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// This file is automatically generated, so please do not edit it.
// @generated by `flutter_rust_bridge`@ 2.4.0.
// ignore_for_file: unused_import, unused_element, unnecessary_import, duplicate_ignore, invalid_use_of_internal_member, annotate_overrides, non_constant_identifier_names, curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures, prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables, unused_field
import 'api/asar_api.dart';
import 'api/http_api.dart';
import 'api/rs_process.dart';
import 'api/win32_api.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'frb_generated.dart';
import 'frb_generated.io.dart'
if (dart.library.js_interop) 'frb_generated.web.dart';
import 'http_package.dart';
import 'package:flutter_rust_bridge/flutter_rust_bridge_for_generated.dart';
/// Main entrypoint of the Rust API
class RustLib extends BaseEntrypoint<RustLibApi, RustLibApiImpl, RustLibWire> {
static final instance = RustLib._();
/// Initialize flutter_rust_bridge
static Future<void> init({
RustLibApi? api,
BaseHandler? handler,
ExternalLibrary? externalLibrary,
}) async {
await instance.initImpl(
api: api,
handler: handler,
externalLibrary: externalLibrary,
/// Initialize flutter_rust_bridge in mock mode.
/// No libraries for FFI are loaded.
static void initMock({
required RustLibApi api,
}) {
api: api,
/// Dispose flutter_rust_bridge
/// The call to this function is optional, since flutter_rust_bridge (and everything else)
/// is automatically disposed when the app stops.
static void dispose() => instance.disposeImpl();
ApiImplConstructor<RustLibApiImpl, RustLibWire> get apiImplConstructor =>
WireConstructor<RustLibWire> get wireConstructor =>
Future<void> executeRustInitializers() async {}
ExternalLibraryLoaderConfig get defaultExternalLibraryLoaderConfig =>
String get codegenVersion => '2.4.0';
int get rustContentHash => 1832496273;
static const kDefaultExternalLibraryLoaderConfig =
stem: 'rust',
ioDirectory: 'rust/target/release/',
webPrefix: 'pkg/',
abstract class RustLibApi extends BaseApi {
Future<RsiLauncherAsarData> crateApiAsarApiGetRsiLauncherAsarData(
{required String asarPath});
Future<void> crateApiAsarApiRsiLauncherAsarDataWriteMainJs(
{required RsiLauncherAsarData that, required List<int> content});
Future<List<String>> crateApiHttpApiDnsLookupIps({required String host});
Future<List<String>> crateApiHttpApiDnsLookupTxt({required String host});
Future<RustHttpResponse> crateApiHttpApiFetch(
{required MyMethod method,
required String url,
Map<String, String>? headers,
Uint8List? inputData,
String? withIpAddress});
Future<void> crateApiHttpApiSetDefaultHeader(
{required Map<String, String> headers});
Stream<RsProcessStreamData> crateApiRsProcessStart(
{required String executable,
required List<String> arguments,
required String workingDirectory});
Future<void> crateApiRsProcessWrite(
{required int rsPid, required String data});
Future<void> crateApiWin32ApiSendNotify(
{String? summary, String? body, String? appName, String? appId});
Future<bool> crateApiWin32ApiSetForegroundWindow(
{required String windowName});
class RustLibApiImpl extends RustLibApiImplPlatform implements RustLibApi {
required super.handler,
required super.wire,
required super.generalizedFrbRustBinding,
required super.portManager,
Future<RsiLauncherAsarData> crateApiAsarApiGetRsiLauncherAsarData(
{required String asarPath}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_String(asarPath);
return wire.wire__crate__api__asar_api__get_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
port_, arg0);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_rsi_launcher_asar_data,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiAsarApiGetRsiLauncherAsarDataConstMeta,
argValues: [asarPath],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiAsarApiGetRsiLauncherAsarDataConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "get_rsi_launcher_asar_data",
argNames: ["asarPath"],
Future<void> crateApiAsarApiRsiLauncherAsarDataWriteMainJs(
{required RsiLauncherAsarData that, required List<int> content}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_box_autoadd_rsi_launcher_asar_data(that);
var arg1 = cst_encode_list_prim_u_8_loose(content);
return wire
port_, arg0, arg1);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_unit,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiAsarApiRsiLauncherAsarDataWriteMainJsConstMeta,
argValues: [that, content],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiAsarApiRsiLauncherAsarDataWriteMainJsConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "rsi_launcher_asar_data_write_main_js",
argNames: ["that", "content"],
Future<List<String>> crateApiHttpApiDnsLookupIps({required String host}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_String(host);
return wire.wire__crate__api__http_api__dns_lookup_ips(port_, arg0);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_list_String,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiHttpApiDnsLookupIpsConstMeta,
argValues: [host],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiHttpApiDnsLookupIpsConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "dns_lookup_ips",
argNames: ["host"],
Future<List<String>> crateApiHttpApiDnsLookupTxt({required String host}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_String(host);
return wire.wire__crate__api__http_api__dns_lookup_txt(port_, arg0);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_list_String,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiHttpApiDnsLookupTxtConstMeta,
argValues: [host],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiHttpApiDnsLookupTxtConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "dns_lookup_txt",
argNames: ["host"],
Future<RustHttpResponse> crateApiHttpApiFetch(
{required MyMethod method,
required String url,
Map<String, String>? headers,
Uint8List? inputData,
String? withIpAddress}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_my_method(method);
var arg1 = cst_encode_String(url);
var arg2 = cst_encode_opt_Map_String_String(headers);
var arg3 = cst_encode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(inputData);
var arg4 = cst_encode_opt_String(withIpAddress);
return wire.wire__crate__api__http_api__fetch(
port_, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_rust_http_response,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiHttpApiFetchConstMeta,
argValues: [method, url, headers, inputData, withIpAddress],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiHttpApiFetchConstMeta => const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "fetch",
argNames: ["method", "url", "headers", "inputData", "withIpAddress"],
Future<void> crateApiHttpApiSetDefaultHeader(
{required Map<String, String> headers}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_Map_String_String(headers);
return wire.wire__crate__api__http_api__set_default_header(port_, arg0);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_unit,
decodeErrorData: null,
constMeta: kCrateApiHttpApiSetDefaultHeaderConstMeta,
argValues: [headers],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiHttpApiSetDefaultHeaderConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "set_default_header",
argNames: ["headers"],
Stream<RsProcessStreamData> crateApiRsProcessStart(
{required String executable,
required List<String> arguments,
required String workingDirectory}) {
final streamSink = RustStreamSink<RsProcessStreamData>();
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_String(executable);
var arg1 = cst_encode_list_String(arguments);
var arg2 = cst_encode_String(workingDirectory);
var arg3 = cst_encode_StreamSink_rs_process_stream_data_Dco(streamSink);
return wire.wire__crate__api__rs_process__start(
port_, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_unit,
decodeErrorData: null,
constMeta: kCrateApiRsProcessStartConstMeta,
argValues: [executable, arguments, workingDirectory, streamSink],
apiImpl: this,
return streamSink.stream;
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiRsProcessStartConstMeta => const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "start",
argNames: ["executable", "arguments", "workingDirectory", "streamSink"],
Future<void> crateApiRsProcessWrite(
{required int rsPid, required String data}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_u_32(rsPid);
var arg1 = cst_encode_String(data);
return wire.wire__crate__api__rs_process__write(port_, arg0, arg1);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_unit,
decodeErrorData: null,
constMeta: kCrateApiRsProcessWriteConstMeta,
argValues: [rsPid, data],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiRsProcessWriteConstMeta => const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "write",
argNames: ["rsPid", "data"],
Future<void> crateApiWin32ApiSendNotify(
{String? summary, String? body, String? appName, String? appId}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_opt_String(summary);
var arg1 = cst_encode_opt_String(body);
var arg2 = cst_encode_opt_String(appName);
var arg3 = cst_encode_opt_String(appId);
return wire.wire__crate__api__win32_api__send_notify(
port_, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_unit,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiWin32ApiSendNotifyConstMeta,
argValues: [summary, body, appName, appId],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiWin32ApiSendNotifyConstMeta => const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "send_notify",
argNames: ["summary", "body", "appName", "appId"],
Future<bool> crateApiWin32ApiSetForegroundWindow(
{required String windowName}) {
return handler.executeNormal(NormalTask(
callFfi: (port_) {
var arg0 = cst_encode_String(windowName);
return wire.wire__crate__api__win32_api__set_foreground_window(
port_, arg0);
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_bool,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
constMeta: kCrateApiWin32ApiSetForegroundWindowConstMeta,
argValues: [windowName],
apiImpl: this,
TaskConstMeta get kCrateApiWin32ApiSetForegroundWindowConstMeta =>
const TaskConstMeta(
debugName: "set_foreground_window",
argNames: ["windowName"],
AnyhowException dco_decode_AnyhowException(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return AnyhowException(raw as String);
Map<String, String> dco_decode_Map_String_String(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return Map.fromEntries(dco_decode_list_record_string_string(raw)
.map((e) => MapEntry(e.$1, e.$2)));
dco_decode_StreamSink_rs_process_stream_data_Dco(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
throw UnimplementedError();
String dco_decode_String(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as String;
bool dco_decode_bool(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as bool;
RsiLauncherAsarData dco_decode_box_autoadd_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return dco_decode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(raw);
BigInt dco_decode_box_autoadd_u_64(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return dco_decode_u_64(raw);
int dco_decode_i_32(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as int;
List<String> dco_decode_list_String(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return (raw as List<dynamic>).map(dco_decode_String).toList();
List<int> dco_decode_list_prim_u_8_loose(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as List<int>;
Uint8List dco_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as Uint8List;
List<(String, String)> dco_decode_list_record_string_string(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return (raw as List<dynamic>).map(dco_decode_record_string_string).toList();
MyHttpVersion dco_decode_my_http_version(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return MyHttpVersion.values[raw as int];
MyMethod dco_decode_my_method(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return MyMethod.values[raw as int];
Map<String, String>? dco_decode_opt_Map_String_String(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw == null ? null : dco_decode_Map_String_String(raw);
String? dco_decode_opt_String(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw == null ? null : dco_decode_String(raw);
BigInt? dco_decode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw == null ? null : dco_decode_box_autoadd_u_64(raw);
Uint8List? dco_decode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw == null ? null : dco_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(raw);
(String, String) dco_decode_record_string_string(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
if (arr.length != 2) {
throw Exception('Expected 2 elements, got ${arr.length}');
return (
RsProcessStreamData dco_decode_rs_process_stream_data(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
if (arr.length != 3)
throw Exception('unexpected arr length: expect 3 but see ${arr.length}');
return RsProcessStreamData(
dataType: dco_decode_rs_process_stream_data_type(arr[0]),
data: dco_decode_String(arr[1]),
rsPid: dco_decode_u_32(arr[2]),
RsProcessStreamDataType dco_decode_rs_process_stream_data_type(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return RsProcessStreamDataType.values[raw as int];
RsiLauncherAsarData dco_decode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
if (arr.length != 3)
throw Exception('unexpected arr length: expect 3 but see ${arr.length}');
return RsiLauncherAsarData(
asarPath: dco_decode_String(arr[0]),
mainJsPath: dco_decode_String(arr[1]),
mainJsContent: dco_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(arr[2]),
RustHttpResponse dco_decode_rust_http_response(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
if (arr.length != 7)
throw Exception('unexpected arr length: expect 7 but see ${arr.length}');
return RustHttpResponse(
statusCode: dco_decode_u_16(arr[0]),
headers: dco_decode_Map_String_String(arr[1]),
url: dco_decode_String(arr[2]),
contentLength: dco_decode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(arr[3]),
version: dco_decode_my_http_version(arr[4]),
remoteAddr: dco_decode_String(arr[5]),
data: dco_decode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(arr[6]),
int dco_decode_u_16(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as int;
int dco_decode_u_32(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as int;
BigInt dco_decode_u_64(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return dcoDecodeU64(raw);
int dco_decode_u_8(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw as int;
void dco_decode_unit(dynamic raw) {
// Codec=Dco (DartCObject based), see doc to use other codecs
AnyhowException sse_decode_AnyhowException(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
return AnyhowException(inner);
Map<String, String> sse_decode_Map_String_String(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_list_record_string_string(deserializer);
return Map.fromEntries(inner.map((e) => MapEntry(e.$1, e.$2)));
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
throw UnimplementedError('Unreachable ()');
String sse_decode_String(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(deserializer);
return utf8.decoder.convert(inner);
bool sse_decode_bool(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getUint8() != 0;
RsiLauncherAsarData sse_decode_box_autoadd_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return (sse_decode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(deserializer));
BigInt sse_decode_box_autoadd_u_64(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return (sse_decode_u_64(deserializer));
int sse_decode_i_32(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getInt32();
List<String> sse_decode_list_String(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var len_ = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
var ans_ = <String>[];
for (var idx_ = 0; idx_ < len_; ++idx_) {
return ans_;
List<int> sse_decode_list_prim_u_8_loose(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var len_ = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
return deserializer.buffer.getUint8List(len_);
Uint8List sse_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var len_ = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
return deserializer.buffer.getUint8List(len_);
List<(String, String)> sse_decode_list_record_string_string(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var len_ = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
var ans_ = <(String, String)>[];
for (var idx_ = 0; idx_ < len_; ++idx_) {
return ans_;
MyHttpVersion sse_decode_my_http_version(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
return MyHttpVersion.values[inner];
MyMethod sse_decode_my_method(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
return MyMethod.values[inner];
Map<String, String>? sse_decode_opt_Map_String_String(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
if (sse_decode_bool(deserializer)) {
return (sse_decode_Map_String_String(deserializer));
} else {
return null;
String? sse_decode_opt_String(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
if (sse_decode_bool(deserializer)) {
return (sse_decode_String(deserializer));
} else {
return null;
BigInt? sse_decode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
if (sse_decode_bool(deserializer)) {
return (sse_decode_box_autoadd_u_64(deserializer));
} else {
return null;
Uint8List? sse_decode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
if (sse_decode_bool(deserializer)) {
return (sse_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(deserializer));
} else {
return null;
(String, String) sse_decode_record_string_string(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var var_field0 = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_field1 = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
return (var_field0, var_field1);
RsProcessStreamData sse_decode_rs_process_stream_data(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var var_dataType = sse_decode_rs_process_stream_data_type(deserializer);
var var_data = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_rsPid = sse_decode_u_32(deserializer);
return RsProcessStreamData(
dataType: var_dataType, data: var_data, rsPid: var_rsPid);
RsProcessStreamDataType sse_decode_rs_process_stream_data_type(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var inner = sse_decode_i_32(deserializer);
return RsProcessStreamDataType.values[inner];
RsiLauncherAsarData sse_decode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var var_asarPath = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_mainJsPath = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_mainJsContent = sse_decode_list_prim_u_8_strict(deserializer);
return RsiLauncherAsarData(
asarPath: var_asarPath,
mainJsPath: var_mainJsPath,
mainJsContent: var_mainJsContent);
RustHttpResponse sse_decode_rust_http_response(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
var var_statusCode = sse_decode_u_16(deserializer);
var var_headers = sse_decode_Map_String_String(deserializer);
var var_url = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_contentLength = sse_decode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(deserializer);
var var_version = sse_decode_my_http_version(deserializer);
var var_remoteAddr = sse_decode_String(deserializer);
var var_data = sse_decode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(deserializer);
return RustHttpResponse(
statusCode: var_statusCode,
headers: var_headers,
url: var_url,
contentLength: var_contentLength,
version: var_version,
remoteAddr: var_remoteAddr,
data: var_data);
int sse_decode_u_16(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getUint16();
int sse_decode_u_32(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getUint32();
BigInt sse_decode_u_64(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getBigUint64();
int sse_decode_u_8(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
return deserializer.buffer.getUint8();
void sse_decode_unit(SseDeserializer deserializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
bool cst_encode_bool(bool raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
int cst_encode_i_32(int raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
int cst_encode_my_http_version(MyHttpVersion raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return cst_encode_i_32(raw.index);
int cst_encode_my_method(MyMethod raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return cst_encode_i_32(raw.index);
int cst_encode_rs_process_stream_data_type(RsProcessStreamDataType raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return cst_encode_i_32(raw.index);
int cst_encode_u_16(int raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
int cst_encode_u_32(int raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
int cst_encode_u_8(int raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
void cst_encode_unit(void raw) {
// Codec=Cst (C-struct based), see doc to use other codecs
return raw;
void sse_encode_AnyhowException(
AnyhowException self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_String(self.message, serializer);
void sse_encode_Map_String_String(
Map<String, String> self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
self.entries.map((e) => (e.key, e.value)).toList(), serializer);
void sse_encode_StreamSink_rs_process_stream_data_Dco(
RustStreamSink<RsProcessStreamData> self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
codec: DcoCodec(
decodeSuccessData: dco_decode_rs_process_stream_data,
decodeErrorData: dco_decode_AnyhowException,
void sse_encode_String(String self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_list_prim_u_8_strict(utf8.encoder.convert(self), serializer);
void sse_encode_bool(bool self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
serializer.buffer.putUint8(self ? 1 : 0);
void sse_encode_box_autoadd_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
RsiLauncherAsarData self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_box_autoadd_u_64(BigInt self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_u_64(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_i_32(int self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
void sse_encode_list_String(List<String> self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.length, serializer);
for (final item in self) {
sse_encode_String(item, serializer);
void sse_encode_list_prim_u_8_loose(
List<int> self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.length, serializer);
.putUint8List(self is Uint8List ? self : Uint8List.fromList(self));
void sse_encode_list_prim_u_8_strict(
Uint8List self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.length, serializer);
void sse_encode_list_record_string_string(
List<(String, String)> self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.length, serializer);
for (final item in self) {
sse_encode_record_string_string(item, serializer);
void sse_encode_my_http_version(
MyHttpVersion self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.index, serializer);
void sse_encode_my_method(MyMethod self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.index, serializer);
void sse_encode_opt_Map_String_String(
Map<String, String>? self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_bool(self != null, serializer);
if (self != null) {
sse_encode_Map_String_String(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_opt_String(String? self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_bool(self != null, serializer);
if (self != null) {
sse_encode_String(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(BigInt? self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_bool(self != null, serializer);
if (self != null) {
sse_encode_box_autoadd_u_64(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(
Uint8List? self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_bool(self != null, serializer);
if (self != null) {
sse_encode_list_prim_u_8_strict(self, serializer);
void sse_encode_record_string_string(
(String, String) self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_String(self.$1, serializer);
sse_encode_String(self.$2, serializer);
void sse_encode_rs_process_stream_data(
RsProcessStreamData self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_rs_process_stream_data_type(self.dataType, serializer);
sse_encode_String(self.data, serializer);
sse_encode_u_32(self.rsPid, serializer);
void sse_encode_rs_process_stream_data_type(
RsProcessStreamDataType self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_i_32(self.index, serializer);
void sse_encode_rsi_launcher_asar_data(
RsiLauncherAsarData self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_String(self.asarPath, serializer);
sse_encode_String(self.mainJsPath, serializer);
sse_encode_list_prim_u_8_strict(self.mainJsContent, serializer);
void sse_encode_rust_http_response(
RustHttpResponse self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
sse_encode_u_16(self.statusCode, serializer);
sse_encode_Map_String_String(self.headers, serializer);
sse_encode_String(self.url, serializer);
sse_encode_opt_box_autoadd_u_64(self.contentLength, serializer);
sse_encode_my_http_version(self.version, serializer);
sse_encode_String(self.remoteAddr, serializer);
sse_encode_opt_list_prim_u_8_strict(self.data, serializer);
void sse_encode_u_16(int self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
void sse_encode_u_32(int self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
void sse_encode_u_64(BigInt self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
void sse_encode_u_8(int self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs
void sse_encode_unit(void self, SseSerializer serializer) {
// Codec=Sse (Serialization based), see doc to use other codecs