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/// This is copied from Cargokit (which is the official way to use it currently)
/// Details: https://fzyzcjy.github.io/flutter_rust_bridge/manual/integrate/builtin
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ed25519_edwards/ed25519_edwards.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'builder.dart';
import 'crate_hash.dart';
import 'options.dart';
import 'precompile_binaries.dart';
import 'rustup.dart';
import 'target.dart';
class Artifact {
/// File system location of the artifact.
final String path;
/// Actual file name that the artifact should have in destination folder.
final String finalFileName;
AritifactType get type {
if (finalFileName.endsWith('.dll') ||
finalFileName.endsWith('.dll.lib') ||
finalFileName.endsWith('.pdb') ||
finalFileName.endsWith('.so') ||
finalFileName.endsWith('.dylib')) {
return AritifactType.dylib;
} else if (finalFileName.endsWith('.lib') || finalFileName.endsWith('.a')) {
return AritifactType.staticlib;
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown artifact type for $finalFileName');
required this.path,
required this.finalFileName,
final _log = Logger('artifacts_provider');
class ArtifactProvider {
required this.environment,
required this.userOptions,
final BuildEnvironment environment;
final CargokitUserOptions userOptions;
Future<Map<Target, List<Artifact>>> getArtifacts(List<Target> targets) async {
final result = await _getPrecompiledArtifacts(targets);
final pendingTargets = List.of(targets);
pendingTargets.removeWhere((element) => result.containsKey(element));
if (pendingTargets.isEmpty) {
return result;
final rustup = Rustup();
for (final target in targets) {
final builder = RustBuilder(target: target, environment: environment);
_log.info('Building ${environment.crateInfo.packageName} for $target');
final targetDir = await builder.build();
// For local build accept both static and dynamic libraries.
final artifactNames = <String>{
target: target,
libraryName: environment.crateInfo.packageName,
aritifactType: AritifactType.dylib,
remote: false,
target: target,
libraryName: environment.crateInfo.packageName,
aritifactType: AritifactType.staticlib,
remote: false,
final artifacts = artifactNames
.map((artifactName) => Artifact(
path: path.join(targetDir, artifactName),
finalFileName: artifactName,
.where((element) => File(element.path).existsSync())
result[target] = artifacts;
return result;
Future<Map<Target, List<Artifact>>> _getPrecompiledArtifacts(
List<Target> targets) async {
if (userOptions.usePrecompiledBinaries == false) {
_log.info('Precompiled binaries are disabled');
return {};
if (environment.crateOptions.precompiledBinaries == null) {
_log.fine('Precompiled binaries not enabled for this crate');
return {};
final start = Stopwatch()..start();
final crateHash = CrateHash.compute(environment.manifestDir,
tempStorage: environment.targetTempDir);
'Computed crate hash $crateHash in ${start.elapsedMilliseconds}ms');
final downloadedArtifactsDir =
path.join(environment.targetTempDir, 'precompiled', crateHash);
Directory(downloadedArtifactsDir).createSync(recursive: true);
final res = <Target, List<Artifact>>{};
for (final target in targets) {
final requiredArtifacts = getArtifactNames(
target: target,
libraryName: environment.crateInfo.packageName,
remote: true,
final artifactsForTarget = <Artifact>[];
for (final artifact in requiredArtifacts) {
final fileName = PrecompileBinaries.fileName(target, artifact);
final downloadedPath = path.join(downloadedArtifactsDir, fileName);
if (!File(downloadedPath).existsSync()) {
final signatureFileName =
PrecompileBinaries.signatureFileName(target, artifact);
await _tryDownloadArtifacts(
crateHash: crateHash,
fileName: fileName,
signatureFileName: signatureFileName,
finalPath: downloadedPath,
if (File(downloadedPath).existsSync()) {
path: downloadedPath,
finalFileName: artifact,
} else {
// Only provide complete set of artifacts.
if (artifactsForTarget.length == requiredArtifacts.length) {
_log.fine('Found precompiled artifacts for $target');
res[target] = artifactsForTarget;
return res;
static Future<Response> _get(Uri url, {Map<String, String>? headers}) async {
int attempt = 0;
const maxAttempts = 10;
while (true) {
try {
return await get(url, headers: headers);
} on SocketException catch (e) {
// Try to detect reset by peer error and retry.
if (attempt++ < maxAttempts &&
(e.osError?.errorCode == 54 || e.osError?.errorCode == 10054)) {
'Failed to download $url: $e, attempt $attempt of $maxAttempts, will retry...');
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
} else {
Future<void> _tryDownloadArtifacts({
required String crateHash,
required String fileName,
required String signatureFileName,
required String finalPath,
}) async {
final precompiledBinaries = environment.crateOptions.precompiledBinaries!;
final prefix = precompiledBinaries.uriPrefix;
final url = Uri.parse('$prefix$crateHash/$fileName');
final signatureUrl = Uri.parse('$prefix$crateHash/$signatureFileName');
_log.fine('Downloading signature from $signatureUrl');
final signature = await _get(signatureUrl);
if (signature.statusCode == 404) {
'Precompiled binaries not available for crate hash $crateHash ($fileName)');
if (signature.statusCode != 200) {
'Failed to download signature $signatureUrl: status ${signature.statusCode}');
_log.fine('Downloading binary from $url');
final res = await _get(url);
if (res.statusCode != 200) {
_log.severe('Failed to download binary $url: status ${res.statusCode}');
if (verify(
precompiledBinaries.publicKey, res.bodyBytes, signature.bodyBytes)) {
} else {
_log.shout('Signature verification failed! Ignoring binary.');
enum AritifactType {
AritifactType artifactTypeForTarget(Target target) {
if (target.darwinPlatform != null) {
return AritifactType.staticlib;
} else {
return AritifactType.dylib;
List<String> getArtifactNames({
required Target target,
required String libraryName,
required bool remote,
AritifactType? aritifactType,
}) {
aritifactType ??= artifactTypeForTarget(target);
if (target.darwinArch != null) {
if (aritifactType == AritifactType.staticlib) {
return ['lib$libraryName.a'];
} else {
return ['lib$libraryName.dylib'];
} else if (target.rust.contains('-windows-')) {
if (aritifactType == AritifactType.staticlib) {
return ['$libraryName.lib'];
} else {
return [
if (!remote) '$libraryName.pdb'
} else if (target.rust.contains('-linux-')) {
if (aritifactType == AritifactType.staticlib) {
return ['lib$libraryName.a'];
} else {
return ['lib$libraryName.so'];
} else {
throw Exception("Unsupported target: ${target.rust}");