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synced 2025-03-10 19:21:28 +08:00
Merge pull request #41 from Orbit-Startech/tw
更新 global.ini 至 3.24.1(PTU)
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@pause_options_esp_zone_inner=駕駛員增穩 - 內部區域大小(區域百分比)
@vehicle_DescGRIN_STV=製造商:灰貓工業 (Greycat Industrial)\n定位:運輸\n\n準備好在工作中使用灰貓工業的STV來獲得一些真正的樂趣。這款運動型全地形車由專業人士為專業人士打造,擁有閃電般的速度和實用的內建儲存空間。
ARCC_UGF_desc_shared,P=一個專門的 ArcCorp 工業園區,為公司處理各種分銷和加工需求。
ATC_Area18=18區 著陸服務
ATC_Automated=Automated 著陸服務
ATC_Covalex_DC=Covalex 著陸服務
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ATC_GatewayQueue_Update,P=已加入通行隊列。\n您的位置:%i / 預計
ATC_Greycat_DC=灰貓 著陸服務
ATC_GrimHEX=Green Imperial 著陸服務
ATC_Hurston_DC=HDPC 著陸服務
ATC_Levski=列夫斯基 降落管制
ATC_Levski=列夫斯基 著陸管制
ATC_Lorville=羅威爾 著陸服務
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ ATC_Lorville_Gate05=羅威爾5號大門
ATC_Orison=奧里森 著陸服務
ATC_OutpostArcCorp=弧光星前哨站 著陸服務
ATC_OutpostGeneric=前哨站 降落管制
ATC_OutpostGeneric=前哨站 著陸管制
ATC_OutpostRayari=拉亞利前哨站 著陸服務
ATC_OutpostShubin=舒賓前哨站 降落管制
ATC_OutpostTerraMills=泰拉磨坊前哨站 降落管制
ATC_OutpostShubin=舒賓前哨站 著陸管制
ATC_OutpostTerraMills=泰拉磨坊前哨站 著陸管制
ATC_PlatinumBay=白金灣 著陸服務
ATC_PortOlisar=奧麗莎太空站 著陸服務
ATC_RandR=R&R太空站 著陸服務
@ -574,44 +574,44 @@ Covalex_Danger_002=最後一件事,之前的一些操作員報告我們這片
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Intro_desc=Covalex 榮獲《帝國金融十大船運公司》和《Delivery Digest 2945 最值得信賴的運輸公司》等殊榮,比以往任何時候都更加繁忙。這意味著更多的貨物將運往更多的地方。這就是您的用武之地。\n\nCovalex 正在尋找勤勞可靠的飛行員加入我們不斷擴大的大家庭。您是否可以使用可容納 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 貨箱的飛船?您能透過必要的背景調查嗎?那麼一個充滿機遇的世界正在等待著您。\n\n只需從位於 ~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯上領取一批 ~mission(Item) 並成功將其運送至位於 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯即可完成“評估試驗”。\n\n順利完成後,您將有資格成為 Covalex 貨運龐大的獨立運輸專家網路的一員*。\n\n\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n*Covalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Intro_desc=Earning such accolades as 'Imperial Finances' Top 10 Shipping Companies' and 'Delivery Digest's 2945's Most Trusted Transport,' Covalex is busier than ever. And that means more cargo going to more places. That's where you come in. \n\nCovalex is looking for dependable and industrious pilots to join our expanding family. Do you have access to a ship that can hold ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers? Can you pass an Advocacy background check if required? Then a universe of opportunity is waiting for you. \n\nSimply complete an 'Evaluation Trial’ by picking up a shipment of ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and successfully delivering it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).\n\nUpon satisfactory completion, you'll be eligible to become part of Covalex Shipping's vast network of independent transport specialists*.\n\n\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n*Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Rehire_desc=嘿,\n\n有一個好消息要告訴你。Covalex 最近對我們的承包商們進行了評估,決定重新考慮你成為我們的貨物運輸商。要重新獲得資格,你只需成功完成以下運送任務。\n\n從位於~mission(Location|address)的貨運電梯中提取~mission(Item),並將其運送到位於~mission(Destination|address)的貨運電梯中。為了快速高效地完成這次運輸,您至少需要一艘能容納 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 貨物貨櫃的飛船。\n\n希望一切順利,這樣我們就可以歡迎你歸隊了。\n\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Rehire_desc=Hey,\n\nHave a bit of good news for you. Covalex recently finished an evaluation of our contractor pool, and decided to reconsider your status as a cargo hauler. To requalify, all you need is to successfully complete the following delivery.\n\nPick up ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). In order to complete this haul in a fast and efficient manner, you'll need a ship that can haul ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers.\n\nHopefully everything goes smoothly so we can welcome you back to the team.\n\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Rehire_title=Covalex 貨運員二次評估
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Scrap=你好,\n\n在~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯裡有一些垃圾在等著,需要運到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯進行處理。我已確認貨箱不會大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU。\n\n我媽媽一定會喜歡這次運送的。她是那種認為每個廢料場都藏有寶藏的人。我都不知道自己花了多少時間無聊地跟著她在回收站裡閒逛。如果這是你的愛好,那麼這就是一個賺錢的機會。\n \n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Stanton_Interstellar=嘿,\n\n有沒有興趣做史丹頓一帶的星際運輸任務?\n\n有一批裝在 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 或更小的貨箱中的 ~mission(Item) 正在等待從 ~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯裡取貨,然後送到 ~mission(Destination|address)。無需擔心後續,我已經聯繫好其他人來把貨運到跳躍點後的最終目的地了。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付,防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex貨運設有交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_01=你好,\n\n我們需要一名承包商執行一個簡單的貨運任務,從位於~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯配送到位於 ~mission(Destination|address)的貨運電梯。貨箱的最大尺寸為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU。您有時間來幫我們處理嗎?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_02=嗨,\n\n位於 ~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯有一些貨物需要運送到 ~mission(Destination|address)。另一位運輸員在最後一刻退出了,因為他們的船無法容納 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 的貨箱,所以如果你能幫我處理一下,就真是幫了我一個大忙。 \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_03=嗨,\n\n新的運輸任務來了。下面是任務細節,如果你感興趣的話。\n\n1. 從 ~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯裡取貨。(貨箱最大尺寸為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU)\n2. 送到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯裡。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Scrap=Hello,\n\nThere’s some junk waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for processing. I've confirmed that the containers won't be bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\nMy mom would’ve loved this run. She’s one of those who thinks every scrapyard is filled with hidden treasures. Can’t even tell you how many hours I spent bored out of my mind following her around one. If that’s your thing, here’s a chance to actually make credits going to one.\n \n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Stanton_Interstellar=Hey,\n\nAny interest in doing the Stanton leg of an interstellar run? \n\nThere’s a haul of ~mission(Item) waiting in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). No need to take it any further than that. I’ve got someone else lined up to run it through the jump to its final destination. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_01=Hello,\n\nNeed a contractor for a simple cargo haul going from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). At most the containers will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Any chance you’re available to take care of it for us?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_02=Hi,\n\nA freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) has some cargo that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Another hauler backed out at the last minute because their ship couldn't handle ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers, so you’d be doing me a big favor if you could take care of it. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_03=Hi,\n\nA new haul just popped up. Details are below, if you’re interested.\n\n1. Pick up cargo from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Max size will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n2. Deliver to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_title=~mission(ReputationRank)級 - ~mission(CargoRouteToken)的~mission(CargoGradeToken)貨物直送作業
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2=你好啊,\n\n看來奧里森又需要補給加工食品和加壓冰塊了。通常來講這些東西有標準交貨時間的,但他們剛剛要求盡快發貨。\n\n你是否有空能幫忙跑一趟貨呢?貨物(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱)正在 ~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯中等著被攬收。你應該能快就能把它送至位於 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付,防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運設有交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RawOre_Stanton1=嘿,\n\n一位赫斯頓的物流經理在剛剛請求優先提取他們位於~mission(Location|address) 設施中的貨物。聽起來像他們發現了新的礦脈,需要騰出空間來提取礦石。\n\n原礦需要從 ~mission(Location) 的貨運電梯運送到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯。貨箱尺寸為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 或更小。你可以處理一下嗎?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4=嗨,\n\n~mission(Destination|address) 需要一些精煉礦石讓生產線順利運轉。貨物(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱)正在 ~mission(Location|address)處的貨運電梯等待運輸。您是否有空將貨物送到 ~mission(Destination)的貨運電梯?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作遭到竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3=嗨,\n\n在 ~mission(Location|address) 的一個貨運電梯那裡有一堆廢料和垃圾等待運送到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯去進行分類。我知道弧光星已經啟動了一個減少廢物並更多的在行星上回收廢料的倡議,但我還沒有看到他們減少這類運輸的跡象。\n\n您能否幫他們將這批各式各樣的垃圾(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱)運出去?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_01=嗨,\n\n我們的資料員組織了幾個任務,這樣你在卸貨時可以順便接一批新貨,這將使任務更加高效。安排好一切,這樣您就不必處理任何大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 的貨箱。以下是詳細的行程安排:\n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運 \n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_02=你好,\n\n這次任務會看起來會十分順利。本次的每個卸貨點都有新的貨物(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱)需要取走。如果你感興趣,以下是詳細資訊:\n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運 \n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_03=嘿,\n\n我們的資料員在確保這次貨運的效率方面做的相當出色。每個卸貨地點都有更多待提取的貨物,而且方便的是,不會有任何大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU的貨箱。\n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n如果您有興趣,最好在其他人搶先之前抓住這次運輸機會。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2=Hi, \n\nLooks like Orison needs another resupply of processed food and pressurized ice. They have this stuff on a standard delivery schedule but they just requested a shipment as soon as possible. \n\nAre you available to make the run? The stuff (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is waiting to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Should be a quick and easy run for you to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RawOre_Stanton1=Hey,\n\nA Hurston logistics manager at ~mission(Location|address) just requested priority pick up from their facility. Sounds like they struck a new vein of ore and need to make room for what they're extracting.\n\nThe raw ore needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Will be containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4=Hi, \n\n~mission(Destination|address) needs a delivery of refined ore to keep their production lines humming. The cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is ready and waiting for pick up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Any chance you’re available to collect and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination)?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3=Hey, \n\nThere's a bunch of scrap and waste waiting at a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for sorting. I know ArcCorp started an initiative to reduce waste and recycle more scrap on planet, but I haven’t seen any decrease in these types of hauls from them yet.\n\nAre you available to move this batch of assorted junk (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) off-world for them? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_01=Hi,\n\nOur data technicians strung a few runs together so you can pick up a new batch of cargo as you’re dropping some off which should make the run a lot more efficient. Have it arranged so you won't have deal with any containers larger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Here’s what the itinerary looks like: \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_02=Hello,\n\nLooks like the stars aligned perfectly for this run. There’s new cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) to pick up from each location where you're making a drop. Here are the details if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_03=Hey,\n\nOur data technicians really outdid themselves with the efficiency of this cargo run. Each drop off location has more cargo waiting to be picked up. And conveniently, there won't be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\nIf you’re interested, best to grab this run before someone else does. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_title=~mission(ReputationRank)級 - ~mission(CargoRouteToken)的~mission(CargoGradeToken)貨物運送作業
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_Waste_Waste_Stanton1=嗨,\n\n需要從赫斯頓的一些地方收集一些垃圾,然後運送到 ~mission(Destination|address)處的貨運電梯,別擔心,沒有任何一個大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU的貨箱。\n\n取貨地點 (順序不限)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n告訴你一個有趣的事實,赫斯頓是史丹頓星系唯一不對垃圾和廢料進行分類的星球。其中一名工人告訴我,公司幾十年前做過一項成本效益分析,發現不值得建立一個全星球範圍的系統來推動分類。這難道不是最赫斯頓式的做法嗎?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_01=你好!\n\n有一批貨物(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 或更小的貨箱)需要送到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯。唯一的問題是這些貨物分散在幾個地點,我已經在下面列出來了。\n\n取貨地點(順序不限)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n無論你以什麼順序取貨,只要全部送達就行。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_02=嗨,,\n\n這有個有趣的任務。~mission(Destination|address) 正在等待幾批貨物(貨箱最大尺寸為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU),所以資料員將所有提貨合併在了一起。以下是提貨位置的列表:\n\n提貨地點 (任意順序)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n請隨意選擇順序進行提貨。唯一重要的是所有貨物都必須交付到 ~mission(Destination)的貨運電梯處。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在 ’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_03=您好,\n\n我現在遇到了一些困難,希望您能幫忙。一位可靠的運輸員接受了一個需要盡快送達的任務,但他們的飛船在即將起飛時出了故障,所以我需要立刻找人接手這個任務。\n\n這批貨物都是~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱,需要從幾個地點收集後運送到一個貨運電梯,具體地址為 ~mission(Destination|address) ,以下是提貨位置的列表:\n\n提貨地點 (任意順序)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n這次延誤已經在一些收貨地點造成了問題。他們非常需要騰出這些貨物的空間,以便接收新的交付。您是否可以把以上所有貨物都收集並盡快交付?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_RawOre_Stanton1=您好,\n\n赫斯頓希望我們優先處理當地採礦設施的提貨,以便為他們正在採集的物資騰出空間。以下是您需要前往的地點:\n\n提貨地點 (任意順序)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n收集完成後,所有物資需要運送到 ~mission(Destination|Address)處的貨運電梯。他們說所有貨箱箱的最大尺寸為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU。您覺得可以勝任這個任務嗎?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n‘盡你所需,達你所在’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3=你好,\n\n弧光星上有幾個地方需要收集廢料(所有貨箱大小均為 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 或更小),並把它們運到 ~mission(Destination|address) 的貨運電梯。不管你按什麼順序去做,只要你把它們都收集起來就可以了。 \n\n提貨地點(任何順序)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\n你知道嗎,我媽媽就是專門做這種事的搬運工。也許這不是最光彩的事,但她聲稱這些任務的性價比比最高。當海盜們發現飛船上的東西後,從不找她麻煩。 \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_Waste_Waste_Stanton1=Hi,\n\nNeed the trash collected from a few Hurston locations and then taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Don't worry, none of the containers are bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize).\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFun fact for you. Hurston is the only planet in Stanton that doesn’t separate their trash and scrap. One of their workers told me that the company did a cost-benefit analysis on it decades ago that determined it wasn’t worth putting a planet-wide system in place to facilitate it. Isn’t that the most Hurston thing ever? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_01=Hello!\n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). The only thing is that the cargo is spread across a few locations, which I’ve listed out below. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nMakes no difference what order you grab the stuff, as long as it’s all delivered.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_02=Hey,\n\nHere’s an interesting one. ~mission(Destination|address) is expecting a few shipments (max container size of ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)) so the data technicians bundled all the pick ups together. Here’s a list of the stops: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFeel free to do them in whatever order you want. Only thing that’s important is that all of them get delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination).\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_03=Hi there,\n\nI’m in a bind and hoping you can help. A trusted hauler signed up for a run that needs to be delivered ASAP, but their ship junked out right when they were about to launch so I need someone to take over this run right away.\n\nIt's all cargo ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) after being collected from a few locations, which I’ve listed below:\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nThe delay has already caused issues at some of the pick up locations. They really need that cargo gone to free up space for new deliveries. Any chance you can collect everything above and deliver it as quick as possible?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_RawOre_Stanton1=Hi,\n\nHurston is requesting that we prioritize pick ups from the local mining facilities to free up space for what they’re extracting. Here’s everywhere you need to go: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nOnce collected, everything needs to get to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|Address). They've said that all the containers will be at most ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3=Hi there,\n\nThere’s a few sites on ArcCorp that need their waste and scrap collected (all boxes ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) and taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Doesn’t matter what order you do the run, as long as you grab it all. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nYou know, my mom was a hauler who specialized in runs like this. It might not be the most glamorous stuff, but she claimed these runs had the best pay-to-risk ratio. Pirates never gave her any trouble when they found out what was on board. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_title=~mission(ReputationRank)級 - ~mission(CargoRouteToken)的~mission(CargoGradeToken)貨物運送作業
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_01=嘿,\n\n根據一些運輸商的回饋,我們的資料技術人員已經開始組織單接收點貨物運輸任務。此外,他們還確保將貨箱尺寸限制在 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU。如果你感興趣,這裡就有一個。 \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_02=嘿,你好,\n\n這裡有幾單不錯的運輸。行程包括幾個站點,最後一站會把你送回第一次取貨的地方。而且您應該不需要處理任何大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 的東西。\n\n具體情況如下: \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_03=你好\n\n你有空嗎?通常處理這個電路的運輸工生病了。這次執行的好處是它在開始的同一位置結束,並且不會有任何大於 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 的容器。 \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n如果你能解決這個問題,請告訴我。 \n\n~mission(承包商|簽字)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\nJr. 物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“你需要的任何東西,無論你在哪裡需要。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交貨並防止貨物運輸欺詐,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制,到期後,任何未交付的貨物將被視為被盜並按此處理。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物百分比按比例分配。
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_01=Hey,\n\nBased on feedback from some haulers, our data technicians have started organizing cargo runs that end with a drop off at the initial pick up site. Plus, they've made sure to cap the container size at ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Got one here if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_02=Hey there,\n\nGot a good run here. The itinerary includes a few stops with the last delivery bringing you back to where you do the first pick up. And there shouldn't be anything bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) that you'lll need to deal with.\n\nHere are the specifics: \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_03=Hi,\n\nAny chance you’re free? The hauler who usually handles this circuit is out sick. Nice thing about this run is that it ends at the same place it starts and there won't be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\nLet me know if you can knock this out. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_title=~mission(ReputationRank)級 - ~mission(CargoRouteToken)的~mission(CargoGradeToken)循環貨運作業
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Mixed_QTFuelHydroFuelShipAmmo=嘿,\n\n在~mission(Location|address)的人有一批“飛行員特餐”等待分發,也就是一批次子燃料、氫燃料和飛船彈藥。從貨運電梯裝載這些物資,然後按照最適合你的順序運送到以下地點。預計所有的的貨箱大小都在~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)SCU及以下。\n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Stims=你好,\n\n在~mission(Location|address)處有一批斯酊姆菸草,準備從貨運電梯提取並運送到幾個地點。這批菸草將被分批包裝在~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或者更小的貨箱中,你能幫我把這批貨運走嗎?\n\n送貨順序並不重要。 \n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n還好我沒抽這東西的癖好,因為我收到的“我的斯酊姆菸草在哪裡?!?”的快遞更新請求比任何其他類型的貨物都多。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_RefinedOre=你好,\n\n位於~mission(Location|address)的精煉廠最近很忙。他們已經處理了一批~mission(Item)並裝進了~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)SCU或更小的貨箱中,正準備從貨運電梯運出去。我剛剛和法務人員們確認了哪裡需要這些東西,所以能把這些東西放在一次運輸任務中。 \n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n如果你有空,對你來說應該很容易。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_01=您好,\n\n看樣子~mission(Location|address)目前有一些~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)SCU或更小的貨物需要被分別運送至幾個不同的收貨點。\n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n可以按照任何最適合你的順序運送貨物。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_02=嘿, \n\n我這有個多目的地任務需要完成。好消息是,所有貨物都是~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱,並且可以從~mission(Location|address)的貨運電梯中提取。卸貨地點分布在幾個地方,但你可以按任意順序卸貨。 \n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_03=你好,\n\n有興趣一次性完成幾個任務嗎?\n\n在~mission(Location|address) 的貨運電梯裡有一批(~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小的貨箱)貨物,需要運送到以下地點:\n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n你可以根據你的需要隨意規劃運輸路線。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2=你好,\n\n有幾個十字軍設施需要補充加工食品和加壓冰塊。不知道為什麼,當我看到他們需要運送這麼多東西時,我總是感到很驚訝。\n\n總之,在~mission(Location|address)有一批貨物不超過 ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 的貨箱在等著。一旦你從貨運電梯上取下貨物,你需要送貨到以下地方:\n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Mixed=嘿,\n\n位於~mission(Location|address)的精煉廠一直很忙。他們加工了一批精煉礦石並且已經完成了包裝(包裝體積為~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU或更小),正準備從貨運電梯運走。我剛剛向法務人員詢問了需要這些東西的地方,並整理出了這份運輸報告。 \n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\n這對你來說應該很容易,只要有空就行。\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4=你好,\n\n有一些精煉礦石裝在~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) SCU 或更小的貨箱中,需要從~mission(Location|address)的貨運電梯運到微科星的生產設施。你可以根據自己的需要安排運送路線。只要能到達目的地,先後順序並不重要。 \n\n交貨地點(任意順序)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 貨運\n“盡你所需,達你所在。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 貨運是一家有限責任公司。為了鼓勵及時交付並防止運輸中的欺詐行為,Covalex 貨運將設定交貨時間限制。一旦超過時限,任何未交付的貨物將被視作被竊取。總付款將根據成功交付的貨物比例支付。
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Mixed_QTFuelHydroFuelShipAmmo=Hey,\n\nThe folks at ~mission(Location|address) have what I like to call a “pilot’s special” waiting to be distributed - a haul of quantum fuel, hydrogen fuel, and ship ammo. Load it up from a freight elevator and deliver it to the following spots in whatever order works best for you. Expect the containers to all be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Stims=Hi,\n\nThere’s a load of stims at ~mission(Location|address) ready to be picked up from a freight elevator and delivered to a few spots. They will be packaged up in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Any chance you can knock this one out for me? \n\nDoesn’t matter what order you drop them off. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nGlad I never picked up the habit myself because I swear I get more delivery update requests for “where are my stims?!?” than any other kind of shipment. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_RefinedOre=Hi there,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a bunch of ~mission(Item) into containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller, and are looking to get it shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see which ones needed this stuff and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_01=Greetings, \n\nSeems like ~mission(Location|address) currently has some ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller cargo that needs to be separated and delivered to a few different spots. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nDrop-offs can be done in whatever order works best for you. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_02=Hey, \n\nI’ve a multi-stop run here that needs to be done. Good news is that all of the cargo is ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller and can be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). The drop offs are spread across a few locations, but can be done in any order. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_03=Hello, \n\nInterested in knocking out a few runs at once? \n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to be delivered to the following spots:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nFeel free to route plan the drop-offs as you see fit.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2=Hi, \n\nThere’s a few Crusader facilities that need to be restocked with processed food and pressurized ice. Don’t know why but I’m always surprised when I see how much of this stuff they need delivered.\n\nAnyways, there’s a haul of containers no bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) waiting at ~mission(Location|address). Once you grab the goods from a freight elevator, these are the facilities where it needs to go:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Mixed=Hey,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a mix of refined ores and are looking to get the containers (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see where this stuff is needed and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4=Hey there,\n\nThere’s some refined ore in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to production facilities on microTech. You can plan the drop offs anyway you want. Doesn’t matter what order they get done as long as they get there. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_title=~mission(ReputationRank)級 - ~mission(CargoRouteToken)的~mission(CargoGradeToken)貨物運送作業
Covalex_LocalDelivery_desc_01="你好啊!\n\n如果你有時間的話,我們正好有一條本地路線需要配送。\n\n需取件包裹\n · 來自 ~mission(Pickup1|Address) 的包裹 #~mission(item1|serialnumber)\n\n投遞地點\n · 把包裹 #~mission(item1|serialnumber) 送到 ~mission(Dropoff1|Address)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 速運 \n“Covalex,使命必達。”\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 速運是一家有限責任公司。Covalex 速運是一家有限責任公司。接受本合約,即視您同意了我們的額外補充的“獨立工人補充資訊指南v.2948.01.29”中所有條款和條件。Covalex航運不對獨立承包人履行合約過程中發生的任何損害。"
Covalex_LocalDelivery_desc_02="你好!\n\n我突然收到了一趟配送需求,這應該是送給你的,稍等一會,我很快送到。\n\n需取件包裹(任意順序)\n · 來自 ~mission(Pickup1|Address) 的包裹 #~mission(item1|serialnumber)\n · 來自 ~mission(Pickup2|Address) 的包裹 #~mission(item2|serialnumber) \n\n投遞地點(任意順序)\n · 把包裹 #~mission(item1|serialnumber) 送到 ~mission(Dropoff1|Address)\n · 把包裹 #~mission(item2|serialnumber) 送到 ~mission(Dropoff2|Address)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\n蔡斯·休伊特\n初級物流協調員\nCovalex 速運 \n'Covalex。使命必達。'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex 速運是一家有限責任公司。接受本合約,即視您同意了我們的額外補充的“獨立工人補充資訊指南v.2948.01.29”中所有條款和條件。Covalex航運不對獨立承包人履行合約過程中發生的任何損害。"
@ -45641,6 +45641,8 @@ ea_ui_frontend_shipselection=選擇載具
ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_Halloween_Description=在擊殺確認 (FPS) 模式中與不死骷髏大軍進行一場詭異的對戰,在瓦拉節中一較高下。倖存下來的獲勝者將獲得一枚陰森恐怖的瓦拉日挑戰幣。
@ -45907,6 +45909,8 @@ ea_ui_reward_ExperimentalPlayed_Msg=感謝您遊玩這個實驗模式!遊玩
ea_ui_reward_GunGame_Msg=你在槍王之王模式獲得了勝利!'2953 武裝大師'Spectrum徽章已經解鎖!
ea_ui_reward_GunGame_Title=“2953 武裝大師”解鎖!
ea_ui_reward_Halloween_Msg=您面對了死亡並成功獲得勝利!作為額外的獎勵,一枚 2954 年瓦拉日挑戰硬幣已傳送至您的史丹頓居住地。
ea_ui_reward_Ironman_Msg=祝賀!您完成了此模式,沒有陣亡。您已被授予“競技場指揮官 - 鐵人”Spectrum徽章!
ea_ui_reward_Ironman_Title=“競技場指揮官 - 鐵人”解鎖!
@ -68186,6 +68190,8 @@ text_level_info_title_hangarApp=私人機庫標題
text_loading_screen_title_format= -
text_transport_ARGO_ATLS=ARGO ATLS
@ -68319,6 +68325,7 @@ text_ui_units_degrees=度
text_ui_units_degrees_frac=%.*f 攝氏度
@ -70365,6 +70372,8 @@ ui_controlhint_tractorbeam_detach_mode=分離模式
@ -72535,6 +72544,7 @@ vehicle_TypeTransport=運輸
vehicle_UniqueNameFormatNumber=%s - %u
vehicle_UniqueNameFormatString=%s - %s
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