let SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap = {}; let SCLocalizationEnableSplitMode = false; function InitWebLocalization() { // init script LocalizationWatchUpdate(); // load Data _loadLocalizationData(); } function LocalizationWatchUpdate() { const m = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; const observer = new m(function (mutations, observer) { for (let mutationRecord of mutations) { for (let node of mutationRecord.addedNodes) { traverseElement(node); } } }); observer.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true, }); if (window.location.href.includes("robertsspaceindustries.com")) { console.log("SCLocalizationEnableSplitMode = true"); SCLocalizationEnableSplitMode = true; } if (window.location.hostname.includes("www.erkul.games")) { document.body.addEventListener("click", function (event) { setTimeout(function () { allTranslate().then(_ => { }); }, 200); }); } } function WebLocalizationUpdateReplaceWords(w) { let replaceWords = w.sort(function (a, b) { return b.word.length - a.word.length; }); replaceWords.forEach(({word, replacement}) => { SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[word] = replacement; }); if (window.location.hostname.startsWith("issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com")) { SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap["save"] = "保存"; } allTranslate().then(_ => { }); // console.log("WebLocalizationUpdateReplaceWords ==" + w) } async function allTranslate() { async function replaceTextNode(node1) { if (node1.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { node1.nodeValue = GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(node1.nodeValue); } else { for (let i = 0; i < node1.childNodes.length; i++) { await replaceTextNode(node1.childNodes[i]); } } } await replaceTextNode(document.body); } function traverseElement(el) { if (!shouldTranslateEl(el)) { return } for (const child of el.childNodes) { if (["RELATIVE-TIME", "TIME-AGO"].includes(el.tagName)) { translateRelativeTimeEl(el); return; } if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { translateElement(child); } else if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (child.tagName === "INPUT") { translateElement(child); } else { traverseElement(child); } } else { // pass } } } function translateElement(el) { // Get the text field name let k; if (el.tagName === "INPUT") { if (el.type === 'button' || el.type === 'submit') { k = 'value'; } else { k = 'placeholder'; } } else { k = 'data'; } el[k] = GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(el[k]); } function translateRelativeTimeEl(el) { const lang = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage); const datetime = $(el).attr('datetime'); $(el).text(timeago.format(datetime, lang.replace('-', '_'))); } function shouldTranslateEl(el) { const blockIds = []; const blockClass = [ "css-truncate" // 过滤文件目录 ]; const blockTags = ["IMG", "svg", "mat-icon"]; if (blockTags.includes(el.tagName)) { return false; } if (el.id && blockIds.includes(el.id)) { return false; } if (el.classList) { for (let clazz of blockClass) { if (el.classList.contains(clazz)) { return false; } } } return true; } function GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(txtSrc) { const key = txtSrc.toLowerCase().replace(/\xa0/g, ' ').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim(); const sourceKey = txtSrc.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim(); let noTheKey = key.replace("the ", ""); let noHorizontalKey = key.replace("- ", ""); if (SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[key]) { txtSrc = SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[key] } else if (SCLocalizationEnableSplitMode) { if (sourceKey.includes(" - ")) { let nodeValue = txtSrc let splitKey = sourceKey.split(" - "); if (splitKey[0].toLowerCase() === "upgrade" && key.includes("to") && key.endsWith("edition")) { // 升级包规则 let noVersionStr = key.replace("STANDARD EDITION".toLowerCase(), "").replace("upgrade", "").replace("WARBOND EDITION".toLowerCase(), "") let shipNames = noVersionStr.split(" to ") let finalString = "升级包 " + GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(shipNames[0]) + " 到 " + GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(shipNames[1]); if (key.endsWith("WARBOND EDITION".toLowerCase())) { finalString = finalString + " 战争债券版" } else { finalString = finalString + " 标准版" } txtSrc = finalString } else { // 机库通用规则 splitKey.forEach(function (splitKey) { if (SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[splitKey.toLowerCase()]) { nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(splitKey, SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[splitKey.toLowerCase()]) } else { nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(splitKey, GetSCLocalizationTranslateString(splitKey)) } }); txtSrc = nodeValue } } else if (key.endsWith("starter pack") || key.endsWith("starter package")) { let shipName = key.replace("starter package", "").replace("starter pack", "").trim() if (SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[shipName.toLowerCase()]) { shipName = SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[shipName.toLowerCase()]; } txtSrc = shipName + " 新手包"; } else if (key.startsWith("the ") && SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[noTheKey]) { txtSrc = SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[noTheKey]; } else if (key.startsWith("- ") && SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[noHorizontalKey]) { txtSrc = "- " + SCLocalizationReplaceLocalesMap[noHorizontalKey]; } } return txtSrc } InitWebLocalization(); function _loadLocalizationData() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "_loadLocalizationData", url: window.location.href}, function (response) { WebLocalizationUpdateReplaceWords(response.result); }); }