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synced 2025-03-15 05:11:24 +08:00
179 lines
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179 lines
6.3 KiB
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:starcitizen_doctor/common/utils/log.dart';
class SCLoggerHelper {
static Future<String?> getLogFilePath() async {
Map<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
final appDataPath = envVars["appdata"];
if (appDataPath == null) {
return null;
final rsiLauncherPath = "$appDataPath\\rsilauncher";
final jsonLogPath = "$rsiLauncherPath\\logs\\log.log";
return jsonLogPath;
static Future<String?> getShaderCachePath() async {
Map<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
final appDataPath = envVars["LOCALAPPDATA"];
if (appDataPath == null) {
return null;
final scCachePath = "$appDataPath\\Star Citizen";
dPrint("getShaderCachePath === $scCachePath");
return scCachePath;
static Future<List?> getLauncherLogList() async {
final jsonLogPath = await getLogFilePath();
if (jsonLogPath == null) return null;
var jsonString = utf8.decode(await File(jsonLogPath).readAsBytes());
if (jsonString.endsWith("\n")) {
jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length - 3);
if (jsonString.endsWith(" ")) {
jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length - 3);
if (jsonString.endsWith(",")) {
jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length - 3);
return json.decode("[$jsonString]");
static Future<List<String>> getGameInstallPath(List listData,
{bool checkExists = true,
List<String> withVersion = const ["LIVE"]}) async {
List<String> scInstallPaths = [];
checkAndAddPath(String path, bool checkExists) async {
if (path.isNotEmpty && !scInstallPaths.contains(path)) {
if (!checkExists) {
dPrint("find installPath == $path");
} else if (await File("$path/Bin64/StarCitizen.exe").exists() &&
await File("$path/Data.p4k").exists()) {
dPrint("find installPath == $path");
final confBox = await Hive.openBox("app_conf");
final path = confBox.get("custom_game_path");
if (path != null && path != "") {
for (var v in withVersion) {
await checkAndAddPath("$path\\$v", checkExists);
try {
for (var v in withVersion) {
for (var i = listData.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final m = listData[i];
final info = m["[browser][info] "];
if (info is String) {
String installPath = "";
if (info.contains("Installing Star Citizen $v")) {
installPath = "${info.split(" at ")[1]}\\$v";
if (info.contains("Launching Star Citizen $v from")) {
installPath = info
.replaceAll("Launching Star Citizen $v from (", "")
.replaceAll(")", "");
await checkAndAddPath(installPath, checkExists);
} catch (e) {
if (scInstallPaths.isEmpty) rethrow;
if (scInstallPaths.isNotEmpty) {
// 动态检测更多位置
for (var v in withVersion) {
for (var fileName in List.from(scInstallPaths)) {
if (fileName.toString().endsWith(v)) {
for (var nv in withVersion) {
final nextName =
"${fileName.toString().replaceAll("\\$v", "")}\\$nv";
await checkAndAddPath(nextName, true);
return scInstallPaths;
static Future<List<String>?> getGameRunningLogs(String gameDir) async {
final logFile = File("$gameDir/Game.log");
if (!await logFile.exists()) {
return null;
return await logFile.readAsLines(
encoding: const Utf8Codec(allowMalformed: true));
static MapEntry<String, String>? getGameRunningLogInfo(List<String> logs) {
for (var i = logs.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final line = logs[i];
final r = _checkRunningLine(line);
if (r != null) {
return r;
return null;
static MapEntry<String, String>? _checkRunningLine(String line) {
if (line.contains("STATUS_CRYENGINE_OUT_OF_SYSMEM")) {
return const MapEntry("可用内存不足", "请尝试增加虚拟内存( 1080p 下, 物理可用+虚拟内存需 > 64G )");
if (line.contains("EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION")) {
return const MapEntry("游戏触发了最为广泛的崩溃问题,请查看排障指南",
if (line.contains("DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED")) {
return const MapEntry(
"您的显卡崩溃啦!请查看排障指南", "https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv19335199");
if (line.contains("Wakeup socket sendto error")) {
return const MapEntry("检测到 socket 异常", "如使用 X黑盒 加速器,请尝试更换加速模式");
if (line.contains("The requested operation requires elevated")) {
return const MapEntry("权限不足", "请尝试以管理员权限运行启动器,或使用盒子(微软商店版)启动。");
if (line.contains(
"The process cannot access the file because is is being used by another process")) {
return const MapEntry("游戏进程被占用", "请尝试重启启动器,或直接重启电脑");
if (line.contains("0xc0000043")) {
return const MapEntry("游戏程序文件损坏", "请尝试删除 Bin64 文件夹 并在启动器校验。");
if (line.contains("option to verify the content of the Data.p4k file")) {
return const MapEntry("P4K文件损坏", "请尝试删除 Data.p4k 文件 并在启动器校验 或 使用盒子分流。");
if (line.contains("OUTOFMEMORY Direct3D could not allocate")) {
return const MapEntry("可用显存不足", "请不要在后台运行其他高显卡占用的 游戏/应用,或更换显卡。");
/// Unknown
if (line.contains("network.replicatedEntityHandle")) {
return const MapEntry("_", "network.replicatedEntityHandle");
if (line.contains("Exception Unknown")) {
return const MapEntry("_", "Exception Unknown");
return null;