2024-02-06 20:35:52 +08:00

137 lines
3.6 KiB

/// This is copied from Cargokit (which is the official way to use it currently)
/// Details: https://fzyzcjy.github.io/flutter_rust_bridge/manual/integrate/builtin
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'util.dart';
class _Toolchain {
final String name;
final List<String> targets;
class Rustup {
List<String>? installedTargets(String toolchain) {
final targets = _installedTargets(toolchain);
return targets != null ? List.unmodifiable(targets) : null;
void installToolchain(String toolchain) {
log.info("Installing Rust toolchain: $toolchain");
runCommand("rustup", ['toolchain', 'install', toolchain]);
.add(_Toolchain(toolchain, _getInstalledTargets(toolchain)));
void installTarget(
String target, {
required String toolchain,
}) {
log.info("Installing Rust target: $target");
runCommand("rustup", [
final List<_Toolchain> _installedToolchains;
Rustup() : _installedToolchains = _getInstalledToolchains();
List<String>? _installedTargets(String toolchain) => _installedToolchains
(e) => e.name == toolchain || e.name.startsWith('$toolchain-'))
static List<_Toolchain> _getInstalledToolchains() {
String extractToolchainName(String line) {
// ignore (default) after toolchain name
final parts = line.split(' ');
return parts[0];
final res = runCommand("rustup", ['toolchain', 'list']);
// To list all non-custom toolchains, we need to filter out lines that
// don't start with "stable", "beta", or "nightly".
Pattern nonCustom = RegExp(r"^(stable|beta|nightly)");
final lines = res.stdout
.where((e) => e.isNotEmpty && e.startsWith(nonCustom))
.toList(growable: true);
return lines
(name) => _Toolchain(
.toList(growable: true);
static List<String> _getInstalledTargets(String toolchain) {
final res = runCommand("rustup", [
final lines = res.stdout
.where((e) => e.isNotEmpty)
.toList(growable: true);
return lines;
bool _didInstallRustSrcForNightly = false;
void installRustSrcForNightly() {
if (_didInstallRustSrcForNightly) {
// Useful for -Z build-std
['component', 'add', 'rust-src', '--toolchain', 'nightly'],
_didInstallRustSrcForNightly = true;
static String? executablePath() {
final envPath = Platform.environment['PATH'];
final envPathSeparator = Platform.isWindows ? ';' : ':';
final home = Platform.isWindows
? Platform.environment['USERPROFILE']
: Platform.environment['HOME'];
final paths = [
if (home != null) path.join(home, '.cargo', 'bin'),
if (envPath != null) ...envPath.split(envPathSeparator),
for (final p in paths) {
final rustup = Platform.isWindows ? 'rustup.exe' : 'rustup';
final rustupPath = path.join(p, rustup);
if (File(rustupPath).existsSync()) {
return rustupPath;
return null;