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/// This is copied from Cargokit (which is the official way to use it currently)
/// Details: https://fzyzcjy.github.io/flutter_rust_bridge/manual/integrate/builtin
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:ed25519_edwards/ed25519_edwards.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:hex/hex.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'android_environment.dart';
import 'build_cmake.dart';
import 'build_gradle.dart';
import 'build_pod.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'options.dart';
import 'precompile_binaries.dart';
import 'target.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'verify_binaries.dart';
final log = Logger('build_tool');
abstract class BuildCommand extends Command {
Future<void> runBuildCommand(CargokitUserOptions options);
Future<void> run() async {
final options = CargokitUserOptions.load();
if (options.verboseLogging ||
Platform.environment['CARGOKIT_VERBOSE'] == '1') {
await runBuildCommand(options);
class BuildPodCommand extends BuildCommand {
final name = 'build-pod';
final description = 'Build cocoa pod library';
Future<void> runBuildCommand(CargokitUserOptions options) async {
final build = BuildPod(userOptions: options);
await build.build();
class BuildGradleCommand extends BuildCommand {
final name = 'build-gradle';
final description = 'Build android library';
Future<void> runBuildCommand(CargokitUserOptions options) async {
final build = BuildGradle(userOptions: options);
await build.build();
class BuildCMakeCommand extends BuildCommand {
final name = 'build-cmake';
final description = 'Build CMake library';
Future<void> runBuildCommand(CargokitUserOptions options) async {
final build = BuildCMake(userOptions: options);
await build.build();
class GenKeyCommand extends Command {
final name = 'gen-key';
final description = 'Generate key pair for signing precompiled binaries';
void run() {
final kp = generateKey();
final private = HEX.encode(kp.privateKey.bytes);
final public = HEX.encode(kp.publicKey.bytes);
print("Private Key: $private");
print("Public Key: $public");
class PrecompileBinariesCommand extends Command {
PrecompileBinariesCommand() {
mandatory: true,
help: 'Github repository slug in format owner/name',
mandatory: true,
help: 'Directory containing Cargo.toml',
help: 'Rust target triple of artifact to build.\n'
'Can be specified multiple times or omitted in which case\n'
'all targets for current platform will be built.')
help: 'Location of Android SDK (if available)',
help: 'Android NDK version (if available)',
help: 'Android minimum rquired version (if available)',
help: 'Directory to store temporary build artifacts',
abbr: "v",
defaultsTo: false,
help: "Enable verbose logging",
final name = 'precompile-binaries';
final description = 'Prebuild and upload binaries\n'
'Private key must be passed through PRIVATE_KEY environment variable. '
'Use gen_key through generate priave key.\n'
'Github token must be passed as GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.\n';
Future<void> run() async {
final verbose = argResults!['verbose'] as bool;
if (verbose) {
final privateKeyString = Platform.environment['PRIVATE_KEY'];
if (privateKeyString == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Missing PRIVATE_KEY environment variable');
final githubToken = Platform.environment['GITHUB_TOKEN'];
if (githubToken == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Missing GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable');
final privateKey = HEX.decode(privateKeyString);
if (privateKey.length != 64) {
throw ArgumentError('Private key must be 64 bytes long');
final manifestDir = argResults!['manifest-dir'] as String;
if (!Directory(manifestDir).existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError('Manifest directory does not exist: $manifestDir');
String? androidMinSdkVersionString =
argResults!['android-min-sdk-version'] as String?;
int? androidMinSdkVersion;
if (androidMinSdkVersionString != null) {
androidMinSdkVersion = int.tryParse(androidMinSdkVersionString);
if (androidMinSdkVersion == null) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Invalid android-min-sdk-version: $androidMinSdkVersionString');
final targetStrigns = argResults!['target'] as List<String>;
final targets = targetStrigns.map((target) {
final res = Target.forRustTriple(target);
if (res == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid target: $target');
return res;
}).toList(growable: false);
final precompileBinaries = PrecompileBinaries(
privateKey: PrivateKey(privateKey),
githubToken: githubToken,
manifestDir: manifestDir,
repositorySlug: RepositorySlug.full(argResults!['repository'] as String),
targets: targets,
androidSdkLocation: argResults!['android-sdk-location'] as String?,
androidNdkVersion: argResults!['android-ndk-version'] as String?,
androidMinSdkVersion: androidMinSdkVersion,
tempDir: argResults!['temp-dir'] as String?,
await precompileBinaries.run();
class VerifyBinariesCommand extends Command {
VerifyBinariesCommand() {
mandatory: true,
help: 'Directory containing Cargo.toml',
final name = "verify-binaries";
final description = 'Verifies published binaries\n'
'Checks whether there is a binary published for each targets\n'
'and checks the signature.';
Future<void> run() async {
final manifestDir = argResults!['manifest-dir'] as String;
final verifyBinaries = VerifyBinaries(
manifestDir: manifestDir,
await verifyBinaries.run();
Future<void> runMain(List<String> args) async {
try {
// Init logging before options are loaded
if (Platform.environment['_CARGOKIT_NDK_LINK_TARGET'] != null) {
return AndroidEnvironment.clangLinkerWrapper(args);
final runner = CommandRunner('build_tool', 'Cargokit built_tool')
await runner.run(args);
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
} catch (e, s) {
log.severe('Cargokit BuildTool failed with error:');
// This tells user to install Rust, there's no need to pollute the log with
// stack trace.
if (e is! RustupNotFoundException) {
log.severe('BuildTool arguments: $args');