2022-08-02 02:07:57 +08:00

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Raw Blame History

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"dict": {
"weapons": "武器",
"firing": "开火",
"idle": "待机",
"sustained": "持续",
"ammos max": "最大弹药",
"select ship or vehicle": "选择飞船或载具",
"save": "保存",
"share": "分享",
"reset": "重置",
"non stock items to cart": "购物车内无库存物品",
"power priority": "电源分配",
"drag cursor or click icons to increase": "拖动光标或单击图标以增加",
"double click triangle to reset": "双击三角形以重置",
"capacitor": "电容器",
"regen pool size": "再生池大小",
"fill rate": "填充速度",
"burst": "爆发",
"type: ": "类型: ",
"em": "电磁",
"ir": "红外",
"physical dmg": "物理伤害",
"energy dmg": "能量伤害",
"distortion dmg": "畸变伤害",
"em signature": "电磁信号",
"ir signature": "红外信号",
"cs signature": "横截面信号",
"size": "尺寸",
"dps burst": "爆发DPS",
"dps sustained": "持续DPS",
"full load dmg": "满载伤害",
"firerate": "射速",
"ammo speed": "弹药速度",
"ammo lifetime": "弹药存在时间",
"ammo range": "弹药射程",
"pellets per shot": "单次发射弹药量",
"spread attack/decay": "攻击扩散/衰减",
"spread min/max": "扩散最大值/最小值",
"power draw request time": "功耗请求时间",
"power to em": "电磁功耗",
"decay rate of em": "电磁衰减距离",
"temperature to ir": "红外温度",
"distortion shutdown dmg": "畸变停机DMG",
"distortion max reboot time": "畸变最大重启时间",
"health": "生命",
"ship weapons shop": "舰船武器商店",
"centermass": "中心质量",
"cousin crows": "乌鸦兄弟",
"turrets": "炮塔",
"mining lasers": "采矿激光",
"missile racks": "导弹架",
"qeds": "量子强停装置",
"power plants": "发电机",
"coolers": "散热器",
"quantum drives": "量子驱动器",
"paints": "涂装",
"thrusters": "推进器",
"distance mkm": "距离 MKm",
"quantum travel time (by erec)": "量子航行时间 (by erec)",
"interdiction": "拦截",
"charging": "充能",
"stage one accel": "第一阶段加速",
"stage two accel": "第二阶段加速",
"spline drive speed": "花键(轨道)量子速度",
"spool up time": "校准时间",
"cooldown time": "冷却时间",
"interdiction effect time": "拦截时间",
"Suldrath": "苏得拉斯",
"Sukoran": "斯科拉",
"Shield Banu": "巴努护盾",
"5CA Akura": "5CA 阿库拉",
"5MA Chimalli": "5MA 希马尔里",
"Destroyer Mass Driver Cannon": "毁灭者",
"WARLORD' Cannon": "军阀",
"WEAK' Repeater": "虚弱",
"WASP' Repeater": "胡峰",
"WHIP' Cannon": "长鞭",
"C-810 Ballistic Cannon": "C-810",
"C-912 Ballistic Cannon": "C-912",
"SF7B Ballistic Gatling": "SF7B",
"SF7E Laser Cannon": "SF7E",
"yield": "产出",
"daily prices (purchase)": "每日价格 (买入)",
"daily prices (sell)": "每日价格 (卖出)",
"trade points": "交易位置",
"ship info": "船只信息",
"commodities prices": "货物价格",
"refuel, repair...": "加油,维修...",
"trip time": "航行时间",
"buy at": "购买位置",
"sell at": "售卖位置",
"cscu buy": "购买的cSCU",
"cscu sell": "卖出的cSCU",
"start": " 开始",
"end": " 结束",
"known route": "已知路线",
"30k relief": "给30K的安慰",
"trips list": "航程列表",
"add to list": "添加到列表",
"commodity": "货物",
"buy": "买",
"sell": "卖",
"uex Rating": "UEX评级",
"risk": "风险",
"known route ": "已知路线",
"invested": "投资",
"sold": "售价",
"margin": "利率",
"expenses": "开销",
"profit / h": "每小时利润",
"profit": "利润",
"search commodity": "搜索商品",
"mining": "采矿",
"refining": "精炼",
"locations": "地点",
"commodities": "货物",
"harvestables": "可收获物",
"prices": "价格",
"routes": "航线",
"volunteers": "志愿者",
"about": "关于",
"ship": "飞船",
"uex rating": "UEX评级",
"minute": "分钟",
"clear list": "清空列表",
"download (csv)": "下载CSV文件",
"rock": "矿石",
"rock cscu": "矿石cSCU",
"mineral scu": "矿物SCU",
"junk scu": "废料SCU",
"income (estimated)": "收入(估计)",
"refined (estimated)": "精炼(估计)",
"price": "价格",
"price (raw)": "价格(原始)",
"price (refined)": "价格(精炼后)",
"mass": "质量",
"found in": "生成地点",
"percentage": "纯度",
"amount": "数量",
"refining cost": "精炼成本",
"profit / time": "利润 /时间",
"location": "地点",
"refinery": "精炼站",
"method": "方法",
"low": "低",
"high": "高",
"medium": "中等",
"locations buying": "收购地点",
"refining tasks": "精炼任务",
"refining methosd": "精炼方法",
"name": "名称",
"cost": "花费",
"speed": "速度",
"cormack": "科马克加工法",
"dinyx solventation": "德尼克斯熔解法",
"electrostarolysis": "电解化晶提纯法",
"gaskin process": "加斯金提纯法",
"pyrometric chromalysis": "温控色谱熔解法",
"ferron exchange": "费隆交换法",
"thermonatic deposition": "热力沉积法",
"kazen winnowing": "卡赞风选法",
"xcr reaction": "XCR 反应法",
"total": "总计",
"* minutes": "* 分钟",
"previously": "之前",
"average traded": "平均成交量",
"average": "平均",
"lowest": "最低",
"highest": "最高",
"max. investment*": "最大投资",
"max. yield*": "最大收益",
"uex Rating™": "UEX评级™",
"variation": "变化",
"aegis": "圣盾",
"anvil": "铁砧",
"c.o.": "联合外域",
"crusader": "十字军",
"argo": "南船座",
"drake": "德雷克",
"gatac": "盖塔克",
"origin": "起源",
"600i executive edition": "600i 行政版",
"600i explorer": "600i-探索",
"600i touring": "600i-旅行",
"890 jump": "890 跃动",
"a2 hercules": "大力神 A2",
"apollo medivac": "阿波罗 医疗",
"apollo triage": "阿波罗 分诊",
"arrow": "箭矢",
"aurora": "极光",
"aurora cl": "极光-CL",
"aurora es": "极光-ES",
"aurora ln": "极光-LN",
"aurora lx": "极光-LX",
"aurora mr": "极光-MR",
"avenger stalker": "复仇者-追猎",
"avenger titan": "复仇者-泰坦",
"avenger titan renegade": "复仇者-泰坦变节者",
"c2 hercules": "大力神 C2",
"c8 pisces": "C8 双鱼座",
"c2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 C2",
"a2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 A2",
"m2 hercules starlifter": "大力神 M2",
"mercury star runner": "墨丘利星际快运船(水星)",
"c8x pisces expedition": "C8X 双鱼座",
"carrack expedition": "克拉克 远征版",
"carrack": "克拉克",
"crucible": "坩埚",
"liberator": "解放者",
"valkyrie liberator edition": "女武神 解放者版",
"valkyrie": "女武神",
"mole carbon edition": "鼹鼠 炭黑",
"mole talus edition": "鼹鼠 岩白",
"mole": "鼹鼠",
"raft": "木筏",
"mustang alpha": "野马 阿尔法",
"mustang alpha vindicator": "野马 阿尔法 维和者",
"nomad": "游牧者",
"pioneer": "开拓者",
"genesis starliner": "创世纪 星航",
"caterpillar": "毛虫",
"caterpillar pirate edition": "毛虫海盗版",
"corsair": "海盗船",
"cutlass black": "黑弯刀",
"cutlass black best in show edition": "黑弯刀 展会最佳版",
"cutlass blue": "蓝弯刀",
"cutlass red": "红弯刀",
"kraken privateer": "海妖 劫掠版",
"kraken": "海妖",
"vulture": "秃鹫",
"railen": "锐伦",
"endeavor": "奋进",
"expanse": "无垠",
"freelancer": "自由枪骑兵",
"freelancer dur": "自由枪骑兵DUR",
"freelancer mis": "自由枪骑兵MIS",
"freelancer max": "自由枪骑兵MAX",
"hull a": "货轮 A",
"hull b": "货轮 B",
"hull c": "货轮 C",
"hull d": "货轮 D",
"hull e": "货轮 E",
"odyssey": "奥德赛",
"prospector": "勘探者",
"reliant kore": "信赖-基础",
"reliant tana": "信赖-武装",
"reliant sen": "信赖-科考",
"starfarer gemini": "星际远航者 双子座",
"starfarer": "星际远航者",
"merchantman": "巴努商船",
"hammerhead": "锤头鲨",
"idris": "伊德里斯",
"javelin": "标枪",
"nautilus": "鹦鹉螺",
"nautilus solstice edition": "鹦鹉螺 冬至版",
"reclaimer best in the show edition": "回收者 展会最佳版",
"reclaimer": "回收者",
"constellation andromeda": "仙女座",
"constellation aquila": "天鹰座",
"constellation phoenix": "凤凰座",
"constellation phoenix emerald": "凤凰座 翡翠版",
"constellation taurus": "金牛座",
"orion": "猎户座",
"perseus": "英仙座",
"polaris": "北极星",
"agricium": "艾格瑞金属",
"agri": "艾格瑞",
"agricultural supplies": "农业物资",
"acsu": "农业物资",
"aluminum": "铝",
"alum": "铝",
"astatine": "砹",
"asta": "砹",
"beryl": "绿柱石",
"bery": "绿柱石",
"chlorine": "氯气",
"chlor": "氯气",
"corundum": "刚玉",
"coru": "刚玉",
"diamond": "钻石",
"diam": "钻石",
"distilled spirits": "蒸馏烈酒",
"disp": "蒸馏烈酒",
"fluorine": "氟",
"fluo": "氟",
"gold": "金",
"hydrogen": "氢气",
"hydr": "氢气",
"iodine": "碘",
"iodi": "碘",
"laranite": "砬兰石",
"lara": "砬兰石",
"medical supplies": "医疗用品",
"meds": "医疗用品",
"processed food": "加工食品",
"prfo": "加工食品",
"quartz": "石英",
"quar": "石英",
"revenant tree pollen": "亡魂树花粉",
"rtpo": "亡魂树花粉",
"scrap": "废料",
"scra": "废料",
"stims": "斯酊姆烟草",
"stim": "斯酊姆烟草",
"titanium": "钛",
"tita": "钛",
"tungsten": "钨",
"tung": "钨",
"agricium (ore)": "艾格瑞金属(矿石)",
"aluminum (ore)": "铝(矿石)",
"beryl (raw)": "绿柱石(原矿)",
"bexalite (raw)": "贝沙电气石(原矿)",
"bexa": "贝沙电气石",
"borase (ore)": "波射石(矿石)",
"bora": "波射石",
"copper (ore)": "铜(矿石)",
"copp": "铜",
"corundum (raw)": "刚玉(原矿)",
"diamond (ore)": "钻石(矿石)",
"gold (ore)": "金(矿石)",
"hephaestanite (raw)": "火神石(原矿)",
"heph": "火神石",
"laranite (ore)": "砬兰石(矿石)",
"quantanium (raw)": "量子矿物(原矿)",
"quan": "量子矿物",
"quartz (raw)": "石英(原矿)",
"taranite (raw)": "塔兰导电石(原矿)",
"tara": "塔兰导电石",
"titanium (ore)": "钛(矿石)",
"tungsten (ore)": "钨(矿石)",
"stanton": "斯坦顿",
"arcCorp": "弧光",
"cellin": "赛琳",
"daymar": "戴玛尔",
"hurston": "赫斯顿",
"yela": "耶拉",
"arial": "艾瑞尔",
"aberdeen": "阿伯丁",
"magda": "玛格达",
"lyria": "莉瑞雅",
"arccorp": "弧光",
"wala": "瓦菈",
"microtech": "微科",
"calliope": "卡利俄佩",
"clio": "克利俄",
"euterpe": "欧忒耳佩",
"aaron halo": "亚伦环带",
"delamar": "德拉玛",
"hdms-anderson": "HDMS-安德森站",
"hdms-norgaard": "HDMS-诺加德站",
"hdms-ackley": "HDMS-阿克莱站",
"hdms-bezdek": "HDMS-贝兹德克站",
"hdms-edmond": "HDMS-埃德蒙德站",
"hdms-hadley": "HDMS-哈德利站",
"hdms-hahn": "HDMS-哈恩站",
"hdms-lathan": "HDMS-莱森站",
"hdms-oparei": "HDMS-奥派雷站",
"hdms-perlman": "HDMS-佩尔曼站",
"hdms-pinewood": "HDMS-派恩伍德站",
"hdms-ryder": "HDMS-莱德站",
"hdms-stanhope": "HDMS-斯坦霍普站",
"hdms-thedus": "HDMS-赛达斯站",
"hdms-woodruff": "HDMS-伍德拉夫站",
"everus harbor": "埃弗勒斯空间站",
"hur-l1": "赫斯顿-L1",
"hur-l2": "赫斯顿-L2",
"hur-l3": "赫斯顿-L3",
"hur-l4": "赫斯顿-L4",
"hur-l5": "赫斯顿-L5",
"r&d orinth": "奥林森回收站",
"baijini point": "拜基尼空间站",
"arc-l1": "弧光-L1",
"arc-l2": "弧光-L2",
"arc-l3": "弧光-L3",
"arc-l4": "弧光-L4",
"arc-l5": "弧光-L5",
"humboldt mines": "洪保德矿站",
"loveridge": "洛维里奇矿站",
"shubin sal-2": "舒宾 SAL-2",
"shubin sal-5": "舒宾 SAL-5",
"the orphanage*": "孤儿院*",
"arccorp 045": "弧光集团采矿站-045",
"arccorp 048": "弧光集团采矿站-048",
"arccorp 056": "弧光集团采矿站-056",
"arccorp 061": "弧光集团采矿站-061",
"samson & son's": "参孙父子回收站",
"shady glen": "荫谷农场",
"rayari anvik": "拉亚利-安维克",
"rayari kaltag": "拉亚利-卡尔塔格",
"shubin smca-6": "舒宾 SMCa-6",
"shubin smca-8": "舒宾 SMCa-8",
"rayari cantwell": "拉亚利-坎特韦尔",
"rayari mcgrath": "拉亚利-麦格拉思",
"bud's growery*": "巴德种植园*",
"devlin scrap*": "德夫林废品回收站*",
"mic-L1": "微科-L1",
"mic-L2": "微科-L2",
"mic-L4": "微科-L4",
"mic-L5": "微科-L5",
"shubin sm0-10": "舒宾 SM0-10",
"shubin sm0-13": "舒宾 SM0-13",
"shubin sm0-18": "舒宾 SM0-18",
"shubin sm0-22": "舒宾 SM0-22",
"rayari deltana": "拉亚利-德尔塔",
"port tressler": "特雷斯勒空间站",
"necropolis*": "墓地*",
"gallete farms": "加莱特种植站",
"hickes research": "希克斯研究站",
"terra mills": "泰拉磨坊",
"tram & myers": "泰姆&迈尔斯",
"cru-L1": "十字军-L1",
"cru-L4": "十字军-L4",
"cru-L5": "十字军-L5",
"port olisar": "奥丽莎空间站",
"arccorp 141": "弧光集团采矿站-141",
"bountiful harvest": "丰收种植站",
"kudre ore": "库德雷矿井",
"shubin scd-1": "舒宾 SCD-1",
"brio's yard*": "布里奥的拆船场*",
"nuen waste*": "努恩废物管理中心*",
"arccorp 157": "弧光集团采矿站-157",
"benson mining": "本森采矿前哨站",
"deakins research": "迪金斯科研前哨站",
"grim hex*": "六角湾*",
"area 18 tdd": "18区-TDD",
"area 18 io north": "18区-弧光塔",
"lorville cbd": "罗威尔-CBD",
"lorville l19 admin": "罗威尔-L19 行政中心",
"new babbage tdd": "新巴贝奇-TDD",
"new babbage mtps": "新巴贝奇-MTPS",
"orims - orison ms": "奥里森-MS",
"orison tdd": "奥里森-TDD",
"your personal account": "我的个人账户"