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/// This is copied from Cargokit (which is the official way to use it currently)
/// Details: https://fzyzcjy.github.io/flutter_rust_bridge/manual/integrate/builtin
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:ed25519_edwards/ed25519_edwards.dart';
import 'package:hex/hex.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'builder.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
import 'rustup.dart';
final _log = Logger('options');
/// A class for exceptions that have source span information attached.
class SourceSpanException implements Exception {
// This is a getter so that subclasses can override it.
/// A message describing the exception.
String get message => _message;
final String _message;
// This is a getter so that subclasses can override it.
/// The span associated with this exception.
/// This may be `null` if the source location can't be determined.
SourceSpan? get span => _span;
final SourceSpan? _span;
SourceSpanException(this._message, this._span);
/// Returns a string representation of `this`.
/// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string,
/// it indicates an ANSI terminal color escape that should be used to
/// highlight the span's text. If it's `true`, it indicates that the text
/// should be highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`,
/// it indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted.
String toString({Object? color}) {
if (span == null) return message;
return 'Error on ${span!.message(message, color: color)}';
enum Toolchain {
class CargoBuildOptions {
final Toolchain toolchain;
final List<String> flags;
required this.toolchain,
required this.flags,
static Toolchain _toolchainFromNode(YamlNode node) {
if (node case YamlScalar(value: String name)) {
final toolchain =
Toolchain.values.firstWhereOrNull((element) => element.name == name);
if (toolchain != null) {
return toolchain;
throw SourceSpanException(
'Unknown toolchain. Must be one of ${Toolchain.values.map((e) => e.name)}.',
static CargoBuildOptions parse(YamlNode node) {
if (node is! YamlMap) {
throw SourceSpanException('Cargo options must be a map', node.span);
Toolchain toolchain = Toolchain.stable;
List<String> flags = [];
for (final MapEntry(:key, :value) in node.nodes.entries) {
if (key case YamlScalar(value: 'toolchain')) {
toolchain = _toolchainFromNode(value);
} else if (key case YamlScalar(value: 'extra_flags')) {
if (value case YamlList(nodes: List<YamlNode> list)) {
if (list.every((element) {
if (element case YamlScalar(value: String _)) {
return true;
return false;
})) {
flags = list.map((e) => e.value as String).toList();
throw SourceSpanException(
'Extra flags must be a list of strings', value.span);
} else {
throw SourceSpanException(
'Unknown cargo option type. Must be "toolchain" or "extra_flags".',
return CargoBuildOptions(toolchain: toolchain, flags: flags);
extension on YamlMap {
/// Map that extracts keys so that we can do map case check on them.
Map<dynamic, YamlNode> get valueMap =>
nodes.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key.value, value));
class PrecompiledBinaries {
final String uriPrefix;
final PublicKey publicKey;
required this.uriPrefix,
required this.publicKey,
static PublicKey _publicKeyFromHex(String key, SourceSpan? span) {
final bytes = HEX.decode(key);
if (bytes.length != 32) {
throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid public key. Must be 32 bytes long.', span);
return PublicKey(bytes);
static PrecompiledBinaries parse(YamlNode node) {
if (node case YamlMap(valueMap: Map<dynamic, YamlNode> map)) {
if (map
case {
'url_prefix': YamlNode urlPrefixNode,
'public_key': YamlNode publicKeyNode,
}) {
final urlPrefix = switch (urlPrefixNode) {
YamlScalar(value: String urlPrefix) => urlPrefix,
_ => throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid URL prefix value.', urlPrefixNode.span),
final publicKey = switch (publicKeyNode) {
YamlScalar(value: String publicKey) =>
_publicKeyFromHex(publicKey, publicKeyNode.span),
_ => throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid public key value.', publicKeyNode.span),
return PrecompiledBinaries(
uriPrefix: urlPrefix,
publicKey: publicKey,
throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid precompiled binaries value. '
'Expected Map with "url_prefix" and "public_key".',
/// Cargokit options specified for Rust crate.
class CargokitCrateOptions {
this.cargo = const {},
final Map<BuildConfiguration, CargoBuildOptions> cargo;
final PrecompiledBinaries? precompiledBinaries;
static CargokitCrateOptions parse(YamlNode node) {
if (node is! YamlMap) {
throw SourceSpanException('Cargokit options must be a map', node.span);
final options = <BuildConfiguration, CargoBuildOptions>{};
PrecompiledBinaries? precompiledBinaries;
for (final entry in node.nodes.entries) {
if (entry
case MapEntry(
key: YamlScalar(value: 'cargo'),
value: YamlNode node,
)) {
if (node is! YamlMap) {
throw SourceSpanException('Cargo options must be a map', node.span);
for (final MapEntry(:YamlNode key, :value) in node.nodes.entries) {
if (key case YamlScalar(value: String name)) {
final configuration = BuildConfiguration.values
.firstWhereOrNull((element) => element.name == name);
if (configuration != null) {
options[configuration] = CargoBuildOptions.parse(value);
throw SourceSpanException(
'Unknown build configuration. Must be one of ${BuildConfiguration.values.map((e) => e.name)}.',
} else if (entry.key case YamlScalar(value: 'precompiled_binaries')) {
precompiledBinaries = PrecompiledBinaries.parse(entry.value);
} else {
throw SourceSpanException(
'Unknown cargokit option type. Must be "cargo" or "precompiled_binaries".',
return CargokitCrateOptions(
cargo: options,
precompiledBinaries: precompiledBinaries,
static CargokitCrateOptions load({
required String manifestDir,
}) {
final uri = Uri.file(path.join(manifestDir, "cargokit.yaml"));
final file = File.fromUri(uri);
if (file.existsSync()) {
final contents = loadYamlNode(file.readAsStringSync(), sourceUrl: uri);
return parse(contents);
} else {
return CargokitCrateOptions();
class CargokitUserOptions {
// When Rustup is installed always build locally unless user opts into
// using precompiled binaries.
static bool defaultUsePrecompiledBinaries() {
return Rustup.executablePath() == null;
required this.usePrecompiledBinaries,
required this.verboseLogging,
: usePrecompiledBinaries = defaultUsePrecompiledBinaries(),
verboseLogging = false;
static CargokitUserOptions parse(YamlNode node) {
if (node is! YamlMap) {
throw SourceSpanException('Cargokit options must be a map', node.span);
bool usePrecompiledBinaries = defaultUsePrecompiledBinaries();
bool verboseLogging = false;
for (final entry in node.nodes.entries) {
if (entry.key case YamlScalar(value: 'use_precompiled_binaries')) {
if (entry.value case YamlScalar(value: bool value)) {
usePrecompiledBinaries = value;
throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid value for "use_precompiled_binaries". Must be a boolean.',
} else if (entry.key case YamlScalar(value: 'verbose_logging')) {
if (entry.value case YamlScalar(value: bool value)) {
verboseLogging = value;
throw SourceSpanException(
'Invalid value for "verbose_logging". Must be a boolean.',
} else {
throw SourceSpanException(
'Unknown cargokit option type. Must be "use_precompiled_binaries" or "verbose_logging".',
return CargokitUserOptions(
usePrecompiledBinaries: usePrecompiledBinaries,
verboseLogging: verboseLogging,
static CargokitUserOptions load() {
String fileName = "cargokit_options.yaml";
var userProjectDir = Directory(Environment.rootProjectDir);
while (userProjectDir.parent.path != userProjectDir.path) {
final configFile = File(path.join(userProjectDir.path, fileName));
if (configFile.existsSync()) {
final contents = loadYamlNode(
sourceUrl: configFile.uri,
final res = parse(contents);
if (res.verboseLogging) {
_log.info('Found user options file at ${configFile.path}');
return res;
userProjectDir = userProjectDir.parent;
return CargokitUserOptions._();
final bool usePrecompiledBinaries;
final bool verboseLogging;