器",
"jump modules": "跃迁引擎",
"quantum fuel tanks": "量子燃油箱",
"main thrusters": "主推进器",
"maneuvering thrusters": "机动推进器",
"turrets": "炮塔",
"missiles": "导弹",
"utility items": "工具物品",
"suggested pledge :": "建议承诺:",
"other options :": "其他选项:",
"warbond edition": "战争债券版",
"standard edition": "标准版",
"upgrade": "升级",
" upgrade to this ship": "- 升级到此飞船",
"similar ships": "类似的飞船",
"find the ship that fits your style. new ships will become available as they are added to the game. you still need a game package to play the game!": "找到适合你的船。新的飞船在加入游戏时可飞。你需要拥有一个资格包才能游玩游戏!",
"reset filters": "重置筛选",
"name": "名称",
"filters": "筛选",
"ship classification": "飞船分类",
"combat": "战斗",
"transport": "运输",
"exploration": "探索",
"industrial": "工业",
"competition": "竞赛",
"ground": "地面载具",
"multi": "多功能",
"any mass": "任意质量",
"less than 20,000": "低于 20,000",
"20,000 to 50,000": "20,000 到 50,000",
"50,000 to 80,000": "50,000 到 80,000",
"80,000 to 100,000": "80,000 到 100,000",
"over 100,000": "超过 100,000",
"any length": "任意长度",
"less than 20": "低于 20",
"20 to 30": "20 到 30",
"30 to 90": "30 到 90",
"over 90": "超过 90",
"any max crew": "任意载员量",
"1": "1",
"2 to 3": "2 到 3",
"4 to 8": "4 到 8",
"over 8": "超过 8",
"price ranger": "价格",
"any price": "任意价格",
"less than 100$": "低于 200$",
"100$ to 200$": "100$ 到 200$",
"200$ to 400$": "200$ 到 400$",
"over 400$": "超过 400$",
"search...": "搜索...(英文)",
"search": "搜索(英文)",
"limited": "限量",
"price": "价格",
"relevance": "关联性",
"best value": "最佳折扣",
"save 15%": "节省15%",
"save 10%": "节省10%",
"save 25%": "节省25%",
"save 20%": "节省20%",
"save 5%": "节省5%",
"shop": "商店",
"welcome to the": "欢迎来到",
"chairman's club": "礼宾俱乐部",
"fideles quoad decedemus": "",
"your": "你的",
"concierge exclusive": "礼宾专属",
"forums and chat groups:": "论坛和聊天室:",
"forums": "论坛",
"chat groups": "聊天室",
"concierge advantages": "礼宾特权",
"early access": "抢先访问",
"early notice and exclusive access to select star citizen live events and sales.": "提前通知并访问星际公民独家现场活动和销售活动。",
"expedited customer service": "专属快速客户服务",
"an assigned specialist to personally handle your questions, requests, and game-related needs.": "指派专门人员亲自处理您的问题、请求和游戏相关需求。",
"exclusive community": "专属社区",
"entry to concierge-only forums and chat groups.": "进入礼宾部专用论坛和聊天室。",
"exclusive products": "独家产品",
"access to concierge-only digital packages and chairman's club branded physical merchandise. visit the store to see what's available now.": "购买礼宾专属数字游戏资格包和礼宾俱乐部的周边,请访问礼宾商店。",
"view exclusive concierge packages in the store": "在商店中查看礼宾专属商品",
"exclusive store": "独家商城",
"featured specials for chairman's club members.": "礼宾俱乐部成员的独家物品。",
"concierge services": "礼宾客户服务",
"before sending in a ticket, please review our knowledge base to find possible solutions:": "在报告问题之前,请先查看我们的知识库,看看有没有解决的方法:",
"concierge faq": "礼宾 FAQ",
"last update: ": "最近更新: ",
"general issues (in-game, pledges, etc.)": "一般问题(游戏内、承诺 等)",
"billing and subscriptions": "账单和订阅",
"merchandise": "商品",
"official announcements, information and useful links": "官方公告,信息,可用链接",
"my inquiries": "我的工单",
"sort by": "排序由",
"subject": "主题",
"modified": "变动",
"status": "状态",
"openned": "开启",
"open": "开启",
"closed": "已关闭",
"customer service form": "客户服务列表",
"please choose your issue below": "请在下表选择你的问题",
"account support": "账户支持",
"gameplay issues": "游戏问题",
"technical support": "技术支持",
"ship & pledge query": "飞船&承诺查询",
"payments, merch & subs": "付款、商品&子物品(退款在这里)",
"community & fan requests": "社区和粉丝请求",
"other": "其它",
"tell us more about your problem": "告诉我们你的问题",
"attachments": "附件说明",
"- optional": "- 选填",
"uploaded files": "上传文件",
"send": "发送",
"add file here": "在这里添加文件",
"request a refund": "申请退款",
"tell us about your order issue": "告诉我们你的订单问题",
"required": "必填",
"please enter the details of your request. a member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.": "请告诉我们你的请求的细节。一位客服会尽快回复你。",
"order id": "订单 ID",
"this can be found on the billing/subscription tab on your account": "你可以在 账单&订阅 选项中找到它",
"billing &": "账单&",
"subscription": "订阅",
"comms": "消息",
"profile": "账户资料",
"security": "安全设置",
"referral program": "推荐计划",
"address book": "通讯录",
"pledge shipment": "承诺发货",
"public test universe": "公共测试宇宙 PTU",
"character reset": "重置账户",
"set": "设置",
"leave": "离开",
"subscription id:": "订阅 ID",
"start date:": "开始日期:",
"end date:": "结束日期:",
"total paid:": "合计金额:",
"total time:": "合计时间:",
"store credits": "商店信用点",
"rental equipment credits": "租赁点券",
"credit log": "信用点日志",
"uec log": "UEC日志",
"rec log": "REC日志",
"total duration": "总时间",
"orders": "订单",
"order placed:": "订单生成日期:",
"amount:": "共计金额:",
"order id:": "订单 ID",
"status:": "状态:",
"payment:": "付款状态:",
"fulfillment:": "处理:",
"done": "完成",
"started": "已提交",
"authorized": "已授权",
"paid": "已付款",
"order summary": "订单摘要",
"retrieve invoice": "查看发票",
"qty.": "数量",
"discount": "折扣",
"total": "合计",
"credits used:": "使用信用点:",
"bill to:": "订单给:",
"total before tax:": "税前总额:",
"pay": "支付",
"cancel": "取消",
"10 per page": "每页显示10条",
"25 per page": "每页显示25条",
"50 per page": "每页显示50条",
"100 per page": "每页显示100条",
"250 per page": "每页显示250条",
"total spent": "共消费金额",
"my account": "我的账户",
"enter your password": "输入你的密码",
"password protected": "密码保护",
"confirm": "确认",
"view and manage your pledges and their associated items.": "查看和管理你的承诺及物品。",
"hangar log": "机库日志",
"attributed": "持有",
"gifted": "赠予中",
"contains:": "包含物品:",
"items": "物品",
"exchange": "置换",
"apply upgrade": "使用该升级包",
"next": "下一步",
"you have no pledges that qualify for this upgrade.": "你没有适用于这个升级包的承诺飞船。",
"please": "请",
"select": "选择",
"the pledge on which to apply the upgrade to:": "一艘你要使用该升级包的承诺飞船:",
"replace": "更换",
"with": "为",
"you are about to apply your": "你正在使用",
"delete the upgrade from your account": "从你账户中移除该升级包",
"and apply the upgrade to the designated pledge.": "并升级到指定的承诺飞船。",
"type in your password to confirm:": "输入密码来确认操作:",
"exchange pledge": "置换承诺物品",
"my gear": "我的装备",
"my roms": "我的 ROM",
"buy back pledges": "回购承诺",
"reacquire your converted pledges": "重新获得被置换的承诺物品",
"you have": "你拥有",
"1 opportunity": "1次机会",
"2 opportunity": "2次机会",
"3 opportunity": "3次机会",
"4 opportunity": "4次机会",
"opportunity to buy back a pledge with store credits.": "次机会使用信用点回购。",
"opportunity to buy back a pledge with store credits": "次机会使用信用点回购",
"to buy back a pledge with store credits.": "使用信用点回购。",
"note: valid for one pledge buy back with any amount of store credits applied.": "注意1次机会适用于回购一件任意价值的承诺物品。",
"buy back": "回购",
"from:": "从:",
"to:": "到:",
"ship value": "飞船价值",
"obtain an upgrade for a pledge ship.": "获取承诺飞船的升级包。",
"acquiring and then applying this upgrade will transform your ship chassis into a different base chassis, while retaining all limited items, access passes and insurance levels contained in your original pledge.": "获取并使用此升级包,将你的飞船升级到指定的飞船,同时保留该承诺中的其他物品、通行证和保险时长。",
"warning": "注意",
"you can buy this upgrade, but it will only be applicable on a": "你可以购买此升级包,但是该升级包只能用在一艘",
"checkout": "结账",
"flight-ready": "可飞",
"add": "添加",
"cart": "购物车",
"address": "地址",
"payment": "支付方式",
"item has been successfully added to your cart!": "该物品成功添加到购物车!",
"subtotal": "小计",
"empty": "清空",
"coupon": "优惠券",
"cart summary": "购物车摘要",
"total:": "总计:",
"add store credit": "添加商店信用点",
"items purchased (warbond included) with store credits are": "使用商店信用点购买的物品(包括战争债券版)都是",
"account bound": "绑定账户的",
", and non giftable.": ",并且无法赠予他人。",
"billing information": "帐单信息",
"edit": "编辑",
"add new address": "添加新地址",
"create address": "创建地址",
"company": "公司",
"city": "城市",
"country": "国家",
"state / province": "州/省",
"zip / postal code": "邮编",
"phone number": "手机号码",
"place order": "下订单",
"disclaimer": "免责声明",
"i agree": "我同意",
"checking stock availability…": "正在检查库存可用性…",
"credit card": "信用卡",
"pay my transaction": "支付该订单",
"save card data for future payments": "保留信用卡信息以便未来支付",
"go back": "返回",
"pending": "待定",
"intent": "待定",
"cancel order": "取消订单",
"it can take up to 24 hours for to process your payment and send rsi a notification.": "处理您的付款并发送给RSI可能需要24小时。",
"if you have": "如果你",
"already": "已经",
"made the payment ": "付款 ",
"do not cancel": "不要取消订单",
". doing so would prevent your order from being fulfilled.": " 这样做会阻碍你的订单的完成。",
"cancel now, i know what i'm doing": "立即取消。我知道我在做什么。",
"checkout order cancelled": "订单已取消",
"your order has been successfully canceled. for your reference, you can consult the ": "你的订单取消成功。你可以在账户的 ",
"billing and subscription": "订单&订阅",
"section of your account.": "中找到它。",
"voided": "无效",
"refunded": "已退款",
"- paints": "- 涂装",
"- package": "- 游戏资格包",
"- clothing": "- 服装",
"troop transport": "士兵运输",
"bomber": "轰炸",
"concept": "概念",
"warbond": "战争债券",
"this item cannot be obtained with the use of store credit.": "此物品不能使用商店信用点购买。",
"in-concept": "概念中",
"the concept ship(s) in your cart is in development and not yet ready to play in star citizen. you will receive a loaner vehicle similar approximate size and/or function to the concept ship.": "你购物车中的概念船属于开发阶段,尚不能在星际公民中游玩。我们将借一艘尺寸和功能大致相同的飞船供你使用。",
"continue": "继续",
"do you really want to remove all the items in your cart?": "你确定要清空购物车?",
"your cart is empty": "你的购物车空空如也",
"before proceeding to checkout you must add some products to your shopping cart.": "在结账之前,你必须要将物品添加到购物车中。",
"start shopping": "开始购物",
"join the star citizen experience and help support development with these game packages that include access to star citizen and/or squadron 42.": "加入星际公民体验团队并购买游戏资格包帮助游戏开发资格包分为访问星际公民资格和访问42中队资格。",
"show your star citizen style with these physical items available for sale.": "使用这些物品展现你星际公民的风格。",
"join the": "加入",
"universe": "宇宙",
"start the": "开始",
"adventure": "冒险",
"the game": "游戏",
"terms of services": "服务条款",
"sort by:": "排序由:",
"new player guide": "新手指南",
"dive in to our companion guide to make your first steps easier.": "研究我们的新手指南,让你先人一步。",
"lunar new year 2023": "农历新年2023",
"its your lucky day! celebrate lunar new year in the 'verse with a new star citizen adventure.": "这是你的幸运日,一边在星际公民中展开新的冒险,一边在宇宙中庆祝农历新年吧。",
"get ready to fight back": "准备好去回击。",
"siege of orison": "奥利森之围",
"inside star citizen": "深入星际公民",
"comm-link": "通讯链接",
"you are about to exchange your": "你将要置换你的",
"pledge.": "承诺。",
"this will": "这将",
"remove the pledge, including any upgrades (such as customizations or ccus) from your account": "从您的账户中移除该承诺包括任意的升级如定制或CCU",
"awarding": "授予您",
"in store credit.": "的商店信用点",
"this process is intended to be final, although some pledges may be available for reacquisition using the buyback system, if applicable and as long as the buyback system remains available. items acquired with the use of store credits are": "该过程为最终流程,尽管有些承诺可以使用回购系统重新获得,如果该承诺符合回购条件,且回购系统仍然可用。使用商店积分获得的物品会",
"please acknowledge the following before submitting:": "在提交之前,请确认以下内容:",
"some limited availability items included or contained within the exchanged pledge are permanently relinquished.": "一些限制可用的物品或包含在置换承诺内的项目会被永久放弃。",
"if this pledge was made at a discounted price, the discounted price will be permanently relinquished on exchange.": "如果该承诺是以折扣价进行的,则折扣价将在置换时被永久取消。",
"the pledge buy back system allows you to re-acquire pledges that you previously converted to store credit, even if they are no longer available in the store.": "承诺回购系统允许你重新获得你以前置换为商店信用点的承诺,即使这些承诺在商店里已经没有。",
"account faq": "账户常见问题解答",
"last modified": "最后修改",
"contained": "包含",
"account overview": "账号概览",
"view and manage your account settings and public identifiers.": "查看和管理你的账号设置和公共标识。",
"identification": "身份信息",
"community moniker": "社区名称",
"handle": "账号标识符",
"birthdate": "生日",
"default language": "默认语言",
"timezone": "时区",
"block org invitations": "阻止组织邀请",
"opt-out leaderboards": "不参加排行榜",
"newsletters": "新闻邮件",
"weekly newsletter": "每周简报",
"squadron 42 updates": "42中队更新",
"personalized special offers": "个性化特别优惠",
"concierge newsletter": "礼宾通讯",
"bound to your account": "绑定在您的账户上",
"and non-giftable.": "且无法赠送。",
"your ledger was credited with": "您的账户收到了",
"other ways to find help": "其他求助方法",
"learn the basics!": "了解基础知识!",
"how to play guide": "游玩指南",
"found a bug?": "找到了一个BUG",
"community forum": "社区论坛",
"submit a request": "提交申请",
"use the search bar": "使用搜索栏",
"or browse articles!": "或浏览文章!",
"updates and info": "更新和消息",
"get all the latest announcements and updates on our releases.": "获取所有最新的公告和我们发布的更新信息。",
"welcome to the 'verse!": "欢迎来到“宇宙”",
"login issues, account security and change of account details": "登录问题、账户安全和账户信息的变更",
"game support": "游戏支持",
"how to download, play and customise star citizen": "如何下载,游玩以及自定义星际公民",
"technical issues relating to downloading, installing or playing star citizen": "与下载、安装或玩星际公民有关的技术问题",
"payments & billing": "付款与账单",
"issues relating to orders, merchandise & subscriptions.": "与订单、商品和订阅有关的问题。",
"recent activity": "最近消息",
"promoted articles": "推荐的文章",
"see more": "阅读更多",
"knowledge base": "基础知识",
"announcements": "公告",
"start here": "从这开始",
"my activities": "我的活动",
"roberts space industries knowledge base": "罗伯茨太空工业知识库",
"my requests": "我的请求",
"search requests": "搜索请求",
"created": "创建时间",
"created:": "创建时间:",
"this week in star citizen": "星际公民 每周简报",
"1 minute ago": "1 分钟前",
"2 minutes ago": "2 分钟前",
"3 minutes ago": "3 分钟前",
"4 minutes ago": "4 分钟前",
"5 minutes ago": "5 分钟前",
"6 minutes ago": "6 分钟前",
"7 minutes ago": "7 分钟前",
"8 minutes ago": "8 分钟前",
"9 minutes ago": "9 分钟前",
"10 minutes ago": "10 分钟前",
"11 minutes ago": "11 分钟前",
"12 minutes ago": "12 分钟前",
"13 minutes ago": "13 分钟前",
"14 minutes ago": "14 分钟前",
"15 minutes ago": "15 分钟前",
"16 minutes ago": "16 分钟前",
"17 minutes ago": "17 分钟前",
"18 minutes ago": "18 分钟前",
"19 minutes ago": "19 分钟前",
"20 minutes ago": "20 分钟前",
"21 minutes ago": "21 分钟前",
"22 minutes ago": "22 分钟前",
"23 minutes ago": "23 分钟前",
"24 minutes ago": "24 分钟前",
"25 minutes ago": "25 分钟前",
"26 minutes ago": "26 分钟前",
"27 minutes ago": "27 分钟前",
"28 minutes ago": "28 分钟前",
"29 minutes ago": "29 分钟前",
"30 minutes ago": "30 分钟前",
"31 minutes ago": "31 分钟前",
"32 minutes ago": "32 分钟前",
"33 minutes ago": "33 分钟前",
"34 minutes ago": "34 分钟前",
"35 minutes ago": "35 分钟前",
"36 minutes ago": "36 分钟前",
"37 minutes ago": "37 分钟前",
"38 minutes ago": "38 分钟前",
"39 minutes ago": "39 分钟前",
"40 minutes ago": "40 分钟前",
"41 minutes ago": "41 分钟前",
"42 minutes ago": "42 分钟前",
"43 minutes ago": "43 分钟前",
"44 minutes ago": "44 分钟前",
"45 minutes ago": "45 分钟前",
"46 minutes ago": "46 分钟前",
"47 minutes ago": "47 分钟前",
"48 minutes ago": "48 分钟前",
"49 minutes ago": "49 分钟前",
"50 minutes ago": "50 分钟前",
"51 minutes ago": "51 分钟前",
"52 minutes ago": "52 分钟前",
"53 minutes ago": "53 分钟前",
"54 minutes ago": "54 分钟前",
"55 minutes ago": "55 分钟前",
"56 minutes ago": "56 分钟前",
"57 minutes ago": "57 分钟前",
"58 minutes ago": "58 分钟前",
"59 minutes ago": "59 分钟前",
"1 hour ago": "1 小时前",
"2 hours ago": "2 小时前",
"3 hours ago": "3 小时前",
"4 hours ago": "4 小时前",
"5 hours ago": "5 小时前",
"6 hours ago": "6 小时前",
"7 hours ago": "7 小时前",
"8 hours ago": "8 小时前",
"9 hours ago": "9 小时前",
"10 hours ago": "10 小时前",
"11 hours ago": "11 小时前",
"12 hours ago": "12 小时前",
"13 hours ago": "13 小时前",
"14 hours ago": "14 小时前",
"15 hours ago": "15 小时前",
"16 hours ago": "16 小时前",
"17 hours ago": "17 小时前",
"18 hours ago": "18 小时前",
"19 hours ago": "19 小时前",
"20 hours ago": "20 小时前",
"21 hours ago": "21 小时前",
"22 hours ago": "22 小时前",
"23 hours ago": "23 小时前",
"1 day ago": "1 天前",
"2 days ago": "2 天前",
"3 days ago": "3 天前",
"4 days ago": "4 天前",
"5 days ago": "5 天前",
"6 days ago": "6 天前",
"1 week ago": "1 周前",
"2 weeks ago": "2 周前",
"3 weeks ago": "3 周前",
"4 weeks ago": "4 周前",
"1 month ago": "1 个月前",
"2 months ago": "2 个月前",
"3 months ago": "3 个月前",
"4 months ago": "4 个月前",
"5 months ago": "5 个月前",
"6 months ago": "6 个月前",
"7 months ago": "7 个月前",
"8 months ago": "8 个月前",
"9 months ago": "9 个月前",
"10 months ago": "10 个月前",
"11 months ago": "11 个月前",
"12 months ago": "12 个月前",
"1 year ago": "1 年前",
"2 years ago": "2 年前",
"3 years ago": "3 年前",
"4 years ago": "4 年前",
"5 years ago": "5 年前",
"6 years ago": "6 年前",
"7 years ago": "7 年前",
"8 years ago": "8 年前",
"9 years ago": "9 年前",
"10 years ago": "10 年前",
"11 years ago": "11 年前",
"12 years ago": "12 年前",
"13 years ago": "13 年前",
"14 years ago": "14 年前",
"15 years ago": "15 年前",
"16 years ago": "16 年前",
"17 years ago": "17 年前",
"18 years ago": "18 年前",
"19 years ago": "19 年前",
"20 years ago": "20 年前",
"21 years ago": "21 年前",
"22 years ago": "22 年前",
"23 years ago": "23 年前",
"24 years ago": "24 年前",
"25 years ago": "25 年前",
"last activity": "最后一次活动",
"solved": "解决",
"any": "任意",
"awaiting your reply": "等待您的回复",
"requests i'm cc'd on": "我被抄送的请求",
"no requests found.": "找不到任何请求",
"known issues": "已知问题",
"check rsi issue council": "查询RSI问题委员会",
"helpdesk forum": "求助论坛",
"spectrum community": "光谱社区",
"search results": "搜索结果",
"account security": "账户安全",
"in-game assistance": "游戏内协助",
"game information and installs": "游戏信息和安装",
"graphic updates and issues": "图形更新和问题",
"launcher troubleshooting": "启动器故障排除",
"tell us about your issue": "告诉我们您的问题",
"denotes required field": "号表示必填字段",
"payments, physical merchandise & subscriptions": "付款、实物商品和订阅",
"physical merchandise question": "实物商品问题",
"renew, cancel or change payments for a subscription": "续订、取消订阅或改变订阅付款方式",
"discount coupon missing": "折扣券丢失",
"other order issue": "其他订单问题",
"add file": "添加文件",
"or drop files here": "或将文件放在此处",
"recent viewed articles": "最近查看的文章",
"add to conversation": "添加到对话中",
"view and manage your account on the public test universe servers.": "浏览和管理你的公共测试宇宙账号",
"the public test universe is a testing server that allow you to try and play an unreleased star citizen patch before it is released. in order to play on the ptu, you will need first to copy your account over using the button below.": "公共测试宇宙是一个测试服务器允许你在星际公民补丁发布前尝试和玩耍。为了在PTU上游戏你需要先用下面的按钮把你的账户复制过来。",
"how does it work?": "这是如何运作的?",
"this process will copy all your account data to the public test universe servers and generate a new set of security credentials for your testing account there. once the copy process is complete, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reach and login with this account on the ptu.": "这个过程将把你所有的账户数据复制到公共测试宇宙服务器上并为你的测试账户生成一套新的安全证书。一旦复制过程完成你将收到一封电子邮件说明如何在PTU上使用该账户进行登录。",
"copy account to ptu": "复制账号到PTU",
"erase account from ptu": "从PTU删除账号",
"display title": "显示的头衔",
"region": "地区",
"spoken languages": "口语语言",
"short bio": "简要介绍",
"signature": "签名",
"apply all changes": "应用所有的更改",
"last updated:": "最后一次更新:",
"keep my location anonymous": "让我的位置的匿名",
"website": "网站",
"view and manage your front-facing profile and identity that other members of the community can see.": "查看和管理你的公开个人资料和身份,这些资料可以被社区的其他成员看到。",
"all data on the ptu is separate from your real account. any items, points, ships earned on the ptu will be erased once the testing phase is complete.": "PTU上的所有数据都与你的真实账户分开。一旦测试阶段结束在PTU上获得的任何物品、积分、船只都将被删除。",
"**ptu testing phase for star citizen alpha 3.18.0": "**PTU正在测试星际公民Alpha 3.18.0",
"h3. to facilitate testing of long term persistence, please only copy to": "h3. 为了便于测试长期持久性,请只复制到",
"once": "一次",
"! utilize the": "! 利用",
"character reset tool": "角色重置工具",
"for additional resets.": "额外的重置。",
"members": "成员",
"reset": "重置",
"names:": "名称:",
"join us now!": "立即加入我们!",
"restricted area": "未授权访问区域",
"authorized personnel only": "只有指定授权许可的人员可访问此区域",
"you must be authenticated to reach this area.": "你必须要通过验证后才能访问此区域。",
"success": "成功",
"cancelled": "已取消",
"show cancelled": "展示已取消的订单",
"imperator - 1 month access pass": "皇帝 - 1 个月通行证",
"centurion - 1 month access pass": "百夫长 - 1 个月通行证",
"none": "无",
"items:": "物品价格:",
"additional discount:": "附加折扣:",
"amount": "金额",
"processor": "处理方",
"payment info": "付款信息",
"billing & subscription": "账单&订阅",
"view the status of your different game items, subscriptions and credits .": "查看你的游戏物品、订阅和信用点的状态。",
"subscribers": "订阅者",
"credits": "信用点",
"tickets": "门票",
"view and manage your tickets to cig events": "查看并管理你的CIG活动门票",
"you have no tickets.": "你没有任何门票。",
"messages": "消息",
"skin": "涂装",
"fps equipment": "FPS 设备",
"also contains": "还包含有",
"lifetime insurance": "终身保险",
"ship": "飞船",
"item": "物品",
"1 item": "1 件物品",
"2 items": "2 件物品",
"3 items": "3 件物品",
"4 items": "4 件物品",
"5 items": "5 件物品",
"6 items": "6 件物品",
"7 items": "7 件物品",
"8 items": "8 件物品",
"9 items": "9 件物品",
"10 items": "10 件物品",
"11 items": "11 件物品",
"12 items": "12 件物品",
"13 items": "13 件物品",
"14 items": "14 件物品",
"15 items": "15 件物品",
"16 items": "16 件物品",
"17 items": "17 件物品",
"18 items": "18 件物品",
"19 items": "19 件物品",
"20 items": "20 件物品",
"21 items": "21 件物品",
"22 items": "22 件物品",
"23 items": "23 件物品",
"24 items": "24 件物品",
"25 items": "25 件物品",
"26 items": "26 件物品",
"27 items": "27 件物品",
"28 items": "28 件物品",
"29 items": "29 件物品",
"30 items": "30 件物品",
"31 items": "31 件物品",
"32 items": "32 件物品",
"33 items": "33 件物品",
"34 items": "34 件物品",
"35 items": "35 件物品",
"36 items": "36 件物品",
"37 items": "37 件物品",
"38 items": "38 件物品",
"39 items": "39 件物品",
"40 items": "40 件物品",
"41 items": "41 件物品",
"42 items": "42 件物品",
"43 items": "43 件物品",
"44 items": "44 件物品",
"45 items": "45 件物品",
"46 items": "46 件物品",
"47 items": "47 件物品",
"48 items": "48 件物品",
"49 items": "49 件物品",
"50 items": "50 件物品",
"profile settings": "资料设置",
"view your progress and recruits list, and share your referral code": "查看你的计划进度和邀请名单,并分享你的邀请码",
"share your referral code": "分享你的邀请码",
"your referral code": "你的邀请码",
"referral progress": "推荐计划进度",
"ranking ladder": "排行榜",
"recruits list": "邀请名单",
"enlisted on": "注册日期",
"purchased on": "购买日期",
"youve got an item to redeem?": "你有要兑换的物品?",
"enter your code in order to add the item to your cart": "输入代码以将物品提供给你",
"redeem": "兑换",
"redeem code is required": "你需要输入一个兑换代码",
"reset request": "请求重置",
"standalone ships": "独立船",
"upgrades": "升级包",
"hangar decorations": "机库装饰",
"component": "组件",
"weapon": "武器",
"subscriber flair": "订阅物品",
"no pledges available": "无可用承诺",
"visible": "公开",
"redacted": "隐藏",
"roles": "角色",
"spectrum identification (sid)": "光谱身份IDSID",
"organization rank": "组织等级",
"set as affiliate": "设置为附属组织",
"invitations": "邀请",
"consult the invitations you have received from star citizen player organizations.": "查阅你收到的星际公民组织邀请。",
"you currently have no invitation.": "当前无邀请。",
"visit the ": "查看",
"organizations hub": "组织中心",
"to apply to one!": "来申请一个!",
"applications": "申请",
"track and manage your applications to different player organizations.": "跟踪并管理来自不同组织的申请。",
"you have no active applications.": "你未收到活跃中的申请。",
"current chairman's club": "当前礼宾俱乐部",
"level & rewards:": "等级&奖励:",
"until your": "距离你",
"next chairman's club": "下一个礼宾俱乐部",
"in-game rewards": "游戏内奖励",
"lunar new year": "农历新年",
"citizen dossier": "公民档案",
"main organization": "主 组织",
"enlisted": "注册日期",
"location": "定位",
"fluency": "口语语言",
"uee citizen record": "UEE 公民档案",
"2 option available": "2个可用选项",
"3 option available": "3个可用选项",
"4 option available": "4个可用选项",
"5 option available": "5个可用选项",
"my ships": "我的飞船",
"all ships": "全部飞船",
"Ships, Variants...": "飞船、变体...",
"ship upgrade": "飞船升级",
"filter": "筛选",
"manufacturer": "制造商",
"flyable": "可飞",
"production": "制作中",
"vehicle": "地面载具",
"snub": "舰载",
"small": "小型",
"medium": "中型",
"large": "大型",
"capital": "主力舰",
"crew size": "载员量",
"lowest price": "最低价位",
"highest price": "最高价位",
"1 exclusive promotion": "1项独家促销",
"2 exclusive promotion": "2项独家促销",
"3 exclusive promotion": "3项独家促销",
"4 exclusive promotion": "4项独家促销",
"5 exclusive promotion": "5项独家促销",
"6 exclusive promotion": "6项独家促销",
"7 exclusive promotion": "7项独家促销",
"8 exclusive promotion": "8项独家促销",
"9 exclusive promotion": "9项独家促销",
"10 exclusive promotion": "10项独家促销",
"you have currently": "你当前拥有",
"in store credits": "商店信用点",
"add coupon code": "添加优惠码",
"enter your coupon code": "输入你的优惠码",
"coupon code": "优惠码",
"this field is required": "请填写此字段",
"avatar": "头像",
"select your edition": "选择你需要的版本",
"limited time offer": "限时销售",
"edition value": "版本价值",
"subscribed": "已订阅",
"unsubscribed": "未订阅",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"change": "更改",
"remove": "移除",
"what is the referral program?": "什么是推荐计划?",
"first name": "前名称",
"last name": "后名称",
"membership": "会籍",
"loading": "正在加载",
"loading upgrades": "正在加载升级包",
"citizen con 2953": "公民控 2953",
"save the date!": "预留时间,按时参加!",
"Visit Welcome Hub": "访问迎宾中心",
"on": "开启",
"rsi account :": "RSI 账号:",
"game package :": "游戏资格包:",
"module access :": "模块访问:",
"latest version :": "最新版本:",
"download installer": "下载安装程序",
"useful reads for newcomers": "为新玩家提供的资料",
"need help?": "需要帮助?",
"download delta patcher v1.6.3 from rsi servers:": "从RSI服务器下载Delta补丁程序 v1.6.3",
"you have 1 game package.": "你拥有1个游戏资格包。",
"you have 2 game packages.": "你拥有2个游戏资格包。",
"you have 3 game packages.": "你拥有3个游戏资格包。",
"you have 4 game packages.": "你拥有4个游戏资格包。",
"you have 5 game packages.": "你拥有5个游戏资格包。",
"latest update": "最后更新",
"older version": "旧版本",
"view all patch notes": "查看全部更新说明",
"view all faqs": "查看全部 FAQ",
"verify the requirements": "核对以下要求",
"your hangar is empty.": "你的机库空空如也。",
"you have no orders.": "你没有任何订单。",
"upgraded": "已升级",
"checkout success!": "交易成功!",
"order no#": "订单号# ",
"your order has been fully processed.": "你的订单已处理完毕。",
"if you pledged for digital items they will appear in the": "当你的订单处理完毕后,你购买的数字承诺物品将会添加到",
"section of your account once order fulfillment has completed.": "中。",
"access granted": "访问已授权",
"view and manage your account credentials and security settings. remember, ": "查看和管理您的帐户凭据和安全设置。请记住,",
"rsi customer support will never ask for your password!": "RSI客户支持绝对不会询问您的密码",
"are you sure you want to remove this device?": "你确定要移除该设备?",
"two-step authentication": "两步验证",
"authentication code": "验证码",
"enter the code sent to your email or from your authenticator. alternatively use a backup code.": "请输入已发送到你的邮箱或验证器的验证码。或使用备份代码。",
"device name": "设备名称",
"enter a name for your current device.": "给你当前设备命名。",
"trust this device for": "信任这个设备的时长",
"this session only": "仅当前会话",
"1 day": "1 天",
"1 week": "1 周",
"1 month": "1 月",
"1 year": "1 年",
"authenticate": "验证",
"code": "代码",
"you don't own a 100i": "你还未拥有一艘 100i",
"you don't own a 125a": "你还未拥有一艘 125a",
"you don't own a 135c": "你还未拥有一艘 135c",
"you don't own a 300i": "你还未拥有一艘 300i",
"you don't own a 315p": "你还未拥有一艘 315p",
"you don't own a 325a": "你还未拥有一艘 325a",
"you don't own a 350r": "你还未拥有一艘 350r",
"you don't own a 400i": "你还未拥有一艘 400i",
"you don't own a 600i": "你还未拥有一艘 600i",
"you don't own a 600i executive edition": "你还未拥有一艘 600i 行政版",
"you don't own a 600i exploration": "你还未拥有一艘 600i-探索",
"you don't own a 600i touring": "你还未拥有一艘 600i-旅行",
"you don't own a 85x": "你还未拥有一艘 85X",
"you don't own a 890 jump": "你还未拥有一艘 890 跃动",
"you don't own a a2 hercules": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 A2",
"you don't own a apollo medivac": "你还未拥有一艘 阿波罗 医疗",
"you don't own a apollo triage": "你还未拥有一艘 阿波罗 分诊",
"you don't own a ares inferno": "你还未拥有一艘 战神-地狱火",
"you don't own a ares ion": "你还未拥有一艘 战神-离子光",
"you don't own a ares star fighter": "你还未拥有一艘 战神 星际战斗机",
"you don't own a arrow": "你还未拥有一艘 箭矢",
"you don't own a aurora": "你还未拥有一艘 极光",
"you don't own a aurora cl": "你还未拥有一艘 极光-CL",
"you don't own a aurora es": "你还未拥有一艘 极光-ES",
"you don't own a aurora ln": "你还未拥有一艘 极光-LN",
"you don't own a aurora lx": "你还未拥有一艘 极光-LX",
"you don't own a aurora mr": "你还未拥有一艘 极光-MR",
"you don't own a avenger stalker": "你还未拥有一艘 复仇者-追猎",
"you don't own a avenger titan": "你还未拥有一艘 复仇者-泰坦",
"you don't own a avenger titan renegade": "你还未拥有一艘 复仇者-泰坦变节者",
"you don't own a avenger warlock": "你还未拥有一艘 复仇者-术士",
"you don't own a banu defender": "你还未拥有一艘 巴努防卫者",
"you don't own a bengal": "你还未拥有一艘 孟加拉",
"you don't own a blade": "你还未拥有一艘 刀锋",
"you don't own a buccaneer": "你还未拥有一艘 掠夺者",
"you don't own a c2 hercules": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 C2",
"you don't own a c8 pisces": "你还未拥有一艘 C8 双鱼座",
"you don't own a c8x": "你还未拥有一艘 C8X ",
"you don't own a carrack": "你还未拥有一艘 克拉克",
"you don't own a caterpillar": "你还未拥有一艘 毛虫",
"you don't own a cleaver": "你还未拥有一艘 切割者",
"you don't own a constellation": "你还未拥有一艘 星座",
"you don't own a constellation andromeda": "你还未拥有一艘 仙女座",
"you don't own a constellation aquila": "你还未拥有一艘 天鹰座",
"you don't own a constellation phoenix": "你还未拥有一艘 凤凰座",
"you don't own a constellation taurus": "你还未拥有一艘 金牛座",
"you don't own a corsair": "你还未拥有一艘 海盗船",
"you don't own a crucible": "你还未拥有一艘 坩埚",
"you don't own a cutlass black": "你还未拥有一艘 黑弯刀",
"you don't own a cutlass blue": "你还未拥有一艘 蓝弯刀",
"you don't own a cutlass red": "你还未拥有一艘 红弯刀",
"you don't own a cutlass steel": "你还未拥有一艘 钢弯刀",
"you don't own a cydnus": "你还未拥有一艘 土蝽",
"you don't own a defender": "你还未拥有一艘 防卫者",
"you don't own a driller": "你还未拥有一艘 毒钻",
"you don't own a eclipse": "你还未拥有一艘 日蚀",
"you don't own a endeavor": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进",
"you don't own a endeavor biodome pod": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 生态舱",
"you don't own a endeavor fuel pod": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 燃料舱",
"you don't own a endeavor general research pod": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 通用科研舱",
"you don't own a endeavor landing bay": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 停泊舱",
"you don't own a endeavor service equipment and crew pod": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 服务设备及人员舱",
"you don't own a endeavor supercollider pod": "你还未拥有一艘 奋进 超级对撞机舱",
"you don't own a f7a hornet": "你还未拥有一艘 F7A 大黄蜂",
"you don't own a f7c hornet": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C 大黄蜂",
"you don't own a f7c hornet wildfire": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C 大黄蜂 野火",
"you don't own a f7c-m hornet heartseeker": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"you don't own a f7c-m super hornet": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-M 超级大黄蜂",
"you don't own a f7c-r hornet tracker": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"you don't own a f7c-r tracker": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"you don't own a f7c-s ghost": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"you don't own a f7c-s hornet ghost": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"you don't own a f8a lightning": "你还未拥有一艘 F8A 闪电",
"you don't own a f8c lightning": "你还未拥有一艘 F8C 闪电",
"you don't own a f8c lightning executive edition": "你还未拥有一艘 F8C 闪电 行政版",
"you don't own a freelancer": "你还未拥有一艘 自由枪骑兵",
"you don't own a freelancer dur": "你还未拥有一艘 自由枪骑兵-DUR",
"you don't own a freelancer max": "你还未拥有一艘 自由枪骑兵-MAX",
"you don't own a freelancer mis": "你还未拥有一艘 自由枪骑兵-MIS",
"you don't own a genesis starliner": "你还未拥有一艘 创世纪 星际航线",
"you don't own a gladiator": "你还未拥有一艘 角斗士",
"you don't own a gladius": "你还未拥有一艘 短剑",
"you don't own a gladius pirate": "你还未拥有一艘 短剑 海盗版",
"you don't own a pirate caterpillar": "你还未拥有一艘 毛虫 海盗版",
"you don't own a caterpillar pirate": "你还未拥有一艘 毛虫 海盗版",
"you don't own a pirate gladius": "你还未拥有一艘 短剑 海盗版",
"you don't own a gladius valiant": "你还未拥有一艘 短剑 勇士",
"you don't own a glaive": "你还未拥有一艘 长刀",
"you don't own a hammerhead": "你还未拥有一艘 锤头鲨",
"you don't own a hawk": "你还未拥有一艘 猎鹰",
"you don't own a herald": "你还未拥有一艘 信使",
"you don't own a hercules starlifter": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 星际运输船",
"you don't own a hull a": "你还未拥有一艘 货轮 A",
"you don't own a hull b": "你还未拥有一艘 货轮 B",
"you don't own a hull c": "你还未拥有一艘 货轮 C",
"you don't own a hull d": "你还未拥有一艘 货轮 D",
"you don't own a hull e": "你还未拥有一艘 货轮 E",
"you don't own a hurricane": "你还未拥有一艘 飓风",
"you don't own a idris-k": "你还未拥有一艘 伊德里斯-K",
"you don't own a idris-m": "你还未拥有一艘 伊德里斯-M",
"you don't own a idris-p": "你还未拥有一艘 伊德里斯-P",
"you don't own a javelin": "你还未拥有一艘 标枪",
"you don't own a khartu": "你还未拥有一艘 卡图",
"you don't own a khartu-al": "你还未拥有一艘 卡图-al",
"you don't own a kingship": "你还未拥有一艘 王船",
"you don't own a kraken": "你还未拥有一艘 海妖",
"you don't own a kraken privateer": "你还未拥有一艘 海妖 劫掠版",
"you don't own a liberator": "你还未拥有一艘 解放者",
"you don't own a m2 hercules": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 M2",
"you don't own a m50": "你还未拥有一艘 M50",
"you don't own a mantis": "你还未拥有一艘 螳螂",
"you don't own a mecury star runner": "你还未拥有一艘 墨丘利 星际快运船",
"you don't own a merchantman": "你还未拥有一艘 巴努商船",
"you don't own a mercury": "你还未拥有一艘 墨丘利",
"you don't own a mole": "你还未拥有一艘 鼹鼠",
"you don't own a mpuv cargo": "你还未拥有一艘 MPUV-货运",
"you don't own a mpuv personnel": "你还未拥有一艘 MPUV-载人",
"you don't own a mustang alpha": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 阿尔法",
"you don't own a mustang beta": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 贝塔",
"you don't own a mustang delta": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 德尔塔",
"you don't own a mustang gamma": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 伽马",
"you don't own a mustang omega": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 欧米伽",
"you don't own a nautilus": "你还未拥有一艘 鹦鹉螺",
"you don't own a nomad": "你还未拥有一艘 游牧者",
"you don't own a odyssey": "你还未拥有一艘 奥德赛",
"you don't own a orion": "你还未拥有一艘 猎户座",
"you don't own a p-52 merlin": "你还未拥有一艘 P-52 梅林",
"you don't own a p-72 archimedes": "你还未拥有一艘 P-72 阿基米德",
"you don't own a pegasus": "你还未拥有一艘 飞马座",
"you don't own a perseus": "你还未拥有一艘 英仙座",
"you don't own a pioneer": "你还未拥有一艘 开拓者",
"you don't own a pisces": "你还未拥有一艘 双鱼座",
"you don't own a polaris": "你还未拥有一艘 北极星",
"you don't own a prospector": "你还未拥有一艘 勘探者",
"you don't own a prowler": "你还未拥有一艘 徘徊者",
"you don't own a raft": "你还未拥有一艘 木筏",
"you don't own a railen": "你还未拥有一艘 锐伦",
"you don't own a razor": "你还未拥有一艘 剃刀",
"you don't own a razor EX": "你还未拥有一艘 剃刀-EX",
"you don't own a razor LX": "你还未拥有一艘 剃刀-LX",
"you don't own a reclaimer": "你还未拥有一艘 回收者",
"you don't own a redeemer": "你还未拥有一艘 救赎者",
"you don't own a reliant": "你还未拥有一艘 信赖",
"you don't own a reliant kore": "你还未拥有一艘 信赖-基础",
"you don't own a reliant mako": "你还未拥有一艘 信赖-新闻",
"you don't own a reliant sen": "你还未拥有一艘 信赖-科考",
"you don't own a reliant tana": "你还未拥有一艘 信赖-武装",
"you don't own a retaliator base": "你还未拥有一艘 报复者",
"you don't own a retaliator bomber": "你还未拥有一艘 报复者-轰炸",
"you don't own a sabre": "你还未拥有一艘 军刀",
"you don't own a sabre comet": "你还未拥有一艘 军刀-彗星",
"you don't own a sabre raven": "你还未拥有一艘 军刀-渡鸦",
"you don't own a san'tok.yāi": "你还未拥有一艘 桑托起亚",
"you don't own a scorpius": "你还未拥有一艘 天蝎座",
"you don't own a scythe": "你还未拥有一艘 死镰",
"you don't own a srv": "你还未拥有一艘 srv",
"you don't own a starfarer": "你还未拥有一艘 星际远航者",
"you don't own a starfarer gemini": "你还未拥有一艘 星际远航者 双子座",
"you don't own a stinger": "你还未拥有一艘 毒刺",
"you don't own a talon": "你还未拥有一艘 利爪",
"you don't own a talon shrike": "你还未拥有一艘 利爪-伯劳",
"you don't own a terrapin": "你还未拥有一艘 水龟",
"you don't own a valkyrie": "你还未拥有一艘 女武神",
"you don't own a vanguard": "你还未拥有一艘 先锋",
"you don't own a vanguard harbinger": "你还未拥有一艘 先锋-先驱者",
"you don't own a vanguard hoplite": "你还未拥有一艘 先锋-重装兵",
"you don't own a vanguard sentinel": "你还未拥有一艘 先锋-哨兵",
"you don't own a vanguard warden": "你还未拥有一艘 先锋-典狱长",
"you don't own a vncl pulse": "你还未拥有一艘 剜度 脉冲",
"you don't own a void": "你还未拥有一艘 虚空",
"you don't own a vulcan": "你还未拥有一艘 火神",
"you don't own a vulture": "你还未拥有一艘 秃鹫",
"you don't own a xi'an scout": "你还未拥有一艘 希安侦察机",
"you don't own a expanse": "你还未拥有一艘 无垠",
"you don't own a legionnaire": "你还未拥有一艘 军团兵",
"you don't own a zeus": "你还未拥有一艘 宙斯",
"you don't own a x1 velocity": "你还未拥有一艘 X1-竞速",
"you don't own a mule": "你还未拥有一艘 骡",
"you don't own a cutter": "你还未拥有一艘 小刀",
"you don't own a ursa": "你还未拥有一艘 大熊座",
"you don't own a ursa rover": "你还未拥有一艘 大熊座漫游车",
"you don't own a x1 force": "你还未拥有一艘 X1-武装",
"you don't own a cyclone": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风",
"you don't own a ursa rover fortuna": "你还未拥有一艘 大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜",
"you don't own a cyclone tr": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风-TR",
"you don't own a cyclone rc": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风-RC",
"you don't own a cyclone rn": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风-RN",
"you don't own a c8r pisces": "你还未拥有一艘 C8R 双鱼座",
"you don't own a cyclone mt": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风-MT",
"you don't own a roc-ds": "你还未拥有一艘 ROC-双人版",
"you don't own a cyclone aa": "你还未拥有一艘 旋风-AA",
"you don't own a spartan": "你还未拥有一艘 斯巴达",
"you don't own a c1 spirit": "你还未拥有一艘 C1 星灵",
"you don't own a e1 spirit": "你还未拥有一艘 E1 星灵",
"you don't own a a1 spirit": "你还未拥有一艘 A1 星灵",
"you don't own a ballista": "你还未拥有一艘 弩炮",
"you don't own a retaliator": "你还未拥有一艘 报复者",
"you don't own a razor lx": "你还未拥有一艘 剃刀-LX",
"you don't own a razor ex": "你还未拥有一艘 剃刀-EX",
"you don't own a f7c-m super hornet heartseeker": "你还未拥有一艘 F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者",
"you don't own a caterpillar best in show edition": "你还未拥有一艘 毛虫 最佳展示版",
"you don't own a reclaimer best in show edition": "你还未拥有一艘 回收者 最佳展示版",
"you don't own a carrack w/c8x": "你还未拥有一艘 克拉克 w/C8X",
"you don't own a carrack expedition w/c8x": "你还未拥有一艘 克拉克 远征 w/C8X",
"you don't own a hammerhead best in show edition": "你还未拥有一艘 锤头鲨 最佳展示版",
"you don't own a galaxy": "你还未拥有一艘 银河",
"you don't own a dragonfly black": "你还未拥有一艘 黑蜻蜓",
"you don't own a hoverquad": "你还未拥有一艘 悬浮驷",
"you don't own a ranger cv": "你还未拥有一艘 游骑兵-CV",
"you don't own a ranger rc": "你还未拥有一艘 游骑兵-RC",
"you don't own a ranger tr": "你还未拥有一艘 游骑兵-TR",
"you don't own a dragonfly yellowjacket": "你还未拥有一艘 蜻蜓 黄胡蜂",
"you don't own a dragonfly star kitten": "你还未拥有一艘 蜻蜓 星空猫",
"you don't own a 600i explorer": "你还未拥有一艘 600i-探索",
"you don't own a c2 hercules starlifter": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 C2",
"you don't own a a2 hercules starlifter": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 A2",
"you don't own a m2 hercules starlifter": "你还未拥有一艘 大力神 M2",
"you don't own a mercury star runner": "你还未拥有一艘 墨丘利星际快运船",
"you don't own a c8x pisces expedition": "你还未拥有一艘 C8X 双鱼座",
"you don't own a carrack expedition": "你还未拥有一艘 克拉克 远征版",
"you don't own a valkyrie liberator edition": "你还未拥有一艘 女武神 解放者版",
"you don't own a mole carbon edition": "你还未拥有一艘 鼹鼠 炭黑",
"you don't own a mole talus edition": "你还未拥有一艘 鼹鼠 岩白",
"you don't own a mustang alpha vindicator": "你还未拥有一艘 野马 阿尔法 维和者",
"you don't own a caterpillar pirate edition": "你还未拥有一艘 毛虫海盗版",
"you don't own a cutlass black best in show edition": "你还未拥有一艘 黑弯刀 最佳展示版",
"you don't own a idris": "你还未拥有一艘 伊德里斯",
"you don't own a nautilus solstice edition": "你还未拥有一艘 鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"you don't own a reclaimer best in the show edition": "你还未拥有一艘 回收者 最佳展示版",
"you don't own a constellation phoenix emerald": "你还未拥有一艘 凤凰座 翡翠版",
"you don't own a argo mole": "你还未拥有一艘 南船座 鼹鼠",
"you don't own a ptv buggy": "你还未拥有一艘 PTV 越野小车",
"you don't own a centurion": "你还未拥有一艘 百夫长",
"you don't own a hornet": "你还未拥有一艘 大黄蜂",
"you don't own a p-72 archimedes emerald": "你还未拥有一艘 P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿",
"you don't own a argo mole talus edition": "你还未拥有一艘 南船座 鼹鼠 岩白版",
"you don't own a argo mole carbon edition": "你还未拥有一艘 南船座 鼹鼠 碳黑版",
"you don't own a anvil ballista dunestalker": "你还未拥有一艘 铁砧 弩炮 沙丘追猎者",
"you don't own a anvil ballista snowblind": "你还未拥有一艘 铁砧 弩炮 雪盲版",
"you don't own a nova": "你还未拥有一艘 新星",
"you don't own a genesis": "你还未拥有一艘 创世纪",
"ship:": "飞船:",
"manufacturer:": "制造商:",
"focus:": "定位:",
"ship in this pack:": "此游戏包中的飞船:",
"major outage": "重大故障",
"platform": "平台",
"operational": "运行中",
"persistent universe": "持续性宇宙PU",
"electronic access": "电子访问",
"latest incidents": "最新事故",
"no incidents reported.": "无汇报事故。",
"unresolved": "未解决",
"infrastructure recovery": "基础架构恢复",
"since the launch of star citizen alpha 3.18.0 our teams have been monitoring a number of issues players have been encountering while attempting to log into the game. these have primarily manifested in the form of 19003 and 19004 with a mix of other similar codes.": "自3.18发布以来团队一直在监控玩家尝试登录游戏时遇到的许多问题。主要以19003和19004的形式出现并混合了其他类似代码。",
"while monitoring those issues, the team has been able to tune and make adjustments to the entitlement processing flow to ensure that a large portion of player attempts were still successful and able to make it into the pu.": "在监控这些问题的同时团队已经对授权处理流程做出了调整和改变以确保大部分玩家在尝试后仍然成功登入并进入PU。",
"however, at a point in the early morning utc, the environment entered into a state which would require a more disruptive recovery process.": "然而在UTC时间凌晨的某个时间点服务器环境进入了一种需要根据破坏性的恢复过程的状态。",
"as of 1300 utc the environment has been in the process of recovering from the state it was in but we wanted to advise that, while this recovery is in-progress, players will experience periods of extreme difficulty getting into the pu. we expect players to see a mix of errors from the 19k, 30k, and 60k ranges.": "截至UTC时间1300环境一直处于从所处的状态恢复的过程中但我们想提醒大家虽然恢复正在进行中但玩家将经历一段极难进入PU的时间。我们可以预见玩家将看到 19k、30k 和 60k 范围内的各种错误信息。",
"a more detailed breakdown of each specific issue we're tracking can be found on the the": "关于我们正在跟踪的每个问题的细节,可以查看:",
"[2023-03-12 updates]": "[2023-03-12 更新]",
"1300 utc - environment entered into recovery.": "1300 UTC - 环境进入恢复过程",
"1510 utc - initial notice, recovery in-progress.": "1510 UTC - 公告发布,恢复进行中",
"1815 utc - shards are slowly coming online. recovery still ongoing.": "1815 UTC - 分片正在慢慢上线。恢复仍在进行中。",
"2000 utc - reducing severity of outage, will continue to monitor recovery.": "2000 UTC - 减低故障的严重程度major -> partial并将继续监测恢复。",
"[2023-03-13 updates]": "[2023-03-13 更新]",
"the team is working to recover the environment as the global database entered a bad state.": "全球数据库进入不良状态,团队正在努力恢复",
"1130 utc - escalating to major outage.": "1130 UTC - 升级为重大故障",
"1200 utc - temporarily disabling character repair to protect accounts while recovery is in-progress.": "1200 UTC - 暂时在修复过程中禁用角色修复,以保护账号",
"1245 utc - environment is accepting new players.": "1245 UTC - 环境正在接受新玩家",
"resolved": "已解决",
"we're coming to you in 2023!": "我们将在2023年来到你身边!",
"we hope to see you there!": "我们希望在那见到你!",
"as we eagerly await the return of a live and in-person citizencon, we couldn't let any more of 2023 pass without the chance to spend time with all of you again. this year, the bar citizen world tour continues with members of our teams visiting your local events, with various goodies and loot in tow (including banu cubes... and post alien week, we'll have a new bar citizen goodie to give away, stay tuned for details)!!": "当我们急切地等待可以现场参加开发者亲临的CitizenCon回归时我们不能再失去2023年和大家在一起的机会了。今年《Bar Citizen》世界巡游将继续进行我们的团队成员将带着各种好东西和战利品前往你们当地的活动包括巴努方块......在外星周之后我们将有一个新的《Bar Citizen》礼物送出敬请关注细节!",
"we've talked to many of the community bar citizen organizers out there who have been planning events around the globe, and we're excited to share an update on some of the initial events we'll be attending, including some starting very soon!": "我们已与全球各地许多策划Bar Citizen的公民组织者交流我们很高兴可以分享一些初步活动的最新动向包括一些很快就开始的",
"for more information on gaining access to a particular event, or to speak to the community organizer directly, you can browse the events on": "如果您想了解更多关于某项活动的信息,或者想直接与社区组织者交流,你可以浏览它们在",
"shanghai, china": "中国,上海",
"june 23rd, 2023 (time tbd)": "六月 23日 (北京时间)",
"super brand mall,": "正大广场,",
"168 lujiazui xi lu,": "陆家嘴西路168号",
"pudong new area, shanghai": "上海市浦东新区",
"it's important to note that this initial list is just the beginning. we wanted to get this information out there to spread the word so we could see as many of you as possible for the immediate events. we're still actively chatting with community organizers, so expect more events/locations to be announced in the weeks to come.": "值得注意的是,这份名单只是一个开始。我们传出这些信息,是为了我们能在近期的活动中看到尽可能多的人。我们仍在积极地与社区组织者交谈,所以预计在未来几周内会有更多的活动和地点公布。",
"we're also still eager to hear about the events you may be planning in your local area. if you're working on something and you think it would be a great fit for us to visit, let us know!": "我们仍然关心你会在当地举办的活动,如果你在组织一些很适合我们前往的活动,请一定让我们知道",
"*all times listed below are local time": "*所有的时间表均为当地时间",
"alipay": "支付宝",
"pay with alipay": "使用支付宝付款",
"payment method unavailable": "该支付方式不可用",
"this payment provider is not available for the moment, please retry or use another one": "该支付方式当前不可用,请重试或选择其他支付方式",
"limited stock": "库存有限",
"ticket": "门票",
"event tickets": "活动门票",
"unavailable": "不可用",
"related products": "相关商品",
"mirai": "未来",
"add-ons - banu lockbox replica": "附件 - 巴努盒子复制品",
"banu lockbox replica": "巴努盒子复制品",
"please type your password to confirm:": "请输入你的密码以确认:",
"who should we send this gift to?": "我们要将它赠送给谁?",
"once your gift has been claimed it will be bound to the recipient's account and cannot be re-gifted.": "你的礼物一旦被领取,它将绑定在领取人的账户中,且不能再次赠与他人。",
"you are about to gift your": "你将要通过电子邮件将",
"pledge to another citizen by email. this will": "这个承诺物品赠送给其他公民。一旦被领取,将会",
"transfer your pledge": "转移你的承诺物品。",
"as soon as it is accepted by the recipient. you can cancel the gift at any time until then.": "你可以在此之前取消赠送。",
"recipient name": "收件人昵称",
"recipient email": "收件人邮箱",
"gift your pledge": "赠送你的承诺物品",
"character repair": "账户修复",
"request repair": "申请修复",
"upvoted": "已投票",
"discover the ship": "了解这艘飞船",
"today's face off": "今日对决",
"remaining": "剩余",
"time to vote": "投票时间",
"hours": "时",
"min": "分",
"sec": "秒",
"tournament overview": "决斗概况",
"highlight my votes": "显示我的投票",
"from now through september 6, were pitting the communitys top 16 flyable ships against each other. check back each day to vote for your favorites and see which one comes out on top.": "社区投票排名前16的可飞飞船将在此进行决斗从现在直到9月6日每天都可以来为你喜欢的飞船投票。最终哪艘飞船最受欢迎呢让我们拭目以待。",
"vote": "投票",
"you must": "你需要",
"to upvote!": "后进行投票!",
"Halloween 2023": "2023 万圣节",
"Day of the Vara Returns": "瓦拉归来之日",
"Star Citizen Alpha 3.20: Fully Loaded": "星际公民Alpha 3.20: 满载",
"Take off on a thrilling new adventure in the latest update to Star Citizens vast, soul-stirring universe.": "在星际公民最新更新中,踏上激动人心的全新冒险之旅,探索这个宽广而令人心潮澎湃的宇宙。",
"Day of the Vara": "瓦拉之日",
"What the Hell Happened to the Vara?": "瓦拉到底发生了什么?",
"It was early in the morning on October 27 2557, when communications between the Rhetor system and an exploration vessel called the Vara mysteriously stopped.": "2557年10月27日清晨瑞特尔系统与一艘名为瓦拉的勘探船之间的通信神秘地停止了。",
"Mere hours after the ships captain, Tisiphone Heptane, had sent her initial impressions of ominous ruined alien cities in the then-recently discovered Hades system.": "就在几个小时前飞船船长蒂西芬·赫普坦Tisiphone Heptane刚发送了她对新发现的哈迪斯星系中充满不祥预感的废弃外星城市的初步印象。",
"Search and rescue teams dispatched the next day, along with countless expeditions since, failed to locate any wreckage or remains of the Vara.": "第二天派出的搜救队以及此后的无数次探险队都未能找到瓦拉号的任何残骸或遗骸。",
"Until now…": "直到现在...",
"Could these chilling images actually be from the last transmission of the doomed Vara?": "这些令人毛骨悚然的图像是否可能来自不幸的瓦拉号飞船的最后传输?",
"What unimaginable horrors did the crew encounter in the Hades system?": "船员在哈迪斯星系中遭遇了何等难以想象的恐怖?",
"The Hunt is On": "猎杀已经开始",
"Find a license, claim your Anvil F8C Lightning": "寻找认证券获取铁砧F8C 闪电",
"Happy Birthday Star Citizen!": "生日快乐星际公民!",
"welcome to issue council": "欢迎来到 问题理事会",
"we use cookies and technological tools to analyse the traffic of this website, enhance your experience and offer you ads tailored to your interests.": "我们使用cookies和技术工具来分析这个网页的流量以提高用户体验并提供适合你们的广告。",
"maintain control over your data by setting cookies, you can change or withdraw your consent at any time. if you refuse cookies, it does not affect the way our site operates, however you will not be able to take full advantage of all our features.": "您可以通过设置cookies来限制对您数据的获取您也可以随时更改或拒绝使用cookies。如果您拒绝使用cookies不会影响该网页的正常工作但您无法充分利用我们提供的功能。",
"for more information, consult our": "需要获取更多相关信息,请访问我们的",
"set cookies": "设置cookies",
"i refuse cookies": "我拒绝使用cookies",
"i accept cookies": "我同意使用cookies",
"welcome citizen, to the official rsi issue council": "公民欢迎您来到官方RSI问题理事会",
"the issue council is a community-driven tool that allows players to report bugs they encounter. cig developers use your contributions to investigate problems and prioritize fixes.": "问题理事会是一个靠社区驱动的网站玩家在这里汇报在游戏中遇到的bug。CIG的开发人员将会借助这里的问题来调查bug并讨论修复优先级。",
"how do i report bugs using the issue council?": "我要如何在问题理事会中汇报bug",
"select a project": "选择一个项目",
"no projects available.": "无可用项目",
"sign in to your rsi account to see the projects that you have access to.": "登录你的RSI账户以查看你可访问的项目。",
"contribute to the development of star citizen": "为星际公民的开发提供帮助",
"search to contribute to an existing issue, or": "搜索现有的问题,或",
"report a new issue": "报告一个新的问题",
"recently opened issues": "当前正讨论的问题",
"view all recently opened issues": "查看全部当前正讨论的问题",
"contribute": "参与贡献",
"required to confirm": "待确认",
"1 reproduction": "1次复现",
"2 reproductions": "2次复现",
"3 reproductions": "3次复现",
"4 reproductions": "4次复现",
"5 reproductions": "5次复现",
"6 reproductions": "6次复现",
"7 reproductions": "7次复现",
"8 reproductions": "8次复现",
"9 reproductions": "9次复现",
"10 reproductions": "10次复现",
"11 reproductions": "11次复现",
"12 reproductions": "12次复现",
"13 reproductions": "13次复现",
"14 reproductions": "14次复现",
"15 reproductions": "15次复现",
"16 reproductions": "16次复现",
"17 reproductions": "17次复现",
"18 reproductions": "18次复现",
"19 reproductions": "19次复现",
"20 reproductions": "20次复现",
"help us fix this issue": "帮助我们解决这个问题",
"upvote": "赞成",
"make your voice heard by voting for this issue!": "赞成这个问题,为它发声!",
"reproduction steps": "问题重现步骤",
"what happened": "发生了什么",
"what should have happened": "本来应该怎样",
"evidence": "依据",
"screenshot": "截屏",
"from the contributors": "来自贡献者",
"view contribution": "查看该贡献",
"contributions": "贡献者",
"have this issue": "存在这个问题",
"don't have this issue": "不存在这个问题",
"flagged as duplicate": "标记为重复",
"severity": "严重性",
"add a comment": "添加评论",
"your account": "你的账户",
"1 day left": "剩余1天",
"2 days left": "剩余2天",
"3 days left": "剩余3天",
"4 days left": "剩余4天",
"5 days left": "剩余5天",
"6 days left": "剩余6天",
"7 days left": "剩余7天",
"8 days left": "剩余8天",
"9 days left": "剩余9天",
"10 days left": "剩余10天",
"follow this issue": "关注这个问题",
"last contribution:": "最近一次贡献:",
"advanced view": "查看更多",
"community overview": "社区概述",
"did you experience this issue?": "你体验过这个问题了吗?",
"yes, i did": "是的",
"no, i didn't": "没有",
"this is a duplicate report": "这是一个重复的报告",
"what impact did this have on your gameplay session?": "这对你的游玩有多大影响?",
"polish": "没影响",
"gameplay not affected": "对游戏玩法没有影响",
"playable": "能正常游玩",
"can be worked around": "可以绕过这个问题",
"hardly playable": "难以游玩",
"impacts gameplay severely": "严重影响游戏玩法",
"critical": "极其严重",
"gamebreaking issue": "导致游戏无法游玩问题",
"whats your setup?": "你的设备是什么样的?",
"this information gives our team vital context and helps us to reproduce the issue.": "这些信息为我们提供重要的背景条件,以便我们复现该问题。",
"my device": "我的设备",
"compatible devices": "兼容的设备",
"enter your device configuration": "输入你的设备的配置",
"save time by uploading you dxdiag file,": "您可以上传你的Dxdiag文件这样节省时间",
"click here to learn how to find it.": "点击这里查看如何找到该文件。",
"be sure you read the": "请确保您已经阅读过",
"privacy policy.": "隐私条款。",
"this is my device": "这是我的设备",
"upload a dxdiag file": "上传DxDiag文件",
"enter configuration manually": "手动输入配置",
"device setup": "设备相关设置",
"please complete and review the form below.": "请查看并填写以下的表格。",
"system": "系统",
"language": "语言",
"(optional)": "(选填)",
"hardware": "硬件",
"memory": "内存",
"unit": "单位",
"graphics": "显卡",
"search for your graphic card to prefill the fields": "搜索显卡名称以填写",
"graphic card manufacturer": "显卡生产厂商",
"graphic card name": "显卡名称",
"graphic card memory": "显存",
"directx version": "DirectX 版本",
"graphic card chip type": "显卡芯片类型",
"network": "网络",
"provider": "运营商",
"connection type": "连接类型",
"ethernet cable": "以太网 网线",
"fiber": "光纤",
"download speed": "下行速度",
"upload speed": "上行速度",
"peripherals": "外设",
"you can add up to 5 peripherals (joystick, recording device, etc.)": "您最多可以添加5个外设摇杆、录音设备等",
"device - additional info": "设备 - 其他信息",
"name your device": "设备名称",
"this name will be displayed to you only, to easily select your device when you contribute to an issue.": "该名称只有您可见,便于您在为问题做贡献时快速选择您的设备。",
"add a new device": "添加新设备",
"game version": "游戏版本",
"add game version": "添加游戏版本",
"select your game version": "选择你的游戏版本",
"select the version where you experienced this issue.": "请选择你遇到该问题时的版本。",
"game environment": "游戏环境",
"this is my version": "这是我的版本",
"game settings (optional)": "游戏设置(选填)",
"add your settings": "添加你的设置",
"game settings": "游戏设置",
"something to add?": "还有什么要添加的吗?",
"provide anything else that you think will help us fix this.": "提供更多你觉得可以帮助我们修复这个问题的内容。",
"add evidence": "添加依据",
"you can upload image, text or enter a video url": "你可以上传一个图片一段文字或输入一个音频的URL",
"from the reporter": "来自报告者",
"reproductions only": "仅看复现",
"activity feed": "活动提要",
"followed": "已关注",
"dashboard": "仪表盘",
"all issues": "全部问题",
"my reports": "我的报告",
"my contributions": "我的贡献",
"followed issues": "已关注的问题",
"expiring soon": "即将过期",
"almost confirmed": "几乎确认",
"trending": "趋势",
"trending issues": "趋势性问题",
"recently confirmed issues": "当前已确认的问题",
"confirmed": "已确认",
"votes to fix it!": "投票修复它!",
"view all recently confirmed issues": "查看全部当前已确认的问题",
"recently fixed issues": "当前已解决的问题",
"view all recently fixed issues": "查看全部当前已解决的问题",
"fixed": "已解决",
"kudos to:": "感谢:",
"loading...": "加载中...",
"report date": "报告日期",
"environment": "环境",
"community severity": "社区严重性",
"clear all filters": "清除所有筛选",
"under investigation": "正在调查",
"archived": "已达成",
"issue created by": "问题创建由",
"add your device": "添加你的设备",
"no, i'm not sure": "不,我不确定",
"cancel your submission?": "取消您的提交?",
"are you sure? all information entered will be lost.": "你确定吗?所有已填写的信息都会清除。",
"edit your device": "编辑你的设备",
"6. upload that file to your issue council computer profile.": "1、按“Win+R”。2、输入“dxdiag”。3、点击“是(Y)”。4、等待文本文件生成。5、点击“保存所有信息(S)...”保存到电脑里面。6、上传该文件。",
"upload": "上传",
"issue title": "问题标题",
"whats your issue?": "你的问题是什么?",
"possible duplicates": "问题可能重复",
"your issue might have been already submitted. please, check the list of possible duplicates found.": "你的问题可能已经提交过了。请点击列表中可能与你重复的问题。",
"there are no possible duplicates corresponding to your issue title.": "没有找到可能与你问题标题重复的问题。",
"looking for possible duplicates…": "正在查找可能重复的问题…",
"view": "查看",
"view all duplicates": "查看所有重复问题",
"i checked these issues": "我检查过这个问题",
"what's your device?": "你的设备?",
"select the device you experienced this issue.": "选择你遇到这个问题使用的设备。",
"what are your game settings?": "你的游戏设置?",
"add your current settings (optional).": "添加你当前的设置(选填)。",
"add your game settings": "添加你的游戏设置",
"i don't know": "我不知道",
"what's your game version?": "你的游戏版本?",
"issue category": "问题类别",
"select a category for your issue.": "为你的问题选择一个类别",
"persistent universe missions": "持续性宇宙 任务",
"reputation": "声望",
"rsi launcher 1.6.8": "RSI 启动器 1.6.8",
"salvage and repair": "打捞和维修",
"ship ui": "飞船 UI",
"ships and vehicles": "飞船和载具",
"terminals/kiosks": "终端面板",
"object dropping / spawning and cleanup": "物品 丢弃/生成和清理",
"mining, refining, and harvesting": "采矿,精炼,和收集",
"long term persistence": "长期持续性",
"login and disconnect errors": "登录和断开连接错误",
"locations and environments": "地点和环境",
"localization": "本地化",
"law system and criminality": "法律制度与犯罪",
"keybinds and controls": "按键绑定和控制",
"inventory": "库存",
"graphics / game client framerate": "图像/游戏客户端帧率",
"general ui": "常规用户界面 UI",
"game audio": "游戏音频",
"fps weapons and gadgets": "FPS 武器和工具",
"exploit / account issue": "利用/账户问题",
"commodity trading": "商品交易",
"these are my settings": "这是我的设置",
"delete": "删除",
"characters/animation": "角色/动画",
"arena commander": "竞技场指挥官",
"anticheat": "反作弊",
"ai behavior": "AI行为",
"how bad is it?": "他有多严重?",
"select a severity for your issue.": "选择问题的严重性。",
"how did you get there?": "你是如何让这个问题出现的?",
"add up to 10 steps to help us reproduce this issue.": "最多添加10个步骤来帮助我们复现这个问题。",
"you can add evidence (images, files or video links) at each step.": "你可以在每一个步骤中添加依据(图片,文件或视频链接)。",
"what happened?": "发生了什么?",
"describe what went wrong.": "描述出现的错误。",
"you can add evidence (images, files or video links) to support your report.": "你可以添加依据(图片,文件或视频链接)来支持你的报告。",
"what should have happened?": "本来应该怎样?",
"explain the expected behavior.": "解释预期行为。",
"did you find a workaround?": "你找到了解决方法吗?",
"optional - how you were able to avoid the issue or correct its effects.": "选填 - 你是如何避免或解决这个问题的。",
"submit your issue": "提交你的问题",
"add images or videos": "添加图片或视频",
"upload a file": "上传文件",
"you can upload image (jpg, png or gif) or text (txt, xml, log, ini) files up to 25 mb each.": "你可以上传图片jpg, png, gif或文本文件txt, xml, log, ini每个文件大小不能超过25MB。",
"drop your file to start the upload": "拖动文件至此处以开始上传",
"select a file on your computer": "从你的电脑中选择文件",
"embed a video": "嵌入视频",
"you can enter a youtube or vimeo url.": "你可以输入一个 Youtube 或 视频 的URL。",
"enter your url here.": "在这里输入你的URL。",
"add video": "添加视频",
"report new issue": "报告新的问题",
"this information will be saved for your next issue or contribution, please be sure to edit it if your settings change.": "这些信息将会一直保存,在你下一次报告问题或贡献时,请确认你的设置是否已经发生改变。",
"display resolution": "显示分辨率",
"storage type": "硬盘类型",
"copy-paste content from the attributes file (user\\client\\0\\profiles\\default\\attributes.xml)": "将Attributes文件的文本 复制-粘贴 到此处USER\\Client\\0\\Profiles\\default\\attributes.xml",
"cancel your issue report?": "取消报告问题?",
"notifications": "通知",
"mark as read": "标记为已读",
"change notifications settings": "更改通知设置",
"best suggested issues": "最佳推荐问题",
"search operators": "搜索运算符",
"see issue": "查看问题",
"1 reproduction required to confirm": "1次复现 待确认",
"2 reproductions required to confirm": "2次复现 待确认",
"3 reproductions required to confirm": "3次复现 待确认",
"4 reproductions required to confirm": "4次复现 待确认",
"5 reproductions required to confirm": "5次复现 待确认",
"6 reproductions required to confirm": "6次复现 待确认",
"7 reproductions required to confirm": "7次复现 待确认",
"8 reproductions required to confirm": "8次复现 待确认",
"9 reproductions required to confirm": "9次复现 待确认",
"10 reproductions required to confirm": "10次复现 待确认",
"11 reproductions required to confirm": "11次复现 待确认",
"12 reproductions required to confirm": "12次复现 待确认",
"13 reproductions required to confirm": "13次复现 待确认",
"14 reproductions required to confirm": "14次复现 待确认",
"15 reproductions required to confirm": "15次复现 待确认",
"16 reproductions required to confirm": "16次复现 待确认",
"17 reproductions required to confirm": "17次复现 待确认",
"18 reproductions required to confirm": "18次复现 待确认",
"19 reproductions required to confirm": "19次复现 待确认",
"20 reproductions required to confirm": "20次复现 待确认",
"are you sure? the complete information content will be lost.": "你确定吗?已填写的信息都会清除。",
"category": "类别",
"starter pack": "新手包",
"starter package": "新手包",
"Zeus Mk II": "宙斯 Mk II",
"Zeus Mk II ES": "宙斯 Mk II ES",
"Zeus Mk II MR": "宙斯 Mk II MR",
"Zeus Mk II CL": "宙斯 Mk II CL",
"Transport / Medium Freight": "运输 / 中型战斗",
"1 paint pack": "1款涂装包",
"2 paint pack": "2款涂装包",
"3 paint pack": "3款涂装包",
"4 paint pack": "4款涂装包",
"5 paint pack": "5款涂装包",
"6 paint pack": "6款涂装包",
"dark green paint": "墨绿色涂装",
"sylvan paint": "森林涂装",
"argent paint": "银色涂装",
"dryad paint": "林中女仙涂装",
"black paint": "黑色涂装",
"stormbringer paint": "风暴使者涂装",
"timberline paint": "林木线涂装",
"frostbite paint": "霜冻迷彩涂装",
"foundation festival paint": "奠基节涂装",
"blue ametrine paint": "靛黄晶涂装",
"flame paint": "炽焰涂装",
"melrose paint": "主蓝副粉 梅尔罗斯涂装",
"sand wave paint": "沙浪涂装",
"slate camo paint": "板岩迷彩涂装",
"first response paint": "第一响应涂装",
"golden dawn paint": "金色黎明涂装",
"imperial red paint": "帝国红涂装",
"black rose paint": "黑玫瑰涂装",
"nightshade paint": "龙葵涂装",
"white lightning paint": "白色闪电涂装",
"evening onyx paint": "黑夜玛瑙涂装",
"sagebrush paint": "三尺艾涂装",
"twotone paint": "双色釉涂装",
"amber wave paint": "琥珀纹涂装",
"black & royal paint": "皇家蓝涂装",
"solar flare paint": "太阳耀斑涂装",
"calacatta paint": "卡拉卡塔涂装",
"afterglow paint": "余晖涂装",
"stratus paint": "层云涂装",
"cold forge paint": "冷锻涂装",
"sterling paint": "纯银涂装",
"celestial blue paint": "天蓝涂装",
"cinder paint": "煤灰涂装",
"flint paint": "燧石涂装",
"outrider paint": "先驱者涂装",
"light green and grey paint": "浅绿色和灰色涂装",
"metallic grey paint": "金属灰色涂装",
"tan and green paint": "棕褐色和绿色涂装",
"green and gold paint": "绿色和金色涂装",
"light and dark grey paint": "深浅灰涂装",
"operation pitchfork paint": "草叉行动",
"olive green paint paint": "橄榄绿涂装",
"code blue paint": "蓝色警报涂装",
"heartbeat paint": "心跳涂装",
"nightbreak paint": "夜影涂装",
"responder paint": "响应者涂装",
"seraphim paint": "塞拉菲姆涂装",
"scrubland paint": "灌木迷彩涂装",
"copernicus paint": "哥白尼涂装",
"de biasio paint": "德·比亚西奥涂装",
"kepler paint": "开普勒涂装",
"deck the hull livery": "盛装打扮涂装",
"icebreak livery": "破冰涂装",
"beachhead paint": "抢滩迷彩涂装",
"ice storm paint": "冰暴迷彩涂装",
"sandstorm paint": "沙暴迷彩涂装",
"2953 auspicious red paint": "2953吉祥红涂装",
"black heron paint": "黑鹭涂装",
"orange heron paint": "橙鹭涂装",
"white heron paint": "白鹭涂装",
"commando paint": "突击队涂装",
"eternity paint": "永恒涂装",
"flashpoint paint": "闪电涂装",
"hinterland paint": "腹地涂装",
"cypress paint": "柏树涂装",
"hawthorn paint": "霍桑涂装",
"saurian paint": "蜥蜴涂装",
"skull and crossbones paint": "海盗涂装",
"groundswell paint": "风起云涌涂装",
"light beam paint": "光束涂装",
"wind chill paint": "风寒涂装",
"dust devil paint": "尘魔",
"harmony paint": "和谐涂装",
"platinum paint": "铂金涂装",
"coalfire paint": "煤火涂装",
"mistwalker paint": "雾行者涂装",
"ambush paint": "伏击迷彩涂装",
"knockout paint": "终击涂装",
"stardust paint": "星尘涂装",
"cerberus paint": "地狱犬涂装",
"draco paint": "天龙座涂装",
"copperhead paint": "铜头蛇涂装",
"lightspeed paint": "光速涂装",
"terminus paint": "端点涂装",
"empyrean paint": "天界涂装",
"horizon paint": "地平线涂装",
"shadow strike paint": "暗影突击涂装",
"condor paint": "秃鹰涂装",
"skyrider paint": "天空骑士涂装",
"blackguard paint": "恶棍涂装",
"equinox paint": "昼夜涂装",
"nightrunner paint": "夜行者涂装",
"polar paint": "极地迷彩涂装",
"ranger paint": "护林员涂装",
"sidewinder paint": "侧进蛇涂装",
"cobalt grey paint": "钴灰涂装",
"electric green paint": "电绿涂装",
"blue steel paint": "蓝钢涂装",
"silver spark paint": "银色火花涂装",
"carbon paint": "碳黑",
"talus paint": "岩白",
"bushwacker paint": "开路者涂装",
"reburn paint": "再燃涂装",
"silverback paint": "银背涂装",
"smokestack paint": "烟囱涂装",
"guardian paint": "守护者涂装",
"vindicator paint": "维护者",
"2951 auspicious red paint": "2951吉祥红涂装",
"amber paint": "琥珀涂装",
"cherry blossom paint": "樱花涂装",
"conifer paint": "针叶树涂装",
"evergreen paint": "万年青涂装",
"jackal paint": "游牧 胡狼涂装",
"lovestruck paint": "痴情涂装",
"overdrive paint": "超速涂装",
"sandstone paint": "砂岩涂装",
"badlands paint": "荒地涂装",
"ember storm paint": "余烬风暴涂装",
"gunmetal paint": "炮铜色涂装",
"shifting sands paint": "流沙涂装",
"snowblind paint": "雪盲涂装",
"thli paint": "浪涌涂装",
"windrider paint": "风骑涂装",
"invictus blue and gold paint": "限定金色和蓝色涂装",
"nebula paint": "星云涂装",
"agate gray paint": "玛瑙灰涂装",
"anchor paint": "船锚涂装",
"hyaotan paint": "浩天涂装",
"underworld paint": "地狱涂装",
"valencia paint": "瓦伦西亚涂装",
"twilight paint": "暮光涂装",
"grey paint": "灰色涂装",
"aphorite paint": "紫钠水晶涂装",
"black cherry paint": "黑樱桃涂装",
"dolivine paint": "暗橄榄石涂装",
"hadinite paint": "哈丹水晶涂装",
"harvester paint": "收割机涂装",
"hazard paint": "危险黄涂装",
"quicksilver paint": "水银涂装",
"2952 auspicious red paint": "2952吉祥红涂装",
"avalanche paint": "雪崩涂装",
"blight paint": "疫灾涂装",
"red alert paint": "红色警戒涂装",
"shock force paint": "冲击力涂装",
"stiletto paint": "刺剑涂装",
"stinger paint": "毒刺涂装",
"storm cloud paint": "风暴云涂装",
"sunburn paint": "灼日涂装",
"tiburon paint": "鲨鱼涂装",
"intrepid paint": "无畏涂装",
"olympia paint": "奥林匹亚涂装",
"storm surge paint": "风暴汹涌涂装",
"ocellus paint": "钴蓝涂装",
"crimson paint": "绯红涂装",
"light grey paint": "浅灰涂装",
"sage paint": "鼠尾草涂装",
"splinter paint": "碎片涂装",
"solar winds paint": "太阳风涂装",
"Spirit": "星灵",
"Countdown to IAE 2953": "IAE 2953 倒计时",
"The biggest ship show in the 'verse returns!": "全宇宙最盛大的飞船展览再次回归!",
"Introducing the RSI Zeus MK II": "介绍 RSI宙斯 MK II",
"F7C HORNET MK II": "F7C 大黄蜂 MK II",
"F7C HORNET MK I": "F7C 大黄蜂 MK I",
"Sign in to your RSI account": "登录你的RSI账户",
"No account?": "没有账户?",
"Create one!":"创建一个",
"Sign In":"登录",
"Remember me":"记住我",
"Forgot password?":"忘记了密码?",
"Place order": "下订单",
"$10": "$10",
"$100": "$100",
"$25": "$25",
"$50": "$50",
"2022": "2022",
"2023": "2023",
"2942": "2942",
"2943": "2943",
"2944": "2944",
"2948": "2948",
"2949": "2949",
"2950": "2950",
"2952": "2952",
"Add-Ons": "附件",
"Anniversary": "周年庆",
"Arbiter": "阿比特",
"Ares": "战神",
"Argo": "南船座",
"Arms": "臂甲",
"Arrastra": "阿拉斯塔",
"Arrow": "箭矢",
"Aurora": "极光",
"AvantX": "前卫X",
"Avenger": "复仇者",
"Azure": "蔚蓝",
"Backpack": "背包",
"Ballista": "弩炮",
"Banu": "巴努",
"Berry": "浆果",
"Blade": "刀锋",
"Buccaneer": "掠夺者",
"Buggies": "小车",
"CR2018": "CR2018",
"Carrack": "克拉克",
"Caterpillar": "毛虫",
"Centurion": "百夫长",
"Cherry": "樱桃红",
"Combo": "组合包",
"Constellation": "星座",
"Container": "集装箱",
"Core": "胸甲",
"Corsair": "海盗船",
"Cot": "便携床",
"Crucible": "坩埚",
"Cutlass": "弯刀",
"Cutter": "小刀",
"Cyclone": "旋风",
"Decorations": "装饰品",
"Defender": "防卫者",
"Digital": "数字版",
"Dragonfly": "蜻蜓",
"Drake": "德雷克",
"Eclipse": "日蚀",
"Ectio": "埃克提",
"Endeavor": "奋进",
"English": "英语",
"Expanse": "无垠",
"Expedition": "远征",
"F8C": "F8C",
"FEB2018": "2018年2月",
"FORCE": "武装",
"Fallout": "辐射",
"Feb2018": "2018年2月",
"Fishtank": "鱼缸",
"Flyable": "可飞",
"Freelancer": "自由枪骑兵",
"Fury": "狂怒",
"G12": "G12",
"G12a": "G12a",
"G12r": "G12r",
"Galaxy": "银河",
"Gear": "装备",
"Genesis": "创世纪",
"Giveaway": "赠送",
"Gladiator": "角斗士",
"Gladius": "短剑",
"Glaive": "长刀",
"Grape": "葡萄紫",
"Guava": "番石榴粉",
"Gunmetal": "炮铜涂装",
"Hammerhead": "锤头鲨",
"Haruspec": "明目",
"Hawk": "猎鹰",
"Helmet": "头盔",
"Herald": "信使",
"Hercules": "大力神",
"Hornet": "大黄蜂",
"HoverQuad": "悬浮驷",
"Hurricane": "飓风",
"IAE": "IAΕ",
"IAE2949": "IAΕ2949",
"ILW": "ILW",
"ILW2950": "ILW2950",
"Idris-P": "伊德里斯-P",
"Imperator": "皇帝",
"Ivory": "象牙白",
"Jacket": "夹克",
"Javelin": "标枪",
"Kavische": "卡维斯彻",
"Khartu-Al": "卡图-AL",
"Khartu-al": "卡图-AL",
"Kraken": "海妖",
"LNY": "LNY",
"LTI": "LTI",
"Legionnaire": "军团兵",
"Legs": "腿甲",
"Liberator": "解放者 ",
"Lightspeed": "光速涂装",
"Lime": "酸橙绿",
"Limited": "限量版",
"Luminalia-Wallpaper": "光灯节壁纸",
"Lynx": "天猫座",
"M50": "M50",
"MOLE": "鼹鼠",
"Mantis": "螳螂",
"Menarik": "美奈鱼",
"Merchantman": "巴努商船",
"Mercury": "墨丘利",
"Meridian": "子午线",
"Merlin": "梅林",
"Mole": "鼹鼠",
"Monocle": "单片眼镜",
"Mule": "骡",
"Mustang": "野马",
"NN-13": "NN-13",
"Nautilus": "鹦鹉螺",
"Nomad": "游牧",
"Nova": "新星",
"Nox": "Nox",
"Obsidian": "黑曜涂装",
"Odyssey": "奥德赛",
"Orange": "橙色",
"Original": "原始概念",
"Orion": "猎户座",
"Oshi": "奥西",
"PTV": "PTV",
"Package": "组合包",
"Packs": "组合包",
"Paints": "涂装",
"Pants": "裤子",
"Perseus": "英仙座",
"Pioneer": "开拓者",
"Pisces": "双鱼座",
"Polar": "极地涂装",
"Polaris": "北极星",
"Posters": "海报包",
"Presale": "预售",
"Prospector": "勘探者",
"Prowler": "徘徊者",
"RAFT": "木筏",
"ROC": "ROC",
"RSI": "RSI",
"Railen": "锐伦",
"Razor": "剃刀",
"Reclaimer": "回收者",
"Redeemer": "救赎",
"Referral": "邀请奖励",
"Referrer": "邀请奖励",
"Reliant": "信赖",
"Retaliator": "报复",
"Reveal-Wallpaper": "揭示-壁纸",
"SRV": "SRV",
"STV": "STV",
"Sabre": "军刀",
"San'tok.yai": "桑托起亚",
"Sarrab": "萨拉布",
"Scorpius": "天蝎座",
"Scythe": "死镰",
"Ship": "飞船",
"Skyrider": "天空骑士涂装",
"Sneak-Peek": "抢先看",
"Spartan": "斯巴达",
"Spectrum-Badge": "光谱徽章",
"Starfarer": "星际远航者",
"Storm": "风暴",
"Stormbringer": "风暴使者涂装",
"Subscribers": "订阅",
"Suit": "套装",
"Syluen": "速伦",
"Talon": "利爪",
"Terrapin": "水龟",
"Tholo": "Tholo",
"Thundercloud": "雷云",
"Torso": "胸甲",
"VELOCITY": "竞速",
"Valentines": "情人节",
"Valkyrie": "女武神",
"Vanguard": "先锋",
"Vindel": "温德尔鱼",
"Vulcan": "火神",
"Vulture": "秃鹫",
"Warbond": "战争债券",
"Workbench": "工作台",
"X1": "X1",
"Zeus": "宙斯",
"Voyager edition": "旅行者版",
"\"350R\" Poster": "\"350R\" 海报",
"\"Cutlass\" Poster": "弯刀 海报",
"\"Freelancer\" Poster": "自由枪骑兵 海报",
"\"Gamescom 2943\"": "2943 科隆游戏展",
"\"Gamescom 2944\"": "“2944 科隆游戏展”",
"\"Gamescom 2945\"": "\"2945 科隆游戏展\"",
"\"Gladiator\" Poster": "角斗士 海报",
"\"Hornet\" Poster": "大黄蜂 海报",
"\"Retaliator\" Poster": "报复者 海报",
"100 Series": "100 系列",
"100M Reward": "100M 奖励",
"20,000 UEC": "20,000 UEC",
"3,000 UEC": "3,000 UEC",
"3-Year Insurance": "3年保险",
"3.12 FreeFly": "3.12 试飞",
"3.7 FreeFly": "3.7 试飞",
"315p Explorer": "315P 探索者",
"325a Fighter": "325a 战斗机",
"350R Box": "350r 盒子",
"350r Racer": "350r 竞速",
"400i Paint": "400i涂装",
"400i Pre-Order": "400i 概念版",
"42M Reward": "42M 奖励",
"45M Reward": "45M 奖励",
"47M Reward": "47M 奖励",
"49M Reward": "49M 奖励",
"5,000 UEC": "5,000 UEC",
"52M Reward": "52M 奖励",
"55M Reward": "55M 奖励",
"56M Reward": "56M 奖励",
"600i Exploration": "600i 探索版",
"600i Poster": "600i 海报",
"600i Touring": "600i 旅游版",
"72-Months Insurance": "72月保险",
"85X Poster": "85X 海报",
"890 JUMP": "890 跃动",
"A1 Spirit": "星灵 A1",
"A2 Hercules": "大力神 A2",
"AEGIS Vulcan": "圣盾 火神",
"ANVIL Hawk": "铁砧 猎鹰",
"Advanced Hunter": "精英赏金猎人",
"Advocacy Tools": "督导局工具",
"Aegis Eclipse": "圣盾 日蚀",
"Aegis Gladius": "圣盾 短剑",
"Aegis Hammerhead": "圣盾 锤头鲨",
"Aegis Hat": "圣盾 帽子",
"Aegis Idris-P": "圣盾 伊德里斯-P",
"Aegis Javelin": "圣盾 标枪",
"Aegis Nautilus": "圣盾 鹦鹉螺",
"Aegis Redeemer": "圣盾 救赎者",
"Aegis Sabre": "圣盾 军刀",
"Aegis Vanguard": "圣盾 先锋",
"Aeroview Hangar": "俯瞰机库",
"Afterglow Paint": "余辉涂装",
"Agate Gray": "玛瑙灰涂装",
"Alien Pack": "外星人包",
"Allegiant Paint": "忠诚涂装",
"Ambush Paint": "伏击迷彩涂装",
"Anchor Paint": "船锚涂装",
"Anniversary 2015": "2015 周年庆",
"Anniversary 2016": "2016 周年庆",
"Anniversary Starter": "周年庆 新手包",
"Anvil Arrow": "铁砧 箭矢",
"Anvil Carrack": "铁砧 克拉克",
"Anvil Crucible": "铁砧 坩埚",
"Anvil Gladiator": "铁砧 角斗士",
"Anvil Hat": "铁砧 帽子",
"Anvil Hawk": "铁砧 猎鹰",
"Anvil Hornet": "铁砧 大黄蜂",
"Anvil Hurricane": "铁砧 飓风",
"Anvil Legionnaire": "铁砧 军团兵",
"Anvil Liberator": "铁砧 解放者",
"Anvil Terrapin": "铁砧 水龟",
"Anvil Valkyrie": "铁砧 女武神",
"Aopoa Nox": "奥波亚 Nox",
"Aopoa San'tok.yāi": "奥波亚 桑托起亚",
"Apollo Medivac": "阿波罗 医务室",
"Apollo Triage": "阿波罗 分诊台",
"Aponte Explorer": "阿庞特探险家",
"Ardent Paint": "激情涂装",
"Ares Inferno": "战神 地狱火",
"Ares Ion": "战神 离子光",
"Argent Paint": "银白涂装",
"Argo Hat": "南船座 帽子",
"Argo MPUV": "南船座 MPUV",
"Argo Mole": "南船座 鼹鼠",
"Argo Poster": "南船座 海报",
"Argo RAFT": "南船座 木筏",
"Argo SRV": "南船 SRV",
"Aril Arms": "伪壳 臂甲",
"Aril Backpack": "伪壳 背包",
"Aril Core": "伪壳 胸甲",
"Aril Helmet": "伪壳 头盔",
"Aril Legs": "伪壳 腿甲",
"Armada Pack": "舰队包",
"Aspire Paint": "志远涂装",
"Assembly Paint": "装配涂装",
"Aurora CL": "极光 CL",
"Aurora ES": "极光 ES",
"Aurora LN": "极光 LN",
"Aurora LX": "极光 LX",
"Aurora MR": "极光 MR",
"Avalanche Paint": "雪崩涂装",
"Avalos Scout": "阿瓦洛斯侦察兵",
"Avenger Box": "复仇者 盒子",
"Avenger Series": "复仇者 系列",
"Avenger Stalker": "复仇者 追猎",
"Avenger Titan": "复仇者 泰坦",
"Avenger Warlock": "复仇者 术士",
"Aves Helmet": "飞鸟 头盔",
"Aztalan Armor": "阿兹塔兰 护甲",
"Aztalan Helmet": "阿兹塔兰 头盔",
"Badland Paint": "荒地涂装",
"Ballista 2949": "弩炮 2949",
"Ballista Dunestalker": "弩炮 沙丘追猎者",
"Ballista Snowblind": "弩炮 雪盲",
"Banu Defender": "巴努 防卫者",
"Banu Merchantman": "巴努商船",
"Beachhead Paint": "抢滩迷彩涂装",
"Beacon Undersuit": "信标基底服",
"Behring P4-AR": "贝林 P4-AR",
"Big Guns": "大枪包",
"Black Livery": "黑色涂装",
"Blackguard Paint": "恶棍涂装",
"Blight Paint": "疫灾涂装",
"Blueshift Paint": "蓝移涂装",
"Buccaneer Paint": "掠夺者涂装",
"Bushwacker Paint": "开路者涂装",
"C1 Spirit": "星灵 C1",
"C2 Hercules": "大力神 C2",
"C8 Pisces": "C8双鱼座",
"C8R Pisces": "C8R 双鱼座",
"CDF Trainee": "CDF 学员",
"CDF Veteran": "CDF 资深响应者",
"CNOU Hat": "联合外域 帽子",
"CNOU Pioneer": "联合外域 开拓者",
"COMBO WB": "战争债卷组合包",
"Caiman Paint": "鳄鱼涂装",
"Calacatta Paint": "卡拉卡塔涂装",
"Calva helmet": "颅盖头盔",
"Carbon Edition": "炭黑版",
"Carbonide Paint": "碳化物涂装",
"Cargo Module": "货舱模块",
"Carnival Paint": "狂欢节涂装",
"Carrack Expedition": "克拉克 远征",
"Carrack Paint": "克拉克涂装",
"Carrack T-Shirt": "克拉克 T恤",
"Carrack w/C8X": "克拉克 /C8X",
"Caterpillar Paint": "毛虫涂装",
"Centurion Subscribers": "百夫长 订阅者",
"Cerberus Paint": "地狱犬涂装",
"Ch.iing Paint": "驰银涂装",
"Chance Cube": "机会方块",
"Christmas Reward!": "圣诞节奖励!",
"Chuiā Paint": "翠雅涂装",
"Cinder Paint": "煤灰涂装",
"CitizenCon 2946": "公民控 2946",
"CitizenCon 2947": "公民控 2947",
"Cliffhanger Paint": "悬念涂装",
"Cloudburst Paint": "云爆涂装",
"Coalfire Paint": "煤火涂装",
"Cobalt Paint": "钴蓝涂装",
"Commando Paint": "突击队涂装",
"Company Pack": "公司包",
"Condor Paint": "秃鹫涂装",
"Conifer Paint": "针叶树涂装",
"Constellation Andromeda": "星座 仙女座",
"Constellation Aquila": "星座 天鹰座",
"Constellation Box": "星座 盒子",
"Constellation Paint": "星座涂装",
"Constellation Phoenix": "星座 凤凰座",
"Constellation Taurus": "星座 金牛座",
"Convoy Pack": "船队包",
"Copernicus Paint": "哥白尼涂装",
"Copperhead Paint": "铜头蛇涂装",
"Crimson Paint": "猩红涂装",
"Crusader Hat": "十字军 帽子",
"Crusader Hercules": "十字军 大力神",
"Cuesta Shoes": "奎斯塔 鞋子",
"Cutlass Black": "黑弯刀",
"Cutlass Blue": "蓝弯刀",
"Cutlass Red": "红弯刀",
"Cutlass Steel": "钢弯刀",
"Cutlass T-Shirt": "弯刀 T恤",
"Cutlass poster": "弯刀 海报",
"Cutter Rambler": "小刀 漫步者",
"Cutter Scout": "小刀 侦察兵",
"Cyan QuikFlarePro": "青色\"快闪\"荧光棒高级版",
"Cyclone AA": "旋风 AA",
"Cyclone MT": "旋风 MT",
"Cyclone RC": "旋风 RC",
"Cyclone RN": "旋风 RN",
"Cyclone TR": "旋风 TR",
"Cypress Paint": "柏树涂装",
"Darkside Paint": "黑暗面涂装",
"Defender Paint": "巴努防卫者涂装",
"Defender Poster": "巴努防卫者 海报",
"Digital Freelancer": "自由枪骑兵 数字包",
"Digital Mercenary": "雇佣兵 数字包",
"Digital Scout": "侦查员 数字包",
"Dolivine Paint": "暗橄榄石涂装",
"Dominus Pack": "主宰者包",
"Donation Plaque": "捐赠牌",
"Draco Paint": "天龙座涂装",
"Dragonfly Black": "黑蜻蜓",
"Dragonfly StarKitten": "蜻蜓 \"星空猫\"",
"Dragonfly Yellowjacket": "蜻蜓 黄胡蜂",
"Drake Buccaneer": "德雷克 掠夺者",
"Drake Caterpillar": "德雷克 毛虫",
"Drake Corsair": "德雷克 海盗船",
"Drake Cutlass": "德雷克 弯刀",
"Drake Dragonfly": "德雷克 蜻蜓",
"Drake Hat": "德雷克 帽子",
"Drake Herald": "德雷克 信使",
"Drake Kraken": "德雷克 海妖",
"Drake Mule": "德雷克 骡",
"Drake Vulture": "德雷克 秃鹫",
"Dryad Paint": "树妖涂装",
"Dusk Paint": "薄暮涂装",
"E1 Spirit": "星灵 E1",
"Eclipse Paint": "日蚀涂装",
"Eclipse Poster": "日蚀 海报",
"Eclipse T-Shirt": "日蚀 T恤",
"Emperor Blossom": "图瑟拉克重瓣花 (帝王花)",
"Empyrean Paint": "天界涂装",
"Enjakte Knife": "恩贾克特 匕首",
"Entrepreneur Pack": "企业家包",
"Equinox Paint": "晨昏涂装",
"Escort Pack": "护送包",
"Esperia Blade": "埃斯佩里亚 刀锋",
"Esperia Glaive": "埃斯佩里亚 长刀",
"Esperia Prowler": "埃斯佩里亚 徘徊者",
"Esperia Talon": "埃斯佩里亚 利爪",
"Eternity Paint": "永恒涂装",
"Exploration Skin": "探索涂装",
"F7C Hornet": "F7C 大黄蜂",
"F8C Lightning": "F8C 闪电",
"FACTION-9 Baton": "9系 \"长剑\"实弹加农炮",
"FieldLite Blue": "精简领域 蓝色",
"FieldLite Red": "精简领域 红色",
"FieldLite Yellow": "精简领域 黄色",
"Flame Paint": "炽焰涂装",
"Flashfire Paint": "闪火涂装",
"Forgiveness Sweater": "宽恕 毛衣",
"Formation Pack": "组织包",
"Fortuna Paint": "福尔图娜涂装",
"Free Fly": "免费试飞",
"Freelancer Box": "自由枪骑兵 盒子",
"Freelancer DUR": "自由枪骑兵 DUR",
"Freelancer MAX": "自由枪骑兵 MAX",
"Freelancer MIS": "自由枪骑兵 MIS",
"Freelancer Series": "自由枪骑兵系列",
"Freelancer poster": "自由枪骑兵 海报",
"Frontier Helmet": "弗龙捷 头盔",
"Frontier Undersuit": "弗龙捷 基底服",
"Frostbite Paint": "霜冻迷彩涂装",
"Fury LX": "狂怒 LX",
"Fury MX": "狂怒 MX",
"Galaxy Complete": "银河 完整包",
"Galaxy Hospital": "银河 医院",
"Galaxy Refinery": "银河 精炼",
"Gamescom 2946": "2946 科隆游戏展",
"Gatac Railen": "盖塔克 锐伦",
"Gemini L86": "双子座 L86",
"Gemini LH86": "双子座 LH86",
"Genesis Starliner": "创世纪 星际航线",
"Gift Cards": "礼品卡",
"Gimbal mounts": "万向节挂点",
"Giocoso Helmet": "杰科索头盔 象牙白",
"Gladiator Poster": "角斗士 海报",
"Gladius Box": "短剑 盒子",
"Gladius Series": "短剑 系列",
"Gladius Valiant": "短剑 勇士",
"Glorious Moments": "光荣时刻",
"Good Boot": "好靴子",
"Good Health": "好健康",
"Green QuikFlarePro": "绿色“快闪”荧光棒高级版",
"Grey Paint": "灰色涂装",
"Greycat Industrial": "灰猫工业",
"Greycat PTV": "灰猫 PTV",
"Greycat ROC": "灰猫 ROC",
"Groundswell Paint": "风起云涌涂装",
"Guardian Paint": "守护者涂装",
"Gunmetal Paint": "炮铜涂装",
"Hadanite Paint": "哈丹涂装",
"Hadesian Artifact": "Hadesian遗物",
"Hammerhead Paint": "锤头鲨涂装",
"Hangar Trophy": "机库奖杯",
"Harmony Paint": "和谐涂装",
"Harvester Paint": "收割机涂装",
"Hawthorn Paint": "霍桑涂装",
"Hazard Paint": "危险黄涂装",
"Healing attachment": "医疗附件",
"Heartbeat Paint": "心跳涂装",
"Heartseeker Poster": "寻心者 海报",
"Herald Paint": "极地涂装",
"Hercules Starlifter": "大力神 星际运输船",
"Hinterland Paint": "腹地涂装",
"Hitbox Magazine": "命中框海报",
"Holiday 2019": "2019 节日包",
"Holiday Wreath": "节日花环",
"Hoplite Poster": "先锋 重装 海报",
"Horizon Paint": "地平线涂装",
"Hornet F7C": "大黄蜂 F7C",
"Hornet poster": "大黄蜂 海报",
"Hosanna Paint": "和撒那涂装",
"Hull A": "货 A",
"Hull B": "货 B",
"Hull C": "货 C",
"Hull D": "货 D",
"Hull E": "货 E",
"Hurricane Paint": "飓风涂装",
"Hyaotan Paint": "Hyaotan涂装",
"IAE 2949": "IAΕ 2949",
"IAE 2950": "IAΕ 2950",
"IAE 2952": "IAΕ 2952",
"ILW 2950": "ILW 2950",
"ILW 2951": "ILW 2951",
"ILW 2953": "ILW 2953",
"IceBreak Paint": "破冰涂装",
"Icebound Paint": "冰封涂装",
"Icebound paint": "冰封涂装",
"Idris-M Frigate": "伊德里斯-M 护卫舰",
"Idris-P Frigate": "伊德里斯-P 护卫舰",
"Imperator Subscribers": "皇帝 订阅",
"Inceptor Pack": "拦截包",
"Intrepid Paint": "无畏涂装",
"Ironscale Paint": "铁鳞涂装",
"Ironweave Paint": "铁织涂装",
"Jackal Paint": "胡狼涂装",
"Javelin Poster": "标枪 海报",
"Kepler Paint": "开普勒涂装",
"Khartu-Al Box": "卡图-AL 盒装模型",
"Khartu-al Paint": "卡图-AL 涂装",
"Knockout Paint": "终击涂装",
"Kraken Privateer": "海妖 私掠版",
"LH Handgun": "LH 手枪",
"LTI Legacy": "LTI Legacy",
"Lamont Undersuit": "拉蒙特基底服",
"Landfall Paint": "登陆涂装",
"Leatherback Paint": "棱皮龟涂装",
"Legacy AC": "Legacy AC",
"Legacy Alpha": "Legacy Alpha",
"Legatus 2951": "总长 - 2951",
"Lifetime Insurance": "永久保险",
"Lightspeed Paint": "光速涂装",
"Longhorn Paint": "长角牛涂装",
"Lovestruck Paint": "痴情涂装",
"Lovestruck Paints": "痴情涂装",
"Luminalia 2953": "2953 光灯节",
"Luminalia Mug": "光灯节 马克杯",
"Luminalia Sextant": "光灯节 六分仪",
"Luminalia Sweater": "光灯节 毛衣",
"Lynx IAE": "天猫座 IAE",
"M2 Hercules": "大力神 M2",
"M50 Box": "M50 盒子",
"M50 Paint": "M50涂装",
"MISC Endeavor": "武藏 奋进",
"MISC Expanse": "武藏 无垠",
"MISC Freelancer": "武藏 自由枪骑兵",
"MISC Hat": "武藏 帽子",
"MISC Prospector": "武藏 勘探者",
"MISC Razor": "武藏 剃刀",
"MISC Reliant": "武藏 信赖",
"MISC Starfarer": "武藏 星际远航者",
"MPUV Cargo": "MPUV 货运",
"MPUV Personnel": "MPUV 载人",
"Mantis GT-220": "螳螂 GT-220",
"Mantis Paint": "螳螂涂装",
"Melrose Paint": "梅尔罗斯涂装",
"Menarik Fish": "美奈鱼",
"Meridian Paint": "子午线涂装",
"Midas Fish": "迈达斯鱼",
"Mini Hauler": "微型运输船",
"Mining attachment": "采矿附件",
"Mistwalker Paint": "雾行者涂装",
"Moonrise Paint": "月升涂装",
"Moonshadow Paint": "月影涂装",
"Mustang Alpha": "野马 阿尔法",
"Mustang Beta": "野马 贝塔",
"Mustang Box": "野马 盒子",
"Mustang Delta": "野马 德尔塔",
"Mustang Gamma": "野马 伽马",
"Mustang Omega": "野马 欧米伽",
"Myondo Knife": "米昂多 匕首",
"Myuda Knife": "缪达刀",
"Nebula Paint": "星云涂装",
"New Backers": "新支持者",
"Nightbreak Paint": "夜影涂装",
"Nightfall Paint": "夜临涂装",
"Nightrunner Paint": "夜行者涂装",
"Noble Paint": "高尚涂装",
"Nocturne Paint": "Nocturne涂装",
"Nomad Paint": "游牧涂装",
"Nova Tank": "新星坦克",
"Nox Kue": "Nox Kue",
"Nox Poster": "Nox 海报",
"Ocellus Paint": "单眼涂装",
"Olympia Paint": "奥林匹亚涂装",
"Omnisky VI": "制空 VI",
"Opera Mushroom": "交响号角菇 (歌剧蘑菇)",
"Orange QuikFlarePro": "橙色“快闪”荧光棒高级版",
"Origin 100i": "起源 100i",
"Origin 135c": "起源 135c",
"Origin 300i": "起源 300i",
"Origin 315p": "起源 315p",
"Origin 325a": "起源 325a",
"Origin 400i": "起源 400i",
"Origin 85X": "起源 85X",
"Origin G12": "起源 G12",
"Origin G12a": "起源 G12a",
"Origin G12r": "起源 G12r",
"Origin Hat": "起源 帽子",
"Origin X1": "起源 X1",
"Origin- LTI": "起源- LTI",
"Outrider Paint": "先驱者涂装",
"Overcast Paint": "阴雨涂装",
"Overdrive Paint": "超速传动涂装",
"P-52 Merlin": "P-52 梅林",
"P-72 Archimedes": "P-72 阿基米德",
"PTV Buggy": "PTV 小车",
"Paint Pack": "涂装包",
"Pambada Knife": "帕姆巴达刀",
"Pathfinder ed...": "\"寻路者\"箭矢能量狙击步枪",
"Pathfinder edition": "寻路者版",
"Penumbra Paint": "半影涂装",
"Perseus Paint": "英仙座涂装",
"Piconalia Sweater": "皮可欢庆 毛衣",
"Pioneer Warbond": "开拓者 战争债券版",
"Pips T-Shirt": "必事T恤",
"Pirate Caterpillar": "海盗毛虫",
"Pirate Gladius": "海盗短剑",
"Pirate Pack": "海盗包",
"Platinum Paint": "铂金涂装",
"Plentiful Salvage": "丰盛打捞",
"Polar Paint": "极地涂装",
"Polaris Poster": "北极星 海报",
"Praetorian Pack": "禁卫军包",
"Private Reserve": "私人版",
"Prospector Paint": "勘探者涂装",
"Protector Paint": "Protector 涂装",
"Provectus Pack": "Provectus 包",
"Prowler Paint": "徘徊者涂装",
"Prowler Poster": "徘徊者 海报",
"Pyrite Paint": "硫铁涂装",
"Quicksilver Paint": "水银涂装",
"QuikFlarePro Pack": "“快闪”荧光棒高级版套装",
"Quirinus Tech": "奎里努斯科技",
"RRS Knife": "RSS 匕首",
"RSI Aurora": "RSI 极光",
"RSI Galaxy": "RSI 银河",
"RSI Hat": "RSI 帽子",
"RSI Mantis": "RSI 螳螂",
"RSI Orion": "RSI 猎户座",
"RSI Perseus": "RSI 英仙座",
"RSI Polaris": "RSI 北极星",
"RSI Scorpius": "RSI 天蝎座",
"Radiant Paint": "辐射涂装",
"Ranger CV": "游骑兵 CV",
"Ranger Paint": "游骑兵涂装",
"Ranger RC": "游骑兵 RC",
"Ranger TR": "游骑兵 TR",
"Razor EX": "剃刀 EX",
"Razor LX": "剃刀 LX",
"Razor Paint": "剃刀涂装",
"Razor Poster": "剃刀 海报",
"Rear Admiral": "海军少将",
"Reburn Paint": "再燃涂装",
"Red QuikFlarePro": "红色“快闪”荧光棒高级版",
"Redeemer Paint": "救赎者涂装",
"Referral 100": "100人 邀请奖励",
"Referral 200": "200人 邀请奖励",
"Referral 2017": "2017人 邀请奖励",
"Referral 500": "500人 邀请奖励",
"Referral 75": "75人 推荐奖励",
"Referral Bonus": "邀请奖励",
"Referral Fishtank": "邀请奖励 鱼缸",
"Refinery Module": "精炼模块",
"Reliant Kore": "信赖 基础",
"Reliant Mako": "信赖 新闻",
"Reliant Poster": "信赖 海报",
"Reliant Sen": "信赖 科考",
"Reliant Tana": "信赖 武装",
"Resolute Paint": "坚毅涂装",
"Responder Paint": "响应者涂装",
"Retaliator Base": "复仇者",
"Retaliator Bomber": "报复者 轰炸",
"Retaliator Poster": "报复者 海报",
"Revenant Tree": "亡魂树",
"Rifle Green": "步枪绿涂装",
"Rockslide Paint": "岩滑涂装",
"Roughneck Pack": "莽夫包",
"Ruby Paint": "深红涂装",
"SW16BR2 “Sawbuck”": "SW16BR2“锯木架”",
"Sabre Box": "军刀 盒子",
"Sabre Comet": "军刀 彗星",
"Sabre Paint": "军刀 涂装",
"Sabre Raven": "军刀 渡鸦",
"Sage Paint": "鼠尾草涂装",
"Sandstone Paint": "砂岩涂装",
"Sandstorm Paint": "沙暴迷彩涂装",
"Sangar Helmet": "战壕头盔",
"Saurian Paint": "蜥蜴涂装",
"Scarecrow Helmet": "惊骇丘陵头盔",
"Scorpius Antares": "天蝎座 蝎心",
"Scoundrel Pack": "恶棍包",
"Scourge Pack": "Scourge 组合包",
"Scrubland Paint": "灌木迷彩涂装",
"Self-Land Hangar": "自属之地机库",
"Seraphim Paint": "炽天使涂装",
"Shadow Paint": "阴影涂装",
"Shockwave Paint": "冲击波涂装",
"Showdown Edition": "舰船大对决版",
"Shroud Paint": "遮蔽涂装",
"Sidewinder Paint": "响尾蛇涂装",
"Simoom Paint": "西蒙风涂装",
"Sizi Knife": "西齐 匕首",
"Skyrider Paint": "天空骑士涂装",
"Slipstream Paint": "尾流涂装",
"Smokestack Paint": "烟囱涂装",
"Snowblind Paint": "雪盲涂装",
"Solstice Paint": "冬至涂装",
"Space Cactus": "太空球 红顶仙人掌 (卡维斯彻)",
"Space Flower": "太空球 帝王花",
"Space Globe": "太空球 光荣",
"Space Globes": "太空球",
"Spartan Paint": "风暴使者涂装",
"Spirit Collection": "星灵 组合包",
"Splinter Paint": "碎片涂装",
"Spring '17": "春季 '17",
"Squadron 42": "42中队",
"Stalwart Paint": "坚燃涂装",
"Standalone Ship": "单船",
"Star Runner": "星际快运船",
"Stardust Paint": "Stardust 涂装",
"Starfarer Box": "星际远航者 模型盒",
"Starfarer Gemini": "星际远航者 双子座",
"Starter Pack": "新手包",
"StellarSonic JukeBox": "星音点唱机",
"Sterling Paint": "纯银涂装",
"Stinger Paint": "毒刺涂装",
"Stoneskin Undersuit": "石肤 基底服",
"Storm AA": "风暴 AA",
"Stormbringer Paint": "风暴使者涂装",
"Stormfire Paint": "风暴射击涂装",
"Stratus Paint": "层云涂装",
"Subscribers 2950": "订阅者 2950",
"Subscribers Exclusive": "订阅奖励",
"Subscribers Store": "订阅者商店",
"Summit Paint": "顶点涂装",
"Sunburn Paint": "灼日涂装",
"Sunrise Paint": "破晓涂装",
"Supersonic Paint": "超音速涂装",
"Sylvan Paint": "森林涂装",
"Tactical Stealth": "战术隐身涂装",
"Talon Shrike": "利爪 伯劳",
"Talus Edition": "岩白版",
"Taomoa Paint": "涛墨涂装",
"Tectonic Paint": "构筑涂装",
"Templar Paint": "圣殿骑士涂装",
"Tengu Paint": "天狗涂装",
"Terminus Paint": "端点涂装",
"Terrapin Poster": "水龟 海报",
"The Lamp": "台灯",
"Tholo Token": "Tholo Token",
"Thorshu Grey": "索尔述灰白螃蟹",
"Thundercloud Paint": "Thundercloud 涂装",
"Tiburon Paint": "鲨鱼涂装",
"Timberline Paint": "林木线涂装",
"Top Hat": "高顶礼帽",
"Tractor Beam": "牵引光束",
"Tuiping Paint": "褪萍涂装",
"Tumbril Cyclone": "盾博尔 旋风",
"Tumbril Nova": "盾博尔 新星",
"Tumrbil Cyclone": "盾博尔 旋风",
"Turbocharged Paint": "涡轮增压涂装",
"Twilight Paint": "暮光涂装",
"Tycoon Pack": "大亨包",
"UEE Calendar": "UEE 日历",
"UEE Towel": "UEE 毛巾",
"Underworld Paint": "地狱涂装",
"Ursa Rover": "大熊座漫游车",
"VIP Legatus2": "VIP 总长2",
"Valencia Paint": "瓦伦西亚涂装",
"Valentine's Day": "情人节",
"Valkyrie Paint": "女武神 涂装",
"Valkyrie T-Shirt": "女武神 T恤",
"Valor Paint": "英勇涂装",
"Vanduul Blade": "剜度 刀锋",
"Vanduul Glaive": "剜度 长刀",
"Vanguard Harbinger": "先锋 先驱",
"Vanguard Hoplite": "先锋 重装兵",
"Vanguard Poster": "先锋 海报",
"Vanguard Sentinel": "先锋 哨兵",
"Vanguard Series": "先锋 系列",
"Vanguard Warden": "先锋 典狱长",
"Victorious Pico": "胜利皮可",
"Voidripper Helmet": "虚空撕裂者 头盔",
"Wanderer Paint": "流浪者涂装",
"Warbond 2950": "2950 战争债券版",
"Warbond Edition": "战争债券版",
"Wasteland Paint": "废土迷彩涂装",
"Wave 2": "第二波",
"Weekend Warrior": "周末勇士",
"Whirlwind Paint": "旋流涂装",
"Windrider Paint": "Windrider 涂装",
"Work Bench": "工作台",
"X1 Base": "X1 基型",
"X1 Force": "X1 武装",
"X1 THREE-PACK": "X1 ×3 组合包",
"X1 Velocity": "X1 竞速",
"Xanthule Helmet": "贤梭 头盔",
"Xanthule Suit": "贤梭 套装",
"Xenothreat 3.14.1": "异种威胁 3.14.1",
"Xi'An Khartu-al": "希安 卡图-AL",
"Xuācha Paint": "煊煞涂装",
"Yellow QuikFlarePro": "黄色“快闪”荧光棒高级版",
"Yilen Paint": "亦能涂装",
"Zogo Knife": "祖戈刀",
"\"Quantanium\" Water Bottle": "“量子矿”水壶",
"'Snarling Vanduul' Helmet": "咆哮剜度头盔",
"100i Starter Pack": "100i 新手包",
"12 Month Insurance": "12月 保险",
"120 Month Insurance": "120月 保险",
"15 Million reward": "15M 奖励",
"16 Million reward": "16M 奖励",
"17 Million reward": "17M 奖励",
"18 Month Insurance": "18月 保险",
"19 Million Reward": "19M 奖励",
"2 Month Insurance": "2月保险",
"2 Paint Pack": "双涂装组合包",
"20 Million reward": "20M 奖励",
"200M Commemorative Coin": "200M 纪念币",
"2017 Holiday Special": "2017 节日特别版",
"23 Million Reward": "23M 奖励",
"24 Month Insurance": "24月 保险",
"2942 War Bond": "2942 战争债券",
"2943 War Bond": "2943 战争债券",
"2944 War Bond": "2944 战争债券",
"2945 War Bond": "2945 战争债券",
"2951 Fortuna Paint": "2951 福尔图娜涂装",
"2951 Showdown Edition": "2951 展会最佳版",
"3 Month Insurance": "3月 保险",
"3 Paint Pack": "3件涂装组合包",
"3.13 Referral Bonus": "3.13 邀请奖励",
"3.14 Referral Bonus": "3.14 邀请奖励",
"3.18 Referral Reward": "3.18 邀请奖励",
"3.21 Referral Reward": "3.21 邀请奖励",
"30 Month Insurance": "30月 保险",
"300 Million Reward": "三百万 奖励",
"4 Month Insurance": "4月 保险",
"4 Paint Pack": "4件涂装组合包",
"48 Month Insurance": "48月 保险",
"5 Paint Pack": "5件涂装组合包",
"5 Spaceship Blueprints": "5件 飞船 蓝图",
"6 Month Insurance": "6月 保险",
"6 Paint Pack": "6件涂装组合包",
"60 Month Insurance": "60月 保险",
"600i Executive Edition": "600i 行政版",
"600i Exploration Module": "600i 探索模块",
"600i Flight Jacket": "600i 飞行员夹克",
"600i Name Reservation": "600i 命名保留",
"600i Touring Module": "600i 旅行版",
"7 Paint Pack": "7件涂装组合包",
"8 Paint Pack": "8件涂装组合包",
"890 JUMP Poster": "890跃动 海报",
"A1 Spirit 2952": "A1 星灵 2952",
"A2 Hercules Plushy": "大力神 A2 毛绒玩具",
"A2 Hercules Warbond": "大力神 A2 战争债券",
"AEGIS Hammerhead model": "圣盾 锤头鲨 模型",
"AEGIS Hammerhead poster": "圣盾 锤头鲨 海报",
"AEGIS Sabre Raven": "圣盾 军刀 渡鸦",
"AEGIS Vulcan LTI": "圣盾 火神 LTI",
"AMX-1 Repair Bot": "AMX-1 维修机器人",
"ANVIL Hawk Model": "铁砧 猎鹰 模型",
"ANVIL Hawk poster": "铁砧 猎鹰海报",
"Aegis Avenger Titan": "圣盾 复仇者 泰坦",
"Aegis Dynamics Avenger": "圣盾动力 复仇者",
"Aegis Eclipse LTI": "圣盾 日蚀 LTI",
"Aegis Gear Pack": "圣盾 装备包",
"Aegis Gladius Valiant": "圣盾 短剑 勇气",
"Aegis Hammerhead lti": "圣盾 锤头鲨 lti",
"Aegis Idris-P Warbond": "圣盾 伊德里斯 P 战争债卷",
"Aegis Javelin Warbond": "圣盾 标枪 战争债券",
"Aegis Manufacturer Shirt": "圣盾制造商 T恤",
"Aegis Reclaimer Poster": "圣盾 回收者海报",
"Aegis Sabre Comet": "圣盾 军刀 彗星",
"Aegis Sabre Poster": "铁砧 军刀 海报",
"Aegis Vanguard Sentinel": "圣盾 先锋 哨兵",
"Aegis Vanguard Warden": "圣盾 先锋 典狱长",
"Aeon Club T-Shirt": "Aeon 俱乐部 T恤",
"Aeon Club T-shirt": "Aeon 俱乐部 T恤",
"Alien Week 2950": "巴努商船 2950",
"Alternative Eclipse Skin": "日蚀 可替换皮肤",
"Anvil Ballista Dunestalker": "铁砧 弩炮 沙丘追猎者",
"Anvil Ballista Snowblind": "铁砧 弩炮 雪盲",
"Anvil Carrack Package": "铁砧 克拉克 组合包",
"Anvil Carrack Paint": "铁砧 克拉克 涂装",
"Anvil Carrack Poster": "铁砧 克拉克 海报",
"Anvil Crucible Poster": "铁砧 坩埚 海报",
"Anvil Gear Pack": "铁砧 装备组合包",
"Anvil Hawk lti": "铁砧 猎鹰 lti",
"Anvil Hurricane LTI": "铁砧 飓风 LTI",
"Anvil Hurricane Poster": "铁砧 飓风 海报",
"Anvil Manufacturer Shirt": "铁砧 制造商T恤",
"Anvil Swarm Pack": "铁砧 蜂群 组合包",
"Aopoa Nox Kue": "奥波亚 Nox Kue",
"Aopoa Nox LTI": "奥波亚 Nox LTI",
"Arclight \"Herrero\" Pistol": "弧光手枪“铁匠”",
"Arden-CL Backpack Balefire": "阿尔登-SL背包 烈火",
"Arden-SL Arms Balefire": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 野火",
"Arden-SL Core Balefire": "阿尔登-SL 胸甲 野火",
"Arden-SL Helmet Balefire": "阿尔登-SL 头盔 野火",
"Arden-SL Legs Balefire": "阿尔登-SL 腿甲 野火",
"Ares Star Fighter": "战神 星际战斗机",
"Argo Combo Pack": "南船座 组合包",
"Argo Gear Pack": "南船座 装备 组合包",
"Argo Manufacturer Shirt": "南船座 制造商T恤",
"Argo SRV 2949": "2949 南船座 SRV",
"Argo SRV Warbond": "南船座 SRV 战争债券",
"Aril Arms Hazard": "伪壳 臂甲 “风险”",
"Aril Backpack Hazard": "伪壳 背包 “风险”",
"Aril Core Hazard": "伪壳 胸甲 “风险”",
"Aril Helmet Hazard": "伪壳 头盔 “风险”",
"Aril Legs Hazard": "伪壳 腿甲 “风险”",
"Arrow Starter Pack": "箭矢 新手包",
"Arrow Twilight Livery": "箭矢 暮光涂装",
"Aspire Paint Pack": "志远涂装",
"Aurora LN Box": "极光 LN 盒子",
"Aurora MR +": "极光 MR +",
"Aurora MR Plus": "极光 MR Plus",
"Avenger IceBreak Livery": "复仇者 破冰涂装",
"Avenger Splinter Livery": "复仇者 碎片涂漆",
"Avenger Titan Renegade": "复仇者 泰坦 变节者",
"Aztalan \"Galena\" Armor": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 臂甲",
"Aztalan \"Tamarack\" Armor": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 臂甲",
"Aztalan Armor Undersuit": "阿兹塔兰 基底服",
"Aztalan Arms Armor": "阿兹塔兰 臂甲",
"Aztalan Core Armor": "阿兹塔兰 胸甲",
"Aztalan Galena Armor": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 臂甲",
"Aztalan Galena Helmet": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 头盔",
"Aztalan Leg Armor": "阿兹塔兰 腿甲",
"Aztalan Tamarack Armor": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 护甲",
"Aztalan Tamarack Helmet": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 头盔",
"Badger and Badges": "獾和徽章",
"Ballista Dunestalker Skin": "弩炮 沙丘追猎者 涂装",
"Ballista Snowblind Skin": "弩炮 雪盲 涂装",
"Banu Combo Pack": "巴努 组合包",
"Banu Defender Package": "巴努防卫者 组合包",
"Banu Lockbox Replica": "巴努密码箱 仿制版",
"Beacon Undersuit Crimson": "信标基底服 猩红色",
"Behring Ballistic Cannons": "贝林 实弹加农炮",
"Behring M2C PDS": "贝林 M2C PDS",
"Behring P4-AR Rifle": "贝林 P4-AR步枪",
"Behring SW16BR2 “Sawbuck”": "贝林 SW16BR2 “锯木架”",
"Best in Show": "展会最佳涂装",
"Big Benny's Mug": "大本尼 马克杯",
"Big Benny's T-Shirt": "大本尼T恤",
"Big Bennys Mug": "大本尼 马克杯",
"Birds of Prey": "Birds of Prey",
"Black Cherry Paint": "黑樱桃涂装",
"Black Heron Paint": "黑鹭涂装",
"Black Star Paint": "黑星涂装",
"Blue Ametrine Paint": "靛黄晶涂装",
"Blue Steel Paint": "蓝钢涂装",
"Brightspot Flashlight Purple": "光点 战术手电 紫色",
"C2 Hercules Plushy": "大力神 C2 毛绒玩具",
"C2 Hercules Warbond": "大力神 C2 战争债券",
"C54 \"Luckbringer\" SMG": "C54 冲锋枪“幸运使者”",
"C54 \"Luminalia\" SMG": "C54 冲锋枪“光灯节”",
"C8X Pisces Expedition": "铁砧 C8X 双鱼座 远征",
"CCC Aves Armor": "CCC 飞鸟 护甲",
"CCC Aves Arms": "CCC 飞鸟 臂甲",
"CCC Aves Core": "CCC 飞鸟 胸甲",
"CCC Aves Helmet": "CCC 飞鸟 头盔",
"CCC Aves Legs": "CCC 飞鸟 腿甲",
"CDF First Responder": "CDF快速响应者",
"CF-117 Bulldog (S1)": "CF-117 恶犬 (S1)",
"CF-227 Badger (S2)": "CF-227 凶獾 (S2)",
"CF-227 Panther Repeater": "CF-227 凶獾 激光速射炮",
"CF-337 Panther (S3)": "CF-337 黑豹 (S3)",
"CF-Series Laser Repeater": "CF系列 能量速射炮",
"CIG Community Giveaway": "CIG 社区礼品",
"CNOU Manufacturer Shirt": "联合外域 制造商T恤",
"COMBO PACK WB": "组合包 战争债券",
"CSP-68L Backpack Cayman": "CSP-68L 背包 凯门鳄",
"Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment": "转化宝Lite SRT附件",
"Captured Vanduul Scythe": "剜度 死镰 缴获版",
"Cargo Career Kit": "货运职业套装",
"Carrack Expedition Plushie": "克拉克 远征版 毛绒玩具",
"Carrack Expedition w/C8X": "克拉克 远征版 w/C8X",
"Carrack Name Reservation": "克拉克 命名保留",
"Caterpillar & Dragonfly": "毛虫 & 蜻蜓",
"Caterpillar BIS Skin": "毛虫 展会最佳版涂装",
"Caterpillar Pirate 2949": "2949 海盗毛虫",
"Caterpillar Pirate Edition": "毛虫 海盗",
"Caudillo \"Cobalt\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 钴之蓝",
"Caudillo \"Hazard\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 危险黄",
"Caudillo \"Steel\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 钢毅灰",
"Caudillo \"Wildfire\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 野火红",
"Celebration Gear Pack": "庆祝装备组合包",
"Celestial Blue Paint": "庆典蓝涂装",
"Central Tower Paint": "中央大厦涂装",
"Cherry Blossom Paint": "樱花涂装",
"Christmas 2014 reward!": "2014 圣诞节奖励!",
"Christmas Reward 2016!": "2016 圣诞节奖励!",
"CitizenCon 2945 Poster": "公民控 2945 海报",
"CitizenCon 2945 Trophy": "公民控 2945 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2946 Trophy": "公民控 2946 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2947 Edition": "监管者 冲锋枪“公民控2947”",
"CitizenCon 2947 Trophy": "公民控 2947 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2948 Trophy": "公民控 2948 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2948 Weapon": "公民控 2948 武器",
"CitizenCon 2949 Backpack": "公民控 2949 背包",
"CitizenCon 2949 Helmet": "公民控 2949 头盔",
"CitizenCon 2949 Suit": "公民控 2949套装",
"CitizenCon 2949 Trophy": "公民控 2949 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2951 Trophy": "公民控 2951 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2953 Trophy": "公民控 2953 奖杯",
"Cobalt Grey Paint": "钴灰涂装",
"Coda \"Ascension\" Pistol": "终曲 \"上升\" 手枪",
"Coda \"Nighthawk\" Pistol": "终曲 \"夜鹰\" 手枪",
"Coda Ascension Pistol": "终曲 手枪 “升天”",
"Code Blue Paint": "蓝色警报涂装",
"Cold Forge Paint": "冷锻涂装",
"Cold Front Collection": "Cold Front 收藏",
"Combat Career Kit": "战斗职业套装",
"Conners Beard Moss": "康纳胡须地衣植物",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer": "联合外域 开拓者",
"Constellation Phoenix Emerald": "星座 凤凰座 翡翠绿",
"Coramor '54 Coin": "科拉爱人节 '54 纪念币",
"Coramor Collectable Coin": "科拉爱人节 纪念币",
"Creese Copperhead Jacket": "马来剑夹克 铜头蛇",
"Creese Skullsnap Jacket": "马来剑夹克 碎颅",
"Crusader A1 Spirit": "十字军A1 星灵",
"Crusader Ares Inferno": "十字军 战神 地狱火",
"Crusader Ares Ion": "十字军 战神 离子光",
"Crusader C1 Spirit": "十字军 星灵 C1",
"Crusader C2 Hercules": "十字军 大力神 C2",
"Crusader E1 Spirit": "十字军 星灵 E1 ",
"Crusader Gear Pack": "十字军 装备 组合包",
"Crusader Manufacturer Shirt": "十字军 制造商T恤",
"Cubby Blast T-Shirt": "立方爆炸T恤",
"Cutlass Black Package": "黑弯刀 组合包",
"Cutlass Black Paint": "黑弯刀 涂装",
"Cutlass Black Plushie": "黑弯刀 毛绒玩具",
"Cutlass Blue Plushie": "蓝弯刀 毛绒玩具",
"Cutlass Red Plushie": "红弯刀 毛绒玩具",
"Cutlass Steel Plushie": "钢弯刀 毛绒玩具",
"Cutter Aspire Paint": "小刀 志远涂装",
"Cutter Hosanna Paint": "小刀 和撒那涂装",
"Cutter Starter Pack": "小刀 新手包",
"Cutter Starter Package": "小刀 新手包",
"Cutter Trips Pack": "小刀 ×3 组合包",
"Cutter Twin Pack": "小刀 ×2 组合包",
"Cyclone Overdrive Paint": "旋风 超速传动涂装",
"Cyclone Slipstream Paint": "旋风 尾流涂装",
"Cyclone Turbocharged Paint": "旋风 涡轮增压涂装",
"Dark Green Paint": "墨绿涂装",
"Dark Storm Paint": "暗暴涂装",
"De Biasio Paint": "德·比亚西奥涂装",
"Decommissioned Tephra Mine": "已废弃的火山灰鱼雷",
"DefenseCon Paint Pack": "防卫展 涂装包",
"Defiance Armor Charcoal": "蔑视臂甲 炭灰",
"Defiance Armor Hailstorm": "蔑视臂甲 雹暴",
"Defiance Armor Sunchaser": "蔑视护甲 逐日者",
"Demeco \"Ultraviolet\" LMG": "德美科 轻机枪“紫外光”",
"Devastator \"Whirlwind\" Shotgun": "破坏者 霰弹枪“旋流”",
"Digital Bounty Hunter": "赏金猎人 数字版",
"Digital Engineering Manual": "工程手册 数字版",
"Digital Game Soundtrack": "游戏原声带 数字版",
"Digital Goodies Pack": "数字礼品包",
"Digital Star Map": "星图 数字版",
"Draco Gold Paint": "天龙座涂装",
"Dragonfly Overdrive Paint": "超速传动涂装",
"Dragonfly Slipstream Paint": "蜻蜓 尾流涂装",
"Dragonfly Turbocharged Paint": "蜻蜓 涡轮增压涂装",
"Drake Buccaneer Poster": "德雷克 掠夺者 海报",
"Drake Caterpillar Statue": "德雷克 毛虫 雕像",
"Drake Corsair Warbond": "德雷克 海盗船 战争债券",
"Drake Cutlass Black": "德雷克 黑弯刀",
"Drake Cutlass Blue": "德雷克 蓝弯刀",
"Drake Dragonfly 2949": "德雷克 蜻蜓 2949",
"Drake Dragonfly Black": "德雷克 黑蜻蜓",
"Drake Dragonfly Poster": "德雷克 蜻蜓 海报",
"Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket": "德雷克 蜻蜓 黄胡峰",
"Drake Gear Pack": "德雷克 装备 组合包",
"Drake Herald Model": "德雷克 信使 模型",
"Drake Herald Poster": "德雷克 信使 海报",
"Drake Kraken Privateer": "德雷克 海妖 私掠者",
"Drake Kraken Warbond": "德雷克 海妖 战争债卷",
"Drake Manufacturer Shirt": "德雷克 制造商T恤",
"Drake Vulture Warbond": "德雷克 秃鹫 战争债卷",
"Dread Pirate Skin": "恐怖海盗涂装",
"Dual Enforcers Pack": "双重执行者 组合包",
"Dumper's Depot T-Shirt": "倾卸者仓库 T恤",
"Eclipse Logo Poster": "日蚀 标志 海报",
"Ejection Rejection T-Shirt": "拒绝弹射T恤",
"Electric Green Paint": "电光绿涂装",
"Electro Skin Hull": "电子皮肤外壳",
"Ellis XI Artifact": "埃利斯 XI 人造物",
"Ember Storm Paint": "余烬风暴涂装",
"Endeavor Biodome Pod": "奋进 生物穹顶舱室",
"Endeavor Collider Pod": "奋进 对撞机舱室",
"Endeavor Crew Pod": "奋进 船员舱室",
"Endeavor Fuel Pod": "奋进 加油舱室",
"Endeavor Landing (2x1)": "奋进 降落平台(2x1)",
"Endeavor Landing Pod": "奋进 着陆舱室",
"Endeavor Med Pod": "奋进医疗舱",
"Endeavor Research Pod": "奋进 研究平台",
"Endeavor Science Pod": "奋进 科研平台",
"Endeavor Supercollider (2x2)": "奋进 超级对撞机 (2x2)",
"Endeavor Telescope Pod": "奋进 望远镜舱室",
"Engine Tuning Kit": "发动机 改装套装",
"Envy Armor Set": "嫉妒装甲套装",
"Epoch Society T-Shirt": "Epoch Society T恤",
"Esperia Talon (Concept)": "埃斯佩里亚 利爪 (概念)",
"Esperia Talon Shrike": "埃斯佩里亚 利爪 伯劳",
"Esperia Vanduul Blade": "埃斯佩里亚 剜度 刀锋",
"Esperia Vanduul Glaive": "埃斯佩里亚 剜度 长刀",
"Exploration Megapack 2948": "2948 探索包",
"Exploration Megapack 2950": "2950 探索包",
"Explorer-Class MobiGlas Rig": "探索版 MobiGlas",
"F7 Mk II": "F7 Mk II",
"F7C Hornet Wildfire": "F7C 大黄蜂 野火",
"F7C-M Super Hornet": "F7C-M 超级大黄蜂",
"F7C-R Hornet Tracker": "F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者",
"F7C-S Hornet Ghost": "F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵",
"F8C Lightning Civilian": "铁砧 F8C 闪电 民用版",
"F8C Serial Number": "F8C 序列号",
"F8C Stormfire Edition": "F8C 风暴射击版",
"FS-9 \"Evergreen\" LMG": "FS-9 轻机枪“万年青”",
"FS-9 \"Stoneface\" LMG": "FS-9 轻机枪“石面”",
"Fall Referral Bonus": "秋季邀请奖励",
"False Colors Skin": "False Colors 涂装",
"Finish Line Paint": "终点线涂装",
"Fish School Referral": "Fish School 奖励",
"Fishtank Mark 1": "鱼缸 MK1",
"Fishtank Mark I": "鱼缸 MkI",
"Flashfire Weapon Mounts": "闪火武器挂点",
"For your Friends": "为了你的朋友",
"Fortuna Deluxe Pack": "豪华 福尔图娜 组合包",
"Fortuna Legends Pack": "福尔图娜 传奇 组合包",
"Fortuna Pack 2951": "福尔图娜 2951 组合包",
"Fortuna Racing Pack": "福尔图娜 竞速 组合包",
"Foundation Fest Paint": "奠基节涂装",
"Foundation Festival Paint": "奠基节涂装",
"Freelancer Starter Pack": "自由枪骑兵 新手包",
"Frost Line Paint": "霜冻线涂装",
"Fury Quad Pack": "狂怒 ×4 组合包",
"Fury Triad Pack": "狂怒 ×3 组合包",
"Fury Twin Pack": "狂怒 ×2 组合包",
"G-Loc Bar T-Shirt": "G-Loc 酒吧 T恤",
"G12 Triple Threat": "G12 三重威胁",
"GT-Series Ballistic Gatling": "GT系列 实弹加特林",
"Game universe map": "游戏宇宙地图",
"Gamescom 2945 Poster": "2945 科隆游戏展 海报",
"Gamescom 2946 Trophy": "2946 科隆游戏展 奖杯",
"Gemini LH86 Pistol": "双子座 LH86 手枪",
"Genesis Starliner Poster": "创世纪 星际航线 海报",
"Ghoulish Green Paint": "食尸鬼绿涂装",
"Gimbals and Guns": "万向架 和 武器",
"Gladius Takuetsu Model": "短剑 卓越 模型",
"Gladius Valiant Poster": "短剑 勇气 海报",
"Gladius and Gold": "短剑和黄金模型",
"Gold Aurora Model": "黄金 极光 模型",
"Gold Avenger Model": "黄金 复仇者 模型",
"Gold Constellation Model": "黄金 星座 模型",
"Gold Freelancer Model": "黄金 自由枪骑兵 模型",
"Gold Hornet Model": "黄金 大黄蜂 模型",
"Greycat Harvester Armor": "灰猫 收割者 护甲",
"Greycat Industrial ROC": "灰猫工业 ROC",
"Greycat Industrial ROC-DS": "灰猫工业 ROC DS",
"Greycat Miners Megapack": "灰猫 矿工 超级包",
"Greycat PTV Skins": "灰猫 PTV 皮肤",
"Greycat Paint: Cherry": "灰猫 涂装: 黑樱桃涂装",
"Greycat Paint: Gunmetal": "灰猫 涂装: 炮铜涂装",
"Greycat Quicksilver Armor": "灰猫 水银护甲 护甲",
"Ground Militia Pack": "地面民兵 组合包",
"Hab Plant Set": "居住区种植套装",
"Hammerhead Name Reservation": "锤头鲨 命名保留",
"Hammerhead Serial Stamp": "锤头鲨 序列号",
"Hangar Fees Reward": "机库费用奖励",
"Hawk Aspire Paint": "猎鹰 志远涂装",
"Hawk Hosanna Paint": "猎鹰 和撒那涂装",
"Hercules Starlifter A2": "大力神 星际运输船 A2",
"Hercules Starlifter C2": "大力神 星际运输船 C2",
"Hercules Starlifter M2": "大力神 星际运输船 M2",
"Heron Black Paint": "黑鹭涂装",
"Heron Orange Paint": "橙鹭涂装",
"Heron Paint Pack": "鹭涂装 组合包",
"Heron White Paint": "白鹭涂装",
"Hitbox Magazine Flair": "命中框 杂志 装饰",
"Holiday Reward 2016": "2016 节日奖励",
"Hoplite & MPUV": "重装兵 和 MPUV",
"Hornet F7C-M Heartseeker": "铁砧 F7C-M 寻心者",
"Hornet Specialty Mount": "黄蜂 专用武器架",
"Hosanna Paint Pack": "和撒那 涂装 组合包",
"HoverQuad Overdrive Paint": "悬浮驷 超速传动涂装",
"HoverQuad Slipstream Paint": "悬浮驷 尾流涂装",
"HoverQuad Turbocharged Paint": "悬浮驷 涡轮增压涂装",
"Hull A Poster": "货运A 海报",
"Hull B Poster": "货运B 海报",
"Hull C Miniature": "货运C 迷你模型",
"Hull C Poster": "货运C 海报",
"Hull D Poster": "货运D 海报",
"Hull E Poster": "货运E 海报",
"Hull Series Pack": "货运 系列 组合包",
"IAE 2950 Warbond": "IAΕ 2950 战争债券",
"ILW Paint Pack": "ILW 涂装 组合包",
"Ice Storm Paint": "冰暴迷彩 涂装",
"Invictus Flight Jacket": "不败雄心飞行夹克",
"J-Span Cryo-Star Cooler": "J-Span 冷冻之心 冷却器",
"Kamposi Magnus Skull": "Kamposi 马格努斯 头骨",
"Karna \"Ascension\" Rifle": "卡纳 步枪“升天”",
"Karna \"Fate\" Rifle": "卡纳 步枪“命运”",
"Karna Ascension Rifle": "卡纳 步枪“升天”",
"Khartu-Al Prestige Box": "卡图-Al 尊贵箱",
"Koln 2945 Poster": "Koln 2945 海报",
"Kraken Conversion Kit": "海妖 转换套装",
"Kruger P-52 Merlin": "克鲁格 P-52 梅林",
"Kruger P-72 Archimedes": "克鲁格 P-72 阿基米德",
"LH-86 Combustion Handgun": "LH86 Combustion 手枪",
"LH86 \"Luckbringer\" Pistol": "LH86 手枪“幸运使者”",
"Lamont Umbra Undersuit": "拉蒙特基底服 暗影",
"Legatus 2951 Add-On": "总长 2951 附件",
"Legatus Pack 2950": "总长 2950 组合包",
"Light Beam Paint": "光束涂装",
"Light Grey Paint": "银灰色涂装",
"Limited Aegis Gladius": "限量版 圣盾 短剑",
"Lorville Blues T-Shirt": "罗威尔蓝色T恤",
"Lovestruck Armor Set": "痴情 护甲 套装",
"Lovestruck Paint Pack": "痴情 涂装包",
"Luminalia Cookie Jar": "光灯节 饼干罐",
"Luminalia Day 01": "光灯节 第1天",
"Luminalia Day 02": "光灯节 第2天",
"Luminalia Day 03": "光灯节 第3天",
"Luminalia Day 04": "光灯节 第4天",
"Luminalia Day 05": "光灯节 第5天",
"Luminalia Day 06": "光灯节 第6天",
"Luminalia Day 07": "光灯节 第7天",
"Luminalia Day 08": "光灯节 第8天",
"Luminalia Day 09": "光灯节 第9天",
"Luminalia Day 10": "光灯节 第10天",
"Luminalia Day 11": "光灯节 第11天",
"Luminalia Day 12": "第十天 第12天",
"Luminalia Light Stick": "光灯节 荧光棒",
"Luminalia Pico 2020": "光灯节 企鹅皮可 2020",
"M-Series Laser Cannon": "M系列 激光加农炮",
"M2 Hercules Plushy": "大力神 M2 毛绒玩具",
"M3A Laser Cannon": "M3A 激光加农炮",
"MISC Endeavor Poster": "武藏 奋进 海报",
"MISC Freelancer MIS": "武藏 自由枪骑兵 MIS",
"MISC Gear Pack": "武藏 装备 组合包",
"MISC Hull D": "武藏 货轮 D",
"MISC Hull E": "武藏 货轮 E",
"MISC Manufacturer Shirt": "武藏 制造商T恤",
"MISC Miners Pack": "武藏 矿工 组合包",
"MISC Prospector Model": "武藏 勘探者 模型",
"MISC Prospector Poster": "武藏 勘探者 海报",
"MISC Razor EX": "武藏 剃刀 EX",
"MISC Razor Package": "武藏 剃刀 组合包",
"MISC Reliant Kore": "武藏 信赖 基础",
"MISC Starfarer Tanker": "武藏 星际远航者",
"MOLE Aphorite Livery": "鼹鼠 紫钠水晶涂装",
"MOLE Aphorite Paint": "鼹鼠 紫钠水晶涂装",
"MOLE Dolivine Livery": "鼹鼠 暗橄榄石涂装",
"MOLE Dolivine Paint": "鼹鼠 暗橄榄石涂装",
"MOLE Hadanite Livery": "鼹鼠 哈丹水晶涂装",
"MOLE Hadanite Paint": "鼹鼠 哈丹水晶涂装",
"MPUV-1C Flight Jacket": "MPUV-1C飞行员夹克",
"MacFlex Backpack White": "麦克福莱克斯背包 白色",
"Mandible \"Firestrike\" Helmet": "大颚 焰击 头盔",
"Mandible \"Sandcrawler\" Helmet": "大颚 沙地爬行者 头盔",
"Mandible \"Snowfly\" Helmet": "大颚 飞雪 头盔",
"Mandible Firestrike Helmet": "大颚 焰击 头盔",
"Mandible Sandcrawler Helmet": "大颚 沙地爬行者 头盔",
"Mandible Snowfly Helmet": "大颚 飞雪 头盔",
"Med Bay Module": "医疗室 模块",
"Medical Career Kit": "医疗 职业套装",
"Mercury Star Runner": "墨丘利 星际快运船",
"Metallic Grey Paint": "金属灰色涂装",
"Mining Career Kit": "采矿 职业套装",
"Morozov-CH Backpack Aftershock": "莫罗佐夫-CH背包 余震",
"Morozov-CH Backpack Terracotta": "莫罗佐夫-CH背包 赤陶",
"Morozov-CH Backpack Thule": "莫罗佐夫-CH 背包 极北",
"Murray Cup poster": "穆雷杯海报",
"Mustang Alpha Vindicator": "野马 阿尔法 维护者",
"Mustang Beta Box": "野马 贝塔 盒子",
"Mustang Delta Box": "野马 德尔塔 盒子",
"Mystery engine modifier": "神秘引擎修改器",
"NN-13 Neutron gun": "NN-13 中子炮",
"Nautilus Mine Flair": "鹦鹉螺 水雷",
"Nautilus Solstice Edition": "鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"Nautilus Solstice Skin": "鹦鹉螺 冬至涂装",
"Neoni \"Jami\" Helmet": "氖鬼 邪魅 头盔",
"Neoni \"Onna\" Helmet": "氖鬼 雪女 头盔",
"Neoni \"Tengubi\" Helmet": "氖鬼 天狗火 头盔",
"Neoni Jami Helmet": "氖鬼 邪魅 头盔",
"Neoni Onna Helmet": "氖鬼 雪女 头盔",
"Neoni Tengubi Helmet": "氖鬼 天狗火 头盔",
"Next Generation Aurora": "下一代 极光",
"Nomad IceBreak Livery": "游牧者 破冰涂装",
"Nomad Paint Pack": "游牧者 涂装 组合包",
"Nomad Starter Pack": "游牧者 新手包",
"Normstar Banu Shirt": "Normstar 巴努 T恤",
"Nova Rattler II": "新星 响尾蛇 II",
"Novikov \"Ascension\" Helmet": "诺维科夫 头盔“升天”",
"Novikov Ascension Kit": "诺维科夫 “升天” 套装",
"Nox Overdrive Paint": "Nox 超速传动涂装",
"Nox Slipstream Paint": "Nox 尾流涂装",
"Nox Turbocharged Paint": "Nox 涡轮增压涂装",
"ORC-mkX Arms Iceborn": "ORC-mkX臂甲 冰裔",
"ORC-mkX Arms Singularity": "ORC-mkX臂甲 奇点",
"ORC-mkX Core Iceborn": "ORC-mkX胸甲 冰裔",
"ORC-mkX Core Singularity": "ORC-mkX胸甲 奇点",
"ORC-mkX Helmet Iceborn": "ORC-mkX头盔 冰裔",
"ORC-mkX Helmet Singularity": "ORC-mkX头盔 奇点",
"ORC-mkX Legs Iceborn": "ORC-mkX腿甲 冰裔",
"ORC-mkX Legs Singularity": "ORC-mkX腿甲 奇点",
"ORIGIN M50 Interceptor": "起源 M50 截击机",
"Olive Green Paint": "橄榄绿色涂装",
"Operation Pitchfork Skin": "草叉行动涂装",
"Orange Heron Paint": "橙鹭涂装",
"Origin 100 Series": "起源 100 系列",
"Origin 100 series": "起源 100 系列",
"Origin 100i Warbond": "起源 100i 战争债券",
"Origin 125a Warbond": "起源 125a 战争债券",
"Origin 135c Warbond": "起源 135c 战争债券",
"Origin 315p Explorer": "起源 315p 探索者",
"Origin 325a Fighter": "起源 325a 战斗机",
"Origin 600i Explorer": "起源 600i 探索版",
"Origin 890 JUMP": "起源 890 跃动",
"Origin 890 Jump": "起源 890 跃动",
"Origin Gear Pack": "起源 装备 组合包",
"Origin Jumpworks 300i": "起源悦动 300i",
"Origin Manufacturer Shirt": "起源 制造商T恤",
"Origin Racing Suit": "起源 赛车服",
"Origin X1 Model": "起源 X1 模型",
"Origin X1 Poster": "起源 X1 海报",
"Outpost Construction Material": "前哨站 建筑材料",
"Overlord Arms Predator": "领主手臂 捕食者",
"Overlord Arms Riptide": "领主手臂 激流",
"Overlord Arms Stinger": "领主手臂 毒刺",
"Overlord Arms Supernova": "领主手臂 超新星",
"Overlord Arms Switchback": "领主臂甲 急弯",
"Overlord Helmet Predator": "领主头盔 捕食者",
"Overlord Helmet Riptide": "领主头盔 激流",
"Overlord Helmet Stinger": "领主头盔 毒刺",
"Overlord Helmet Supernova": "领主头盔 超新星",
"Overlord Helmet Switchback": "领主头盔 急弯",
"Overlord Legs Predator": "领主腿部 捕食者",
"Overlord Legs Riptide": "领主腿部 激流",
"Overlord Legs Stinger": "领主腿甲 毒刺",
"Overlord Legs Supernova": "领主腿部 超新星",
"Overlord Legs Switchback": "领主腿甲 急弯",
"Overlord Torso Predator": "领主躯干 捕食者",
"Overlord Torso Riptide": "领主躯干 激流",
"Overlord Torso Stinger": "领主躯干 毒刺",
"Overlord Torso Supernova": "领主躯干 超新星",
"Overlord Torso Switchback": "领主躯干 急弯",
"P-72 Archimedes Emerald": "P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿",
"P-72 Archimedes Poster": "P-72 阿基米德 海报",
"P4-AR “Nightstalker” Rifle": "P4-AR 步枪“夜行者迷彩”",
"PAX 2944 Trophy": "2944 PAX 奖杯",
"Paint Superiority Pack": "卓越涂装 组合包",
"Paladin Helmet Black/Gold/Red": "圣骑士头盔 黑/金/红",
"Paladin Helmet Black/Silver": "圣骑士头盔 黑/银",
"Paladin Helmet White/Black": "圣骑士头盔 白/黑",
"ParaMed Medical Device": "医护宝医疗设备",
"Parasite Replica Helmet": "“寄生”复刻头盔",
"Pembroke RSI Graphite": "彭布罗克背包 RSI 石墨黑版",
"Pembroke RSI Ivory": "彭布罗克套装 RSI 象牙白版",
"Pembroke RSI Sunburst": "彭布罗克套装 RSI 日出红版",
"People-Powered Paint Pack": "以人为本 涂装 组合包",
"Pirate Aggressor Pack": "海盗侵略者 组合包",
"Pirate Swarm Edition": "海盗潮版",
"Planetside Delivery Pack": "行星边际 运输 组合包",
"Polar Vortex Collection": "极地漩涡 组合包",
"Polaris & Razor": "北极星 & 剃刀",
"Privateer Conversion Kit": "海妖 转换套装",
"Prospector Aphorite Livery": "勘探者 紫钠水晶涂装",
"Prospector Aphorite Paint": "勘探者 紫钠水晶涂装",
"Prospector Dolivine Livery": "勘探者 暗橄榄石涂装",
"Prospector Dolivine Paint": "勘探者 暗橄榄石涂装",
"Prospector Hadanite Livery": "勘探者 哈丹水晶涂装",
"Prospector Hadanite Paint": "勘探者 哈丹水晶涂装",
"Pyro RYT Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具",
"QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe": "“快闪”荧光棒高级版 豪华组合包",
"R97 Kismet Shotgun": "R97 霰弹枪“天命”",
"RACE TEAM PACK": "竞速队 组合包",
"ROC Aphorite Livery": "ROC 紫钠水晶涂装",
"ROC Aphorite Paint": "ROC 紫钠水晶涂装",
"ROC Dolivine Livery": "ROC 暗橄榄石涂装",
"ROC Dolivine Paint": "ROC 暗橄榄石涂装",
"ROC Hadanite Livery": "ROC 哈丹水晶涂装",
"ROC Hadanite Paint": "ROC 哈丹水晶涂装",
"RSI Apollo Triage": "RSI 阿波罗 分诊台",
"RSI Aurora ES": "RSI 极光 ES",
"RSI Aurora LN": "RSI 极光 LN",
"RSI Aurora LX": "RSI 极光 LX",
"RSI Aurora MR": "RSI 极光 MR",
"RSI Constellation Phoenix": "RSI 星座 凤凰座",
"RSI Constellation Taurus": "RSI 星座 金牛座",
"RSI Constellation poster": "RSI 星座 海报",
"RSI Gear Pack": "RSI 装备 组合包",
"RSI Manufacturer Shirt": "RSI 制造商T恤",
"RSI Orion Poster": "RSI 猎户座 海报",
"RSI Polaris Warbond": "RSI 北极星 战争债券",
"RSI Ursa Rover": "RSI 大熊座漫游车",
"RSI Venture Arms": "RSI 探险家臂甲",
"RSI Venture Core": "RSI 探险家胸甲",
"RSI Venture Helmet": "RSI 探险家头盔",
"RSI Venture Legs": "RSI 探险家腿甲",
"RSI Venture Undersuit": "RSI 探险家基底服",
"RSI Zeus Model": "RSI 宙斯 模型",
"Racing Team Pack": "竞速队 组合包",
"Rattler II (x10)": "响尾蛇 II (x10)",
"Razor Aspire Paint": "剃刀 志远涂装",
"Razor Hosanna Paint": "剃刀 和撒那涂装",
"Reclaimer Aphorite Livery": "回收者 紫钠水晶涂装",
"Reclaimer Aphorite Paint": "回收者 紫钠水晶涂装",
"Reclaimer Dolivine Livery": "回收者 暗橄榄石涂装",
"Reclaimer Dolivine Paint": "回收者 暗橄榄石涂装",
"Reclaimer Hadanite Livery": "回收者 哈丹水晶涂装",
"Reclaimer Hadanite Paint": "回收者 哈丹水晶涂装",
"Reclaimer Name Reservation": "回收者 命名保留",
"Record Breaker Skin": "Record Breaker 涂装",
"Red Alert Paint": "红色警戒 涂装",
"Redeemer Seraphim Paint": "救赎者 炽天使 涂装",
"Redeemer Underworld Paint": "救赎者 地狱 涂装",
"Reliant Mini Hauler": "信赖 迷你运输船",
"Renegade Cargo Vest": "叛逆马甲 货物",
"Renegade Leather Cut": "叛逆马甲 伤口",
"Renegade Racing Vest": "“叛逆马甲 狂飙",
"Rescue Required T-Shirt": "需要救援T恤",
"Retaliator Base poster": "报复者 基础 海报",
"Retaliator Grey Livery": "报复者 灰色涂装",
"Retaliator Twilight Livery": "报复 暮光涂装",
"Rover Duo Pack": "大熊座漫游车 2x组合包",
"S2 Gimbal Mount": "S2 万向节",
"S3 Gimbal Mount": "S3 万向节",
"S71 \"Ascension\" Rifle": "S71 步枪“升天”",
"S71 \"Bullseye\" Rifle": "S71 步枪“靶心”",
"S71 Ascension Rifle": "S71 步枪“升天”",
"SW-Series Ballistic Repeater": "SW 系列 实弹速射炮",
"SXSW 2015 Skin": "SXSW 2015 涂装",
"Sabine flight suit": "萨宾 飞行基底服",
"Sabre Comet Poster": "圣盾 军刀 彗星",
"Salvage Career Kit": "打捞 职业套装",
"Sand Wave Paint": "沙浪涂装",
"Sangar Helmet Grey/Black": "战壕头盔 灰色/黑色",
"Sangar Helmet Orange/Black": "战壕头盔 黑/橙色",
"Schematic Anvil Hurricane": "铁砧 飓风 结构图",
"Schematic Anvil Terrapin": "铁砧 水龟 结构图",
"Schematic Argo MPUV": "南船座 MPUV 结构图",
"Schematic Drake Caterpillar": "德雷克 毛虫 结构图",
"Schematic Drake Dragonfly": "德雷克 蜻蜓 结构图",
"Schematic Drake Herald": "德雷克 信使 结构图",
"Schematic Misc Prospector": "武藏 勘探者 结构图",
"Schematic Misc Razor": "武藏 剃刀 结构图",
"Schematic RSI Polaris": "RSI 北极星 结构图",
"Secured Cargo Pack": "安全货运 组合包",
"Sextet Paint Pack": "涂装×6 组合包",
"Shadow Strike Paint": "Shadow Strike 涂装",
"Ship Showdown Edition": "舰船大对决版",
"Ship Showdown HoverQuad": "悬浮驷 舰船大对决 ",
"Shock Force Paint": "冲击力涂装",
"Silver Spark Paint": "银色火花涂装",
"Skull and Crossbones": "海盗涂装",
"Sky Blue Paint": "天蓝色涂装",
"Slate Camo Paint": "板岩迷彩涂装",
"Snarling Vanduul Helmet": "咆哮剜度头盔",
"Solar Winds Paint": "太阳风涂装",
"Spaceship-shaped USB Drive": "飞船形USB 硬盘",
"Spirit Executive Collection": "星灵 行政组合包",
"Squadron 42 Add-On": "42中队 附件",
"Squadron 42 Pledge": "42中队包 承诺",
"Star Citizen Novella": "星际公民 小说",
"Star Citizen Starter": "星际公民 新手包",
"Star Kitten Helmet": "星空猫 头盔",
"Star Kitten Mug": "星空猫 马克杯",
"Star Kitten Tee": "星空猫 (高尔夫)球座",
"Starcrossed Armor Set": "错爱 护甲套装",
"Starfarer Gemini Poster": "星际远航者 双子座 海报",
"Starter Pack Warbond": "新手包 战争债卷",
"Storm Cloud Paint": "风暴云涂装",
"Storm Dual Pack": "风暴 2× 组合包",
"Storm Surge Paint": "风暴涌动迷彩",
"StrikeForce II (x10)": "致命打击II (x10)",
"Sub-Zero Assault Pack": "Sub-Zero 突击 组合包",
"Subscriber Hangar Trophy": "订阅者 机库 奖杯",
"Subscribers Gear Pack": "订阅者 装备组合包",
"Surf and Turf": "冲浪和草坪",
"Syulen Starter Pack": "速伦 新手包",
"T-shirt Star Kitten": "星空猫 T恤",
"TAKUETSU Origin M50": "卓越TAKUETSU 起源 M50",
"Takuetsu 600i Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 600i 模型",
"Takuetsu 85X Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 85X 模型",
"Takuetsu Aegis Gladius": "卓越TAKUETSU 圣盾 短剑",
"Takuetsu Aegis Reclaimer": "卓越TAKUETSU 圣盾 回收者",
"Takuetsu Argo Model": "卓越TAKUETSU Argo 模型",
"Takuetsu Avenger Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 复仇者 模型",
"Takuetsu Buccaneer Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 掠夺者 模型",
"Takuetsu Carrack model": "卓越TAKUETSU 克拉克 模型",
"Takuetsu Cyclone Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 旋风 模型",
"Takuetsu Defender Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 防卫者 模型",
"Takuetsu Dragonfly Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 蜻蜓 模型",
"Takuetsu Eclipse Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 日蚀 模型",
"Takuetsu Endeavor Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 奋进 模型",
"Takuetsu Hoplite Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 重装兵 模型",
"Takuetsu Hurricane Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 飓风 模型",
"Takuetsu Javelin model": "卓越TAKUETSU 标枪 模型",
"Takuetsu Khartu-Al Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 卡图-Al 模型",
"Takuetsu Khartu-Al model": "卓越TAKUETSU 卡图-Al 模型",
"Takuetsu Nox Model": "卓越TAKUETSU Nox 模型",
"Takuetsu Orion Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 猎户座 模型",
"Takuetsu Polaris Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 北极星 模型",
"Takuetsu Prowler Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 徘徊 模型",
"Takuetsu Razor Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 剃刀 模型",
"Takuetsu Reliant Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 信赖 模型",
"Takuetsu Starfarer Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 星际远航者 模型",
"Takuetsu Terrapin Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 水龟 模型",
"Takuetsu Vanguard Model": "卓越TAKUETSU 先锋 模型",
"Talen Banu Shirt": "Talen 巴努 衬衫",
"Talon Paint Pack": "利爪 涂装组合包",
"Talon Twin Pack": "利爪 ×2 组合包",
"Thermyte StrikeForce II": "铝热公司 致命打击II导弹",
"Threshold Copperhead Pants": "阈点铜斑蛇 裤子",
"Threshold Skullsnap Pants": "阈点长裤 碎颅",
"Tonk Banu Shirt": "Tonk 巴努 衬衫",
"Torpedo Burrito T-Shirt": "鱼雷卷饼 T恤",
"TrueDef-Pro Core CDF": "真实防御Pro 胸甲 民防部队",
"Tumbril Cyclone AA": "盾博尔 旋风 AA",
"Tumbril Cyclone LTI": "盾博尔 旋风 LTI",
"Tumbril Cyclone MT": "盾博尔 旋风 MT",
"Tumbril Cyclone Poster": "盾博尔 旋风 海报",
"Tumbril Cyclone RC": "盾博尔 旋风 RC",
"Tumbril Cyclone RN": "盾博尔 旋风 RN",
"Tumbril Cyclone-AA LTI": "盾博尔 旋风 AA LTI",
"Tumbril Cyclone-RC LTI": "盾博尔 旋风 RC LTI",
"Tumbril Cyclone-RN LTI": "盾博尔 旋风 RN LTI",
"Tumbril Cyclone-TR LTI": "盾博尔 旋风 TR LTI",
"Tumbril Nova Tank": "盾博尔 新星坦克",
"Tumbril Ranger CV": "盾博尔 游骑兵 CV",
"Tumbril Ranger RC": "盾博尔 游骑兵 RC",
"Tumbril Ranger TR": "盾博尔 旋风 TR",
"Twenty-Sided Plushie Blue": "蓝色二十面毛绒骰子",
"Twenty-Sided Plushie Green": "绿色二十面毛绒骰子",
"Twenty-Sided Plushie Red": "红色二十面毛绒骰子",
"Twenty-Sided Plushie Set": "二十面毛绒骰子 套装",
"UEE Environment Coat": "UEE 环境 外套",
"UEE Exploration 2950": "UEE 探索 2950",
"UEE Exploration Pack": "UEE 探索组合包",
"UEE Warbond Version": "UEE 战争债卷版",
"Ultimate Ascension Kit": "终极上升套装",
"Ursa Rover Fortuna": "大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜",
"VFG Industrial Hangar": "VFG 工业机库",
"VIP Grand Admiral": "VIP 海军司令",
"VIP High Admiral": "VIP 海军上将",
"VIP Legatus Navium": "VIP 海军总长",
"VIP Space Marshal": "VIP 太空元帅",
"VIP Wing Commander": "VIP 联队指挥官",
"Vacuums Kill T-Shirt": "真空死亡T恤",
"Valkyrie Liberator Edition": "女武神 解放者版本",
"Valkyrie Liberator WB": "女武神 解放者 战争债卷版",
"Valkyrie Splinter Livery": "女武神 碎片涂装",
"Vanduul Blade Model": "剜度 刀锋 模型",
"Vanduul Blade Poster": "剜度 刀锋 海报",
"Vanguard Harbinger Model": "先锋 先驱模型",
"Vanguard Harbinger Poster": "先锋 先驱 海报",
"Vanguard Sentinel Model": "先锋 哨兵 模型",
"Vanguard Sentinel Poster": "先锋 哨兵 海报",
"Vasli Fragment Stone": "Vasli 碎片",
"Venture \"Ascension\" Arms": "探险家臂甲 “升天”",
"Venture \"Ascension\" Core": "探险家胸甲 “升天”",
"Venture \"Ascension\" Helmet": "探险家头盔 “升天”",
"Venture \"Ascension\" Legs": "探险家腿甲 “升天”",
"Venture \"Ascension\" Undersuit": "探险家基底服 “升天”",
"Venture Armor Ascension": "探险家护甲 “升天”",
"Venture Arms Envy": "探险家臂甲 嫉妒",
"Venture Arms Lovestruck": "探险家臂甲 痴情",
"Venture Arms Starcrossed": "探险家臂甲 错爱",
"Venture Ascension Kit": "探险家套装 “升天”",
"Venture Core Envy": "探险家胸甲 嫉妒",
"Venture Core Lovestruck": "探险家胸甲 痴情",
"Venture Core Starcrossed": "探险家胸甲 错爱",
"Venture Legs Envy": "探险家腿甲 嫉妒",
"Venture Legs Lovestruck": "探险家腿甲 痴情",
"Venture Legs Starcrossed": "探险家腿甲 错爱",
"Venture Undersuit Envy": "探险家基底服 嫉妒",
"Venture Undersuit Lovestruck": "探险家基底服 痴情",
"Venture Undersuit Starcrossed": "探险家基底服 错爱",
"Voidripper Sunbeam Helmet": "虚空撕裂者头盔 日光",
"WB VIP Exclusive": "WB VIP 专属",
"Warbond VIP Exclusive": "战争债卷 VIP 专属",
"Wasteland Camo Paint": "废土迷彩涂装",
"Waylay Camo Paint": "伏击迷彩涂装",
"Whirlwind Paint Collection": "旋流涂装 组合",
"White Heron Paint": "白鹭涂装",
"Wind Chill Paint": "风寒涂装",
"X1 FORCE EDITION": "X1 武装",
"X1 Trinity Pack": "X1 ×3 组合包",
"X1 Wrap Collection": "X1 组合包",
"Xanthule \"Ascension\" Helmet": "贤梭头盔 “升天” 头盔",
"Xanthule \"Ascension\" Suit": "贤梭套装 “升天” 套装",
"Xanthule Ascension Kit": "贤梭套装 “升天” 套装",
"Xanthule Ascension Suit": "贤梭套装 “升天” 套装",
"Xanthule Sehya Helmet": "贤梭 赛雅 头盔",
"Xanthule Sehya Suit": "贤梭 赛雅 套装",
"Xanthule Tahn Helmet": "贤梭 钽恩 头盔",
"Xanthule Tahn Suit": "贤梭 钽恩 套装",
"Xi'An Khartu-al LTI": "希安 卡图Al LTI",
"XiAn Space Plant": "希安 太空植物",
"Yubarev \"Deadeye\" Pistol": "尤巴列夫 手枪 “亡者之眼”",
"Yubarev \"Igniter\" Pistol": "尤巴列夫 手枪 “点火器”",
"Yubarev \"Venom\" Pistol": "尤巴列夫 手枪 “猛毒”",
"Zeus Exploration Suit": "宙斯 探索套装",
"Zeus Mk.II CL": "宙斯 Mk.II CL",
"Zeus Mk.II ES": "宙斯 Mk.II ES",
"Zeus Mk.II MR": "宙斯 Mk.II MR",
"[REDACTED] Ship Plushie": "[REDACTED] 飞船玩偶",
"“Archangel” Gear Kit": "“大天使” 装备组合",
"“Canuto” Gear Kit": "“箭筒” 装备组合",
"“Lodestone” Gear Kit": "“磁石” 装备组合",
"“Rime” Gear Kit": "“白霜” 装备组合",
"“Wildwood” Gear Kit": "“野林” 装备组合",
"\"Be A Hero\" Poster": "“成为英雄”海报",
"\"Be a Hero\" poster": "“成为英雄”海报",
"\"Gamescom 2943\" Hangar Trophy": "“科隆游戏展 2943” 机库奖杯",
"\"Gamescom 2944\" Hangar Trophy": "“科隆游戏展 2944” 机库奖杯",
"\"We Want You\" Poster": "“我们需要你”海报",
"\"We want you\" poster": "“我们需要你”海报",
"'The Hill Horror' Helmet": "惊骇丘陵 头盔",
"100 Series IceBreak Livery": "100 系列 破冰涂装",
"100i Holiday Starter Pack": "100i 节日新手包",
"200 Million Commemorative Coin": "200M 纪念币",
"2946 MISC Prospector LTI": "2946 MISC 勘探者 LTI",
"2950 BIS Carrack Helmet": "2950 展会最佳 克拉克头盔",
"2951 Auspicious Red Paint": "2951 吉祥红 涂装",
"2952 Auspicious Red Paint": "2952 吉祥红 涂装",
"2953 Auspicious Red Paint": "2953 吉祥红 涂装",
"2954 Luck's Favor Tankard": "2954 幸运眷顾啤酒杯",
"2954 Red Festival Poster": "2954 火红节 海报",
"2954 Tempt Fate Tankard": "2954 挑战命运啤酒杯",
"2954/2024 Auspicious Paint Pack": "2954/2024 吉祥涂装组合包",
"3 Paint Pack 2952": "涂装×3 组合包",
"3.9 limited time referral": "3.9 限时邀请奖励",
"400i plus Penumbra Paint": "400i 半影涂装",
"600i BIS 2951 Paint": "600i 2951 展会最佳 涂装",
"890 Jump Name Reservation": "890 跃动 命名保留",
"A2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie": "A2 大力神 星际运输船 毛绒玩具",
"AEGIS Idris-P Anniversary 2017": "圣盾 伊德里斯-P 2017 周年庆",
"AEGIS NAUTILUS Serial Number": "圣盾 鹦鹉螺 序列号",
"AEGIS Vulcan LTI Warbond": "圣盾 火神 LTI 战争债券",
"AV8 Battle Armor Replica": "AV8 战斗装甲 复制品",
"Aegis Avenger Titan 2945": "圣盾 复仇者 泰坦 2945",
"Aegis Complete Pack 2951": "圣盾 完整组合包 2951",
"Aegis Dynamics Idris-P Frigate": "圣盾动力 伊德里斯-P 护卫舰",
"Aegis Hammerhead Anniversary 2018": "圣盾 锤头鲨 周年庆 2018",
"Aegis Hammerhead lti Warbond": "圣盾 锤头鲨 LTI 战争债券",
"Aegis Nautilus Solstice Edition": "圣盾 鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"Alien Complete Pack 2953": "外族 完整组合包 2953",
"All Terrain Camouflage: Forest": "全地形伪装:森林 (ATC-F) 涂装",
"Anvil Arrow Starter Pack": "铁砧 箭矢 新手包",
"Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition": "铁砧 C8X 双鱼座 远征",
"Anvil F8C Lightning Civilian": "铁砧 F8C 闪电 民用",
"Anvil Hawk lti Warbond": "铁砧 猎鹰 LIT 战争债券",
"Aopoa Nox Kue LTI": "奥波亚 Nox Kue LTI",
"Aopoa San'tok.yāi Anniversary 2018": "奥波亚 桑托起亚 周年庆 2018",
"Aphorite Mining Paint Pack": "紫钠水晶 采矿 涂装组合包",
"Arclight \"Glimmer\" Energy Pistol": "弧光“闪烁微光” 能量手枪",
"Argo Complete Pack 2952": "南船座 完整组合包 2952",
"Argo Mole Carbon Edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 炭黑版",
"Argo Mole Carbon Skin": "南船座 鼹鼠 炭灰 涂装",
"Argo Mole Talus Edition": "南船座 鼹鼠 岩白版",
"Argo Mole Talus Skin": "南船座 鼹鼠 岩白 涂装",
"Argo Utility Pack Warbond": "南船座 实用组合包 战争债券",
"Arrastra plus Nocturne Paint": "阿拉斯塔 和 Nocturne涂装",
"Arrow Metallic Grey Livery": "箭矢 金属灰色涂装",
"Arrowhead \"Lamplighter\" Sniper Rifle": "箭矢 狙击步枪“点灯器”",
"Atzkav \"Deadeye\" Sniper Rifle": "阿兹卡夫 狙击步枪“亡者之眼”",
"Atzkav \"Igniter\" Sniper Rifle": "阿兹卡夫 狙击步枪“点火器”",
"Atzkav \"Venom\" Sniper Rifle": "阿兹卡夫 狙击步枪“猛毒”",
"Aurora MR AC Starter": "极光 MR 竞技场指挥官 新手包",
"Aurora MR SC Starter": "极光 MR 星际公民 新手包",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack": "极光 MR 新手包",
"Aurora SXSW 2015 Skin": "极光 SXSW 2015 涂装",
"Auspicious Red Dog Paint": "吉祥红戍狗涂装",
"Auspicious Red Dragon Paint": "吉祥红辰龙涂装",
"Avenger Olive Green Livery": "复仇者 橄榄绿色涂装",
"Avenger Stalker SC Starter": "复仇者 追猎 星际公民 新手包",
"Avenger Titan Renegade Poster": "复仇者泰坦 变节者 海报",
"Avenger Titan Starter Pack": "圣盾 复仇者 泰坦变节者",
"Avenger Titan Starter Package": "圣盾 复仇者 泰坦 新手包",
"Aztalan Galena Armor Undersuit": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 基底服",
"Aztalan Galena Arms Armor": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 臂甲",
"Aztalan Galena Core Armor": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 胸甲",
"Aztalan Galena Leg Armor": "阿兹塔兰 方铅矿 腿甲",
"Aztalan Tamarack Armor Undersuit": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 基底服",
"Aztalan Tamarack Arms Armor": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 臂甲",
"Aztalan Tamarack Core Armor": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 胸甲",
"Aztalan Tamarack Leg Armor": "阿兹塔兰 落叶松 腿甲",
"Ballista Dunestalker Limited Edition": "铁砧 弩炮 沙丘追猎者 限量版",
"Ballista Snowblind Limited Edition": "铁砧 弩炮 雪盲 限量版",
"Banu-Made T-Shirt Pack 1": "巴努 T恤组合包 1",
"Banu-Made T-Shirt Pack 2": "巴努 T恤组合包 2",
"Banu-Made T-Shirt Pack 3": "巴努 T恤组合包 3",
"Best in Show '52": "展会最佳 '52",
"Best in Show Edition": "展会最佳版",
"Best in Show Schematics": "展会最佳结构图",
"Big Barrys Banu Shirt": "大巴尼 巴努 衬衫",
"Big Bennys Vending Machine": "大本尼自动售货机",
"C-788 \"Combine\" Ballistic Cannon": "C-788 “Combine” 实弹加农炮",
"C2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie": "C2 大力神 星际运输船 毛绒玩具",
"CCC Aves Talon Helmet": "CCC 利爪鸟 头盔",
"CD of Game Soundtrack": "游戏原声带CD",
"CSP-68H Red Alert Backpack": "CSP-68H 背包 红色警戒",
"CSP-68L Backpack Forest Camo": "CSP-68L 背包 丛林迷彩",
"CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo": "CSP-68L 背包 夜间迷彩",
"Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment (can)": "转化宝Lite 打捞修复工具(罐子)",
"Carrack with Pisces Expedition": "克拉克 和 双鱼座 远征",
"Cataby Backpack MPUV-1C Edition": "卡塔比背包 MPUV-1C 版",
"Caterpillar & Dragonfly Pack": "毛虫 蜻蜓 组合包",
"Caudillo \"Burnt Orange\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 燃尽橙",
"Caudillo \"Ghost White\" Helmet": "考迪罗头盔 幽灵白",
"Central Tower Paint Pack": "中央大厦涂装",
"Centurion plus Beachhead Paint": "百夫长 和 抢滩迷彩涂装",
"Chairmans Club Paints Pack": "主席俱乐部 涂装组合包",
"Citizen Con 2945 Trophy": "公民控 2945 奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2945 Subscriber Trophy": "公民控 2945 订阅者奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2949 Arm Armor": "公民控 2949 臂甲",
"CitizenCon 2949 Leg Armor": "公民控 2949 腿甲",
"CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies": "公民控 2951 数字礼品包",
"CitizenCon 2952 Digital Goodies": "公民控 2952 数字礼品包",
"CitizenCon 2953 Dragonfly Paint": "公民控 2953 蜻蜓涂装",
"CitizenCon Digital Goodies Pack": "公民控 数字礼品包",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model": "联合外域 开拓者 模型",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster": "联合外域 开拓者 海报",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer lti": "联合外域 开拓者 LTI",
"Consolidated Outlands Gear Pack": "联合外域 装备组合包",
"Constellation Andromeda Starter Package": "星座 仙女座 新手包",
"Contains 1 nameable ship": "包含 1艘 可命名飞船",
"Corsair and Dragonfly Black": "海盗船 和 黑蜻蜓",
"Creese Toxic Fog Jacket": "马来剑夹克 毒蛙",
"Crusader Ares Ember Skin": "十字军 战神 余烬涂装",
"Crusader Ares Inferno Ember": "十字军 战神 地狱火 焦焰",
"Crusader Ares Ion Radiance": "十字军 战神 离子光 光耀",
"Crusader Ares Radiance Skin": "十字军 战神 光耀皮肤",
"Crusader Mercury Star Runner": "十字军 墨丘利 星际快运船",
"Cutlass 2949 BIS Skin": "弯刀 2949 展会最佳 涂装",
"Cutlass Black Starter Pack": "黑弯刀 新手包",
"Cutlass Black Starter Package": "黑弯刀 新手包",
"Cutter Central Tower Paint": "小刀 中央大厦涂装",
"Cutter Holiday Starter Pack": "小刀 节日新手包",
"Cutter IAE Starter Pack": "小刀 IAE 新手包",
"Cutter plus Groundswell Paint": "小刀 和 风起云涌涂装",
"December 2014 Backer Reward": "2014年12月 支持者奖励",
"Deck the Hull Paint": "盛装打扮涂装",
"Deluxe Silver Collector's Box": "豪华银质收藏盒",
"Demeco \"Red Alert\" LMG": "德美科 轻机枪“红色警戒”",
"Digital Squadron 42 Manual": "42中队 数字手册",
"Digital Star Citizen Manual": "星际公民 数字手册",
"Dolivine Mining Paint Pack": "暗橄榄石 采矿涂装组合包",
"Dragonfly Star Kitten Edition": "蜻蜓 星空猫版",
"Drake Corsair Name Reservation": "德雷克 海盗船 命名保留",
"Drake Flyables Pack 2953": "德雷克 可飞组合包 2953",
"Drake Kraken Conversion Kit": "德雷克 海妖 转换套装",
"Drake Kraken Privateer Warbond": "德雷克 海妖私掠 战争债券",
"Dream Wishes Banu Shirt": "梦愿T恤 巴努衬衫",
"Duck Sword Banu Shirt": "小鸭刀 巴努衬衫",
"E&I M34 Restraint System": "E&I M34 约束系统",
"Elite Eight Paint Pack": "精英×8 涂装组合包",
"Endeavor Bio Dome (2x1)": "奋进 生物圆顶 (2x1)",
"Endeavor Fuel Pod (2x1)": "奋进 加油舱 (2x1)",
"Endeavor General Science (2x1)": "奋进 通用科研模块 (2x1)",
"Endeavor Medical Bay (2x2)": "奋进 医疗湾 (2x2)",
"Endeavor Research Lab (2x1)": "奋进 研究实验室 (2x1)",
"Endeavor Telescope Array (2x1)": "奋进 望远镜阵列 (2x1)",
"Esperia Glaive Anniversary 2017": "埃斯佩里亚 长刀 周年庆 2017",
"Esperia Talon Shrike (Concept)": "埃斯佩里亚 利爪 伯劳(概念)",
"Expanse plus Stardust Paint": "无垠 和 星尘涂装",
"F55 \"Alpine Sunset\" LMG": "F55 轻机枪“日落阿尔卑斯”",
"F7 Hornet Mk I": "F7 大黄蜂 Mk I",
"F7 Hornet Mk II": "F7 大黄蜂 Mk II",
"F7A Hornet Mk II": "F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II",
"F7C Hornet Mk I": "F7C 大黄蜂 Mk I",
"F7C Hornet Mk II": "F7C 大黄蜂 Mk II",
"F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker": "F7C-M 超级大黄蜂 寻心者",
"F8C Lightning Executive Edition": "F8C 闪电行政版",
"FS-9 \"Finish Line\" LMG": "FS-9 轻机枪“终点线”",
"FSK-8 \"Bloodline\" Combat Knife": "FSK-8 战术匕首 “血色迷彩”",
"FSK-8 \"Ghost\" Combat Knife": "FSK-8 战术匕首 “幽灵迷彩”",
"FSK-8 \"Mirage\" Combat Knife": "FSK-8 战术匕首 “幻影迷彩”",
"Falston Jumpsuit “Shubin Edition”": "弗斯顿 连体服 舒宾版",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔",
"Finish Line Perfect Collection": "终点线 完美组合包",
"Finley the Stormwal Mug": "风暴鲸芬莉 马克杯",
"Flatcat Fail Banu Shirt": "扁平猫的失败 巴努T恤",
"Fortuna 3 Paint Pack": "福尔图娜 ×3 涂装组合包",
"Fortuna Deluxe Pack Warbond": "福尔图娜 豪华组合包 战争债券",
"Fortuna Ultimate Party Pack": "福尔图娜 终极派对 组合包",
"Foundation Festival 2023 Reward": "2023 奠基节 奖励",
"Foundation Festival Beanie Black": "奠基节 毛线帽“黑色”",
"Foundation Festival Beanie Teal": "奠基节 毛线帽“鸭绿色”",
"Foundation Festival Guide Reward": "奠基节 指导奖励",
"Foundation Festival Hat Black": "奠基节 帽子“黑色”",
"Foundation Festival Referral Bonus": "奠基节 邀请奖励",
"Free Fly Referral Bonus": "试飞 邀请奖励",
"Fury LX Serial Number": "狂怒LX 序列号",
"Fury LX Two Pack": "狂怒LX ×2 组合包",
"Fury plus Leatherback Paint": "狂怒 和 棱皮龟涂装",
"Galaxy plus Protector Paint": "银河 和 Protector涂装",
"Gamescom 2946 Subscriber Trophy": "2946 科隆游戏展 订阅者奖杯",
"Gemini R97 Kismet Shotgun": "双子座 R97 ‘天运’ 霰弹枪",
"Gemini Sniper Green Grey": "双子座 狙击枪 绿灰",
"Giocoso Helmet Triple Pack": "杰科索头盔 ×3组合包",
"Glossy Fold-up Star Map": "光面折叠式星图",
"Green and Gold Paint": "绿金涂装",
"Greycat Black Cherry Armor": "灰猫 “黑樱桃” 护甲",
"Greycat Harvester Armor Set": "灰猫 “收割机” 护甲套装",
"Greycat Miners Paint Pack": "灰猫 矿工涂装包",
"Greycat PTV Anniversary 2018": "灰猫 PTV 2018 周年庆",
"Greycat Paint: Agate Gray": "灰猫涂装:玛瑙灰涂装",
"Greycat Paint: Rifle Green": "灰猫涂装:步枪绿涂装",
"Greycat Paint: Tactical Stealth": "灰猫涂装:战术隐身涂装",
"Greycat Quicksilver Armor Set": "灰猫 “水银” 护甲套装",
"Hadanite Mining Paint Pack": "哈丹采矿涂装组合包",
"Hammerhead 2949 BIS Skin": "锤头鲨 2949 展会最佳 皮肤",
"Hardback Making-of Star Citizen": "精装版《星际公民的制作》",
"Hartwell Music Sentinel 88G": "哈特威尔 音乐前哨 88G",
"Hawk Central Tower Paint": "猎鹰 中央大厦涂装",
"Headhunter Gang Relic Collectible": "猎头帮遗物收藏品",
"Hello Sunshine Cheeky Planter": "赞美阳光 滑稽花盆",
"Hello Sunshine Happy Planter": "赞美阳光 开心花盆",
"Hello Sunshine Surprised Planter": "赞美阳光 吃惊花盆",
"Hercules Starlifter Argent Livery": "大力神 星际运输船 银白涂装",
"Hercules Starlifter Dryad Livery": "大力神 星际运输船 树妖涂装",
"Hercules Starlifter Flight Jacket": "大力神 星际运输船 飞行夹克",
"Hercules Starlifter Sylvan Livery": "大力神 星际运输船 森林涂装",
"Hornet F7C Mk I": "铁砧 F7C Mk I",
"Hornet F7C Starter Pack": "F7C 大黄蜂 新手包",
"Hornet F7C-M Heartseeker Warbond": "超级大黄蜂 F7C-M 寻心者 战争债券",
"Hornet Flashfire Specialty Mount": "大黄蜂 闪火 专用挂点",
"HoverQuad plus Lovestruck Paint": "悬浮驷 加 痴情涂装",
"Hull A Bombora Livery": "货运A 潜浪涂装",
"Hull A Trailblazer Livery": "货运A 先驱涂装",
"Hull C Bombora Livery": "货运C 潜浪涂装",
"Hull C Trailblazer Livery": "货运C 先驱涂装",
"ICC Probe Holographic Model": "帝国制图中心探测器 全息模型",
"ILW 2951 Paint Pack": "ILW 2951 涂装组合包",
"IMS Bolliver Holographic Model": "IMS 波利弗空间站 全息模型",
"Icarus One Holographic Model": "伊卡洛斯一号空间站 全息模型",
"Idris After Market Kit": "伊德里斯 售后套装",
"Invictus 2953 T-Shirt Blue": "不败舰队启航周2953T恤 蓝色",
"Invictus Flyby Hat Blue": "不败飞掠帽子 蓝色",
"Kastak Arms Custodian SMG": "卡斯塔克 监管者冲锋枪",
"Kastak Arms Devastator Shotgun": "卡斯塔克 霰弹枪 “旅行者”",
"Kill Zone Duo Pack": "杀戮地带 ×2 组合包",
"Kruger P-72 Archimedes Emerald": "克鲁格 P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿",
"LTI War Bond Presale": "LTI 战争债券 北极星",
"Liberator plus Condor Paint": "解放者 和 Condor涂装",
"Limited Dust Devil Skin": "限量 尘魔皮肤",
"Locker From Another Universe": "异次元柜子",
"Locker from Another Universe": "异次元柜子",
"Lovestruck Paint 6 Pack": "痴情涂装 ×6 涂装组合包",
"Luminalia 2952 Argo MPUV": "2952 光灯节 南船座 MPUV",
"Luminalia 2953 Referral Bonus": "2953 光灯节 邀请奖励",
"Lynx plus Moonrise Paint": "天猫座 和 月出涂装",
"M2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie": "大力神 M2 星际运输船 毛绒玩具",
"MISC Complete Pack 2952": "武藏 2952 完整组合包",
"MISC Endeavor Master Set": "武藏 奋进 大师套装",
"MISC Freelancer Starter Pack": "武藏 自由枪骑兵 新手包",
"MISC Reliant Kore (Hauler)": "武藏 信赖基础 (运输船)",
"MPUV BIS 2951 Paint": "南船座 2951 展会最佳涂装",
"Magnus IV Water Bottle": "马格努斯 IV 水瓶",
"Manaslu Rust Society Jacket": "马纳斯鲁-锈红协会 夹克",
"Masters of Design Series": "大师之作系列",
"Mercury Star Runner 2948": "墨丘利 星际快运船 2948",
"Mercury Star Runner Paint": "墨丘利 星际快运船 涂装",
"Mercury Star Runner Warbond": "墨丘利 星际快运船 战争债券",
"Mirai Complete Pack 2953": "未来 2953 完整组合包",
"Model II Arclight Sidearm": "弧光二型II 副武器",
"Morozov-SH Armor Aftershock Arms": "莫罗佐夫-SH臂甲 余震",
"Morozov-SH Armor Aftershock Core": "莫罗佐夫-SH胸甲 余震",
"Morozov-SH Armor Aftershock Legs": "莫罗佐夫-SH腿甲 余震",
"Morozov-SH Armor Terracotta Arms": "莫罗佐夫-SH臂甲 赤陶",
"Morozov-SH Armor Terracotta Core": "莫罗佐夫-SH胸甲 赤陶",
"Morozov-SH Armor Terracotta Legs": "莫罗佐夫-SH护甲 赤陶",
"Morozov-SH Armor Thule Arms": "莫罗佐夫-SH臂甲 极北",
"Morozov-SH Armor Thule Core": "莫罗佐夫-SH臂甲 极北",
"Morozov-SH Armor Thule Legs": "莫罗佐夫-SH腿甲 极北",
"Mule & Cutlass Pack": "骡和黑弯刀 组合包",
"Mule plus Smokestack Paint": "骡 和 烟囱涂装",
"Mustang Alpha AC Starter": "野马 阿尔法 AC 新手包",
"Mustang Alpha SC Starter": "野马 阿尔法 星际公民 新手包",
"Mustang Alpha Starter Pack": "野马 阿尔法 新手包",
"Mustang Holiday Starter Pack": "野马 节日新手包",
"Mustang Vindicator CC2948 Promotion": "野马 维护者 公民控2948 促销",
"Nomad Holiday Starter Pack": "游牧者 节日新手包",
"Novikov \"Ascension\" Exploration Suit": "诺维科夫 “升天” 探索套装",
"Novikov Ascension Exploration Suit": "诺维科夫 “升天” 探索套装",
"ORIGIN 600i Exploration Edition": "起源 600i 探索 战争债券",
"ORIGIN 600i Exploration Module": "起源 600i 探索",
"ORIGIN 600i Luxury Edition": "起源 600i 豪华版",
"ORIGIN 600i Touring Module": "起源 600i 旅行",
"Odyssey II Helmet Envy": "奥德赛II 头盔 嫉妒",
"Odyssey II Helmet Lovestruck": "奥德赛II 头盔 痴情",
"Odyssey II Helmet Obsidian": "奥德赛II 头盔 曜石黑",
"Odyssey II Helmet Slate": "奥德赛II头盔 板岩",
"Odyssey II Helmet Starcrossed": "奥德赛II头盔 错爱",
"Odyssey plus Windrider Paint": "奥德赛 和 Windrider涂装",
"Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI": "越野载具组合包 LTI",
"Omnisky series Laser Cannons": "制空系列 激光加农炮",
"One Light Cap Blue": "唯光 帽子 蓝色",
"One Light Cap Red": "唯光 帽子 红色",
"One Light Cap Teal": "唯光 帽子 蓝绿色",
"One Light Shirt Blue": "唯光 衬衣 蓝色",
"One Light Shirt Red": "唯光 衬衣 红色",
"One Light Shirt Teal": "唯光 衬衣 蓝绿色",
"One Light Undersuit Blue": "唯光 基底服 蓝色",
"One Light Undersuit Red": "唯光 基底服 红色",
"One Light Undersuit Teal": "唯光 基底服 蓝绿色",
"Origin 100i Starter Package": "起源 100i 新手包",
"Origin 135c Starter Package": "起源 135c 新手包",
"Origin Complete Pack 2951": "起源 完整组合包 2951",
"Origin X1 Scarlet Skin": "起源 X1 猩红涂装",
"Overdrive Racing Paint Pack": "超速传动 涂装组合包",
"Overlord \"Predator\" Armor Set": "领主护甲套装 捕食者",
"Overlord \"Riptide\" Armor Set": "领主护甲套装 激流",
"Overlord \"Stinger\" Armor Set": "领主护甲套装 毒刺",
"Overlord \"Supernova\" Armor Set": "领主护甲套装 超新星",
"Overlord \"Switchback\" Armor Set": "领主护甲套装 急弯",
"Overlord Arms Dust Storm": "领主臂甲 沙尘暴",
"Overlord Helmet Dust Storm": "领主头盔 沙尘暴",
"Overlord Legs Dust Storm": "领主腿甲 沙尘暴",
"Overlord Torso Dust Storm": "领主胸甲 沙尘暴",
"PAX Australia 2944 Trophy": "澳大利亚PAX 2944 奖杯",
"Paint Constellation Heron Black": "涂装 星座 黑鹭",
"Paint Constellation Heron Orange": "涂装 星座 橙鹭",
"Paint Constellation Heron White": "涂装 星座 白鹭",
"ParaMed \"Oxide\" Medical Device": "医护宝 “氧化物” 医疗设备",
"ParaMed \"Venule\" Medical Device": "医护宝 “小静脉” 医疗设备",
"ParaMed “Xanthic” Medical Device": "医护宝 “黄色” 医疗设备",
"Parasite Replica Helmet (Original)": "“寄生”复刻头盔(原版)",
"Pembroke RSI Graphite Edition": "彭布罗克 RSI 石墨黑版",
"Pembroke RSI Ivory Edition": "彭布罗克 RSI 象牙白版",
"Pembroke RSI Sunburst Edition": "彭布罗克 RSI 日出红版",
"Perseus + Thundercloud Paint": "英仙座 + Thundercloud涂装",
"Pico the Penguin Luminalia": "企鹅皮可 毛绒玩具 光灯节版",
"Pisces Expedition Conversion Kit": "双鱼座 远征 转换套装",
"Prestige MISC Racing Jacket": "至臻MISC竞速夹克",
"Prestige Origin Racing Jacket": "至臻起源竞速夹克",
"Puglisi Collection Planet Artifact": "普利西收藏 星球工艺品",
"Pyro Crab Banu Shirt": "派罗蟹 巴努T恤",
"Pyro RYT \"Bloodline\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具 血统红",
"Pyro RYT \"Ghost\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具 幽灵白",
"Pyro RYT \"Harvester\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具 收割机",
"Pyro RYT \"Mirage\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具 幻象金",
"Pyro RYT \"Quicksilver\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具 水银",
"Pyro RYT Multi-Tool Set": "焦焰 RYT 多功能工具套装",
"RRS Arden-SL “Archangel” Armor": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 “大天使”",
"RRS Arden-SL “Rime” Armor": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 “白霜”",
"RSI Apollo Medivac- Warbond": "RSI 阿波罗 分诊台 战争债券",
"RSI Complete Pack 2952": "RSI 完整组合包 2952",
"RSI Complete Pack 2953": "RSI 完整组合包 2953",
"RSI Constellation Phoenix Emerald": "RSI 星座 凤凰座 翡翠绿",
"RSI Legs Venture Voyager": "RSI 探险家腿甲 旅行者",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Helmet": "RSI 探险家头盔 寻路者",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Undersuit": "RSI 探险家基底服 寻路者",
"RSI Venture Voyager Helmet": "RSI 探险家头盔 旅行者",
"RSI Venture Voyager Undersuit": "RSI 探险家基底服 旅行者",
"RSI Zeus Ship Model": "RSI 宙斯 飞船模型",
"Railen plus Hyaotan Paint": "锐伦 和 Hyaotan涂装",
"Ravager-212 \"Red Alert\" Shotgun": "劫掠者-212 双管霰弹枪“红色警戒”",
"Razor Central Tower Paint": "剃刀 中心塔涂装",
"Reclaimer 2949 BIS Skin": "回收站 2949 展会最佳涂装",
"Retaliator Front Cargo Module": "报复者 前货舱模块",
"Retaliator Front Dropship Module": "报复者 前部投送仓模块",
"Retaliator Front Living Module": "报复 前生活模块",
"Retaliator Rear Cargo Module": "报复者 后货舱模块",
"Retaliator Rear Living Module": "报复者 后生活模块",
"Revel & York Hangar": "狂欢 & 约克 机库",
"Ribbon Fish (Vario Vittas)": "带鱼 (Vario Vitas)",
"Ribbon fish (Vario Vittas)": "带鱼 (Vario Vitas)",
"Roc & Brawl Pack": "Roc & 争吵者 组合包",
"Rough and Tumbril Pack": "盾博尔粗糙组合包",
"Salvo Esteban Frag Pistol": "齐射 碎片手枪 埃斯特班",
"Salvo Saeed Frag Pistol": "齐射 碎片手枪 萨伊德",
"Sawtooth \"Bloodstone\" Combat Knife": "锯齿 战术匕首“血石”",
"Sawtooth \"Sirocco\" Combat Knife": "锯齿 战术匕首“热风”",
"Sawtooth \"Squall\" Combat Knife": "锯齿 战术匕首“狂风”",
"Scalpel \"Permafrost\" Sniper Rifle": "解剖刀 狙击步枪“冻土”",
"Schematic Aegs Vanguard Hoplite": "结构图: 圣盾 先锋 重装",
"Scorpius Blight Green Paint": "天蝎座 Blight Green涂装",
"Scorpius Double Sting Pack": "天蝎座 双重灼痛 组合包",
"Scorpius Stormcloud Grey Paint": "天蝎座 风暴云 灰色涂装",
"Ship Showdown '52 Coin": "舰船大对决'52 纪念币",
"Six-Sided Rotating Dice Set": "六面旋转骰子 套装",
"Six-Sided Rotating Die Orange": "橙色六面旋转骰子",
"Six-Sided Rotating Die Red": "红色六面旋转骰子",
"Six-Sided Rotating Die White": "白色六面旋转骰子",
"Skull & Crossbones Paint": "海盗涂装",
"Skull and Crossbones Paint": "海盗涂装",
"Slipstream Racing Paint Pack": "尾流竞速涂装 组合包",
"Soldier of Fortuna Pack": "福尔图纳战士 组合包",
"Sons of Centauri Pack": "半人马之子 组合包",
"Space Plant- Ophelia Vine": "太空植物 - 欧菲利亚藤",
"Spirit of Crusader Duology": "十字军 星灵 ×2 组合包",
"Spirit of Crusader Trilogy": "十字军 星灵 ×3 组合包",
"Squadron 42 Digital Download": "42中队 数字下载",
"Squadron 42 Manual (Digital)": "42中队 手册(数字版)",
"Squadron 42 Mission Disk": "42中队 任务光盘",
"Squadron 42 Standalone Pledge": "42中队 独立 组合包",
"St Patrick's Day Special": "圣帕特里克节 特别版",
"Star Citizen Digital Download": "星际公民 数字下载",
"Star Citizen Digital Novella": "星际公民 数字小说",
"Star Citizen Gift Card": "星际公民 礼品卡",
"Star Kitten \"Damon\" Helmet": "星空猫头盔 达蒙",
"Star Kitten \"Sally\" Helmet": "星空猫头盔 萨莉",
"Star Kitten Damon Helmet": "星空猫头盔 达蒙",
"Star Kitten Sally Helmet": "星空猫头盔 萨莉",
"Star Runner Blackguard Paint": "墨丘利 星际快运船 恶棍涂装",
"Star Runner Equinox Paint": "墨丘利 星际快运船 晨昏涂装",
"Starfarer Storm Surge Livery": "星际远航者 风暴汹涌涂装",
"Starting Money: 1,000 UEC": "起始资金: 1,000 UEC",
"Starting Money: 10,000 UEC": "起始资金: 10,000 UEC",
"Starting Money: 2,000 UEC": "起始资金: 2,000 UEC",
"Starting Money: 20,000 UEC": "起始资金: 20,000 UEC",
"Starting Money: 5,000 UEC": "起始资金: 5,000 UEC",
"Stegman's Cordimon \"Voyager\" Jacket": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼夹克 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Boots": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼靴子 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Gloves": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼手套 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Hat": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼帽子 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Jacket": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼夹克 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Pants": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼裤子 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's Cordimon “Voyager” Shirt": "斯蒂格曼 科尔迪曼衬衫 “旅行者”",
"Stegman's IndVest \"Pathfinder\" Jacket": "斯蒂格曼 英迪夹克 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Boots": "斯蒂格曼 英迪靴子 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Gloves": "斯蒂格曼 英迪手套 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Helmet": "斯蒂格曼 英迪头盔 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Jacket": "斯蒂格曼 英迪头盔 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Pants": "斯蒂格曼 英迪涂装 “寻路者”",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Shirt": "斯蒂格曼 英迪衬衫 “寻路者”",
"Stella Fortuna '54 Coin": "幸运星节 '54 硬币",
"Storm plus Summit Paint": "风暴 和 顶点涂装",
"Stuck at Olisar T-Shirt": "困在奥丽莎T恤",
"Swords of Fortitude Pack": "坚毅之剑 组合包",
"Swords of Valor Pack": "勇气之剑 组合包",
"Syulen IAE Starter Pack": "速伦 IAE 新手包",
"Syulen plus Taomoa Paint": "速伦 和 涛墨涂装",
"Syulen with Taomoa Paint": "速伦 和 涛墨涂装",
"TCS-4 Undersuit Red Alert": "TCS-4 基底服 红色警戒",
"Takuetsu 350r Ship Model": "卓越Takuetsu 350r 飞船模型",
"Takuetsu Aegis Avenger Model": "卓越Takuetsu 圣盾 复仇者模型",
"Takuetsu Aegis Sabre Model": "卓越Takuetsu 圣盾 军刀 模型",
"Takuetsu Anvil Crucible Model": "卓越Takuetsu 铁砧 火神模型",
"Takuetsu Consolidated Outland Mustang": "卓越Takuetsu 联合外域 野马",
"Takuetsu Genesis Starliner Model": "卓越Takuetsu 十字军 创世纪 星际航线 模型",
"Takuetsu Gladius Valiant Model": "卓越Takuetsu 短剑 勇气模型",
"Takuetsu Golden Herald Model": "卓越Takuetsu 黄金 信使模型",
"Takuetsu Hull A Model": "卓越Takuetsu 货轮A 模型",
"Takuetsu Hull B Model": "卓越Takuetsu 货轮B 模型",
"Takuetsu Hull C Model": "卓越Takuetsu 货轮C 模型",
"Takuetsu Hull D Model": "卓越Takuetsu 货轮D 模型",
"Takuetsu Hull E Model": "卓越Takuetsu 货轮E 模型",
"Takuetsu Mini 350r Model": "卓越Takuetsu 迷你 350r 模型",
"Takuetsu Mini Aegis Sabre": "卓越Takuetsu 迷你 圣盾 军刀",
"Takuetsu Mini Starfarer Model": "卓越Takuetsu 迷你 星际运输船 模型",
"Takuetsu Mustang Beta Model": "卓越Takuetsu 野马贝塔 模型",
"Takuetsu Mustang Delta Model": "卓越Takuetsu 野马德尔塔 模型",
"Takuetsu Mustang Gamma Model": "卓越Takuetsu 野马伽马 模型",
"Takuetsu Origin 890 Jump": "卓越Takuetsu 起源 890 跃动",
"Takuetsu P-72 Archimedes model": "卓越Takuetsu P-72 阿基米德 模型",
"Takuetsu Prestige Khartu-Al Model": "卓越Takuetsu 卡图-Al 模型",
"Takuetsu Sabre Comet Model": "卓越Takuetsu 军刀 彗星 模型",
"Takuetsu Series Aurora ES": "卓越Takuetsu 系列 极光ES",
"Takuetsu Series Aurora LN": "卓越Takuetsu系列 极光 LN",
"Takuetsu Series Mustang Beta": "卓越Takuetsu系列 野马贝塔",
"Takuetsu Starfarer Gemini Model": "卓越Takuetsu 星际远航者 双子座模型",
"Takuetsu mini Retaliator Base": "卓越Takuetsu 迷你 报复基础",
"Talon Twin Pack (Concept)": "利爪 ×2 组合包 (概念)",
"Tan and Green Paint": "棕褐色和绿色 涂装",
"Threshold Toxic Fog Pants": "阈点长裤 毒雾",
"Tracer Laser Pointer Green": "追踪者 激光指示器 绿色",
"Tracer Laser Pointer Orange": "追踪者 激光指示器 橙色",
"TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment": "实握 牵引光束附件",
"Tumbril Complete Pack 2953": "盾博尔 完整组合包 2953",
"Tumbril Cyclone-RN Warbond LTI": "盾博尔 旋风-RN 战争债券 LTI",
"Tumbril Nova Tank LTI": "盾博尔 新星坦克 LTI",
"Tumbril Nova Tank Poster": "新星坦克 海报",
"Tumbril Ranger CV Warbond": "盾博尔 游骑兵 CV 战争债券",
"Tumbril Ranger RC Warbond": "盾博尔 游骑兵 RC 战争债券",
"Tumbril Ranger TR Warbond": "盾博尔 游骑兵 TR 战争债券",
"Turbocharged Racing Paint Pack": "涡轮增压竞速 涂装组合包",
"UEE Distinguished Service Skin": "UEE 杰出服务 涂装",
"UEE Exploration 2948 Pack": "UEE 2948探索 组合包",
"Unique Eclipse Serial Stamp": "独特日蚀序列号",
"Unique Polaris Serial Stamp": "独特北极星序列号",
"Ursa Rover Fortuna Warbond": "大熊座漫游车 福尔图娜 战争债卷",
"Vaporwear Copperhead Enforcer Outfit": "蒸汽穿着 铜斑蛇 执法者服装",
"Vaporwear Skullsnap Enforcer Outfit": "蒸汽穿着 碎颅 执法者服装",
"Venture Helmet Carrack Edition": "探险家头盔 克拉克版",
"Venture Pathfinder Adventure Pack": "探险家 寻路者 冒险组合包",
"Venture Voyager Adventure Pack": "探险家 旅行者 冒险组合包",
"Voidripper Sea Shiver Helmet": "虚空撕裂者 头盔 海寒",
"Vulcan Skin Pack Warbond": "火神 皮肤组合包 战争债券",
"Vulture & Cutlass Pack": "秃鹫 和 黑弯刀 组合包",
"Weapons & Armor Collection": "武器 和 护甲 组合包",
"Wooden Rooster Charm (Large)": "雄鸡木雕 (大)",
"Wooden Rooster Charm (Medium)": "雄鸡木雕 (中)",
"Wooden Rooster Charm (Small)": "雄鸡木雕 (小)",
"Yacht Club 200th Episode": "游艇俱乐部第200期",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack": "宙斯探索服套装 背包",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet": "宙斯探索服套装 头盔",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Solar": "宙斯探索服套装 日出版",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape": "宙斯探索服套装 星象",
"rsi Orion Anniversary 2017": "RSI 猎户座 周年庆 2017",
"“Tears of Fire” Painting": "火之泪海报",
"\"Gamescom 2945\" Subscriber Hangar Trophy": "“科隆游戏展 2945” 订阅者 机库奖杯",
"'The Hill Horror Reborn Helmet'": "惊骇丘陵重生头盔",
"1 Million Mile High Club": "百万英里俱乐部",
"100i Foundation Festival Starter Pack": "100i 奠基节 新手包",
"100i Red Festival Starter Pack": "100i 火红节 新手包",
"2950 Invictus Starfarer Black Livery": "2950 不败舰队周 星际远航者黑色涂装",
"2950 Invictus Valkyrie Sage Livery": "2950 不败舰队周 女武神 鼠尾草涂装",
"2950 Ship Showdown Referral Reward": "2950 舰船大对决 邀请奖励",
"2951 Auspicious Red Paint Pack": "2951 吉祥红 涂装组合包",
"2951 Day of the Vara": "2951 惊骇丘陵头盔",
"2952 Auspicious Red Paint Pack": "2952 吉祥红 涂装组合包",
"2952 Day of the Vara": "2952 瓦拉节",
"2953 Auspicious Red Paint Pack": "2953 吉祥红 涂装组合包",
"2953 Best In Show Poster": "2953 展会最佳 海报",
"2953 Day of the Vara": "2953 瓦拉节",
"2953 Red Festival Rooster Charms": "2953 火红节 鸡护身符",
"3 Inch Model of Spaceship": "3 英寸飞船模型",
"36th Fighter Wing Sq. Badge": "第36 飞行中队 徽章",
"400i Pre-Order plus Penumbra Paint": "400i 预订 半影涂装",
"A1 Spirit plus Intrepid Paint": "星灵 A1 和 无畏涂装",
"AEGIS Vulcan CTR Livery Skin": "圣盾 火神 CTR 涂装",
"AEGIS Vulcan Hazard Yellow Skin": "圣盾 火神 危险黄皮肤",
"AMD Never Settle Space Edition": "AMD 永不将就 太空版",
"Aegis Gladius 2950 Showdown Edition": "圣盾 短剑 2950 舰船大对决版",
"Aegis Idris-P After Market Kit": "圣盾 伊德里斯-P 售后套装",
"Aegis Nautilus Solstice Limited Edition": "圣盾 鹦鹉螺 冬至 限量版",
"Anvil Aerospace Arrow Anniversary 2018": "铁砧航天 箭矢 周年庆 2018",
"Anvil Aerospace Carrack Anniversary 2018": "铁砧航天 克拉克 周年庆 2018",
"Anvil Aerospace Hawk 3.4 Flyable": "铁砧航天 猎鹰 3.4 可飞",
"Anvil Arrow Foundation Festival Paint": "铁砧 箭矢 奠基节皮肤",
"Anvil Arrow UEE Unity Paint": "铁砧 箭矢 UEE 统一涂装",
"Anvil F8C Lightning Executive Edition": "铁砧 F8C 闪电 行政版",
"Anvil Valkyrie 2950 Showdown Edition": "铁砧 女武神 2950 舰船大对决版",
"Aopoa Nox 2 Pack LTI": "奥波亚 Nox ×2 组合包 LTI",
"Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI": "奥波亚 Nox ×5 组合包 LTI",
"Aopoa San'tok.yāi Anniversary 2018 Warbond": "奥波亚 桑托起亚 周年庆 2018 战争债卷",
"Apocalypse Arms Havoc Mouth Edition": "启示录军备 浩劫 Mouth版",
"Arden-SL Arms Coramor Edition \"Fate\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“命运”",
"Arden-SL Arms Coramor Edition \"Kismet\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“天命”",
"Arden-SL Core Coramor Edition \"Fate\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“命运”",
"Arden-SL Core Coramor Edition \"Kismet\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“天命”",
"Arden-SL Helmet Coramor Edition \"Fate\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“命运”",
"Arden-SL Helmet Coramor Edition \"Kismet\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“天命”",
"Arden-SL Legs Coramor Edition \"Fate\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“命运”",
"Arden-SL Legs Coramor Edition \"Kismet\"": "阿尔登-SL 臂甲 科拉爱人节版“天命”",
"Ares Star Fighter Aspire Paint": "战神 星际战斗机 志远涂装",
"Ares Star Fighter Hosanna Paint": "战神 星际战斗机 和撒那涂装",
"Arrow Ship Showdown Starter Pack": "箭矢 舰船大对决 新手包",
"Arrow Tan and Green Livery": "箭矢 棕褐色和绿色涂装",
"Aurora MR Holiday Starter Pack": "极光 MR 节日新手包",
"Aurora MR Invictus Starter Pack": "极光 MR 新手包 战争债券",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack 2020": "极光 MR 2020 新手包",
"Avenger Deck the Hull Livery": "复仇者 盛装打扮 涂装",
"Avenger Titan Holiday Starter Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 不败舰队周 节日新手包",
"Avenger Titan Invictus Starter Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 不败舰队周 新手包",
"Behring P6-LR \"Archangel\" Sniper Rifle": "贝林 P6-LR 狙击步枪 “大天使”",
"Behring P6-LR \"Rime\" Sniper Rifle": "贝林 P6-LR 狙击步枪 “白霜”",
"Behring P8-SC \"Red Alert\" SMG": "贝林 P8-SC 冲锋枪 “红色警戒”",
"Best in Show 2950 Edition": "2950 展会最佳版",
"Best in Show 2951 Edition": "2951 展会最佳版",
"Best in Show 2953 Paint": "2953 展会最佳涂装",
"Best in Show 2953 Poster": "2953 展会最佳海报",
"Biohazard Blue Lost Plague Helmet": "失落瘟疫头盔 生化蓝",
"C1 Spirit plus Crimson Paint": "星灵C1 和 绯红涂装",
"C8X Pisces Holiday Starter Pack": "C8X 双鱼座 节日新手包",
"C8X Pisces Invictus Starter Pack": "C8X 双鱼座 不败舰队周 新手包",
"CCC Aves Talon Armor Arms": "CCC 利爪鸟 臂甲",
"CCC Aves Talon Armor Core": "CCC 利爪鸟 胸甲",
"CCC Aves Talon Armor Legs": "CCC 利爪鸟 腿甲",
"CCC Aves Talon Shrike Helmet": "CCC 伯劳鸟 头盔",
"CDS ADP-mk4 Red Alert Arms": "CDS ADP-mk4 臂甲 红色警戒",
"CDS ADP-mk4 Red Alert Core": "CDS ADP-mk4 胸甲 红色警戒",
"CDS ADP-mk4 Red Alert Helmet": "CDS ADP-mk4 头盔 红色警戒",
"CDS ADP-mk4 Red Alert Legs": "CDS ADP-mk4 腿甲 红色警戒",
"CDS ADP-mk4 “Red Alert” Armor": "CDS ADP-mk4 “红色警戒” 护甲",
"Carrack Expedition with Pisces Expedition": "克拉克远征 和 双鱼座远征",
"Carrack with C8X Auspicious Package": "克拉克 和 C8X 吉祥组合包",
"Caterpillar 2949 Best in Show": "毛虫 2949 展会最佳版",
"Caterpillar Best In Show Edition": "毛虫 展会最佳版",
"Caterpillar IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "毛虫 IAE 2950 涂装组合包",
"Caterpillar w/ Ghoulish Green Paint": "毛虫 和 食尸鬼绿涂装",
"CitizenCon 2946 Trophy Subscriber Edition": "2946公民控 订阅者奖杯",
"CitizenCon 2949 Digital Goodies Pack": "2949公民控 数字礼品包",
"CitizenCon 2949 In-Game Carrack Plushie": "2949公民控 游戏内物品 克拉克 毛绒玩具",
"CitizenCon 2949 In-Game Decorative Telescope": "2949公民控 游戏内物品 望远镜",
"CitizenCon 2953 Digital Goodies Pack": "2953公民控 数字礼品组合包",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer lti VIP": "联合外域 开拓者 LTI VIP",
"Consolidated Outland Pioneer lti Warbond": "联合外域 奋进 LTI 战争债券",
"Consolidated Outlands Flyables Pack 2952": "联合外域 可飞组合包 2952",
"Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack": "星座 ILW 2950 涂装组合包",
"Cutlass 2949 Best In Show": "弯刀 2949 展会最佳",
"Cutlass Black Starter Pack 2946": "黑弯刀 新手包 2946",
"Cutter Chairmans Club Trips Pack": "小刀 主席俱乐部 ×3 组合包",
"Cutter Chairmans Club Twin Pack": "小刀 主席俱乐部 ×3组合包",
"Cutter Rambler plus Cliffhanger Paint": "小刀 漫步者 和 悬念涂装",
"Cutter Scout plus Nightfall Paint": "小刀 侦察 和 夜临涂装",
"Cutter Ship Showdown Starter Pack": "小刀 舰船大对决 新手包",
"Cutter Super Spooky Starter Pack": "小刀 超级幽灵 新手包",
"Digital Making Of Star Citizen": "数字版 星际公民的制作",
"Dragonfly w/ Ghoulish Green Paint": "蜻蜓 和 食尸鬼绿涂装",
"Drake Complete Pack IAE 2950": "德雷克 完整组合包 IAE 2950",
"Drake Cutlass Ghoulish Green Paint": "德雷克 弯刀 食尸鬼绿涂装",
"Drake Defenscon 2951 Paint Pack": "德雷克 防务展 2951 涂装组合包",
"Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack": "德雷克 蜻蜓 一起骑行 ×2组合包",
"Drake Kraken Anniversary 2018 Warbond": "德雷克 海妖 周年庆 2018 战争债券",
"Drake Ultimate Ghoulunatics Paint Pack": "德雷克 终极 食尸鬼涂装组合包",
"E1 Spirit plus Olympia Paint": "星灵 E1 和 奥林匹亚涂装",
"Engineering Manual for Modders (Digital)": "工程师手册 数字版",
"Escar Limited Parvat Autumn Amber": "埃斯卡有限公司 帕尔瓦特夹克 秋琥珀",
"Escar Limited Parvat Frozen Spring": "埃斯卡有限公司 帕尔瓦特夹克 冰封春意",
"Escar Limited Parvat Snow Hearth": "埃斯卡有限公司 帕尔瓦特夹克 雪炉",
"Escar Limited Parvat Stony Brae": "埃斯卡有限公司 帕尔瓦特夹克 石布雷",
"Explosive Orange Lost Plague Helmet": "失落瘟疫头盔 爆破橘",
"F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I": "铁砧 F7C 大黄蜂 野火 Mk I",
"F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker Mk I": "铁砧 F7C-M 大黄蜂 寻心者 Mk I",
"F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I": "铁砧 F7C-M 超级大黄蜂 Mk I",
"F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I": "铁砧 F7C-R 大黄蜂 追踪者 Mk I",
"F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I": "铁砧 F7C-S 大黄蜂 幽灵 Mk I",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister Six-Pack": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 x6 组合包",
"Finley the Stormwal Luminalia Plushie": "风暴鲸芬莉 光灯节毛绒玩偶",
"Flashfire VariPuck S3 Gimbal Mount": "闪火 S3变化圆盘 可动挂点",
"Formation Pack plus Leatherback Paint": "编队组合包 和 棱皮龟涂装",
"Fortuna 2952 2 Paint Pack": "福尔图娜 2952 ×2 涂装组合包",
"Fortuna 2953 3 Paint Pack": "福尔图娜 2953 ×3 涂装组合包",
"Fortuna Ultimate Party Pack 2954": "福尔图娜 终极派对 组合包 2954",
"Francis the Party Animal Plushie": "弗朗西斯 派对毛绒动物玩偶",
"Full Star Citizen Soundtrack (Digital)": "完整星际公民原声带 数字版",
"Fury MX plus Leatherback Paint": "狂怒MX 和 棱皮龟涂装",
"GP-33 MOD \"Ashfall\" Grenade Launcher": "GP-33 MOD 榴弹发射器“落尘”",
"GP-33 MOD \"Copperhead\" Grenade Launcher": "GP-33 MOD 榴弹发射器“铜斑蛇”",
"GP-33 MOD \"Thunderclap\" Grenade Launcher": "GP-33 MOD 榴弹发射器“霹雳”",
"GP-33 MOD \"Umber\" Grenade Launcher": "GP-33 MOD 榴弹发射器“棕土”",
"Galaxy Complete plus Protector Paint": "银河 完整组合包 和 守护者涂装",
"Gallant \"Red Alert\" Assault Rifle": "加伦特 步枪“红色警戒”",
"Gemini A03 \"Canuto\" Sniper Rifle": "双子座 A03 “箭筒” 狙击步枪",
"Gemini A03 \"Lodestone\" Sniper Rifle": "双子座 A03 “磁石” 狙击步枪",
"Gemini A03 \"Wildwood\" Sniper Rifle": "双子座 A03 “野林” 狙击步枪",
"Ghoulish Green 4 Paint Pack": "食尸鬼绿涂装 ×4 组合包",
"Ghoulish Green 7 Paint Pack": "食尸鬼绿涂装 ×7 组合包",
"Gladius plus Combat Career Kit": "短剑 和 战斗职业套装",
"GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon": "灰猫地产 Geotack-X 行星信标",
"GreyCat Lot Geotack Planetary Beacon": "灰猫地产 Geotack 行星信标",
"Greycat Aril Red Alert Arms": "灰猫 伪壳臂甲 红色警戒",
"Greycat Aril Red Alert Backpack": "灰猫 伪壳背包 红色警戒",
"Greycat Aril Red Alert Core": "灰猫 伪壳胸甲 红色警戒",
"Greycat Aril Red Alert Helmet": "灰猫 伪壳头盔 红色警戒",
"Greycat Aril Red Alert Legs": "灰猫 伪壳腿甲 红色警戒",
"Greycat Aril “Red Alert” Armor": "灰猫 伪壳护甲 “红色警戒”",
"Greycat Black Cherry Armor Set": "灰猫 伪壳护甲套装 黑樱桃",
"Ground Vehicle Pack LTI VIP": "地面载具 组合包 LTI VIP",
"Hammerhead 2949 Best in Show": "锤头鲨 2949 展会最佳版",
"Hammerhead Best In Show Edition": "锤头鲨 展会最佳版",
"Hercules Starlifter BIS 2951 Paint": "大力神 星际运输船 展会最佳 2951 涂装",
"Hornet F7C-M Heartseeker Mk I": "铁砧 F7C-M 大黄蜂寻心者 Mk I",
"HoverQuad and Nomad Adventure Pack": "悬浮驷 和 游牧 探险组合包",
"Human Food Bars Banu Shirt": "人类食品棒 巴努T恤",
"Hurricane IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "飓风 IAE 2950 涂装组合包",
"Hurston Dynamics Exodus Laser Beam": "赫斯顿动力 Exodus 激光射线炮",
"ICC Port Olisar Holographic Model": "ICC 奥丽莎空间站 全息模型",
"Idris After Market Kit Warbond": "伊德里斯 售后套装 战争债券",
"Invictus Blue & Gold Paint": "舰队周 不败蓝金涂装",
"Invictus Blue and Gold Paint": "舰队周 不败蓝金涂装",
"Jacopo Top Hat & Monocle": "雅各布高帽 & 单片眼镜",
"Janes Fighting Ships style manual": "简氏战船样式手册",
"Kastak Arms Karna Fate Rifle": "卡斯塔克武器 卡纳 “命运” 步枪",
"Kruger P-72 Archimedes Emerald Skin": "克鲁格 P-72 阿基米德 翡翠绿 涂装",
"LTI War Bond Original Presale": "LTI 战争债券 原版 北极星",
"Legionnaire plus Shadow Strike Paint": "军团兵 和 暗影打击 涂装",
"Light Green and Grey Paint": "浅绿色 和 灰色 涂装",
"Light and Dark Grey Paint": "浅灰色 和 深灰色 涂装",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 1 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第一天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 10 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第十天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 11 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第十一天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 12 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第十二天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 2 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第二天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 3 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第三天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 4 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第四天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 5 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第五天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 6 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第六天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 7 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第七天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 8 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第八天奖励",
"Luminalia 2953 Day 9 Reward": "2953 光灯节 第九天奖励",
"MISC Endeavor Master Set LTI": "武藏 奋进者 大师套装 LTI",
"MISC Razor EX Serial Number": "武藏 剃刀 EX 序号",
"MISC Razor LX Serial Number": "武藏 剃刀 LX 序号",
"MacFlax Rust Society Adventure Pack": "MacFlax 锈红协会 探险组合包",
"Mercury Star Runner Flight Jacket": "墨丘利 星际快运船 飞行员夹克",
"Mercury Star Runner Name Reservation": "墨丘利 星际快运船 命名保留",
"Mercury Star Runner Paint Pack": "墨丘利 星际快运船 涂装组合包",
"Merlin 3.7 Free-Fly Referral Reward": "梅林 3.7 自由飞行 推荐奖励",
"Mustang Alpha Holiday Starter Pack": "野马 阿尔法 节日新手包",
"Mustang Alpha IAE Starter Pack": "野马 阿尔法 IAE 新手包",
"Mustang Alpha Pack Holiday 2018": "野马 阿尔法 2018 节日组合包",
"Mustang Alpha Vindicator 3.3 Flyable": "野马 阿尔法 维护者 3.3 可飞行",
"Mustang IAE 2951 Starter Package": "野马 IAE 2951 新手包",
"Mustang Omega : AMD Edition": "野马 欧米伽 AMD版",
"New Loves Nomad Starter Pack": "新恋情 游牧者 新手包",
"Nomad CitizenCon 2953 Starter Pack": "游牧者 公民控 2953 新手包",
"Nomad Deck the Hull Livery": "游牧者 盛装打扮涂装",
"Nomad IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "游牧者 IAE 2950 涂装组合包",
"Nomad IAE 2951 Starter Package": "游牧者 IAE 2951 新手包",
"Nomad Starter Pack Holiday 2020": "游牧者 2020 节日新手包",
"Nomad Starter Pack IAE 2950": "游牧者 2950 IAE 新手包",
"Origin 100 Series Pack Warbond": "起源100 系列 组合包 战争债券",
"Origin 100i Starter Game Package": "起源 100i 新手包",
"Origin 890 Jump Anniversary 2017": "起源 890 跃动 2017 周年庆",
"Original and Veteran Backers Reward": "原始 和 资深支持者奖励",
"Overlord \"Dust Storm\" Armor Set": "领主 “沙尘暴” 护甲套装",
"Overlord \"Supernova\" Armor Set 2950": "领主 \"超新星\" 护甲套装 2950",
"Overlord Helmets \"Double Trouble\" Pack": "领主头盔 \"两头难\" 组合包",
"Overlord Helmets \"Silent Strike\" Pack": "领主头盔 \"无声打击\" 组合包",
"Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth)": "寄生 复刻头盔 (黑暗降生)",
"Pathfinder Edition FPS Weapons 3-Pack": "寻路者版 FPS 武器 ×3 组合包",
"Patron of the Arts Award": "艺术支持者奖",
"Preacher Armament Inquisition XXII Gatling": "传教士军备 审判 XXII 加特林",
"Prestige Murray Cup Racing Jacket": "至臻穆雷杯竞速夹克",
"Prospector IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "勘探者 2950 IAE 涂装组合包",
"Prowler IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "徘徊者 2950 IAE 涂装组合包",
"Puglisi Collection Vanduul Scythe Armor": "普利西收藏: 剜度 死镰 护甲",
"Puglisi Collection: Kamposi Magnus Skull": "普利西收藏: Kamposi 马格努斯 头骨",
"Puglisi Collection: Vasli Fragment Stone": "普利西收藏: Vasli 碎石",
"Pyro RYT \"Black Cherry\" Multi-Tool": "焦焰RYT “黑樱桃” 多功能工具",
"Pyrotechnic Amalgamated Multitool & Case": "焰火联合 多功能工具 & 组合包",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex “Canuto” Armor": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “箭筒” 护甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex “Lodestone” Armor": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 \"磁石\" 护甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex “Wildwood” Armor": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “野林” 护甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Archangel Arms": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 大天使 臂甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Archangel Backpack": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 大天使 背包",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Archangel Core": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 大天使 胸甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Archangel Helmet": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 大天使 头盔",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Archangel Legs": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 大天使 臂甲 ",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Rime Arms": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 白霜 臂甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Rime Backpack": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 白霜 背包",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Rime Core": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 白霜 胸甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Rime Helmet": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 白霜 头盔",
"RRS Arden-SL Armor Rime Legs": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 护甲 白霜 腿甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Red Alert Arms": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 红色警戒 臂甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Red Alert Backpack": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 红色警戒 背包",
"RRS Arden-SL Red Alert Core": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 红色警戒 胸甲",
"RRS Arden-SL Red Alert Helmet": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 红色警戒 头盔",
"RRS Arden-SL Red Alert Legs": "RRS 阿尔登-SL 红色警戒 腿甲 ",
"RRS Arden-SL “Red Alert” Armor": "RRS 阿尔登-SL “红色警戒” 护甲",
"RRS Morozov-CH Red Alert Backpack": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-CH 红色警戒 背包",
"RRS Morozov-SH Red Alert Arms": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH 红色警戒 臂甲",
"RRS Morozov-SH Red Alert Core": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH 红色警戒 胸甲",
"RRS Morozov-SH Red Alert Helmet": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH 红色警戒 头盔 ",
"RRS Morozov-SH Red Alert Legs": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH 红色警戒 腿甲",
"RRS Morozov-SH “Red Alert” Armor": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH “红色警戒” 护甲",
"RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit": "RSI 信标 锈红协会 基底服",
"RSI Constellation Taurus Anniversary 2018": "RSI 星座 金牛座 2018 周年庆",
"RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet": "RSI 地平线 锈红协会 头盔",
"RSI Perseus plus Thundercloud Paint": "RSI 英仙座 和 雷阵云 涂装",
"RSI Scorpius plus Stinger paint": "RSI 天蝎座 和 毒刺 涂装",
"RSI Venture Explorer Suit Arms": "RSI 探险家 冒险套装 臂甲",
"RSI Venture Explorer Suit Core": "RSI 探险家 冒险套装 胸甲",
"RSI Venture Explorer Suit Helmet": "RSI 探险家 冒险套装 头盔",
"RSI Venture Explorer Suit Legs": "RSI 探险家 冒险套装 腿甲",
"RSI Venture Explorer Suit Undersuit": "RSI 探险家 冒险套装 基底服",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Arm Armor": "RSI 探险家 寻路者 臂甲",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Armor Set": "RSI 探险家 寻路者 护甲套装",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Leg Armor": "RSI 探险家 寻路者 腿甲",
"RSI Venture Pathfinder Torso Armor": "RSI 探险家 寻路者 胸甲",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Helmet": "RSI 探险家 锈红协会 头盔",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Undersuit": "RSI 探险家 锈红协会 基底服",
"RSI Venture Voyager Arm Armor": "RSI 探险家 旅行者 臂甲",
"RSI Venture Voyager Armor Set": "RSI 探险家 旅行者 护甲套装",
"RSI Venture Voyager Leg Armor": "RSI 探险家 旅行者 腿甲",
"RSI Venture Voyager Torso Armor": "RSI 探险家 旅行者 胸甲",
"RSI Zeus Exploration Suit Solar": "RSI 宙斯探索服 太阳版",
"Radegast Whiskey 2947 Limited Edition": "拉德盖斯特威士忌 2947 限量版",
"Radioactive Yellow Lost Plague Helmet": "辐射黄 失落瘟疫头盔",
"Rattler Cluster TL IR Missile": "响尾蛇 集束 TL IR 导弹",
"Ravager-212 \"Bright Star\" Twin Shotgun": "劫掠者-212 “启明星” 双管霰弹枪",
"Ready for Anything Career Kit": "万事俱备 职业套装",
"Reclaimer 2949 Best in Show": "回收者 2949 展会最佳",
"Reclaimer Best In Show Edition": "回收者 展会最佳版",
"Red Festival 2954 Referral Bonus": "火红节 2954 推荐奖励",
"Retaliator ILW 2950 Paint Pack": "报复者 ILW 2950 涂装组合包",
"Rough and Ready Ship Pack": "Rough and Ready 飞船组合包",
"Rough and Tumbril Pack Warbond": "Rough 和 盾博尔 组合包 战争债券",
"STV plus Blue Steel Paint": "STV 和 蓝钢 涂装",
"Sabre IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "军刀 IAE 2950 涂装组合包",
"Savior Collection \"Iceborn\" Paladin Helmet": "救世主系列 “冰裔” 圣骑士头盔",
"Savior Collection \"Nightfire\" Paladin Helmet": "救世主系列 “夜火” 圣骑士头盔",
"Savior Collection \"Singularity\" Paladin Helmet": "救世主系列 “奇点” 圣骑士头盔",
"Scorpius Antares plus Tiburon Paint": "天蝎座 蝎心 和 鲨鱼 涂装",
"Scorpius Sunburn White Orange Paint": "天蝎座 灼日白橙 涂装",
"Second Tevarin War Service Uniform": "第二次塔维因战争 制服",
"Set of 9 Campaign Skins": "战役皮肤 9件套",
"Ship Showdown '52 Carrack Coin": "舰船大对决 '52 克拉克 纪念币",
"Ship Showdown '52 Mercury Coin": "舰船大对决 '52 墨丘利 纪念币",
"Ship Showdown '52 Scorpius Coin": "舰船大对决 '52 天蝎座 纪念币",
"Signed Deluxe Silver Collector's Box": "签名版 银色收藏盒",
"Solar Winds 3 Paint Pack": "太阳风 ×3 涂装组合包",
"Sons of Centauri Pack Warbond": "半人马座之子 组合包 战争债券",
"Star Citizen Birthday Goodies Pack": "星际公民 生日礼物 组合包",
"Star Runner Silver Spark Paint": "星际快运船水星 银色火花涂装",
"Starter Pack Warbond IAE 2949": "IAΕ 2949 新手包 战争债券 ",
"Stegman's Cordimon \"Voyager\" Complete Outfit": "施特格曼的科尔迪曼 \"旅行者\" 全套装备",
"Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit": "施特格曼的英迪 \"寻路者\" 全套装备",
"StrikeForce Strike FaF CS Missile": "致命打击 直接打击式 FaF CS 导弹",
"Takuetsu Avenger Titan Renegade Model": "卓越 复仇者 泰坦变节者 模型",
"Takuetsu MISC Freelancer MIS 2944": "卓越 武藏 自由枪骑兵 MIS 2944",
"Takuetsu Mini Aurora ES Model": "卓越 迷你 极光 ES 模型",
"Takuetsu Mini Hornet F7C-R Model": "卓越 迷你 大黄蜂 F7C-R 模型",
"Takuetsu Mini Reliant Kore Model": "卓越 迷你 信赖 基础 模型",
"Takuetsu RSI Constellation Phoenix 2944": "卓越 RSI 凤凰座 2944",
"Takuetsu Racing Origin M50 2944": "卓越 竞速 起源 M50 2944",
"Takuetsu “Armin Trask” Replica Figure": "卓越 \"阿尔敏 特拉斯克\" 复制品模型",
"Takuetsu “Recon Marine” Replica Figure": "卓越 “海军侦察兵” 复制品模型",
"Takuetsu “Vanduul Shipkiller” Replica Figure": "卓越 \"剜度 飞船杀手\" 复制品模型",
"Talon Alien Week Starter Pack": "利爪 外星周 新手包",
"The Hill Horror Reborn Helmet": "惊骇丘陵重生头盔",
"Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Box": "盾博尔 新星坦克 荒地 盒子",
"Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Model": "盾博尔 新星坦克 荒地 模型",
"Tumbril Nova Tank Snowblind Box": "盾博尔 新星坦克 雪盲 盒子",
"Tumbril Nova Tank Snowblind Model": "盾博尔 新星坦克 雪盲 模型",
"Tumbril Nova Tank lti Warbond": "盾博尔 新星坦克 lti 战争债券",
"Tuvic Outerwear Rust Society Jacket": "维克外套 锈红协会 夹克",
"UltiFlex FSK-8 \"Bloodline\" Combat Knife": "最终曲折 FSK-8 战术匕首 “血色迷彩”",
"UltiFlex FSK-8 \"Ghost\" Combat Knife": "最终曲折 FSK-8 战术匕首 “幽灵迷彩”",
"UltiFlex FSK-8 \"Mirage\" Combat Knife": "最终曲折 FSK-8 战术匕首 “幻影迷彩”",
"United Empire of Earth Mini-Flag": "地球联合帝国小旗帜",
"United Nations of Earth Mini-Flag": "地球联合国小旗帜",
"United Planets of Earth Mini-Flag": "地球行星联合小旗帜",
"Urban Collection by Element Authority": "Element Authority的城市收藏",
"Vaporwear Toxic Fog Enforcer Outfit": "蒸汽穿着 毒雾 执行者套装",
"Venture Rust Society Adventure Pack": "探险家 锈红协会 冒险组合包",
"WowBlast \"Blue\" Desperado Toy Pistol": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 蓝色",
"WowBlast \"Orange\" Desperado Toy Pistol": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 橙色",
"WowBlast \"Red\" Desperado Toy Pistol": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 红色",
"WowBlast \"Teal\" Desperado Toy Pistol": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 蓝绿色",
"WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Blue": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 蓝色",
"WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Orange": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 橙色",
"WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Red": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 红色",
"WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Teal": "惊爆恶徒 玩具手枪 蓝绿色",
"Xanthule Flight Suit and Helmet": "贤梭 飞行服 和 头盔",
"Year of the Dog Coin": "狗年硬币",
"Year of the Dog Envelope": "狗年红包",
"Year of the Horse Envelope": "马年红包",
"Year of the Monkey Envelope": "猴年红包",
"Year of the Ram Envelope": "羊年红包",
"Year of the Rooster Envelope": "鸡年红包",
"Your RSI space suit reward": "你的 RSI 太空服 奖励",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack Solar": "宙斯 探索服背包 太阳版",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack Starscape": "宙斯 探索服背包 星空版",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet Solar": "宙斯 探索服头盔 太阳版",
"Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet Starscape": "宙斯 探索服头盔 星空版",
"Zeus Mk II Trio Pack": "宙斯 Mk II ×3 组合包",
"drake Cutlass Black Anniversary 2017": "德雷克 黑弯刀 2017 周年庆",
"misc Hull D Anniversary 2017": "武藏 货船D 2017 周年庆 ",
"rsi Constellation Phoenix Anniversary 2017": "RSI 星座 凤凰座 2017 周年庆",
"\"Igniter\" Lightning Bolt Co. Weapons Pack": "“点火器” 雷击公司 武器 组合包",
"\"Red Alert\" Weapons & Armor Collection": "“红色警戒” 武器 和 护甲 收集",
"\"Venom\" Lightning Bolt Co. Weapons Pack": "“猛毒” 雷击公司 武器 组合包",
"100 Series Deck the Hull Livery": "100 系列 盛装打扮 涂装",
"100i 2954 Auspicious Red Dog Livery": "100i 2954 吉祥红戍狗 涂装",
"100i 2954 Auspicious Red Dragon Livery": "100i 2954 吉祥红辰龙 涂装",
"100i SC & Squadron 42 Combo": "100i 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"2950 BIS Aegis Eclipse Gear Pack": "2951 展会最佳 圣盾 日蚀 装备组合包",
"2950 BIS Anvil Carrack Gear Pack": "2950 展会最佳 铁砧 克拉克 装备组合包",
"2950 BIS Anvil Valkyrie Gear Pack": " 2950 展会最佳 铁砧 女武神 装备组合包",
"2950 Invictus Blue and Gold Paint": "2950 舰队周 不败蓝金 涂装",
"2950 Invictus Constellation Dark Green Livery": "2950 舰队周 星座 深绿色 涂装",
"2950 Invictus Freelancer Storm Surge Livery": "2950 舰队周 自由枪骑兵 风暴汹涌 涂装",
"2950 Invictus Starfarer Light Grey Livery": "2950 舰队周 星际远航者 浅灰色 涂装",
"2950 Invictus Valkyrie Light Grey Livery": "2950 舰队周 女武神 浅灰色 涂装",
"2953 Best in Show Complete Pack": "2953年 展会最佳 完整组合包",
"300M Commemorative S-38 'One Empire' Pistol": "300M 纪念 S-38 手枪 “统一帝国”",
"35th Aggressor \"No Quarter Given\" Sq....": "35 侵略者 \"毫不留情\" 中队",
"400i 2954 Auspicious Red Dog Livery": "400i 2954 吉祥红戍狗 涂装",
"400i 2954 Auspicious Red Dragon Livery": "400i 2954 吉祥红辰龙 涂装",
"600i 2953 Best in Show Livery": "600i 2953 展会最佳 涂装",
"600i 2954 Auspicious Red Dog Livery": "600i 2954 吉祥红戍狗 涂装",
"600i 2954 Auspicious Red Dragon Livery": "600i 2954 吉祥红辰龙 涂装",
"78th Squadron (Thundering Thorshu) Sq. Badge": "78 中队 (雷霆索尔述) 中队徽章",
"AEGIS Vulcan LTI VIP EARLY BIRD": "圣盾 火神 LTI VIP 预售版",
"ANVIL C8X PISCES EXPEDITION + SQ42": "铁砧 C8X 双鱼座远征 + 42中队",
"Anniversary 2017 Aurora Discount Starter Package": "2017 周年庆 极光 折扣新手包",
"Anvil Aerospace Arrow Anniversary 2018 Pack": "铁砧航天 箭矢 2018 周年庆 组合包",
"Anvil Aerospace Arrow Anniversary 2018 Warbond": "铁砧航天 箭矢 2018 周年庆 战争债券",
"Ares Star Fighter Central Tower Paint": "战神 星际战斗机 中央大厦 涂装",
"Arrow Light Green and Grey Livery": "箭矢 浅绿色 和 灰色 涂装",
"Aurora MR Foundation Festival Starter Pack": "极光 MR 奠基节 新手包",
"Aurora MR IAE 2950 Starter Package": "极光 MR IAE 2950 新手包",
"Aurora MR SC & SQ42 Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 和 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack 3.1 FreeFly": "极光 MR 新手包 3.1 试飞",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack Holiday 2020": "极光 MR 2020 节日新手包",
"Avenger Titan + S42 Combo Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 + 42中队 组合包",
"Avenger Titan Pirate Week Starter Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 海盗周 新手包",
"Avenger Titan Starter Pack Holiday 2020": "复仇者 泰坦 2020 节日新手包",
"Aves Talon Armor and Helmet Set": "利爪鸟 护甲 和 头盔 套装",
"Best in Show 2950 Complete Pack": "展会最佳 2950 完整组合包",
"Best in Show 2952 Complete Pack": "展会最佳 2952 完整组合包",
"Brands of the 'Verse Pack #1": "宇宙 品牌组合包 #1",
"Brands of the 'Verse Pack #2": "宇宙 品牌组合包 #2",
"C8R Pisces plus Code Blue Paint": "C8R 双鱼座 蓝色警报涂装",
"C8X Pisces Expedition IAE Starter Pack": "C8X 双鱼座 远征 IAE 新手包",
"C8X Pisces Red Festival Starter Pack": "C8X 双鱼座 火红节 新手包",
"C8X Pisces Ship Showdown Starter Pack": "C8X 双鱼座 舰船大对决 新手包",
"CCC Aves Armor & Helmet Set": "CC改造 Aves 护甲 和 头盔 套装",
"CCC Aves Armor and Helmet Set": "CC改造 Aves 护甲 和 头盔 套装",
"CCC Aves Talon Shrike Armor Arms": "CC改造 Aves 利爪 伯劳 臂甲",
"CCC Aves Talon Shrike Armor Core": "CC改造 Aves 利爪 伯劳 胸甲",
"CCC Aves Talon Shrike Armor Legs": "CC改造 Aves 利爪 伯劳 腿甲",
"Carrack '2952 Best in Show' Miniature": "克拉克 2952展会最佳 微缩模型",
"Carrack '2952 Best in Show' Model": "克拉克 \"2952 展会最佳\" 模型",
"CitizenCon 2948 Wearable In-Game Duster Jacket": "公民控 2948 游戏内可穿戴的除尘夹克",
"Coramor & Red Festival Poster Set": "科拉爱人节 & 火红节 海报 套装",
"Corsair 2953 Best in Show Livery": "海盗船 2953 展会最佳版 涂装",
"Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition": "黑弯刀 展会最佳版",
"Cutlass Black Pirate Week Starter Pack": "黑弯刀 海盗周 新手包",
"Cutlass Black w/ Ghoulish Green Paint": "黑弯刀 食尸鬼绿 涂装",
"Drake Loot and Scoot Deluxe Package": "德雷克 战利品 和 狩猎 豪华包",
"Endeavor Service Equipment & Crew (2x1)": "奋进 服务设备 & 船员 2x1",
"Feeling Lucky? Avenger Titan Starter Pack": "感到幸运? 复仇者 泰坦 新手包",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet Blueberry": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 蓝莓色",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet Grape": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 葡萄紫",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet Guava": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 番石榴粉",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet Lime": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 酸橙绿",
"Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet Orange": "菲尔兹伯里 黑熊头盔 橙色",
"Free Hangar Fees on starting Planet": "起始星球无机库费用",
"Fury LX plus Black Star Paint": "狂怒 LX 和 黑星涂装",
"Fury Quad Pack plus Leatherback Paint": "狂怒 ×4 组合包 和 棱皮龟涂装",
"Fury Twin Pack plus Leatherback Paint": "狂怒 ×2 组合包 和 棱皮龟涂装",
"Gallenson Tactical Systems GT-220 Mantis (S3)": "加仑森战术系统 GT-220 螳螂 S3",
"Gemini A03 \"Red Alert\" Sniper Rifle": "双子座 A03 “红色警戒” 狙击枪",
"Greycat Harvester Paint and Armor Kit": "灰猫 收割机涂装 和 护甲 套装",
"Greycat Paint: All Terrain Camouflage: Forest": "灰猫 涂装: 全地形迷彩 森林",
"Greycat Quicksilver Paint and Armor Kit": "灰猫 水银涂装 和 护甲 套装",
"ILW 2950 Blue and Gold Paint": "ILW 2950 蓝金涂装",
"Invictus 2953 Navy Blue Gear Pack": "舰队周 2953 海军蓝 装备组合包",
"Invictus Launch Week 2951 Leather Jacket": "舰队周 2951 皮夹克",
"K&W: Arclight II Laser Pistol Gold": "K&W: 弧光II激光手枪 金色",
"Klaus & Werner Arrowhead Sniper Rifle": "克劳斯&韦纳 箭头 能量狙击枪",
"Lodestone Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "磁石 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"Lost Wallet at Grim HEX T-Shirt": "钱包丢了 六角湾 T恤",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 1 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第1天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 10 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第10天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 11 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第11天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 12 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第12天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 2 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第2天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 3 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第3天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 4 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第4天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 5 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第5天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 6 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第6天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 7 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第7天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 8 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第8天奖励",
"Luminalia 2952 Day 9 Advent Item": "光灯节 2952 第9天奖励",
"MISC Razor Dual Pack May Promotion": "MISC 剃刀 ×2 组合包 五月促销",
"Masters of Design Series-Huricane & Terrapin": "设计大师系列 飓风 & 水龟",
"Masters of Design Series-Hurricane & Terrapin": "设计大师系列 飓风 & 水龟",
"Masters of Design Series-Prospector & Herald": "设计大师系列 勘探者 & 信使",
"Mercury Star Runner BIS 2951 Paint": "墨丘利 星际快运船 展会最佳 2951 涂装",
"Mustang Alpha Pack Warbond Anniversary 2018": "野马 阿尔法 组合包 战争债券 周年庆 2018",
"Mustang Alpha Pack Warbond Holiday 2018": "野马 阿尔法 战争债券 节日组合包 2018",
"Mustang Alpha Pack Warbond Holiday 2018": "野马 阿尔法 战争债券 节日组合包 2018",
"Mustang Alpha Ship Showdown Starter Pack": "野马 阿尔法 舰船大对决 新手包",
"Mustang Alpha Starter Pack 3.2 FreeFly": "野马 阿尔法 新手包 3.2 自由飞行",
"Omni Role Combat Armor (ORC) mk9": "全能战斗护甲 ORC mk9",
"Origin 100i Starter Game Package Warbond": "起源 100i 新手包 战争债券",
"Origin 890 Jump 2950 Showdown Edition": "起源 890跃动 2950 大对决版",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Arms (SK Pink)": "法外之徒 传承 中型护甲 SK粉红色",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Arms (SK White)": "法外之徒 传承 中型臂甲 SK 白色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Core (SK Pink)": "法外之徒 传承 中型胸甲 SK 粉色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Core (SK White)": "法外之徒 传承 中型胸甲 SK 白色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Legs (SK Pink)": "法外之徒 传承 中型腿甲 SK 粉色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Legs (SK White)": "法外之徒 传承 中型腿甲 SK 白色)",
"Overlord Helmets \"Forces of Nature\" Pack": "领主 头盔 “自然之力” 组合包",
"Parasite V: Dark Birth Replica Helmet": "“寄生5黑暗降生”复刻头盔",
"Pico the Penguin Party Animal Green": "企鹅皮可 派对动物 绿色毛绒玩具",
"Pyro RYT Multi-Tool w/Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment": "焦焰RYT多功能工具 转化宝Lite 打捞修复工具 附件",
"Pyro RYT Multi-Tool w/OreBit Mining Attachment": "焦焰RYT多功能工具 矿位 采矿附件",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Canuto\" Armor Arms": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “箭筒” 臂甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Canuto\" Armor Core": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “箭筒” 胸甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Canuto\" Armor Helmet": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “箭筒” 头盔",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Canuto\" Armor Legs": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “箭筒” 腿甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Lodestone\" Armor Arms": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “磁石” 臂甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Lodestone\" Armor Core": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “磁石” 胸甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Lodestone\" Armor Helmet": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “磁石” 头盔",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Lodestone\" Armor Legs": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “磁石” 腿甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Wildwood\" Armor Arms": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “野林” 臂甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Wildwood\" Armor Core": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “野林” 胸甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Wildwood\" Armor Helmet": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “野林” 头盔",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex \"Wildwood\" Armor Legs": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “野林” 腿甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex Red Alert Arms": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 红色警戒 臂甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex Red Alert Core": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 红色警戒 胸甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex Red Alert Helmet": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 红色警戒 头盔",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex Red Alert Legs": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 红色警戒 腿甲",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex “Red Alert” Armor": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “红色警戒” 护甲",
"RSI MacFlex Rust Society Arm Armor": "RSI 麦克福莱克斯 锈红协会 臂甲",
"RSI MacFlex Rust Society Armor Set": "RSI 麦克福莱克斯 锈红协会 护甲套装",
"RSI MacFlex Rust Society Leg Armor": "RSI 麦克福莱克斯 锈红协会 腿甲",
"RSI MacFlex Rust Society Torso Armor": "RSI 麦克福莱克斯 锈红协会 胸甲",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Arm Armor": "RSI 探险家 轻型护甲 锈红协会 臂甲",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Arm Armor:": "RSI 探险家 轻型护甲 锈红协会 臂甲",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Armor Set": "RSI 探险家 轻型护甲 锈红协会 护甲 套装",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Leg Armor": "RSI 探险家 轻型护甲 锈红协会 腿甲",
"RSI Venture Rust Society Torso Armor": "RSI 探险家 轻型护甲 锈红协会 胸甲",
"Redeemer 2953 Best in Show Livery": "救赎 2953 展会最佳涂装",
"Rover Duo Pack with Moonrise Paint": "漫游车 ×2 组合包 和 月升涂装",
"Sabre plus 2952 Auspicious Red Paint": "军刀 2952年吉祥红涂装",
"Sakura Fun Blue ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead": "樱趣 ORC-mkX 护甲大头娃娃蓝色",
"Sakura Fun Green ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead": "樱趣 ORC-mkX 护甲大头娃娃绿色",
"Sakura Fun White ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead": "樱趣 ORC-mkX 护甲大头娃娃白色",
"Sangar Helmet and Morozov Aftershock Armor": "战壕 头盔 和 莫罗佐夫余震 护甲 ",
"Sangar Helmet and Morozov Terracotta Armor": "战壕 头盔 和 莫罗佐夫赤陶 护甲",
"Sangar Helmet and Morozov Thule Armor": "战壕 头盔 和 莫罗佐夫极北 护甲",
"Second Tevarin War Red Dress Uniform": "第二次塔维因战争 红色制服",
"Second Tevarin War White Dress Uniform": "第二次塔维因战争 白色制服",
"Ship Showdown '52 C8X Pisces Coin": "舰船大对决'52 C8X 双鱼座 纪念币",
"Star Kitten Helmet and Armor Set": "星空猫 头盔 和 护甲 套装",
"Starfarer + Nox 2 Pack LTI": "星际远航者 + Nox 2件 组合包 LTI",
"Takuetsu Consolidated Outland Mustang Delta Model": "卓越 联合外域 野马 德尔塔 模型",
"Takuetsu “Armin Trask” Replica Figure 1": "卓越 “阿尔敏 特拉斯克 ”复制品模型 1",
"Takuetsu “Armin Trask” Replica Figure 2": "卓越 “阿尔敏 特拉斯克 ”复制品模型 2",
"Takuetsu “Recon Marine” Replica Figure 1": "卓越 “UEE 海军侦察兵” 复制品模型 1",
"Takuetsu “Recon Marine” Replica Figure 2": "卓越 “UEE 海军侦察兵” 复制品模型 2",
"Takuetsu “Vanduul Shipkiller” Replica Figure 1": "卓越 “剜度 飞船杀手” 复制品模型 1",
"Takuetsu “Vanduul Shipkiller” Replica Figure 2": "卓越 “剜度 飞船杀手” 复制品模型 2",
"Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Box": "盾博尔 新星坦克 UEE陆军箱",
"Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Model": "盾博尔 新星坦克 UEE陆军 模型",
"UEE Land Claim License Estate Parcel": "UEE 土地许可证",
"UEE Land Claim License Lot Parcel": "UEE 土地许可证",
"Voidripper Helmet with Defiance Armor Charcoal": "虚空撕裂者 头盔 和 蔑视护甲 炭灰",
"Vulture 2953 Best in Show Livery": "秃鹫 2953 展会最佳涂装",
"Watch the Skies Tip Line Reward": "观看 天空热线 奖励",
"X1 2954 Auspicious Red Dog Livery": "X1 2954 吉祥红戍狗涂装",
"X1 2954 Auspicious Red Dragon Livery": "X1 2954 吉祥红辰龙涂装",
"Xanthule Sehya Flight Suit and Helmet": "贤梭 赛雅 飞行服 和 头盔",
"Xanthule Tahn Flight Suit and Helmet": "贤梭 钽恩 飞行服 和 头盔",
"“Archangel” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“大天使” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"“Canuto” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“箭筒” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"“Lodestone” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“磁石” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"“Rime” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“白霜” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"“Wildwood” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“野林” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"\"Caudillo\" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions": "CC改造的 “考迪罗” 头盔 组合包 #1",
"\"Caudillo\" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions": "CC改造的 “考迪罗” 头盔 组合包 #2",
"\"Caudillo\" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions": "CC改造的 “考迪罗” 头盔 组合包 #3",
"100i Foundation Festival SC & SQ42 Combo": "100i 奠基节 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"214th Bravo Flight (Black Crows) Sq. Badge": "214 精彩飞行(黑乌鸦) 中队徽章",
"2950 BIS Drake Cutlass Black Gear Pack": "2950 展会最佳 德雷克 黑弯刀 装备组合包",
"2950 Invictus Auora Green and Gold Livery": "2950 舰队周 极光 绿金涂装",
"2950 Invictus Aurora Blue and Gold Livery": "2950 舰队周 极光 不败蓝金涂装",
"2950 Invictus Constellation Blue and Gold Livery": "2950 舰队周 星座 不败蓝金涂装",
"2951 BIS 600i Paint and Flight Jacket": "2951 展会最佳 600i涂装 和 飞行夹克",
"AEGIS Idris P After Market Kit Warbond": "圣盾 伊德里斯 P 售后套装 战争债券",
"AEGIS Vulcan LTI Warbond VIP EARLY BIRD": "圣盾 火神 LTI VIP预售版 战争债券",
"Amon & Reese Armaments Omnisky VI (S2)": "亚蒙里斯军备 制空 VI (S2)",
"Amon and Reese Harrow Anti-ship Missile Launcher": "亚蒙里斯 Harrow反舰导弹发射器",
"Anvil Aerospace Arrow Anniversary 2018 Pack Warbond": "铁砧航天 箭矢 2018 周年庆 组合包 战争债券",
"Arden SL Coramor Edition Fate Armor Set": "阿尔登 SL 科拉爱人节版 命运 护甲 套装",
"Arden SL Coramor Edition Kismet Armor Set": "阿尔登 SL 科拉爱人节版 天命 护甲 套装",
"Aurora MR Invictus SC + S42 Pack": "极光MR 舰队周 星际公民 + 42中队 组合包",
"Aurora MR SC & Squadron 42 Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen Squadron 42 Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack 2950 Showdown Edition": "极光 MR 新手包 2950 舰船大对决版",
"Avenger Titan Invictus SC + S42 Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 舰队周 星际公民 + 42中队 组合包",
"Avenger Titan SC & Squadron 42 Combo": "复仇者 泰坦 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"Aves Talon Shrike Armor and Helmet Set": "Aves 利爪 伯劳鸟 护甲 和 头盔 套装",
"Best in Show 2952 Red Alert Paint": "最佳展示 2952 红色警戒涂装",
"Carrack Best in Show '52 Challenge Coin": "展会最佳'52 克拉克 纪念币",
"F7C Hornet Mk II plus Ironscale Paint": "F7C 大黄蜂 Mk II 和 铁鳞涂装",
"Fury Triad Pack plus Black Star Paint": "狂怒 ×3 组合包 和 黑星涂装",
"Greycat Black Cherry Paint and Armor Kit": "灰猫 黑樱桃涂装 和 护甲 套装",
"Hull A and C Trailblazer Paint Pack": "货运A 和 货运C先驱涂装 组合包",
"Klaus & Werner Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Gold": "克劳斯 & 韦纳 箭头狙击枪 金色",
"Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1": "太空生活衬衫 组合包 #1",
"Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2": "太空生活衬衫 组合包 #2",
"Mercury Best in Show '52 Challenge Coin": "展会最佳'52 墨丘利 纪念币",
"Mercury Star Runner IAE 2950 Paint Pack": "墨丘利 星际快运船 2950 IAE 涂装 组合包",
"Mr.Refinement's cabinet of rare & exquisite spirits": "Refinement先生的珍稀 & 精致烈酒柜",
"Mustang Alpha Starter Pack 2950 Showdown Edition": "野马 阿尔法 新手包 2950舰船大对决版",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Arms (SK Dark Purple)": "法外之徒 传承 中型臂甲 (SK 深紫色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Core (SK Dark Purple)": "法外之徒 传承 中型胸甲 (SK 深紫色)",
"Outlaw Legacy Medium Legs (SK Dark Purple)": "法外之徒 传承 中型护甲 (SK 深紫色)",
"Pisces Best in Show '52 Challenge Coin": "展会最佳'52 双鱼座 纪念币",
"RSI Constellation Phoenix Emerald St Patrick's 2018": "RSI 星座 凤凰座 翡翠绿 圣帕特里克节 2018",
"Racing Team Pack plus Black Star Paint": "竞速队包 和 黑星涂装",
"Scorpius Best in Show '52 Challenge Coin": "展会最佳'52 天蝎座 纪念币",
"Star Kitten \"Damon\" Helmet and Armor Set": "星空猫 “达蒙” 头盔 和 护甲 套装",
"Star Kitten \"Sally\" Helmet and Armor Set": "星空猫 “萨莉” 头盔 和 护甲 套装",
"The Puglisi Collection: AV8 Battle Armor Replica": "普利西收藏: AV8 战斗盔甲复制版",
"UEE Land Claim License <br> Estate Parcel": "UEE 土地许可证",
"UEE Land Claim License Estate Parcel Warbond": "UEE 土地许可证 战争债券",
"UEE Land Claim License Lot Parcel Warbond": "UEE 土地许可证 战争债券",
"Voidripper Sunbeam Helmet with Defiance Armor Sunchaser": "虚空撕裂者 头盔 日光 和 蔑视护甲 逐日者",
"You Got Our Backs (Electro Skin Hull)": "你得到我们的支持(电子皮肤外壳)",
"Zeus Mk II CL with Solstice Paint": "宙斯 Mk II CL 和 冬至涂装",
"Zeus Mk II ES with Solstice Paint": "宙斯 Mk II ES 和 冬至涂装",
"Zeus Mk II MR with Solstice Paint": "宙斯 Mk II MR 和 冬至涂装",
"“Rime” RRS Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "“白霜” RRS 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"2950 Invictus Aurora Light and Dark Grey Livery": "2950 舰队周 极光 浅灰色 和 深灰色涂装",
"2950 Invictus Retaliator Midnight Blue and Gold Livery": "2950 舰队周 报复者 不败蓝金涂装",
"2951 BIS C2 Hercules Paint and Flight Jacket": "2951 展会最佳 大力神 C2涂装 和 飞行员夹克",
"2951 BIS MPUV Cargo Paint and Flight Jacket": "2951 展会最佳 MPUV 货运涂装 和 飞行员夹克",
"2951 BIS Mercury Star Runner Paint and Jacket": "2951 展会最佳 墨丘利 星际快运船涂装 和 夹克",
"Anvil Arrow Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo": "铁砧 箭矢 星际公民 + 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR SC + Squadron 42 Holiday Pack": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 节日组合包",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 组合",
"Aurora MR Starter Pack + S42 Combo Pack": "极光 MR 新手包 + 42中队 组合包",
"Avenger Titan Invictus SC & Squadron 42 Combo": "复仇者 泰坦 舰队周 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"Avenger Titan Invictus SC + S42 Combo Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 舰队周 星际公民 + 42中队 组合包",
"Avenger Titan SC + Squadron 42 Holiday Pack": "复仇者 泰坦 星际公民 + 42中队 节日组合包",
"C8X Pisces Invictus SC & Squadron 42 Combo": "C8X 双鱼座 舰队周 星际公民 & 42中队 组合",
"CDS ADP-mk4 “Red Alert” Armor & Shotgun Kit": "CDS ADP-mk4 “红色警戒” 护甲 & 霰弹枪 套装",
"Fury LX Six Pack plus Black Star Paint": "狂怒 LX ×6 组合包 和 黑星涂装",
"Fury LX Two Pack plus Black Star Paint": "狂怒 LX ×2 组合包 和 黑星涂装",
"Mr. Refinements Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits": "Refinement先生的珍稀 & 精致烈酒柜",
"Mustang Alpha Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo": "野马 阿尔法 星际公民 + 42中队 组合",
"Origin 100i Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo": "起源 100i 星际公民 + 42中队 组合",
"RRS Arden-SL “Red Alert” Armor & SMG Kit": "RRS 阿尔登-SL “红色警戒” 护甲 & 冲锋枪 套装",
"RRS Morozov-SH “Red Alert” Armor & LMG Kit": "RRS 莫罗佐夫-SH “红色警戒” 护甲 & 轻机枪 套装",
"RSI Venture “Voyager” 2948 Weapons and Armor Pack": "RSI 探险家 “旅行者” 2948 武器 & 护甲 组合包",
"UEE Land Claim License <br> Estate Parcel Warbond": "UEE 土地许可证 战争债券",
"UEE Land Claim License <br> Lot Parcel Warbond": "UEE 土地许可证 战争债券",
"UWC Service Uniform (Exclusive Early Bird VIP I...": "UWC 服务制服 (Exclusive Early Bird VIP I...)",
"Voidripper Sea ShiveHelmet with Defiance Armor Hailstormr ": "虚空撕裂者 头盔 海寒 和 蔑视护甲 雹暴",
"Zeus Mk II Trio Pack With Solstice Paint": "宙斯 Mk II ×3 组合包 和 冬至涂装",
"42 page book “The Making of Star Citizen” (Digital)": "42页书籍 “星际公民的制作” 数字版",
"AEGIS Idris P After Market Kit Warbond Anniversary 2018": "圣盾 伊德里斯 P 2018周年庆 售后套装 战争债券",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo Feb2018": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 2018年2月 组合",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo OLD": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 组合 旧",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Warbond Combo": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 战争债券 组合",
"Greycat Aril “Red Alert” Armor & Assault Rifle Kit": "灰猫 伪壳 “红色警戒” 护甲 & 突击步枪 套装",
"Mustang Alpha Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo OLD": "野马 阿尔法 星际公民 + 42中队 组合 旧",
"Mustang Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo IAE 2951": "野马 星际公民 + 42中队 2951年 IAE 组合",
"Nomad Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo IAE 2950": "游牧者 星际公民 + 42中队 2950年 IAE 组合",
"Nomad Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo IAE 2951": "游牧者 星际公民 + 42中队 2951年 IAE 组合",
"RSI Class II Space Suit with Test Pilot Colors": "RSI II级宇航服 试飞员配色",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo Holiday 2020": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 2020 节日 组合",
"Aurora MR Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo IAE 2950": "极光 MR 星际公民 + 42中队 2950 IAE 组合",
"Quirinus Tech Artimex “Red Alert” Armor & Sniper Rifle Kit": "奎里努斯科技 阿蒂麦斯 “红色警戒” 护甲 & 狙击枪 套装",
"Ship Challenge Coin":"飞船挑战硬币",
"Deadrig Shotgun":"死钻霰弹枪",
"F7A Hornet Mk II Upgrade":"F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II 升级",
"Dominion Paint":"统治涂装",
"Undertow Paint":"暗潮涂装",
"Crossfire Paint":"交火涂装",
"Pulse plus Dominion Paint":"脉冲 和 统治涂装",
"Pulse LX":"PULSE LX",
"Pulse LX plus Dominion Paint":"脉冲 LX 和 统治涂装",
"Pulse LX with Freelancer MIS":"脉冲 LX 和 自由枪骑兵 MIS",
"Pulse with Freelancer MIS":"脉冲 和 自由枪骑兵 MIS",
"Corona Paint":"日冕涂装",
"RSI Complete Pack":"RSI 完整组合包",
"Mirai Complete Pack":"未来 完整组合包",
"Crusader Complete Pack":"十字军 完整组合包",
"Tumbril Complete Pack":"盾博尔 完整组合包",
"MPUV Tractor with MISC Hull-C":"MPUV 牵引 和 武藏 货轮C",
"Ursa Adventure Pack":"大熊座 冒险组合包",
"CitizenCon 2954 Premium Experience Ticket":"公民控 2954 高级体验门票",
"Ursa Adventure Pack plus Respite Paint":"大熊座 冒险组合包 和 歇息涂装",
"CitizenCon 2954 Access Ticket":"公民控 2954 门票",
"Ursa Action Pack":"大熊座 行动组合包",
"Ursa Action Pack plus Respite Paint":"大熊座 行动组合包 和 歇息涂装",
"Origin 125a":"起源 125a",
"Pulse and Pulse LX":"脉冲 和 脉冲LX",
"Ursa Medivac":"大熊座 医疗",
"Ursa Medivac plus Respite Paint":"大熊座医疗 和 歇息涂装",
"Sabre Firebird":"军刀 火鸟",
"Ironheart Paint":"铁心涂装",
"Kilian Blue Paint":"基利恩天蓝涂装",
"Waylay Paint":"伏击迷彩涂装",
"Firebrand Paint":"煽动者涂装",
"Storm Grey Paint":"风暴灰涂装",
"Sunlight Paint":"日光涂装",
"Nightrider Paint":"暗夜骑士涂装",
"Ironclad Two-Front Strike plus Dauntless Paints":"铁甲 双线打击 和 Dauntless涂装",
"Ironclad Two-Front Strike":"铁甲 双线打击",
"F7C Hornet Mk I Series Collection":"F7C 大黄蜂 Mk I 系列组合",
"Retaliator with All Modules":"报复者 和 全部模块",
"Sabre Triple Threat Pack plus Ashcloud Paints":"军刀 三重威胁组合包 和 灰云涂装",
"Sabre Triple Pack":"军刀 ×3组合包",
"Sabre Firebird plus Ashcloud Paint":"军刀 火鸟 和 灰云涂装",
"F7C Hornet Mk I plus Kilian Blue Paint":"F7C 大黄蜂 Mk I 和 基利恩天蓝涂装",
"Respite Paint":"歇息涂装",
"Aja Paint":"安雅涂装",
"Oasis Paint":"绿洲涂装",
"MPUV Tractor":"MPUV 牵引",
"Ashcloud Paint":"灰云涂装",
"Dauntless Paint":"无畏涂装",
"Explorers Coloration and Hydration Pack":"探索者的颜色与水 组合包",
"Adventurer's Coloration and Hydration Pack":"冒险家的颜色与水 组合包",
"F55 Valor LMG":"F55 轻机枪 英勇",
"Karna Valor Rifle":"卡纳 步枪 英勇",
"Lumin V Valor SMG":"卢敏 V 冲锋枪 英勇",
"TruBarrier Hazard Suit and Mask":"真实屏障 危险防护服 和 面罩",
"Hi-Vis Biohazard":"醒目生物危害色",
"Dark Biohazard":"暗生物危害色"