@echo off setlocal setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET BASEDIR=%~dp0 if not exist "%CARGOKIT_TOOL_TEMP_DIR%" ( mkdir "%CARGOKIT_TOOL_TEMP_DIR%" ) cd /D "%CARGOKIT_TOOL_TEMP_DIR%" SET BUILD_TOOL_PKG_DIR=%BASEDIR%build_tool SET DART=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart set BUILD_TOOL_PKG_DIR_POSIX=%BUILD_TOOL_PKG_DIR:\=/% ( echo name: build_tool_runner echo version: 1.0.0 echo publish_to: none echo. echo environment: echo sdk: '^>=3.0.0 ^<4.0.0' echo. echo dependencies: echo build_tool: echo path: %BUILD_TOOL_PKG_DIR_POSIX% ) >pubspec.yaml if not exist bin ( mkdir bin ) ( echo import 'package:build_tool/build_tool.dart' as build_tool; echo void main^(List^ args^) ^{ echo build_tool.runMain^(args^); echo ^} ) >bin\build_tool_runner.dart SET PRECOMPILED=bin\build_tool_runner.dill REM To detect changes in package we compare output of DIR /s (recursive) set PREV_PACKAGE_INFO=.dart_tool\package_info.prev set CUR_PACKAGE_INFO=.dart_tool\package_info.cur DIR "%BUILD_TOOL_PKG_DIR%" /s > "%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%_orig" REM Last line in dir output is free space on harddrive. That is bound to REM change between invocation so we need to remove it ( Set "Line=" For /F "UseBackQ Delims=" %%A In ("%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%_orig") Do ( SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion If Defined Line Echo !Line! EndLocal Set "Line=%%A") ) >"%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%" DEL "%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%_orig" REM Compare current directory listing with previous FC /B "%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%" "%PREV_PACKAGE_INFO%" > nul 2>&1 If %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( REM Changed - copy current to previous and remove precompiled kernel if exist "%PREV_PACKAGE_INFO%" ( DEL "%PREV_PACKAGE_INFO%" ) MOVE /Y "%CUR_PACKAGE_INFO%" "%PREV_PACKAGE_INFO%" if exist "%PRECOMPILED%" ( DEL "%PRECOMPILED%" ) ) REM There is no CUR_PACKAGE_INFO it was renamed in previous step to %PREV_PACKAGE_INFO% REM which means we need to do pub get and precompile if not exist "%PRECOMPILED%" ( echo Running pub get in "%cd%" "%DART%" pub get --no-precompile "%DART%" compile kernel bin/build_tool_runner.dart ) "%DART%" "%PRECOMPILED%" %* REM 253 means invalid snapshot version. If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 253 ( "%DART%" pub get --no-precompile "%DART%" compile kernel bin/build_tool_runner.dart "%DART%" "%PRECOMPILED%" %* )