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everland.3769 2025-02-05 05:22:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent f448c85314
commit d27c743d23
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@ -229,15 +229,15 @@ Bacchus_Star1=巴克斯 A
Bacchus_Star2=巴克斯 B
Badge_WTP-CH1_DisplayMessage=為表彰您在保衛史丹頓時所做出的貢獻,此授予您一組 Ardor 回收再製雷射機砲作為獎勵。\n獎勵已發送到您的帳號中您可以在官方網站的"我的機庫"中確認已收到的獎勵內容。
Badge_WTP-CH1_DisplayMessage=為表彰您在保衛史丹頓時所做出的貢獻,此授予您一組 Ardor 回收再製雷射機砲作為獎勵。\n獎勵已發送到您的帳號中您可以在官方網站的"我的機庫"中確認已收到的獎勵內容。
Badge_WTP-CH1_DisplayTitle=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 獎勵
Badge_WTP-CH2_DisplayMessage=Ripper SMG awarded for your effort in the Fight for Pyro.
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-CFP_DisplayMessage=Garnet Livery for the Carrack, Cutter, Pisces, and Zeus awarded for your allegiance to the Citizens for Prosperity during the Fight for Pyro.
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-CFP_DisplayMessage=為表彰您在《為派羅而戰》行動時為「繁榮公民」派系所做出的貢獻,特此授予您一組石榴石塗裝 (適用於卡拉克/切割者/雙魚座/宙斯) 作為獎勵。\n獎勵已發送到您的帳號中您可以在官方網站的"我的機庫"中確認已收到的獎勵內容。
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-CFP_DisplayTitle=《繁榮公民:收復派羅》行動 - 獎勵
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-HH_DisplayMessage=Trauma Livery for the Carrack, Cutter, Pisces, and Zeus awarded for your allegiance to the Headhunters during the Fight for Pyro.
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-HH_DisplayMessage=為表彰您在《為派羅而戰》行動時為「獵頭者」派系所做出的貢獻,特此授予您一組創傷塗裝 (適用於卡拉克/切割者/雙魚座/宙斯) 作為獎勵。\n獎勵已發送到您的帳號中您可以在官方網站的"我的機庫"中確認已收到的獎勵內容。
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-HH_DisplayTitle=《繁榮公民:守護派羅》行動 - 獎勵
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-VIG_DisplayMessage=Camo Livery for the Carrack, Cutter, Pisces, and Zeus awarded for your allegiance to the Frontier Fighters during the Fight for Pyro.
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-VIG_DisplayMessage=為表彰您在《為派羅而戰》行動時為「前線戰士」派系所做出的貢獻,特此授予您一組迷彩塗裝 (適用於卡拉克/切割者/雙魚座/宙斯) 作為獎勵。\n獎勵已發送到您的帳號中您可以在官方網站的"我的機庫"中確認已收到的獎勵內容。
Badge_WTP-COMPLETE-VIG_DisplayTitle=前線戰士 - 淨化派羅行動獎勵
BarMenu_CubaLibre=自由古巴 (8 aUEC)
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ BlockadeRunner_ZetaLocation_Threat2=Zeta-脯胺酸化合物地點:中量
BloodCheesecake_JournalTitle=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第三階段概要
BloodCheesecake_JournalTitleShort=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第三階段
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ BrightSky_Unclaimed_Objective_Marker=無人認領的認證券
CDF_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase3=Flush Out Frontier Fighters\nTarget Frontier Fighters\n\nYouve done your part! Launch requirements met.
CDF_CH2_JournalTitleShort_Phase3=《繁榮公民:侵襲派羅》行動 - 第三階段
@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ CDF_RepUI_Headquarters=布萊梅星系,裡提夫星,斯塔弗德市
CDF_RepUI_Leadership=Bryce Balewa董事
CFP_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase1=收復派羅 第一階段\n\n您已完成您的任務階段要求已達成。
CFP_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase2=收復派羅 第二階段\n\n您已完成您的任務階段要求已達成。
CFP_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=前線戰士的出現造成混亂,擾亂了 CFP 的補給運輸。為 CFP 完成六次運送任務 (並在未來的任務中繼續提供協助),就有資格獲得特獎勵。同時符合「拯救史坦頓」要求的玩家,將有資格獲得額外的獎勵。
CFP_CH2_JournalBody_Phase2=無情的非法攻擊迫使 CFP 放棄了一些重要地點。幫助他們奪回失地,並保護伺服器飛船,以反擊前線戰士。成功完成六次針對前線戰士的行動,並符合階段要求,即可獲得特別獎勵。同時符合「拯救史坦頓」要求的玩家將可獲得額外獎勵。
CFP_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=前線戰士的出現造成混亂,擾亂了 CFP 的補給運輸。為 CFP 完成六次運送任務 (並在未來的任務中繼續提供協助),就有資格獲得特獎勵。同時符合「拯救史坦頓」要求的玩家,將有資格獲得額外的獎勵。
CFP_CH2_JournalBody_Phase2=殘忍的非法襲擊迫使 CFP 棄守了部分重要據點。幫助他們奪回失地並保護伺服器飛船,藉此對前線戰士發起反擊。成功完成六次針對前線戰士的行動,並符合階段要求,即可獲得特殊獎勵。同時完成《拯救史坦頓》必要條件的玩家將可獲得額外獎勵。
CFP_CH2_JournalBody_Phase3=繁榮公民已經揭露前線戰士就是駭行者。現在是時候為他們在史丹頓所犯下的罪行伸張正義了。協助 CFP 鎖定前線戰士的船隻,削弱他們在派羅的行動。
CFP_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase1=收復派羅 第一階段
CFP_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase2=收復派羅 第二階段
@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ CFP_CH2_JournalTitle_Phase3=《繁榮公民:收復派羅》行動 - 第三階
CFP_CH2_Journal_Intro_Desc=Citizens for Prosperity need your help in Pyro. We've established law-abiding and secure settlements across the system but thats only the first step, we need to support and supply them to continue to thrive. Yet these sanctuaries are in danger. Tensions within Pyro have increased dramatically after the Frontier Fighters, a new vigilante group from Stanton, entered the system with the express intention to wipe out all outlaws. \n\nCan you come to Pyro to support Citizens for Prosperity? We need all the help we can get right now. \n\nFly Safe,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
CFP_CH2_Journal_Reveal_Desc=這是一則緊急通訊,警告所有Citizens for Prosperity繁榮公民的成員和夥伴請避開前線戰士。CFP已經發現證據證明前線戰士實際上是駭行者並對最近斯坦頓的襲擊負責。 \n\n雖然「前線戰士」聲稱是為了保衛史丹頓不受不法之徒的攻擊,但他們卻要為那些恐怖的襲擊負上全責,這些襲擊嚇得系不得不對派羅採取報復行動。該組織的成員攻擊和襲擊貨船,甚至把一艘伊德里斯和支援船艦艦隊對付他們聲稱要保護的人民和財產。這一切都是謊言。邊境鬥士不過是一群暴徒和不法之徒,在扮演英雄。而現在他們的最高領導層正被 查緝局通緝。\n\n前線戰士也是最近襲擊整個派羅的 CFP 哨所和船隻的罪魁禍首。在檢驗了幾次襲擊之後的證據之後CFP 官員與史丹頓的執法官員和其他可信的消息來源合作,把用於襲擊史丹頓的材料和人員與前線戰士聯繫起來。接著在派羅內部進行了精密的監視行動,結果解密了前線戰士之間的通訊,揭露了他們為了對派羅展開全面戰爭的理由和爭取支持而對斯坦頓進行襲擊的罪責。 \n\n雖然我們可能已經揭穿了前線戰士的真面目但我們的工作還沒有完成。在他們徹底消失之前前線戰士的人員、前哨站和船隻都無法免遭報復。我們不能坐視不理,讓邊境鬥士成為另一個踞守派羅的侵略性幫派。這就是為什麼我們正積極與民間防衛部隊合作,制定一項計劃來找出並消除他們的任何餘孽。在那之前,請避免並向 CFP 官員報告任何看到前線戰士的情況。\n\nLima Endicott\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民
CFP_CH2_Journal_Reveal_Desc=這是一則緊急通訊,警告所有繁榮公民 (CFP) 的成員和夥伴請避開前線戰士。CFP 已經發現證據,證明前線戰士其實就是駭行者,並且也是最近對史丹頓發動襲擊的始作俑者。 \n\n雖然「前線戰士」聲稱是為了保衛史丹頓不受法外狂徒的攻擊,但他們卻要為那些恐怖的襲擊負上全責,這些襲擊嚇得系不得不對派羅採取報復行動。該組織的成員攻擊和襲擊貨船,甚至把一艘伊德里斯和支援艦隊用於對付那些他們聲稱要保護的人民和財產。這一切都是謊言。前線戰士不過就只是一群暴徒和法外狂徒在扮演英雄。而現在他們的最高領導層正被查緝局通緝。\n\n前線戰士也是最近襲擊整個派羅的 CFP 前哨戰和飛船的罪魁禍首。在檢驗了幾次襲擊之後的證據之後CFP 成員與史丹頓的執法官員和其他可信的消息來源合作,把用於襲擊史丹頓的材料和人員與前線戰士聯繫起來。接著在派羅星系內部進行了縝密的監視行動,結果解密了前線戰士之間的通訊,揭露了他們為了對派羅展開全面戰爭的理由和爭取支持而對史丹頓星系進行襲擊的罪責。 \n\n雖然我們可能已經揭穿了前線戰士的真面目但我們的工作還沒有完成。在他們徹底消失之前前線戰士的成員、前哨站和飛船都不會停止復仇。我們不能坐視不理,讓前線戰士成為另一個踞守派羅的侵略性幫派。這就是為什麼我們正積極與民間防衛部隊合作,制定一項計劃來找出並消除他們的任何餘孽。在那之前,請避免並向 CFP 官員報告任何看到前線戰士的情況。\n\nLima Endicott\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民
CFP_CH2_Journal_Reveal_Title=Frontier Fighters Exposed!
CFP_DefendResupply_HH_desc_001=Hey,\n\nHeadhunters seem intent on taking control of ~mission(Location|Address). Got word their forces want to use that remote outpost as an operations hub to attack the main outpost. We have to stop them from establishing that foothold, but all our security personnel are busy with the main outpost. Looking for an ally who can defend it from the Headhunters. \n\nOnce the location is safe and secure, head to ~mission(Destination|Address) and grab some supplies to restock that remote outpost.\n\nBe Safe, \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
CFP_DefendResupply_XT_desc_001=Hi,\n\nGot an emergency here. \n\nWeve intercepted comms between XenoThreat forces talking about an impending attack on ~mission(Location|Address). Guess their plan is to occupy that remote outpost and then launch an attack on the main outpost from there. We dont have the forces to prepare the main outpost for the attack and keep that remote outpost from falling into their hands. So were desperate for an experienced merc who can defend that remote outpost from the Xenos. Any chance thats you?\n\nFrom what Im hearing, the XenoThreat crew heading that way are some of their heavy hitters so Id expect it to be quite the fight. Once youve secured the location, hustle to ~mission(Destination|Address) and grab some supplies for that remote outpost. Im mobilizing another CFP unit to settle in there, and theyll be able to use those supplies to get set up. \n\nThanks,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ CFP_Salvage_CoverUp_XT_VH_title_001=搶先打撈外貨威脅的飛船
CFP_Salvage_E_desc_001=Hi,\n\nA Citizens for Prosperity scout located a ~mission(Ship) that was lost around ~mission(Location|Address) months ago. Looks like our fears were confirmed and an outlaw attack knocked it out. The only good news from the scout is that the ship was still salvageable. Any interest in trading some creds for its location? \n\nIts been sitting there for a while without anyone else touching it, so it doesn't seem like working it would be too dangerous. \n\nFly Safe,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
CFP_Salvage_FPS_desc_001=Hi,\n\nA repair crew has been making some much needed changes and upgrades to our outposts. After finishing some work at ~mission(Location|Address), they and set aside scrap they didnt have time to deal with. \n\nLooking to hire someone to go there and salvage it so its out of the way. Should be a quick clean up if youre interested. Any RMC is yours to keep.\n\nThanks,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity\n
CFP_Salvage_FPS_title_001=Clear ~mission(Location) of Salvage
CFP_Salvage_FPS_title_001=清理 ~mission(Location) 中的打撈物
CFP_Salvage_Multi_M_desc_001=Hey,\n\nA convoy of Citizens for Prosperity cargo ships disappeared around ~mission(Location|Address). It pains me to say, but all signs point to the convoy falling victim to an outlaw attack. Losing that convoy is devastating but the only way the CFP will survive here is by learning how to make some good out of a bad situation. \n\nThe best thing I can do now is get creds for the location of all that salvage. Then, at least, the CFP can buy more supplies to support our operations. Cant definitively say whats there besides a few ships worth of salvage, but theres a chance some of our ships will still have components or cargo onboard.\n\nAs I mentioned, theres a fair amount of outlaw activity around there. So best keep your eyes peeled while working that salvage field. \n\nFly safe out there,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
CFP_Salvage_Multi_XT_VH_desc_001=Hey,\n\nXenoThreat ships jumped one of our cargo convoys near ~mission(Location|Address). Reports indicate that our ships put up a valiant fight but didnt survive. \n\nId hate for this to be a complete loss for the Citizens for Prosperity. So, Im thinking there might be a way this works out for both of us. Ill send you the precise location of all that valuable salvage if you pay a small finders fee.\n \nFull disclosure, theres good money and maybe even some salvageable components and cargo still in the area, but also risk. Always a chance XenoThreat comes back around to salvage the stuff for themselves. \n\nFly safe out there,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Sponsor_Shoutouts_2,P=Today's SpecCam is brought
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Sponsor_Shoutouts_3,P=We'd like to welcome our newest sponsor, Clark Defense Systems, makers of commercial and military personal armor solutions. Unsurpassed strength and flexibility for today's toughest jobs.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Sponsor_Shoutouts_4,P=Tonight's game being brought to you by CDS' PAB light armor solution for maximum mobility with superior core protection.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Sponsor_Shoutouts_4_Alt,P=Tonight's game being brought to you by CDS' PAB light armor solution for maximum mobility with superior core protection.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Sponsor_Shoutouts_5,P=This break is brought to you by Voyager Direct. One Stop. Unlimited Options.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Stunned_1_Angeli,P=And a Angeli player is stunned.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Stunned_1_Jata,P=And a Jata player is stunned.
DXSH_MCCV_INDI_SM_Sataball_Max_Stunned_2,P=That's a stun!
@ -8302,10 +8302,10 @@ Exit_Screen_Click_001=觸碰以開始
FF_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase1=Purge Pyro Phase 1\n\nYouve done your part! Launch requirements met.
FF_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase2=Purge Pyro Phase 2\n\nYouve done your part! Launch requirements met.
FF_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=To protect Stanton, the Frontier Fighters have pushed into Pyro intent on wiping out the Slicers and any gangs that get in their way. Successfully help them bomb fuel reserves and/or clear outlaw outposts six times (and continue to assist in future missions) to be eligible to receive a special reward. Those who also met the requirements of 'Save Stanton' will be eligible to receive an additional reward.
FF_CH2_JournalBody_Phase2=Frontier Fighters got word that outlaws compiled a hit list of their family members. There will be big trouble if that list is spread and makes it into Stanton. Help the Frontier Fighters destroy six servers and/or server ships, and meet requirements from the launch phase, to receive a special reward. Those who also met the requirements of 'Save Stanton' will receive an additional reward.
FF_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=為了保衛史丹頓,前線戰士們已經進入了派羅星系,他們打算消滅駭行者和任何擋路的幫派。成功協助他們轟炸燃料儲備或清除非法前哨站六次 (並繼續協助未來的任務),即可獲得特別獎勵。同時完成《拯救史坦頓》必要條件的玩家將可獲得額外獎勵。
FF_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase1=淨化派羅 第一階段
FF_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase2=淨化派羅 第二階段
FF_CH2_JournalTitleShort_Phase1=《前線戰士:淨化派羅》行動 - 第一階段
@ -8433,7 +8433,7 @@ FPSPVEVS_EasyScenario_Objective01_Desc=消滅該小行星基地中的所有海
FPSSalvage_obj_long_01=Salvage scrap at ~mission(Location|Address).
FPSSalvage_obj_short_01=Salvage Scrap at ~mission(Location)
FPS_AI_Description=*WIP* Pirates have been reported to have taken an outpostwe need somebody to secure it again
FPS_AI_From=*WIP* Edward Fuller
@ -9120,7 +9120,7 @@ GarethWIP_CaveMissionClearAll_Stanton1b=洞穴任務 CLEAR ALL STANTON1B
GarethWIP_CaveMissionClearAll_Stanton2b=洞穴任務 CLEAR ALL STANTON2B
GarlicCheesecake_JournalTitle,P=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第三階段概要
GarlicCheesecake_JournalTitleShort,P=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第三階段
@ -9218,11 +9218,11 @@ GuideStarTaxi_RepUI_Headquarters=半人馬星系,祭星,風神市
GuideStarTaxi_RepUI_Leadership=Taj WalburnCEO
HH_CH2_JournalAllCompleted_Phase3=Wipe Out Frontier Fighters\n\nYouve done your part!\n
HH_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=Across Pyro, Headhunters sites and personnel are under constant attack by the Frontier Fighters. Help them respond by successfully carrying out six strikes on Frontier Fighters supply convoys and/or outposts (and continue to assist in future missions) to be eligible to receive a special reward. Those who also met the requirements of 'Save Stanton' will be eligible to receive an additional reward.
HH_CH2_JournalBody_Phase2=Headhunters want to hamper the operations of the Frontier Fighters. Help them by completing six operations against Frontier Fighters locations, and meet requirements from the launch phase, to receive a special reward. Those who also met the requirements of 'Save Stanton' will receive an additional reward.
HH_CH2_JournalBody_Phase1=整個派羅星系的獵頭幫據點和成員不斷受到前線戰士的襲擊。協助他們反擊,成功對前線戰士的補給艦隊或前哨站進行六次襲擊 (並繼續協助未來的任務),即可獲得特別獎勵。同時完成《拯救史坦頓》必要條件的玩家將可獲得額外獎勵。
HH_CH2_JournalBody_Phase3=Citizens for Prosperity have exposed the Frontier Fighters to be the Slicers, and are out to punish them for their crimes in Stanton. Headhunters want to help drive the Frontier Fighters out of Pyro by wiping out their outposts.
HH_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase1=守護派羅 第一階段
HH_CH2_JournalCompleted_Phase2=守護派羅 第二階段
@ -20936,7 +20936,7 @@ OlympusPrincipal_RepUI_Founded=2231年
OlympusPrincipal_RepUI_Leadership=Leona ZionCEO
OreoCheesecake_JournalBody=史丹頓星系正處於被圍困的狀態,需要您協助保護被襲擊的飛船,並從被摧毀的飛船中奪回貨物。成功協助六次任務者 (並在未來任務中繼續協助) 將被記錄為有資格獲得特殊獎勵的成員。
OreoCheesecake_JournalTitle=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第一階段概要
@ -42402,7 +42402,7 @@ ShipHeist_desc=~mission(Contractor|ShipHeistDescription)
ShipHeist_obj_reachship_short_01,P=Locate Ship at ~mission(Location)
@ -43128,7 +43128,7 @@ StealEvidence_obj_marker_01a=證據
StrawberryCheesecake_JournalTitle=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第二階段概要
StrawberryCheesecake_JournalTitleShort=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第二階段
@ -43982,7 +43982,7 @@ Vanduul_RepUI_Headquarters,P=[PH] Vanduul Headquarters
Vanduul_RepUI_Leadership,P=[PH] Vanduul Leadership
Vanduul_RepUI_Name,P=[PH] Vanduul
VanillaCheesecake_CFP_A_Desc,P=定居點需要補給\n\n繁榮公民是一個和平組織他們帶頭在派羅展開援助合法定居點的行動努力促進良好的風氣持續發展並改變整個系統的道德觀。\n\n我們正在尋找飛行員來採購以下補給品並將它們運送到 ~mission(Destination|address)。由於派羅非常危險,我們會有一名 CFP 成員待命,從交貨地點取得貨物並親自前往派羅進行分發。\n\n歡迎您在任何地方取得下列材料以下是幾個建議地點的清單您可以在那裡找到我們目前需要的東西\n\n*農業用品 - 可以在許多研究或採礦設施購買,包括賽琳的希克斯研究站 (Hickes Research Outpost) 和依塔的 HDMS-伍德拉夫站 (Woodruff)。 \n*鋁 - 自行開採與加工,或向採礦設施購買,例如微科星上的舒賓採礦設施 SM0-22 (Shubin Mining Facility)。 \n*氮 - 可以在麗谷太空站 (CRU-L5 Beautiful Glen Station) 購買。\n\n您也會在接到任務時取得所需數量的完整清單但每項數量應該在 2-4 SCU 之間。\n\n\n注意飛行安全\n\n莉瑪·恩迪科特\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民
VanillaCheesecake_CFP_B_Desc,P=ADDITIONAL ITEMS NEEDED\n\nCitizens For Prosperity are a peaceful organization who are spearheading a campaign to support law-abiding settlements in Pyro in an effort to promote the growth of good and change the entire moral landscape of the system.\n\nWere looking for pilots to procure the following supplies and take them to ~mission(Destination). Since Pyro is so dangerous, well have a CFP member ready to take the delivery into Pyro for distribution.\n\nYoure welcome to acquire the following materials wherever you see fit, but heres a list of a few suggested locations where you can find what we currently need: \n\n*Agricium - Mine it and process it if you can, or otherwise buy it from Shubin Mining Facility SAL-2 on Lyria. \n*Medical Supplies - Purchasable from several research outposts, like Rayari Anvik on Calliope. \n*Processed Food - Youve got two choices really, Terra Gateway or Bajini Point. \n\nUpon accepting the mission, we will provide exact amounts based on current needs, but we tend to be looking for 6-20 SCU per item.\n\nFly Safe,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
VanillaCheesecake_CFP_B_Desc,P=需要額外物品\n\n繁榮公民是一個和平組織他們帶頭在派羅展開援助合法定居點的行動努力促進良好的風氣持續發展並改變整個系統的道德觀。\n\n我們正在尋找飛行員來採購以下補給品並將它們運送到 ~mission(Destination)。由於派羅非常危險,我們會有一名 CFP 成員待命,從交貨地點取得貨物並親自前往派羅進行分發。\n\n歡迎您在任何地方取得下列材料以下是幾個建議地點的清單您可以在那裡找到我們目前需要的東西\n\n*艾格瑞金屬 - 如果可以的話請開採並精煉它,或是從莉瑞雅的舒賓採礦設施 SAL-2 (Shubin Mining Facility) 購買。 \n*醫療用品 - 可以在幾個研究前哨站購買,例如卡利俄佩的拉亞利-安維克研究站 (Rayari Anvik Research Outpost)。 \n*加工食品 - 你有兩個選擇,泰拉關口 (Terra Gateway) 或拜基尼太空站 (Baijini Point)。 \n\n在接受任務後我們會根據目前的需求提供確切的數量但我們傾向於尋找介於 6-20 SCU 大小的貨箱來裝載物品。\n\n\n注意飛行安全\n\n莉瑪·恩迪科特\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民
@ -43992,8 +43992,8 @@ VanillaCheesecake_JournalBody=由於最近駭行者這個犯罪組織的襲擊
VanillaCheesecake_JournalTitle,P=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第四階段概要
VanillaCheesecake_JournalTitleShort,P=《拯救史丹頓》行動 - 第四階段
VanillaCheesecake_V_A_Desc,P=YOUR CONTRIBUTION MATTERS\n\nAre you furious with the UEE for refusing to do anything about the outlaw problem plaguing us from Pyro? Youre not alone.\n\nWere the Frontier Fighters. A group of Stanton residents who refuse to sit back while scum like the Slicers constantly wreak havoc on our system. We got things in motion to launch into Pyro proper, but we need help gathering and hauling crucial supplies to our staging areas.\n\nWere looking for someone to acquire the following supplies themselves and deliver them to ~mission(Destination). Dont have the time to list out everywhere you can get this stuff, but we're gonna need the following items:\n\n*Helium - Can be bought from stations such as Seraphim Station above Crusader.\n*Bexalite- You can mine and process this resource yourself or you can buy it at the Magnus Gateway.\n*Hydrogen - Mining facilities or at the Terra Gateway.\n\nI'll send exact amounts if you accept, but it'll be around 2-4 SCU per item.\n\nYou ready to step up and bring an end to the gangs controlling Pyro?\n\n\nCorbin Cassady\nCommunication Specialist\nFrontier Fighters
VanillaCheesecake_V_B_Desc=FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS NEEDED\n\nAre you furious with the UEE for refusing to do anything about the outlaw problem plaguing us from Pyro? Youre not alone!\n\nWere the Frontier Fighters. A group of Stanton residents who refuse to sit back while scum like the Slicers constantly wreak havoc on our system. We got things in motion to launch into Pyro proper, but we need someone to acquire some urgently needed supplies and haul them to our staging areas.\n\nWere looking for someone to acquire some urgently needed supplies and then deliver them to ~mission(Destination). We need:\n\n*Tungsten You can mine this yourself, or get it from HDMS-Bezdek on Arial. \n*Titanium Same as tungsten. \n*Copper Mine it if you can, or otherwise buy it from Seraphim Station above Crusader.\n\nI'll send you the exact amount we'll need if you sign on, but it'll be around 6-20 SCU per item, so make sure you got the room.\n\nYou ready to take a stand and bring an end to the gangs controlling Pyro?\n\n\nCorbin Cassady\nCommunication Specialist\nFrontier Fighters
VanillaCheesecake_V_A_Desc,P=您的貢獻非常重要\n\n你是否對 UEE 拒絕處理對我們造成困擾的派羅亡命之徒問題而生氣?您並不孤單。\n\n我們是邊境戰士。一群史丹頓居民拒絕坐視像駭行者這樣的渣滓不斷對我們的星系造成嚴重破壞。我們已經開始行動準備正式進入派羅但我們需要協助收集和運送關鍵補給到我們的集結區。\n\n我們正在尋找一個人自行取得以下物資並將它們運送到 ~mission(Destination)。我們沒有時間列出所有你能買到這些東西的地方,但我們需要以下物品:\n\n*氦 - 可以從十字軍上方的熾天使太空站 (Seraphim Station) 等站點購買。\n*貝沙電氣石 - 您可以自行開採並加工此資源,也可以在馬格努斯關口 (Magnus Gateway) 購買。\n*氫 - 採礦設施或泰拉關口 (Terra Gateway)。\n\n如果您接受合約我會發送確切的需求數量但每件物品大約需要 2-4 SCU。\n\n您準備好站出來終結掌控派羅的組織了嗎\n\n\n科爾賓·卡薩迪\n通訊專家\n邊境戰士
VanillaCheesecake_V_B_Desc=需要進一步的貢獻\n\n你是否對 UEE 拒絕處理對我們造成困擾的派羅亡命之徒問題而生氣?您並不孤單。\n\n我們是邊境戰士。一群史丹頓居民拒絕坐視像駭行者這樣的渣滓不斷對我們的星系造成嚴重破壞。我們已經開始行動準備正式進入派羅但我們需要協助收集和運送關鍵補給到我們的集結區。\n\n我們正在尋找人來取得一些急需的物資然後將它們運送到 ~mission(Destination)。我們需要:\n\n*鎢 您可以自己開採,也可以從艾瑞爾上的 HDMS-貝茲德克站 (Bezdek) 購買。 \n*鈦 與鎢相同。\n*銅 如果可以的話,您可以自行開採它,或者從十字軍上方的熾天使太空站 (Seraphim Station) 購買它。\n\n如果您接受合約我會將我們所需的確切數量發送給您但每件物品大約需要 6-20 SCU因此請確保您有空間能裝載。\n\n您準備好站出來終結掌控派羅的組織了嗎\n\n\n科爾賓·卡薩迪\n通訊專家\n邊境戰士
@ -44146,10 +44146,10 @@ WSTR_TimeTrial_OpenTrack_Desc=在尋找練習賽道時間來提高你的飛行
WSTR_TimeTrial_OpenTrack_Title=~mission(RaceType)自由賽 - ~mission(location)
WSTR_TimeTrial_repeat_title_01=~mission(RaceType)計時賽 - ~mission(location)
WTP_CH2_Phases_01=Launch Complete
WTP_CH2_Phases_02=Launch and Phase 2 Complete
WTP_CH2_Phases_03=Launch and Phases 2 & 3 Complete
WTP_CH2_Phases_All=All Phases Complete!
@ -45028,7 +45028,7 @@ cfp_EliminateSpecific_Generic_E_desc_001=Reports indicate that ~mission(Location
cfp_HaulCargo_RegionLink_desc_001=Hi, we need to move some cargo across the system and were wondering if you could help. I know this is outside your usual purview, but I'm low on options. This would also be a great way to show your committed to Citizens for Prosperity's greater mission here.\n\nIf you head to ~mission(Location|Address), there should be some cargo accessible via a freight elevator that we'll need you to take to another freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|Address).\n\nOnly thing to call out is that your ship must be able to handle ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers. Otherwise, it should be a simple run. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_RetrieveConsignment_desc_001=You available for a job? One of our secure locations got hit by outlaws and some highly confidential material was stolen. As you can imagine, Citizens for Prosperity is eager to recover them as soon as possible.\n\nThanks to a local contact, we were able to trace the outlaws back to ~mission(Location|Address) where they're storing the confidential materials inside a secure automated vault. To access it, youll need to first find the relevant retrieval code and enter it at the vaults package conveyor. Our best guess is that one of outlaw leaders will be carrying the code on their person so there is a very strong chance youll have to engage with them directly to get it.\n \nOnce youve gotten possession of the confidential material, we want you to deliver it to ~mission(Dropoff1|Address).\n\nYoull be making a big difference to a lot of people if you manage to pull this off.\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity\n
cfp_RetrieveConsignment_desc_001=你想找工作嗎?我們的一個據點被法外狂徒襲擊了,他們竊取了一些高度機密的材料。繁榮公民組織迫切希望盡快找回這些材料。\n\n多虧了當地的線人我們才得以追蹤到歹徒已經逃到了~mission(Location|Address),他們把機密材料放進了一個自動安全保險庫裡。要進入保險庫,首先需要找到相關的存取密碼,然後在保險庫的包裹收發機上輸入這串密碼。我們認為,密碼在一名法外狂徒的頭目身上,因此你很有可能需要直接與他們交戰才能獲得密碼。\n \n我們希望你拿到機密材料後把它送到~mission(Dropoff1|Address)。\n\n如果你能成功完成這項任務你將給很多人的生活帶來巨變。\n\n向你提前致謝\n\n莉瑪·恩迪科特\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民\n
cfp_bombingrun_E_desc_001=We've been having escalating issues with the outlaws at ~mission(Location|Address) and can no longer stand by and watch as their aggressive actions hurt our community. \n\nWe are wary of launching a full scale assault, but believe that if their fuel stores are wiped out, it would deter them from further hostile actions. \n\nIf you're able, I'd appreciate you handling the destruction of the fuel personally. A ship capable of launching missiles would probably make the most sense, but I leave that up to you.\n\nThanks,\n \nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -45038,15 +45038,15 @@ cfp_bounty_desc_HeadHunters_001=This is a general warning. We have learned that
cfp_defection_desc_HeadHunters_001=Look, I know you dont know me, but Ive heard from some people that you have a clear sense of right and wrong.\n\nI know youve been working for the Headhunters and Im not here to judge you, but please hear me out. Weve received word that theyre importing a large ship loaded with weapons into the system and learned that they intend to be used on outposts run by Citizens for Prosperity.\n\nYou dont need to believe in our mission. You dont even need to like us. But you have to understand that people will die from these weapons. People that are just out here trying to make life a little better.\n\nI know Pyro can be a violent place, but we arent your enemies.\n\nThe ship can be found around ~mission(Location|Address). Will you please stop these weapons from reaching their destination? \n\nYou will save lives.\n\nAll of us need to do our part to make Pyro better. Im begging that this can be yours.\n\nThank you,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-criminals_desc_001=We learned that ~mission(Location|Address) is under threat of attack by outlaws and has asked for assistance. We need someone to protect them and drive away the outlaws. \n\nMake sure you stay close after their initial attack. Too often, outlaws win fights just by sending more bodies than anyone can reasonably defend against, so make sure you fight off any reinforcements before leaving the area. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-criminals_desc_002=The people at ~mission(Location|Address) have been regularly targeted by raiders who steal their supplies and they are expecting another attack at any moment.\n\nThe survivors there are tough and committed, but theyre not equipped to defend themselves, so weve volunteered to help deal with these outlaws. When the raiders realize the outpost is being defended, theyre sure to send in even more of their forces, so you should recruit some help to fend off the waves of attackers.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-criminals_desc_003=Weve gotten a tip that ~mission(Location|Address) is about to be attacked by a vicious gang. The locals wont stand a chance of defending themselves against a threat like this, so theyve reached out to us for help.\n\nThis isnt going to be some small raid. It sounds like this gang is going to launch an all-out attack, so youll want to make sure youve got allies with you to hold off any reinforcements the gang might send.\n\nI know this is a dangerous request, but please, we need help. We cant leave these people to suffer when they need us the most.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-criminals_title_001=從法外狂徒手中防守 ~mission(Location)
cfp_defend-criminals_title_002=從危險的罪犯手中防守 ~mission(Location)
cfp_defend-criminals_title_003=保衛 ~mission(Location) 免受幫派侵襲
cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_001=Weve learned that XenoThreat is about to launch an attack on ~mission(Location|Address). If they are successful, the number of casualties is expected to be high. Im hoping that with your aid in defending them, we can make sure that doesnt happen.\n \nWe know from past encounters that XenoThreat sends several raiding parties to carry out their attacks, so make sure you dont leave the outpost until youve fought off all the reinforcements. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_002=Urgent!\n\nXenoThreat is targeting ~mission(Location|Address) to send a message to other settlers about what happens if they accept our support. \n\nIf youre able to fend off the attackers, Im sure theyll send additional forces, so youll need to dig in for multiple assaults. Since XenoThreat has a lot of resources at their disposal, you should think about recruiting others to help you keep everyone safe.\n\nWere all counting on you.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_003=Urgent!\n\nXenoThreat is mobilizing for a massive incursion to wipe ~mission(Location|Address) off the map. Youre their only hope of enduring this assault and protecting them from XenoThreats cruelty.\n\nI know Im asking you to put yourself in the line of fire, but this system wont change unless people like you are brave enough to take on these dangers. No amount of credits could measure up to how much good youd be doing by stepping in.\n\nIf youre willing and able to take on this mission, make sure to take some allies with you. XenoThreat will certainly send in stronger reinforcements once they realize theyre taking losses.\n\nWe believe in you.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_001=保護 ~mission(Location) 抵禦外禍威脅的攻擊
cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_002=保護 ~mission(Location) 抵禦外禍威脅的襲擊
cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_003=保護 ~mission(Location) 抵禦外禍威脅的入侵
@ -45165,7 +45165,7 @@ cfp_missingperson_sabotage_servers_desc_001=One of our most dedicated people, ~m
cfp_missingperson_sabotage_servers_retrievecargo_VH_XT_desc_001=A local courier who has been working for Citizen for Prosperity, ~mission(TargetName), was reported missing earlier this week. We believe that they may have been captured by members of XenoThreat who were after the encrypted data-drives and important cargo they were transporting for us. \n\nWe would like you to go to ~mission(Location|Address) to ascertain what has happened to ~mission(TargetName|First), destroy any servers which may be housing the stolen data, and deliver the recovered cargo to ~mission(Destination|Address).\n\nIt's a lot to ask, but I believe you're up to the challenge.\n \nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_recovery_desc_001=Hey,\n\nWe could use your help.\n\nA local we work with was completing a delivery for us, but unfortunately, she ran into some outlaws and had to surrender her ~mission(Item). Silver lining is the outlaws didnt notice the trackers we placed in the cargo and now we know theyve taken their haul to ~mission(Location|Address). \n\nWed like you to recover the packages for us and finish delivering them to ~mission(Destination|Address). I dont imagine the outlaws will give them up willingly, but I wouldnt ask you to put yourself in harms way if these supplies werent of critical importance.\n\nSo, what do you say?\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_replaceparts_1R2P_desc_001=An outpost of ours at ~mission(Location|Address) recently suffered some mechanical failure and could use some repairs. Our usual technician is off servicing other jobs so we're looking to hire an outside contractor.\n\nWe will need some fuses replaced (you'll need no more than six) and if you could bring a salvaging tool and some cannisters of RMC that should take care of the rest. We will certainly compensate you for your time.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -45225,7 +45225,7 @@ cfp_searchbody_danger_cave_desc_001=Weve been trying to get in contact with c
cfp_searchbody_danger_outpost_desc_001=Unfortunately, one of our community partners, ~mission(TargetName), has been missing for a few days. Their family contacted Citizens for Prosperity for help and I told them we would do what we could. That said, with so much time passed, Im not too hopeful.\n\nWhatever their current state is, we're looking for someone to be our eyes on the ground for this one. Theres a strong chance that they were headed to ~mission(Location|Address), an area known to be very dangerous.\n\nIf you can track them down and confirm their status, one way or another, Ill see that youre properly compensated.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
cfp_searchbody_danger_station_desc_001,P=Hey,\n\nIm getting pretty worried about one of our local contractors, ~mission(TargetName). They finished up a trade at ~mission(Location|Address) and havent been seen since. Were hearing reports that outlaws have been sneaking aboard there, and if thats true, I suspect that the worst might have happened.\n\nEither way, ~mission(TargetName|First) has done good work for us in the past and Id hate for them to wind up as just another one of Pyros missing. If youre willing to find them for me, Ill see that you get a reward. \n\nJust be careful. Hate for you to go missing too.\n\nThanks,\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity\n
cfp_searchbody_danger_station_desc_001,P=嘿、\n\n我很擔心我們在當地的一個承包商~mission(TargetName)。他們在~mission(Location|Address)完成了一筆交易,之後就再也沒有出現過。我們聽說有法外狂徒潛入那裡,如果這是真的,最壞的情況可能已經發生了。\n\n無論如何 ~mission(TargetName|First)過去一直都為我們盡心盡力,我不想讓他們成為派羅的又一個失蹤者。如果你願意幫我找到他們,我會給你獎勵的。\n\n小心點我不希望你也失蹤。\n\n感激不盡\n\n莉瑪·恩迪科特\n首席調度員\n繁榮公民\n
cfp_searchbody_nodanger_cave_desc_001=~mission(TargetName) is a local who only has done a few jobs for Citizen for Prosperity, but they had promise. That is, until they went missing while exploring ~mission(Location|Address) last week. Unfortunately, we didnt hear about it until today. Chances of survival at this point are pretty slim, but we still think its worth confirming what happened to them.\n \nCFP could use help on this if anyone is interested. And besides being a good deed, the payment should make it worth the effort. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Prosperity
@ -45684,7 +45684,7 @@ cheesecake_oreo_obj_long_02=找到並回收所有貨物。
cheesecake_oreo_support_desc,P="ECKHART SECURITY, LLC.\nCONTRACTS & DISPATCH\n\nCONTRACT TYPE: Cargo Retrieval\nCONTRACTOR STATUS: Independent\nApproval code: = ~mission(approvalcode)\n\n\nSince youve already successfully completed a similar job, Im hoping youre available to help on this one. Your experience and expertise could be the difference between success or failure. \n\nI have another contractor working at ~mission(Location) to recover cargo from an attacked ship, but the reports coming in make it clear the hostiles in the area arent going to let them do it without a fight. \n\nConsidering the escalation of danger, and the importance of recovering the cargo, Ive been authorized to hire additional contractors to support the operation. If youre interested and available, youll need to help locate the destroyed ship at ~mission(Location) and repel any other forces attempting to grab the cargo. When the shipment is secured, it needs to be delivered to the designated delivery location.\n\nYou know the drill since youve already done one of these ops, but Im gonna say it again anyways. I recommend that you come well equipped and prepared to fight. \n\nPayment will be issued upon successful completion of contract.\n\nThis contract is non-negotiable.\n\nThis message may contain confidential, proprietary, privileged and/or private information. The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity designated above."
cheesecake_oreo_support_desc,P="埃克哈特安全顧問 LLC.\n合約&派遣\n\n合約類型貨物取回\n合約狀態獨立\n授權程式碼= ~mission(approvalcode)\n\n\n由於您已成功完成類似工作我希望您也能在這次工作中提供協助。您的經驗和專業知識可能是成敗的關鍵。\n\n我有另一個承包商在 ~mission(Location) 從一艘被襲擊的船上回收貨物,但收到的報告顯示該地區的敵人不會讓他們輕易完成任務。 \n\n考慮到危險的升級以及回收貨物的重要性我已被授權僱用額外的承包商來支援這次行動。如果你有興趣並且有空的話你需要協助在 ~mission(Location) 找到被摧毀的船隻,並擊退任何試圖搶劫貨物的其他勢力。當保護好貨物後,需要將它送到指定的運送地點。\n\n由於您已經執行過一次這樣的任務所以您知道該怎麼做但我還是要再說一次。我建議你們做好武裝隨時準備好戰鬥。\n\n酬勞將在成功完成合約後發放。\n\n此合約不可進行協商。\n\n此消息可能包含機密、專利、特權或私人資訊。此資料僅供上述指定的個人或實體使用。"
@ -47871,7 +47871,7 @@ ea_ui_reward_Halloween_Msg=您面對了死亡並成功獲得勝利!作為額
ea_ui_reward_Ironman_Msg=祝賀!您完成了此模式,沒有陣亡。您已被授予“競技場指揮官 - 鐵人”Spectrum徽章
ea_ui_reward_Ironman_Title=“競技場指揮官 - 鐵人”解鎖!
ea_ui_reward_LunarNewYear_Msg=This new year is off to a great start! You came out on top and earned yourself a Spectrum Badge. May it bring you good fortune and prosperity.
ea_ui_reward_LunarNewYear_Msg=新的一年!好的開始!您脫穎而出為自己贏得了一個特殊的 Spectrum 徽章。願它給您帶來幸運與繁榮!
ea_ui_reward_ModeTester_Msg=感謝您玩此版本的每個實驗模式。您已被授予“第 999 測試中隊”Spectrum徽章
@ -47882,7 +47882,7 @@ ea_ui_reward_StPatricks_Msg=你經受了命運的考驗,並獲得了勝利!
ea_ui_reward_TankCommander_Msg=事實證明,您是一位可靠的坦克操作員!您已被授予 '2953 坦克指揮官' Spectrum徽章
ea_ui_reward_TankCommander_Title=“2953 坦克指揮官”已解鎖!
ea_ui_reward_Valentines_Msg=Love and victory are in the air! You and your partner just earned yourselves a special Spectrum Badge.
ea_ui_reward_Valentines_Msg=空氣中瀰漫著愛與勝利的氣息!您和您的搭檔剛剛贏得了一個特殊的 Spectrum 徽章。
ea_ui_reward_VanduulSwarm_Msg=《2953 侵略者》已解鎖! Vanduul 戰刃的募資商店頁面已解鎖。
@ -48422,7 +48422,7 @@ frontend_CharacterCustomizerPlayerUnstowed=玩家未儲存
@ -48438,7 +48438,7 @@ frontend_PlayTutorialDescription_NewBab=在開始你的《星際公民》冒險
frontend_PyroStart_Warning=You have selected to start your Star Citizen experience in Pyro System. \n\nThis is a lawless system, better suited for those who are already familiar with the flight and combat mechanics of the game. This system also does not support the New Player Experience tutorial that will teach you the basics of playing the game.\n\nIf you would like to take advantage of this introductory mission, please go back and set your starting location to a landing zone in the Stanton System.\n\nAre you sure you would like to start in Pyro?
frontend_PyroStart_Warning=您選擇了於派羅星系展開您的星際公民體驗。\n\n這是個無法無忌的危險星系更加適合那些已經熟悉遊戲的飛行和戰鬥機制的玩家。該星系也不支援用於傳授新玩家遊戲基礎知識的新手教學。 \n\n如果您想進行新手教學請回到上一步並將您的初始地點設為史丹頓星系的著陸區。 \n\n您確定要於派羅星系展開旅程嗎
@ -48877,13 +48877,13 @@ headhunters_sabotage_servers_M_CFP_desc_001=Turns out those Citizens for Prosper
headhunters_sabotage_servers_VH_XT_desc_001=I'm so mad right now I can barely see straight. A Headhunter who I thought I could trust just went over to the XenoThreat. Yeah, aliens killed your family. Shit sucks, but you don't turn your back on your people. \n\nTo add insult to injury, the bastard gave XenoThreat a bunch of our intel. I have some other folks tracking the traitor down, but I need you to take care of wiping out the stolen data for me. It's being kept on servers at ~mission(Location|Address).\n\n-Stows out
headhunters_searchbody_danger_outpost_desc_001=Some of my people were involved with a raid over at ~mission(Location|Address). Most of them got out clean, but after the dust settled nobody is sure of what happened to ~mission(TargetName).\n\nA lot of other gangs would just leave the poor bastard to rot, but thats not the way the Headhunters do things. I want to know for sure if ~mission(TargetName|Last) is alive or dead and Im willing to pay you good credits to find out.\n\nJust be careful when you get there because I bet the assholes who live there are still gunning for a fight.\n\n- Stows
headhunters_searchbody_danger_outpost_desc_001=我的一些人參與了對~mission(Location|Address)的突襲。大部分人都全身而退,但塵埃落定後,卻沒人知道 ~mission(TargetName) 的下落。\n\n其他幫派會讓這個可憐的傢伙自生自滅但獵頭幫不會。我想知道 ~mission(TargetName|Last) 是死是活,我願意付給你足夠的信用點來查明真相。\n\n你到了那裡一定要小心那些住在那裡的混蛋估計還在找碴。\n\n- 斯托斯
headhunters_searchbody_danger_outpost_title_001=追蹤 ~mission(TargetName)
headhunters_searchbody_danger_station_desc_001=Were on the market for a new stash house, so I sent ~mission(TargetName) over to ~mission(Location|Address). They were supposed to just have a quick look and report back to me if any of the hangars would work for us, but I havent heard from them since.\n\nMy guess is that someone else was already using the hangar, but Id sleep better knowing for sure.\n\nIf the credits seem right, head over and see if you can find out what happened to ~mission(TargetName|Last). Just be careful. Id hate to have to hire someone to find your body next.\n\nStows out.
headhunters_searchbody_danger_station_desc_001=我們正在市場上尋找新的藏身點,所以我讓 ~mission(TargetName) 去了趟 ~mission(Location|Address)。他們本應只是快速查看一下,然後向我報告是否有適合我們的機庫,但從那以後我就再也沒有他們的消息了。\n\n我猜可能已經有人在使用這個機庫了但我得明確確認一下是否真的有才能安然入睡。\n\n如果你覺得價格合適就去看看能不能找出 ~mission(TargetName|Last) 到底發生了什麼事。小心點。我可不想再僱人去找你的屍體了。\n\n斯托斯通訊完畢
headhunters_searchbody_danger_station_title_001=追蹤 ~mission(TargetName)
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_outpost_desc_001=I know better than to send someone like ~mission(TargetName) out by themselves, but that didnt stop me from being a fool and doing it. Now the dumb SOB hasnt returned my comms and nobody has set eyes on them in a few days.\n\nIf you got the time, I could use someone to go over to ~mission(Location|Address) and see if theyre still there. You get paid even if they wind up being dead.\n\n-Stows
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_outpost_desc_001=我就知道最好不要派像 ~mission(TargetName) 這樣的人單獨行動,但這並不妨礙我像個傻瓜一樣這麼做。現在這個蠢貨還沒回我的通訊,而且幾天來也沒人看到他們。\n\n如果你有時間我想要你去~mission(Location|Address)看看他們是否還在那裡。即使他們死了,你也能拿到報酬。\n\n-斯托斯
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_outpost_title_001=有人見到 ~mission(TargetName) 了嗎?
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_station_desc_001=So, I sent one of our people, a new recruit by the name ~mission(TargetName), to do a hand-off over at ~mission(Location|Address), but now the bastards gone missing.\n\nIm thinking they either ran off with Headhunter credits and theyre good as dead, or they were robbed and now theyre lying there actually good as dead. Either way, Id like for you to go have a look and see if you can find them.\n\nIf you settle the matter, Ill give you what their cut would have been.\n\n-Stows
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_station_desc_001=事情是這樣的,我派了一個人,一個名叫 ~mission(TargetName) 的新人,到~mission(Location|Address)進行交接,但現在那個混蛋失蹤了。\n\n我想他們要嘛帶著獵頭幫的錢跑了要嘛死了要麼被搶了然後死了。無論如何我想讓你去看看看看是否能找到他們。\n\n如果你成功解決了問題他們的那份分成就是你的了。\n\n- 斯托斯
headhunters_searchbody_nodanger_station_title_001=有人見到 ~mission(TargetName) 了嗎?
hh_killanimals_e_derelictoutpostscaves_desc_001=Headhunters need someone to take out a pack of kopions that've been giving our guys a hard time. Last saw the things at ~mission(Location|Address). There's some creds in it for you if you finish the job.\n\nStows out.
hh_killanimals_e_derelictoutpostscaves_desc_002=Got a bit of a problem. Some kopions interrupted a handoff yesterday and scared off the client. We lost out on a valuable deal. Headhunters have been using this place for years and this is the first time any of these things have given us trouble. \n\nHead to ~mission(Location|Address) and clear the place for us. \n\nStows out.
@ -48902,7 +48902,7 @@ hh_missingperson_inv_e_criminalbase_title_01=追蹤 ~mission(TargetName)
hh_missingperson_inv_e_faunacave_desc_01=A few days back I dispatched ~mission(TargetName|Last) to scope out a cave system for potential use as a storehouse. Haven't heard from them since. \n\nMy gut tells me they ran into trouble. The local wildlife isn't known for being friendly, and ~mission(TargetName|Last) isn't exactly known for being cautious. If you're in need of some creds, I'm offering some up for anyone who can get in there and figure out what happened. \n\nStows out.
hh_missingperson_inv_e_faunacave_title_01=追蹤 ~mission(TargetName)
hh_missingperson_inv_m_criminalbase_desc_01=Last night, some no-name drifters threw down with our enforcers and ran when things got too hot. Didn't find out 'til they were long gone, but they made off with one of our Prospects when they split. Goes by the name of ~mission(TargetName). \n\nLast we saw, they were headed in the direction ~mission(Location|Address). We need someone to head there and track down our missing Prospect. \n\nIf you take any of them down while you're at it, all the better.\n\nStows out.
hh_missingperson_inv_m_criminalbase_title_01=Find ~mission(TargetName|Last)\n
hh_missingperson_inv_m_criminalbase_title_01=尋找 ~mission(TargetName|Last)\n
hide_dirt,P=Hide Dirt
hide_wear,P=Hide Wear
@ -62754,7 +62754,7 @@ item_TypeJumpDrive,P=折躍模組
@ -66692,7 +66692,7 @@ mission_location_pyro_156a=an abandoned outpost on Pyro 5d
mission_location_pyro_157=Pyro 5e Abandoned Outpost
mission_location_pyro_157a=an abandoned outpost on Pyro 5e
mission_location_pyro_158=Pyro 5f Abandoned Outpost
mission_location_pyro_158a=an abandoned outpost on Pyro 5f
@ -69274,7 +69274,7 @@ pause_options_vehicle_seat_exit_needs_hold=載具 - 離開戰鬥座位需要長
pause_options_weapons_fading_pips=預設 - 武器 - 啟用瞄準點 (PIP) 漸淡效果
pause_options_weapons_fallback_convergence_distance=預設 - 武器 - 預設彈道交匯距離
pause_options_weapons_lag_pips=預設 - 武器 - 啟用後導瞄準點 (PIP)
pause_options_weapons_magnified_ui=預設 - 武器 - 啟用射擊 UI 放
pause_options_weapons_magnified_ui=預設 - 武器 - 啟用開火準星增
@ -70532,7 +70532,7 @@ room_ship_terminals=飛船終端
roughready_Salvage_XT_VH_desc_001=Been given some primo info that could be a boon for both of us. Someone took out a XenoThreat hauler near ~mission(Location|Address). It must have some sweet, sweet salvage because a Xeno recovery team was there and working that site almost immediately. Would be a real shame if someone else showed up, knocked out the other Xeno ships, and then claimed all that salvage for their own. \n\nIve got a few colleagues interested in the action themselves, but Rough & Ready members getting caught there would only look like were taking sides. Would be much better if an unaffiliated force stepped in to deliver the surprise strike. \n\nFigure we can all win here. Ill sell you the coordinates to the wreck, and you can clear out the XenoThreat forces and then pick it all apart. Pretty sure theyll put up a fight for it, but just come in prepared and consider all that collateral damage as more profit off salvage. \n\n- Smokey
roughready_Salvage_XT_VH_title_001=Claim XenoThreat ~mission(Ship) For Your Own
roughready_bounty_cargoship_desc_001=狂勇幫最近為一個名叫 ~mission(TargetName) 的運輸商提供了加油服務,他同意將他們的下一批物資運送給我們作為補償。但我們剛剛發現,這個滿嘴謊話的傢伙把他們的最新一批貨物賣給了敵對幫派。\n\n我們正在找人追查並除掉這個兩面三刀的 ~mission(TargetName|Last)。\n\n我的一個老朋友剛剛在 ~mission(Location|Address) 發現了這個騙子。看起來他們裝載了更多不屬於我們的貨物,而且還有護衛把守。我們只付錢給你把那艘船幹掉,至於你在船上找到的東西都歸你所有。\n\n- “煙霧”\n
roughready_bounty_cargoship_desc_002=我和我的伙伴們與一個名叫 ~mission(TargetName) 的運輸商達成了協議,讓他為我們運送物資。有趣的是,那批貨從來沒有出現過。他們聲稱有海盜襲擊了他們的船,搶走了我們的物資,但事實證明他完全是在胡說八道。\n\n我們不能對他們的謊言置若罔聞你要讓他們明白這一點。最近有人在 ~mission(TargetName|Last) 看到 ~mission(Location|Address) 與護衛在一起。你只管殺了 ~mission(TargetName|Last),他們運送的貨物會怎麼樣我們並不關心。\n\n- “煙霧”\n
roughready_bounty_cargoship_desc_003=有個叫~mission(TargetName)的混蛋一直在耍花招,他們的貨船叫了加油服務,但到了那裡卻伏擊了我們的船。為了確保通過掃描,他們甚至把貨船裝滿了真正的貨物。我們已經把消息傳出去了,狂勇幫不會再有人上當了,但我要懲罰這個混蛋。\n\n~mission(TargetName|Last)似乎認識很多我們的人,所以我想最好還是付錢讓你來處理這件事。聽說他們被發現在~mission(Location|Address)附近,現在就去那裡,徹底解決那艘貨船和保護它的人。\n\n- “煙霧”\n
@ -70555,7 +70555,7 @@ roughready_claimsweep_title_intro=阻止間諜
roughready_delivery_station_desc_001=Any chance youre at ~mission(Destination)?\n\nNeed a box hustled from ~mission(Location|Address) to ~mission(Destination|Address). Get it there on time and unbroken and itll be the easiest creds youll ever earn. \n\n-Smokey
roughready_delivery_station_title_001=~mission(Destination) Stroll
roughready_eliminateall_hangar_desc_01=有幾個法外狂徒在我們的一個站點裡逗留過久。他們想對我們耍花招,但現在他們被困在 ~mission(location|address) 中,我們需要你把他們趕出去。 \n\n狂勇幫不想留他們活口只要能完成任務你鬧多大動靜都行明白嗎\n\n- “煙霧”
roughready_eliminateall_maintenance_desc_01=狂勇幫遇到了點鼠患。我們的一小群成員試圖叛變,現在他們已經佔領了 ~mission(location|address)。\n\n由於我不能百分百確定站上沒有他們的支援者所以我想讓你幫我處理掉這些叛徒。\n\n如果你能解決我們的小麻煩你就能得到豐厚的報酬。但一個活口都不能留我可不想再有人去打歪主意。\n\n- “煙霧”
@ -75124,18 +75124,18 @@ ui_menu_lobby_error_9=即時 - 戰局中使用者資料所使用的資料類型
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud=HUD 進階模式
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_labels=進階 HUD - 替代文字顯示
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_nav=進階 HUD - NAV 模式
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_scm=進階 HUD - SCM 模式
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_labels=HUD 進階模式:替代文字顯示
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_nav=HUD 進階模式NAV
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_advanced_hud_scm=HUD 進階模式SCM
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_mfd_casts=MFD 頭盔面罩顯示同步
ui_mfd_config_dashboard_ui=儀表板 UI
ui_mfd_config_gunnery_fade_pips=瞄準點 (PIP) 漸淡效果
ui_mfd_config_gunnery_lag_pips=顯示後導瞄準點 (PIP)
ui_mfd_config_gunnery_large_aiming_ui=射擊 UI 放大
ui_mfd_config_gunnery_lag_pips=後導瞄準點 (PIP)
ui_mfd_config_gunnery_single_pips=單體瞄準點 (PIP)
ui_mfd_config_ifcs_boost_disables_gsafe=助推自動關閉 G-Safe
@ -75571,12 +75571,12 @@ ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_jammer_desc=武器配置組 - 切換至量子干擾器 (
ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_pulse=武器配置組 - 切換至量子陷阱/脈衝 (遠距離)
ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_pulse_desc=武器配置組 - 切換至量子陷阱/脈衝 (遠距離)
ui_v_weapon_suppress_aim_assists_hold=抑制輔助瞄準 (長按)
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_off=關閉射擊 UI 放
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_off_desc=關閉射擊 UI 放
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_on=打開射擊 UI 放
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_on_desc=打開射擊 UI 放
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_toggle=切換射擊 UI 放
ui_v_weapon_ui_scale_toggle_desc=切換射擊 UI 放
ui_weapon_convergence_distance_rel=彈道交匯距離 (相對距離)