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synced 2025-03-10 19:21:28 +08:00
更新 global.ini 至 4.0.0(PREVIEW)
Signed-off-by: everland.3769 <ng930119@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -8831,10 +8831,10 @@ FreightElevator_SelectAll=選取所有物品
FreightElevator_Sort_A-Z=A - Z
FreightElevator_Sort_First-Last=最舊 - 最新
@ -13319,7 +13319,7 @@ Human_First_Names_M_1933=Terrance
@ -13349,7 +13349,7 @@ Human_First_Names_M_1963=Tod
@ -20040,19 +20040,19 @@ Maps_KeyBind_T,P=T
@ -45024,21 +45024,21 @@ cfp_missingperson_sabotage_servers_retrievecargo_VH_XT_title_001=Investigate Mis
cfp_missingperson_sabotage_servers_title_001=Critical Intelligence Lost
cfp_recovery_desc_001=Hey,\n\nWe could use your help.\n\nA local we work with was completing a delivery for us, but unfortunately, she ran into some outlaws and had to surrender her ~mission(Item). Silver lining is the outlaws didn’t notice the trackers we placed in the cargo and now we know they’ve taken their haul to ~mission(Location|Address). \n\nWe’d like you to recover the packages for us and finish delivering them to ~mission(Destination|Address). I don’t imagine the outlaws will give them up willingly, but I wouldn’t ask you to put yourself in harm’s way if these supplies weren’t of critical importance.\n\nSo, what do you say?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_1R2P_desc_001=An outpost of ours recently suffered some mechanical failure and could use some repairs. Our usual technician is off servicing other jobs so we're looking to hire an outside contractor.\n\nWe will need one relay and two pipes fixed. Please bring the required materials and multitool to ~mission(Location|Address) if you accept the job. We will certainly compensate you for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_1R2P_desc_001=An outpost of ours at ~mission(Location|Address) recently suffered some mechanical failure and could use some repairs. Our usual technician is off servicing other jobs so we're looking to hire an outside contractor.\n\nWe will need some fuses replaced (you'll need no more than six) and if you could bring a salvaging tool and some cannisters of RMC that should take care of the rest. We will certainly compensate you for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_1R2P_title_001=Minor Repairs Needed: ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_2R1P_desc_001=If there's anyone available who's handy with repairs, we could use some assistance down at ~mission(Location|Address). Got a couple relays and a pipe that need to be fixed and our site mechanic is currently on a run.\n\nIf you could bring the replacement parts and a multi-tool as well, that would be great. We'll certainly compensate you for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_2R1P_desc_001=If there's anyone available who's handy with repairs, we could use some assistance down at ~mission(Location|Address) since our site mechanic is currently on a run.\n\nIf you could bring some fuses (no more than six should do it), a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters, that would be great. We'll certainly compensate you for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_2R1P_title_001=Repairs Needed: ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_2R3P_desc_001=Citizens for Prosperity is looking for a qualified mechanic to head to ~mission(Location|Address) for some repairs. \n\nAs it stands, you will need to fix two relays and three pipes that have suffered malfunctions. If you're able to provide the materials and multitools needed to get the outpost functional again, we'll compensate you fairly for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_2R3P_desc_001=Citizens for Prosperity is looking for a qualified mechanic to head to ~mission(Location|Address) for some repairs. \n\nAs it stands, you will need no more than six fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters to get the outpost functional again. We'll compensate you fairly for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_2R3P_title_001=Moderate Repairs needed at ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_3R4P_desc_001=This goes out to any available mechanics in the area who are free to swing by ~mission(Location|Address). A heavy storm hit our outpost there and caused some severe damage.\n\nWe need to have three relays and four pipes fixed, so if you have the materials, we'll certainly compensate for your time and help.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_3R4P_desc_001=This goes out to any available mechanics in the area who are free to swing by ~mission(Location|Address). A heavy storm hit our outpost there and caused some severe damage.\n\nWe need to have some fuses replaced (you probably won't need more than six), along with a salvaging tool and some RMC cannisters to fix up the rest and we can get operational again. We'll certainly compensate for your time and help.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_3R4P_title_001=Serious Repairs needed at ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_4R4P_desc_001=One of our places near ~mission(Location|Address) has certainly seen better days. We've been having technical mishap after mishap recently and need someone to come fix up the place.\n\nNearest we can tell, we need four relays and four pipes fixed. If you can bring the materials and a multi-tool, that would amazing. Ours were recently stolen.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_4R4P_desc_001=One of our places near ~mission(Location|Address) has seen better days. We've been having technical mishap after mishap recently and need someone to come fix up the place.\n\nNearest we can tell, we need six fuses (at most), a salvaging tool, and some cannisters of RMC to get things working again pipes fixed. If you can bring all that, it would amazing. Our tools and supplies were recently stolen.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_4R4P_title_001=Extensive Repairs at ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_E_desc_001=Hi, one of our outposts at ~mission(Location|Address) is in need of some light repairs. I haven't gotten the exact numbers but if you have a multi-tool with salvage attachment and 6 fuses, you should be covered.\n\nThanks again for your help,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_E_desc_001=Hi, one of our outposts at ~mission(Location|Address) is in need of some light repairs. I haven't gotten the exact numbers but if you have at least 6 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters, you should be covered.\n\nThanks again for your help,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_E_title_001=Minor Repairs Needed: ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_H_desc_001=We need some help. A CFP facility near ~mission(Location|Address) suffered severe damage during a recent electrical storm and we're looking for anyone who can help with repairs.\n\nYou'll need around 21 fuses and a multi-tool that can salvage to repair the damage and get the outpost back in operation.\n\nCan you help?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_H_desc_001=We need some help. A CFP facility near ~mission(Location|Address) suffered severe damage during a recent electrical storm and we're looking for anyone who can help with repairs.\n\nYou'll need around 21 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters to repair the damage and get the outpost back in operation.\n\nCan you help?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_H_title_001=Extensive Repairs at ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Hello,\n\nWe've received word that a devastating storm hit ~mission(Location|Address) which caused some damage to the structures. Our technician on site is still trying to figure out what they can fix but if you bring 15 fuses and a multi-tool with a salvage attachment, you should be able to handle any remaining repairs.\n\nCan you help?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Hello,\n\nWe've received word that a devastating storm hit ~mission(Location|Address) which caused some damage to the structures. Our technician on site is still trying to figure out what they can fix but if you bring 15 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters, you should be able to handle any remaining repairs.\n\nCan you help?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_M_title_001=Moderate Repairs needed at ~mission(Location)
cfp_replaceparts_desc_001=Hi, I’ve gotten a report about some repairs that need to be handled quickly out at ~mission(Location|Address). \n\nUnfortunately, our supplies are currently allocated to other initiatives, so we’ll need you to provide any fuses or equipment needed to get the systems back up and running. Don’t worry, we’ll include the costs in your compensation.\n\nIt’s nothing life-threatening, the machinery is wearing down a little quicker than estimated, but getting these operational again is key to our ongoing efforts in the system.\n\nThanks,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -48321,11 +48321,11 @@ generic_go_up=向上
genlocal_replaceparts_E_desc_001=Putting the word out to see if anyone has some spare time and stuff for a quick patchup. I just need 3 fuses and a multi-tool with salvaging to fix up some of my machines.\n\nI can pay you for your time.\n\n~mission(targetName|First)
genlocal_replaceparts_E_desc_001=Putting the word out to see if anyone has some spare time and stuff for a quick patchup. You just need 3 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters to fix up some of my machines.\n\nI can pay you for your time.\n\n~mission(targetName|First)
genlocal_replaceparts_E_title_001=Anyone handy with a multi-tool?
genlocal_replaceparts_H_desc_001=Hope someone can help me. We've suffered some severe damage to some of our machinery at ~mission(location|address) and could really use some help with repairs. \n\nIf you've got a bunch of spare fuses (9 should definitely cover us) and a multi-tool with salvaging, please get in touch. We can pay you for your time and effort.\n\nThanks,\n\n~mission(TargetName)
genlocal_replaceparts_H_desc_001=Hope someone can help me. We've suffered some severe damage to some of our machinery at ~mission(location|address) and could really use some help with repairs. \n\nIf you've got a bunch of spare fuses (9 should definitely cover us), a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters, please get in touch. We can pay you for your time and effort.\n\nThanks,\n\n~mission(TargetName)
genlocal_replaceparts_H_title_001=Got a big repairs in ~mission(location)
genlocal_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Not sure if you all have seen it, but some of the machines in the outpost took some damage in the storm last night.\n\nIf anyone's got some spare parts and a multi-tool with salvaging, I could really use your help. You probably won't need more than 6 fuses to get us up and running again.\n\nThanks,\n\n~mission(TargetName|First)
genlocal_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Not sure if you all have seen it, but some of the machines in the outpost took some damage in the storm last night.\n\nIf anyone's got some spare parts and a multi-tool with salvaging, I could really use your help. You probably won't need more than 6 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters to get us up and running again.\n\nThanks,\n\n~mission(TargetName|First)
genlocal_replaceparts_M_title_001=Need some repairs done?
@ -48696,19 +48696,19 @@ headhunters_missingperson_sabotage_server_H_XT_desc_001=I'm a bit at the end of
headhunters_missingperson_sabotage_server_H_XT_title_001=Find Headhunter Crewmember and Help Finish the Job
headhunters_multikillship_base_Generic_M_desc_001=A lotta wannabe gangs have stepped to the Headhunters over the years thinking that they could force their way into the system. We're still here. They aren't. But it seems the survivors of these groups have decided to band together and try again. Guess some people never learn.\n\nLatest group hit a couple of our convoys while on supply runs. Shouldn't be a surprise that the Judge wants to stomp them out quick. We've learned they're out near ~mission(Location|Address) and likely rearming for another attack. \n\nWe want you to go there and make them wish they died with their old gang.\n\nStows out
headhunters_multikillship_base_Generic_M_title_001=Crash some ships
headhunters_replaceparts_1R2P_desc_001=Hey, ~mission(Location|Address) has been falling apart lately and we need someone to go down and fix it up. If you've got the parts to fix one relay and two pipes, we'll pay you for it.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_replaceparts_1R2P_desc_001=Hey, ~mission(Location|Address) has been falling apart lately and we need someone to go down and fix it up. If you've got a bunch of fuses (no more than six should do it), a salvaging tool and some RMC cannisters, we'll pay you for the fixup.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_replaceparts_1R2P_title_001=Human Tool needed
headhunters_replaceparts_2R3P_desc_001=Down at ~mission(Location|Address), we got hit by a nasty storm and suffered some damage. None of our usual techs are available (or alive) to swing by so we're looking to hire someone to go fix two relays and three pipes.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_2R3P_desc_001=Down at ~mission(Location|Address), we got hit by a nasty storm and suffered some damage. None of our usual techs are available (or alive) to swing by so we're looking to hire someone to go fix some fuses (no idea how many but no more than six I think). If you can bring a salvaging tool with some RMC cannisters, that'll sort out the rest.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_2R3P_title_001=~mission(Location) needs some repairs
headhunters_replaceparts_3R4P_desc_001=Got a pretty heavy work order for one of our outposts at ~mission(Location|Address). Sounds like we need three relays and four pipes fixed. \n\nIf you bring all the shit needed to patch them up, we'll pay you out.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_3R4P_desc_001=Got a pretty heavy work order for one of our outposts at ~mission(Location|Address). Sounds like we need some fuses fixed (bring six and you should be solid). You'll also need a salvaging tool with some RMC to take care of the rest. \n\nIf you bring all the shit needed to patch them up, we'll pay you out.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_3R4P_title_001=Heavy repairs at ~mission(Location)
headhunters_replaceparts_4R4P_desc_001=Down at ~mission(Location|Address), the place got utterly smashed in a storm and needs some serious patchwork.\n\nIf anyone out there has the stuff to fix four relays and four pipes, we'll hook you up with some creds.\n\nGive a shout and let me know.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_replaceparts_4R4P_desc_001=Down at ~mission(Location|Address), the place got utterly smashed in a storm and needs some serious patchwork.\n\nIf anyone out there has a bunch of fuses (I heard six should be plenty), a salvaging tool, and some RMC cans, we'll hook you up with some creds.\n\nGive a shout and let me know.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_replaceparts_4R4P_title_001=Massive Repairs
headhunters_replaceparts_E_desc_001=One of our spots at ~mission(Location|Address) got kinda messed up in an attack recently and we need someone to head over there and patch things up.\n\nFrom what I can tell, you won't need more than 6 fuses and a multi-tool that can salvage to sort everything out. We'll pay you for the help.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_E_desc_001=One of our spots at ~mission(Location|Address) got kinda messed up in an attack recently and we need someone to head over there and patch things up.\n\nFrom what I can tell, you won't need more than 6 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters that can salvage to sort everything out. We'll pay you for the help.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_replaceparts_E_title_001=~mission(Location) needs some repairs
headhunters_replaceparts_H_desc_001=The storms over at ~mission(location|address) are getting to be a real pain in the ass. One of our outposts got absolutely reamed yesterday and needs some extensive repairs so we're looking for help.\n\nNearest estimates figure you'd need to bring about 21 fuses and a multi-tool with salvaging to cover everything that needs fixing, but you'll get exact numbers on site.\n\nHell with this place.\n\n- Stows.
headhunters_replaceparts_H_desc_001=The storms over at ~mission(location|address) are getting to be a real pain in the ass. One of our outposts got absolutely reamed yesterday and needs some extensive repairs so we're looking for help.\n\nNearest estimates figure you'd need to bring about 21 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters to cover everything that needs fixing, but you'll get exact numbers on site.\n\nHell with this place.\n\n- Stows.
headhunters_replaceparts_H_title_001=Massive repairs at ~mission(Location)
headhunters_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Need somebody handy with tools to pop over to ~mission(Location|Address) and help out with some repairs. Our last repair guy knocked out most of the fixes but there's still some stuff breaking.\n\nI think if you've got 15 fuses and a multi-tool with salvaging, you should be covered for whatever still needs fixing.\n\n- Stows out.\n
headhunters_replaceparts_M_desc_001=Need somebody handy with tools to pop over to ~mission(Location|Address) and help out with some repairs. Our last repair guy knocked out most of the fixes but there's still some stuff breaking.\n\nI think if you've got 15 fuses, a salvaging tool, and some RMC cannisters, you should be covered for whatever still needs fixing.\n\n- Stows out.\n
headhunters_replaceparts_M_title_001=Bunch of repairs at ~mission(Location)
headhunters_replaceparts_desc_001=Alright look. I’m not good with machines, but we got some that need to be working and they aren’t.\n\nI’ll send you the list of what we need but you’ll have to head to ~mission(Location|Address) to fix them. You’re on your own when it comes to supplies, but don’t worry we’ll pay you back and then some.\n\nKinda need to have this done yesterday, so quick as you can would be good.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_replaceparts_title_001=Shit’s all kind of broken
@ -51966,6 +51966,7 @@ item_DescGATS_BallisticGatling_S2=製造商:加侖森戰術系統 (Gallenson T
item_DescGATS_BallisticGatling_S3=製造商:加侖森戰術系統 (Gallenson Tactical Systems)\n物品類型:實彈加特林機砲\n尺寸:3\n\n螳螂 GT-220 是一個設計用於以超高射速發射小型彈藥的液壓驅動加特林類型的轉輪火炮。螳螂為撕碎超高速目標的裝甲而設計,為目標區域的絕對飽和攻擊犧牲了威力。
item_DescGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:突擊步槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:30\n射擊速度:300 rpm / 900 rpm\n有效射程:50 公尺\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S2),槍管 (S2),下掛 (S2)\n\nS71是雙子座為中距離戰鬥設計的符合人體工學的理想突擊步槍。S71的口徑比同級別中的其他武器更小,因其時尚的外觀和高精度的效能而受到私人軍事專業人員的歡迎。
item_DescGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01_grey_red01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:突擊步槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:30\n射擊速度:300 rpm / 900 rpm\n有效射程:50 公尺\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S2),槍管 (S2),下掛 (S2)\n\nS71是雙子座為中距離戰鬥設計的符合人體工學的理想突擊步槍。S71的口徑比同級別中的其他武器更小,因其時尚的外觀和高精度的效能而受到私人軍事專業人員的歡迎。正義版本具有冷灰色和亮紅色亮點。
item_DescGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01_yellow_blue01=Manufacturer: Gemini\nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 30\nRate Of Fire: 300 rpm / 900 rpm\nEffective Range: 50 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nWith the S71, Gemini designed an ergonomic assault rifle ideal for mid-range engagements. Chambered with a smaller caliber round than other weapons in its class, the S71 has become popular among private military professionals for its sleek aesthetics and precise accuracy. Bold neon yellow and vivid blue combine to make the official Murray Cup Racing rifle stand out from the crowd.
item_DescGMNI_smg_ballistic_01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35公尺\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n操作簡便外觀時髦,雙子座生產的C54是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54能全自動發射10mm子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。
item_DescGMNI_smg_ballistic_01_grey_red01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35公尺\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n操作簡便外觀時髦,雙子座生產的C54是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54能全自動發射10mm子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。正義版本具有冷灰色和亮紅色亮點。
item_DescGMNI_smg_ballistic_01_mag=物品類型:彈匣 \n容量:50\n\n適用於 C54 衝鋒槍的彈匣,可容納50發 10mm 口徑子彈。
@ -52008,6 +52009,12 @@ item_DescGlass_Tumbler=一個由強化玻璃製成,矮而寬的杯子。
item_DescGuardian_Paint_Blue_Grey_Black=A bold blue and grey combination that bellows with the power of a storm, the Downpour livery demands attention.
item_DescGuardian_Paint_Greyblue_Tan_Grey=Bold and adventurous, the Desert Dusk Guardian livery creates a gritty sense of sandblasted stone and darkened desert storms.
item_DescGuardian_Paint_Red_Grey_White=Soar into the setting sun with this sharp collection of reds and whites in the Guardian Red Skies livery.
item_DescGuardian_Paint_Tan_Grey_Gold=An austere blend of tan and grey offset by an imperial gold highlight brings a sense of authority to the Sovereign livery.
item_DescGuardian_Paint_Tan_Grey_Silver=A new twist on a understated color combination, the silver of this palette adds a subtle majesty to the more earthen tans and greys of the Stormburst livery.
item_DescGuardian_Paint_White_White_White=Featuring a dramatically stark all-white finish, the Whiteout livery highlights the powerful form of the Guardian.
item_DescHAPR_Gladiator_HE52_S2_Q2,P=Hammer Propulsion Gladiator HE52 Thruster
item_DescHAPR_HL24_S4_Q2=錘頭推進的 HL 2.4利用屢獲殊榮的 "Gated 4 Grid Iron" 技術在低排放的前提下輸出高推力。
item_DescHAPR_P_ESI_S2_Q2,P=Hammer Propulsion P ESI Thruster
@ -54646,6 +54653,7 @@ item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_green01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_green_grey01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:手槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:25\n射擊速度:1200 rpm\n有效射程:30 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n來自雙子座的 LH86 是一款便攜動能手槍,專為個人防禦和近距離戰鬥而設計。力求於調解槍械舒適性和堅固性之間的矛盾,這把手槍適用於任何射手在任何惡劣環境下使用。LH86 還配備了氚微光瞄具和25發子彈彈匣。這款特殊的綠灰色幸運使者版是專門為幸運星節2954而推出的,它能給你帶來好運。
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_imp01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:手槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:25\n射擊速度:1200 rpm\n有效射程:30 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n來自雙子座的 LH86 是一款便攜動能手槍,專為個人防禦和近距離戰鬥而設計。力求於調解槍械舒適性和堅固性之間的矛盾,這把手槍適用於任何射手在任何惡劣環境下使用。LH86 還配備了氚微光瞄具和25發子彈彈匣。引人注目的青銅色槍管和扳機給 LH86 開拓者版帶來了一份別緻的優雅。
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_mag=物品類型:彈匣\n容量:25\n\n這款用於雙子座 LH86 的戰鬥級彈匣可容納25發 10mm 子彈。
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_pink_cian01=Manufacturer: Gemini \nItem Type: Pistol\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 25\nRate Of Fire: 1200 rpm\nEffective Range: 30 m\n\nThe LH86 from Gemini is a compact kinetic handgun designed for personal defense and close-quarter combat. A keen eye on ergonomics and balance coupled with hardy construction makes this pistol a natural fit for any shooter in any number of hostile conditions. The LH86 also comes with Tritium low-light sight and a twenty-five round magazine. Inspired by Team Takahashi racers and their Star Kitten mascot, this special edition pistol is primarily pink with teal highlights.
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_red_black01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:手槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:25\n射擊速度:1200 rpm\n有效射程:30 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n來自雙子座的 LH86 是一款便攜動能手槍,專為個人防禦和近距離戰鬥而設計。力求於調解槍械舒適性和堅固性之間的矛盾,這把手槍適用於任何射手在任何惡劣環境下使用。LH86 還配備了氚微光瞄具和25發子彈彈匣。正義版本採用大膽的紅色油漆,非常適合展示您對戰鬥的奉獻精神。
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_tan01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:手槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:25\n射擊速度:1200 rpm\n有效射程:30 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n來自雙子座的 LH86 是一款便攜動能手槍,專為個人防禦和近距離戰鬥而設計。力求於調解槍械舒適性和堅固性之間的矛盾,這把手槍適用於任何射手在任何惡劣環境下使用。LH86 還配備了氚微光瞄具和25發子彈彈匣。
item_Descgmni_pistol_ballistic_01_white01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:手槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:25\n射擊速度:1200 rpm\n有效射程:30 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n來自雙子座的 LH86 是一款便攜動能手槍,專為個人防禦和近距離戰鬥而設計。力求於調解槍械舒適性和堅固性之間的矛盾,這把手槍適用於任何射手在任何惡劣環境下使用。LH86 還配備了氚微光瞄具和25發子彈彈匣。
@ -54661,6 +54669,7 @@ item_Descgmni_shotgun_ballistic_01_mag=物品類型:彈匣\n容量:10\n\n這
item_Descgmni_shotgun_ballistic_01_pink_red01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:霰彈槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:10\n射擊速度:120 rpm / 60 rpm\n有效射程:15 m / 35 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (N/A),下掛 (S2)\n\nR97 擁有流線型造型和強大的滯阻力,是一種優雅而致命的近距離作戰武器。這款來自雙子座的實彈霰彈槍擁有兩種射擊模式 — 半自動散射模式非常適合快速突進,而聚焦模式則以犧牲一定的威力為代價來換取更長的射程。這種作戰靈活性使 R97 成為整個帝國中廣受歡迎的個人防禦武器。使用 R97 的特殊天命版本來保護自己和你所愛的人,其粉紅色和黑色的配色讓人想起經典影片《科拉愛人》中尤里·伊林在尋找失蹤的愛人科拉松·譚時所駕駛的飛船。
item_Descgmni_shotgun_ballistic_01_red_black01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:霰彈槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:10\n射擊速度:120 rpm / 60 rpm\n有效射程:15 m / 35 m\n\n可搭載配件:瞄具 (S1),槍管 (N/A),下掛 (S2)\n\nR97 擁有流線型造型和強大的滯阻力,是一種優雅而致命的近距離作戰武器。這款來自雙子座的實彈霰彈槍擁有兩種射擊模式 — 半自動散射模式非常適合快速突進,而聚焦模式則以犧牲一定的威力為代價來換取更長的射程。這種作戰靈活性使 R97 成為整個帝國中廣受歡迎的個人防禦武器。正義版本以大膽的紅色塗裝為特色,完美展現您對戰鬥的奉獻精神。
item_Descgmni_smg_ballistic_01_Luminalia=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35 m\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n雙子座生產的 C54 是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍,它操作簡便且外觀時髦。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54 能全自動發射 10 mm 子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。光燈節版採用了節日的紅色和綠色設計。
item_Descgmni_smg_ballistic_01_blue_white01=Manufacturer: Gemini\nItem Type: SMG\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 50\nRate Of Fire: 1,100 rpm\nEffective Range: 35m\n\nAttachments: Barrel (S1), Optics (S1), Underbarrel (S1)\n\nEasy to handle and a beauty to behold, the C54 is a sleek and precisely balanced SMG from Gemini. Its lightweight polymer frame and ergonomic design makes it ideal for close quarter engagements. The C54 is capable of firing 10mm rounds on full auto to provide maximum target saturation to ensure that any engagement ends quick. Created to honor the Origin Racing team, this SMG is primarily white with black and blue highlights.
item_Descgmni_smg_ballistic_01_firerats01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35公尺\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n操作簡便外觀時髦,雙子座生產的C54是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54能全自動發射10mm子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。焦痕版本有著獨特的銅綠燒痕。
item_Descgmni_smg_ballistic_01_green_grey01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35 m\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n雙子座生產的 C54 是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍,它操作簡便且外觀時髦。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54 能全自動發射 10 mm 子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。這款專為幸運星節2954推出的綠色和灰色幸運使者特別版是為您帶來好運的好方法。
item_Descgmni_smg_ballistic_01_purple01=製造商:雙子座 (Gemini)\n物品類型:衝鋒槍\n分類:實彈\n\n彈匣容量:50\n射擊速度:1100 rpm\n有效射程:35 m\n\n可搭載配件:槍管 (S1),光學元件 (S1),下掛 (S1)\n\n雙子座生產的 C54 是一把結構緊湊、重量精準平衡的衝鋒槍,它操作簡便且外觀時髦。輕量化聚合物框架與高效的人體工學設計,使其成為近距離交火的理想選擇。C54 能全自動發射 10 mm 子彈,最大化支援火力以及火力飽和度,確保任何戰鬥都能迅速結束。逐星者版本是為了慶祝 IAE 2954 而打造,它採用鮮豔的紫色,並帶有一些白色和黑色亮點。
@ -56399,6 +56408,8 @@ item_NameGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01=S71 精確射手步槍
item_NameGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01_grey_red01=S71 精確射手步槍「正義」
item_NameGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01_yellow_blue01=S71 "Murray Cup Racing" Rifle
item_NameGMNI_rifle_ballistic_01_yellow_blue01_short=S71 MCR Rifle
item_NameGMNI_smg_ballistic_01=C54 衝鋒槍
item_NameGMNI_smg_ballistic_01_grey_red01=C54 衝鋒槍「正義」
@ -56467,6 +56478,12 @@ item_NameGlass_Tumbler=平底杯
item_NameGuardian_Paint_Blue_Grey_Black=Guardian Downpour Livery
item_NameGuardian_Paint_Greyblue_Tan_Grey=Guardian Desert Dusk Livery
item_NameGuardian_Paint_Red_Grey_White=Guardian Red Skies Livery
item_NameGuardian_Paint_Tan_Grey_Gold=Guardian Sovereign Livery
item_NameGuardian_Paint_Tan_Grey_Silver=Guardian Stormburst Livery
item_NameGuardian_Paint_White_White_White=Guardian Whiteout Livery
item_NameHAPR_Gladiator_HE52_S2_Q2=錘頭推進 角鬥士 HE52 推進器
item_NameHAPR_HL24_S4_Q2=錘頭推進 HL 2.4 (TR4)
item_NameHAPR_P_ESI_S2_Q2=錘頭推進 P ESI 推進器
@ -61831,6 +61848,8 @@ item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_green_grey01_short=LH86「幸運使者」
item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_imp01=LH86 全自動手槍「開拓者」
item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_mag=LH86 10mm 彈匣 (25發裝)
item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_pink_cian01=LH86 "Takahashi Racing" Pistol
item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_pink_cian01_short=LH86 TR Pistol
item_Namegmni_pistol_ballistic_01_red_black01=LH86 全自動手槍「正義」
@ -61859,6 +61878,8 @@ item_Namegmni_shotgun_ballistic_01_red_black01_short=R97「正義」
item_Namegmni_smg_ballistic_01_Luminalia=C54 衝鋒槍「光燈節」
item_Namegmni_smg_ballistic_01_blue_white01=C54 "Origin Racing" SMG
item_Namegmni_smg_ballistic_01_blue_white01_short=C54 OR SMG
item_Namegmni_smg_ballistic_01_firerats01=C54 衝鋒槍「焦痕」
item_Namegmni_smg_ballistic_01_green_grey01=C54 衝鋒槍「幸運使者」
@ -74802,8 +74823,8 @@ ui_menu_lobby_error_10=因為已經存在的戰局數量過多,因此該戰局
@ -74815,9 +74836,9 @@ ui_menu_lobby_error_25=用戶端/伺服器版本不匹配 -- 封包長度錯誤
ui_menu_lobby_error_26=用戶端/伺服器版本不匹配 -- 產品版本錯誤
ui_menu_lobby_error_27=用戶端/伺服器版本不匹配 -- 類型登錄檔雜湊值錯誤
ui_menu_lobby_error_29,P=您的角色目前仍然正在與 %S 分片連接中,請等待連接中斷或重新進入先前的分片。
ui_menu_lobby_error_30,P=你的角色目前仍連接到 %S 分片,但不幸的是,該分片出現了一些問題。請稍等片刻再試。
ui_menu_lobby_error_29=您的角色目前仍然正在與 %S 分片連接中,請等待連接中斷或重新進入先前的分片。
ui_menu_lobby_error_30=你的角色目前仍連接到 %S 分片,但不幸的是,該分片出現了一些問題。請稍等片刻再試。
@ -74963,7 +74984,7 @@ ui_pregame_port_Orison_callout2=奧古斯特·鄧洛空港,貿易與發展司
ui_pregame_port_Orison_name=奧里森 [Orison]
@ -75693,6 +75714,8 @@ vehicle_DescMISC_Reliant_Sen=製造商:武藏工業與星航株式會社 (MISC
vehicle_DescMISC_Reliant_Tana=製造商:武藏工業與星航株式會社 (MISC)\n專業定位:輕型戰鬥機\n\n隨著人類在宇宙中的擴張,對於一艘萬能的輕型戰鬥機的需要也隨之變多。因為信賴者 Tana 堅固耐用的設計使它易於維護。信賴者 Tana 配有訂製的高輸出發電機、更強的護盾以及額外的武器掛載點,非常適合作為前線或前哨站的防禦力量。
vehicle_DescMISC_Starfarer=製造商:武藏工業與星航株式會社 (MISC)\n專業定位:重型燃料補給\n\n星際遠航者與傳統大型貨船有一個非常關鍵的不同:它是一個專用燃料平台。星際遠航者不僅設計用於裝載、儲存以及保護燃料靜滯單元,設計上他還能吸收太空中的燃氣,無需降落便能精煉成燃料。雖然專精燃油作業,星際遠航者也可用於運輸傳統的大型貨艙。
vehicle_DescMISC_Starfarer_Gemini=製造商:武藏工業與星航株式會社 (MISC)\n專業定位:重型燃料補給\n\nUEE軍隊在前線使用的星際遠航者的一個兇狠粗暴的變體。G2M雙子座,通常被稱為星際遠航者雙子座,或者Star G,犧牲了部分貨艙空間和機動性,換來了強化的裝甲,加強的護盾,加強的引擎以及更為強力的三個載人炮塔。
vehicle_DescMRAI_Guardian=Manufacturer: Mirai\nFocus: Long Range Fighter\n\nTaking the adage that the best defense is a good offense, Mirai engineers have brought their expertise in performance and maneuverability to the Guardian long range fighter. Fly circles around your opponents with the Mirai Guardian while establishing your space superiority. \n
vehicle_DescMRAI_Guardian_QI=Manufacturer: Mirai\nFocus: Interdiction\n\nIt’s not too surprising that hostiles may run when confronted with a powerful opponent, but thanks to its quantum dampening capabilities, the Mirai Guardian QI ensures that your enemies won’t be able to fight another day. Taking the best features of the base Guardian, the engineers at Mirai have made the QI variant the ideal complement to any protective forces.\n
vehicle_DescMRAI_Pulse=製造商:未來 (Mirai)\n專業定位:戰鬥\n\n未來的工程師們致力於打造一款能夠實現更多功能的敞篷摩托車。讓駕駛員能夠更好地掌控性能的貼身輪廓;助力征服艱險地形的靈敏懸浮系統;能帶來更智慧的戰鬥體驗,與載具的魂魄完美融合的訂製武器,以上的一切,造就了未來 脈衝。\n
vehicle_DescMRAI_Pulse_LX=製造商:未來 (Mirai)\n專業定位:競速\n\n未來 脈衝 LX 重力懸浮摩托車將飛行員和純粹的速度完美地結合在一起,給你前所未有的地表翱翔體驗,來親身體驗脈衝這令人心跳加速的超高速反應速度和貼身外形吧。 \n
vehicle_DescMisc_Fury=製造商:未來 (Mirai)\n專業定位:競速\n\n來自未來的新一代“狂怒”艦載戰鬥機飛船將一流的機動性和Xi'an的尖端技術集於一身,環裝的四挺S2雷射速射炮重新定義了近距離太空戰。
@ -76110,6 +76133,10 @@ vehicle_NameMISC_Starfarer_Dead_short=星際遠航者
vehicle_NameMISC_Starfarer_Gemini=MISC 星際遠航者「雙子座」
vehicle_NameMRAI_Guardian=MRAI 守護者
vehicle_NameMRAI_Guardian_QI=MRAI 守護者 QI
vehicle_NameMRAI_Guardian_QI_short=守護者 QI
vehicle_NameMRAI_Pulse=MRAI 脈衝
vehicle_NameMRAI_Pulse_LX=MRAI 脈衝 LX
vehicle_NameMRAI_Pulse_LX_short=脈衝 LX
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